5 Over Asia Pacific Product Brief

Simon Barker, Airbus Defence and Space

MILCIS 2015, Canberra

September, 2015 – 1 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. What What is Skynet 5? multiple multiple specifically smaller designed tosupport (45cm),lowtactical powered,across terminals deployed satellites launcheddate. to X 5 Skynet following operations: Skynet 5’s X ...... Theatres Theatres Ideal Ideal for extensive reach to Special Forces operations Emergency disaster response Humanitarian Diplomatic Government Military - band satellites satellites mostcommerciallyband powerfulare the controlled militaryX of - band band is suited for the Operation Skynet5’s . Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security | high powerhigh transponders ability & tobeams shape were 2 - band Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Protectedresilient andMILSATCOM X Current Skynet Constellation Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | - band 3 Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | Why Why X X vastlydifferent to commercial bands Features benefits which are suitable for militaryoperations, as X communications where loss of communications is not an option Used bymilitary &government organisations for mission critical - band is ideal for communications to: ...... powered data rates Critical military operations which require resilience, security and high Airborne & COTM platforms Platforms which suffer from severe weathering & rain fade Small disadvantaged terminals Maritime Naval& platforms Remote & harsh locations without any infrastructure - Band? 4 - band is Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. X - band – Ideal for the provision of sustainable secure services weather weather conditions Ultimate satcom service for customers who need to transmit high data rates under severe Sustained performance in severe weather conditions Survivabilityto sophisticated threats including X Optimal throughput to disadvantaged terminals Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | 4 - ° band services are availableon small terminals to be fitted on type all of platforms, separation between X comms on - the move 5 - band satellites making it idealfor mobile applications Government Airbus Group | Airbus Defence and Space | Communication, Intelligence & Security | Satellite Communications | Government

Terminal Size and mobility

<45cm 45cm – 1.2 – 1.8m 1.8m 2.4m >2.4m Ultra 1.2m Flyaway Flyaway Transporta Compact Manpack ble C-Band




September, 2015 – 6 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies...... Skynet Skynet 5 Capability and at least twodifferent downlink beams Highlyflexible switching, allowing connectivity between anyuplink beam shaped uplink beams High performance active receive antenna capable of generating multiple Nuclear hardening, anti jamming capability & laser protection Protection against direct attack and hostile interference Multiple fullysteerable downlink spot beams 15 active transponders ranging in bandwidth from 20MHz to 40MHz beam per transponder EIRP in each transmit spot beam 41 & dBW peak EIRP in each global High power 160W 160W TWTAs on all transponders Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | - Giving 50.5 dBW peak 7 Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. UHF UHF Skynet on 5 . . . ensuringusabilityandinteroperability ordinatedwithNATO standardsfor of usersequipment and andareco fully generouslink margins for a wide range Skynet5’s UHFchannels provide pairs whichhas 11) tuneableUHFchannels 5D(except Each Skynet5 satelliteup 9has to communicationsinof theatresoperation cellular/mobilephonetype forces simplevoice for i.e. applications UHFis primarilyusedby landmilitary Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | - 8 Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Skynet East Teleport Services Teleport East Skynet Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | • • • • • • • 9 Comms and RF party3rd host an abilitywill to Therebe traffic payload well as as UK for TT&Cthe to back circuits Leased Dual Diverse site on presented Two terrestrial separate Generator ( backup capability Power 11m 2xwill Therebe X initial will The facility of: consist in Perth. additional ranging located in SGS will be East SkynetThe Adelaide, with • • • Comms Cabin SCOF Cabin RF within the facility within the ) Cabin - band heads band comms autonomous Diesel Diesel autonomous - Carriers’ will services Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Skynet 5 Design Attributes Design & Service 5 Skynet Reflectors Transmit Beam Regional SHF & support tower & support antennas beam Zone SHF (Global beam) (Global Horn Cover Earth Tx SHF Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | (Stowed) Cover Antenna Earth Tx UHF (Global beam) (Global Horn Cover Earth Rx SHF Array Rx SHF OBARA ...... Saves Trained, professional personnel Military specified and available now Interoperability Harsh, remote environments Highest data rates > 45cm VSAT Sovereignty critical communications globally Proven deliveryplatform Your links are only as good as the Capex - In In orbit today delivering and Opex Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. . . Layout Transponder 5 Skynet . harshest harshest locations Narrow transponders = lots of power and sensitivity for small, disadvantaged VSAT terminals, operating in the 15 x160W X Skynet 5A, 5B 5C and 5D have identical channel plans at X Downlink Downlink Uplink Uplink (MHz) (MHz) . . Allabout capability Highest Power in class ‒ ‒ ‒

