^OE TWELVE TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1942 ^anr^Atrr Ettnibtfi Herald Averagre Daily Circulation I*#- For the Month of July, The Weather Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters EiHergeney Doctors of St. George,' are reminded of iged to Wed 7,494 Forecast of U.i S. Weather Bureau About Town the meeting this evening in the Regiment Band Urges Service . Masonic Temple, with Mrs. Doro-; Dr. Arthur B. Moran and Dr. Sidewalk Assessment - Member of the Audit Mortimer Moriarty are the phy­ thy Belcher, Mrs. Eva Le-slie anti Bureau of Circulations OoBtlnoed cool tonight. An executive meeting of the Mrs. Margaret Jones as hostesses. sicians of the Manchester Med­ Arrives Hfere Flag on Square Beethoven Glee club will be held ical association who will re­ Awaits Wall Deeision MaticheBter—-A City of Village Charm Friday evening at 7:30 at the Everett R. Kennedy. Jr., son of spond to emergency, calls to­ Emanuel Lutheran church. At morrow afternoon. Will Furnish Weekly North End Takes Up Mr. and Mra. Everett R. Kenne­ VOL. LXI-, NO. 261 (Olassiaed Advertising on Page 14) this eesaion. plana will be formu- dy of 383>s Center street, has ("onrerts; InstrumentN Selectmen to Inspect pro-rata, upon recommendation of MANCHESTER, CONN: .WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) uated for fall activitiea. been accepted as an aviation ca­ Idea; Would Have Rig the committee which has made a PRICE THREE CENTS det in the Army Air Corps, hav­ En Route from Texas. - Ceremony at Raising. Porter Street Site; Also study of the plan. The Harvard Road Bridge Oub ing successfully passed the men­ Begin Work Approve Buying Half It is understood that the war was entertained last evening at tal and physical examinations Ever smee the warm weather ar­ damage insurance offered by a Fire Dwtroyg Ringling Menagerie Tent the home of Mr. and Mra. Perry taken last Thursday in Hartford. A service flag at the north end Million War Insurance.' branch of the Federal government Pratt. Four tables of contract His name has been placed'on tht? On Dressings rived here this year, the Manches­ has been proposed and already carries a smaller percentage of Urges Gandhi Lead were in play. High scores were reserve list and he probably will ter public has been clamoring for plans are underway to have one profit to the agency which writes Nazis Landing ’Chute Sldfwalk a.sBessmcnts of $1,- i made by Mra. Malcolm Deacon and not .he called upon to report for the weekly band concerts which it than the sabotage insurance and placed on Depot Square. This aug. 719.43 on Porter street of which ; Arthur Smith. training for some time. A grad­ Rrfl Ooaa Committee were featured In past years in ; in consequence a division of the gestton was made thia morning by tw-o-third« would be borne by the I i Iflfturance to be w ritten had to be uate of Manchester High schooi Center Park. Due to so many Dante Pagani, -prominent north Civil Disobedience Corporal Earl W. Yost, who is with the class of 1941, he,reaches Not to Wail Until abutting property owners and one- made with this fact in mind. bandsmen 'working on defense, it end merchant and member of the currently stationed at Fort pix, his 19th birthday this month and third by the town, were not levied I TTie hew sabotage insurance, Now Jersey, spent last Sunday at is at present employed at the Air- (^iiota Is Asuighed. was impoasibla for many of the Manchester Improvement Associa­ Forces in Caucasus; ^ while It Is carried principally for ■ craft plant in East Hartford. tion. He proposes to have the flag last night by the Board of SelecL hU home on 13 1-3 Ford street. bands to get together for such an made up of one star for every [ the protection of the town's water I f Demand Denied He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ A meet4nK of the Manchester men when it developed a retain­ affair. The American Legion Band chimdred men from Manciteater now system, also provides for paymmt bert Yost. . ^ " The local Selective Service board .Surgical Dreasings committee was played one concert during July, ing wall for about 200 feet of the of damage incurred , by "riot or met last night in its offices in the ' in the service. held this morning at 8:4S in the and it is expected to give another length of the sidewalk recently civil commotion." x Committee Also Gets Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dotchin post office building and complet­ aometime thia month. -Mr. Pagani said that ^any Plan to List ed a number .of further classifica­ local Red Cross headquarters. It towns throughout Connecticut are completed from Grandview street To Review Lota^^ Proposed Resolution Capture* 0(, Maple street left yesterday for However, the people of this a 10 days vacation to be ap>ent m tions. Several registrants were was decided to begin work imme­ town will soon.be given weekly now di.splaying service flags. In to Oak Grove street would have to A committee of Selectmen Reed, most canes: however, the number Converse and Bowers was named To Pledge AlMndia . Rhode Island. given hearings on their occupa­ diately on the aurgical dressings band concertk on Sunday aftir- .Ml«« Norma Grar.ladln be constructed. Women May tional and dependency claims. The noona until the cold weather sets of men in the services frorn these by Chairman David Chambers to Congress Party to Re-# Germans Claim Seizure Joseph Barto has leased the board is readj-ing classifications although the quota has not yet places had not reached the hun­ The share which would be met Inspect seven lots of land owped Troops and Small Tanks in if plana formulated this morn­ Mr. and Mrs. George L, Grazts- by property owners if voted by the new store erected on the south for a large number of registrants been assigned here. Word from na^ ing at the local armory progress. dred mark. by the town,- for which an offer sistance to Invasion Of Important Railway Ruses Used i tional headquarters is expected dio, of 100 Henrj- street, have an­ During the discussion it was Selectmen would have been $1,- Be Adopted Sent into Area as Side of the MagneU building and to be sent to Hartford for army The regimental band of the local i nounced the engagemeht of their has been made for purchase. The will open a barber shop there on physical examination on August within a short time. pointed out that there were over 146.28. representing two-thirda of lots to be viewed are located on Of Ration by Japanese. Junction by Storm anti-aircraft regiment arrived here I daughter. Miss Norma Graziadio, the present coat, and the town By Germans , Hard Pressed Reds Thursday. Mr. Barto has been en- 28. It was announced that the Man­ early this week, and will be sta- I 1.200 men from Manchesten draft­ Branford street. Middle Turnpike -After Hard Fighting; gaiged in the barber business in to Samuel J. Taggart, son of ^^rs. ed and enlisted, in the service. A Would have paid $573.15. ' Machinery for Occupa- chester Girl Scout. Council has Honed in thia area for the pur- ^ Catherine T._ Taggart, of 80 Wells E ast and Autumn st'Teet. The town Bombay, Aug. 5.—(4*)— Withdraw from Be-| Manchester for 21 years, the first The Alpina Sciclety will hold its donated the iiae of some bf their pose of providing entertainment . flag with that many stars would The highway committee plans had been offered $1,400 for the Bridgeheads Estab­ nine years of which he was with monthly mating, tomorrow eve­ street.' and' the late Samuel J. be:unwieklly and hard to handle. to inspect the site and to report The All-India Congress Party I tional Registration May Prove Vain laya Glina Sector tol cabinets to the committee, who for both the soldiera and the civil-,'’ Taggart. The announcement was seven lots. lished Across Kuban . j the late P, H. Dougherty. He has ning at eight'o'clock at the Ital- wijl make their hbadquart'ers at ian population. , It waa suggested that one star for its findings to the board at the The State Highway department, Working Committee drafted I Be Included in War New Defense Posi-I disposed.'of his share in the Capi­ ian-Americ4n clubhouse on Eld- made at a dinner party given every one hundred men be placed ■the American Legion Home On Aw«rd Inatrusneata Saturday evening by Mr, and Mrs. next meeting. Only one of the 15 in a letter to the Selectmen, urg­ today a resolution, recom­ River Between Kro­ tol Barber Shop located in the ridge street. Leonard street. on the flag. abutting property owners on Por­ ed the Inclusion in the call for the Service Legislation. Espionage and ‘ Tro jan | tions in Face of Ger>| Park building. Warrant Officer Thomas Evans. | Graziadio in observation of their mending that Mohandas K. The American Legion Auxiliary If his proposition goes through ter street appeared at the assess­ annual town meeting an. article potkin and Armavir. American Legion band members who heads the military unit, stated ; 25th wedding anniver.iary. the north end will have a real cele­ ment meeting. Gandhi be given full powers Horse^ Tactics Fail] man Armored Units.! is sponsoring the program, which that the organization will be glad permitting the town to share in . Washington, Aug. 5.—(>P)—Ma­ Letters have been received from will hold their annual oubng Sun­ B»-ere sold at the. M ^chester Town of Manchester properties, a’lso reported that the five-man To Meet British Criticisms Kropotkin, 125 miles by air taken to | | hospital, tried to get postoffice during the niontfi of July placed in jobs by the end of 1943. Tax on Retail Sales sinking German ships and sheUingl the home of Mrs. Isabel Thomp­ with their outfit, but it. has now t,he dance band a r t Sergeant Harry including the sabotage insurance Defense Housing Committee The new draft was described as Of the 53,300,000 persons now southeast of Rostov, is on an oU informatiefiP on supplies from Red Red O o 88 Kit climbed back to its highest peak. Brown, trumpeter; Corporal H*irry are being replaced by stamps to be pipe line and railway from the German position.s along the shore-! son, directly opposite the church. Dante Pagani, proprietor of the voted -last night, is $3,863,112. named at the last meeting of the designed to meet "reasonable and employed, according to Works Army soldiers. He waa tried by a Land With Machine-Gun* Those attending will have the North Ehid Package store has re­ While In the south, a feminine Jenkins, tenor saxophone player sold for $4.59 for this month. The The sabqtage insurance and the ■board, had met In his office last constructive" criticism w-hich fol­ Seeking Cash Caspian- sea to Rostov and on an­ court martial as a spy, singer was attached to the band, and vocalist; Sergeant Bob John­ local office sold 7,800 of the $5 Projects Administration reports, The Nazi parachute troops werel privilege of playing any game turned from a two weeks' vaca­ Fundat^lO war risk insurance will be allotted Saturday and qualified for their lowed the British disclosure yes­ 13.900.000 are women. Of the 1,- Seen Inflation Bar other railway w,-hich links Krasno­ The commissar said the Germans landing with machine-guna and! they wish, with prisef at each tion at Grove Beach Point. and It is hoped that a talented girl son, tromfione player and vocalist; stamps according to William Mc­ to five local insurance agencies. work. terday of the draft of a resolu­ dar on the west and Vorosbilovik also were using peasant garb to in this area may be secured for vo­ Sergeant Bob Monroe, piani.at and Cann, assistant postmaster, who 700.000 persons given new jobs on the east. mine throwers besides- amall| table. tion by Mohandas K. Gandhi from May to June, the WPA said Read to Jury try to get behind the Red Army tanks. Red ,SUr said. The Par$-| Mr. and Mrs. Liouls Genovcsi’of cal aelectiona. arranger; Private First- Class Ber- had charge of the sales. The stamps w-hich stated the first move of an pokesman for Stores Cuts Off gov-let Columns lines as refugees, had dropped A total of $10 has been received nie Greene, guitarist and arranger that are now being sold for $4.59 700.000 were w-omen—about 40 per l,.oke.m.n lor Store, Night Target chutists were dropped, close tdl Mr. and Mrs. Selim F. Mitcheil North Main street and family, Have Dance Baad independent government probably. cent. The rapid motorized thrust parachutists In Red Army uni­ populated points dr railway stad at local Red Cross headquarters Featured the units which just and Corporal Nino Lovato, master will be placed on cars that are Group Says Excess southwrard baa cut off and annihi­ ■ imd young sons. Peter and Scott, accompanied by Mias Ada P a­ wo,uld be to negotiate with Japan. A registration of women over Letter Written After forms and had tried to recruit tions. Red Star said tb* (Jermatil of Strlcklarid street, are spending gan! are spending a two weeks’ for tba auppliea to fill tha kita arrived here da a 12-piece dance of ceremonies and. comedian. bought during the present month. (A British broadcast, heard in lated several Soviet columns, the help from classes liquidated by the orchestra which will also be will­ WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 18 in the Detroit area will be con­ Pearl Harbor Attack Buying Power Would communique said. units hoped to seize comraunica* their vacation a t Point O’Woods, vacation at Grove Beach Point. which ars to be distributed to New York by CBS, said Gandhi ducted next week, and possibly For Bombers Soviet government. tlonz until motorized help arrived-l South Lyme, Conn. ing to play for affairs in thia vicin­ w-as reported to have addressed Be Taken by Such Levy farther north, between the aea (The Germans have been on aervtce men going on foreign serv­ ity. The dance band is. headed by Used as Evidfnee in of Azov and Tikhoretsk, German Cossack cavalry slipped through! A copy of Sunday’s “Cincin­ the committee for an hour and a (Continued on Page Six) the German lines by night in th#! 'A daughter, Karen Eileen, was ice. Local residenta are urged to Sergeant Mel HoItfCer, who has COMBINATION SPECIAL AT half this morning. and Rumanian troops are nearing nati Enquirer” received here to­ donate one dollar to this worthy ^had Molzahn Trial -Tt/dav. (Oontlnued on Page Six) Kushchevka sector and cut down! bom July 31 to Mr. and Mrs. day carries a picture of . Major much experienca in dance lit said there w-as no indication Washington, Aug. 5.—(/P) Ruhr Valley the- Yeisk-Tikhoretsk railway on cause. Thia dollar will purchase bands around Washington, D. C. a broad front with little resis­ more than 3,000 Germans -and| CoIliiU Drlggs. of Washington, D. James H. McVeigh of this town, who put forward the new resolu­ H artford, , Aug. 5.—(P)—One­ ---A spokesman for the Na­ forced the survivors to flee tw o | C., formerly of Manchester. This former commander of Company K. the neceasary m aterials to fill one This part of the unit la hoping to tion. tance, the high command said. kit, and a card will be encloaed arrange programs to be broadcaat time Bund Leader Gerhard tional Retail Dry Goods As­ Tikhoretsk is 40 miles north of miles, diipatches said. Russian! 18 the first grandchild of Mr. and Major McVeigh is now command­ (Thus, there w-as a question Bombers Hit Fighter Command Hits lines were reported holding at that| Mrs. Dayton H. Drlggs of M Wal­ giving the name of the donor. over a radio station. In this way, still unanswered whether this was Kunse's poet-Pearl Harbor appeal sociation urged, the Senate Kropotkin on the Rostov railway Munich Pact ing officer of the Air Corps de­ One woman. In giving a dollar the music can be heard by all the Railroads and Other and pipe line. point 60 miles south of Rostov.! nut street. tachment at Lunken airport in FOSTER’S a modification of the dominant for funds to put ipore distance bte Finance Committee today to thou-^ i the Gazman advance from ! Some pockets of resistance re­ Cincinnati. The picture shows Ma­ this morning, stated that ehe would soldiera o< the regiment who are Congress viewpoint or 'a~com^tl- Jap Vessels "SHRprT'5 per cent retail sales donate It on the chance that It atationed In outtylng posts, and tw-ern himself and the United Objectives in Occu­ main along the Azov coast, a Is Disowned Belaya Glina threatened to out-! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Ben­ jor McVeigh greeting Brigadier FOR FINE FOODS tive resolution offered by dissen­ States, w-ae read today to the jury tax to be in force until si.x spokesman acknowledged, but the flank them. Would go to her own eon. the public In general. ters who might or might not be pied Areas in Raid. son, of Princeton . street, and General William Ord Ryan recent­ The band baa been featured on 84 OAKLAND STREET DIAL 7386 trying the Rev. K urt E. B. Mol- months after the end of the position of the Soviet Black Sea Parachujista also were beingl daughters. Joan and Carol, have ly named to head the Army Air Thoee who contributed today influential.) On Yangtze sahn for peace-time military es­ are Mrs. Albert Dewey of 54 Rob­ the CBS network In the south, and war. Disagreeing with the fleet wfta declared to be constant­ landen behind the Russian lines inf returned from a^ two weeks' vaca­ Force First Concentration Com­ FOR THIS WORK Never Said Axis .Would Win pionage. > London. Aug. 5— oP) —British ly in greater danger, and the 70 British Told the Belaya Glina sector, where th*! tion at Point O'Woods beach. mand at Lunken Airport. ert Road, $2.00: Dr. Robert P. Gandhi ' reaffirmed today his "Roosevelt finally, has w-hat T Treasury Department's contention Knapp of South Main gtreet, $1.00; that a^Federiu sales tax would be bombjcrs attacked targets in Ger­ small warships, concentrated re­ Germans, sending wave after wava| IS AVAILABLE! 1 Pound espousal of negotiations betw-een Americans Attack In­ think he wanted but before long cently in the Don river ■ estuary of tanka at the .harried Russiana.! Mra. Elmer Rice of 76 Russell’ India and Japan, once India he will have 'It* In . the neck." inflationary. Jay Iglauer. chair­ many's Ruhr valley last night Formal Action Taken Let Us Go Over Your Work man of the Association's Taxation near Rostov are now "homcleaa.” broke through and forced the So-1 street, $1.00 and Mlsa Nancy El- USED TIRES AND TUBES Baby Spring Lamb Chops (49c) gained her freedom from British stallations in Vicinity W-rote Kunze from Mexico on Dec. while Fighter Command planes Several have been destroyed, it Viet withdrawal. The Uermanal dredge of 20 Harvard Road, $1.00. And See How Much Stock Will rule, but declared "I never, even 8 to his now imprisoned fellow Committee, declared such a levy raided railroads and other objec­ Today to Renounce were sending groups of 50 and 601 All Sizes Of Hankow; Wharves, would be “distinctly deflationary" was added. LET AN Be Required. iK. my most unguarded moment, plotter, Anasta.se A. Vonsiatsky, tives in occupied territory, the The remainder are. seeking to 1938 Treaty; Policy tanks swashing into the Russian I expressed the opinion that Japan Russian Faacist leader. and would sj-phcfii off considerable defenses. 1 Pound Calves' Liver (49c) Warehouses Targets. excess purchasing power. Air Ministr>’ announced today. fief through the Straits of Kerch Globe Swimmers VICTORY TIRE CO. anil Germany would win the war. "In a covering letter to Dr. Two R. A. F. planes—a .bomber iiuo the Black aea, but this route Guided by Recognition Clvillno Help Needed OUTDOOR FIREPLACE 748 No. Main St. Phone 2-0446 Now, more than ever before, "On the contrary I often have' Wolfgang Ebel], El Paso, Tex., .Agree* With Conclusion can be used by the Russians only Chungking, Aug. 5—<>P)-^Amer- and a fighter—were lost in the "Naturally, without partlcipa- SOLVE YOUR STAY-AT-HOME PROBLEM home owners are urged to in­ 1 Pound Leon Ground Beef (39c) expressed the opinion' that they physician and Bundsman. Kunze Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.) night Operations. at night, it waa asserted. London, Aug. 5—(iO—The Brit­ Asked to Report can not wrln the war if only Brit­ ican Immbers in an attack on Jap­ wrote: " Italians Sink Crul*er I Specialize In Building All-Purpose Fireplaces And agreed with Iglauer's conclusion, Fighters and fighter-bombers, ish government formally renounc­ (COntinued on Page Ten) sulate their houses as much as ain will once and for all shed her anese InsUIlations in the vicit\ity "Rosenfeld baa his vt-ar at last. declaring “it Is absurd to say that following up the night raids, made Italian torpedo boats were Barbecue Grillfl — All Types To Meet ed today the 1938 Munich agree- Almost Any Demand possible to help conserve heat 3 Pounds of Hankow, inland cwiter oh the a fixed government tax is infla­ a morning sweep over the English credited by the high command Orlando Orfltelll, lifeguard at (Continued on Page Ten) (Continued on-Page Ten) tionary." channel In clear weather. •pent—which began the partition Aim Fine Stonewalln — Inside Fireplaces which.means saving fuel. Yangtze river, hit wharves, ware­ (Continued op Page Tent the Globe Hollow awimming pool, Fancy Freestone Peaches (29c) houses and shipping yesterday, a "We propose the adoption of a Destroy Six Nasi Bomber* of Czechoslovakia—and declared today issued a call for the/follow- communique from Lieut. Gen. war retail sales tax of 5 per cent The Germans sent small forces that Britain “will not be influenc­ Flashes ! JO g^pll C lin y Homestead Street WE HAVE Joseph W. Stilwell's headquarters of the purchase price of aU tangi­ of raiders against south and (Late Bulletins of the OP) Wire) ing swimmers to report ft the-pool 1 Lge. Pink Meat Cantaloupe (19c) Black Market southwest England and south ed by any changes effected in and at seven o'clock tomorrow night: said - today. Labels Pelley ble personal property to be paid by since 1938" in settling Czechoslo­ In Care of Paaquale Pontice.IIi — Phone 5347 R. Barnsley, M. Orfltelll, H. Orfi- ROCK WOOL IN BATTS, ROLLS AND BULK 'The re«ulta were vpry satiafac- the consumer at the time of pur­ Wales overnight and six enemy Cargo Plahes telll, J. Doggart, -R. Maxwell, R. 6 Fresh Ears of Corn (18c) tory,” the war bulletin added. chase," Iglauer told the commit­ bombers were destroyed, the Brit­ vakia's frontier after the war. .Vmeriemn Bombere H it Ship Faulkner, F. DeSimone, R. Geor- Probes Loom Japanese warplanes attacked As traitor’ tee. "It should apply to all sorts ish announced officially, indicat­ Foreign Secretary Anthony Ed­ Lnndon, Aug. 5—acco. liquor, scale in the Rheniah-Weatphalian Patents Pool Nahunta. ths., .Aug. 5— Aid- I I Important Announcement | Ewing, special prosecutor, told industrial area. ties and raw materials." Arnold ed by bloodhounds, sweeting poa-.l Higgins, associated with his fath­ gasoline and oil, and the repeal of testifled. Freshly Ground er, A. J. Higgins, in shipbuilding the farmer-dominated jury. “That England's channel resort town of semen fought through tangleit f SMOKED Crew Strikes is, beat his chest and prtx-lhim his Brighton and port tacilUies in the "We believe it Is possible to get Stands Hit Knee Kocker sw-ump- today on the TONGUES, hare, that his company bought (Continued on Page Ten) more tools, facilities and raw ma­ Lamb Patties steel from such markets at higher patriotism vociferously in order southwest were mentioned in the trail of a big-footed, back-shoot­ pound ...... t 9 7 C I To All Radio Owners! | premiums. that these false protestations of Nazi communiques as targets of terials, but they are not in a^ht ing gunman who killed four mem­ .It present.” he added.- ^ Tender Stewing Lamb Prior to Henderson's order, 2,100 Walk Out in loyalty might serve as a smoke Treasury Balance j yesterday’s German air raids. Justice Department Offi­ bers of a poor farm family near President Roosevelt at a Washing­ screen for the poisonpus dagger ,,, Growing activity by British General Arnold said the rati} here yesterday. First of the 4 for 29c Small Sausage = EFFECTIVE MONDAY, AUGUST 10. 1942. WE S ton press conference said he Cleveland and Other he waa aiming at the heart 'of ^ coastal unit*--such as the motor of engine allotments to transport cial and Standard Oil ma«B slaying* was disclosed late = WILL NO LONGER FEATURE “PICK-UPS” = A m erica" Washington. AUg. 5.—i.W—The torpedo boats which have clashed planes during the second half of yesterday when neighbors found plump, Tender, Cut-Up thought persons who sold steel in Ohio Oties Today. Head Hurl Charg es.* HAM S OF RADIO SETS = such markets should' go to jail Ewing was the first attorney with the Germans in the. English this year would be 21 per cent of the body of 65-year-old George and that the charges should.be In­ to-present his argumenU as the (ITiahnel nine times in the past all multi-engined bombers and 30 Kllry. Strickland beside a tree in FOWL $1,25 each S For the duration all sets should be left at our = vestigated. Cleveland, Aug. 5^(iP)—An es­ trial approached Its conclusion. I •■‘70.774.84: net bal three weeks—was described by a per' cent of all bombing planes Washington, Aug. 5—i/P)— A the yard with fwq bullets In hia PATT!ES = store for repairs by the ow'nera. S The second investigation w-as tim ated 2,100 maintenance instal­ Each side was allotted two hours lance, $3,295,846,430.36; Customs with comparable range. In the Department of Justice represen­ mouth. One son, Kllry, IS, was promised by Representative Peter­ lation and repair w-orkera of The for its final summation. 1 receipts for month. $2,142,028.48. (Continued on Page Six) first half of 1943, he said, the ra­ tative and the president of Stand- [ deed In his bednstm,. three bullets 10c; 4 for 39c 2 for $2.44 S Gas rationing and the tire shortage have made = son (D-Fls), chairman • of the Ohio Bell Telephone Co. struck in Former Solon Teotifieii tio would still be 21 per ce'nt of ard Oil (New Jersey) each mam- through his buck. .A single shot s g this step neces.sary, but we feel the “no-pickup” = house sub-committee Investigsting Cleveland and a number of other The defense rested after the raultl-englned bombers and 24 tained today that the other wa.s In t-be bock killed another son, the Msritime Commission’s esn- ifortheaatem Ohio cities tVday as testimony oV Dr. Jacob per cent of ail bombers. This "misleading" a Senate committee Hars'ey, 9. who was found par­ = schedule is strictly patriotic — to save tires and = callsUon last month of Ui4 A; J. a result of a wage desputes would be stepped up in the second son.' former Montana congress in connection with Standard's tially under his bed. The TWO. SPECIALS = • fa n . = Higgins contract to build 200 R. G. Pollock, president of the man, from wboni it sought sup­ Judge Pitches Hay to Aid half of next year to 32 per cent pre-war patent pooling with a nwther. .M.rs, Mandy ..Strickland, Liberty ships because of an al­ unaffiliated Cleveland Plant Coun­ of all the bomber output. German concern. was missing and her body was sot leged steel shortagk. cil of the Ohio Federation of Tele­ port of Peliey’a published state­ C S 0 Tubes Tested Free When Brought In Sepa- = ments that this country "pro­ Vslng Long Range Bomber* W. S. Farish, Standard's prr«i- located until today, Te Be Fully laveatigsted . phone Workm, which called the Farmers in Winning War dent, said that th* testimony of S3 rately. = “This mstter of a steel bUck strike, said Bxm t 1,100 were Idle voked" war with the Axis.. Thor- He disclosed the Army now is PEAS, 25c box; SPINACH. 22c box kelson testified it was his opin­ using some of its long range Patrick Gibson, special aasistant 4,000 Axis Soldlen. Killed S 0 Tubes Tested In Sets Minimum Charge 50c. = Ice For The Whole Family market wll> be fully investigated," in the (Cleveland area and another London, Aug. 5—«.-T*—Beutors Peterson (MUsred. ion that "repeal of the arms em­ boml^rs for cargo transport work to the attorney general, had “re­ Mother her aew Im heran 1$ keep* 1,000 were off the Job a t Akron, Montrose, Pa.. Aug. S.-i-iZ*)— countrj-side to offer hia volunteer iterated and enlarged upon the reported today that a Mimcow Native Tomatoes are lower...buy them Wednesday. S •Minimum Service Charge $1.00. S FOR UNCLE SAM! The commltt*e planned to call Canton, Youngatown, aad other bargo was the direct act that led and said plans are under way to = Hourly Service Rate $1.50.^ We Service = foods freahw , w ith a a trltlv e Jaloeo tai. S aves her ttnie^ ua Into war." Judge Bdyrard' P. Uttle'e old labor where it's needed moat. divert a certain percentage_ ot prejudiced and misleading inter­ radio broadcast aaid 4.000 Ger­ Fancy Slicing Tomatoes at 2 pounds 15c; 9c pound, or Keep^your horses pulling too, for aow she caa prepare maay diaaer dIabM hi the Frank Higgins Is executive .ses­ c.ties aerved by the Ohio Bell sys­ Feela Good Out In Son mans and Italians had lieeo killed p All Makes. > = sion to question him regarding tem. Before the arguments began, teammates at Yale would pop bomber construction to long range ■ pretatlons of our peacetime Inter­ 89c a ba.sket. Cucumbers at 4c each; Summer Squash, FEEDING OAT MEAL momlag, eonhdeat that foods waat diy oat or exdwage the government disnfissed one of “Some people think pitching hay cargo planes. ) ments with I. G. Farbenlndustrie,” In a battle between .Axis fort-e* s • W e Loan Radio Sets To Customers Who s for Victory! Give them favors! bad Hkes the aew lee hex hecaase It savea him steel warehouees udth which he Pollock asserted the walkout re­ right out of their turtleneck is hard work.” he laugh^. "but ahd A'ugoslav patriots In the Kha- 2 for 9c; Carrots. .>c. and great large heads of Iceberg aaid his firm bad bought ateel sulted from failure of the union the 12 counts in the indictment. "That," he said "ii why wg are ; German chrmlcal trust, GROUND BARLEY moeey. It coot ealy '/i marh as Iw expected to pay; sweaters if they could i see how’ there’s nothing to it once you know­ not as worrien as some praple. We I Gibson, concluding two days zar mountains. The Moscow broad­ Lettuce at 19c will solve your vegetable problent at low = Bring Their Sets In for Repairs, If Such = Moon’s feed. It has the from a "black steel market with and the company .to reach an This count charged Pelley with he's in theie pitching to win the cast evidently gave ae source far coat. S . Repairs Take Over 24 Hours. ^ aad be knows there woat be day repair*. The Uddlea publication of false statements how. Great exercise and. gosh, you caa always use bombers for car- | testimony before U» Patents POULTRY RATIONS extrs vitamin potency and Bke the way lea keeps their feeds tasthiff better; there's bulging warehouses over the na­ agreemeqt on union demands for war. feel good when you get out in the this Infomtalinn. Benters saM the tion." application of the War Labor abenit the damage done at Pearl Tying cargo, but we cannot use Committee yesterday, countered broadcast rtporfed tanks, guos Yellow Peaches ...... 3 lbs. 29c; 4-qt. bskt. 49c ■e daager of lee cream abseridag the laver ef spisacA! Harbor by the Japanese attack The SO-yesr-oId jurist 'spends sun.” ’ cargo planM a* bombers." with the assertion that he "stood I ' For Expert Repair Service Bring = COTTONSEED MEAL mineral content that flDs Otre year family the beaedta of Ice! "Wa got the steel from ware- Boards "Uttlc Steel" wage form- five afternoons a week in the hay ' He sees nothing unbecoming 'and anti-Uak artillery capto^ houaee all over tha country,H ig­ ula. Dec. 7. Chairman Lee i D.. Okla.) atked I on the records of the agreements." from the Genhaos, who were aoM R atermeloiis. 'Honeydews. Banaaas. Ewing said the count was dis­ fields with no time off for good about the overalls and sweat— the Army air chief directly if he I and said that Fariah's telegram of = Your Radio to Us! = DAIRY RATIONS ' them with the health and gins said. "They knewr even before Traffic Operatiooe N*me^ behavler —helping his farmer to have beeo drive* back toward we-do that we'll get certain con­ missed at the request of Assistant "after all. I went haying with my would "welcome" a proposal for i protest waa "a repetition of mis- H. J. Barber, telephone company Attorney General Wendell Bifge. friends beat the labor shortage. neighbors before I wraa a judge"— Kastaloltsa, southeast of Zscrstb PINEHURST CIXXSES WEDNF,SDAY AT NOON. vigor they need! tracts and they send ue Bate of vice prMident, reported commer­ mlzas construction at aerial leading statements as to the char- • • o . Ewing said Birge explained that "Shucks." explained the judge. and anyt|tay he thinks he needs freightera, using rolling oasembly acter” of the agreements, what we'll need to fill the con- cial and traffic \operations were “I’ve been pitching hay for years. Nazis Attack Lighthouse traeta. They send ua these lists h*- the Navy Department waa unwill­ the exercise. line principles and shipyards, pro- j T o Be Galled Later L. T. WOOD CO. normaL ing to permit the introduction of It isn’t anj^ing new to me—but Reykjatih. leelaad. Aug. Judge Little was born in this fore we know what contracts we He declared tha strike was "tin- vided materials now- going into | Meanwliae. Senator Bone —Gennaa plages have attacNsd m U/vcc/v^^/ic 51 BISSELL STREET PHONE 44M Win g e t" My testimony about the Pearl 1 do seem to be going at it more small upstate town, played foot­ Liberty ships could be utilised. (D.. Wash)., committee chairman, Hgbthoaae aa tlay Ortnaoy hdMd enson^s I *^P6**y ^larter damage beyond that con­ strongly than evsr." ball and rowed on "tite crew at Arnold responded thst the Air ... ' ■ V ^ c r e ' LARSEN’S PreaiB— Prte* Net Kaewa and union had been in conference indicated that Farish snd otb«r a half-ndlo off Hohaavfk aa tta tained in the statement issued by E v ^ day except Monday dui^ A. J. Higgins said there was no until last night with Owen Schaef­ Yale, served in the First World Corps was for any program which Standard officials wrould be given aertbraet eeaot of Irrlsad. Palti4)^ FEED Secretary Knox. This statement ing harvest season, the. judge War and waa Susquehanna county would not interfere with present Statea Army aathorlttce SERVICE E V K J iO way of knowing what the prem- fer, Federal coaclIUitor, and ex­ has been placed-in evidence. sn opportunity to testify Ister. _____ AsiM rraitT 38 DEPOT SQUARE bangs his gavel at noon, stuff# hia diotrict attorney from 1934 to rounded plans for s balanced air "We will give everyone concemetTled today. TIm Ighi TEL. 5406 six-foot. 330-pound fram* into « ea Page Six) it e* Pace Mxk 1866. His 10-ycar term as county atod sattrety by iCVsnttaaed mm M s) uverslU and lirbts out for the iudse has six vears to run. (OMittaoeil oa l U Mx> (Osattaued am Pave Tea) raatea kaosm as i TWO MANCHESTER E\TCNING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. VVEUNESDAV, ACtrCST'^ft. 134?

