Usafalmanac Guide to Air Force Installations Worldwide
USAFAlmanac I Guide to Air Force Installations Worldwide Major Installations Altus AFB, Okla. 73523-5000; 120 mi. SW of Andrews, military air pioneer and WWII com- air bases, dating to 1911. USAF began opera- Oklahoma City. Phone: 580-482-8100; DSN mander of the European Theater, killed in air- tions 1954. Area: 1,467 acres. Runway: 8,596 866-1110. Majcom: AETC. Host: 97th Air Mo- craft accident May 3, 1943, in Iceland. Area: ft. Altitude: 413 ft. Personnel: permanent party bility Wing. Mission: trains aircrew members 6,853 acres. Runways: 9,755 ft. and 9,300 ft. military, 3,900; DOD civilians, 241; local nation- for C-5, C-17, C-141, and KC-135 aircraft. His- Altitude: 281 ft. Personnel: permanent party als, 550. Housing: single family, officer, 22, tory: activated January 1943; inactivated May military, 4,353; DOD civilians, 1,150; contract enlisted, 508; unaccompanied, UAQ/UEQ, 680; 1945; reactivated January 1953. Area: 6,593 employees, 625. Housing: single family, of- visiting, VOQ, 17, VAQ/VEQ, 12, DV suites, 5. acres. Runways: 13,440 ft., 9,000-ft. parallel ficer, 384, enlisted, 1,694; leased units, 414 off Clinic (contracted with local hospital). runway, and 3,500-ft. assault strip. Altitude: base; unaccompanied, UAQ/UEQ, 974; visit- 1,381 ft. Personnel: permanent party military, ing, VOQ, 111, VAQ/VEQ, 65, TLF, 68. Hospi- Barksdale AFB, La. 71110-5000; in Bossier 1,966; DOD civilians, 1,195; contract employ- tal. City. Phone: 318-456-1110; DSN 781-1110. ees, 832. Housing: single family, officer, 212, Majcom: ACC. Host: 2nd Bomb Wing.