22 MHz 22 7900/7250 4 x 40 MHz 3 x 22 MHz 8 x 20 MHz 1 - band transponders 7922/7272 22 MHz 22 7922/7272 2


22 MHz 22 7954/7304 3

7976/7326 20 MHz 20 7980/7330 4

8000/7350 Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | 20 MHz 20 8005/7355 5 8025/7375

40 MHz 40 8031/7381 6


40 MHz 40 8071/7421 7

8117/7467 11

Beacon 7494.0 - band

40 MHz 40 8149/7509 8


40 MHz 40 8207/7557 9

8247/7597 20 MHz 20

10 8255/7605

8275/7625 20 MHz 20

11 8280/7630 8300/7650 20 MHz 20

12 8305/7655 8325/7675 20 MHz 20

13 8330/7680 8350/7700 20 MHz 20

14 8355/7705 8375/7725 20 MHz 20 15

8380/7730 Government 8400/7750 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Military Grade X Grade Military ILLUSTRATIONSAREEXAMPLESONLY • • Robustness • • High throughput and mobility Most Most powerful X protection Nuclear hardening, anti jamming capability & laser interference Protection against direct attack and hostile terminals e.g. COTM, Manpacks, 45cm dishes Able to close link into small, low - band satellites in - Band Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | - powered tactical - orbit 12 EXAMPLEONLY Downlinks and Shaped Uplinks Shaped and Downlinks : Skynet 5 Global Footprint with with Footprint Global 5 Skynet: Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Skynet Benefits Skynet ILLUSTRATIONSAREEXAMPLESONLY • • • • Rapid response Rapid deployment and at short notice different downlink beams between any uplink beam and at least two Highlyflexible switching, allowing connectivity of generating multiple shaped uplink beams High performance active receive antenna capable mission requirements Can be dynamicallyvaried in real Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | - time based on 13 EXAMPLEONLY Shaped Uplinks Shaped : Global Footprint with with Footprint Global 5C Skynet: Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Skynet Benefits Skynet ILLUSTRATIONSAREEXAMPLESONLY • • • • • • High performance active receive antenna Each Each Skynet 5 satellite is equipped with 4 beams Capable of generating multiple shaped uplink mobility of yourterminals and their size Beams can be designed to match the level of specific operational needs Skynet 5 can provide tailored coverage to meet 9 theatre beams on 1 BFN 6 regional beams can be created simultaneously steerable downlink spot beams Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | 14 Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Single Single BFN Capability ILLUSTRATIONSAREEXAMPLESONLY • • • Wide beams Wide Wide Beams are approximately 1750km across excess of 22 In this example, 3 beams witha peak directivity in simultaneously on one Beam Forming Network Up to 3 wide beams can be created dBi havebeen deployed Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | 15 Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Single Single BFN Capability ILLUSTRATIONSAREEXAMPLESONLY • • • Regional beams across Regional Beams are approximately 1250km excess of 25 In this example, 4 beams witha peak directivity in simultaneously on one BFN Up to 6 regional beams can be created dBi havebeen deployed Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | 16 Government This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. Single Single BFN Capability ILLUSTRATIONSAREEXAMPLESONLY • • • Spot / theatre beams in excess of 30dBi have been deployed single BFNsimultaneously on one BFN Up to 9 theatre beams can be created from a Theatre Beams are approximately 600km across In In this example, 3 beams witha peak directivity Airbus Airbus Airbus Group Defence | and Space Communication, | Intelligence | & Security Communications Satellite | 17 Government Skynet 5A Example footprints

- Global (fixed uplinks & downlinks) - Steerable (downlinks) - Shape able (formed Uplinks)

September, 2015 – 18 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies Skynet 5A GlobalDownlink 5A Skynet 19 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies Skynet 5A GlobalUplink 5A Skynet 20 Skynet 5A Example footprints

- Global (fixed uplinks & downlinks) - Steerable (downlinks) - Shape able (formed Uplinks)

September, 2015 – 21 Skynet 5A: Steerable Downlink Beam Example laydown

September, 2015 – 22 Skynet 5A Example footprints

- Global (fixed uplinks & downlinks) - Steerable (downlinks) - Shape able (formed Uplinks)

September, 2015 – 23 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. 11 11 November 2015 Skynet 5A: Example Uplink Beams 24 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies 25 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies 26 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies Example Beam Formed Networks Formed Beam Example 27 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies 28 Applications Enabled by Skynet 5

September, 2015 – 29 This document and its content is the property of Paradigm Secure Communications Ltd & Paradigm Services Ltd and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Paradigm Companies. 11 11 November 2015 Airbus by Applications Skynet 5 enabled • • • DMM • • • Commflex • • • Xebra Increasing of Increasing C2, drivevolumes & the M2M services need welfare were at not Aimed platforms historically which X aperture, Small lightweight Milsatcom Service rates Guaranteed Contended tariffLeased vs Volume tariff based Service rates Guaranteed X small Ultra [DeployableMaritime services packaged services packaged in a commercial format iDirect - band antenna antenna band Airtime Airtime Service 30 - Milsatcom band band VSAT ] Milsatcom equipped Thank you. Any questions?