costs will make it impossible to MANpiESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6. 1941 produce goods as cheaply as they August Bonds PACT THREH Subsidy Plan were sold in March. Long-Standing Mystery Circus Beasts Advice on Buying Light Trailers In these cases, the government KEITH'S- Test Likely faces the choice .p l either perm it-' Quota Is Set Given Homewives Wofking on War Uniforms ting increased prices or subsidiz- | Expected to Be Solved Get First Aid By The Associated Press Need No Brake Convert Cloak Plant Plans Probe K B m i’8 AUGUST SALE ing the manufacturer to enable: SAA'ES YOU 10% TO him to sell at the ceiling price. ^Ide Di%'ergettce o f Ex* Jonea already ia aubaidiaing a Ixiwrr Goal for State 'Your cost of living need not rise Of Housing 10% ON FURNITURE New Vork. Aug. 5—(4»i—Harlem < who are In t^ieir late aixtira, will Veterinarians Work to If you buy wisely. If Seini*Permanent It Is number of things out of funds of -^Vt le c ^ that part of it around be revealed when a city marshal 100 P* C* to War Work OF DISTINCTION NOW'I pert Opinion on Ex* the RFC and affiliated agencies. Than in July; 1^125,* llllth street and Fifth avenue—ia enters with an eviction order ob- Save Five Animals 'The State Department o'f Agri­ culture and the State Defense Possible to Go from pente of ProporaL These include coal for New Eng­ 000 for Manehester. agog^over a long-standing mystery tained last Friday by a bank hold- Injured But Rescued. Hurley Favors Decen* land, gasoline and fuel oil and oth­ soon be solved. ing a $6,700 mortga^'e on the place. Council provide the following in­ One Site to Another. Difficult Task Accom* Pedestrian Catches er petroleum products for the en­ All eyes will be focused next The bank says It has received formation to Connecticut consum­ tralized Program au Hertford, Aug. 5.—i;P)^-Con-- ers on the thrifty buys in local WMliington, Aug. 5— —High tire east coast. week on the crumbling old brown- no mortgage payments in three Cleveland, Aug. 5— Scared Hartford, Aug. 5.—A house trail­ plished in 4 Months; Small Girl in Fall .%dnilntstnition officials sought an necticut's August' quota for the stone mansion there of Homer and years, and while l.,anglcy Collyer clrcu.'! beasts surviving the terror stores. Protective Measure. sale of war bonds has been fixed Meats: Stewing cuts of Jamb, er that la to serve as a dwelling Over 850 Now Em* OniBwer today to the question: Langley Collyer, who for years wa.s seen marketing last week, his of fire that destroyed 39 animal by the Treasury Department at have lived behind boarded windows brother, blind and paralyzed, hasn't attractions of the "greatest show smoked shoulders, cold cuts. at a aeml-permanent location does . Coffeyville, Kas.. Aug. 5.— Stratford, Aug. 5—(/p)~ Gov. ^^Skouid the government spend jiO.OOO.OOO. Thomas S, Smith, ad­ Poultrj’ : Fpw^- ployed, More Needed. _arge sums of money to subsidize M^irried Seen and barricaded d co n . .when.Auth- appeared In public sines 1940. on earth" today received first aid not have to have brakes If It —Pedestrian Joe Cramer Robert A. Hurley expects to ap­ ministrator of the state war sav­ drltiei break in and learn Its 'The brothers moved to Harlem in an emergency animal hospital Fish: Small mackerel, butter- ‘the American cost of living?” fish. porglet. weighs less than 4,000 pounds, ac­ In the short apace of foiir' was startled to see a tiny girl point a board this week to Investi- i ings staff, announced today. secrets. in 1009 and have been the subject ket up In Cleveland's public hall. hanging by her hands from a One shggeation was a oroposal In lowering the state quota Vegetables: Best buy—Tomatoes cording to a ruling by Motor Vehl-. gate a reported shortage in de­ On Their Ow n And the strange rumors as to of neighborhood legends ever since. ^'hlle the show under the Rlng- cles Commissioner John T. McCar­ months the Independent Cloak fire escape high above the to ask Cwgtess to entrust a test from $25,534,000 in J,.uly and the llng Brothera “ big top" want on (prices sharply lower and liberal fense housing throughout Connec­ fund, possibly $000,000,000, to Sec- what the gloomy qouie contains— They are reputed, among other' thy today. Company here has shifted over to sidewalk. ticut. national quota from Sl.OOO.OOO.OCO with all Its usual glitter and bright supplies for canning). . rotary of Commerce Jesse Jones' some say Its interior resembles an thing! to own half of New York's The ruling applies only to house lOO per cent war work. This was As he watched, her fingers The Democratic chief executive, last month to $815,000,000 in Au­ Arabian nights dream of antique lights last night, veterinarians Fruits: Early applaa, Elberta ad see how it works. ‘In*Law8’- on Way Out vater front, to keep a Model T trailers "used primarily aa emer­ the statement made by employment slipped. She fell. in making the .announcement, told gust. the Treasury has given rec­ tapestries and other rarities; Ford In the bssemOnt to have 17 worked to save five animals in­ peacbea, watarmalons. Back of the idea of a test was a Eggs: Pullet eggs. , gency dwellings and when move­ He caught her safely, inch­ the Foremen's club of the Vought- August Sale Scoop! Ab Important Marital ognition to certain factors which others say Its a pat-infested scene grand pianos. jured but rescued after a 20-min- ment on the highway ia restricted officer Herbert N. Greenberger at es from the concrete. erida ^vergence of expert opinion may be expected to result in vari­ Slkorsky plant of the Uriited Air­ Ml how much it would cost. The of filth and squalor—will be stilled. Latlglay. in a rare interview long I'te fire burned to death or suffo­ to travel from one seml-permanent ere company’s plant on Pine The girl, 2 i-2, had 'wan­ craft Corporation here last night -MAHOGANY TABLES Influences. ations in sales over the 12-month' Eviction Order Obtained ago, iTenied the part about the 17, cated 30 of the circus' beasts. Nine location to another". Manufactur­ street, yesterday afternoon. Five, dered from a parked car, 'm rice jf Price Adrainlrt ration was period, such as the sea.sonal char- that he favored more decentralized ’ reported to guess it would talte I Whatever la inside ths hopae of pianos. others had to be shot to put them ers are no longer able to obtain years ago the concern came to climbing the Iron stairway a.s housing as a protective .measure Chicago, Aug. 3.—( Finance Corporation, was be- yesterday that in the paat couples died during the night. a (^aii(lied mahogany finish - - ]put throygh such a plan. Prices Oioss of their parents. Department Budget, OtPS Prnirrp«« to daub wild beasts. Tanic acid mendations on Man* try to build housing facilities 650,000; Bridgeport. $2,450,000; ident Roosevelt Is going over the more, adequate to stop such vehi­ Greenberger. Skilled labor ia -prac­ tional problems, but said that she Keith Quality construction. 'noaraUy are under the control of "But now,” ha aald “they don't Adopted Last Night, r r O g r C S S aolutlona were applied to scorched Bridgeport. A u g ^ ^ (g’l— Mrs. wiUtout critical materials. CHOICE of drum table, lamp table, W o e Administrator Leon Henuer- Wsterbury, $1,775,000; Stamford, cle within a braking distance of 30 tically out now. Every new em-- agement to Aide. lacked intimate knowledge of local aak advice of their parents and tamer anlmala, under direction of petroleum and rubber situations Clare Boothe LpCe of Greenwich, "We must remember that the •shelf tables, curif\tables, magazine lapM, but Henderson had difficulty $400,000; New Britain. $1,100.- Dr. J. J. Henderson, RlngUng's feet on a dry paved surface, from ployee must start as a novice, but problems and. interests which she the in-laws are playing lesd and 000; Norwalk, $250,000, and Meri­ Totals flo6,B61.75 or Of thp IVfnVlPa and may present his views to Con­ a epeed of 20 miles per hour". •trspite this handicap the company reels a Congressman should reflect hardy folk who landed at Bly- pocket tables, class top coffee ta­ . rsoently in getting enough money chief veterinarian. playwright, ^^,t(lhor and iVorld rc-' moulh Rock did not nish to Wash­ less an Important role." den. $415,000. gress and the nation by tomorrow. if maintaining a 48 hour week Hartford. Aug. 5. -ig*)—Wil­ in rcpre.sentifig hiS constituents. bles. bookrasos and others. [anct Congress just to pay his 83,185 Over Last Year ____ w v ie © ' Cause Not Determined liam J. Ck>x, reinstated as state porter, today declined to enter ington for aid." Oivea Report On Stody Includ^ among other quotas That probability arose today in Iram eight in the morning until Because, she Stiid. she has not f Briee control staff. Dr, Burgess reported that a Cauae of the blitz-blaze was not highway commissioner after an formalljr the Congressional race Asserting that "our task has '^^^WseM Not Cover Luxories are; EUut Hartford, $302,800; definitely determined, but Chief the wake of these developments: five in the afternoon. At the pres­ had an opportunity to . evelop this study of what happened in three An increase, in pay w m vqtsd to Hartford Theater Man* N, Y. Flower Show intensive investigation of his de­ foi>rthe Republic.on nomination in only Just begun" and forecasting I t the test plan goes through— West Hartford, $100,000; Green­ Louts P. Pritsch of the Fire Pre­ 1. The President affirmed at his ent time they are looking for at contact for local problems; "and a long war. the governor said: years of married life to 1,00 en­ wich, $475,000; Manchester, $123,- all fnembers of the Manchester least another 100 employees to partment. imparted to A. W. e Fourth (P'airficld County) dis­ the time is too short" for bridging it is not-likely to get even a ager Is Speaker at vention Bureau said he believed press conference yesterday that he Bushell, his director of engine "The fact is that we must gaged couples showed that: 000; Wethersfield. $33,000, and police department for the coming would Veto a bill setting up a sepa­ Of Interegt Here beep the machines humming. trict but apparently left the way the gap now, ';i feel I cannot offer until after Labor Day— it the fire was started by either a ing and construction, today Ot>v conquer the world, and America ; be confined strictly to items “Problema have increased be­ Rocky HUl, $11,250. Rotary Club Session. rate government agency to make Engaged in a fast growii^ open to run if the party "dr.ifts " my name as a candidate for Con­ i year at the meeting pf ths police carelessly thrown cigarette or a Robert A. Hurley's recommmda- her. gress.” nm.st do the Job." atial to home and business cause of the tendency for mar­ live coal from a passing railroad synthetic rubber from grain alco­ -•uit and cloak business, demand ■ He predicted that second front riages to be based on affection, board held last night. To the reg­ tions for correction of “emra,. in­ Mrs. Luce, wife of Henry R. Mr. Bradley, in commenting on It would apply to food, minl- Net Profits Increase Welter B. Lloyd. Hertford thea­ engine. The circus pitched on the hol. ■ Mrs. P. Uoyd Davis of 30 Por­ for uniforms became so great that operations would bo opened soon I ibnun clothing n^uirements, etc. It congenialty and common interests, ular patrolmen and the aergeanta 2. The War Production Board la.st - April the company heeded adequacies and miatakev' in man­ Luce, publisher of Life,- Time and the letter, .said plainly trial he ter manager waa guest speaker at powntown lake front. ter street. Garden Center chair­ agement. Fortune, made her first formal de­ and declared that "democracy will , jwould not cover luxuries or even years of married life to 1,000 en- New York, Aug. 5.—OP)—‘The there was voted an Increase of was reported considering, a.s an al­ man of the Federated Garden the call of Uncle Sam and changed considers Mrs. Luce i‘s still avail­ have a more real meaning for us Opposite the llich Sohool the meeting of the Rotary club Aa circus hands gathered fori • In reinstating/the commission­ claration on the Congressional dnmi-luxurlee. Inatltutlon is waning, but the so­ Remington Arms Oo., Inc., report­ seven and one-half per cent and lunch, flames broke put between ternative to nationwide gaaollhe cluba of the state, of which the over. Uniform coatq for United able a.s a congressional candidate all after the war is won.” M.AIN STREET. MANCHESTER The reason for subsidies is that, lution o f the new problema ia not to the lieutenant, captain and last night. In an outline of the rationing, a plan to limit automo­ States Army nurses' corps were er. Governor Hurley said that ,t situation in a letter to J. Kennelfi if the party calls her. ed net profits for the six months the menagerie .tent and the horse local Garden club la a member, was his opipion that ^ox had been through Henderson’s price ceilings, to bring marriage back to the ended June 80 were approximately chief an additional five per cent movie business he said it claims tent, Pritsch s<>ld. bile driving In non-ratloncd areas directs attention to the mid-sum­ first undertaken. In the ordin­ .the government is generally t ^ - ancient patriarchal system, but to was added. To the supernumera­ by making a periodical check of ary course of business they would gtllfly Ot a "breach of engineering $1<30S,000, equal after preferred to be about 52 years old although John Rlngling North, circus mer flower show of the New York ethics" through approval of his NEW! DIFFERENT! CAPTIVATINGLY BEAUTIFUL! I w to hold retail prices to levels recognise the nature of the new dividend requirementa*to 10 cents ries an additional 75 cent.s a day first pictured for commercial he.ad. estimated the damage at mileages shown on, speedometers. Horticultural society, to be staged take this In stride. But regula- o b la s t March. But the prospect problems and make use of Intelli­ was voted. The Increase added Called Heparate Problema tlopa, especially army -regulations, subordinate's practice of "furnish-1 a common share, compared with shou-ing date from about 1906. $200,000. although' a complete In­ at the society's headquarters, 368 ing supplemental Information" to 1 has arisen that in pertain cases, gence in attempting to solve $1,152,000, or 14 cents a share, $2,601.7,5 to the regular payroll About the same time the nickelo. ventory of animal ' losses in the 3. Price Administrator Leon Madison avenue, Manhattan, are hard taskmasters. h^acreased labor and maUrial them." of the department over last year's Henderson described U|e eastern .Many OperaUona one of several contractors bidding ; shown for the first half of 1941. deona came put and ran quite menagerie's 18 'cagM and rows of August 12 and 13. on highway work. figures. Other department ex­ some competition to the movies tethered beasts had not yet been gasoline shortage and the national From the time .that the cutters ------t ------Mrs. Davis who has spent con­ The Democratic chif'f executive ! penses were up $1,290 with an for a while. T he idea of moving completed. rubber emergency as separata siderable time In New York this .•itart until the finished garment is additional $1,300 allowed for an problems “In no way connected" .'-afely packed away in moth balls said that repetition ol this would pictures originated with the flick­ No Insurance Carried ■ummer owing to the lllneaa and make the "offending employe or aasistant for ths chief. Reductions er book—e set of pictures in cards There was no Insurance on the and said the queetlon of nation­ death of her mother, states that for shipment, the numerous oper­ ^fmburton ^s.. ./or bestmmK:^}.^. wide fuel rationing was so Impor­ commissioner subject to immedi­ mads In several of the other* ex­ arranged in a sequence and snap­ damage because a circus ''is class­ more people than ever seem to be ations would leave the average ate charges.” penses cut the net increase. The ped through hurriedly like a pack ed as extremely huzardoiu, so the tant that a decision would be made vlBiting the city . this season. layman in a daSe. As each lot Vi l.x'r payroll for supernumeraries was of playing cards. "only after careful analysis of all Cox enclosed In his letter to rates are prohibitive,'' explained | Proof of this It the difficulty in nf cloth starts on Its . way an Bushell a copy of the governor's Ol, increased from $2,500 to $0,500. Talking movies were in, the Frank Braden, tile organization's I the complex aspects of the situa­ making train reservatlona. The identification tag la pinned on and tion." memorandum of decision-in the' The figures as arrived at last minds of many engineers and pro­ publicity man. j theaters are also having capacity every coat cut from this cloth ia Good Things Are Worth Repeating! ducers for a long time. One of the 4. The War Production Board investigation of the State H igh-: 0*.S' night brought the total budget for Animals destroyed by flames or audiences at matinee and evening labeled so that it will make its way Department. the coming year to $56,861.73. early experiments consisted o f shot by police and Coast Guards­ was disclosed to have decided on performances. way through 45 different opera­ nationwide rationing in July—most 7 ' Last year the appropriation was putting a phonograph .back of the men included 10 camels, nine ze­ Many will doubtless visit the tions. And to further confuse $53,670, or an increase this year screen and trying to synchronize bras, three elephants, five lions, of the necessary forma already had the layman the garment can be conversation with the picture. been printed—but 'President Roose­ flower show aa It is held In con­ Chinese Raise of $3,183.76. •three dee% a puma, and two each nection with .a Victory Garden worn In almost any climate due Out of this year's finances there Toothing much was, accomplish­ of the tigers, Indian donktys, gl- velt intervened to an Ingenlus arrangement of •Vuffusf Sale ed until Vitsphone produced a 5. An Office of Price Adminis­ Harvest show, and for ths bens- still remains, it was stated, a auf- raffas', and brlndle gnus. flt of the armed forces, particu­ zipper. Funds for Fliers Special! BURTON’S Aden; fund to purchase» a- new...zv,, »"«chaniam at the head Two of the three giraffes were tration official, who declined to be As it comes to the packing; larly emergency needs of their board last that synchronized 'quoted by name, said fuel oil ra­ I^^ERSPRI^G automobile and the Doara ia « i joynd with the film. This was Incinerated In their steel mesh par­ families. A similar show hsld room, a good deal like ah assem- Ohungklng. Aug. 5. -(/P) -Ap-j night votsd to accept the bid of *°'*'''* titions, but the third broke out and tioning in the east was s "distinct hly line, evei^ one of the coats pretty good except that when pro­ In Newark early In July for the preciatlve Chinese have raised $6.- Ihe Dillon gales Company for a ran-until U fell and wa» captured. possibility." Curtailment of gaso- made from the cloth that bore the > IA 1TRESSES jecting the picture if the film got I'ne deliveries as far west as the. sama object waa highly succesa- 500 to buy gifis for airmen of the new 1642 Super Deluxe F'brd 8e- ,, Elephant Boss Walter McClain, ful, and others are ^ In g held In original label from the cutting United Smtes Air Force In China Final Summer Clearance dan for a coat of $600 plus the torn or a piece waa cut out’ for aeveraly burned on hla right cheek Mlsaiosippi was being considered, table ia finally assembled and large centers throughout tho who. like their, predeces.sors in the trade-in of tbs 1640 car now own­ any reason it threw ths sound and neck, released 46 of hti Le aald, to make more tank cars synchronisation all off. country. , Secretary of Agricul­ made ready for shipment. Press- American Volunteer Group, haye ed by the department which charges but waa unable to make asallable for the Atlantic sea­ era, whose Job la probably one It remained for Fox Movietone board's petroleum needs. ture Claude R. WIekard la hon­ become popular heroes. $ 1 9.8 3 ’ THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY shows a total mileage of 59,000. another, Rlngling Rosy, leave her orary chairman of the national operation sort out the labels and Several organizations announcetl to first put sound right on the sta]l. 0. Representative Hartley (R., For next year there waa placed picture film itself and this proved committee. .send it on to the next task force. today they would pay a "comfort ’ OCR $'J6..10 Qr.\LIT4(* — Goes Berserk With Pain .N. J.) declared In a radio talk that in the budget $800 for the replac­ a success. Wednesday, August 12 it will What makes It even more compli­ visit to the Americans at the bousht months ago pt(cl sale ing of the other two care, which After the fiames were qqeneh- the synthetic rubber program had cated are the different sizes, fifty- Picture selling has gone through been delayed by “incompetence be open from 2;S0 to 10 p. m. and front Aug. 14. China's Air Fore** priced now Dep'ixe coil le $200 more then wee apent last various phases including the era ed. Rosy was staked with double on Thursday, - August 13, from four in all. But none ever go Day, as a tribute to "their bril­ ■'TMiii|a , year. and mismanagement" In the gov­ .sprinc constnietlon. , deep when films were booked in blocks ebaina but went berserk with 6 a. m. to 5 p. m. .•»atray and kll reach the packing liant success against the Japa­ upt-.olstery. harnl tufted and Other Itema of the budget In­ pain and had to be shot. She waa ernment agencies concerned and department where they are aa- t^fore they were 'made ib>wn to by "selfish, powerful, private In^ nese." tailoted in , extra durable creased St the meeting last night the present time when owners or felled by a ,45-caliber bullet fired .•embled and given a final Inspec­ striped ticking. All sizes. COTTON DRESSES . $ 2 . 0 0 “ YAL. TO 17.98 were for gasoline, toll line by Detective Lloyd Trunk and isrcsts.” tion. operators view She film at the views Expected In Meeaage charges, tires and tubes, supplies nearest exchange before deciding killed by sub-machine gun bullets Another Important part of the WOMEN’S DRESSES VAL. TO 114.98 firetl by Supt. D, L. Cowlea o f tho Praaldent Roosevelt's 'views Gas on Stomach .8 5 .0 0 and clothing allowance. A. de­ to book It. company product ia the packs RslisvcJ in 5 minvlai or crease waa made In paint, ammu­ police science laboratory. 'vere expected to be set forth at now being made for parachutes. Mf. Lloyd said that It has been some length In the message which Jenbla your money bock nition and a big decrease In new proven that there will never be a All the performing anlmala -and From the raw matertal rlcht down . . . i f ’ Monui-b srM rsuiBa i-amfuf. prize attractions. Including the be said be hoped to send C^ongrasa equipment as last year there waa film center equal to Hollywood be­ by tomorrow vetoing the grain to the-finished article every opera­ purchaaed an auxiliary lighting cause of many conditioua that are giant gorilla, Gargantua, and his NOW PLAYING tion is scrutinized by trained In­ nil* thoi* In Rrll iiu system and 24 new guns. practically perfect and are not bride. Toto, were saved. alcohol agency. At the same time Tislw^ *aJ^s******* B*1I sni brine* roafon In s "'“ “’•5si!**"SP0RTSWEAR the chief cAcutlve said he dldyiot spectors. In addition to this a final The greater part of the board's found, grouped together any where A rare pygmy hippopotamus inspection ia made by both Army u2*. isfTf'ii’dJieKr ”• "*“™ “ time waa taken In the considera­ else in the world. outsmarted _ the flames by diving think anyone could make an axpo- SWIM SUITS ...... • ,« a • . 8 2 . 0 0 VAL. TO 110.98 sitlon of the rubber situation, re­ A Navy inspectors. In some In------^ ^ ------4------tion of the wage tncreaae and as Speaking of taxes he aald that in his . tank and staying sub­ rstancea machines cannog* handle In addition to the taxes that ths merged. marking there were more experts STRETCH*A*ROO SKIRTS s • S • .8 1 .7 9 VAL. TO 12.29 it was the desire of the board to on the subject t^an there ware some of the operations and skilled give aaslBUnce to the men In the average business pays. Federal, A huge polar baar could be seen needle workers do the Job by hand, A FEATURE OI KEITH'S •tati and local, they are confront­ through a sheet of flame aa he varieties COTTON CARDIGANS . . . . 88c VAL. TO 11.98 lower brackets the plan of a $3 a . The speedptheter-checking plan a alow operation. week Increase to all was at first ed with the following fixed -ex­ surveyed the scene, then returned ' .Adding Marhlnea penses and taxes: Federal tax on to calces of Ics which bad been reported kmng considered by the SLACKS ...... $2.88 VAL, TO 15.98 considered. Tbei. the plan of giv­ WPB would call for tha ragistra- Workmen are busy now getting ing - to the patrolmen and the aer* all tickets, state seating tax, State plit In his cage a few minutes' ear­ two big rooms ready for more Police inspection tax, city license lier. tiottyOf every automobile outolds SL.\CK S U IT S ...... seed . 8 2 . 0 0 VAL. TO 110.98 geanu the seven and one-half per ratlorted east and the allocs* machines and it ia expected that cent Increase end five per cent to end a city policeinan and fireman The show under the “ big lop" at least six batteries of machines, on duty at all timea. was staged as usual last night of a apeclfled number of miles BLOUSES ...... 8 1 . 0 0 VAL. TO 83.98 the commlaalon officers was pre- to each drivar through "certifi­ fifty to a battery Vdll be installed. KEITH AUGUST SALE PRESENTATION! sented by Commisatontr WUUam Following hie remarks some of fora. 11,000 apeetators. ' ^ the members present started ask­ cates of heceseity." The plan was Heavy electrical cable has been HALTERS ...... 69c VAL. TO 11.00 * P* Quish. ing questions which brought out suggasted solely as a tire-saving put In place and aa soon- as the This plan was adoptad and It many amusing and Interesting Green Pet stiow measure. machines arrive they will be put \ will mean that ths patrolman In­ anecdotes Including the handling Into operation. Both these rooms stead of f«celving $2,160 a yaar of children and the problem of America eonoumes more coffee were used os stock rooms before will be given $2,354.25; the aer- chewing gum and candy left in Award winners than any other country In the It became necessary to make the geanU from $2,800 to $2,472.60; seats and later attached to the world. change. lieutenant $2,000 to IS,780; cap­ The various operations In the clothing of other cuatomera. Prise wfnners at the annual pet tain $2,500 to $2,640, and chief PLUS parachute pack department were SAT1N*CREPE SLIPS . .8 1 .0 9 VAL. TO 81.69 $3,600 to $3,780, The addiUonal s h o w /a t the Manchester Green rarefully explained and some of pl§y$rounds Monday evening were JOSEPH ALLEN In ADJUS l ABLE .MODERN FURNITURE 75 cents a day voted to the super­ the improvements, a military 2*WAY STRETCHES . , Bogli, who entered the larg­ . ‘^ ’HO IS HOPE . 88c VAL. TO 13.29 numeraries will bring their pay to Radio. Station Pay•> ^ secret, cannot, be explained for $5.75 a day. - They ara not allowed est pet In ine show, a Gordon set­ 1 : N N I SCHrYLERT* IRR. CHIFFON HOSE . ter. Tommy.Stevenson won a prize obvious reaaona. Safe to state, .8 1 .0 0 VAL. TO 11.69 any vacation with pay nor are Dispute Settled Soy T7. 8. Bonds aad SUmpa! however, that the best ia none to they given a clothing allowance. for tbe smallest entry, a turtle; SLACK*TITE PANTIES Danny Ryder's Guinea pig was TODAY Md TOMORROW good for the men who will even- . . . 50c VAL. TO 11.29 Chief of Police Samuel G. Gor­ t^ialty wear them. Nothing is left 1 !i don waa not present at tbs meet­ adjudged to be the most unusual Free Dinaerware To the Ladies! BRUNCH COATS ...... Bar. Francisco, A^g- B—UP)— pel; Roberta Dick's Boston bull to. chance and before the final as­ .8 1 .9 8 VAL. TO 82.29 ing last night. Jiut in setting aside sembly they are Inspected again. $1,300 for an asstatant for the Wage difference: between the terrier, the best looking and the American Federation of Musicians English setter entered by Donald Every detail must, and ia, right chief it was stated that a female and.Radjo SUtion KFRC, which The Barn* Dance before it la shipped, even to the stenographer would be engaged Roy was easily the best behaved resulted in auapenslon of remote pet in the show. CoaaecttcBfa number of Britches per inch. who*wQuId take care of the cleri­ Largest Bam Dance OEertag of "If you could ten me" said Mr., cal work now done by the chief, dance band pickups through all Among the other pets exhibited ACCESSORIES! key outlets of the Mutual £troad- were kittens, poUiwogs, cocker Mosic, Sqoarea, Wattses, Paol Greenberger “where we could get B As MODERN As Tomorrow’s SIratn IJner! giving him time to devote to po- Jones, Fox-Trota, ’ and Heps! at least one hundred girls or wom­ lice work. CBStlng System, have been settled spaniels and spitz, dogs. The dis­ • Created In the lleighth of Tmlay's G(N>I) T.ASTF,! JEWELRY amicably. en I would be grateful. We try to VAL. TO 82.98 Aa approved last night the play attracted'the usual number of B'Exqnistte Pin Striped Walifut Veneera! Elmer Hubbard, praaldent of IhUreated onlookers, both children make it pleasant here. There Is GLOVES . budget la made up of $47,070 for Colt Park Shell cantem service during the day. B Built In the Flne«t Traditions of Cabinetry ! VAL. TO 81.00 salaries smd $9,161.75 for all oth­ AFM'a San Francisco unit, and ana grownups. ' WetkmSeld Ave„ Hartferd, Ot. William D. Pabot, KFRC manager, The Judges were Mrs. George Ob the We pay well but* where can we • Katolly Adjtihtable To Room* of ,\n> Size! er expenses. This budget will be Snow, Mrs. George Finnegan and Shdir find help? presented to the. Selectmen who in said that hcreaftw the musicians EVERT WEDNESOAT AMO • Prierd Individually. Kelfct tho Plecr^ You Prefer! would be paid $30 a week each for John M. Derby. While he waa talking a big turn will present- it to the voters BATURDAT NIOHT truck loaded with candy, soda, in October and any pay increases two hours’ work aniay. Previously they m elved $46 for <*e hour’s S:M to 1140 r. BL, Wonthar aandwichea, ice cream and coffee CHILDREN’S DEPT. granted will start as of October 1. aork dally. Pamdtttog — Faatariag wheeled Into one of the depart­ IIMIRWngWBBWWJgHlI ments. 'tlioae who wanted to could The musicians left their Jobs ’ ipake their purchases without BATHING TRUNKS ...... $ 1 .0 0 VAL. TOSI.98 ten days ago. Subsequently the In- Alfa lO rei/i r iovarcy Art Webster'e having to leave their machinea. One Plant to Do tamationai AFL union issued an iHpo.wyH)* ;.io. K Z E H 2 2 S 1 Over U 6 Employed order halting dance band pickups OM Tliiiwo* Orehtstn BATHING SUITS ...... 82.00 VAL. to IM9 Starts Friday for 8 Days: Sidney Ellio, president of the Typewriter Work by major MBS aUUons for relay HANK POST, Pronptsr romimny, Dave Elkina operating SUMMER SLACK SUITS ...... 82.00 VAL. TO IS.98 to the network. Pabst aald be ex­ STATE U CHARLIE CHtPLIN ia Sen ica Blan to C||dfonB, superintendent supervise every Livinp Rooms At Lower Cost! pected the order would be re­ HARTFORD “ THE GOLD RUSH” Admitted As Oneste. department at least three times SEPARATE SLACKS ...... 81*00 VAL. t o I?.29 Washington, Aug. 5—(Fl^-Man- scinded Immediately. Aad dally. The number of employees ufsetura of typewriters will be L /A f -SCBMAKINE BAmER" FoOow tha PM cea e< Boetobatty. now working at the Pine street KROEHLER GROUP SUN SUITS AND PL.AYSUITS ..... $ 1 .0 0 VAL. TO 13.98 stopped Oct. 81 except for maxi­ A ^ C/>'0 f i i plant ia over 850 and more are mum production of 1,600 a month Empty Casket needed. SPECIALLY REDUCED SUN S U IT S ...... 5 0 c VAL. TO11.39 by Tta Woodstock T^rpawiltar V i c T o n v T* There was no grumbling about , FOR THIS SALE. A dia- corporation at Woodstock. HI. - the loos of businsaa due to war or- tinctive modem creation, STURDY O VERALLS...... 8 8 c VAL. TO$1.98 The curtailed production waa jVlystery Solved dera. In fact there was a hint of buUt with genuine R^OEH- I' ordered* yeeterdav by the War RELAX IN THE OEEAT OUTDOOBB! pride in Mr. Oreenberger's voice LER 5 STAR CONSTRUC­ AUGl'ST SALE PRICED WOOL SKIRTS ...... $ 1 .0 0 VAL. TO 12.98 Production Board which also Umtt- .when he aald: i TION for tasting luxury. A. "M r. and .Mr*." ■ TOMORROW NIGHT Hand tailored in qualitv teat- C h e s t...... $41.50 ad tha manufactura by all com- Blaekfoot, Idaho, Aug. S.—(m—• S 4 0 BUARPi "While it’s not much it’s the' SPRING COATS ...... $ 2 .0 0 V ^ TO $8.98 BOXINO______ad fabric — Va Lu e priced (Separate Drawer* for paniaa betwsen July 1 and O ct $1 Sharlff William A. Clough found best we can do for Uncle Bam." to 1214 per cent oc the total num­ now. Large sofa, club chair “him" and “her"l. ^ d r e s s e s ...... 79, ^AL. TO 82 an ampty, baby-aiaa casket lodged and lounge chair complete; Budget Terms “Hollywood" Bed Has Concealed Foct-Board B. Conwmtional' Bed. .$34.65.i ber of standard typewiitars bUM •gairnt a sandbanin Snaks rlvqr. ' R«d M«a*s Avmia bIuSm Btort Wraeka i^Btotfoa to custofnera last year. C. Conventloiial DRESSES...... T H .0 0 VAL, TO 13.98 Virg Stephana, dry deanar, 0% 9T A B 0% e OTMKB K Divaoer ...... $49.95t Tha W oodsto^ production, solved the myatsfy* Ha aiM ba'd Montevideo, Uruguay. Aug. 5. WPB said, win be ta t goyam- A BOVTB A a AOnOM BODTB 9 —( ^ —A tremendous explosion D. Hollywood Vanity, $67JW '*• BOYS’ WASH s u it s ...... 7 9 c vAL. TO 12.98 found tha caakat la hla shop onca E. Hugo Chektrobe ...$51JiOI ment use enclualyely and stsss and occupied by a mortuary and early today wre{Jced buildinga oc­ OF MANCHESTER lyps of ma chinas wiQ bs regulatad FREE! $25 War Bond! FREE PARKING! cupied by abertwave Radio Sta­ F. “Mr. and Mr*." ODD LOT TABLE ....'...... 25c VAL. TO I4J8 dumpad it in tha river. Drenoer ...... ; . . .fSTTAft pariodlcatly to meat special nasda A7GRBMMUM *4S 0N fY S tion CXA2, arblch la operated by ADM. 75e* Ringside Resenred, $1*15* .Indndiiyr Tbzsb. Radio ConriaantaL Police Mild, (S Drawer* for “ him " and u t tha armad forcas. Production of Tha average length of allk In a *4J0UITRi$ AUaUfNN ortatla typewriters waa shut off TIeketa't Maacliasiart Merphyla Beet, W1 Mato BL, Phene 8806 they failed to Snd any cluas im- 3 for “her"). 841 .MAIN ST, MANCHESTER single silkworm cocoon la about RgVtWKHT G. Integral N l^ t - July 3U IJ26 feet. At Areas On Day af Shew From NeaaHma. P~ •SSI BMdlat^. The station to on Unit­ L DaJaty- ed States aad British blackUsts eiih - ■Pable...... $I4.»S. .-.AIN ST OPPOSITF Hl.H SODOL U i / r m l u h t lor daaltog. with Uu aaeaay. m MAIN nVEEJKM (OPPOSITE TH’S THE HIGH SCHOOl.L MANfriir.’tTKR — OPEN THURSDAT RA^njaUKAT MAJNUnhSTEK E\rENTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, 'AUGUST 5, 1942 PAGE FIVB HIANCHE5TER EVIENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. 1942 F O U i Piccolo player Fail$ lease transportation faciUtic.s State Is Ready Says Fuel OU which could be used in hauling and several specifications ofotegll- U-Boat Attacks Likely fuel oil," Mr. Campbell pointed grosB negligence.’ Bo/donaro v. fice of the District Engineer In ;...cc of n-.olor fuel a.s "simply an­ On Phy$ictd Tents gence followed. We held that the Senk, 109 Oonn. -42^ 431, 147 AU. Chicago, 111. He was transfetred out. He urged mqtortsta, regard­ Now In Full Swing - - - Lieut. Trotter other kick in the panUi for the less of what rationing cards they gravamen of the complaint was 136. The state of mind amounUng to the Coi-ps of Engineers while at Price of Gas .Vr.r ir • 1 . -i' ■■rs." ' On Placements Situation Bad liipreme Court Upsets negligence and that the trial court New York, Aug. 5—(fi^)—R8- hold, to restrict even further their to recklessness may bs Inferred the Elwood Ordnance PlanL He pointed put that since the To Remain As Menace did not err in refusing to charge from conduct. But, in order to in­ H is' parenta are Mr. and Mrs. cniiting oilicers for me wom­ driving In order to help solve tlte j the jury as to the effect of reck­ Given Advanee Ordered Cut whoiL-aalc. and retail price of gas en's Army now training at serious situation confronting per-] BENSON’S AUGUST fer it, there must be something Thomas D. Trotter of 84 Sununlt y.'as raiiicd t ,vo and-one-half cen t; Rehabilitation Program Defense Council Au­ less misconduct upon the part of more than a failure to exercise a street, Manchester. He is marrie. country than in almost any oth­ struck another car parked In the did not state with desirable ac­ walking across a four-lane well- Lt. Bushnell tions’ ships by enemy action have ready to meet the Industrial place­ Washington authorities fully ap­ PLENTY OF RADIOS IN STOCK curacy a cause of action for wan­ lighted street Intersection in vcnt6ry of 2,000^gallon)i sLanda to Gloom gave way to joy when er,” Mr. Campbell declared. "It Into Mishap on Hart* rear. With the exception of the lose t^e ;. C.ns- The commission has stated, how­ one finally showed up, but now preciate the seriousness of the would undoubtedly adversely af­ FOR THIS GREAT SELLING EVENT three cars described, there was no flcer said. ’'Ciertainly there should By Janies Marlow and war. Professor Robert B. W. Hutt all is sadneys agalp. »rd Road in 1 9 4 0 . other traffic at the intersection a t plaint intended to present such a defendant's car when about in the promotion on July 6th of Lieutent ratloned eastern motorists smiled William Pinkerton ever, that no essential military fuel oil situation In New England fect the morale of the people at Guest Again be some adjustment so we would She failed her pnysical home." _ thst time. ground of recovery should ‘employ middle of it. The car was going Woodrow T. Trotter of Manches­ today as the price of the filel v .n New York, Aug. 5 — (Wide ' have been left on piers in of Trinity College told the E x­ was expressed in a statement Is­ Philco — Zenith — Emerson — .Admiral — .Sparlon__ language explicit enough to clear­ fast. The defendant did not oee not Iiatttto nb.sorb this loss.” examination. sued today by (Jbarles L. Camp­ A Jiid|rtn«nt awarding' Michael Did 'Not Sound Horn ter, from the grade of 2nd U rut- cut cents a gallon or b.