^OE TWELVE TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1942 ^anr^Atrr Ettnibtfi Herald Averagre Daily Circulation I*#- For the Month of July, The Weather Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters EiHergeney Doctors of St. George,' are reminded of iged to Wed 7,494 Forecast of U.i S. Weather Bureau About Town the meeting this evening in the Regiment Band Urges Service . Masonic Temple, with Mrs. Doro-; Dr. Arthur B. Moran and Dr. Sidewalk Assessment - Member of the Audit Mortimer Moriarty are the phy­ thy Belcher, Mrs. Eva Le-slie anti Bureau of Circulations OoBtlnoed cool tonight. An executive meeting of the Mrs. Margaret Jones as hostesses. sicians of the Manchester Med­ Arrives Hfere Flag on Square Beethoven Glee club will be held ical association who will re­ Awaits Wall Deeision MaticheBter—-A City of Village Charm Friday evening at 7:30 at the Everett R. Kennedy. Jr., son of spond to emergency, calls to­ Emanuel Lutheran church. At morrow afternoon. Will Furnish Weekly North End Takes Up Mr. and Mra. Everett R. Kenne­ VOL. LXI-, NO. 261 (Olassiaed Advertising on Page 14) this eesaion. plana will be formu- dy of 383>s Center street, has ("onrerts; InstrumentN Selectmen to Inspect pro-rata, upon recommendation of MANCHESTER, CONN: .WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) uated for fall activitiea. been accepted as an aviation ca­ Idea; Would Have Rig the committee which has made a PRICE THREE CENTS det in the Army Air Corps, hav­ En Route from Texas. - Ceremony at Raising. Porter Street Site; Also study of the plan. The Harvard Road Bridge Oub ing successfully passed the men­ Begin Work Approve Buying Half It is understood that the war was entertained last evening at tal and physical examinations Ever smee the warm weather ar­ damage insurance offered by a Fire Dwtroyg Ringling Menagerie Tent the home of Mr. and Mra. Perry taken last Thursday in Hartford. A service flag at the north end Million War Insurance.' branch of the Federal government Pratt. Four tables of contract His name has been placed'on tht? On Dressings rived here this year, the Manches­ has been proposed and already carries a smaller percentage of Urges Gandhi Lead were in play. High scores were reserve list and he probably will ter public has been clamoring for plans are underway to have one profit to the agency which writes Nazis Landing ’Chute Sldfwalk a.sBessmcnts of $1,- i made by Mra. Malcolm Deacon and not .he called upon to report for the weekly band concerts which it than the sabotage insurance and placed on Depot Square. This aug. 719.43 on Porter street of which ; Arthur Smith. training for some time. A grad­ Rrfl Ooaa Committee were featured In past years in ; in consequence a division of the gestton was made thia morning by tw-o-third« would be borne by the Ii Iflfturance to be w ritten had to be uate of Manchester High schooi Center Park. Due to so many Dante Pagani, -prominent north Civil Disobedience Corporal Earl W. Yost, who is with the class of 1941, he,reaches Not to Wail Until abutting property owners and one- made with this fact in mind. bandsmen 'working on defense, it end merchant and member of the currently stationed at Fort pix, his 19th birthday this month and third by the town, were not levied I TTie hew sabotage insurance, Now Jersey, spent last Sunday at is at present employed at the Air- (^iiota Is Asuighed. was impoasibla for many of the Manchester Improvement Associa­ Forces in Caucasus; ^ while It Is carried principally for ■ craft plant in East Hartford. tion. He proposes to have the flag last night by the Board of SelecL hU home on 13 1-3 Ford street. bands to get together for such an made up of one star for every [ the protection of the town's water I f Demand Denied He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ A meet4nK of the Manchester men when it developed a retain­ affair. The American Legion Band chimdred men from Manciteater now system, also provides for paymmt bert Yost. ^ " The local Selective Service board .Surgical Dreasings committee was played one concert during July, ing wall for about 200 feet of the of damage incurred , by "riot or met last night in its offices in the ' in the service. held this morning at 8:4S in the and it is expected to give another length of the sidewalk recently civil commotion." x Committee Also Gets Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dotchin post office building and complet­ aometime thia month. -Mr. Pagani said that ^any Plan to List ed a number .of further classifica­ local Red Cross headquarters. It towns throughout Connecticut are completed from Grandview street To Review Lota^^ Proposed Resolution