Simon Barker, Airbus Defence and Space


Visit us in the exhibition hall at BOOTH 23

September, 2015 – 31 September, 2015 – 32 32 Support slides follow…

The following slides are not part of the main presentation – they are intended as support material lonly

September, 2015 – 33 This document and its content is the property of Airbus [Ltd/SAS/GmbH] and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Airbus [Ltd./SAS/GmbH]. • • • Commflex overview Commflex A contended data rate airtime Service Product fordemand cost effective communication services Provides an IP data throughput which addresses service customer iDIRECT network A Managedproviding Service contended access to an Airbus DS X – – – – – – – Utilises bandwidth Utilises bandwidth sharing and technologies portablesatellite terminals5 Skyneton PortfolioServices”of “Component Want totempt Customersaway fromKuBand Agile, flexiblethat changing supports customer’sprioritisation suit to the service needs termshort A Guaranteedrate and an “up Data ratherRateservice than bandwidth lease EasyX accessto • • iDirect preas a Modem Mantis and CCT - Band capacity - 120Terminal (currently) - requisite - to, maximum” rate - Band This document and its content is the property of Airbus [Ltd/SAS/GmbH] and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Airbus [Ltd./SAS/GmbH]. Flexibilityas demand changes Trade Provisioned overSkynet system 5 Moreeffective use of bandwidth • • • • • Choice Flexibility Resiliency Assurance Price Commflex benefits Commflex - off between – Wide range of modular service elements to suit customer requirements customer suit to elements service modular of range Wide performance vsprice Features Flexible,Contended,cost effective accessto X – – – – Service capability can be modified as a Customer’s needchanges capability asaCustomer’s Service modified be can conditions environmental demanding under service comms Continuous in X band rates data minimum Guaranteed system tariffsusing Milsatcom comparative satcom Commercial Unique Selling Point Customer not locked in to particular service contract service lockedparticular to Customernot in Create security,availablelevelsof assurance High and resilience bandwidth of moreefficientuse a with along reduced to be pricing allows services, contention high For assurance, low • • • s ervice packages to suit differing budgets/ assurance needs assurance differingbudgets/suit topackages ervice Customer toable is parameterschange service if needed Customer a can choose Customer price / performancecan choose point - CIRto need suit services Band Benefits levels This document and its content is the property of Airbus [Ltd/SAS/GmbH] and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Airbus [Ltd./SAS/GmbH]. • • • • • Key Features: Increased effectiveness deploy,of quick solutions mobility high BFN’s gives flexibilityto providecoverage exactlywhereisneeded it PowerHigh transponders links enable to ultrasmall terminal capabilitiesSkynet 5 unique use of Making full Ultra lightweightman SYMMETRICAL GUARANTEED 64/64kbps - packable X band commspackable band solutionX XeBRA CapabilityService SYMMETRICAL GUARANTEED 128/128kbps SYMMETRICAL GUARANTEED 256/256kbps SYMMETRICAL GUARANTEED 512/512kbps TAILORED ? ? This document and its content is the property of Airbus [Ltd/SAS/GmbH] and is strictly confidential. It shall not be communicated to any third party without the written consent of Airbus [Ltd./SAS/GmbH]. ANTENNA MODEM INTEGRATED 5.4kg TerminalSpecification LNB BUC • Vibration: • Shock: • RelativeHumidity: • Waterproofness: • OperationalAltitude: • Storage Temperature: • OperationalTemperature: EnvironmentalData • IPv4/IPv6agnostic • Pointing: • Interfaces: OtherDetails • Weight:5.4kg • W:247.9mm L: 236.9mm H: 84.3mm Form Factor Terminal Specificationand Performance OPERATESOVER SECURE INFRASTRUCTURE Mil Mil Manual 1x RJ45 SKYNET 5 - - Std Std - - 810G Method516.6 810G Method514.6 95% IP65 upto 10000ft - - 30 to +80 20 to +55 ° ° C C