-ick to j W orld)-Com es the good n e w s -i »!>*» »>*««»* change Club at its meeting last Hub-Commltlees Motorola — Table Models — .Portables — Consoles — "The defendant did not blow his ly inform the court and opposing tne plaintiff unUl within a few ships. night. . bell of Hartford, chairman of the Mr. Campbell announced today Radio Combinations — Record Players — $16.9.3 up. Moooey, of 1»4 Cooper Hill counsel that reckless misconduct f ^ t of him. He gave no warning enant to that of 1st Lieutenant in Farewell- Party Helfl the level of June 2!) by order «i I The won! “GethBemane" la He­ almost too good—that finally we fuel committee of the Connecticut horn or give any warning signal of brew for "wine press." Professor Hutt who has made a fhat the work of the fuel commit­ t, $1J,500 datnagea againat is retted on.’ The defendant In his of hia approach. We held that the the Corps of Engineers Price Administrator Leon Hcndcr- are twisting, and may twist hard­ special study of the vocational re­ Defense (Council. his apprhach. although he saw the Last Night; To Report .son. Appointed Deputy tee has been divided among three >1 W. Wabrak, of 193 Maple plaintiff, when the latter was yet brief asserts thst the {first time plaintiff could not ■ reaaonably be Lt. Trotter Is stationed with the er. the tail of the German U-Boats habilitation problem and who has Mr. Campbell said that (he fuel sub-committees: Gasoline and Oil Radio Sale Features! for tnjuriea austalned on stout twenty feet from Hartford there was any indication of a found guilty of reckleos miacon- ConstrucUon Division of the Corps For Duty Friday. Money, they have found, doesn't I started a six weeks’ course in ma­ committee has been working ac­ FREE j ^T o rtHm distrsn of MONniV^ which have been nipping and Falls Cause sub-committee headed by Seth W. Irch 16, 1940 when Mooney was Road, walking fast towards it. At claim of reckless misconduct was djct. See alM Anderson v. Oolucci, of Engineers now constructing the mean a th'ng in m.my part.s of the chine shop work to better under­ First Sea L ord tively on the fuel oil problem “but Sparlon Radio Combination— rationed area becaure most sta- ■ scrambling us i)i tlje Atlantic and I^rley of Middletown; Bitumi- Six 2-Hit truck on Hartford road at Falr- that time the defendant was con­ when the trial court charged the 116 Conn. 67. 163 AU. 610; Van- Fifty friends of Lieut'. F . Forbes Caribbean. stand the work that he is doing, the control of the situation lies rrous Coal, headed by Carl W. 7 Tubes — .Automatic Record •treet by an automobile oper- ■jury, but nothing in the record derkrulk v. Mitcbeil, 118 Cbnn tions ire virtualll^ dry. told the club members that the In Washington." He added that Record Recordings siderably more than three hundred Bushnell tendered him a farewell Female Weakness But don’t crow. If victory over Most Deaths Blanchard of New’ 'Haven; and An­ Changer ...... Only ,«99..i0 by Wabrek was aet aside by feet away from Fairfield Street suhstanUates that claim. We must 625. 173 AU. 900; Decker v. Rob­ AND HELP BUILD UP RED BLOOD! the enemy submarines were sim­ Connecticut plan of rehabilitation London, Aug. 5-—j/Pf --Admiral Qie. committee recognizes that the thracite Coal, headed by E. H. Philco • With Any Supreme Court of Errors in a and had a clear ahd unobstructed approach the case as one which erts, 125 Conn. 150, 3 AtL (2d) dinner party last night at the Vlll.v Seen Kick in Punln ple we would not be talking so has received considerable and Sir Charles Kennedy-PurvLs has problem Is a complicated one and Heminway of Hartford. rendered today by JusUcc view of the plaintiff and of the was tried on the allegaUons of the 855. The pLalntifrs claims of proof Louisa on the eve of his departure Lydia E. Plnkliam’s TABLETS seriously of giant cargo planes wide-spread publicity. There is is due to lack of tramsportatlon Radio Combination. , .S109.9.'5 Radio Combination for' army service. Town ‘neasur- (with added Iron) have helped Home Accidents I..ead in been appolntej^^cputy first sea He added that the fuel commit­ ___ _ U Avery. Error is two car.s moving easterly on complaint without objection mads were insufficient to justify sub­ For Gmoline Dealerif thouiandr of-girls to relieve func­ ‘ and even huge cargo-carrying sub­ need for new labor now. he said. facilities rather than to any scar­ Admiral by tne defendant to the submission mitting to the jury the issue of er George H. Waddell was toast- He spoke in part as follows: lord .and ossdined his new duties city of oil. He pointed out that tee now hme a full time, executive Hind til the Superidr Court judg- Hartfori^ Road and slowing down New Haven, Aug. .’>.—i/lb Wil­ tional monthly pain and weak marines to elude the U-Boats. Fatalities; Prevention on July 2 ^ f t e r having relinquish­ Radio Combination . .$119.95 •Ml Records On Sale! lent rendered by Judge Alfred C. of that issue to the jury until af­ reckless misconduct as a basis for nastnr and in behalf of those a t­ "The war has oau.sed a labor there was no Intention on the part secretary, F. J. Moran, with head­ as they approached the Fairfield liam Shlahk of "his ci'.y, nn execu­ feelings. Plnkham's Tablets AI.80 May Take Harsh Turns. ed comhiand of a foreign station, Wirele.ss __ and a new'trlal is ordered. Street Intersection. When the ter the verdict was rendered. Al- removing contributory negUgencs tending presented Ueut. Bushnell tive director of the State Retail help build up red b|ood and thus It's a tough job and a long road shortage and maintenance of i n ­ of the committee to criticize quarters at the State Armory in Reg. 37c Hit Records, Now Is Vital. A. V. ^exander, first lord of the Hartford with the State Defense . .y... .%\ The dedalon tads that the epurt plaintiff had reached, a point In U.ough the complaint should have irom their oonsideration. with a late model officer’s wrist Gasoline .Dealers’ .A.c.socialion. to­ aid In promoting more strength. that may take some harsh turns creased production demands that Washington authorities who are Record Players 6.95 4 for $1.00 watch. Made erpreiallu forjoomen. Fol- Admiralty, announced in the House Council. Mr. Campbell said Ihpt in not allowing contributory Hartford Road, eight or nine feet conformed to our admoniUon In "There is error And a new trial day de.-icribed the two and.one-l'.alf low label dlrccti . Worth truing! before we can offset the deadly Hartford, Aug. 5—The preven­ new labor sources be utilized. coping with the problem. Philco Latest Con.sole Radio— Plus Tax. Those who spoke at the dinner Thus it is that industry has ad of Commons today. surveys are being made and infor­ •■ttcence as a defense. from the northerly curb, the de­ the Brock case, we cannot hold is ordered. cents per gallon drop In the retail work of the German undersea Alexander said the post was Not Tet Sufficient ( It’s a Beaut I) $69.95 Big Award fendant swerved and, when he saw that its allegaUons were insuffi­ ' "In this opinion the other Judges were Dr. D.C.Y. Moore, who has craft that have been well-trained tion of accidents is ^extremiely im­ mltted women where women wrrt*e Mr. Campbell said that there mation gathered under the direc­ Reg. $2..i0 Attorney Harold W. Garrity been an associate of the party for the task they’re doing. portant in these days when avail­ never employed before. Thepe are created to. handle administrative tion of Mr. Moran who is also an­ Emerson Table Radio. .$16.95 that he would not avoid bitting cient to justify the trial court In concurred.” _ duties of the first sea lord in order has been a substantial increase in On Sale At $1.98 preoented Mooney and Wabrek the plaintiff, applied his brakes. submitting the lasue to the jury. gueat for several years In local ,.-5»And as our fight against the U- able medical and hospital services other sources of labor supnly which the moving of tank cars Into New swering all requests for informa­ health and sanitation work, former in normal times are Ig ii^ d —the that the latter mighi "devote the tion regarding the program. represented by Harrison D. These, were not applied until the Ziman v. Whitley, 110 Oonn. 108, "Boats increases—as our victories are taxed to their utmost William England but the additional faclll-' Popular Records — Cla.ssical Records — Parly Records. Id, of Hiartford. At the time chairman of the Board of Select­ over them in Atlantic waters older men and th e^ o p le with maximum time to planning opera­ car had reached the easterly curb 110, 147 AU. 370. tional duties." ties are not yet sufficient to make Superior court judgment was men, Aaron Cook, Jack Gordon, grow — our problems elsewhere C. Welling. Director, Bureau of/ physical defecta.^Tn general. It up for the decrease in water line of Fairfield Street about PlainUfra Claims Coal Is Given Vital Statistics, pointed out today. ■ the aw ari of gl 2.500 thirty to Uiirly-fiv/ feet from the Andrew Ansaldi, Jam es Moynihan, may double as the global war de­ tiust be acknoi^dged . that the transportation. was said to be one of the 'Briefly to summarize the plaln- Dr. Richard Olmstead and J . Stan­ velops in Intensity and violence. . In Connecticut, 1188 persona older men aniLthe crippled people Apache Indian jiiaintlff. His brakes were con­ Uff's claims of proof as to the con­ '/I died from accidental causes In “A program has been developed ever given in an automo- stantly applied thereafter until the ley McjRae of RockWIle. At the Panama Canal Admiral are nqt sq.^ efllcient as the .young Oil Industries which is now being considered in aeddent case. duct of the defendant, they are^ Honored Place A chicken and spaghetti dinner m ' L ^ Clifford Evans Van Hook told 1941 despite the fact that practi­ and the whole but there are jobs War Ov Heard car atopp^ about eighty feet When the defendant, was more cally every accident is preventable, Washington,” Mr. Campbell said, complete tadlng in the west of the point where the plain­ was served by John Albasl, mana­ newsmen that U-Boats \Vere being which, do' not demand, high efllcien- "for a further increase in tank Benson'S than three hundred feet from the Mr. Welling reported. Of this ___ ly V. Wabrek case follows: ger of the Villa Louisa. beaten In the Caribbean, largely cy and' in these jobs the handi- Exceed Quotas cars for New England and the y - y F U R n i T U R E OHD ROPIO V--? tiff was struck. At the time the in^rscction he saw the plaintiff by convoys. total. 416 were due to automobile Whileriver, Ariz.. Aug. 5.-- — “Midiael F. Mooney v. Michael plaint'ff reached the center . of Supply of Rorkville Es­ Lt. Bushnell will report at lat pApped may function satisfactor­ fuel dealers have stated that, if approaching it aome twenty feet And Reuters. British news uccident.s; on the basis of incom;^ ily. ' The Apache Indian war cry, iin- i ^ ^ Tli-TIl M Wabrek. Hartford Road there was approxi­ Corps Area Headquarters. Boeton. Moscow. Aug. 5 - (/^ The oil that transportation program’ can “Hartford County; June Term, away from Hartford Road. He had tate Listefl with Ohjets Friday morning for duty asolgn- agency, quotes Lieuten.mt-Colonel plete tabulation.^ about 50 to "The Department of Education heerd^for so many years that only . mately seventeen, f ^ t of room for industries of the Urals, the^Volga be carried out, they will be able old-time brave.- could remember it. \ .r thereafter a clAr and unobstruct­ ment. Murawski, one of the Nazis’ chief per cent of these resulted In deaths of the State of Connecticut has a tne defendant to pkss along the ed view of the mtcrsecUon, but is d'Art. military commentators, in the fol­ to pedestrians. Deaths from acci­ and middle Asia are being develop­ to meet the es.sentlal requirement.s echoed over the tribal reservation “Action to recover damages for northerly side of Hartford Road lA. Woodrow T. Trotter rehabilitation division and through of the people so that homes can not found whether he saw the lowing b ^ d c a s t to the German dents in the home m^de up, the it attempts to place the physically ed constantly and exceeded their again as 14 young Indians left to 1 injuries, alleged tp have 'Without striking the plaintiff. We quotas in July, but the baku fields be heated. This does not mean cauaed by the recklessness plaintiff again until he was thirty New York, Aug. 5.— —Brazen Gary Armor Plate Plant In Gary. Repairs Wrong House people: next largest group. ‘X handicapped in suitable jobs. The join the white men’s Army. cannot hold that the plaintiff was o r . thirty-five feet from him. At Indiana. Lt. Trotter Is at preaent "W ,cannot assume that the suc­ It has been estlpiited on a pro­ in ’Trans-Caucasia nre still first that people will not be asked to Old men led fhe blood-chilling Bagtigehce of the defendant, guilty of contributory negllgehce In its new-found glory, coal has man is measured and where there economize in the use of fuel nil HALE'S SELF SERVE that point he applied bis brakes muscled It's way up from the cellar Executive Assistant to the Area ' Arkansas City. —tP)—Realtor R. cesses of oiir U-boats In the Atlan­ visional b.asis for the entire coun­ is found a hole corresponding to In the i>ation. Pravda reported to­ tribal chant of decades ago as [ht to the Superior Court in as a matter of law. YOiil CIIOICi OF AN day. ‘ but they will get sufficient for ford County and tried to the and swerved sllghUy to the left. and Into the art collectors’ blue Engineer, and Property Transpor­ D. Anderson visited’ one of his tic and particularly in American try that the total accident death these measurements, there the dancers circled a ceremonial fringe The Original In New England! Charge To Jury Uiitil the brakes were applied he book. . , tation. and Communication Officer. vacant houses and found it had a waters wHl go-on indefinitely. Not toll last year was 102.500. of which man is placed. This measuring is •The oil refining Industry has necessary purposes." of flame. Then the 14 young braves before Baldwin, Judge; ver- substantially increased its. output •'A further reduction in the con- j and judgment for the plain., •The trial court charged > the continuted at a speed of at least Coal—the stuff you burn In the Prior to his present assif;nment he new roof. Also new wallpaper and only have we to expect a marked 40,000 were due to motor vehicle done by physicians and pscholo- were snnolrted with .sacred meal of aviation gasoline, it was said. sumption of gasoline would re-1 to protect them in battle. and appeal by the defendant, Jury that reckleaaneas meant the forty miles an hour. He gave no furnace- appears alongside dain­ was stationed, during con.stnictfon, lustrous new paint. New plumbing, DIAMOND I increase In American anti-subma­ accidents. Home accidents account­ gi.sts. etc., and then both their find­ AND HEALTH MARKET and new trial ordered. operation of a motor c*r without algiuU of his approach to the in­ ty antique furniture, and objeta at the Elwood Ordnance Plant in too. He investigated and found a BETROTHAL IIN6 rine defends but the progress of ed / for approximately 3I,!>00 ings and the man himself is "Harrison D. Schofield, with regai:d to the safety of others, tersection. There were sevente:en d’art in the .sale catalogvie of a Con­ Joliet, Illinois. man who said he’d bought it at a the war may well necessitate the deaths, brought into a clinic and presented lom was John W. Joy, for the without regard for their life or feet between the plaintiff's posi­ necticut estate. Lt. T rotU .' received hia com­ tax sale. He hadn’t. He’d bought transfer of at least part of ouF'' .Lmong Those Over 65 to prospective employers. Most ipellant (defendant). limb; that it w-as a high degree of tion when he was struck and the Ordinarily, the Parke-Bernet mission as a reserve officer from a house at a similar—but different _ U-boats to other theaters of witr. The greatest number of home handicapped persons so presented THURSDAY SPECIALS 'Robert P. Butler, with whom misconduct in the operation of a northerly street curb, and the de­ gaUefies never woulcl have conde­ Boston University in June 1941, address. .May Be Propaganda Tr)rk accidental deaths result from falls,' find jolis. That is. the employers, MacDonald’s' ire Paul Oolpe and Harold W. motor vehicle, and if reckleaaneaa fendant might' have turned to hia scended even to recognize the ex­ and was called to active duty with Murawski may have been trying Mr. Welling said. About 85 per hearing of the applicant s qualifi­ Z.'K Green Stamps (Jiven With Ca.sh Sales! ty, for the appellee (piatn- ivas present then negligence on the right and so avoided the accident.' istence of "110 tons of pea coal and the Quartermaster Corps the same Inhabitant's of the southern a little propaganda tfUlt in that cent of deaths due to falls at home cations. think of some hole into SEMI-ANIWAL SALE OF part of ths plaintiff contributing It was raining. The neighborhood 35 cords of wood". pipnth, to Fort Adams, Newport. hemisphere can tell time by the broadcast, to kid us/lnto relaxing occur among persona 65 years of which the individual might fit and age and over. He pointed oiit that “Avery, Judge: The plaintiff, a to his Injury would not be k de­ la fairly thickly settled and, os the But, with the shortage of oil and R. I. He has received a certificate Southern Cross. ■ just a little opr nrt>unting efforts accept him for trial on the job, fense to recklessness on the part the rush fpr coal, there’s the item against the t|-bdats, or he may many such • falls may be avoided Hvmpathetir Chord PREM ~c Ian, while crosalu o hig1i. defendant knew, at the hour of the of completion from a three months, DrIU-iou- fiir Samtwlrheir^. oi the defendant. The defendant accident there is a large amount in the catalogue—"110 tons of pea course at the Quartermaster Uorps •have been t»^ng the truth. by m**<>hg nigs fast to the floor 'This Connecticut plan of voca­ ay in the town of Manchester and by arranging furniture so that struck by an automobile op- does not claim that the trial court of vehicular traffic on Hartford coal and 35 eorda of wood':—along School in Philadelphia, after But so fsl these are the facts: tional rehabilitatiom’ haa received RE-UPHOLSTERING Swlft’a ' erred In the substance of Its In- Road, but there was ns evidence with furniture, oil paintings, water width, he WRB assigned to the Of* USED TIRES a n d TUBES \Vhei>''the war started our de­ it will hot be' tripped over. Steps conaiderable and wide-spread pub­ ated by the defendant. He should be kept cleared of articles ght this actiou to recover etnictiona on recklcsa driving, but that any large amount of ■ jiedes- colors, prints, silver, textiles, rugs, An Sizw fenses against U-boats in our licity. There is news value in 11, claims that reckleasness was not trian traffic was to be expected. decorative objecta, finely-bound cogstal waters were handicapped which might cause tripring. Stair­ becauae to moat people it is not Jewel Shortening 1-Lb. C snyigaa for the injuries which he ways should be provided with hand 3 Reasons Why You Should ^ \\T f ' limed to have smCfered. After a alleged In the complaint and that Rscklssaness is a. state of con- books and other items of the estate by the fact we had to scatter our only new but it strikes a s>’mpa- no basis for a claim of reckieaa- sdousnesB with reference to the of Miss J. Alice Maxwell of Rock­ VICTORY TIRE CO. Navy over all seas and oceans. rails. thetlc chord. Actually scientific Sun-weft to the jury a verdict was In motor vehicle accidents, RE-UPHOLSTER \J VV . nesa had been established in the consequences of one's acts. Com­ ville, Conn. S48 No. Mabi St. Phone t-8448 ' 7 QjAMONOl SOUTAI8I 3- DIAMONDS The German submarines had placement and employee hiring la Btumed in'favor of. the plaintiff. long been prepared for just such pedestrians are at fault, according not new. What is new is that peo­ ~lie defendant moved to aet it evidence. The complaint alleged monwealth V. Pierce,' 138 Mass. "Cest la guerre”, oaid Otto Ber- TAXI? This Is the slack season. Work ran be done, and pirk-i'ip that the injuries to the plaintiff lU , 175. It 'requires a consetous net, vice piesident of the galleries. a nlissfon a.s they carried out. to Mr. Welling. One great cause is ple are beginning to wake up and snd delivery made promptly. Prune Juice ilde and appealed from the dental CALL srtmetimes^ within sight of our crossing between intersecting notice. For 20 years it has been 'wt that motion, but upon this ap­ were cauaed by the 'recklessness, cholcs of a course of action either Anyway, he added. ‘Tliera’s a good Present stork of fabrtrs and materials Is rnmplete. deal of local Interest In the coal". ’ 125#^ 7 5 ^ *4 9 ^ shores hunting In packs and 'dev­ streets or in the middle of a block. known that the paychologlst is in Premlfr Pure peal only claims that the plaintiff carelessness, and negligence’ of the with knowledge of the sertoua dan­ X • \ AUCB COFRAN Thrrr Is ronsidrrsble nnrertalnty'as to future supplies of defendant, with a spedfleation of ger to diacloae thla danger to any 65RR Three authenlically styled diamond engagement astating our Atlantic snd Gulf Many pedestrian deaths may be a position to be of service to indus­ guilty of contributory negli- * v*| (Known .As Qoeen Altos) shipping .and our supplies from eliminated by croasing streets at try and here and there has demon­ fabrtrs. * 0 0 0 *1 as m atter of law. He also tl.e several respects In which this leaaonabls man,’ and tba actor Priawptl SPIRITUAL MBUiUM rings, cVeated in 14K natural gold, eoch dislinc-' Grape Juice was claimed to be'so, and that ha 'must rsoognlxe that hia conduct South America, the cross walks provided. strated that use of him cuts down ealsd from the judgment, al ■ato! Ssveatli Dsngliter of s Bsvoath Boa lively designed, each representing great vatue^ Since the war’s start it is nn- The medical, nursing or hospi­ costly labor turnover, accident, and Dg various errors in the operated his car in a rscUen Involvas a M k substantially great­ r e g i s t e r n o w ffanrical Bom With s VelL SAI.E PRICES FOR 3-PlECE SETS careless, and negligent manner for your diamond dolAirs. Whichever you choose, nounced 410. Allied nations’ ships tal care needed for an accidental spoilage. Some great industries in Special! f e. As stated in his brief, now. er . . . th ta that which U neces- For Piano Instroction Bsadlags Dally, ts elodlag Runday, injury’ that ahould have- been pre­ this state have adopted these up- having regard to the width, travel aary to make hia conduct negU have gone down in American wa­ ver. the quastlons to be reviewed 9 A. M. to B P. M. Or By Appolni- you con feel assured of complete salisfaction. ters. TTie U-boat toll became so se­ vented. may mean the difference to-date , methods, conspicuously, $38... Homespun W heaties Pkg. l i e whether the court erred in and use of the highway and th^ fent." Reotatenient, 2 Torts. | 500, MIm Gertrude Herrmann MAiMCHESTER TAXI msnL la the Rervtoo nf the Peo­ between prompt and' delayed treat­ the Aetna Insurance Companies NOW $32.00 righU of others' in ths highway, eomment^g; Rogers v, Doody, 119 vere that oil shipments to the east. Imrging the juiy that if they 612 Center St. Tel. €988 •I. OrflteM, Mgr. ple for 38 Tears. 95 per cent of which had moved by ment for aome critical and un­ and the Scoville Manufacturing H alf’* .Morning Luvur}' V ■ '.-Aund the defendant had been driv- and particularly, without regard Conn. 532, 535, 178 AU. 5i: It U 88 Parnell Place 188 Cbarch ttlrest. Hartforti, Cons. avoidable case. Mr: Welling said. Company, but other companies still $69... Denim NOW $57.50 to the position of the Plaintiff ocean tankers, were critically cut Sig recklauly contributory negU- ‘more than negligence, more than Phone 8-aenT until gasoline rationing was Now ia raore important than cling to the old and sensele.ss meth­ Coffee Lb. 27c ij^nce would not be a defense; who was then and there a pedes­ forced on the Atlantic seaboard ever for war workers ahd civilians od of the interview and hit-and- $86... Damask NOW $71.00 '.grbether the plaintiff was guilty of trian on said highway,’ with some states. to guard against injury. miss placement. J f r g r n ’* BegUgence as a matter of Uw; additional allegatlona of negli­ "The day is at hand in wliich TERMS ARRANGED gence.' Brilliant Vlrtorles Scored Special! and, whether danuurea were ex- On the other hand: This country margins of profit must be small $99...Tapestrie§ NOW $79.00 WE CARRY OUR "In Puxa V. Hamway, 123 Oonn. Bars ^MMve. has scored brilliant victories over Ciibiiii Cabinet and competition must be largely OTHER E.ABRIC8 REDI'CED PROPOR’nONATELY. OWN ACCOUNTS Toilet Soap Scene Of Accident 205, 211, 193 AU. 778, where the U-boats whefi we convoyed in terms of intelligent employment "Taking the view of the evidence complaint alleged that a collision shipping, especially in moving an of labor. The firm employing the . Woat favorable to the pialnUff, the w;ss caused solely by the ‘negli­ JEWElER'S American Expeditionary Force To Iiicliific Foes wife’s brother or some politically gence’ of the defendant while driv­ The Office Of Petroleum HERE’S WHAT MacDONALD DOES: Bring Your Canning Sugar ^ ry might reasonably have found across the Atlantic without loss. powerful friend as Personnel Man­ fhese facts: Hartford Road is> one ing his automobile In a careless, CJonvoys snd Increased use of Havana. Aug. 5.—iKh Premier ager will go to the wall while the 1. strip furniture to framr. 4. Reflnish woodwoijk. the main roads leading out of reckless and negligent manner. smaller patrol and war boats sent Carloa Saladrigaa announced late firm employing a Personnel expert 2. Rrbulld with newt springs and ndd filling. 5. lighten frames. Coupons To Hale's Vanchester, running in im easter­ out as hunters will further reduce last night the resignation of his will prosper. 3. Re-rover set. 6. Install sag-proof eonstruction. 3 . ' ' * .... - ‘ ly and westerly dlrectloff and In- Coordination For War In the U-boat menace against coast- cabinet to enable organization by "Wth the return of wounded 7. Make free delivery In Connertieut. i ■ tersected from the north, but not wi.se shipping. Preaident Fulgencio Batlkta of a men from the battlefields, the Fresh Tomatoes for'Slicing drossed, by Falrfie'd Street. At But even as that is accomplish­ “war cabinet’’ to include represen­ placement prcblem will be tremen- ALL WORK GUARANTEED! the point of intersection Hartford ANNOUNCJIMENT ed our task may widen and grow tatives of opposition political ps-- lous but the state of Connecticut Or Cooking Itoad is thirty-live feet in width OPENING more difficult for. If U-boats sire ties. will be ready. ■ It has set up an STORE HOURS SALESMEN’S CALLING HOURS from curb to curb and straight for vithdrawn from attacks on coastal Negotiations have been carried efficient rehabilitation sen’lce". 9 A. M. to 5 ;3 0 P. M. 9 A. M. to 9 P . M. more than three hundred and fifty THURSDAY MORNING Washington Advises Us Today:-— shipping, they will be centered on for some days between the ■ io the east, affording an un­ Joe's Rurher ^hop elsewhere for attacks on our ves­ government and opposition par­ If salesman dors not. krep sfppointmrnt promptly, please be patient. Because of gaso­ No. 1 Quality Tomatoes obstructed riew for that' distance. sels ranging far in this world-wide ties to draft a program which Hildebraiicl Place line and tire shortage, rails must hr planned. lAppoIntmenls will be kept as close to Between 6:30 and 7 o'clock in the 1099 MAIN STREET You have heard and read that we face a possible fuel and heating oil shortage in the i war. would enable the president 'to schedule as possible. morning traffic on Hartford Road, MAGNELL BUILDING The United States may have to form a coalition government. 6 lbs. 25c; 16-qt. bskt. 65c in both directions, was usually East. This is not striirtly true. We do not face a shortage, the shortage is HERE. ^ face a huge, new supply problem It was announced the president Has New Owners busy at th? interacction, the neigh­ if the Germans can beat the Rus­ would send a message to Congress Fre»h Picked borhood being fairly thickly set­ JOSEPH BARTO Fuel and heeting oils in storage in the East are only about half of what they were sians back from their oil fields and shortly suggesting several modifi­ Mr. and- Mrs. Elmer D. Strick­ tled with residences and stores. Proprietor other Important supply sources. cations in the compulsory military MacDonald Upholstery Co. The defendantr was familiar with I'ormerly of -' at this time a year ago. And, although summer is the period during which inventories land have sold, their home. 418 Dor. .Would Need More ■ Supplies service law which had been asked Porter street, known as the Hilde­ Corn The Best this condition. Shortly before 7 ( apt till Barhi-r Shop. are normally built up for winter, we haven^t been able to build them up this year. In addition to this possible de­ by opposition parties. 983 .M.MN STREET Americgh Industrial Building PHONE 2-1127 o'clock, the plaintiff was walking brand homestead, and with their Fre*h mand, there would be the increased daughter. Doris May. will vacate We ,\re .Members of the "B etter Upholstery Association of New England" * te a southerly direction along the Upon you, therefore, rests the unpleasant duty of warning your customers that, if need for greatly expanded Supplies Red Generals Promoted Wast side of Fairfield Street to­ the house by September 1. Mrs. to our own and British troops In a Strickland, the former Mias Effie Lim a Beans 3 Lbs. 25c wards Hartford Road. He was a they want to be assured of warm homes next winter, they will convert their oil burners to direct run across the Atlantic if a Moscow, Aug. 5.—(/P)—The So­ tall man and took a Stride of Three Hildebrand, was born there. Iju -g n is second front were opened up by viet Council of People’s .Commis­ The new owners are Mr. gnd feet and walking at a 'brisk the use of coal or whatever other fuel available, after first ascertaining that the substi­ the Allies in western Europe. sars announced today the promo­ walk but at'ifio time running. It Mrs. Howard Eddison of 97 Hamlin tute fuel can be delivered and that grates and "Other necessary equipment can be obtained. These are developments that tion of Ivan Volkotrubenko and street. Mr. Eddison is with the Cantaloupes Each 1 5c WM raining at the time. When the could occur long before the great Boris Sberemetov to the rank at G. E. Keith Furniture Company.' plaintiff* was aboOt..^ fifteen feet CASH cargo planes, propoeed by west- TO BE CERTAIN OF AN ADEQUATE COAL SUPPLY, THEY MUST FILL THEIR lieutenant general and the promo­ The sale was made by Stuart from ths north curb b f , Hartford coast shipbuilder Henry J. Kaiser, tion of 33 Red Vrmy commanders Wasley for the John R. Allen Road he looked to the right and 19 BINS NOW. ' could be turned out In mass pro- to the rank of major general. ageircy. Buy Your Canning Tomatoes saw the car of a-friend stowing LOANS There’s No Priority On Saving down and coming to a stop on the Wfcea • Hpm H ssrssiory, Now! ______' 5®'^*** ***** Hartford Road ahd hMded in an easterly direction yo¥ win get coasMetwto The plaintiff waived to the friend ••rvire o f - intending to enter that caF and Defease Workers, Busl- Have You Put In Your Winter’s Thp one matter that .governs the HEALTH MARKET proce^ to the factory in Manebes- neas Girts. Executives and F.T.BLISII ■ XA ter ^ e r e both the plaintiff and other employed persona amount you save is your determination In spjle of extremely adver.se conditions, brave .\1- hia friend . were employed. The who n e^ cata to. pay off 4antic fishermen are still supplying the m-irkel with plaintiff. cwiUnuoilaly in motion at ilebts. for medical-or den­ ■ to save. If it be weak the amount saved a good brisk walk, looked to his tal services or for sonie Supply Of Coal Or Coke? FreiHi Caught .Sea Fisid — For Economy, For Health, iW when qbout ten feet from the similar worthy purpose.' 1 will be small but if you are really deter­ For Defen.se! i tiorth curb of Hartford Road and are Invited to see Persoasl the defendant's car over three for s ckah loan of 810 to Now is the time— this is the place. We deem it a pleasure to send our fuel represen- mined to set aside a reasonable portion WE HAVE RECEIVED: himdred feet away and approach­ 3300. tative, Winston S. C Turkington to check your heating equipment to determine the correct ing. tiwvehng in a westerly dtrec- WHO CAN GET A of your wages each week you are build­ Haddock, Whole or Fillet. t'on along Hartford ' Road. Its LO.AN? size and also be glad to g^ve firing injunctions during^e heating season. l^eed was at least forty miles an Perenaal makes loans to ing an unequalled finanrial barkgrouiid Cod to Boil or* Pan Fry. .hour. Aa the plaintiff rcacht.d the credit-worthy , men sod Now is the time to prepare for the future. Face the future unafraid. Call us w b . be looked to hia right the women, single or married. for yourself that will be really worth­ •scond umc and took a 16ng step Theae loans srs made on now for prompt attention. Phone 5145. Evenings 7731. Boston Blue to Bake or Broil- m er the gutter in order to clear just your slgastars sloas. while. water it.anding there, “and con­ Even tlunigh yxm’rs mm- Flounder, White and Tasty. tinued at a brisk walk to the cen- pioyi-d on s new job, or Make These Improvements In Tonr Home To Al t«^ o f the road. He then heard a have newly moved Into SIAH Mackerel, Firm and Delicious. s ^ i n g looked up aid *aw the community, you can 8 Save .consistently. Buy ,^'ar Bonds defendant s car^ bearing down apply for a loan here. Keep CoM Quit And Heat In:—Install Insolation^ SliJ***** t Halibut, Steaks Are Almost Bone­ Jpon him about thirty to thlrty- 127.50 A KF..\.SIBLR SOLUTION Uncle &im Urges Conservation of the Things You and Stamps regularly. ‘ the center A Loan ' of 3100' costa IHOUO* « the Hartford Road and bearing less. 320.00 when promptly re­ 1 Storm Doors, Windows, Etc. I ^ U e left. The plalnUff t ^ paid In 12 monthly eoosec- Now Have. One of the Most Important Is Your around and was struck by iitlve ins tollmen to. If a Salmon, In Piece or Sliced. g * . fender with great loss is the beet solution $ ^ 2 2 tk****i hurled ■ to your problem, cooae in House. jWRBOnS Smelts, Firm, Good Size. g " y „ t h e air to a grass plot 6u or phone us today. The Savings Bank ijmvtbweet corper of the inter- Butterfish, Always Popular. Tbe left side of the de- (Tiof Hi« elements are wsginir z constant war against the sarfaces of 11. .Snn, wind ^ car passed about three MANCHESTER LUMBER & and rain take their daily toll. The only way to check this is to keep your house Scallops, Firm ond White. riNANCS CO'. . i b w m -w weH painted. Buy paint now for present or future use and do your part in con- of Manchester Clams Include Quohogs, Steam­ CATERING of FUEIlCOMPANY •toto Theater 1______serving your property. > sam A Mutual Savings Bank Vom ALL OOCABIONS Safi near PhsM 8488 s n a A t" ers, Cherry. Stones. Fresh From ■ OUB BUaiNESS D. B. Brewo, EVERETT T. McKINNEY, Manager CENTER STREET Rhode Island. XFAfiLN I JkSONS PHONE 5 1 4 5 1 7 M •/ - Ope, Tharsdar . Salnrdar Nlglkts *TB Dai X.