Capture* 0(, Maple street left yesterday for However, the people of this a 10 days vacation to be ap>ent m tions. Several registrants were was decided to begin work imme­ town will soon.be given weekly now di.splaying service flags. In to Oak Grove street would have to A committee of Selectmen Reed, most canes: however, the number Converse and Bowers was named To Pledge AlMndia . Rhode Island. given hearings on their occupa­ diately on the aurgical dressings band concertk on Sunday aftir- .Ml«« Norma Grar.ladln be constructed. Women May tional and dependency claims. The noona until the cold weather sets of men in the services frorn these by Chairman David Chambers to Congress Party to Re-# Germans Claim Seizure Joseph Barto has leased the board is readJ-ing classifications although the quota has not yet places had not reached the hun­ The share which would be met Inspect seven lots of land owped Troops and Small Tanks in if plana formulated this morn­ Mr. and Mrs. George L, Grazts- by property owners if voted by the new store erected on the south for a large number of registrants been assigned here. Word from na^ ing at the local armory progress. dred mark. by the town,- for which an offer sistance to Invasion Of Important Railway Ruses Used i tional headquarters is expected dio, of 100 HenrJ- street, have an­ During the discussion it was Selectmen would have been $1,- Be Adopted Sent into Area as Side of the MagneU building and to be sent to Hartford for army The regimental band of the local i nounced the engagemeht of their has been made for purchase. The will open a barber shop there on physical examination on August within a short time. pointed out that there were over 146.28. representing two-thirda of lots to be viewed are located on Of Ration by Japanese. Junction by Storm anti-aircraft regiment arrived here I daughter. Miss Norma Graziadio, the present coat, and the town By Germans , Hard Pressed Reds Thursday. Mr. Barto has been en- 28. It was announced that the Man­ early this week, and will be sta- I 1.200 men from Manchesten draft­ Branford street. Middle Turnpike -After Hard Fighting; gaiged in the barber business in to Samuel J. Taggart, son of ^^rs. ed and enlisted, in the service. A Would have paid $573.15. ' Machinery for Occupa- chester Girl Scout. Council has Honed in thia area for the pur- ^ Catherine T._ Taggart, of 80 Wells E ast and Autumn st'Teet. The town Bombay, Aug. 5.—(4*)— Withdraw from Be-| Manchester for 21 years, the first The Alpina Sciclety will hold its donated the iiae of some bf their pose of providing entertainment . flag with that many stars would The highway committee plans had been offered $1,400 for the Bridgeheads Estab­ nine years of which he was with monthly mating, tomorrow eve­ street.' and' the late Samuel J. be:unwieklly and hard to handle. to inspect the site and to report The All-India Congress Party I tional Registration May Prove Vain laya Glina Sector tol cabinets to the committee, who for both the soldiera and the civil-,'’ Taggart. The announcement was seven lots. lished Across Kuban . J the late P, H. Dougherty. He has ning at eight'o'clock at the Ital- wijl make their hbadquart'ers at ian population. , It waa suggested that one star for its findings to the board at the The State Highway department, Working Committee drafted I Be Included in War New Defense Posi-I disposed.'of his share in the Capi­ ian-Americ4n clubhouse on Eld- made at a dinner party given every one hundred men be placed ■the American Legion Home On Aw«rd Inatrusneata Saturday evening by Mr, and Mrs. next meeting. Only one of the 15 in a letter to the Selectmen, urg­ today a resolution, recom­ River Between Kro­ tol Barber Shop located in the ridge street. Leonard street. on the flag. abutting property owners on Por­ ed the Inclusion in the call for the Service Legislation. Espionage and ‘ Tro jan | tions in Face of Ger>| Park building. Warrant Officer Thomas Evans. | Graziadio in observation of their mending that Mohandas K. The American Legion Auxiliary If his proposition goes through ter street appeared at the assess­ annual town meeting an. article potkin and Armavir. American Legion band members who heads the military unit, stated ; 25th wedding anniver.iary. the north end will have a real cele­ ment meeting. Gandhi be given full powers Horse^ Tactics Fail] man Armored Units.! is sponsoring the program, which that the organization will be glad permitting the town to share in . Washington, Aug. 5.—(>P)—Ma­ Letters have been received from will hold their annual oubng Sun­ B<ith ■ Mi.ss Graziadio and her bration at the nag raising.
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