SIX tnArfCnE3TER EVEMNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAT, AUGUST 5, 194z ' >- , . . tIANCHBSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1942 RAGE SEVEJf terday, Cfliarlea A. Lindbergh, flier Bombers Hit and former member of the Execu­ Police to Get tive -Board of the America First Much Activity (although It does not necessarily housing acc6'mmcdr.tionB. Such substantially lower than that of love or hatred by all that l i 'kor leverse Court Finding Committee. iol(ow that permission to Increase claims, of course, are carefully in­ comparable housing, accomoda­ fore them.— Eocteeiastca 9:1. M ^pchester ,i". W ar Base Increases tions at that time. A Thought Jap Vessels Ration Cases No other defense wltneaiee were Independence Now will be giw ted, since each vestigated mniF the mere fact that CHlUafl befeose Phone 3-0UI7 — Red Croaa Phone 6«S1 present and Pelley's attorneys of­ In Precinct 4 Man proposes, dls- cas^ must be considered separate­ the accomodation was rented to a poses.—Ariosto. O n Buying N. Y. Milk fered to rest their case. Jpdge On Rent Rules ly) aie.: relative is not sufficient cause to The duel between Alexander The righteous, and the wise, On Yangtze Mrs. Lena Barstow hsa called a < day to cooperate with the War De­ Reports of Lost or Stol­ Robert C. Baltzell, ordered a re­ "A substantial change in the permit an Increase In the rent. Hamilton and Aaron Burr occur­ and their works, are In the bands meeting of all Firs; Alders In partment's request that the Man­ cess until tcAday, however, telling First Aiders Report Demand of Indians housing accommodations by a The rent really must have been red on July 11, 1804. ef God: no man know-eth either Read Herald Advs, comrolstioner, the attorney gen­ Precinct 1 at the Lincoln school. chester, Chapter. American Red en Books to Be In­ them, "if your witnesses are not major capital improvement. This preme Court Decides eral, the comptroller and the treas­ (Continued from Page Monday, Augu.st 10 at 7:30 p. m. Cross furnish 4Ci0 kits to the sol­ here then we will just have to go Good Progress in Prep­ Area Director Has No rural diatricta with rlofia, murdera does not Include .operations usual­ ^IMry Commissioner urer of. Connecticut. Mrs. Barstow is the Chief First diers being detsiled on foreign vestigated, Is Decision. ahead.” aration for Air Raid. One of Most Dramatic Leeway in Granting ly considered a ]^ t of ordinary Hirsch bequeathed large sura.s to ments were intended ,to support A iA r of the precinct. 1 service. Five more donations were Lindbergh told thV Jury that he and bombinga. Japanese troops uptfer attack by Hiouaanda were thrown into Jail, repair, replacement and mainte­ ; Erred in Action; Suit several New York charitable and received this morning, making the believed most Americana were op­ Political Duels of Mod­ Changes in Fees. nance. For instance, the addition 'Chinese forces ./'between Yukan By a new rule issued this morn­ According to a report received including > Gandhln Nehru, Mia- educational corporations, and the Girls In the. junior and senior total amount realized here to date posed to getting Into war—"that of a room would be a major capi­ and Yukiang, koutheast of Poyang *16. ing at the local rationing board em Times Heading To­ treaa Sarojinl, the Naldu Indian By Bryant & Chapman residuary estate — approximately claisses of secondary schools, Is, before we were attacked." He from A. H. Sutllffe of 316 Center Hartford, Aug. 5—Persons seek­ tal improvement. Painting, paper Jl,600,000—was willed for the u.se lake. It takes one dollar to fill one of any person who reports bis ration­ poetess and social worker, and vir­ 'The.^hinrae remained active selected for their maturity and re­ ing book stolen or lost must go to was asked If he had attempted to street. Chief Flret Alder o f Pre­ hanging and decorating; replace­ of poor and deserving pupils of the the kits with the articlea which determine whether opinion had ward Showdown. tually the whole topflight of Con­ ing to increase rent on properties X Hartford, Au*. 8.—i/P) —The on the river, where, they disrupted liability, who are members of the the police department .for an In­ cinct 4, much progress is being gress leaders. 'The Moslems ment of a roof or other portibns ethical culture school in New York have been prescribed by the VVar changed since. He replied; "No, should realize that the Area Rent of a house which may normally be kt* Suprom* Court held today pjiemy tomniunications," a com­ American Junior Red Cross, upon vestigation. 'Hiere will be no book made in that section of towA. stuck by the Britsh and would not City, founded by the merchant's munique reported. fulfilling the following require­ Department, and It is hoped that air. I have devoted my time and B.v Pr*«ton Grover Director can grant increases only expected to wear out are not con­ when Jamea B. LioweH, Dairy more persons will send in their liisued for 10 days. It is expected Join the movement; they’ve prom­ close friend, the late Felix Adler. ' ments. may become enrolled for that this rule will cut by at least energy to doing what I can to help Only four first alders In the pre­ New, Delhi, ' Aiiff. 5.— (Wide upon the grounds set forth in the sidered major capital Improve- Food Commlasioner, Inapect- contributions In the near future'so the war effort.” ised the same policy now. nad riantiffs' tialm service in the Canteen Corps, Vol­ 50 per cent the present reports. All cinct are not able to report for W orld)—One of the most dramatic rent regulations; G. Ray Smith, menSs. In general, the major capi­ an out’ of atate dairy. Intent oh Japanese Halted unteer Spdclal Services, American that the requested number of kits Main Aim Foiled Area rent directoi'' for the Hart­ tal improvement must have been The tax was paid In 1^28 and may be completed. that was necessary In the past to duty during an air raid. pplltical duels o t modern times is dpplng milk into OonhecUcut, the plaintiffs contended they were Red Cross. secure a new book was to sign s Nevertheless, the main aim of ford-New Britain Defense Rental made since April L 1941, the max­ In Kokoda Area The kits will be made at the Among those who have volun­ heading toward- .a long-deferred the civil disobedience movement— Area said today. Mr. Smith said imum rent date in this area. I could not thereafter bar It entitled to the refund under Chap­ They must be American citizens,, statement that the book had been Ruses Used teered their services at any Urns General MacArthur'a Headquar­ and must complete satisfactorily Production Headquarters on Hart­ showdown with ascetic, boy-sized the breakdowm of civil administra­ that many requests for permission ter 274 o f the Public Acta of 1931 ters, Australia. Aug. 5—(iP)—The ford Road under the supervision of lost and a new—book. would be during the night or day are Mrs. .‘'In a very few instances [>m doing ao on the ground that which provided an exemption for the 20-hour course In Red Cross Issued. In South Norwalk the Mohandas Gandhi and his Na- tion—failed. to increase rents on other grounds grounds for petition exist through Wards fur values suspenaion of nil but reconnais­ Miss Betty Olmstead, after which Jeanic Chambers, 105 St. John I'ilMra waa no ahortage of produc-- "any corporat:on . . . organized un­ Nutrition! which will be adapted present plan was followed and as By Germans ^’"Donallst Indian colleagues once This time the British feel that are being received at the Area a substantial\lncrease In the ser­ lition ^thln Connecticut or' that sance operations in the Australian for the training of the Juniors, In­ they will be filled ’by the local street; Mrs. Ruth Saterwaite, 34 more challenging ‘ Britain to give the population. In part swayed by Bent Office, 119 Ann Street. der the laws of this state or of any theater today found the Japanese a result over one-half of the Carol Drive; Ernestine Gorens, 14 vices, furniture, furnishings or ■ilbe d^ry waa not within the structions on this adaptation will headquarters of the Red Cross. It books reported lost were found. them the Independence they de­ a flood of adverse American opin­ “There are few grounds for pe­ state whose laws provide a similar apparently halted in the Kokoda is hoped that there will be no de­ Prove Vain Victoria Road; Frank Dexter, 6 equipment provided with the hous­ atural milk ahed of the atate. exemption of transfers to any simi­ be available shortly. It is claimed at the local board mand, war or no war. ion funneled Into the press here. titions to Increase rents," said Mr, ing accomod)Ulona since the maxi­ area of New Guinea near the base ______Cheater Drive; Mrs. Ruth Drake, ‘11m eourt’a declalon waa baaed lay to filling the kits once they that the books are liot the proper­ ■The fight has been going on for Will not respond to the Gandhi Smith. "Although we have ex­ lar Connecticut corporation.. . . of the two-mile-high Owen Stan­ They must complete satisfactor­ are completed, and the only way tb 32 Alexander street; Mrs. Anne mum rent date. a anlt inatituted by tha Bryant formed for charitable, educational, ty of the automobile owner, but (Contlnned from Page One) 20 years, but never before has It movement. They contend that plained Just what the grounds ley range two weeks after their ily the 20-bour course in Red Cross insure this is by getting the dona­ McBride, 33 Perkins street and upon which petitions may be filed, "Occasionally .the rent xiollected d Chapman company, a ' Hart* literary, aclentlflc, historical or re­ artajiist loaned by the government come to such a climatic stage dur­ Gandhi is aiipping. (The same Buna-Gona landing and the start Canteen. Upon certification they tions In now. / Mrs. A. H. SutUffe of 316 Center contention , was voiced officially in there still seem to be many per­ on the maximum rent date was iJtord milk dlatrlbutor and bolder ligious purposes, provided the prop­ of their drive across, the island. may become enrolled for work and for that reason the present ac­ Leningrad's outskirts since last ing the course of a war. This time- l)a( a milk import permit, to allow Those who contributed today are tion "rs taken. Sept. 25.) street. Two first aiders in the pre­ 1920 and in 19,30). sons hopeful that they can ^ giv­ materially affected by the blood, erty transferred is to be used ex­ Latest reports indicated that with the regular Canteen Corps oi Mrs. Jamea W. Stevenson of 35 only last-minute intervention by en permission to increase rents on personal or other special relation­ I n to proceed with its contractural clusively for one or more of such “We can . not' believe a-person cinct signed up for duty on nights The one biggest problem Is what the airfield and other amall clear­ the chapter and wear the regular Pitkin street, $1; .Mrs. C. T. Wil­ only. They are Ulysses Lipplncot’t an outside party such as the Unit­ the population ivould do in the some.groimd not mentioned In the ship between the landlord and the I'Mght to buy milk from the pro- purposes." ings In the Jungle at Kokoda—on Canteen Corps uniform. Until simply because he la dressed in ed States or a backdown by eltber lett of South Road, Bolton, $1; uniform and has some iloc-u- of 8 Ridgewood street and Donald event India la attacked. (Mon­ regulations. This simply cannot be tenant and as a result was sub­ 1’e u ^ dairlea of the Hilladale (N. CTiapter 274 also provided, the the far side of the towering moun­ their graduation Iroin the second­ Mrs. H. j. Bickford of 22 Green Labels Pelley side appears to give the slightest done.' stantially lower than the rent gen­ IT .) Froducera Cooperative, Inc. plaintiffa argued, that "all taxek menU,” Kuliatkln said. He added Warren, 11 Ridgewood street. soon storms probably will hold off are the talk tains from the Allies' Port Mores­ ary school they will wear the Hill street, $1; >lls8 M. A. Man-, promise of stopping the anti-Brit­ eiiy military action for ejiother “Briefly, grounds for petition erally prevailing for comparable I' The Hilladale Cooperative main- collected by or paid to the state by base on the south shore—w’ere Junior Red Cross Canteen emblem that a number of spies dressed in Due to some of these who have ish movement which will be con­ ning of 230 Hackmatack street, As ‘Traitor’ successfully completed the pre­ four or eix weeks). \ talna a plant adjacent to the New since May 1, 1927. the payment or a virtual no man's land with both on the breast pockets of their uni­ SI: and Mrs. Anna L Brown of Red Army uniforms, but carrying sidered by the All-India Ctongresa Gandhi and Congress leaders as­ Tork-Oc^ectlcut state lines and Cbllec.Mon of which would be con­ Allied and Japapese troops keep­ forms. radios, were caught at the front. scribed Red Cross first aid course, . at Its meeting Friday. 230 Hackmatack street, 32. but who will be buiy during an serted that, unless the masses ex­ I adailtted was the fact that a Con* trary to the provisions of this sec-, ing close to the shelter of the . Contributions are being accept­ (Continued from Page One) He rejiorted one case In which ’ This time, too, the straggle Is perience a “glow of fredom”, they Baeticut Inspection of the premises tlon shall be refunded by the dense, tropical foliage.' .Kit Donations the engineer in a factory, after air raid on other duUee are Wil­ brought close home to Americans win scatter before a military ed at Red Cross headquarters, 953 liam Kennedy of 45 Falryiew I shown it to meet this state's state.” Still Command Approaches Local residents were urged to­ MeJn street, phone-6637. Ewing said, the request of^Birge making speeches urging the work­ —with United SUtes military threat Just as they did In the dtatlon standards. Delayed Too Long All advices -agreed that Allied did not imply the slightest Inac­ ers to graater efforts, was found street, aif raid warden; Joseph forces stationed In India for the spring when the bombing of coastal BRI-MAR Bryant and Chapman lost its Pointing out that the executors units atm commanded the ap­ curacy" in the Knox statement to be a spy. The man had applied Russell cf 15 Olcott Drive, air raid first time. If a conflict is permit­ cities seemed a probability. Then aaa in Superior Court and ap- but was made so that certain de­ for membership In the C5ommunr, warden; R. B. Wadsworth of did not begin making claims for a proaches to "the ga^),” a 6,000-foot lish channel Monday night the ted to bCKln and should develop to 760.00' persons—half pf the city— t^Baaled to the high bench for a refund until December, 1938, the pass which Is 14 miles by tortuous tails could be withheld for mili­ 1st party and had been endorsed 43 Olcott Drive, air raid the proportionji of the 1930 civil fled Calcutta; 500,000—-two-thirds Night Target Orman high command reported tary reasons. by three party members. warden; Mrs. Helen Brahaney of Imrlt of mandamus. Supreme Court said that "we uphill trails from Kokoda. todays It said the strong de­ disobedience movement It might of the population—quit Madras, Important Decision therefore decide the case on the The Japanese control the coastal Three -workers tn salvage oper- Laat October, the commissar 57 Dongherty street, air raid Interfere seriously with the W'ar and one-third of Bombay's 1,200,- of the town! fense prevented determining The decision, 'o f far reaching broad ground of an unconscionably strip between Gona and Buna and atfons at Pearl Harbor after the said, a group of young persona in warden; Gladys McNeill of 330 000 le'ft. Many have returned whether the third ship was sunk. Center street, am bulant corps; effort. I'Bnportance in the dairy Industry, long and Inexcusable delay In as­ the road of Kokoda, but their Alt For Bomhers Dec. 7 attack, who had been sub- Leningrad was found to be- carry­ Demand Complete Independence since. The German Air Force in at­ penaed aa defense witnesses, were Marian Akrigg of 6TO Center ISvas written by Justice Jennings serting their rights on the part of Force will be unable to use these ing on counter-revolutionary' ac­ Gandhi and the Congress Work­ tacks on Britain laat night fo­ excused earlier this week. street, ambulance corps; Barbara lA ad concurred In by Chief Justice these plaintiffs.” foothills unless runways are level­ tivities. They even went to the out­ ing Committee have demanded ed on the Papuan coast In the face Ruhr Valley cussed on Swansea, DNB said Pelley was on trial with Law­ Brennan of, 337 Center streSt, am­ K'Maltbie and Assi^ate Justice ‘Their excuse,” the decision con­ today. skirts of the city and fired on the complete and Immediate inde­ I.Avery but dissented to by Justice tinued, “ Is that they did not know of strafing attacks bgr the Allies rence A. Brown and Miss Agnes Soviet defenders. They were the bulance corps; Cecilia Wandt of Expected to End M. Henderson,' who the govern­ 69- Wdgewood street, registered pendence of India and, withdrawal ZUa o f the existence of the J931 statute and unless the All).ied ground (Continued front Page One) children of Ruaeiane punished by bf the British government au­ ; In his opinion Mr. Justice Jen- until informed of it by counsel troops are cleared frotn the Ko­ ment charged were associated the government • for counter-revo­ nurse reporting to hospital dur­ with him in a printing establish­ thority except for maintenance of Evidence Review pBlnga pointed out that the statute sometime In- the middle of the koda area. ' \ British source today as proof "that Black Market lutionary activltlea, he said. ing raid; and Emil Hohcnthal,. Jz., ment at Noblesville, Ind. of 24 Roosevelt street, on duty at military forces during the wmr. governing the case declared the year 1937. They are charged with Informed sources here sAid that we have turned from the defense Another group discovered in That action by the board of dlrec- knowledge of It and of the time It the small landing field at Kbkoda One of two remaining witnesses the Report Center. 'iatate's natural milk shed (In addi­ to the attack.” Probes Ix)Oiii under subpoenk. Dr. Thorkelson, Leningrad waa composed of escap­ • tors of the biggest nationalist -or­ Washington, Aug. 5.—OP)— tion to the atate Itself) was "that went Into effect. . .” would have little practical op^a- Sees Increase In Attacks. ed criminals who distributed leaf­ Reports from other precincts President Roosevelt was expected tlon use for either the Allies ^ arrived yesterday and spent some ganization is subject to ratifica­ [::«rea or areas adjacent to the state “ As our coastal forces increase,” time with the deferidants and their lets and false ration cards and are expected In at local Red Cro»* tion by the Bombay mqptlng but. either tomorrow or Friday to com­ 1 which fresh milk for dally use Not Entitled to Benefit Uie Jspaness as the mountain- ^he added, "I have no doubt that (Continued from Page One) stola ratlonad food, he reported. headquarters In the near future. plete his review of , voluinino.UF ringed field is blanketed under attorneyo. from the hour Gandhi proposed . Oannectleut is produced, or may Hartford. Aug. 5— Pi—Heavy Al­ ospt in ovtnt of a milk ahortage in carlots at premium prices and the Only one witnese testified yee- ’s li^ht enthusiastically to preser\-e followed capture of the Nazis aft­ lied bombers attacked three large House Sale 'd u ^ state milk shed or in the ed did not leave a widow,” .the buyeFs priority rating used to re­ India as a part of the British em er their landing ' on American court declaree. W om en May enemy merchant ships In the east­ •vent of ap emergency." ern Mediterranean. Yesterday, hit­ plenish the supply.” l.rc. shores from submarines. It was 'The dtfendant (Lowell) ref us­ The decision Is in the action of Second, without mass support learned he intends to consult with Raymond A. Hutchison, conserva­ ting at least ope squarely, and Frank Higgins told the commit­ MANCHESTER ed to approve these dairies as a Be Adopted scoring near misses on the others, tee there was -othing Illegal In the o f F.iigland will be confronted with other persons on some phases of source of milk supply... .because tor of the estate of Harold Hutchi­ the same, situation she found in the case. son, son of Robert J. Hutchison, a a British corfimunigue reported to­ transaction. Porter Street Section, 6-Room be found that there waa no short- day. "It's legal proflt'eering, but it's ■Malaya and in Burma where the fireman avho retired In 1924 and (Continued from Page One) Single, bathroom. Urge lot. l-.car population either was ;,sge of milk in the stats milk shed, died in 1930, to compel the city to Other bombers, ranging west­ as black aa the ace of spades," he Sale Prlee $4JH)0. Dowa Pay­ :':lhat BO emergency existed and i T'alhet'Kc or definitely pro-Japan- pay benefits to the son, "mentally will serve as- a model for a na- ward' as far as Bardia in air ac­ said. Adding, that. priority ratings ment 41.000. Quick Relief from , tiiat the 'dairies were beyond the were needed but that immediate School Street, # - Family- Incapacitated from earning a liveli­ tionwlds count, if the Manpower tivity of growing pitch, scored Third, one thing alone will gal­ PROTECTS l;]Batural milk shed’,’’ said Justice delivery was made, whereas he said Dwelling, two 4-room rente, 2- SUMMER w ith the Winter months Just hood.” -direct hits on Axis lighters and Pile Irritation ^Jtamings. Commission snd Congress decide vanize India's masses into an anti- around the corner, your home Is in one Is necessary. pounded "enemjr light shipping” his company could not be sure of car gnrmge. Sale Price $4,S00. .I.ipanese attitude: The assurance 30 years ago a Buffalo druggist Are On MUk Shed delivery on specific dates on War Down Payment $800. line for some real punishment by To Provide Worker Reservoir with sea and air escort, the com­ they are fighting for their own created an ointment for relief from After pointing out that the munique said. Production Board commitments. Near Henry Street' Section, Winter w-lnd and snow. But you The Detroit reglstrsUon; spon­ country and not merely to protect the itching and smarting of Piles. Can easily protect It by having It ^ ^ w of supply and demand is not Cargo Planes Two Messersolimltts Downed 1-Rooin Single. 2-car garage, It brougnt such quick cooling, ' found in any statute book” and sored by the War Pt^uction The Australian lung-fish has a large ' lot. atenra heat. Sale British rale. painted now with Bri-Mar Paint— Gallon Board and the United'^tates Em­ Two German Mesaerbehmitts Fourth, transfer of government soothing, astringent relief that Its paint that won't let the elements that "there is no methods by were listed as downed In the aerial pedigree which goes back 19,000i- Price $4,800. Down Pnvment FOOTWEAR fame spread throughout the coun­ Built Faster from British to Indian hands can which It can be applied to de­ ployment Service, ii expected to 000 years. 8800. touch your heme. So brighten up provide a worker reservoir that operations. be effected without disorder or try, and made Peterson's Ointment your home Inside and out and pro­ termine the numlwr of square While the R A. F. told Of de­ South End Section, 2-Knmily hindrance to the war effort. a favorite in thousands of homes. In 3 Gal. Cans miles which should be added or (Continued from Page One) can be tapped' when all available Dwrelling of two 4-rooms, gar­ tect It too w-lth Bri-Mar. Be men of the Srea are put to work. veloping air action, the ground Position Taken by British Ask your druggist for a 35c box bf bright — buy Bri-Mar! subetracted to the area of the forces reported only patrol skir­ age and Urge harn, steam heat The British position on these Peterson's Ointment today, or 60c state as a natural milk shed out­ fleet. He emphaslted that he would Of the 650,000 women In the De­ and bathroom downstairs. Sole Whites, and 2 Tones ‘As While As The Whitest" troit environs, the registration mishes Monday night snd artil­ WAKE UP YOUR points runs something like this: tube with applicator. Money back side the state's boundaries,” Jus­ welcome facilities which Would not Price $4,500. Down Payment Sponsors predict that 80,000 will lery exchanges yesterday on the First, large numbers of Brit-, if you are not delighted with relief. tice Jennings said: cut Into the aupply of critical ma­ $800. (Not AH Sizes'In Any Lot.) ' ish, official and hon-officlal. agree be needed In war plants by NoV' northern and central sectors of Spruce Street Sectloa, 6- •The basic reason of the 'defen­ terials and at the same time de­ the dormant battle line iii the El LIVER B I L E - that British rale has not won the crease the men hours necessary ember, with' additional thousands Room Sinade, bathroom, steam Legal Notices 78 dant for refusing to approve' the to be called upon in' 1943 Alambin region some .70 miles WklMal CilMMi»And Tm ‘D Joim OM el love of the Indians and that Inde­ dairies was that they were beyond for plane construction. heat. Urge lot. Sole Prioa pendence or at least dominion sta­ THOS. McGILL, Jr. Registration cards will be de­ west of Alexandria. Beil io the Msnins Raris' le Ge CERTIFICATK LIMITED the natural milk ahed. The facts Two Solutions Proposed 88,800. Down Payment $S(M. tus is certain, sooner or later. O K 645 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 6887 livered to homes and apartments The llT«r ebooU pour t plate of bile JuIm Edgertoa Street. Two 6-Room Kali-steh-iks y PART.VEKSIUP or stipulated bring these dairies The c’ommlttee previously had In the area by mail carriers. The Into jrour bow*l« •Y«nr day. If thk blW It Many agree that the breach be­ KITER & CO. PAINTS — WALLPAPERS — SUPPLIES Germans Claim Three no( Dowing frtaly, your food may not dt* Duplex. Renta) $10 per moath. We, the undertigned, being’ ell squarely within the statutory heard testimony on two proposed cards, to be filled out and return­ Broken Lots Only. Whites, Two- tween British and Indians has wid­ ARTIST SUPPI.IES OF AI.L KINDS denitlon of the natural milk ahed. tatt. It may Jott do^y In tbo boariBb. Thtii Steam heat, oil Improvemento. $ 5 .2 9 ened steadily and perhaps faster the. mrmbere of Kltcr A Co., a solutions to U-boat sinkings. ed within 48 hours, will ask each Steamers Torpedoed gat bloata up your ttomaeb. You got coq* SaU Price 86,500. Down Pay­ Tones, and AH Brown. Women’s, Limited Partnerihtp formed pur­ ‘The defendant claims that it One method, proposed by. Henry registrant, among other things, ttlpattC You fool tour* tuok and world since the abortive peace gesture suant to Section 91 of tha New York Berlin, (From German Broad­ k>ok« pnilk. ment $1,000. $6.50 to $7.00 Values. waa the Intention of the legisla­ if she is' available for work either by Sir SUfford Cripps last spring. I’artnerahip Law. and detlrlng to J. Kaiser, west coast-shipbuilder, casts), Aug. 5 —(>P)— German It takta thoao good, old Cart«r*t Litth New-man Street, S-Famlly; do bualneai In the State of Con­ ture to delegate to him the au­ calls for the building of giant sea­ ^11 or part time; the types of Ltvar PUto to gti tbata t piata of bUa flow­ t Second, officials contend, how- motorboats torpedoed threb two S-rooros and one 6-rooin. necticut. do hereby certify aa fol- thority to define the boundary of planes In converted shipyards. The work preferred! and whether (if ing fraaly to maka you f ^ **up and op.** ever, tJlat while the Indian popu­ Iowa; I ...... „ ...c . . . . t steamers totalling 5,000 tons, 0«i • paaknga todny. Tblta at dtraetad. Two hearing units. Steam beat lation is not pro-EngUsh, there la tha natural milk shed in accord- other, suggested by Simon Laltc. she is a mother) she will accept CiraetlT« In mnUv bite flow fmaly. Ath Income $78 per month. Sale 1. Tha firm name la Rtter a Co. snca with the operation of the law 75-year-old designer and builder work If nursery school care is'p r^ sinking two of them In the Eng- fo r Cartar'iir't LitUa LLLiver Pltte. lOd and tid. /Dorothy Dodd strong sentiment against Japanese 1. Tha -namea and reeldenceii o i. Price $6,860. Dowa Payment invasion and Indian soldiers form­ all partners (General and Special ; o f supply and demand and that be- o f’ under-sea craft, would con­ vided for her children. $1,000. Partnari beina reepeetlvaly deals- dbre he can find out-of-itate dairies struct a fleet, of cargo-carrying Can Do Most at Jobs $ 4 . ^ 8 ing the main line of defense will nated) ara as followa; Newman' Street Two 6-Room fight loyally. Within the natural milk ahed he submarines. . McNutt recently reported that Duplex, steam heat em nto and Mode Arts GENERAL PARTNERS Buy Them Now When a survey of occupation! In 21 key Third, they doubt whether any Henry G. RIter, trd muat flrat find that a ahortage or Senator Lee expressed satiafae: lieiating nalta. Rental $70 per It StonebrIdes Road tlon with the serious consideration war industries Indlcatsd that 80 #’eal Improvement In sentiment smergency exista In (^nectlcut. month. Sole Price 9M00. Dowa 16.50 Valuei. would be brought about by the Montclair, N. J.. ‘That Intention la not expressed which he said the War and Navy per cent of the Jobe Could be done CHANGE OF SCENE Poymeat $1,000. Prank H. Davla by women. granting of Independence now. 7 So. Mountain Tarracs 1X1 and cannot be implied from the Departments promlsexpen exist la entll municipal county, and state opera­ “ That’s the kick my wife and I'get Decambsr II, 1343 and from year I Thousands of items not displayed in ^ "The constltutidkality of such an During Air Raid “ Service ia one o f those words that’s he claims, but they made similar tions. out of New YorkI You can get atop WINDSORVILLE $1.89 and $2.19 to ysar tbarsafter, providad. hoi our store ore available quickly through •ntl-dumping statute cannot be uarf a lot—but at The Coomiodort it m'Umatea of the situation in the aver, that Ganaral Partnsn folding Barber said the company bad higher buildings, ace more different Fifteen Bnies Prom Hartford, lalasd In an application for a really means something. T h e way the loeated on Reservoir Rood, r* civil disobedience movements of a majority tntaraat In the portion ef our convenient Catalog Deportment. granted general pay raises in kinds o f tports, visit a greater variety losses of tbs Partnership borne by GAS RANGE Smart Skunk-dyod Opossum Greatcoats *59.50 asandamus." “ A meeting to he held tomorrow January, 1941, and again last rooms are k q ^ the way your every Acres of Load. 18 oeree ef to- 1920 and and 1930.’ . - tbs Gataaral Partners may tsrmlaata Stop by, next time you're shopping, night, Bill decide who ia in charge January and believed these In­ o f muieuma, abop in a greater selec­ need it anticipated, the general in­ bocee^- load, rest woodload, 6- 10% Off Thorgood Sandals and White Ties Two months after the' 1930 tba Partnarahtp at any tima at the you II wear with averythmgl At^Wards for. . . rwe sesarw Tea tlMiy Win Claljii movement started with Gandhi’s snd of any calsndar year npon 10 and look at the valuet in our Catalogtl of the town's streets in case of an creases kept pace with the..livlng tion of stores. Becautt we like to terest tha whole Commodore staff room dwelling, also S-room days’ prior written notlea to the Hartford. Aug »—uP>—The Su- air rali. The police commissioners costs. He said the tn-o raises com­ do all these things, we stay at The dweilUg. Electricity and m - for Misses and Children' tamous salt march in the vidnlty other Partners. wsme Court denied today a claim thews in your comfort— these arc the of Bombay, the campaign had last night decided to ask Defense bined were more than the ‘ilitUe Commodore. It’s the filoat convenient nUg aratrr, tohoeco shed, i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Several New Grand •T Um saseutors of t)ie will at Council (Thairman George H. Wad­ thinga that make a hotel visit rcatful , good rood. 'lUte Prtee 64A60. spread to every province. Viceroy, Partners hereto have caused this Steel” daily pay boost of 44 cents hotel a visitor can find." esrtiflcata to be duly axsontsd aa ot llalMrt B. Hirsch of Stamford, dell to call a meeting of all of the a day. and nice to remember." Doarn Paynmat 61,26a. now Lord, Halifax called it |!a«r York Mlk merchant who diM ‘ general strike.” tbe-fht day of May, 1341. air raid wardens to- settle tbis Pollock declared that union was THE \ ' HENRY O. RITE R 3rd ’ ia 1924, for a state succession tax question. The members of auxiliary not seeking a basic Increase of 44 Tba railroads, electricity and DAVID T. AGENS - up at 1147,065 on his estate of police have been going out- on -air ALLEN 4L HITCHCOCK communications services function­ FRAN K H. DAVIS GAS RANGES 'I3 4 M stely $2,000,000. cents a day, but a pay raise based CARL J. EASTERBERG raids and taking care of an sec- on the rise in the cost of living be- INC, CfROUj^SON, ed but no walkout of these serv­ LEWIS W. PEICK oonrt louixl error in tloas. of the town .and have been ttreen January and Maiy. ices'had been asked by Oandht MORTON a. FRY Cbuit Judge Kenneih questioned as to thsir authority by C o m m o D O R E Monchestar QIBce: Pandit Jawahuial Nehru, leader ALFRED R. HUNTER Pay for maintenance, installa­ )’■ Judgment for the execu- some of the air raid wardens. To­ ranked next to Gandhi, baa de­ ALLEN J. NIX tion and repair workers now 'NIW YORK'S RISY LOCAYID HOTIL** 95S Main Street ‘TeL .TSOI 'THE STORE OF QUALITr WESLEY A. STANQBR. JR ' . ast it oMdi and remanded the morrow night this quesUon wUl be ranges from' |20 to $58 s week, de­ MAtnN SWttMT. Vriitrait clined to say what ihlght be the vttfe atrsettea to enter Judg- PAUL IL STRIEFFLER sitUed at a meeting to be held pending oh length of service, the H’ilttanantte O itee: course this time respecting mili­ Oensral Partner* BROTHERS for. th^defeadants - the tax with Mr. Waddell. company vl^e |;resident said. RIGHT AT GRAND CENTRAL AND AIRLINES TERMINALS 624 Main Street TeL 1666 tarily vital ipllraadi and other MILDRBD GWTNNB ^ JOHNSON commOnlcatiotiA Speelal Partnar - - r - f ------— MABOARirt A. C RITHR MAIN«TRF!|fT TEL, 6227 Beginning first in the tbwoa, the 'I Speelal Partaer TEL. SU l 1830 movaaMBt aptaad hAVi (AckaejrteOgaieate) s824-82fi MAIN STREET MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 194> PAGE MANCHESTER' EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY AVGUST 5. 1942 PAGE EIGHT ons Friday midnight, and the charges that he ticcppftd gifts undei-stocd. art to appear tn Aroff’s gen again Interv’lewed Aroff atrateglata really have on Iheir porary exuberance of news com­ How to Adjust other on Sunday midnight, both Aroff to Give from subordinatcs^^,>among them behalf, wlUi the likelihood the de- .gave the commander a Iran, shows starting at 1:15 a. m . The Singer Tony Miu:ttii. and .conduct­ tenda.it would be among the first.. mlnds. They want to tell the high mentators trying to rise to each SERIAL STORY Solpns Victors Norwegians Escape. . of their previous conversati shows Friday are continuous ed himself MOfidalousIy in his for­ Opening of the defense case was read. new occasion, would have them. Washington in Wartime commands, speaking for the Maximum Rent through midnight. On Sunday the Answer Today mer (appeify o t assistant to the preceded by an unsuccessful at­ While he was reading the Ibmitt^ r«15 American people and for the Brit­ Years after the first "line" suc­ LUCKY PENNY In Primaries By Jack Stinnett doors for the midnight show open 12th district dir^tor of Naval offl- tempt to have all the charges script, Aroff remarked “ with roi_ ish people, to be sure and have cumbed to attack from its own Across North Sea at 12:01 a. m. cer-'^rocuremcnL against Aro.T dismissed. ence to tlie story abqut the Studi rOBU SH EO BT TUB the courage to examine and decide rear we are still hearing o f one COFYRieMT, ISAS. Washington.—The capital's big-sneers and transportation compnn> Defense to Open in '' For more than a week, a succes­ Intelligence Officers Testify b a k sf.. .Tony and I made that BXRAU > PRINTtNO CO.. IN 3 BY GLORIA KAYE NSA eXRVICK. INC. Rooming House Fee sion of prosocuton witnesses told jjetause the truth nUght "line" a'ftcr another. The plain Congressmen Weather gest transportation ' headache la officials have been working on the First-Aid does Real Help Tlie Navy closed its case With U BlM*i> StrMt the matter from the long-range, just over the hill—and the river. I’cntagon building traffic problem Risk 1 tn r.arrv on PluKKed the bullet holes in the bot- Trial of Offici^ for Aroff’s six-judge court martial that bad". Bergen testified. CODA> fact seems to be that .there ar: KI 8 K H i e lO o n cra ft gomeone said s ’Changes Discussed in testimony by two intelligence jjisi- THOMAS rEKOUSON ultimate point of view, to be sure Tests in Balloting in It’s the new .Pentagon or War for nearly a year and It may be a Englewood, Colo.—()F>—Quentin the commander helped young cers. One, Lieut. Richard C. LleuL B. E. Burchfiel. the ,, j ('ommiinitv Sing F i s h t S t a r t e * ! b y I n - prayer and the dehd man was Ocntral Manarrr to feel free to take the immedi­ no "lines" as such in this war, if up your mind, Jim. Either Castro Department building across the I year more before all the kinks are Question, Answers. Horn’s mother suffered a heart at­ Accepting Gift^ friends obtain favored positifins in gen, said that on May M Aroff, cution's final witness and anc Bonded October I. till CHAPTER XI goes or T go. Both of us can’t stay Four States. f - buried at sea. Still the old motor the Navy, then asked them for re­ Investigator in the Aroff case, ate risk if the calculated gain line means some definite streak Potomac at Arlington. Already ' ironed out and only then if busee v a s i o n o f O e r i n a n s ; sputtered on, carrying thein fur­ tack. He called the first-aid class who also is accused jof falsehood, Back I ■ the office of the Courier hjere.” \ 6,000 persons are employed there ' can be obtained. Of couree, by he’s been teaching. After two wards. 'Today the defense was roborated Bergen's statement Every Evanins Except down. the map which is less vul­ next day. Penny checked hurried­ ther and further toward the Bhet- Hartford, Aug. 5.—Adjustments San Fra n c i C Aug 5. — (An— told him he had bought a $950 car •ondaya Molldaya. Entered at would make it worth while m Grimly Jim said, "(Jome oh!" and the headache Is off to a good . that time there won't be the one- Typical Story Given. houra of artificial respiration, Mrs. L ieu L /B ^ dr. Maurice N. Aroff’s scheduled to open. from Martin. tha Pool ’Ice at Manehetter, nerable to attack than other sec­ ly on' proofs of the literature she With long strides he reached the By The Associated Press land islands In maximum rents for rooms in terms of victory and human lives, atart, but by October or early No^ ' lane bottlenecks, the tom uf That night another storm blew Lillie A. Horn was revived. tutn‘'xame today to answer Navy A half-dozen witnesses, it wa.s SubsequcntljrT on June 27. Ber­ ^ Ooiyi., aa Se'co d a ta Mall Mattbr. .had prepared for her Friday night head of the column of marching Congressmen in Virginia, Kan­ vember when the building is com-.; roads, and the dust or muck, which hoteU and rooming houses are dia- Read Herald Advs. not to fear immediate defeat if tions of the same map.^5till, every meeting. Circulars, posters for up. The little band struggled SUBSCRIPT men. Buc Walsh had naturally fal­ sas, Missouri and West Virginia pleted. It will house 25,000 w ork -■ has-made some officers statlonec By Don Whitehead cusai^in a statement issued by G...... lie } that defeat will contribute to the time we get a river in the fighting, store windows, the newspaper ad len into leadership. Penny was through the long houra once more Tear by Mali successfully weathered renomlna- era and the noggin-pain will be there almost plead to be sent to the Little Norway, Canada, Aug. 5 to keep their craft afloat. Ray Smitht Rent Director for, the r Month by Mall ...... I .lb eventual victory. it becomes a "line" and is so dis­ —ail were in readiniiss. right. The men were as orderly as multiplied considerably. front. Kla Cop' .ul No one would suspect, from the tlon tests in yesterday’s primary —(Wide World)-5- To the young "A t times,” said Ame, "it seem­ .. 11.00 cussed, no matter how little ac­ a disciplined army—and no less The engineers didn’t build with­ Hartford-NeW. Britain Defense DalTyarad One Tl Innocent wo'rding, the real intent day balloting. blond Norwegians' like Ame Jen­ ed almost hopeless. We were bruis- Rental Area, todaj^ tual difference It seems to make tough! To get a picture of the problem, out planning and the planning war MEMBER OF of the mass meeting. “Community Unofficial tabulations in the sen who are training here for the tired and aching from be- The statement m. question and ICTORY Indian Situation Worse "All I want is five minutes alone tiy to recall the biggest ath­ almost ab elaborate as that to take ■uv THB ASSOCIATED PKESS to the armies Involved. Yet every Sing” and “ConcerV’ were the big with Castro," Jim told Bud. contests in which the chief issues big job of freeing their country ‘ " 8 thrown around and slapped by answer form: .. Tba Aaaoclaied Preas la axclualv) letic contest you've ever.attended, care of crowds at the New York tar Feature of ntnimm The Indian situation has taken battle in this war to date has headlines. The men in the mill "You’ll have your five minutes,” were labor and pre-war foreign . from Nazi domination, death the waves. But we kept bailing." Q. Are there any g i^ p d s on ' ly antitled to tha oae or repubilea blow the attendance up dr cut it World's Fair. Sight Shetland Islands : Uon of all newt diapatehea credited e turn for the worse, with had been given double notice by Bud promised. As they approach­ policies, gave victory to Virginia’s doesn’t mean a great deal. which a landlord can petitidn^the wu proved that a "line" is something Penny'a friends there. down to 2S,d00 and think of it in The storm wore itself out at to It or not otherwlaa credited in ed Central avenue, Bud halted his only two representatl'/es who fac­ terms of traffic. Then remember Into one of the^aces of th? build­ , Each of them already has risk- Area Rent Director for increase SAW . tbia paper and aMo tha local new a th e'^ s^ su re of the Gandhi state- for enemy to cut atound or The weatherman proved co­ dawn on the second day and a few column. ed Democratic opposition; to Sena­ that thia won’t be any holiday, ing is being built a bus and taxi . ed bis life to escape from hia in the maximum rent? pobltaned herein. ment/ihat a free India's “first step fly over. No organized “lihe” has operative whorl Friday evening ar­ "Quiet, men,” he ordered. "We tor Arthur Capper, veteran 77- homeland and carry on the fight houra later they sighted the Shet­ A. Yes, there are a number of WATKINS AUGUST SALE “ IfDS All riKhta 'of rapubllcatlon of rived. The auditorium was filled. with plenty of time to get there temilnal with all transport con- land Islands. There friendly hands apaelal dlppatchaa barein are alao would protably be to negotiate yet held anything. want to surprise Castro. No one year-old Kansas Republican, .((nd and home. It will be every-day, vcnience.s. From a second flooi that started \yhen the Germans grounds on which the landlord may The Klrktown Glee Club took its to Gov. Matthew M. Neely of West helped them ashore, fed them, and i roatrved. ^ t h Japar^Ncontributing to the Has had a chance to tip 'him off. six days a week. ' concourse.; the workers will poui began the invasion a little more make such a petition. SRMPS The continued talk of “lines’' is place on the stage. Rafters echoed Virginia in hia battle with Former gave them shelter until the au­ Qi What are -those grounds? Foil aarvlca client o f N. A. We’ll all wait while I send a couple Also that there are only two into the loading ssones through than two years ago. gravity in two akin to the Archaic titles of "naval to the lusty lilt of their voices. of scouts ahead." The men liked Gov. H. G. Kump for the Democra­ A s,A m e explained it: "W ithout thorities could investigate their A. Where there has been a sub­ : Service Inc. Men predominated in the audience, bridges to feed that particular area turnstiles where they will pay theii papers. In the first plate, it is a some­ battle” for engagements like those this g'ame. "Like the old covered tic nomination to the U. S. Senate. and these have also to be used for fares ithe present fare is 15 cents' freedom, there cannot be any hap­ stantial change in the room by a Publltbara Rapraaantativea. Tba and their voices lifted in song as Twelve representatives won For Ame, it waa just the begin­ what shocking revelatfon' of just of the Coral Sea or Midway. His­ wagon days, looking for Indians," 6.000 Air Force workers In their cash or one token and a nickel — piness. And without happiness major capitol improvement, as dis­ Jolint Matbewa Special Aceny.— the concert proceeded renomination in Misaourl, Richard ning of hia great adventure. Nor- tinguished from ordinary repair, Haw Tork. Cbicaso. DatroTT and how far from the path^qf reason someone whispered. new quarters at Gravelly Point about 13 cents). The buses wilt be there is not a great deal left to tory, we hope, will set them down Quietly, before the last refrain "Let’s go," Bud shouted when M. Duncan, veteran Democratic we^an government officials clear­ replacement and maintenance. ‘ Boaton. died down, Lou MacDonald. Jim just up the river; that approxi­ In two lanes, with seven stations live for.” ed the way for his passage to and logic Gandhi himself has as air battles. , his scouts signaled him. They congreMman, defeating Former mately 16,000 of the workers will each. A third lane will be for That’s about the way ail these Q .What would be an example MEMBER a u d it spii EAO OF strayed. He and his followerixare Vickers, and Penny seated them­ pushed through two swinging Circuit Judge Fred M. Frankerhofl Canada. Within a few more weeks of this? CIRCUL.ATIOH& The forced exuberance of news selves in their appointed positions have to be transported by bus taxis. Norsemen feel. That's the reason he was on his way to LltUe Nor­ almost alone, in this sad worl doors into, a teck room. There, in after an early neck and neck race. from the District of Columbia; It is estimated now that seven ' they risked their lives to escape A. The landlord might convert Tba Herald PrtntfnErtnWn Company, commentators is responsible for on the stage. With cheers for the a room filled with slot machines, way to begin his training as a a large closet into a bathroom. in their failure to appreciate the Beats Six Opponents that private transportation Is vir­ buses can load a minute. In each and come to Little Norway to be [ne_ aaeomaa______no flliantfinancial reaponal* ^ a t is unquestionably the most glee club still ringing, MacDonald gaming tables and gambling de­ Rep. Walter C,,.P.lP.eser, St. Louis pilot. Q. Wnat If the landlord put blllty forr typocn1>hiealty p o c i^ : errora ap- slipped forward. tually out; that It will take 250 zone and these will be shunted out trained as airmen. Then they can He hasn't heard from his par­ irlna In advartlaamantaadv^tli in tba true character of Japanese con­ over^’orked phrase of this war. vices, sat Castro and a prii..- Republican,' also had ^ a close con­ new buses to handle the job and by electric traffic controls. ' return and meet the Germans on some new, furniture In a room, or Knchaatartar EEjanini a ^ ln c______Herald. “ F'riends," MacDonald started, group of city officials. The sur­ ents since he left home. He can’t increased the services? quest, their failure to realize that We h a ^ lost count of how many ‘my story is hot pleasant, but it test In beating out six opponents that the Capital Transit Company The magnitude of the transpor­ even terms in experience and write because that might piit them prised mayor of Kirktown opened in a campaign based solely on his A. He may petition on the anything less than positive loyal­ times we'ljave been told that suen must be told. It affects every one Is already faced with a shortage tation problem is what it Is be­ equipment they lacked when their in a concentration camp WddR^MUty, A u ^ st 5 his mouth in 'a moronic stare. An pre-Pearl Harbor voting record. and worrying over priorities. cause Arlington is almost virgin country was overrun. grounds that "there has been a sub­ ty to the cause of werld freedom and such an . engagement repre­ of you." He told the audience, unlighted cigar dropped from the But someday. sa]^s Arne, he's stantial Increase in the services, limply and truthfully, of the Five other incombents won handily Approximately 4,000 workers territory so far aa government How these modern Vikinga going back home and tell hia It Save Lives? Is a definite contribution to the sents the "greatest t ^ k battle of lips of the safety director.-Castro and five more were without opposi­ there now arrive In private cars workshops are concerned. Until reached this training ground more furniture, furnishings, or equip, tragic cases that came regularly swung around, a vicious revolver mother he’s sorry he left without ment provided with the room since progress of world slavery. Once the war." This ^ iMttle has been to the Humane Society. He laid tion. Nomination for the seat to be and the parking space is. reported the Pentagon and Air Force build­ . than 3,500 miles from home la one even saying' goodbye. C. C. Poole, a British ^in his hand. ... vacated by retirement of veteran near the saturation point. One of the 3()-day period, determining its again, although Gandhi poses with fought In France, find in Egypt, the blame square’/ on Castro’s ings went up, the traffic problem of the greatest stories of raw cour­ staff officer, and member of "Shetot—if you dare," Jim In­ Rep. Joseph B. Shannon, Kansas the great and most terrifying ex­ WB? one of getting suburbanite* age to comb out of the war. maximum rent”. hia well knowm halo, bis action machinations. There was no mirth vited through set teeth. Castro 'Uament to boot, made a and several scores ^ times In in the sober faces uplifted to him. (Jity Democrat, was won by Roger periences in Washington today is a home and to work; getting pas­ Let’s take the atoiy of Arne Q. What if the landlord during and policy are that of an outright Russia. Let the w^'d come hesitated. He studied the silent 1. Slaughter. visit to the Pentagon building dur­ sengers to and from the airports; the 30-day period waa renting one speech out in Chicago Monday The power to remedy this con­ crowd. Bud -Walsh had a gun. So Jensen. It Isn’t very much differ­ Dim-Out Order fifth columnls^ Japan, we can be through tomorrow that there, are dition," MacDonald told them, In Kansas, Andrew Schoeppel, ing rush hour. and sightseers to Arlington ceme,- ent from the stories of thousands of his rooms to his brother or hia iaad told us arm chair generals did at least a dozen .others. Castro former State Corporation Commis­ Army and transit company engi- tery. son, and charging him only $2 a sure, doesn’t Mre whether it pays tanka driving toward Staling!^. lies in your hands. Campaign for glanced quickly at the badges they of his companions who have pass­ eM*ry in » sohd 0^ • • * where to get off. He waa dlacuss- j - .... clean government in Kirktown. sion chairman and youngest in the through Little Norway or those week when other rooms in the, CHAIRS him or not, so long as he doei Ja­ displayed. He dropped hia weapon. Republican gubernatorial race, To Save Ships h-->U8e were bringing $7. a week? 'Ing tba aecond front agitation, and we 11 have it again. In 'f^ckI V menI who have backbone and coming under the-heading' of wom­ now in traimng or the others who pan’s work. And that la what4>e "Bud," said Jim, 'ground up the won the nomination from three op­ Can he charge only $2 for that par­ ,and he warned that an lU-planned probability, there have beenn onl^ • coumge. Put them in charge of rest of (Jastro’s gang: You know en's disorders, i suggest that you KNOW YOUR will come. 77 brand new custom made is doing. And this the British Vour'Utj government. You’ll never ponents. Lieut. Gov. Carl Friend, Am e is 22. He looks Vounger ticular room? arid unaucceaaful Invaaion of Eu­ two or three really massed tank where to find them.” Bud signal­ write to me. I have several articles S*«**^|k*****l Pacific Coast Area Is chairs just unloaded from Govemment’e disclosure clearly be\BoriY." Heads nodded affirma­ (J. S. Senator Clyde M.'Recd, and prepared in mlmeog;raphed form until you see his eyes, and then A. The landlord may petition on rope now might prove "terribly battles in this war to date. ’His­ ed. and several of his men walked Thale P. Sko/gard, a political new­ the car Friday! Each chair emphasizea. tive. A\ whisper rose — "He’s quietly out. on the various disorders of wom­ ***** My>*«*** you see the eyes of g man who has Affected as Far as 150 the grounds that the fhaximum rent catastrophic to the whole Allied tory, we hope, will tell tis which r ig h t\ comer. en. Perhaps there Is one of these forgotten his youth. The Germans waa materially 'Effected by the and cover hand pickied hy In the second place, however, they were, and just how "crucial" Whenx^im Hepped to the speak­ W. H. Burke, Little River I could sent to you which would did that. Miles Inland. blood, personal^or special relation­ our buyers for style and 'Cause. But then he had a further T he crowd cleared a apace for stockman who lost the guberna­ the disclosure by the British Gov­ they were. ers’ platfbiTO, aapontaneous cheer the returning men who had round give you some helpful suggestions. Ame was living In Bergen with ship and was therefore substantial­ comfort. PJus 63 of our ■uggaetion. It waa that. If the at- attested to\his jvmularity. The torial election two years ago by N E K ^ B O R ly lowerThan the rent generally ernment ia itself likely to eolldify ed up other members of Castro’s If you wish your letter kept strict­ ©RA.O, his mother and f'ather - and two San Francisco. Aug. 5.— —A , tempt should be made, "ell newc- One of the herd tasks before men admireo\his eW a g e and re­ 450 votes, won the Democratic p r i l l i n g for. such rooms in the fine floor sarfiples reduced to Indian loyalty behind Gandhi, and gang. “Take a good look at this ly confidential, I will be glad to Paraguay— Land of Rivers brothers when the invasion came piqper atrategleta and all arm- history will be to figure out how, spected his judgment. ■' nomination. Former . Senator see that your request is obeyed. suddenly, Hia little country wasn’t vast military dim-out. blackening defense-rental area. make prices consistent with strengthen him in hla announced prize collection of apes,” Bud American nations in , various with so .many planes and guns "Fellows," Jlm'-eaid slrhply. "Not Walsh invited. "This Is the last George McGill acquired a wide When you write, address Mc(Joy prepared to cope with a superior the Pacific shoreline from Canady ' Q. Suppose the landlord entered lt»w ■ carload prices! 140 f chair Btrategiata ebould be loaded long ago there wal^'a tragib bridge ways have recognized the culture into a long-term lease, which was course. and tanks and men already lost In time you’ll see such specimens in lead over three 'opponents for the Health Service In care of this of the native race, but the Para­ foe who employed the treachery of to Mexico and dimming lighti;..'is chairs in all ready for im­ ! in the first boat to make the firat accident here. You e aome mem­ Democratic senatorial nomina­ a few Qulsling.-i to help them over­ far. as 150 miles inland, t o d ^ was in force on the maximum rent date The BriUsh Government gained the Russian and German claims of Kirktown. They’re going to be so newspaper, and enclose one large, guayan haa adopted and taken mediate delivery. Dozens I landing.'* ber of your family wa#saved from rare that there will be a reward tion. self-addressed envelope and six run a people who hadn’t been at ordered into effect Aug. ,20 as a and had then been in force in more possession of the document In the fighting on the Ehutem Froht, death only by the will o f Provi­ for his own the language and lit­ than one year, calling for a . rent of others from $21.85 to ; And that, aa we eald,. means us. io r their capture, even in slightly Smith Wins Renomination cents in stamps. You may rest as­ erature of the Guarani Indian war In 126 years. protection for shippin.g^nd coast­ question by the process of raiding dence. A crooked city administra­ al in.stallations. / ■ubatantially lower than the rent I There, in a nutshell, is the picture there was anybody left to do daniaged condition, within the city Rep. Howard W. Smith, author sured that, if I can help you, I whom tha Spanish settler found "It was on the morning of April $ 74.3 0 : the headquarters of the All-India tion Waa responsible for the death limRs.” of bills to revise the Wagner la­ will be glad to do so. 9.” Ame said. ■ “The soui^ of the (Only a few hdurs before the for comparable rooms M the area? I o f a lot of irreaponaible writers fighting In 1942. of two of our best friends. I call in occupation a t the inland plains A. Tne landlord may petition Congress P ^ y , an organization Bud . turned to the mobsters. bor relations act and outlaw war­ 'There is no reason for you to that mark the confines of the re­ air raid sirens woke me, but I said order was m^de public, it was dis­ 5 4 C h a ir s I sitting down and urging that a But history will probably find it plain, coldblooded murder." "You guys have juat two houra time strikes, won Democratic re­ continue to suffer when- the right to myself ’It m-jst be only a trial.’ closed by tse Navy Department In for an increase I? the rent he was wlt^.;which/only last spring, It Eloquen'ly Jim recited the many public today. getting under the lease waa sub- I millioa Brittah^ and American out. Perhaps, in its' good time, to get packed and beat it,” he nomination In the Eighth Virginia treatment u d a healthful way of And I turned over and went back Washlngfton and by survivors at was dekfing In the effort to pro­ factual i istances of graft arid In. other lands the dialect of -atantially lower than the rant gen­ history will even tell us how muen Warned. "We mean buslneaa and district. ' He defeated Emmett living will Inake you well again. the aborigine has faded largely to sleep. SeatU€that a United States mer- $ yoiinig men be put in a deaperate favoritsm and crookedness. ctMut ship was sunk recently in erally prevailing for such rooms on mote an understanding with In­ rubber ws had, back In 1942. we re plenty tough. If you caft’t C. Davison,' sebretary-treasurer Into the misty past, and scientists "But soon father and mother f-Situation. And they, the writers, "Castro can’t silence the truth. understand our ''nice treatment, of the International Association .-the north Pacific, with the loss pf- the maximum rent date. How­ dia. This raid waa an act o f vio­ He cun’t silence men who are sick "Questions And Answers labor long to decipher heirogly- came Into the room and shook me, • arould either shy away from that we’ll have to teach you a lesson. of Machinists (AFL) and former •It'S the Germans,' they said. Tbey eight Uvea, and that the attacking ever. even though an Increase is lence, and^ aa ,such gives Gandhi and tired of dirty politics and phics on tomb, or stela,-or native granted, the landlord cannot raise * aituatlon for themselves, or, it A good movie director would have mayor of Alexandria. (Cheese Good Food) are Invading Norway. Already Jap submarine machine-gunned an opportimity to foment more gamblers and murderers. Whose found a note of comedy In . the paper. But the Guarani waa a survivors on life, rafts); the rent until the lease has been ^ they happened to be sincere, ^own is this? Does it belong to Rep. Clifton A, Woodrum of Question: Ernest of Phoenix, live rich language, with verba and they have landed.' terminated. bad blood between Britain and In­ way guns, marked cards, eittra Roanoke also was renominated, writes: “ I am very fond of cheese . liiought Invasion Rc|i*>rt Joke The order, greatly extending a u couldn’t get Into It anyway. On you who sweat and toil each day aces, and a special collection of sentence structure adapted to the voluntaiy dlm-<^t and making Q. What about a room which dia. Perhaps it may prove. In the Manhattan j to give your kids a better future defeating Moss A. Plunkett, a amj I believe that I digest it mentality of the conquering peo­ "I thought it was all a joke at rents for $5 a week during the win­ ■ that baalB, the men with a type- crooked dice were < piled on the fellow townsman, who waa en­ readily. I know that y o j have had first. I couldn’t understand. And violations p'unisnable, waa Issued end, that only force has a chance By George Tucker and a decent home to live in 7 Or cement floor, awaiting deatruction. ple. ' Its use was fostered by the ter and $25 a week during the sum­ writer ought- to take up knitting does it belong to Castro and his dorsed by a committee claiming a great deal of experience in diet­ then we turned on the radio and I by Lieut. Gen. J. L. DeWltt, pom- of keeping India from jumping In­ "Start moving," said Bud, twirl­ Jesuits, who traded the precepts r.innd'ing general of the Western mer, and the 30-day period is the i and stop expressing opinions on yellow-livered gang of parasites?" representation of the bulk of or­ ing people and I would like to heard the traitor Quisling speak­ one for the January or March max­ to Japan’s lap. In which case such New York—That sign over the ing h J gun menacingly. There of the church, translated into the Defense (jommand. to remain in Effec lively, he pledged the paper’s ganized . labor In the Sixth dis- benefit from your opinion regard­ native tongue, for the devotion ing. I began to understand a little. imum rent dates? } ( the conduct of the war. Well, it’s gateway to Eric Lelnsdorf'a farm was relief In the faces' of the gang­ "I think maybe It was that effect for the war’s duration. British policy as this raid may be leadership in a campaign for clean sters as they Ifeft. They had ex­ trict.^X ing cheese.” and worship of the native, and A. In all cases of seasonal '* ' a hit, and makes us do some pret government. Hla audience ap­ Virginia's seven other represen­ Answer: I regard cheese as ah morning I became a man. It is a Kills Night Baseball justified. But for the moment, at near Washington, Va., 'which pected much worse - treatment. felt satisfied with the bargain. It sounded the death knell of rents, the landlord can petition for , , ty humble, serious thinking. caused so. much disturbance plauded with enthuaiaam. tatives and Senator Carter Glass entirely wholesome food and be­ terrible thing to realize an enemy adjustments, and the Area Rent Di­ least, it seems an added irritant in "I've waited for thia for a long Guarani today is the aecond hac Invaded you; homeland and night baseball in the Pacific Coast > /; And we think it iiiight win the among the natives, has been time," Jim said.softly. ' had ho primary opposition. lieve that it makes an excellent language of Paraguay. Spanish rector may provide different rents the situation, and one which In West Virginia, Raymond J. substitute for meat It Is best to that you can dd nothing.' I hope league which has been pla>ing alt argument over the second front clear^ up. For awhile the people Now Penny stood before the sea The fight which followed. Bud is the official speech, but Guarani for different periods of the calen­ Gandhi la already using and em­ Funkhouser, Shepardstown busi­ use plenty of leafy green vege­ your people in the United States but week-end games under the dar year.. In that aector couldn't make out of faces, displaying no sign of the Walah always aald, was the tough­ is heard alike in social discourse lights. did not the arm chair generals, no nervousness sh. felL ness man,, made his bow In moun­ tables with cheese. (Jheese is a reiUin '«yhat such a thing means. Q Can roomers or tenants ask i phasizing to create a more solid whether It was written in Chi- est,'noisiest, bloodiest battle that and legislative chambers. ’There '‘When it became light I knew it Brilliantly lighted theater matter what their own expecta­ ■•’I haven’t known you very long, eVer raged in Kirktown. Jim had tain state politics by taking a protein food and I believe that it for adjustments in rents, too? Indian loyalty to his leadership. nese or Hebrew. . . . The proprie­ is no similar instance of Its kind ' was no joke. A German plane roar­ marquees, illuminated advertising tion of personal experience In the tor 6f the village drugstore Anally but I feel I know you very well. asked for five minutes—actually. growing lead over (Jhapman Re- haa a certain place in the diet, es­ in America. A. Yes, the. regulation provides ’The revelation of the miaguide.1 Penny began. "There Isn’t a cow­ vercomb, veteran party figure. In pecially writh those patients who ed over our home and machine- signs, flood-lighted buildings and that the Area Bent -Director at any front lines, have a case which collared the conductor and asked Bud stood guard outside the doors Perhaps the virility of Guarani lengths to which Gandhi la likely ard in the crowd! You have pow­ the Republican senatorial conteat. digest It readily. I also recommend gunned the bouse. There waa a lit- all other outdoor bright spots in time, on his own initiafiye, or an him outright....W as it Chinese, for an hour. grew from the ease of travel af-' the restricted area will be turned does primarily conaider the lives er! You’re strong! Let's show Cas­ Castro tried in every way he cotage cheese. . tie boy playing in the garden. He ajjplication of the tenant, may or­ to go, plus the new stirring of or Hebrew?. . . .'This caused Leins- forded the native by the numerous came running in, crying. Those off. 2J0^ C h a ir s of those who are certain to be In dorf to grin happily... .It waa^ tro he can’t run Kirktown! To­ could imagine to kill Jim. He bit, streams of Paraguay.. Although der a decrease in the maximum bad blood by the British raid, night-together—let's chase him are bad men. They are throwing General DeWitt’s public procla­ rent on certain grounds. the front lines throughout this neither Chinese nor Hebrew. . . . he kicked, he kneed, he gouged, (How to Prepare Sallsbur>' Steak) 1,000 miles Inland. -Paraguay is make the Indian situation seem out of town!" he' punched, he butted. He swung HEALTH AND DIET sand in my eyes.’ Sure, they were mation declared that "the present Q. What If a person is paying war. Lelnsdorf calls - hla farm - “The Question: Mrs. C. of St. Joseph. somewhat Inaccutately referred throwing sand—with machine-gun situation requires aa a matter of increasingly desperate. It la still There were shouted affirma­ heavy' chairs at Jim'a head. He Mo., writes "I would very much to as one .. of two land-locked more rent for his roopi than com­ Thia nation, which means all of Sixth," after Beethoven’s Pas­ tives. Men jumped from their ADVICE bullets." military necessity" that the area parable rooms' in the area were properly a taak for statesmanship toral Symphony . . . .The sign, narrowly missed Jim with the jag­ like to receive your directions for countries of South America; the seats, ready for action. ged edge of a table leg. Jim met Arne had had a little military be'dimmed to protect the coast bringing on the maximum'^rent tie, has taken In hand the Uvea ut painted in musical notes, carries preparing Salisbury steak." ether la Bolivia. It is true that from enemy submarines, warships .85 and diplomacy, if they can find each furious attack, each vicioua FumUhefi by the McCoy trainlfig, and he left home to join date? Can'he get his rent low­ mlUions of Its young men, '' and the . symphony's central theme. "Walt! Just a moment!" Penny Answer: Salisbury steak 1$ her access to'the sea Is by cour­ any last loopholes toward agree­ shouted. "No one wants to start thrust calmly, alertly. In hia own Health ,tServioe the fight. When the Orm ans took and planes. ‘Lights at night silhou­ ered? Distinctive designs in largfi haa dedicated them to vtct'ory. Jean Dalrymple, to. whom fate made by grinding through a tnefTt tesy of her neighbors, but an early ette ships, making them clearer ment and settlement, hot because any violence. We are all Interested heart there waa murder. over he had tO'return to hii old A. On application by ^ ten­ lounge, barrel and wing is only something to grin at, re­ Address rommunications to The grinder only the red, lean part of scribe more accurately spoke of job as an accountant. targets for submarines. They also Upon the strategy followed, and only in peaceful means with which Desperate, Castro drew a mur- roundsteak, from which all gristle ant, the Area Rent Director may styles. Smart new edvers Gandhi detervea statesmanship lates a costly experience over a der-blad(d knife from a hidden Herald. AttenMon McCoy Paraguay when he said of it that Always Thought of Escape serve as reflections In the sky to order a decrease In the^nt. bring­ the decisions made will depend to remedy conditions in Kirktown. Health Service. and fat has been removed: This 'each town has its river and each but because, quite frankly, it is recent weekend in Rochester, N. The sheriff is here tonight He has recess In hia trouaera. He lunged But always he thought of escape guide approaching enemy planes. ing It into line with rahts generally of tapestry, damask or the final score of the dead. Strong, Y. She went to Rochester to take gives the meat ah entirely different home Its brook." and whispered about it to his close Supplants Voluntary Dim-Out DeLuxe chairs in extra fine covers! Every one a distinctive matelasse in a wide choice doubtful that the United Nations named Bud Walsh and several of viciously. Jim felt no pain^ but flavor than when the fat is left In. cnarg^ for comparable roo'ms in wise decisions may keep that In an Iturbi concert, and while your men as deputies... Let’s go as he knew from the red on C^tro'a Preventing Disorden Of Women Boundary line between Oie friends. He knew that sometime The Army order supplants a vol­ the area on the maximunv' cent lounge, barrel or ■wing design, beautifully tailored. Finest of colors. Same construc­ have the force necessary to com­ Theca Is usually about a quarter country and Argentina, the river number down. . The deciaions, there someone entered her room sn army of cltisens-^not as a weapon that the dagger had found he must leave. ’ untary dim-out Instituted months date. ... , ’ hardwood frames; hand-Inced webbed bottoms; springs tied 8 tion feature.^ as $69.85 pel the great mass of 400,000,000 a pound of waste to efich half Paraguay bathes the shores of ."Three times I started out, but ago by the Office of Civilian De­ whatever they are, will be made and walked off ‘with her pocket- mob. You won’t need to start a its mark on his shoulder. Cau­ Many women who suffer from, pound of lean meat so that It is Q. What about a room which ' ways. Solid webbed arms and baejis; solid mahogany legs. Indians to stay in line. book. fight When Castro sees you, he’ll tiously, he circled out of Castro’s disorders found in the feminine Asuncion. Paraguayan capital, I had to turn back because the fense. It provides for criminal has bceu-^'allowed to become run chairs including Spring- by high commands, and their advisable to purchase three-quar­ and stretches more than 1,800 Germans were watching too close­ prosecution and exclusion of any Highest quality moss and cotton fillings; new Spring-Hair and Hair seat cushions! Usual­ Curious aa to just what a girl know he has had enough." reach. sex believe that siich distress Is ters of a pound of round-steak for down,much more than ordinary prime consideration must be plain like.Jean would carry in a pock- Bud Walsh was already organiz­ •The room’s unshaded light sin­ unavoidable.’ Much of .this suffer­ miles Into the heart of the conti­ ly." he said. violator from the Western Defense w^ar and tear since the time the a few Spring-Down seat cushions. Regular $79.00 to $89,00. ly $69.50 to $75.00, gled out the gangster’s knife. each person to be served. After nent. It is navigable m ost. of > “But one dqy a man cams -Into (Command area. miUtary facta. At the same time Horn’s Your War, Herman? etbook—she always carries such ing the eager crowd. They were ing Is totally unnecessary and can the meat has been put through the maximum rent was set? huge onea—I asked if she'd mind flooding through the wide-open Swiftly, painfully, Jim lifted a be easily prevented. In those cases that length. Numerous tributar­ ths office and whispered that I Outdoor ground lighting was A. Again oh application, the however, their ability to take Congressman Herman P. Kopi- broken -hair and shattered the grinder, this finely ground meat is ies and those of the Alto Parana must be at a certain place on the limited to one foot candlepower at running down the list of items, doors in orderly fashion. Their where such disorders hays already pressed flat into some kind of a A rea Rent Director may order a riaka, to make certain daring dec!- plemann has, we should judge ani she acquieiKed thusly: march to Castro’s hangout had bulb. Automatically, he lunged started. It may be possible to and the great Pllcomayo, water water front at 10:30 p. m. The un­ any point. This will ban night base­ decTRise In the rent. forward as darkness shrouded the pan like a cake tin. No grease mors than well all but the north­ derground had learned I wished to ball or football. President W. C. sibna, depends somewhat on what from perusal of the county press, (1) $200 In cash, (2) a gold begun. ' bring about a certain amount of should be added and the pan Q. I f the period for setting the Jim waa white with anxiety. room. He twisted the knife out of improvement, and permanent re­ western quarter of the country. escape and it ha'd been arranged. Tuttle of the Pacific O a s t league, maximum rent falls in the summer, ia the temper and >yill of the peo­ taken quite a thorough drubbing money clip that carried with it a should be left entirely 'dry. The gold pencil, a key, a wratcb that “What have you done. Penny?” Castro’s hand. Then he lifted Caa- lief often may be secured. The native Guarani was selec­ “I went to my dad and told him whose eight A A clubs are all with­ and a roomer pays $25 a week fer ple behind them, on what the peo­ over his statement that the elec­ he worried. "The Castro gang taro to hla feet. meat ia placed in a hot oven and tive in, material things. "Caa!" 1 had to have some money. He in the zone of restricted lighting. his room, does he have to keep on Op*n Tupsday and Thuradav cost $50, (3) a 50-caret aquama- If you are one of the women who the fire then turned down. You ple think, perhaps even on what won’t give up Its easy pickings For weeks, Jim would show the go through' periods of ill health, I vas his word for a drink that didn’t e'ven ask eny questions Indicated the league .would switch paying that rent when the sum­ nights ’ttl 9 P. M. Othsr tion of a Republican Congress marine that she - got last year In will find that it 'will be cooked pVcntng* by appobitmpnt. newspaper editors think the peo­ without a figh t Someone is sure scars of his battle. For months strongly urge that you do any­ brought a gustatory glint to the when he gave It to me. He knew. from night bai; to twilight games. mer ia over—when the room usual­ would simply prolong the war. It Rio, <4).an 87-caret topaz, (5) two after the scara were gone, he through quite well In about five James C. Sheppard, regibnol Of­ Call .ManrhPntPr 5171. Clospd extra gold pencils, ( ) her eye- to get hurt" thing and everything you possibly eyes of the initiated the world We shook hands and I left. ly renU for $5 during the rest of ple think. was a crude political statement, 6 •‘Perhaps this will change your would look back happily to - the minutes and will be cooked suffi­ fice of Civilian Defense director, the year? W'pdnpitda.v* at 1?, Noon. glaaaes, (7) lipstick, ( ) gold can in order to bring about a full overJ The Spanish cslled It "I didn't have time to return iy> m the aacred point of view ^ boomerang If there ever was 8 mind.” Penny handed him the day when the Caatro gang left ciently In two or three minutes if home to tell mother goodbye. She heading up a civilian defense board A. No. here again the Area compact, (9) a ring of keys, (10) measure of health In every part of rare meat is desired. “yerba" and the method of drink­ o f the lives of American and Brit' red-lettered warning to leave Kirktown forever. the body. Remember that you ing it "mate", and the two words had never spoken about r.iy leav­ for the Ninth region which will en­ Rent Director may decrease the one, and. not even the Democrats a folder of Calif, and N. Y. auto­ (To Be CoRchided) 1th and Russian soldiers Involved, Kirktown. ’It’s up to you to make cannot set off any one part of the now are used to describe both the ing, but from the way she looked force the dim-out regulations, em- rent and set different rents for dif­ like it As a matter of fact, every­ mobile licenses, ( 11) personal (Athlete’s Foot) at me, I know she knew that plUMized “ no element of martial ferent periods of the calendar then Is only one possible justifica­ cards,. ( ) a folder of senti­ body and say It is natural for suf­ drink and the process preferred body can think of both Demo- 12 fering to occur In this part. A Question; Mra A. B., Troy, someday I would go.” law is involved.” year. mental mementoes, (13) and a by msny millions o f Americans tion for a second front. rratp and Republicans who wrould their weight within normal limits. better plan Is to consider the en­ N. Y., writes; "Will you please an­ to China tea or American' coffee. And so Am e went down to the Regular $14.50 lace hankie ("The prettiest 1 own­ Never should the diabetic who is on swer In the Troy Times what la *rhat theoretical justification is have no place In a war-winning tire organism as a whole and to The drink Is not distinctly Para­ water front. There is a shadowy ed .")___ Care in Diets a diet and taking Insulin alter any know thAt anything which helps the matter with my little five-year rendezvous he climbed into a boat Urges Tax Bill Big Victory Revue fo $59^75 this; that even though the risk, Of course, the missing Items guayan, although perhaps more Congress. . And there are both phase of the treatment schedule the general health will also help old girl? She has some kind of a universally used there than else-. with slx^other men and two wom­ taken m(gbt include the sacrifice were never found, despite ecUvl- Democrats and Republicans who Diabetic Aid unless the change ia advised by a any one set of organs. rash on the bottom of her feet where^ They have issued a post­ en—one a nurse and the other the To Meet Demand Ou Hartford Stage o f a million lives, taking that can be depended upon to forget ties of the hotel authorities end physician. Injudlcipua use of In­ Since it Is far easier to prevent which Is itchy and and causes age stamp to commemorate its wife of an American-Norweglan. risk now might save two or three thk police___ But several days sulin is dangerous. such disorders than to cure them, It to peel off.” virtues.' Cltlsena of Brasil. Ar­ Would Report Boat Stolen ordinary politics and concentrate later a package arrived and in it V/ Diabetica should be the cleanest I am going to tell you some of the Answer: The description which gentina and other countries are The owner knew he wouldn’t find Hartford, Aug. 5—Courage to The "Victory Revue” hailed to million liyea later 'in the war. It on ’ the one big job of winning the were her driver’s licenses, her Adherence to Prescribe*! persons In a community and pay ways to prevent them. You are to you give of the case in your letter devotees. the boat at its moorings the next advocate taxes drastic enough to be the greatest stage show on Is with tiuit statement that any war. With these, we suppose. keys and the sentimehtel memen­ special heed to breaks In the akin secure v^oroua exercise each day leads me to believe that she bss morning. A couple of days later he bring the proposed Federal tax bill earth will be presented on the Hygienic Program Is and minor Infections, according.to The fragrant "yerba mate” ia sincere “arm chair general" 'must Congressman Kopplemann classi­ toes___ Not a word accompanied which vrill be beneficial In toning the disorder known as ’’Athlete’s by no means Paraguay's only ma­ would report to the German police now being cohsidered by the Cota- stage of the, air-conditioned State the package. . . . The 200 bticks, Doctor Griswold. To prevent low-’ Foot.’’ . I have some Instructions that his boat had been stolen the grfM up to $8.7 billion, the na­ rest bis case. The high cora- fies himself. *rhat he haa been Seen Prolonging Lives up all of the muscles of the body terial bid for distinction. There theater, Hartford, this coming and the topaz and the. aquamarine ering of the body reeistanra to In­ and In sending an Dncreaaed circu­ that I shall be pleased to send you night before. - . tion’s minimum war needs aa esti­ Friday, Saturday and Sunday only. Btands have the responsibility of ‘'‘rlght"^ pn war issues is conceded. fections the ^disease must be kept Ahal should prove helpful, and ia the wood of the quebracho, or mated by the Treasury Depart­ are still wblatllng down the wind. lation of blood through the pelvic "axedireaker” tree, one of the "It waa a 52-foot fishing boat This giant stage show, with a calculating, to the best of their Hartford. Aug. 5.—Longevity for under constant control. Diabetica suggest that you write to McCoy with a battered old motor. The ment, was urged on the Senate Fi­ But that he baa forgotten politics Dusolina Giannlni, the Met’s region. This measure alone will hardest, known, used Increasingly solid cast of 100. ia presented in ability, what the Second front at<- soprano, ia frequently mistaken persons afflicted' writh diabetes re­ are most susceptible to Infections be helpful In preventing congestion Health Service in care o t this only supplies ...aboard .were a fe*r nance Committee in a letter sent three separate and diaUnct units— aa usugl is made more doubtful of the akin and urinary tracL Pul­ by (hsAera of furniture. Para­ tempt might cost In human Uvea, for a foreigner.... Aa a matter of quires complete dally afDierence to In these organa. You are also to newspaper and enclose one la^e, tins of food and extra cans of gaso­ this week to Senator John A. Dana- each unit a c’pmplete show In It­ than ever by hla crude attempt to monary tuberculosis la mere com­ self-addressed envelope and elx guayan used it for ties for their line filched from Nazi storea her, the (3onnecUeut member, of and then what the failure to make fact, she waa bom in Philadelphia a BuiUble hygienic program laid take special exercises to prsvent rapidly expanding railways. An self. Unit No. 1 introduces the proclaim a poUtlcal monopoly over and obtained her entire musical mon In this group than in other prolapsus or sagging of organa. cents in atampA asking for an arti­ The fugitives zUpped out into the committee by Mrs. John'GrLse, the second front attempt might down by their physicians, Matthew persons of. almilar age. Carbuncle industry has grown around a artistry and rhythm of Stan Ken­ the war. education In this country----- She When the various organa fall, one cle on Athlete’s Foot. the North Sea and headed on a president . of the Connecticut ton and hia orchestra direct from coat in human Uvea. They must H. Griswold. M. D. Chief, Division ia s serious complication of dia­ process for extracting tannin voyage of more than 300 milez. League of Women Voters. The bill Hdwever, we auppose the Con­ prefers living in the country to may drag upon the other and per­ from i t Paraguay’s quebracho the famed Palladium In HoUy- any other t>lace.-.. .It’s the birds of Cancer Research, emphasizes in betes. haps. tipping. or tilting may occur Luckily the skipper was a fisher­ ms posasd by the House recently, calculate Russia’s chance of gressman now realizes his unfor­ Leading authoflUes estlmats forests are a storebousa of wealth, wood. featuring Red DorrU and A group of full size barrel, ___ They help her singing. How the monthly bulletin of the Stats with one special organ and a great men who knew at least the rudi­ $2.5 billion short of the minimum. Btatirting without a second - front, tunate tactical error, and la all re­ that there a n at least 500,(XM dia­ Deaths Last Night as yet hardly touched. ments of navlgatloa. Is characterized by the League az ■Eve Knight. Unit No. 2 presents wing and lounge chairs of does she account for this?.... Department of Health. Only by amount of misery usually follows. With a healthful, sub-tropical the world’s loveliest rhythm and Had. -Russia’s chance of standing pentance. While we have him in betics now living In the United These special exercises will keep But before long the boat waa Inadequate either to curb Inflation unusual Ileaign in smart Birda are the only true singers In means of s proMrty adjusted diet States. It la known that the dis­ climate, an bundance of good aoU precision dancing girls, the 28 Brtth a aecond. fronL They,must the world, she sa y s... .They never the muscles strong enough to hold being tossed about by a sudden or to finance the war effectively. tapfi^stry, damask and mate­ that mood, we’d like to ask him a can the most efficient use be made ease is Increasing. Ons of the Omsva, Swltserland—OugUsImo and a wealth of waterways, Para- storm. The importance of recommend­ Roxyettes, the pick of Gas Fos­ nkulate what Russia atUl In the ■Ing offkey. They never are off of the insulin manufactured by the the organa where they belong, and Fsrrsro, 71, eminent Italian his:- guay's agricultural development ter’s Roxy Girls whose perform­ lasse covers. Hardwood friendly question, How long, O chief reasons for this rise. Doctor you could compare these organs to "Some of us were very’ , sick," ing a tax bill Urge enough to meet BBT would mean in regard to the pitch. They fill the air with such body or received through pre­ torian and professor at the Uni­ la In pace with the steady ad­ ances have thrilled the world. Unit Congrcaaman. wrould the election Griswold says, is that mors peo­ a natural corset or girdle. A m s said. "The waves dashed ov­ minimum war needs, check infU- frames; laced webbed bot­ pure song that you can’t help be­ scribed injection. ple are reaching the ages of great­ versity of Geneva, whose books vance in government industry and No. 3 features a galaxy of stars mttmata cost in British and Amer- of a Republican Congress prolong You are also to avoid constipa­ er the Bides. We balled furiously to tion, and finance the war to the toms; springs tied 8 ways; ing benefited by It. That'e alao one Doctor Griswold explains thmt est frequency for diabetes. About were seised by the Fascist gov­ education. More than alxty col- keep from being swamped. Every fullest possible exte'nt now in or­ and specialty aeU. the like of . |bbr Biaapower, and how RustU the selection of a Manchester reason why Lily Pons kMpa an an Important predisposing factor tion, and another helpful measure finest m()88 and cotton fill­ Every« chair a different tw-o-thirds cif sU diabetic cases be­ In preventing women’s disorders la ernment of Italy seven years ago. oniee o f foreign peoplea are busy minute we thought the seas would der to lighten the poet war debt which have never been presented But of the war would affect that aviary in her home. She says the to diabetes la a diabetic heritage. gin after 40 years of age, and there ings; solid mahogany legs. style or cover! Lounge, postmaster? How’ s that war go­ the eating of right food. Locarno, Switasriand —Prof. with etock-ralstpg and farming ■ink us. It was a miracle wt came were emphasised by the League. before on one stage. Among the BltlBiate cost And only If they ing? birda help her sing better. The disease ia rare in young peo­ are now nearly three times as many Richard WUIaUsttsr, 70, Nobel Prominent among them is a col­ through It.” To accontpUab this, '*Large por­ featured acU are the 7 Oesson- $69.75 to $65.00 values. wing and barrel types; ple, becomes more frequent in the people over this sgs as there were' When any of the women’s dia MB clearly figure that the second orders are present, certain symp­ prise winner In CbsnUatry In 1915. ony of Mennonltee, t t m (Janada Bveryone was exhausted when tions of mass purchasing .power lans, 4 Jolliteera, Gaudsmith Bros., smaller ladies’ chairs, Quick GatoklBg Thief middle decades and is commonest In 1890. Ano^bar factor is that Norwalk—Mrs. Suaanne Brans- and our own W ast \ the storm passed at dawn, but must be siphoned off, and thU 4 Sidneys, and a host of others too sleepy hollows and open- at attempt, although a tem- In later life. better diagnostic facUitiea are toms are likely to occur. ’These Jobs For History are: A dragging down feeling, ford Engalltchsff, 83. widow of the For exjiort beside Its tea, wood there was to be no rest Soon a means heavy levies on small in­ numerous to mention. arm lounge models. Covers aacrlfioa in manpower, Chicago— (IP)—Malcolm Reybold, Ounrd Against Ovsrwelgirt available and specific treatment.is Ruaalan Prince Nlcholaa Engallt- and quebracho e x t i^ t Paraguay German patrol plane sighted the comes os well os on those in the On the screen Is featured the J r. fast and 40, 4raa seven floors DisbsUca and persona related to saving many diabetics from ‘ pre­ paid or ache through the lower include durable tapeotries, BMsn an ultimata prooerra- It Is a relief to think that aome back, nervousness, duD ache cheff and a society belle of Utah’s offers hides, tobacco, oranges, beel boat and dived to machine-gun IL middle and hlgk Income brockets,’* New England . premiere of "HI, up when ba lookad out o f hla of­ diabetica, particularly. should matura death. of mllllotaa of UTae, should day there may be a clear-cut mili­ through the jieck of the bead and sariy mining daya. 8 ba was bom products, cotton- lace and vege­ The bullets splattered- across the the League stated. 'The people Neighbor," the blggsot musical damasks and matelas«es as fice window and saw two .men guard agahut overweight, he aaya. water like hailstones, ripped WATKINS in Lsailngton. Ky. table olle. But it must look tc wont It are demanding It It la to fun-fest of the year with Jean well as unusual Chintz and BMoed front declalon be made, tary history of this war, which '■>reaklng Into hla automobile. He Even young descendanta of dia­ the neck, perhaps numbiteas of the through the boat, and killed one • ftOTMCRS. INC Port Said, northern tarminus at legs , a ^ue discouraged frame of neigbbora and the outside world bs hoped that the Senate Finance Parker heading a big cast of screen cretonne dc.sigu.s. * re's ooo ether Important will present things a f they arc. was aeven fic-m down a moment betics'should avoid fatness. Dur­ as yet for foodstuffa, hardware posaenger. Three times the plane Committee will have the courage later an.l l^"/in-? It after the ing middle and later life, diabsUca tbs Sues canal, was founded in mind, and possibly a tsndancy to gShlps moss through the Sues and radio favoritas. and t^nt ta what most of not as- the outwqfn termlnol-';; csnel under their osrn power, but machinery, medleiaea, ^ automo- itrofed them before flying away. to advocate income taxes drastic Thsre are two midnight stag* li. .'Hi ReyUi.il caught one anJ and their blood relatives should 1050 when work was begun on cram|>a. While -A m e and a companion of AAANCHESTER I biles, ready-made’ clothlag. enough to do the job." sad armch. of prtv.ous war,' 4nd the contem- oiax-'T-'i htup to a ocilea station. make an absolute rule of keeping the huge ditch. If yoi^2)ave soma deraivgemsnt are guided canal pUota. and screen s h ^ this fveek-end. \' ■ • . ■ .... J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANUHESTEK, COW>. WED«E5DAri AUGUST 5, 1941 ^AGE El aEAW CgESlER EVBNLXG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1941 k O S T E N dren, but prior to tlAt time chil­ drop in the fatality toll with 20 dren ' of an American woman and killed qs compared to 40 during bombers rained bombs on the Children Told forelgn-bom . father took the July Deaths the same month last year. This is Manchester weary Russian defenders. The pa­ Michael Giiiolfi Daily Radio Programs father's nationality. Thus Karen the first time this year such a fail Employes Kunze Appeal per added without explanation that Obituary Positions Open Guns Turned and Hans are considered citizens sharp drop has been recorded for Russian strength is growing and Eastern War Time Leave Nation of Norway. By Cars Drop two successive .months. Date Book that the southern conamanders Joins Coa§t Guard Mrs. Nansen and the children Nine of the fatalities during Are Indicted Seeking Cash realize the GernHin offensive must On New Bridge On Survivors escaped from Oslo three weeks July this year were pedestrians, Tonight be stopped. Girl and Boy Born Be­ after the Germans invaded Nor­ Fall Off 38 Per Cent as six adults and three children. Dur­ Meeting of wardens and first Report on Withdrawal Funerals Michael Richard Ginolfi, son of British Stars in Program fore Change in Law way. Karen and Hans were admit­ Compared with July of ing July last year,-ten pedestrians tan«e Crime aiders of Precinct 8, Nathan Hale Read to Jury Of the withdrawal at Belaya Call for Applicants for Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ginolfi of Crew Members Targets ted to this country^on visitors’ were killed, nine adults and one School, 8 o'clock. Olina, the mid-day communique' Mrs. Aagueta Brink permits. child. No bicyclists were killed in Mystery Ride, Manchester The funeral of Mrs. Augusts Toll Collectors Jobs‘is Birch strast, who will leave Friday Ordered to Go# A Year Ago. tCoiRmitted Found by (Oontliraed from Page One) said: After ‘ Freighter Is " “Now we have been advised to July this year. During July last Grange, 7:45 p. m. “In the Belaya Olina area our' Brink, wife of the late Herman for service in the Ooast Guard at To America Next Sunday Issued Today. Sunk by Jap Sub. San Diego, (/alif,, Aug. 5.—I-P)— let my government kno^ from Hartford, Aug. 5—Automobile year, one bicyclist, a child, was .Khie Man Grand Jury’ Anntial Pet Show, East Side It will cost ^ m his head.'* troops fought a heavy engagement Brink of this town, was held Tues­ Manhattan Beach, was given a wha't port they uill leave,” said struck and killed by an automo­ Playground, 7:00. Kunze's letter to Vonsiatsky with enemy tanks and nmtorized day afternoon at 2 o'clock, from farewell, party Sunday at the home Karen Marie Nansen, 15, and Hans fatalities in Connecticut dropped bile. Hartford, Aug. 5—(>P)—The New York, Aug. 5.—(Wide Time" program, NBC announces. Nansen, Jr.. 13, Englisb-bom chil­ Mrs. Nansen. "But where could 38 per cent during July with 18 BrMicport, Aug., 5— Tomorrow was sent in care of-Dr. Ebeii who units which had broken through. the Watkins Funeral Home. A of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gremmo of Seattle, Aug. 5—i/f)—Siurvlvora they go?” Hearing. Zone Commission, Mu­ was instructed to forward Vonsl- Our troops withdraw to new de­ Christian Science service was con­ State Personnel department today World)—Third in the “BrlUln to His announced subject is the part dren of a native U. S. citizen, persons killed this year as compisr- Frederick M. Peariey re- sent out a call for toll collectors 811 Middle Turnpike EasL About ot an American freighter sunk by America" series this Sunday Will American forces have played In ed to 29 during that month last The Way To Keep Them nicipal Building at 8. atsky's reply. fensive positions.” ducted by Ij, H. Dennlston, reader. 200 relatives and friends attended granddaughter of a Civil war vet­ )—Dis­ 'employe# and by Thomas J. Red Cross Blood Bank, Legion nually. Applications must be tiled vesael In a lifeboat and two rafts. NBC at 5:30, will have “Women Those We Love: 9:30—District At­ “Kurt" was not further identi­ laya Glina. • Retail Sales Tax by August 20. harassing anxiety." Nansen, a cussion of recommendations by ‘Qonova, a prisoner whose early re- Home, 1 to 5 p. m. One infantry formation at Kush­ The submarine attacked the In, War” as Its theme. Miss Dlck- torney; 10—Kay Kyser. Norwegian, la a prisoner in a Ger­ the War Labor Board mediation DUI# tease from jcil is characterised as Friday, Aug. 14 fied. The letter which Kunze en­ chevka .was credited In the mid­ One of the requirements exacted medium-sized freighter at 8 p. ra. ehs, author of "One Pair of CBS, 8—Nelson Eddy: 8:30— man detention camp. Please Notice! Meeting, First Aid Association, closed for Vonsiatsky at the lat­ by the state la that candidates Dr. (/hristlsn; 9- Shirley Temple; panels, for wage increases in three 7 1 0 0 ^ U. S. CLEANERS ■m “escape.” ter’s palatial Thompson estate day bulletin with destroying six Bar to Inflation and scored eight direct hits dur­ Hands," a book which has had The children's sister, Grete, 8, cotton texllie chsea came before Jail employes cited by the ref­ Trade School—7:30 p. m. German tanks and much equip­ must have “considerable physical ing the. two-hour attack, finally fair succeaa in this country, works 9:30—Suspense, mystery .drama; ' FOR OUR VACATION— STORE WILL BE AND DYERS ee as having committed probable .Aug. SI to Sept. 7 told the anti-stalinist leader that endurance." 10—Great Momenta In Music; bom in Norway, is a United States tbe WLB today. FOR PRO.MPT the outbreak of war in, the Pacific ment and killing about- 550 Ger­ (Continued from Page One) knocking, out her steering engine In a British aircraft factory. citizen and may remain here with Four of the five panel members L^mes are: . „ Knights of Columbus Carnival. mans. Three thousand in all were In outlining duties of th« Jobs and setting hpr afire. More than' Howard again will be narrator. 10;30—Twenty-Second Letter. CLOSED MONDAYS DURING MONTH PICK-UP! 836 Main Street ♦ Patsy J. DiPletro of Norwalk. '■ Friday, Sept. tS had caused Kunze to change his Mr. Scoboria says that “a toll col­ ' BLU, 7:30—Lone Ranger: 8 30 her mother. announced agreement yesterday Niwr Montgomery Ward's plans for going to Japan and that reported «-iped out in engagements the retail excise taxes on riirs, 30 sheila were fired. Soon after their marriage here that existing wages were sub­ P^lacbarged keeper, against whom Norivlch District Conference at lector meets at first hand many All Suffer From Exposute Harry James was annbunced to­ —Manhattan at Midnight; 9— OF AUGUST. i perjury Is alleged in the report. South Methodist church. the only other method of escape in this sector. jewelry and toilet goods,'" rtsltors to the state and his cour­ 1926, Nansen, a bank employe, standard. The cases involve about would cost $1,000 more. ’ Fighting was likewise fierce in Based On Collection Pr<4)lein Two sailors died • from shell day as witoer of Martin Block's Basin- Street Swing; 9:30—(jlold- and Mrs. Nansen moved to Eng­ 48,00 employes in 40 New Eng­ I.fipietro already is under arrest the Kletskaya sector northwest of tesy and helpfulness can create a wounds and - six others from ex- 13th semi-annual band popularity man Band; 10:30—Rep. Hamilton Plea.He Anticipate Your Purcha.se.s .\ccordinRly. on a bench warrant on that "Plesae send what you can to Senator Brown (D., Mich) said favorable reputation for the de­ Fish on "National Unity Assures land where Karen and Hans were land textile mills and about 13,000 Thank You: Dr. Ebell." pleaded Kunze. "Don't Stalingrad, with the Germans at­ he believed that if a sates tax partment and the enUre sitate ,poaure. Seventeen men, huddled on poll, with 68,902 votes out of 289,- born. . r employes In 11 southern mills. 1 tilBTgt. tacking repeatedly in an effort to one raft, driftecl for four days and 027 cast. The winner last January Victory.” MllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiM^^^ ...... m e The same accusation is made Reports Ration '.iss my name. Don’t write too was necessary, consideration service.” MBS, 8:30—Grenadier Guards Considered Norwegians While a specific Increase was Signed: against William A. Tamburrl of much';. bridge the Don, but tbs trend of should be given to extending the AppltcaaU for the Jobs must nights in tbs - icy seas before In the poll conducted by block, In 1935, U. S. legislation was not agreed upon, 7 1-2 cents an . THE M.ANAGEMENT. Fairfield, former deputy Jailer, The defense has conceded the the fighting was .not indicated. levy over services as well as goods.- have not leas than four years full rescued. Some of the crew mem­ whose “Make Believe Ballroom’’ Band; 9 30—Pasa In Review, enacted permitting women to con­ hour was recommended by the ' who already is under arrest on a Book Thefted letters are in Kunze's. handwriting. Earlier the Russians had reported Iglauer said his recommendation time employment, part of which bers were not picked up by is sired by WNEW (New York), Army CJamps; 10:30—Paul Schu­ fer their nationality on th^lr chil­ panel's . employer member. ^ c h warrant and who yesterday Federal Judge Joseph S.nith a setback here. was based upon the problems of has been as a cashier, ticket sell­ rescue'ia until eight days after the was Glenn Miller, this time run- bert’s Analysis. I Important Announcement | Was sentenced to a year in jail for yesterday excluded them oh - the Germans Making ProgreM administering and collecting a tax er, bus driver or similar capacity; attSek. All 24 survivors were suf­ er-up with 67,216 votes. Tommy contempt in the Common Pleas ground that the indictment limited qn services. or be a graduate from High school; fering from exposure. Dorsey la third With 34,034 and What to expect Thursday: NBC, FIRESTONE MARKET Hollister St. l^Ian Says the operation of the conspiracy to In almost all the Important brother Jimmy fourth with 32,717. 9:15 a. m.—Hank Lawson; 6:30 p. 'Court for the release of Genova. •southern sectors, the Germans “Retailers generally have always or have ■ satisfactory equivalent 'William Kosarich. 18, of Pitts- Member Home Circle Stores In the case of Genova, Referee "on or about Dec. 6." Today he an­ opposed consumption taxes in combination of experience and Joseph, Mo.,-signalman, 3rd cla.ss, Others of the first ten in order m.—Admiral S. M- Robinson on Pbasley holds there .is probable S Book Was Taken nounced he had reconsidered. were reported making some pro­ MIctwH R. Olnoin are 'Vaughn Monroe, Benny Good­ "Navy Ships.” CBS, 12 noon, Kata 379-381 EAST CENTER STREET TEL. 5867 I To All Radio Owners! | gress against furious Russian re­ ordinary tlmea." Iglauer said. "It training. and Milton G. McGaughey, of SL cause to find he committed perjury From His Truck. Two Wluieeaee Recalled makes their task of selling goods (Qualifications will be based on and remembered him with sums of Joseph, Mo., signlaman. 3rd class, man, Woqjly Herman, Kay Kyser, Smith Speaks; 3 30 p. ra.—U. S. and “the crime of escaping from Two government witnesses, Dr. sistance which took a heavy toll Charlie Splvak and Sammy Kaye. Navy Band; 6 30 p. m.—Vera Bar­ I EFFECTIVE MONDAY. AUGUST 10. 1912. WE M In German manpower and ma­ more difficult. Now. in war time, expiprience and training and an money, military sets, cigarettes members of the Naval detail as­ Jail, contrary to provisions of Sec- Otto Richard Flatter of Staten Is­ we welcome the opportunity to oral test to be given at the capitol and other acceptable articles. His signed the ship and the first two ton songs. BLU, 12:30 p. m.— : WILL NO LONGER FEATURE “PICK-UPS’ 3 John Clarke of 37 Hollister land, N. Y., and the Rev. Aleksi chines. From Kletskaya, 80 miles Farm and Home Hour; 2:15—Ted ttm 6177 of the General Statutes." street reported to the police de­ help with the war effort by assum­ between Aug. 26 and 29. parents who gave the party gave survivors to reach here, told In- MaJ. Gen. Lewis Hyde Brereton, I OF RADIO SETS = Genova also is under arrest on a Pelypenko, Ukrainian Roman northwest of Stalingrad, to Kush- ing heavy burdens of expense ami State employes who meet re­ lilm an Elgin watch. A buffet lunch terviewifrs that a Naval plane flew commsnding.U. S. sir forces in the Malone, books; 3:00—Allen Pres bench warrant charging perjury. partment today that an . S gas Catholic priest, recalled to the cheyka. .50 .miles south of Rostov; cott. MBS, 1:30 p. m.—Arthur ration book had been stolen frpm administration in connection with quirements and who wish to ^ was served and dancing was en­ so low over the shouting siywlvors Middle Blast, will apeak from I For the duration all seta should be left at our S Jn discussing Sheriff Edward A. stand for cross-examination by the the front was alive with tanks, joyed by the younger guests. Cairo at 10:30 p. m. tomorrow Van Horn, news; 2:45—Khskl Platt's connection with the jail in­ a Ford truck owned by him. The defense, were excused within a planes and tired fighting men on priorities, scarcities, transporta­ consiuered for the position through the morning after the sinking that : store, for repairs by the owners. ~ theft was reported first to the tion. price control and taxation.” departmental promotion may also “M,lke” as he Is known to many they could see the men in her rear (Thursday) on the "March of Serenade: 3—Variety Show. m . ■ ■ , V ■ JJJJ5 vestigation, Referee Peaaley said: few moments follo'iving brief ques­ the move. file applications. of hiS- friends and acquaintances “Sheriff Platt delegated to Tam- ration bureau and the owner was tioning. At Kletskaya, the Germans He declared that about 28 1-2 turret but the plane did not spot SUGGESTION! : Gas rationing and the tire shortage have made S advised to report the theft to the pet cent of the national income graduated. from Manchester High them. ; this step'necessary, but we feel the “no-pickup’’ S burrt the. authority to run the jail Immediately afterward, counsel threw new reserves into the atrug- school with the class of '41 A. He in the absence of the sheriff and police. for Molzahn moved for a directed is earned by people making less After that they saw no sign of * 1080 1380 E schedule is strictly .patriotic — to save tires and S gle and. in a bitter exchange of than $2,000 a year. -was treasurer of hia class, played rescue until they sighted the ship w n c WDRC Girls! Buy These Going Back to Scho^ h ^ complete confidence in the in- Another man has reported the verdict of acquittal on the ground blows, “pressed back somewhat',' Munich Pact quarter-back with the football Kilocycles Kilocycles i ffas. = tsgrity^f Tamburrl. theft of three unit coupons frpm that Father Pelypenko, the gov- th e' Russian defenders, the mid­ i'Under our Income tax 8j*stem which eventually picked them up. “Shemff Platt spent but little his gas ration book. emmefit's star writness was "an comparatively few of those people team, was a member of the M.H.S. Sent SOS Signals night Soviet communique said. state champion baseball team and Ko.sarich said he kept sending Wednesday, Aug. 5 Wednesday, August 5 E ^ Tubes Tested Free When Brought In Sepa- S time at the Jail and took no active' agent of entrapment," a motion The vicious fighting in the Klets­ pay any income tax," he declared. e part in the management and knew which was denied. . , _ “In view of the great national Is Disowned also <6f the T.ger Athletic ^lub. out SOS signals and the --ship's P. M. P. M. E rately. S kaya sector has swirled about one Before entering the service aijiciaco, even after gunfire had 3:30—Pepper Young's Family: 3:30—Columbia Concert Orches­ ^ ^ S A D D L E S ^ E • Minimum Service Charge $1.00, s what he was told,by Tamburrl and Civil Disobedience 74. of Johnstown, Pa., who' identi­ To the south, the Russians were everybody earning inepme." laamed from the records made by fied himself as a retired judge of He figured the 5 per cent sales blowft . the corner off his radio 3:45—The Right to Happiness. tra. f ' ' E Hourly Service Rate $1.50. W’e Service S Tamburrl." the Common Pleas court of Cam­ counter-attacking after bliintlng tsuc would add about two and one- (Continued from Page One) room. 4:00—Backstage Wife. 4:00-:-David Cheskln'a Orchestra = All Makes. S In concluding his finding, how­ If Demand Denied bria county. many enemy attacks, it was re­ half blllioiv dollars revenue. Patents Pool Five of the crew and Naval de­ 4:15—Stella Dallas. 4:15—Victory Begins at Home. ever, the referee remarked: Dr. Flatter, German emigre pro­ ported. Russian tanks, it was said, Urges No Tax Penalty ing Britain's stand was issued tail on the rafts died before tha 4:30—Lorenzo Jones. 4:30—Strictly Swing. = 0 W e Loan Radio Sets To Customers Who s crushed 270 German officers and 4:45—Young Wldder Brown. 4:45—News. N ow *T am satisfied that Sheriff Platt (Continued from Fags One) prietor of a Staiten Island phar­ R. V. Fletcher, vice president of simultaneously as a white paper. rescue ship ^was Sighted and wore E Bring Their .Sets In for Repairs, If Such S depended implicitly on Tambum maceutical laboratory who occu­ men in one fight and' Red Army “As Germany has deliberately -Stands Hit burled at sea. The sixth died the 6:00—When s Girl Marries. 4:55—War Commentary. : Repairs Take Over 24 Hours. S filers were reported to have de­ the Association of American Rail­ 5:00—Ad Uner. Richelieu t*earl B ead^...... S3.30 and up I . to properly conduct the Jail and imperialism," said the wizened, pied the stand last Friday as s roads, urged the committee to per­ destroyed arrangements concern­ day after the rescue. 5;15-‘-Portla Faces Life. that Sheriff Platt was wholly un- government witness, was asked by stroyed 30 tanks. 90 . trucks and ing Czechoslovakia reached in (Continued from Page One) 5:30—The Story Club with Jane 5:45—Ben Bernie. aware that Tamburrl had been dis- ascetic leader of millions of Indi­ other Nazi equipment in one day. mit' railroads to buy their own 1938 in which His Majestv's Gov­ . 6:00—News. E For Expert Repair Service Bring S ans and champion Of immediate in­ the defense as to whether or not securities at a discount without DUlon. ■ charging inmates of the jail in ad- he voluntarily sought out the FBI Withdrew From Salsk ernment in the United Kingdom an opportunity to be heard,” he 6:45—Dance Music. 6;05—Sports. Link Bracelets ...... $6.60 and up lance of their proper discharge* dependence for his country. The German drive to Belaya tax penalty. At present, the dif­ participated." Eden’s note said. Gladiolus Display^ 6:15—Hedda Hopper. E Your Radio to Us! s A resolution calling for a civil to give it information about a trip ference between the price paid and said. 6:55—Stand By, America- !-date.” he made to Germany five years ago Glina developed after the Russians “His Majesty’s Government re­ 6:00—News. 6:30—Keep Working, Keep Sing­ disobedience campaign against par IsVounted as profit to the rail­ Gibson told the committee that in which he had met Molzahn. had been forced to withdraw from gard themselves as free from any In West Hartford 6:is—History in the Headlines— ing, America. Com pacts...... $1.65 and up British rule unless India Is given roads, unless the carrier obtains engagements in. this respect. . . "by letters of March 29, 1940, freedom will be voted upon at a Salsk. 40 miles to the northeast. April 19, 1940, and March 17. 1941, Prof. Andre Schenker. 6:45—The World Today. Battle Beta-een Counsel The German push was aimed di­ a certificate from the Interstate “■At the final settlement of 6:30—Strictly Sports. 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. meeting of the powerful All-Indla After a battle between opposing commerce Commission or the Re­ Czechoslovak frontier to be reach­ between Standard and I. G„ It was About Town Congress party Friday and its rectly at Tlkhoretsk, about 50 arranged that during the war I. G. The annual show of the .Connec­ 6:45—Lowell Thomas, commen- 7:15—Glen Miller. Lockets and Chains...... $3.85 and up -lounael during which the prosecu­ miles southwest of Belaya Glli^ construction Finance Corporation ed at the'end of the war they will ; tator. 7:30—Green Valley—U. S. A. adoption is considered a foregone tion argued a reply might bring that the railroad la In unsound not be influenced by any changes should, on its developments (pre^ ticut Gladiolus Society will be held conclusion. (The (3erman high conynind aumably in fields . assigpied to Friday. August 14 at the Klnga- 7:00—Fred Waring in Pleasure 8:00—Nsjson Eddy. Plans have been completed for reprisal to Flatter's relatives in claimed yesterday that yoVoshil- financial condition. effected In and since 1938." Time. 8:30—Dr. (/hristlan—Jean' Her- The Congress Working Commit­ Germany, the court directed Dr.- Fletcher declared' the latter pro­ Masaryk replied that “between Standard), file applications in wood School, West Hartford. TTie Diamond Rings ...... $27.50 and up the “Mystery Ride” to held to­ tee already has acted upon the ovsk, 90 mllea southeast of Be­ France and England in Standard's exhibit will be open to the public 7:15—N«fws of#the World. sholt. night by the members of Man­ Flatter to answer. ' laya Glina, was in Qeniian hands.) viso injured the railroads' credit, bur two countries ' the Munich n.wa. “Wher.e Thrifty Shoppers Shop’’ Ben Elldredge, of Harvard road, day, A debt credit plan of tax -ellef 8:00—News’'of the World. Gustafson's favored negotiations with Tokyo. Molzahn with Kunze and three a north-south line extending Sudeten areas beginning ”Oct. 1, tra. has returned to his home follow- If independence cams to India roughly along the Rostov-Baku appeared to be In the offing today 1938. Tomorrow's Program 8:15—Shoppe i^Special. DONNELLY’S hig a business trip to Atlanta, Ga. other# were indicted on charges of. for the little fellows who pinch immediately, he said he would ask conspiring to furnish American railway from the Sea of Azov pennies to pay the monthly install­ The agreement was signed' on A M . . 8 :3 0 -News; JEWELERS AT THE CENTER BROWNBILT SHOE STORE ' . MEATY—SPRING j . to be sent to Japan to plead with through Kushchevka and Tlk­ Sept. 30, 1938, by the late Neville e;00..^ Reveille, Aitrlfultursl 8;.35—^Shoppers SpacliV, 8t. Margaret's Circle. Daugh­ her to free China or else "cOimt on military, secrets, to Germany and ment on their homes as well as for ters of Isabella; will have a meet­ Japan. horetsk and anchored in the south proprietors of civilian businesses Chamberlain, who then was Brit­ THE MANCHESTER News. 9:00—Press News. 705 MAIN ST. . NF.AR A. & P. MARKET stubborn resistance" of millions of to the Caucasus mountains. ain's prime minister; Edouard Da- 6:25—Ntfws. 0:15—Radio Reader. ^ ing and social, Tuesday evening, Indiana Kunze pleaded guilty as did Co- facing higher taxes and shrinking August 11. at the home of Mrs. Defendants Anatase A. Vonsiatsky “In the Kushchevka area the revenuea ladier, then premier of France: j8;30—Reveille. 9:30—Burl Ives. May Prove Boomerang of Thompson, former head of the German Fascist troops continu­ Premier Mussolini of Italy; and '8:55—News. 9:45—Thus Ws»Llve. ■ George H. Williams. f05 Oxford While most British observers ac­ Still vague in details, the plan PUBLIC MARKET 10:00—Valiant Lady. UMB FORES 2 11 Street. The business ses.sion will All-Russian Fasciat party; Dr. Ot­ ously attack our defense line," the had varying degrees of public en Chancellor Hitler. 7:00—Morning Watch. cepted as timely the release of the Russian communique said, adding g:00—News. 10:15—Stories Afiierica Loves. . begin promptly at 7:30 to allow text of the seized Gandhi resolu­ to WUlumelt of Chicago, former dorsement from a majority of the . plenty of time for a -variety of mid-west Bund leader; and Dr. that "moat or the attacks are re­ 21 members of the Senate Finance 8:15—World News Roundup. 10:SO-*-Amsnda of Honeymoon tion, the Bombay correspondent of ' Hospital Notes - 8:30—Women's Radio ^ z a a r Hill. ' FRESH KILLED—NATIVE ' card and other games. Mrs. Wil­ The'London News Chronicle said in Wolfgang Ebell. El Paso, Tex., pulsed." Committee which is considering a liams, chairman of the entertain­ physician. The fierce Don and Kuban Cos­ revenue bin calling for $6,271,000,- Thursday Special Values with Nan Clarke. 10:45—Fletcher Wiley. I a rnesisage to his paper it might 8:55—Program Parade. 11:00—Mary Lse Ta^or. ment committee for August and prove a "propaganda boomerang"' sacks were slashing at the in­ 000 in new taxes. A daughter was born late yes­ September, is assisted by Mrs' vader on plains which have The proposal would permit Indi­ Genaine Spring Rib Lamb Chops...... ,1b. i9c 6:09—R b ^ m a of the Day. ll'l5 —Second Husband. that likely would close gaps in the terday to Mr. and Mrs. Howard 11:30—Bright Horisons. Harold Heffron, Mrs. Andrew ranks of 0>ngress leaders and sup­ Nazis Land ’Cbute known the sound of battle jfor viduals to subtr/u;t from their tax­ Little of 314 Autumn street. Freshly .Made Lamb Patties ...... lb. 29c 9:15—Food Newt. Healey, Mrs. Nora Young,. Mrs. centuries. But even their fero­ able Income an amount equal to 9:80—Aunt Jsnnsy's I I ^ Ufa 11:45—Aunt Jenny’s Stories. BROILERS 33^ porters. Native Chickens for Frying or Roasting, medium size 12:00—Kate Smith Speaks. Alice Burke, Miss Maiy Miner (There was no . indication In Units in Caucasus city and skill were not enough to pajrments actually made on invest­ Rev. Thorsten A- OusUfson, Stories. and Miss Mary Connery. turn back the mechanized Nazi ment debts they contracted before head of the Tocal rationing board, ..each $1..39 9:45—Music While You Work. P. M. i r r n r w T ’ss London what action the British _ : !.. -i 'L ' were preparing to .take to cope units with their protecting cover a specified Sate, possibly Jan. 1, was admitted to the hospital yes­ Fresh Cut-Up Fowl for a nice chicken stew . .each $1.29 ,20:00—Bess Johnson. 12:15—Big Slater, SUGAR CURED—SMOKED Manchester is again free thi.s with the mass disobedience move­ (Continued from Page One) of dive-tximbers. 1942. terday. Genuine Fresh Calves’ L iver...... lb. 79c 30:15—Bachelor’s Children. 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. week of reportable diseases ac­ ment in India if the Congress The midnight commimique re­ The amount which thus could Tender Calves’ Liver, W estern...... Ib. 19c 10:30—Help Mate. 12:45—Our Osl Sunday. cording to the State Health De­ gives the “go-ahead’' at Friday's tion of actively-defending local ported fierce .battles in the region be charged off would be limited to * Miss Gertrude Keating, R. N. of 10:45—Longmlre Reports. 1:00—News. Dotted Mattfuisette partment bulletin issued today. meeting as expected. Observers {x>pulation, such groups of para­ of T.slmlyansk where the_GerTnans a certain percentage of the in­ the Manchester Public Health We Have Some Nice Sugar Cured Corned Kcef, Rib or 11:00—Road of Ufe. 1:05—The Inside Page. chutists might remain undisclosed ^iavel ...... lb. 19c 1:16—Woman In White. •A. there- recalled the statement iri esBibllshed bridgeheads on the come—^Just as deductions for char­ Nurse's Association has returned 11:15—Vic and Sade. WHh Medium SHOULDERS 3 3 Mr. and Mrs. Walteb Waddell ot the House of Commons by L. S. for a long tlme.'''said Red Star, Don early in the struggle for the ity donations cannot exceed 15 per to her duties following s month's 11:30—Against tbe Storm. 1:30—Vic and Sade. . 861 Mam street who have been Amery,' secretary for India, on 'this may lead to very serious con­ Caucasus, but there were no new cent—and probably,, would be'fur­ vacation In SaybrooH, 11:45—David Harum. i 1:45—The Ooldberge. spending a vacation of several July 30 that the government of sequences. details on the trend of fighting ther limits to. a total ranging A FRESH SHIPMENT OF SEA FOOD 12:00—Uttle Show. 2:00—'Young Dr. Malone. Or Pin Dots weeks in, Florida, are expected India would "take every possible “ Last year special exterminat­ there. from $300 to $500. Mrs. Catherine Smythe, R. N. of CHOWDER CLAMS STEAMING CLAMS P. M. 2:15—Joyce Jordan—Girl In­ e-TOIff WITH -PAIHT ON -U Si JUST SUGAR CURED—PL^TE CORNED ’ home this evening. The greatei* atep to meet the situation.”) ing detachments organized from On the Leningrad front several Suggested deductions under this the Manchester pjjblic Health 12:15—Lunebeonaires, # terne. WATtltl AMY SURFAai ONE COAT! pert of the time they were visit­ Meanwhile Biswanath Das, .for­ Iccal populations had great suc­ hundred enemy officers and men proposal included payments on Nurse's Association la now enjoy­ 12:45—Here Comes the Band.* 2:30—We Love and Learn. ing a month's vacation. ' FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES ing with Mr. Waddell's father. mer Congress party premier of cess. They exterminated hundreds were reported killed in a local home mortgages, life insurance 1:00—News. 2:45—Llf$ (/an Be Beautiful. Plain or Checked - A N D i r s Thomas Waddell,# formerly ot Orissa province, was sentenced-to of enemy parachutists. It is neces­ engagement in which the Rus­ premiums and other relatively es­ Fancy Elberta Peaches-...... 3 lbs. 29c 1:15—Marjorie Mills Hour. Manchester, but who for a'num­ three months in prison for mak- sary to expand this form of strug­ sians recaptured one Inhabited sential debts. Census today—102. Native Tomatoes...... 1 lbs. 19c 1:45—Cedric Foster, commenta­ BEEF ber of years has made bis home in- .ing a speech prejudicial to the gle with German 'chutists/' settlement. The aid for debt-burdened busK Fresh Picked Com and I#ima ^aii.s. tor. Blunder Is Made DRY IN St. Petersburg. Their son, Walter, war effort. Red Star also said the German nesses would be carried out on a Admitted yestei^y:. Mrs. Mary 2:00—Studio Program. VOILES I HOUR! Jr., who has been taking a sum­ Air Force was striving to paralyze some-what similar plan, wiUvJMth Davis, East Hartford; Mary Lou 2:15—Medley Time, Hal Kolb, Qn Lunar Eclipse mer course at the Valley Forge ibe Russian railway system in ad­ Germans Assert proposals possibly combing with Delaney and John Delaney, 3 Wal­ THURSDAY GROCERY SPECIALS ' organist. Regular $1.19 Quality CALIFORNIA Military Academy, Wayne. Pa..-is Eiiiergeiicy Homes vance of the Nazi land troops.. a post-war tax rebate for those nut street; Charles Gill, 15 Frank­ 2:30—Concert Miniatures. - ' individuals and corporations not lin street; Rev. Thorsten Gustaf­ CUT-RITE also expected to return tonight. The German pattern of attack, Quaker . 2:45—Day Dreams with Bud New York, Aug. 5.—(IP)—For a SARDINES Board. Is Naiiied it said, was to send out .Measer- Kropotkin Taken requiring special relief. son, 64 Church street; Mrs. Gladys Orange, Papaya, Grape­ Rainey. few fleeting houre yesterday, one The daughter born .Saturday at schraltt fighters to scout for ob­ Chairman George (D-Ga), who Steiner, 173 Bush ,H1U Road. fruit Marmalade, made PulTed Sparkles man held the universe In hie hand! WAX PAPER IN TOMATO SAUCE has called the debt credit plan Discharged yesterday: Mrs. 2:55—News Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. ^ jectives. These then'speed away to (OsaUaued from Page Oae) with Cuban Honey. It’s Wheat, A with power to upset the course of 125 FT. ■ m C - John R. Brookes of Vernon, has Hartford, Aug. 5.—r,P,—Gover­ report to the dive-bombers, which “sensibly sound.” told reporters Clyde Marshall and- infant' son, > that a great deal of work would Bolton; Mrs. John West and tn*. j delicious! package...... V C careful astronomical calculations ) ROLL...... I ^ C \#/ aX oooq, .oaoeo ■ been named Barbara. Ilfs. Brookes nor Hurley today announced a then appear at Interval^ 'as short with sinking a 6,500-ton cruiser on and in general raise heavenly ipr. lOc was the former Mias Dorothy Bid- nine-man Emergency Housing as 15 tb 30 minutes. These bomb­ have to .be done on the proposal fant daughter, 118 Main street; i 12-oz. j a r ...... Ric*’ 1 O x - Explosive Safety the Black Sea. to make certain that it was ap­ Mrs. Nina Kusian, East Hartford; I havoc. ^*Ch rrUT well, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Commission to assist in home con­ ers seek to throw railway workers Soviet' land forces fleelhg to­ package ...... 1 A V He did. -•Kc, Howard F. Bidwell of Scarsdale. struction for war workers. The into a panic by their constant at­ plied equitably- to all taxpayers Alan 'Wheeler, East Hartford; WALDORF SCOTT “ ward the Caucasus are under con­ and to prevent loopholes from de­ Mias Marguerite Noonan, 93 Pearl Unit Established A frantic telephone call from the N. Y. Mr. Brookes Is a native of Governor said they will study the tacks as well as to destroy all fa­ stant air attack, dive-bombers Com, cream style. Royal MueUer’s Macaroni, El­ Hayden Planetarium of the Amer­ . Manchester and brother of ,Mrp. housing situation in vital areas. cilities. veloping. street ican Museum of Natural History TISSUE having wrecked V^o armqred Approves Proposal Generally Admitted today: Miss .Harriett J Scarlet, m bows and. Sjiag- TISSUE Maud Norton of Benton street. Due to a shortage of critical Following them comes a force of trains and 24 transport trains on Washington, Aug. 6.—(jet—The revealed .— and corrected — the Cretonne Mrs. Brookes h u been active in materials! he said, one of their small tanks, then heavy tanks on He s&id he approved generally Flavell, 88 Hamlin street; Alton No. 2 c a n ...... I W C hetti, 3 pkgs. ... #£<30 the congested rail lines, the com­ a proposal made to the coimnittee Holt Jr.. 114 Campfield Road; | War Deputment has set up a new world-shaking error, and who dp the Manchester Girl Scout Council first aims will be to develop the which automat’c riflemen ride. . munique continued. Tomatoes, Good Quality^ axploalvs safety branch to formu­ you think maCe it? » 650 SHEETS .... 4c 1,000 SHEETS ... 7c and is its present publicity chair­ prospects of obtaining Connecticut Entire Front Attacked yesterday by W. P. Hobby, pub­ Gay West 76 Ashford street; Don- ; Sauerkraut, Royal Scarlet, $( Farther north, between the Don lisher of The Houston, Tex# Post aid Ziemak, 96 Cooper Hill street i No. 2 can, ^ ^ * late and enforce safety measures A press agent. man. material for construction pur­ Tte entire Caucasian front was and the Sal rivers, bopit>ers are fancy, 2 largest _ In munitions plants, *^th head­ Yea, the Planetarium caller said. DRAPES poses. alive with the Germans battering and former governor of Texas, to Discharged today: Mrs. Blather I 2 f o r ...... j b D C quarters at 333 North Michigan ^ I T 'S WASHABLE! GALLON PILLSBURY The Rev. George Stewart, a clearing a path for tank spear­ allow small businesses, without Hewitt 327 Parker street; Mrs. I c a n s ...... their preae agent had bhindsred in FInch-PImted With Tie- 4 Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Anna­ their way toward Russia's long-de­ heads driving eastward, it was avenue, Chicago. releanng the newe ttet a forth­ f o r m SPRY ^ polis. Md., is visiting her parents member of the Federal low cost sired oil treasures, and the Rus­ -war. contracts a credit against Mary Orlofski, 113 North SchooJ I Backs. Rose, Blue, and Briefly, this altogsther new and differ- I Petfe SNO-SHEEN stated. surtaxes of 5 per cent yearly of street; Mrs. Stella KIttel, 18 Bia-'^ Bartlett Pears, Royal Scar- Announcing the new organlxa- coming lunar ecllpee would be vlei- Wine. snt kind of paint—XBM-TONB—lets Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong of housing project. .Stamford, was sians announced another new Still farther north, where the tjon. tbs department said today it ble over New Totk beginning at 9 Mix 1 gallon with VLb. Can 25c CAKE FLOUR I TnUand Turnpike, and other local named chairman of the corarais-. withdrawal In the Tsimlyansk sec­ the amount of their outstanding sell street. '* BuylCanWil- lO — yon paint any room, paint over any Sion. Don riyer bend swings close to debts for retiring those obliga­ would be under C/ol BYancls H. p. m. (e.w.t) Aug. 26. SPECIAL! surfscs (including wallpaper), with a water and make 1% MlaUvas. tor. It was there that the Red Hams’ Lye f o r ... l 4 9 v Miles. Jr., of Mahwah, N. J# who Actually, the Planetarium de­ Army had been trying to stem the Stalingrad. Soviet forces were said tions. single coat of btautifol, fist paint gallons paint. Your t 3-Lb. Can 71c P.VCKAGE .... 23c to have made weak and unsuccess­ Senator Taft (R-Ohlo) said he And Get 1 Can WiUiaBu” Premium Crackers, recently returned from Egypt, and clared, the moon'e Idackeut will that dries in an hour aiuf'msy bs cost, ready tojw ng li.i flow of Gemum reinforcements ful attacks, while around Rzhev, favored merging the individual Nabisco, n a wrould have a headquarters staff of begin 24 hours earlier and wlU apply, per gsL. X Public Records over newly estahllshed Don river 130 miles west of Moscow, Ruaidan CleanMr Free! about 100. washed with soap and water I bridgeheads. and corporation proposals In one Mb. pkg...... I V C continue until 2:M a. m., Aug. 28, $ 1 .9 8 pr. ELBERTA PEACHES ' attacks with strong Infantry smd comprehensive p lu . covering debt W A N TED the period of total e c lt^ being FREESTONE PLl*MS Weddings Wamntoe Deed The entire Ration was aware of tank forces were extended to new payments, government bond pur- Former Strong Man Dies from 11 p. m. Aug, 85 to 12:35 IN THZNCW eST, SMJIRTCST PASTEL COLOSSI 3 1J»8. 29c John R. Allen to Rudolph and the fast-developing and critical areas. situation In the Caucasus and the ebasea and post-war rebatea for a. m. Aug. 26. Martha Reich, property bn Sum­ Hard Battim tai Pregreaa taxpayers who had no need of the Juneauf Aug. 5.—OF)—John Cloae shave, huh? ONIONS mit street. newspaper Pravda, in a message Hard battlea are in progress relief provisions. Two Waitresses Wagner, 80, who dum g tbe Klon­ NATIVE CUCUMBERS ‘’ MeSweeney-Benson t|uitclaini Deed to soldiers and ciTillana alike, ap­ north of Rzhev, but the Soviet rt- iO iX Y p O lj dike gold rush was known as the I Oonflrnsed Johnson Paint Co. 5c Eack 10 Lb. Bag 3 ^ K ' / Mr. and Mrs. HuMnaa H. Benson pealed: "More flrmneae and stub­ strongest man oa the Chilkoot The Manchester Trust Com­ bornness and the enemy win be tempt to create a diversion -has Tbs nation's 6,096,799 farms TEXTILE STORE •M 9tafn 84. TeL 8854 ' Msnohesker > m BDck Btrset announce the pany to the Savings Bank of fail^, aaid the communique wars valued a t $83,641.7S8,7a6 in APPLY AT ONCE! Pass trail, dlad ysiKsrOay. Wag­ Waahlngtoo, Aug. S.— ceresMMv tcok place'August ter to Emma A. Knofla, property with Strang artillery suppo^ but 706 and. tba farm implements and „cook stoya.. O. Thatcher, East Hampton. Advert!^ in The Herald—It Pnga m i, ta puertoo. N. T. troops and nrge tank forces in the Carey’s GriD on Durant street. Belara GUna area while dive- also failed, the Ugh command con­ machinery were listed at $8,060,- DIA L MS7 cluded. Il8 7 « » . ^ J ifr. -j:; ....-■.'.Ji:. Ax-’/,. '' ' ''Vy


Advertlsement- Adv.ertiaf merit — Advertiaeinent— A d vf rtiaemant — Favored iu Hambletonian It is only $2.98 a gallon. Ask and have your butcher grind it. Dodgers Robbed West Side Sponsor Agrees ’Train Yourself Now for the Job about this miracle pain* at John­ Buy a pound and a half or two War Is Not An Excuse son Point Co., 699 Main street. pounds (for outdoor appetites, use You'd Need if Army Calls Hubby Tel. 6854. half a pound per person). Have it For Neglecting Oomph in one large lump and be very In Tenth Frame On Playoff Arrangement r. —. J nf War prefrrcjicoa as to typos of Siinda.v Sif|^)>er Salad careful not to aqueeze it or prcs.s it down. Mold it very tenderly The officers of the women's army not paying much attention to their fs_,T*** ***21*^^ American* that " the woman advised .her to For a Sunday supper arrange I looks. J riMlinwn in take a business course. , with yo((r hands into a round aren't going around looking like in Individual salad towls slices of But all that may change now potted meat, stuffed eggs, sliced steak about 1 1-2 inchea thick. frumps or battle axes. Announce­ Little Argument Over ■ which we did not find it " « " * - depressed about Pat -do not press. If you are that it is evident that the women By Dimout Rules Brown Meets Men ill Blue « r y to call up young married men ^ tomatoes, potato salad, on beO of ment has already been made tflbt I who are going into war work to lettuce. Garnish with ripe olives, broiling it. have your coals just at Details; Bitter Game ! '•B dyou thaof 18to20. Mrs. Jones First o"'all. he. a use she is .lo- the peak of their glowing heat there is to be a well-equipped beau­ the extent of Joining the women’s If W hO M husband ii 28 years old and ,„methinK . onstniclive. in- slivers of crisp green peppers and and slip your steak 6n a wire grill ty salon at the W A A C camp at army aren’t going to neglect their Falcb in Main In Sight When Teams raw carrots..Accompany with hot looks for their job.s. Mel On Stalls in Fine B g r o n g DoWll F down irin^'em nlov- sittinR around worr.\nnR cheese biscuits and hot coffee. over the coals. Des Moines. I'p a tlm . went ^ .Secondly, because she knows that "Let it sear on one side, turn ’ If they think looks are impor- Style to Gam Draw Clash; McEvitt Puts ; .quickly: then sear very quickly That ought io be good news for i tant, and find time to go right on 8he had never h^dheld «a s^esdvsteady Job,lob in a short. tf„jn,.d time so she that will she be well ran Bout Thursday Issue Up to Clubs Just In Case You Haven’t Heard, ‘ on, the other side. Sprinkle heav­ men all over the country. Not that patronizing a beauty salon, cer­ With Brooklyn; Reese K en s 9 to 4 and she decided support herself. And thirdly, b#- nylon and silk hosiery are out ily with salt and pepper—the many of them will be dating tainly women in the country can't Hits Homer as Umps ____ Li Short Motion. .5*l “ .b^e em?^d wo^k • ca S ^ her husband srems »o re- for the duration. Until we beat the freshly ground pepper and coarse WAAC officers—or even getting a use war work a.s an excuse for go­ sox off the Axis, these precious look at them. But If officers in ing around looking sloppy. Fast Colored Fighter, salt are the'best—and turn again. Halt Game; •> Yankees V innera Punch Out The RockviUc Scouts and X*a- , ' * Tied to a helpless, little thing but yarns will go for more important Salt and pepper the other side imd charge of the women’s army have So the men of the country Ray Robinsdn'a Star items, and you’ll wear rayon or made allowances for women’s should be interested in the fact a ganl’s West Side* play the first CTedC ' '^‘n » P':' >‘P by that time you shqtild have a Lose; A ’s Top Sox. j Win in Final Innings; tion and get bu.sy doing something u nothing. perfect hamburger that Is crusted need of bcautUying, it may do a beauty aalon is being pro\"lded for Sparring Partner at game of the playoffs this evening ! IJven if he should receive a com­ to improve it. lot to convince the women of the mission which she very rfiuch The bare-legged faahion la Just on the outside and tender and rare WAAC officers at their new train­ By Judnon Bailey Arcto Stops Losers. at the West Side Oval at 6:15 HEU/) THERE: country that sloppy dressing and ing camp. The Arena. doubts-'She knows she wouJ4 There are thou.sands of young j IT'.S .NO TRICK a t ALI. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY TO BENE­ as ^pular along Fifth Avenue as on the Inside. Slice and eat with AP Sport* Writer o'clock. This was decided at a ’ ’wlVes in the same boat with Mr. it Is at the beach these days. a good slice of onion or with a grooming on their part won’t do They have a right to be both in­ want a Job \o keep from feeling F IT from the specials that'are advertised for you . in this column anything to help ".vin the war. New York fans miy never like The Beer Barons clubbeid a B to meeting of the Twi league last Jones. Women who don't know but ^ There’s no problem in getting large helping of succota.sh and a terested and hopeful. For it is Jimmy Brown of New YObk, tiaeleas. But more than likely she every Wednesday evening. Mother. Dad. Brother and Sister alt are 'The last few months observant "twl-night" baseball, but they are 4 decision over the Ken’s Service night, on 'motion of Felix Mc­ will need to help with her own sup- that their men will soon be need- : the right sh&de of fake stockings chunk of French bread.” safe to bet that the handpicked able to find some items that will appeal Just to them. The'merchants TTc'a have become alarmed over the Station softball team last night at one of Ray Robinson’s sparring Evitt, that the TwI teama play ed in the Arm.y. The sooner they | select the specials for this column to acquaint you all with their either. You regulate the color by girls In the women’s army are go­ now ready to admit that the dim- I, ‘iiarter Oak street. The game out the rest of the achedule on has no children and should assume that "the Army will take the number o f - applications. One tendency.of women to make slop­ ing to be pace setters for their out plays no favorites. ■> partners, has been secured to quality of merchandise and to give you all available information A Little Gift py slacks a uniform, to cut off slarteid aknviy, but the Barons successive nights to conform to Uncle Sam aUrt providing for Mr. men eventuall.v and'start plan-! makeup that is es^cially easy t6 sisters. And if they stem the cur­ Twice in two nights, the strug­ broke the ice In the third Inning tangle with Tony Falco of Middle- ning their futures accdrdingly - j about any new items ns they appear on the market. The recipes and Some of the nicest items for their hair whether short hair be­ the league rules. Jones' care. Mrs. Jones wouldn't apply is the stick form. It goes on rent o f feminine sloppiness, men gles o f the Brooklyn Dodger* and and scored in each of the follow­ the less of a shock it will be if a i household hints are also selected with wartime emergencies in mind celebrating to-be-remembered oc- comes them or not. and in general New York Giants have been pre­ town in one of the two, etar bouts This, however, came after a have much to do. niid to help .you con.serve as much vita! hoii.sehold materials as pos­ almost as quickly as pnlling up a all over the country will owe them ing Innings. Gentlecore and Fal- draft board some day derides that j casiona seen on specialty coun- to use the war as an excuse for a vote of th inks. maturely ended by the army regu- heading this week's boglng show brief flareup between Billy Pa- A fter she had given the woman sible. If you. at nn.v. tithe, feel you have anything you .can contribute pair of stockings. One application cetta each hit safely twice In the ganl. sponsor of the West Side’ Uncle Sam can't get along with- . tera right now come under the lationf which require that flood­ at Red Men’s Arena Thursday. atM, theUl« emplbyiijehtCIllWIUJ'iM^aav agency - an------idea - --. - , . . . ' to this column for the benefit of your neighbor readers, we shall be gives you a light golden beige gam'e. Pete Aceto pitched a good club and Jeff Keolsch, RockvUIS M to her education, her aptitudes, out their nuRbands. "little g ift” classiflcation. For in­ lights must be extinguished an glad to receive, tt. ------tone, another a darker shade. game for the winners, as he allow­ Managed by George Gainford. mentor. They did not go Into stance, packaged in a gay box. a hour after sundown. who. has been training Robinson Now for this week's specials! Pisrhaps you want to fool the vial of perfume and a flacon of Xtnnday this rule helped bent the ed only five hits, and struck out any lengthy argument. Keolsch Peach and Raspberry Bowl the same number. He had swell through his entire ring career. Jnhn Qirinn (Serves 4 to 6) public and make them believe eau de cologne in matched fra­ Star Spangled Silhouette Giants 7-4 when, darkness smoth­ hinted that hUi pluyera would b* IKin’t Miss 4>ut on Thene! support from his mates, as they Brown hails from Savannah, Ga. One pint perfect raspberries, 6 you're really wearing stockings. grances. You have your choice of ered a promising rally In the last gone on Friday. 1711* W-as purs A genuine "buy" on played errorless balL He has lost but one of '14 fights Wayside Musings blushing peaches. 1-4 cup granu­ In that ca.se. use your eyebrow five varied odors so she's bound half of the ninth inning— to the I' r; bunk for the Scouts have an Im- • goodlooking, sturdy pic­ ' cut. and if you are particular Tw o more games are ..scheduled around New York. lated sugar, 4 tablespoons nf ma­ pencil to simulate the seam. Un­ to be plea.sed. There's one espe­ Draw apart and pull yourself violent displeasure o f‘ a crtm'd of portant game on Sunday. nic Jugs at Marlow s. about a perfect fit, yoii’ll suffer for tonight. A t Charter Oak atraet 'Which ia an right aa records go, Japan T rip raschino or grenadine. less ^'oii have a steady hand and cially nice for daytime—a fresh together, Mabel. The girdle crisis ,57,39.5 fans assembled for the While Jeff was giving hU spiel Gratitude -Plus" smooth or simple anymore., death They holil one. gallon a good eye. however, forget about no girdle hardships,’ de.splte the the Union Looal 743. team meets but Falco boasts an eyen more Carefully pick over the rasp­ woodsy scent. Then you mignt benefit of Army relief. Pagan! broke in and eta tod: along With birth marches Hght ★ liquid and are specially it. or you'll receive adyice to ia past. rubber shortage. the Tigers and at the Y M C A impressive record. For the Mid­ ThSM are trying times when berries and wash ■ gently. Chill. w;ant to double the gift and couple U gbts Out Colby Hanover, left, Fred Egan in the sulky. Is favorite In 17th runnini^ nf $40,000 Hamblejonian "W e’ll play you any time.” along and with it triumpha and priced at It. You'd better hurry! straighten your seams. Your loving Uncle Sam took Remember this, however: Your diamond the Dairyrien wlU play dletown Buzzsaw was won all but A ids Q uinn Plunge the peaches Into boiling it with a more sophisticated en­ Last night, however, Uie switch­ Stakes at Good Time Park. Ooah<*n, N. Y., Aug. 12. Loading contender la Pay Up. right, shown in “Wednesday night?” asked spilled blood and death are the defeat.*. one look at the new WPB-regu- the Beer Barons. The boa scors: "«ne of 64 fights aa an amateur and water, remove instantly and then semble for evening. Price Is pleas­ girdle now has become a posses­ ing o ff of the Polo Grounds lights affectionate poae with trainer-driver tee Smith. Keolsch. scourge of the world. Peace Is Fall Hats lated dresses for fall and realized Beer Barons But, America la gradually going peel. Cut Into thin slices. Cover '"Kemps” .Are HI* Favorites ing, also. sion to be cherished tenderly, so 'erased a four - run tenth-inn­ lost bt|t one of 25 pro battles. He “ You bet,” replied Pagani. This fall hats are hats, and no that If a girl is to fit into that take care*'of it. Try to buy two, ing outburst by the Dodgers and , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. what we want above all, but in a places, and in a hurry, as is the with sugar. Chill quickly In Your soldier will > whipp^ Dom Yovella here not so Went willi All*Stars to After that it was Juit a formal­ mistake about it. Honest-to-gOod-. pencil-slim silhouette she must Saverick, as ... 4 1 1 0 i 0 world gone mad with hate, peace usual American tradition. Going freezing 'tray. be thrilled to re- so that you can alternate, wearv gave the Giants a 1-1 tie which- long ago. ity. McEvitt then made his mo­ ness crowns and brims are wltn Garden Lovers keep the curves under control. Wash them once a week in luke­ the teams will play off Sept. P. Anniello, If .. 3 1 1 0 0 '0 Nippon iu 1935 and must be put aside until there is ahead with that tirelesa energy Just before serving combine c e 1 V e K e m p’s Another pair of welterweights tion and It carried. and drive that has made this coun­ us again—and what crowns! What By Gertrude Curtis Ryan Thus, we still have girdles, per­ warm aud.s and dry In a cool This time the 1.5,000 fans accepted Gentlecore, 3b 3 2 2 1 1 0 Jnatice and for that our nation raspberries and peach slices in a goodies — a grand clash lri*the other alx-tnunder, Pat Oimbed to Top. It looks like a real knock down brims! What silhouettes anf the ri­ Bariesia. af .. . .3 0 A 0 0 0 Wide World Features Many of us have brothers, sons $1.25. Tins of pea­ Pat bested Billy Augustus here a was little love lost between tha boys in the' front line* the boys 4Hits'tandlng Sale of Simimer That everybody needs in comfort and fit. vals throughout the game. M. Anniello, r f 3 2 I 3 0 0 His w;ork In Japan, when hF"nc- and friends serving their country. nuts and mixed Hambletonian at Goshen Meet couple of weeks ago, while Al, a two teams prior to this lengthy who are a part of America—Amer­ Footwear Eyeu Open— Please! The first wartime foundation ' The fans' loss was alight com- McCruden, c .. 3 0 0 6 0 0 Some are in the Nav’y, some In the puts,puis, too!loo: Kemp's.vemps product of prelims here a year companied an American All-Star argument and all semblance of ica the Land of the Free! Here's your chance to buy shoes Americana are urged to buy have jars of pea-1 And then we 11 go and buy a host garments are Just beginning to burton*s' ' M rcd to that of Peewee Reese, the E. Berezenski, c f 3 1 1 1 0 0 ago, will be in better shape than A ir Oorpauir in the Marines, in all. Dodgers’ little shortstop, who hit Aceto, p ...... 2 1 1 2 1 0 team to Nippon In 1935, earned any friendly spirit vanished at the for now and next Summer in both and eat as much cheese as they so,- . iw in! Of envelopescelopes with seeds In. trickle into the market, as most By Burton Benjaada the night he dropped the duke to branches of Uncld Sam's service. nut butter now 39c a Ib. Nuts in s home run inside the park with John A. Q'uinn a chance to become meeting last night. whites and two-tones. Kali-sten- can. Stepped-Up production has stores still are stocked with pre­ Red Dody. He took that bout as a Serving their country as it must the bulk fresh every w-eek and de­ h VELVETEEN the bases loaded to kayo Fiddler Totals ...... 30 9 B 21 Goshen. N. Y./"Aug. 5.—WllUsm an American League umpire. Keolsch won the toss two weeks iks. Dorothy Dodd spd Mode ‘Art.*, outstripped even huge lend-Iease And where we plant the seed with war styles. Come fall, however, 6 0 Base Pilots P op GlcRSOll last-minute substitute, hence he ago and will have whatever advan­ be aerved and protecting its people licious packaged chocolates. All Bill McGee in the tenth with none Ken’a Servlee Station H. Cane brought back boss and Quinn, a na^v:e of PMladeipbla, lutting Air Treds and Carolyns, Kit-a- demands. . . . Watch for soups to available at Quinn's Pharmacy. hopes, you'll be seeing the new versions bad no preparation whatsoever for tage goes with thin arrangement from the nameless horrors that Peds, Active Maids and Cniisiers appear in somewhat different W e ’ll place on sticks the enve­ in qiiantit.v— and you're going to out. It ■ didn't . count because the Murac, c ...... 3 0 1 0 buggy days to the Eastern - sea­ began his career as an arbiter by 'Inning never was finished, It. The Scouts plan to use Marco and tbraaten If the enemy is allowed are all substantially reduced. form on gro<-ery shelves. Larger lopes. have to look aharp to tell the dif­ f Hair Bows Poehnert, 2b, of 3 0 0 1 D n ib Locals board long, before «'s r and gas ra­ Blanks Cloak working sandlot, scholastic and o n SlaRs Promoter ,Ed Hurley completes that goes without saying aa he has to carry on its murderous treach­ orners Sport footwear and Keddettea as cans with more concerftrated con­ .Straw Hat Care Each flower to know precisely. Gayton, I f ...... 3 0 0 5 tioning made it a necessity. ' then college games. In 1928 he was ference. T7>e Giants had little chance of his card with five prelUns, all of demonstrated he Is the one to beat ery. low as $1.89 and $2.19. See these tents will gradually replace the Take care' of your straw hat And- late in August' or July Combs Attached Burke, sf, 2b... 2 0 0 0 made umpire-ih-chief of a strong Here's an inexpensive dessert, The corsetry designers have getting a turn at bat anyway, and Bill Cane’s buggies were sulkies; three rounds. Sterling talent is tonight. The West Sldef* will de­ ftegardleaa of rank or position. now at C. E. House k Son. Inc. old types. The new soups will be this year—you may want to wear Some friend will say. In passing Ram-sdell, p .. . .3 0 i 0 Easily 12-0 his horses, trotters; and his spec­ Outfit 15-0 independent league in Philadelphia. quick to make, g o ^ to the palate. done a praiseworthy Job In think­ they made certain they would not listed In three of the paatchea he pend upon P st Murdock and If he ragaMleas of station, we owe Sizes are broken of course but clearly marked and will sell under it next. Keep tt brushed—a soft by, Koe’sch, cf ____3 1 1 0 tacle, the Hambletonian stake, Then Quinn started moving up Make a rich, biscuit dough and roll ing up ways and means to Insure by some dexterous atalllng. Man. has completed. W ith Johnny Duke is right the HIU BUUee are due for every one of these boys our un­ there are some splendid "buys.” slightly higher ceilings than those brush for fine smooth weaves and "Yoqr envelopes came up nicely." AmEnde. Sb .. 2 1 0 0 wMch will be raced for the 17th the ladder. He received an ap> to about a three-quarters-inch your streamlined figure, while ager Mel Ott was slow in getting and Mike Rosen, Hartford rivals, e real batUe right from the start limited gratitude. The boys who canned before June 30. 1942. a clean ■ whLsk broom for the G’bye now, Kunley, l b ___ 3 1 1 B time at Good Time Park, here, potntment to the Southern 'Asso­ thickness. Arrange in a shallow making the most of every pre­ relief pitcher Ace Adams to the Morifirt^’s Unable to Hurls No Hitter .While having been rematched in one of Just how badly the W est Bidea have been called away from their Knew Knee-Lengths •' coarser rough straw-s. If caught Dowgewicz. aa ..2 1 1 1 Aug. 12. ciation and his work ip that loop .square pan and top with sliced cious inch o f elastic. mound. Then Adams walked the them. They staged a thrilling wIU fare tonight 1* a question. Thd homes, their desks and benches— Once you doff your stockings In the rain, be sure that tt is •rrsSTYUSH! Schneider, If .. 2 0 0 2 Touch Hendrik for A dozen years ago, sulky racing for the next five years gained him peaches. Sprinkle with a little su­ Aa .Amazing New Washable Your new fall girdle or all-in- first man he faced, made a wild Mates Pile Up Big draw here two weeks ago. team has the fight. TTiree veer* "tt was tough, but they took It with you may decide to g o without propwly shaped while drying. If by harness horses was considered tbe assignment to Japan. gar, cinnamon and nutmeg and dot Paint: one will have' narrower elastic RPEPSYOUUP! pitch, got a batter on a fly and ToU U Meriden's Walt Kuhto stacks ago the^ would have welcomed a grin and they're out to do their them well through Indian sum­ leather sweatband la dampened .26 4- 5 18 7 4 Needed Hits; Qout aa passe as pongee shirts and but­ Margin; Losers Fail He. conducted himself so well on with' butter. Rake in moderate New Kem-Tone Wall Finish for panels than before. You'll find' • TOPS YOUR OUTFIT! the game was over. The playing this chance and It la certain that best. mer, maybe into fall, especially after w-earlng, turn it out to allow 'Two-base MU. M. Anniello. Fal- ton shoes. 'Yet; in the midst of a up against a tough East Hartford­ that trip that President WlU Har- oven and serve hot with lightly painting w-alls, ceilings . . , and moat foundation garments' em.- time was 2 hours and 24 minutes, Wilkos for 17 Hits. the events of the past two days Here, at home our gratitude is if forthcoming stockings are as It to dry Instead of transferring cetta (2), Murac: three-base MU. fast, highly-mechanized age, in the To Reach First Base* ite in George Hunws. who packs ridge of the American League whipped cream. over w-allpaper is your answ-er to p l q ^ g non-stretch fabric panels one minute less than th* previous have not made them feel any too Mpanding in the throbbing, puls­ heavy aa some predict they’ll be. perspiration and hair oils to the Kunley, Aceto; left on baaaa, Ken a summer following the Wall street a mean wallop in both fists. TTie bought him from th e . Southern Inexpensive decorating. It dries in / b a » and front, with elastic goreq n i^ t. good. The Scouts wUl need the ing, beating roars of America at Or you may choose the latest hat. I 5. Beer Barons 4; bases on bails, Bradley Field team obtained crash of 1B2B, Cane reincarnated "Pop" Gleason, star hurler for Silver City middleweight- kayoed /Association one hour and covers w-^th one strategically placed^ Some have ^ e same teams meet in their RM#fin/i Mtffi HiiffYiAM <■ usual Rockville luck to get by Pa- , work— in the home. In the' factory, suggestion for sports and casual Did you know you can bottle the " Burton's . Aceto 2, Raiusdell 1; strikeouts, real revenge at the 0%’al last night an outmoded sport. Vic’s Service station team, now Butch Raffino and Humes beat Quinn is said to be especially See that ail .spices are kept coat, is readily washable and is concealed hook-and-eye fastenings third »ucces*lve twi-night game Aceto 1, Ramsdell 1; umpires, gani’B men th's evening. on the farm. The results of our work and play occasions—socks Hamburg “ De Luxe” various fruit Juices that >"ou would The Hambletonian stoke was Lefty Lou Montlero last week. well grounded in baseball rule.y tightly coveref' and stored away easily thinned with Just water. In instead of zippers, and most have ' Ml Main St„ Manchester tonight, but 'thia time across the Dearden and Ko\1a; time, 50 min. when they walloped Moriarty j leading the Rec SoftbaU league, production are heard around the of ankle-length or knee-length. In his latest book. "Cook It ordinarily use to make your Jelly, raced for the first time at the New Boston’s Johnny Kildare op­ and there isn't a single obscure from light and heat. fact 1 gallon of Kem-Tone mixed four garters instead of s|x. ' city In Brooklyn. Brothers to the one-sided score of pitched a no-hit no-run game at world and they speak louder than .------• Outdoors," Jimmie Beard leads such as currant, raspberry, grape, Although the Dodgers didn’t York State Fair at Syracuse in poses Charlie Warner of Spring- regulation in. the book that he with water makes 1-1-2. gallons of 12-0. Wilkos was no puxsle at all Watkins Scores any dictator can shout, for they’re off with this recipg: etc., and keep it until you have Otherw'ise they're not too dlffer- win, their national league ' lead 1B26. It was worth $73,451. The the Y field laM night against the field . in a lightweight match doesn't know. .%ugust Furniture Sale at Watkins paint. You can get It in all the ______ffe- , , the voice of free men. Of course, To prevent clothing, delicate lin­ A special feature of Watkins' "Choose a good piece of the more leisure time to cook your was extended to 10 full games, to the visitors who nicked him for corsttraclion booetod attendance. luckless Independent Cloak squad. promising plenty of fisticuffs. newest, smartest pastel colors and Pep Regumes Over Vemlrillo there have-been delays, mlsunder- gerie and hose from snagging oh a August Furniture Sale is the low top sirloin or the boneless rump Jelly. their largest margin of the season, seventeen assorted hits. Hendrik, The first renewal was raced at In addition to thia performance the Bigger and better rroWds have League Leaders atandlnga, bottlenecks— but now wicker clothes basket, line the bas­ prices they are offering on a car­ because' Ike St. Louis (;hirdinals who will be with the Boston Lexington the next fall. The crowd league leaders drubbed the lowly been turning out for shows at the the Job is being done. Life Isn't ket with a thin cloth. load of chairs. By buying these were set down 4-3 at Cincinnati. Braves when the war la over, al­ was disappointing. It flopped at tail-enders, 15-0. Monday night the Arena of late. Another neSr sell­ National' League Artie .Watkins o f New York, a Hard Training Batting--Reiser, Brooklyn, .343; chairs in a carload they are able TTic Cards were held to five hiU, lowed but five MU, but kept them Syracuse in 1628 and at Lixing- Cloakers lost 27-0. Seven errors out, with all seats taken, was the golden glover, knocked out' Pa* Lombardi, Bo.*ton, .335., to offer them to you at substantial but bunched three of these for spaced throughout the game. ton in '2B. That was/he year Bill combined with seven bite told tbe case last week. And the matches Vendrillo of Manchester In thtety- Runs—Ott. New York, 77; Reis­ savings. Each chair and cover has three runs to chase Johnny Vander For three Innings it was a sweet Cane won the race with Walter stor>". The box'score: have improved as well, with every five ieconds o f tho flrft round At Leaves From Anne Cabot’s Hartford Boxer Will Be er, Brooklyn. 7l. been hand-picked by Watkins' Meer In the seventh. T h « Jo* game to watch. Wilkos go^ out of Dear driven by his friend and Vic’s Station one o f tbe fights on the card last New Haven last night. This was 'Runs battec' in— Mize.- New j —-Anticipating Frock — buyers for style and comfort. Be­ Beggs put out the fire. In Top Condition for trouble in the first three frames trainer, Walter R. Oox, who died AB R H PO A E week hitting the bell. the first time that the local fighter The PlttsburgTi Pirate* captur- but the Btorm broke in the fourth. last December. A. Phillips, ss . .4 1 0 0 2 0 A team from Springfield Is ex­ York. 75; Medwlck, Brooklyn, 73. has ever token the count in f t sides this carload other fine floor Hit*—Medwick. .Brooklyn, 125; samples have been reduced to It's In the old- tradition—the ’ ed a 2-1 decision, over the (%ica- Hernandez Bout. Wilson drove In the first run after F'allure of E\'vat Was fiM lIenge P. PhllKp.*, Sb . . .4 2 2 0 7 0 pected to augment Uie list of box­ teught er, St. Louis. 123. fights. _ So, you are going to have a iviake prices consl.stent with the time-honored prayer that countless go Cubs on Frankie Ouatine's only Ponte had sralked and went to Cane had driven trotters for Mataya, 2b ... ;.4 3 t 0 0 0 ers likely to complete the card. K(d Hartford lost to Danny Doubl 28; baby! Well, the clothes problem . low carload prices. See all of millions of children have siaid be­ hit of the day, a single with two Hartford. Aug. 5—Taking but second on a wild pitch by the usu­ yeprs as a prominent amateur Holloran. lb .. . .3 2 1 12 0 0 For Jackie Kogan, CTwwder Mur­ Cooper, alau o f New York on a can be settled very easily—with- a side their beds through the genera- - on In the 11th inning. Bob Kling­ one day off after his TKO victory ally dependable Wilkoe. Storting relnaman. He had the distinction Tensted, !t ... . .3 2 1 0 0 0 phy, and Frank Lombardi o f the Reiser, Brooklyn. 27. TKO in the first round. Young De­ these priced from $24.85 to $74.50! Summer ^ ^Hii ’ ’ Fa brics Home runs—Mize, New York, frock and Jacket—Just the type we tlons. er held the Cubs to seven hits. over Mexican Jofr SUva. unbeaten from t ^ t point the vlsitora rub­ o f building th4 arena at Boyle's Johndrow. of ..4 2 0 1 0 0 City of Homes are expected down. laney drew with Ray Munson of offer in this pattern. Frock has Children are very possessive At Philadelphia Jim Tobin limit­ Willie Pep ipt this city started bed it In. Thirty A crei in record tim e>or the Rosteis, rf . . . ..3 1 0 0 0 0 19: Camllll. Brooklyn, 17. I s Cobblem They're eusy to sew! Pretty ns can be...and inexpensis’ely Others Include Frankie DeMaio. New York In a fast and furiou* cap sleeves, pleats down the front about their own belongings —:, if ' ed the Phils to five hite, but was training Monday for bis Tuesday. When Moriartya did threaten in Dempsey-CarpenUer figbL He was . .4 1 0 1 0 0 Stolen bases:—Reiser. Brooklyn, I Summer season is especially prlc^ In n beguiling army Of colors and designs and n vniiety Barton, cf . . . . Fraokie Allen, Johnny King, Lou fight that had tbe fans on thaU provide all the extra fulness need- ' they love an old, wom-out toy. | beaten 4-2 because the only run* Aug. 11 bout with Pedro Heman- the lagt half of the fourth Fonte’a a man of enterprise, and the poor . .4 1 1 5 .0 0 13; Fernandez, and Hiller, BosUm. , cozy for cobblers. Apples, peaches, of fabrics. D laplay^ for your appros-al at Cheney’s. Lazevri. c . . . . Montiero, Sam Daniels, Pete seats throughout the throe rounds ed and is very easy to make. The well, they Just love It—and heaven ' the Boston Braves'scored were on de*. T h e New England feather­ nice pickup started a double kill­ attendance at trotting’s blue-rib­ Gleason, p ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 11. Bobby Morgan was unable to ffc j cherries, apricots, plums, pine- ‘Tobin's own homer with a mete ing that erased all signs of an up­ Reidy,. Eddie Foran. Danny Pagan! Pitching — French, 'Brooklyn, Jacket tops off a very succes-sful I apple, blueberries—all take to it help the unwary grown-up who . HOURS: t A. ,M. to 6 P. ,M. weight champ faces the Puerto Ri­ bon event was a challenge to him. and Eddie Lane. on due to a sore throaL He will be treats It lightly. In Just the same ' aboard in the seventh inning. *1711*' rising. ’Thereafter Moriartya were There are 40 entries in thin 7 21 9 0 11-1; Wyatt, Brooklyn. 13-3. outfit which can be produced at ! kindly, are at their beat and least S A TU R D A YS: • A. M. to 5 P. M. can sensation in a ten-roundsr at Totals .... 37 15 featured within the next two was the big righthander’s sixth' Bulkelcy Stadium here. mild, so mild that only one runner year’s race. Fine to 12 will start. small expense at home. i e'xpenslve. Make your biscuit way, children love to see a fsvo- - Cloak Co. weeks. circuit clout of the year gnd -tied got aa fa r aa.second. Arscott made Oolby Hanover, owned by C. 'W. 1 0 2 : mix a btt on the rich side— the rite, familiar prayer such as this' Hernandez is the N a 2 challen­ Salerno, ss ... . .3 0 0 Forgets Hlm»clf Pattern No. 8199 Is maide in sizes one, actually hanging above their Hal Schumacher'a National Lea­ ger for the world’s featherweb^t the beet play of the game when Phellls. New York, and I. W. Glea- . .2 0 0 0 0 2 I richer the better. Add tapioca— Puzfo, 2b . ... Springfield, ilo ,—(iPi-‘T.. B. Oop- Yanks Like SObthpawa 12, 14, 16, 18. 20 and 40. Size 14 beds. Cheney Brothers Remnant Salesroom gue record for homers by a pitch­ title held by Chalky Wright, who he robbed Zepatka of.a Mt in the aon. Williamsport, Pa., is the fav­ A Wylot. If .. . .2 0 0 1 0 1 Sports Roundup i Just a little—to the fruit mixture page. veteran Democratic worker, dress and jacket requires 6 1-4 HARTFORD ROAD MANCHESTEB er. In winning, oM SI Johnson is defendlhg his crown In a Sep­ second with a nirie backhanded orite, although he has not started ..2 0 0 1 3 0 to slightly thicken the Juices. The most inexperienced needle-^ Seriflne, p ... got almost everyone in his ward Washington—Although they are yards 39-inch material. woman can embroider thia panel pitched seven-hit ball. tember fight with Lulii Costantlno. stab o f a hard chance. He came this year. Muraco, sf . .. ..2 0 0 1 0 0 By Hngh Fhllcrton. Jr. Serve hot with whipped cream, TiiBks loise registered to vote in yesterday'* not supposed to like .left-handed as the stitches are very simple. Pedro whipped Luhi six weeks ago up with the ball and toased the Pay Up. bay colt by Follow Up. Renzoni. c . .. ..2 0 0 4 0 2 Wide WeiM Sporla Cehnniilst For this attractive pattern, send or, if you like, simply powdered The NSW York Yankees were runner out at first. In the sixth he primary. Almost everyone— Cop- inching, the New York Yankee* Great beauty is achieved by the and dropped ar unpopular dcclalon won his last three starts in 1941 Kosals. l b ---- ..2 0 A 9 0 2 15c in coin, your name, address. I sugar sprinkled over the top.- beatpzr 4-3 In a night game at got Keeney's slow roller and peg- New York. Aug. 5.—Fast time page hlnoself had forgotten to won 18 of their first 26 games lovely colorings of the graceful de­ to him hut two weeks ago. and copped the Matron Stake, Mascaricci, 3b ..2 0 0 1 0 0 pattern number and size to The | Washington, hut received some ged him out at first on a close aga.inst southpsws. sign. The clouds are blue and So if Pep gets by Hernandez he leading pre'view to Oie race, this Miller, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 pastime: WMIe fans sUII are talk­ register. Manchester Evening Herald To- j (ialqshew ' Mnsolation in that their ailing play. Hendsika hit one that bound­ white, stars are golden yellow, stands a good ""hance of advancing year. T h e colt is oii-ned by R. H. Mitchell, cf ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ing about the sudden end o f the day's Pattern Service 106 7th! White or colored gajosbes and lefthander, Mariua Russo, rejoined ed o ff a car.,on Cooper Hill atreet leaves are green and-the tulips are in his queat for national recogni­ Johnston of Clmrlotte, N. C.. who Giante-Dodgers benefit game the ‘Avenue. New York. N. Y. rubbers are out. All new ones Never Has Time the club and pitche# two innings for e triple that easily could have / tion. He has commanded some at­ Bill Gallon', last year's winner. 0 18 3 9 other evening it seems like a good done in pink and wln^- of no-hit ban in relief. Each team been a home run. The box acorc: had Totals .... 20 0 Join the many who .are selecting | must be black and will have low-er tention with his string of 45 vic­ Other contenders are CSnnon idea to point out that duba can The lettering— simple and easy rafide seven hits, Sid Hudson go­ Bradley Field ' ICMee-base hits; Matoye. Double all the patterns they sew at home ' ankles, thinner soles and more tories. particularly after dispoaing Ball. The Ambassador, Capitol and do finish games in a lot leas for a clilld to read—la done In tan. ing the route .for the Senators, AB R H PO A E pla*: P. Phillips to Holloran to from this daily pattern service and ' fabric, to make rubber do for the o f CK-champa Spider Ariaatrong, Hanover, Dot Chappell, and Sophie than two hours and 25 minuea... The little boy is embroidered in • but errors, three by the world Arscott, 3b 0 1 1 6 1 Lazevri. -Left on .bases: Indepen­ the Fashion Book—our catalogue ; usual number of pairs. Been So Valuable^ Joey Archibald and Abe Denner, Hanover! The Sally Le(*gue-:-”Mother of tbe blue and the girl is done in pink. ehampione and two by Washing­ Swan, If ...... 5 , 0 1 3 0 0 dent Cloak, noue; Vic's. "6. Bases of seasonal deaignst 3B s.e...... i4 2 S 7 0 0 Knick-Knacks: keeping accurate time? If ngt^let uh clean it, repair it, 6-4 stere. MSrchildon caused him­ gura, the Ecuadorian star,. son. .Cowles'. long as '(sre can hold this record, $10.98. You’ll also admire the, new Homiker, 3b,.. .2 0 1 1 1 0 or do whatever ia neceasapf-to put ft in ahape. self tiVuble with six bsaes on baQs, the fans, the officials and every­ L’slng equal parts- of milk and . 'F all skirts in .plaids and deep Yesterday I saw at the "Salvage 5 1 7 9 H Me WerM Wmtmtm Show" aLthe Hotel Aator some as­ but his teanunstes thumped CHar- ’Totals .J>88 12 IT 84 10 1 body elae concerned are satlafled,” water to cook corn will make it ■ tones, of corduroy and of tweed ley Wagner solidly. Loa Angeles, Aug. 4J(-Ham- he adds....only official action to considerably more .tender. Espec-; for $2.98. Carol- Brent cardigans tonishing garments made from old merin’ Hennery Armstrong garments . cunning mittens ' Rudy York hit hla 16th homer AB R H PO A E bring about thia speed-up was a Bostonian Summer Shoes tally if the corn is not fresh picked., to match these skirts all wool in to have peace and security in our Manchester Evening Herald, 106 baa succumbed to one o f box­ Major League Standings made of old scraps of wool . . . but the Detroit ’Hgers wei;e beaten 0 0 1 1 ban On mass arguments, but we ' sires 32 to 40 are $3.29, the slip- world! Seventh avenue, New York City. ing’s most. prevalent occupa­ Keeney, 2 b ...... 4 2 patchwork dirndl dresses made of The Pewey-Richman Co. 5-4 by the Chicago White Sox in H. W ’rah’cU, r f .4 0 1 0 0 understand a lot o f the wasted 0%-er sweaters $2.98 in an inviting To obtain transfer . pattern for Enclose 1 cent postage for each tional dlseasca— comehadcJtis 2 the good parts of old dresses . . . a loose pitching battle between 0 1 0 0 lim e between Inning* has been cut array of colors. Do drop in anti the "Now I Lay Me Dosvn To Stationers Opticians —the virus that makes ex- L. irtk V c k , lb .3 s TO SIAKE ROOM n Jacket made from a cape . . . pattern ordered. Jewelers two oldtimers, Ted Lynns and May*, e s ...... 8 0 0 5 8 0 ouL too. Black aiul \Thite (odd lots) ' ask to .see them. Sleep" panel, (Pattern No. 5179), My popular Album—32 pages of champions think they can lovely crib quilts fashioned of all Tommy Bridg^ 8. K’tk’Vck, e -.2 0 0 4 3 0 F(M{ directions for transferring to ma­ the designs you have admired.and anap out o f a eouple years of Standings Now $4.95 red, white and blue striped and C'eveland at ^ . lamia was E. W ’rzh’ckL e .1 0 1 2 0 0 i liaitoninKKatlunlng u ^ terial, color chart, illustrations of asked for—needlework of all types pixc.poned. ' taaethrlty, regain the old Mas­ Eastern Today’s Guest Star Zapetka, cf ...,8 1 0 0 OUR NEW KALI- LINE I With .rumors of more rationing ; all stitches used, send 10 cents In tic bounce in their laga ahd • 0 WUUamsport 2-5. Hartford d-4, w L P cL Ray GarretL Hamilton (0.1 dress — is now availably}.''Send for your 0 2 1 0 Brown and White, Re^. S8.95 . Nok $6.95. in the offing, many consumers arc' • - - " sweet little child a dresi coins, your name and address and copy of the “Anne Cabot Album." Ixeagwe Leaders slug their way to the top of SUnnar, I f ..... 2 .0 Binghamton 7-3, Wilkes-Barre Albanv ...... '...60 38 .612 Journal News; *T4ow that the OF made of a white skirt and trimmed Kelssy, If ...... 0 6 0 0 1 ; clamoring for it. Though they the pattern number to Anne Oabot, THAT BAND-BOX the heap again. 0 0-4. (Second game 11 innlnga. J 'Wilkes-Barre ...'..60 40 .600 Bangtails have vacated the Fair­ with red, white and blue crochet The price is 10 cents. GriswolA ....3 0 0 8 1 I dislike the red tap. here is their Amerlcaa League ^ The rinia osually ' ia killed 2b 0 Springfield 7-2, Elpitra 2-6. Scranton ...... 58 39 .596 grounds Oval, some of us can set Now $6.95 BEAITIFIL edging. . . . American women are NTUkos, p ...... 8 6 0 1 0 Whites, Reg. S 8 .9 5 ...... I argument ; When you think an Batting— WllUams, Boston, A45; off by repented sm adn on the 2 Scranton S-0. Albany 4-8. Binghamton ...... 5 1 47 J120 tie accounts by placing a ‘plaster’ conserving, salvaging, turning LO O K . . . i article is getting scarce, but Gordon, New York, .843. cMn. Nafional W illiam sp ort'...... 49 49 J500 on the fam ily bus. 'What if we do what would in another time be To4ala...... 28 0 5 24 14 3 aren’t sure it’s to be rationed, you Runs—WUUsma, Boston. BO; J. Henry, nne-Uine faather- PbiladelpMa 4, Boston 2. Hartford ...... 44 45 .444 lose it; the rubber shortage will wastage into pretty and practical I* the result of frequent clean­ Score by Innlnga: are tempted to board. When you Health for DiMagglo, New York, 7B. Nfhtwrif^ • welterweight Cincinnati 4. SL loauto 3.' Elmira ...... ,.:.4 1 57 .418 soon render it unusable anyway.” garments for their families . . . / ing. .Men In the eenrlce BtUST Base Team ...... 000 411 34— U know it la to be rationed, you Runs batted in—Winiams, Bos­ champion, te In the throes now. Pitubvrgh A Chicago 1 tu j. Springfield ...... 29 67 Mansfield Surtimer Shoes thrre is a lot of strength, ingenuity M o riartya...... 000 000 00— 0 ,302 expect to be able to get a fair look trim . . . regnlnttona you ton, 101; J. D*Maggto, New Tosk, He fa* making his attempt at Brooklyn 1. Oiyita 1 (t). .Se rvice DepL and vitality on our osvn Home American Babies! ’Two-basa MU: WUaon. Homiker. 8199 share of it. so' you don't hoard. 77. an opportune time, however. A special race involving two AND Front! ♦ know! And when "^e” comeo Threa-hass bite: Hendrik. May, Natioaal Hits—Spence, Waahfaigtaa, 140; The war has thinned the ranks PMladelphta A Boatoa A aoldlers, two sailors and tsro ' Ivetter Box: - Every ounce of milk you Foatc. Stoica baaaa. May. Sacri home on furlough youM smut to Stephens, St. Louis, 138. o f real , crowd-pleaeere and Chicago A Detroit 4.. j W L Pet. Marinea, riding stable ponies, is BROWNBILT SHOES Mrs. Ethel Mitchell of Sioux gtvo your baby means bet­ fices: Honilnr 2. DouM* plays: Black and Whiles (odd lots) Doubles— Doerr, Boston, 82; D. that’a where Henry 'was al­ Waahlngton 4, New York 3. [Brooklyn ...... 73 30 .614 one of the biff events on today’s city. Iowa has sent me two prayers achieve that bund-bos look, too! Fonto, Honiker, May. Left on ter besUth for him ... DiMagglo,'Poston, and Higgins. ways 1-A. - Cleveland-SL Louis postponed. St. LouL* ...... 62 39 long Army-Navy relief card at f l e g . . Now $3.95 WE ARE HAVING i that she would like to have made bases: Baas Taam S, Moriartya S. .614 greater etrength for the It’s enqr srith the reUnhto eerv- Detroit, 30. Armstrong baa knodeed ovef Cincinnati ...... 5 5 Rockingham Park and when CapL For Wartime Efficiency Into panels. She aayt, " I think a Basse on belto: WUkoe A Stzfim-i 47 .539 OUR F IN A L TTiplee— Heath, Cleveland, 13; two or fiiree weltorwt^ts cf i Today's Gaaisa *. Bob Augustin'ua called fo r aoldier lovely prayer is the one which my U. S. A.! Milk eoutebu Ices of Curb Service efficient dry outo: WUkoe A Hendriks 7. Wild New York ... ___ 54 SO ,519 Brown and Whites, Reg. $6.95 . Now $4.95 Women in war industries Snd the Valo, Philadeipbla. and J. DiMag­ nebnloas Wknta. Henry, dose ' 'Small granddaughter aaya each srttamfai D wkiek buUds pitehM: Wltkoa. Winniiig pHchar: Pitteburgh ...... 46 53 .466 volunteers at Gftoier Field, N. H., 3-lnch cut Is tups for neatness, cool denning.. .economy prices, too! glo, New York, 10. to 80, known what ha to doing; Hartford at WUhamaport CLEARANCE night. She has figured out that strong, atmlght boiMn nad Hendriks. Umptres: O’Leaiy, 'Hen­ Chicago ...... 48 58 MS he bad more then 100 responses comfort and safety on the Job. Hliat- Hotba runs—WllUama, Boston, he’s picking Ms opponents Springfield at Elmira (night). Whites, Reg. ^ . 9 5 . Now $4.95 little children should not hate the driks. Tima: 2 hr. 4S rntna. .Boaton ...... 43 64 .402 ---- Clarence (Doc) Speari, Tole­ ever your part In the wnr effort there's good teeth.^ Grossing ebUdreu need plenty of milk, and yonTI like TRY THEM TODAY! 24; Laabe, SL LoUU, If. carefuDy. . SHOE SALE! little children of our enemies In Binghamton at WlIkoarBaire Philadelphia ...... SO 70 JOO do U. coech, ia enrolled at the a short hiurdfl that’a right for yon! Bryant A Chnpman’a Homogenized milk prodsteed under the Stolen haesa—cnaa, Washington, In an indnatry noted fo r tta this war—so h^r prayer Is: Albany at Scranton (night). Iowa pre-flight school' coaching 26: Kuhei. Chicago, lA over-taidulgcnce in . aelf^canfi- Try a Feather-Cut at---- "Every night to Ood we pray Seulteet System of Lnboratory Protection. . Orffsr QnleUy Ohaysi National clinic and a tot of guya are won­ Buy B Pair for Next Year! I Pitching—Bomry, New York, dence, Armstrong's ettltnde ia ! .\B(Hrtcnn We thank him for a happy day ORDEK SOME 'TODAY FR5M SL Louis at Onclnnati (night). dering what he wants srith a 10-1; Chandler, New Tock, IS-S. refreshing. j W L |We ask his tender loving care , Fort BUan Itox.— (fF) — Setgt. Boston at Philadelphia. (M ^ t). PcL course on how to be tough'... ,P\’L Gustafson ^s Says Im : *T.j|raally am not A The Lily Beauty Salon For little children everywhere.” SBRVICE Clyffs Ruaa g t t bqyond his dspth New York at Brooklyn (twi­ N e w 'Y o r k ...... 70 34 .673 Paul Klang, former New York ' Births O b m s B x tis YPII tb Intetnsted in fcetUng tn tb e hap light). Browiiliilt Shoe Store .Maude Tnrklngtoa, P^hetreaa Your Gve-year-old granddaugh­ LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING, INC. while snlaahmg about to Aadxata Cleveland ...... 59 47 ATT heavyweight boxer who received B ryan t S t Chapman Ca. Sylvania. Oa.— of the . agnin f or u Mg aastora fl^ L laka. H e aald Ms criaa fo r h ^ Chicago at Plttoborgh (night). Boston ...... 57 47 .548 hia basic training at F ort Riley, 5*7 -Mala Street TeL 7484 ter U right. Mr*. Mitchell—it U TOS .Msln St^ MincJirstrr the coitiing generation which will .. TELEPHONE 7SS7 Manchester Green Yek 4260 second ast of triplets in Screven n i ba aaUMlad to fight a lot went iinhaaitod—until he yelled, to SL Louis : ...... 54 53 AOS Kas., has t r a n s fe r ^ to tha parS' eeuBty in 13 a tju prom]pronptoff *nM of boysboy* out this way umJ ptdt daeperatloa: ‘Iffaaene ma a t oncet New Yotk at Waahlngton Detroit ...... 51 56 ATI t r o o p s at Fort Banning. O a .... have to work better than we did. Sylvania Telephoz^ w m i y nswe- GLENNEY'S > wimt I ’IW a to aa ordeh - ’Two hoddtoa PUladalphia at Bo Chicago ...... 4 4 55 paper, ur Isaac Re first extra adl- .444 A lot of cavalry trslnaee probably make this time win quickly Junked to and'* dragged Detroit at Chicago. WasUhgton ...... 42 61 .406 wish thev could make that change 769 Mala S t r ^ •/Wr if la its 63-yefr hletory. * SMT* wisely. Mm aahoto. t . Cleveland at SL Louia. Philadelphia ...... 4 3 67 A91 In nldjilr. s m m m J - - . ' / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ilANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUOUSl' 8,19« FAGS TITTSSN X FOURTEEN yij.'.rjiizzzzR e v e n i n g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n , w e d n e s d a t , a u u c s t o. i94t MICKEY FINN All Donbta Removed! LANKLEONABOi

GOOD tVfNING. NOT VIT. DIOVOO L ^ R N , [n o —they M NOT BAhj they JTM teOlNNINia'., THERE WILL TIS—TTHAT Sense and Nonsense CURT/ fltRETMr W IL U ^ / BUT talk so fr bly ANVTHINO / l lI i L ' WILL 1 'NgNoe*. curtJ BOON BE •S fO— f O — AH/I OTHBI 'TMBy'U. Be. FROM YOUR P, NOWj WE - WERE____ ^ THEY WAIT! NO ACME T The Comniandments of Friend- 'A young man instructed a flor­ ■tong ALONG SOO N j^ MILU0NAIRE/WR(M/ w R O N d M w THINKINO TOO LONG ^iQuSiySAVi M ^ U N I T I O N ihip: ist to ' sand tw o dozen rosea to the Last night I mat— and woe la GOLFIRS J TH€V WOULD NOT TO 00 ----- ON THE ACME COMPANY. 1. Keep the brakes on your girl of his choice, sending along me! . THIS., V COOFfRFTI WITH imON COMFM4V9 WILLIAM/ tongue. Always say less than you tha sweet sentiment: - "A rose for Tha business and of a bumbla- every year of your precipua life.” bee! WEEK? XT^IOOVeRNMENT'S. PROOUCTIC think. How you say a thing often vyAR IF F O ^ i^ counts for more than what you That was okay, but the trouble x s t a r t l i Lost an^ Found 1 Auto Accessories— Tires 6 Help Wanted— Female 35 Household Goods 51 Boarders Wanted 59-A Houses for Sale 72 •ay. started when the florist got gen­ Rastus (at picture show)—Man- 2. Make promises sparingly. erous and'instructed the helper to dy, tell dat niggah on dey utha Manchester WANTED —TWO WOMEN or AUGUST SALE RCXIMERS AND BOARDERS LX)s T — W:O.MAN'S BROWN NEED NEW BRAKES? Ford, FOR SALE—FIVE ROOM house, R o c k v ille Keep them faithfully, no matter throw in another dozen roses. aide to taka his arm frum 'round girla for work in Manchester pocketbook.' lugKaRe tan, with Chevrolet. Plymouth relined with wanted. Home cooked meala. Con­ sunporcb, oil burner •with con­ What it c<6sta you. yo' waist! Evening Herald Laundry, 72 Maple street Save 25 per^nt to 50 percent on Lewie H. C7u^llnaIl the be.st Comax brake lining tinuous hot water, showers, 330 tinuous hot water, garage and 3. Don't pass up an opportunity Doris (one of the beauties of the Man'dy— Tell him you’aelf! He a m brown pittenl leather bow, con­ Furniture lYlees During JThia 96, Rockville Claisilied Advertietements taining' money ami papers. Ro- $8.95. Will call for your car and Adams street, adjoining United chicken house, lot 99x275 ft. to say kind and encouraging beauty shop, came to work and pufflc atfanger to me! deliver same day. Phone 5191. Great Sale! ^ Aircraft, Buckland. Owner leavihg town on account Count ntn wordi to a lint. warjlfTelephone 3498. G IR L OR W OM AN wanted? New things to or about another. Praise breathlessly told the> girls she had fQttlnln. numbtr* and abbrartatlotia Brunner’s, 80 Oakland street. o f poor health. Tel. 6409. It is okey to eat onions In a Model Laundry, Summit street. good work done, regardless of who received a marriage proposal)— aaab eonnt as a word and compound L ^ T — SPITZ POMERANIAN EVERYTHING ON SALE AT did it. I f criticism is needed, do it Oh, I'm so thrilled and so happy! I swell restaurant, because the price worte at two words. Minimum coat THE LOWEST PRICES YOU’LL Wanted— Rooms— Board 62 FOR SALE—SINGLE 7 ROOM Lodge Session la prica ot thraa llnaa /yog, vicinity of Main Street. Find­ WE PAY YOU $25.00 for selling helpfully, never spitefully. Flossie— Was he on hla luiees they charge takes your breath t'S Business Services Offered 13 SEE IN 1942 house, with large sun room, L*bs rat»a per day for tr.insi*ni er please call 4157. ''jUty $1.00 boxes. SO beautiful as­ GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM, 4. Show Interest in others— their when he proposed,! away. ' steam heat, 2 car garage. Located ada MASO.NRY, SLATI.NG, SUATE sorted name imprinted Christmas near Cheney Mills. Write Poat work, welfare, homes, families, D oris--jlo, I was. MrcHvo Narvi IT. ia3T Tills is the BIG SALE of the 43 Scarborough Road, recondi­ On Saturday H e r let—Tou had no buslnaSa to Caah Chanta walks. Outside fireplaces. Repairs cards sell $1.00—your profit 60c. Office, Box 205, Manchester. hobbies. Everyone likes to be made lo st—WHITE AND TAN female year. And there’s a reason! Last tioned and now ready for occu­ kiss me! a Conteeutlra Pays,.,I 7 oral i eta on all kinds of slate work. Sulli­ Fret samples. Cheerful Card Co.. to feel Important. Rejoice with Ralph— What are you working? X 1 Conaacutlrs Oayt...| > eta|ll ela fox terrier. Reward. Tel 2-0778. year before prices advanced, we pancy. Apply Edward J. HoU. them that rejoice and weep with Harr)i—It wasn’t busineaa. It van and Lewis. 37 Charter Oak 28W, White P la in t N. Y. Perry—I ain’t working; I’ve got OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS ,OUR BOARDING HOjUSE I 'Oay ...... Ill etalll cia placed carload order after carload Tel. 5117 or 6118. Slate Convention o f them that weep, was a pleasure. WITH MAJOR HOOPLE . street. Manchester. Tel. 2-0418. Summer Homes for Rent 67 a relief Job. All ordara for Irrrpular inaertiona W A N T E D —W OM EN for stuffed ord.er with leading manufacturers Sons o f St. George to 6. Be cheerful. Wear a smile ev­ ■ will ba characd at tha ofla tima rata. Announcements POINT O’ WOODS, 7 room cot­ en if you had burnt toast for THEV’RB A LITTLe SMBULV. SHUT THAT DOOR.' WHUH.' VES.TWATS WWAT 1 SM D, Spactal rate* for long tarm avary toy work. Kaklar Cloth Toy Co., In all the furniture centers of Wanted—-Real Estate 77 THE HORSE — AWPP -SPUTT-Tt7 . day advertising given upon request. Buildins:— Contracting 14' comer Oakland street and Tol­ America. Now. all this furniture, tage, all electric. Available Aug. Be Held in Rockville. breakfast. Hide your grouch, w or­ BUT THBV GOT TO BS STEAMEDy OWEN, VOU KEEP THEY WlAER&US TW£ HORSII? — X TAKE IT NOU'RE ASKING Ada ordered before the third or, FUNNY BUSINESS land Turnpike.' bought at low prices la here. It'a- 15th. Telephone 7656. 31 Ford St. V IL L P A Y $5,000 to $6,000 caah ry. disappointments. Laugh at TO OET TH6 INSIDES OOT.^ AWAV FROM those SMELL BUT 1 — 1 joev TOOK Ai OP- dltb day win be charged only tor WANTF.D - RIDE TO Colt's Van good stories and learn to tell them. ME REGARDING THE WHERB- tha actual numbar ot times the ad FOR YOUR flEMODEUNG or ready for you at prices ws cannot for 5 or 6 room single house In Rockville. Aug. 5—(iP)— The VOO \NOtfT BE SO SNEERV BROKEN CLASS THEV’RE Dyke plant. S to 1:30. Call 5284 SALE SG IR L W AN TED . Manches­ 3 ROOM COTTAGE, Cbventry 6. Keep an open mind on all de­ OATS TO TK6 GARAGS a n d ASOUTS OF QREAONAUGHT-—' appsarad, charging at tha rate aarn- repair Job call Wm. KaneW, con­ hope to duplicate again, or per­ good condition, between 5 and 15 fifty-fourth grand lodge. session WHEN YOU SEE THE BEAUTIFUL SCRAPERS' IT PRETTV.'-i sd but no allowance or refunds can tractor, 519 Center gtreet. Tele­ ter Knitting Mills. Manchester haps for many years to come. All Lake, availkble for week of Aug. of the American Order, Sons of batable questions. Discuss, don’t DREAONAUGUT W ASN'T P0FF-P0FF.'r-*.^WHV, AH— ’ ^ be made on alx time ads stopped WANTED— -RIDE .from North . years old. Give location and price CHAIRS AM* Tab le s a n * hat- LOOKS ENOUGH phone 77 7 3 . Green. Tcl. 8304. prices are lower ,han they ever 8th. Inquire 67 Oak street. Tel. St. George, with delegates from argue. It's the mark of superior h i THERH/— DON'T STAND X THOUGHT VOU KNEW— after the fifth day. End to Hamilton .Standard Pro­ 6305. In reply. Write Box F. Herald. r a c k s Ko "till forbids": display llnea not will be later this year. "That means throughout the state attending, minds to be able to disagree and AN’ THINOS THBV LIKE ASLAU6HTER THERE SPUTTERING LIKE. peller. second shift. Tel. 2-0881. W^.NTED—WOMAN for general TOOK THE OLD FELLOW TO sold. buy. everything you will need this will be held here Saturday. Sea- yet be friendly. MAKE! you s h o u ld SEE TH’ MOUSE.' THEY’RE Toe Herald will not be reaiionaitile housework and care of 2 children. 7. Let your virtues, if you have AN SeS IN -rVAE SKILU5T.' A HORSE HOSPITAL— 'HE Florists— Nurseries, 15 year---- right now! We cannot re. sions will be held at Foresters' _ - (.COLLECTION IN the OFFICE SUMPIN for more than one Incorrect ineer- Call 8816. ^Wanted to Rent 68 any, speak for themselves, and re­ ’ W H ER E IS TH E SHOWED SV/WPTOM6 OF A tloD of any advertisement ordered Automobiles for Hale i order at these old low prices again. hall with Grand President Frank f i AT THE STOCK VARDS- LIKE this, A.MERICA.N CHEMICAL CO., fuse to talk of another’s vices. HOREM? r a r b ail m e n t m e a s l e s far more than one time. G IR L W A N TE D — Must be 18 or Come prepared to buy. .. .and save W A N T E D TO R E N T F IV E or aix Still Gather W right of Bridgeport presiding. ^ r A ' ^ fbsd’ll set me PK " TH* : — Tha Inadvertent omission ol in­ 1941 BUICK SUPER 4 door sedan, Westfield. Mass., have limited Arthur Edwards of Rockville, Avoid gossip like ’n St.— Hartford Calls Continue to Come from Grand Vice-President. effort, and often hurts where least era and they reserve the right >o coach, radio, heater, very clean Defense Rally Toalght ON.' edit, revise or reject any copy con- Phone 6-0358 expected. ' sidcred dblecilonabls. inside, new paint, good tires $545. Mffing— Trucking— WANTT5D—EXPERIENCED gro­ In and Town Trucks Hon. Odell Shepard, Lieutenant 9. Pay no attention to ni-natur- DO YOU NEED A DESK to add Wanted to Rent 68 Governor of the State of Connec­ CUISING HOURS—Claialfled adt Terms $7.50 weekly; 1936 Chevro­ Storage ,. 20 cery clerk, to work In store and Are Collecting It. ed and catty remarks about you. n to be published same day miiai ha let sedan., heater, good tires, $265. deliver orders. Firestone, 379 to the beauty of your room ? See •MILL OVERSEER AND WIFE ticut, will -come to Rockville thia Live so n o b ^ y will believe them. received' by U o'clock noon Satur­ evenlpg to speak at a Defense Tern)s $5.00 eekly. Terms and d'l'UKAUE East Center street. our fine selection of Governor would like light housekeeping Disordered nerves, bad digestion days lu:30'. ( It was announced this morning Rally in the center of the city. trades accepted. - Sec Finance Moving and Packing. I'he Austin Wlnthrop and Kneehole models in rooms. No children, Call Rock­ and lack of sleep are common WANTED-EXPERIENCED meat that callA are still coming in from Lieutenant Governor Shepard will Telephone Your Want Ads Manager of Brunners Sales Co.. A. f%ambera Oo. Tel'epbona 626t mahogany nnd maple. Sales priced ville 23-5, Mr. Wood or from 9 to causes of Irritability and back­ Ada are accepted .over the tele­ 80 Oakland afreet. Tel. 5191. cutter, good, salary and hours. for August at Benson’s, 7l3 Main different sections of town request­ have for his subject, "The Danger. biting. 5 during day call Manchester We Face” , and It is expected that phone at the CHAllUE RATB0^\t P t ^ E C T L V PLAN tvKSJy VAODt- UNCLE Aoto Bapalrlag—Painting . ... I MOWERS SHARPENED, repair­ Waste fats are being received vocal solo by Miss Florence Jkito aebools ...... 1-A Terms. prosperity.. .But they need the BOT A lVNAVS H e c P ! ed, shear grinding, key fitting, FO R SALE — B E A U T IF U L aix In large quantities by local meat Preuss.. There will be brief re­ WiE.'LL.TVW'b feTESJt AO»eg' Whip ^ Truck ...... • FOR RENT— SINGLE ROOM, Glastonbury Judge Is markets. It is noticed that many same old fundamentals— imagina­ AtrtQg—Tor fnra ...... • ' duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. year old saddle horse. Phone marks by Mayor Raymond E. W K O L t the HAN TWiNW, ST I N T H E Call 3975 Before 7 P. M. man preferred. Tel. 6776. of the donors'are refusing to- take tion, brains, and a desire to work. r ngrggai ftirrlre fUnrege ... IS overhauled. Braithwalte, 52 Pearl 3157. V Hunt and a selection, by the band. TK\NreaaiBaklng ...... It Laundry, Harrison street hem are taking their pay in de­ which will enable the speakers to t-^m elclag—Storaga .. N 6-Room Single; steam heat; Fourth Senatorial district which ____ Passeager Service ...... W-A Household Goods 51 FOR RENT—FURNISHED front fense atampe. be heard clearly. A limited num­ falaUBg—Papering ...... n brge lot; on Spruce street, bedroom, first floor, continuous includea this town, according to Heusewives are urged to bring ber of chain will also be available HOLD EVERYTHING nal Sarvloaa St P L E N T Y OF STUDIO couches In hot water, near bath. Centrally Judge William S. Hyde. Republl, their waste fats to the market in on the lower road for those desir­ Mai^rtag ...... tt ing seats. This entire section will s located. Inquire 48 Summit St. can town committee chairman. either coffee or shortening cans, Tnlioriuf-vOralBg—dtnalBg .. tt $ 3 9 0 0 your favorite patterns. $34.50 up. be closed to tn fflc . Totbt Oooda and Sarvica . . . . . tk Also the popular maple lounge Judge Hunt is popular in Man­ and no amount under one pound Wgatad—Bualnasa Service . ... It Present This Coupon NICELY. FURNISHED room for ahould be turned in. preferably not Burpee Meeting *3 chaira and platform rockers chester and Glastonbury is entitled ' Burpee Womaii’s Relief CoiVs 8-5 Coaraaa aad Claseee ..:.Z ...... t> Two-Family House; 4 rooms For Theee Valnes! hl4.95 up. If it's maple—see Ben­ gentleman, close to business Cen­ to representation from the'Fourth durinar the week-eivd. < ter. Telephone 5466. will hold its regular meeting this L, Frtvata -Inttmotlana ...... tt each; garage. Price: . son’s August valuea. 713 Main district. PhsefnA ...... It-A evening at eight o’clock. This will Dramatle ...... ts ■treeL Judge William J. Shea, of Man-< be followed by a apeial hour with Ifsatad—Inetructlone ...... iO $ 4 7 5 0 Jar ROOM FOR RENT, breakfast If cheater, was Senator from the Anna Qiilnn and her committee in WASH TUBBS • Not In the Contract BY ROT CRANB FtBaaelal YOU WON’T REST WELL on Fourth in the 1939 and 1941 sea- First Aiders charge. ■ssdn- Stoaka—Mortgagee ... SI your old hard mattress— but Oh! desired. 2 Chapel street. f %Wlaees Opportunities ...... It atona, and William J. Thresher of Collecting Records In the Country — 7-Room B oy! will you sleep on one of our South Windsor, a Democrat, was Stanley Dobosz Post No. 14, in SINCE 00M6 OVERSEAS' MERCY SAICESI MEY.NIXI T SHAME o n ; iMBsr to Loan ...... >1 FOR RENT — COMFORTABLE again HiWMOiy^MOICE! ■alp aad SttwatiMs Colonial; furnace heat; Rubbers] Gold Medal Innerspring mat- room, suitable for one or two, or elected to the post for the 1937' Meet Aug. 14 'common with other. Legion posts . IMASHiX WONOERCO IT SAYS “FOR HOLD JEFFERSON A ■alp Waatad-sFeasala ...... It garage; '/i acre land. Price: tresaea. Sale price only $24.60. couple. Call 7019 or inquire 15 term. For two terms previous to throughout the nation is collecting IF V W b KEEP ------VALOR W H RfZ!) JSiSlt X ■alp Waatad—Mala ...... if Call or see Benson’s, 713 Main old phonograph records. The cam­ AFlWTHiNGS/C UMV. MBJUTE...X GOTTA y/T) . tdlaamaa Waatad ...... M-A Proctor Road. that Oolonel Kenneth F. Cramer, SBE THAT! V ■alp Waatad—Mala or 'Fanala t1 street. of Wethersfield, was State Sena­ Newly Formed Associa* paign ts known as “Records for FOR M E f / SUMUtOOT AlfMta Waatad ...... ST-A $5750 doz. tor from the. Fourth.. Our Fighting Men” . There is x SUSgtloBS Wanted—Fomala . . . t l Boarders Wanted 59-.A tion to Have Session at scarcity of materials necessary for KIMOA AFRAID TD tUagtlona Waatod—Mala .... II Judge Hunt represented h»e dis­ the pr^uction of new records, es­ THINGS HOLD A ■mpleymaat Agahelos ...... to trict in the State Senate /Ui the f LIva Stooh Fata Poattvy—» Two-Family, 12 rooms. Du­ ONE BEAUTIFUL room for 2 TTie Trade SchooK pecially shellac and by salvaging ? INSUmANCE term o f 1917 and has since not VehIcUa plex; furnace heat; garage; CROWN 2-PlECE yourtg ladles available next these, old records, new ones may Page ■tada—Pete . . . . c ...... « *1 Before Yon Have a Fire TTiursday at the Young Women’s sought the office. He is at present A meeting of. the Manchester bie made. Uva taoek—Vahlolai ...... *a near Main Street. Price: Judge of tbe Town Court as.Glas­ PpMtiT and Supplloa ...... - tl or AocMcnt ’’V ’ House. Enjoy laundl^, Iron­ First Aid Association baa been Records may be left at the Kab- Waatod —Pots—Poultry—Stock*' tt Mason Jar Caps See ing, electric sewing machine and tonbury and la chalnaan of the called for Friday evening, August rick Music Store or may be given Far Palwi Mtscvlloavao * $6500 McKINNET BROTHERS “ open Ice box” pHvUegSs. Cen­ executive committee of the Judges' 14 at the StaU TVade school it to any member of the legion or Artleloa For Sale ...... tl trally ' located and reasorAble. assembly o f the minor courts of Auxiliary. Boati aad .AcccSeorlre ...... tt 505 Main St., Manchester, Conn. was announced today by M is» ixsewvwawaT.«..see.u.a*«T.ew. a-s Building Matorlale ...... tl doz. Telephone 6 0 6 0 .748t You may apply Immediately. Call Connecticut He la senior member Dorothy Carr, president of the re- Asks for Volunteers P^monds —Watchoa—Jswolry te SEE 3408 or 14 Arch street. of the law firm of Hunt Averill eently formed organisation. 'ITie Vernon Defense Council is maotneal Appllaacea—Radio.. ty 2 9 c , *75oms more of thoM Sunday '’Have you any glaia top dining room tablet? Fm tired of and Johnaon, of Hartford. A t the last meeting a nominat­ asking for volunteers for Stretch­ Fuel aad Foad ...... M-A er Bearers and First Aid Squads, . diveri!" ~ ray wife kicking me under the table at company dinners!” A native of TalcottvUIe, he left ing' committee was chosen to name Barden—Farm—Dairy Frodnete M also ten men for a Rescue Squad. Bangohold Ooods ...... II Stuart J. Wasley there witiv, hla parents to live in program chairman for the asso­ ■luhlBory and Tools ...... II At the recent Field trial a fact Real Evtgle and Insuranre Glastonbury when but a boy. A ciation. Since that time, the com­ Nuileal Instrumonte ...... II MARLOW’S j moet successful attorney he baa which, caused some concern was lOONERVILLE FOLKS OSiaa and Store Bqulpmsut ... It State llMvater Building mittee,, which consists of Nora that one of the doctors was forced BY FONTAINE FOX Specials at the Storea ...... v . it Telephone 8648.7148 - FOR VALUES! - ' many frienda in Mancbeater and. McLeary, Mae Aacher and ’Althea Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 17 ' throughout the Fourth district to act as a Stretcher Bearer. Men Kssasa Wanted—To Buy ...... II Girls and W omen Shorts, bai^ notified Red Cross who are not connected with other i Towns in the district^ln addition BAenie—Board—■•tele—■veerSe headquarters that they will not branches of the Civilian Defense l-BM WoRTLE, T he Practical J o k e r “31 Rrataaranta to Manchester are Qaat Hartford, appoint a chairman at this tlnM, are wanted to act as Stretcher ALLEY OOP What About It? BY V. T. HAMLIN Beoms Wlthoai Board ...... IS Glastonbury, South Windsor, Marl­ V Boardora Wanted ...... Il-A but win work ti^^ether as a pro­ Bearers. These groups would be Country Board—Resorts...... so borough. Wetherafleld, Rocky Hill gram committee. transported in cars at the same Hetale—Rottauranra ...... ei WANTED 'and, Newington. Dr. Robert P. Knapp, vice-chair­ time the emeiYency ambulances Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... ei THe hand* o f the Baal Bstato For Root man of. the local chapter, has been are dispatched, and would receive CLOCK HAIJE GONE AROUND | Apartments, Flats. Tenements as AUCTION • V F o r working out some jflrst aid brief instructions as to their duties SEVERAL TIMES SINCE BuMnoey f^oeatlone for Rent .. <• Youngster Starts charadea, and these will be pre­ from the Medical Corps. OUR FRIENDS BOARDED Rouses For Rent ...... ti, A group o f ten men is .wanted, iubnrban For Rent ...... sented at this meeting. .THEIR LITTLEJJFE-RAFT Summer Homee lor Rent . . . . . ■ i'i 9 RECONDITIONED USED CARS 9 An persons holding first aid with First Aid training to act as IP STILL THE PlkClF- Wsnted to Rent .. It Car, Crashes It certificates aa weU as those now a Rescue squad, these men also to REKLAIN5 A VAST. Real Estate For Sale FOR B R l’.NNER SALES CO. (AutborlMd Paekari^ Dealer) Defense W ork’ receive training. a tte n d l^ classes are urged to be IPTY WORLD OF ADar*.u.ent Building for Ssle « . tS Both men shd women want­ Business Property for Sale ... iu (With Experience) Two youBgaUrs narrowly es­ present at this ineeUng. SALT VUKTER Fenne and Land for 8-,fe...... 11 82 Oakland Street, Manchester, Conn. ' ed, holding First Aid certificatss, Houses for Sals ...... IX caped Injury when they released to volunteer their service/ to be ' Coll for Sala ...... 1i For All Types o f Work on Sewing Machines -the brakes oa a car sending it formed into squads or groups also Hesort Props-ty for Sals ...... H Thursday Evening, .\iigus^6 at 7 P. M. crashing into a nearby fence early Get Good Response to accompany the emergency am­ suburban for Sals ...... I I J tnis week, it was revsaled today, .Seal Estate for Eichenge .... It and Hand Work. . bulances. Aa the Town o f Vernon Weated—Reel Eet'te ______11 1937 Kurd fiedan, 1937 Packard Sedan, 19S7 Chrysler Sedan, 1985 j Bobby Hansan, two-year old son To Dressings Call is one of the places selected where Aaetloa. Legal *tollro« Hupp Sedan, 1979 Old* Cnacb. 1935 Packard Sedan, *1935 Olds- j o f Mr. and M ra Claytoa Hanaen. s Field Trial may be caUad at any logs! Neticec ...... t l j o f SIS Main street, climbed ttito inoMIe sedan. 1937 Ford Cnu|>e. 1941 Ford Coach, and Others. - APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT time, the Defense Council is most ! his father's car and proceeded to M ra Edward Brosnan, head of anxious to complete their squads. TERMS: Finance Termx Arranged On Sale* Ovef 6100; One-Half ImlUte the actions hs bad watch­ the Manchester Surgical Dreasingi Volunteers are asked to contact Down, Balance Financed. ed his dad go through when M a il­ OomznlttM, announced this morn­ the offlcerPhhn# 532. ing the car. He released the em­ ing that ahe baa had an encourag­ Spoke on Oas ROBERT M. REID & SONS, Auctioneers Independent Cloak Co. ergency brake, put the car in gear ing response from local women Alfred GuidotU who recently at­ and Bteppad oo tha startar. The who are aigning up to help com- tended th epaa Clinic held in H art­ plets the large number o f dress­ :oi Main SI. Manehe*ter. Conn. Phone 3193 Pine Street jolt was. enough to send tha car ford, spoke at the meeting of the Manchester down k step grads' into a fence. ings which are expected to be re­ Women’s Motor Corps held last Bobby's four year old aistsr, Oarol quested from this town. evening. Ann saw what her brother was N o quota has yet been received PIcaio Thursday FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Taking No Chances BY MERRILL BLOSSEg trying to do, and aha immediately from National headquartera but The Ladies Aid society of the RED RYDER A Tough Break BY FRED HARMAN ran to tha front of the car trying Btaps*are being taken to set up the First Lutheran church will hold to bold It back by tha bumpar. work rooms at the American Le- its annual picnic on Thursday OvEKTXkre ThE m ail Tteocic B L irT H C Well,ITS vdur.. 1 VNONOER, ^T H e v a r e . THISriiM E T V When the car jolted abaad, gkm Home on Leonard atreet ao afternoon at two o’clock at the MAVe that all w ill he in readineaa when church property. AND SEARCH THE MAIL BAGS FDR truck LEFT JOB ID CATCH WHY T R E V r e PRACTiCAtLVi Cl G BOY'5Y-'- 'rOa’RE I ■HAT D6>U1Y, Carol Ann was thrown to'thd AND ABOUT ground and tha car went over bar, the quota arrives. Spe^ at Stafford A LETTER FROM -LARD SMITH half an , IT.' NO MATTER. NOT HOLDING <50! hi’1 TOito — y FOUR Q TH PR ORrUL- but, luckily aha remained oo tke The American Legion Auxiliary State Senator Claude Mills of ADDRESSED TO Ml95 HILDA GRUeSLE I HOUR AGO / WHAT HAPPENS, . ME IN , ground and the wheals did not ia sponsoring the program and this city will speak at the dinner BfVNe BACK c u e ? x t/ i ~ w . PEOPLE w a t c h i n g touch her. Repair work was naceai M ra Broanan n being .asalatsd in meeting ef the Rotary Qub to be you TO SEE THAT sary to get the car back■ in ooodl4 ™«klng the arrangements by Mra held at the Maple Grove Inn at THAT LETTER f y o u o o n T Elmar Rice. In ordar to complete Stafford Springs this evening. tion,a^ass butwiaa theaaam ownerweaawa tam m thankful a s s ^ s e w a a— ' ■ ' ------— - • DROWN- that no injurias were suatainad by the draasinga, many woman w r With Bats i his children. nsadad to devota at least ona day 'rtrr// r m a waek to the work. Reading, Pa. ——Anxious to Apt A t Imperieoatlsns Information may ba aaeurad at Red Croaa baadqnartem phone rid his orchards o f the codling moth, John RMk adveftised in the Philadelphia——WhsB 15 per- 6ttB7. or by contacting althsr Mrs. eons finisbed teatifying agaliiat Broanan. or M ra R ica newspapers fo r "100 Hve bats in Edward Goldsmi^, 32, poUoa bald good flying condition; will pay flye him on charges of obtaining money Osrde Te Oe late Oeftla cents ss(^ *T thought Td try a Uttls axperiment to sea whether under falsa pretenma and for Im­ Loe Angeles — (F) — Holiday ^ MeKeWF personating: A Board of Health in' grssting cards wsrsn't just for- 100 bats, releiued in the orchard, speetor, dty datactiya. fire mar- maliUss to LOlie Ball Booth. 61. would go after the moth," Kick ex­ ■hal, polioa inspactor, Federal BU'- Shs aardd sU dis’s rsoslved. At plained. "O f courae, they might ^AODYA FIEAn I TERBACCER j JOLD YA SME.U.S SoRTTeR, PUHK!^ rean of InvosUigatlon agent aad bar rsqusat, tb ayll bs aaaled tato go right back where they eajse apecial ^govemmant aamit hi bsr coffin whsa ska’s burled U>- fram. hut I thought It was worth the try." >. awrge purehuiag « ^ ' "in