Councillor Mrs J Jones (Chair) Councillor Mr B Richards Councillor Mrs J Harris Councillor Dr S Haider Councillor Mrs F Hughes Councillor Ms A Fearn Councillor Mrs E Astill Councillor Mr C Hushon Councillor Mrs E Jones Councillor Mrs V Marriott Councillor Ms K Khan


Inspector Mark Botte One members of the public (part of the meeting) Mrs J Lovatt – Deputy Clerk Mrs R Richardson - Clerk

269/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND ACCEPTANCE BY COUNCIL Apologies were received and approved from Councillor Mr R Butler, Borough Councillors Mr A Paling and Mr P Murphy and County Councillor Mr R Shepherd


271/19 POLICE MATTERS - INSPECTOR MARK BOTTE Inspector Botte came to introduce himself to Council, and to give an update on crime in Sileby, which is down 9%. He reported that PC Stuart Davies had now joined the team, and is very proactive in getting problem crime hotspots throughout the village sorted. He asked us to encourage residents to sign up to Neighbourhood Link, which is an advisory service that lets people know what is happening in their area. Councillor Mrs J Jones thanked Inspector Botte for attending, and inviting him back to the meeting in February next year.

272/19 CLERK’S REPORT Grant Conditionally :- (a) P/17/2391/2 Site for the erection of up to 23 dwellings including access and associated works. (Revised scheme - P/14/1222/2 refers) Land at 195 Seagrave Road, Sileby, LE12 7NH

(b) P/19/2086/2 Proposed detached garage to rear of existing dwelling and formation of new access from highway 1 Collingwood Drive, Sileby, LE12 7NT

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(c) P/19/2126/2 Erection of agricultural building for equipment storage & livestock housing Field Barn, 234 Seagrave Road Sileby, , LE12 7NJ

273/19 ADJOURNMENT FOR PUBLIC TO RAISE MATTERS A resident came to express his disappointment at the lack of answers provided at the Flood Meeting that was held last week. He also commented that he is opposed to the planning application for additional houses for the Peashill development.

274/19 TO CONFIRM AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 21 NOVEMBER 2019 RESOLVED To accept as a true record and these were duly signed

275/19 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND BOROUGH COUNCILLORS IF IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor Mr R Shepherd shared a useful link following the recent impact of heavy rain, which contains general information on advice and guidance for protecting yourself and your home in the event of flooding - www.leicestershire.gov.uk/flood-advice

Councillor Mr A Paling is still working on the issues around the raw sewage problems on Barrow Road and as yet no response has been received. He has requested that Matt Bradford sends the email to Severn Trent, and he has had proof that this has been done.

A site meeting has been arranged to take place, within the next two weeks, with Miller Homes to discuss the issues and concerns of this development.

276/19 TO RECEIVE REPORTS ON MEETINGS ATTENDED OR REPORTS RECEIVED – FOR INFORMATION ONLY Councillor Mrs E Jones agreed with the resident’s comments regarding the lack of answers at the Flood Meeting last Thursday, and she thought they were very ill-prepared as the questions they had received prior to the meeting were not fully answered. At the meeting Leicestershire County Council agreed to email the Clerk the figures for how often Slash Lane was closed due to flooding. The Clerk has not received these figures to date. A discussion took place where we should keep a record of road closures closed due to flooding, which could then help with planning applications.

Councillors Mrs E Astill and Mrs J Jones and the Clerk had a meeting with Cara Wild, who is the Planning Liaison Officer at Charnwood Borough Council. They reported that it was an informative meeting, and she was interested to know what facilities we have and need. She felt that Charnwood Borough Council would be able to help with some projects on the park. She has suggested a site visit with the Parks Development Officer, Jeremy Trill, and Councillors. Councillors to give the Clerk their availability to attend this meeting.

Councillor Mrs J Jones had attended a Member Conduct Meeting at Charnwood Borough Council.

277/19 TO RECEIVE PRICE QUOTATIONS TO HAVE THE PLAY SURFACES REPAIRED IN THE MEMORIAL PARK AND TO CONSIDER WHICH AREAS TO HAVE REPAIRED RESOLVED To have all play surfaces repaired as per the quote from Play Source Ltd at a cost of £6,826 plus VAT

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278/19 TO CONSIDER AND AGREE COMMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING PLANNING APPLICATIONS:- (a) P/19/1683/2 Reserved matters (appearance, scale, layout and landscaping) in respect of Outline Application P/17/1578/2 for the Erection of 170 dwellings - Peashill Farm, Ratcliffe Road, Sileby, LE12 7QB Councillor Mrs E Astill summarised a draft response and members agreed with her comments RESOLVED that detailed comments will follow in due course (b) P/19/2162/2 Erection of 31 dwellings and associated infrastructure Peashill Farm, Ratcliffe Road, Sileby, LE12 7QB RESOLVED Sileby Neighbourhood Plan has passed examination, therefore it has been deemed to meet the basic conditions and furthermore it has received overwhelming public support following referendum on Thursday, 21 November 2019, with 89% voting in favour of its adoption. As such the Sileby Neighbourhood Plan should be afforded full weight in determining this planning application.

Section 70 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as Amended) provides that a local planning authority must have regard to a post-examination draft neighbourhood development plan, so far as material to the application (Paragraph: 007 Reference ID; 41- 007-20190509).

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is very clear about the status of neighbourhood plans as part of the development plan, Paragraph 12 of the NPPF states; ‘The presumption in favour of sustainable development does not change the statutory status of the development plan as the starting point for decision -making. Where a planning application conflicts with an up to date development plan (including any neighbourhood plans that form part of the development plan), permission should not usually be granted. Local planning authorities may take decisions that depart from an up to date development plan, but only if material considerations in a particular case indicate that the plan should not be followed.’

In view of the new status of Sileby Neighbourhood Plan (SNP) the Parish Council request that full weight be given to its policies and that the SNP represents the most up to date development plan document.

The application seeks to make an extension to a previously approved scheme, P/17/1578/2, (January 2018) for an outline application for 170 dwellings with associated open space, landscaping, extension to cemetery, new allotments, access, surface water attenuation and associated works including demolition of 94, Ratcliffe Road and conversion of existing farm buildings.

An additional 31 dwellings are proposed to be developed over an area of land that formed an attenuation basin on the drawing number EDP3418/06f. The planning consent was quite clear that the Reserved Matters submission should be in accordance with the principles set out in the indicative master plan on drawing number EDP3418/06f and included the provision for ‘a development of up to 170 dwellings’. The planning condition sought to limit the development to no more than 170 dwellings, the addition of 31 more dwellings would clearly be in conflict with the second condition of the outline permission.

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At present Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) can demonstrate a housing land supply of 6.41 years. The Borough has more than met the Government’s Housing Delivery Test Measurement for 2018 with a result of 123%, with the anticipated scale of development having been more than met. Therefore, there is no clear need for an extension of the site to accommodate an additional 31 dwellings.

Sileby has taken responsibility to plan for future development on a scale that takes into account existing housing commitments (including the outline permission for this site) and the SNP has allocated reserve sites to meet this need. The extension to this site was not proposed for consideration as a reserve site and it has not been allocated. The application is in clear conflict with SNP policy H1.

Policy H1 Reserve Sites Planning applications for residential development on the following sites will be supported: The Oaks, Ratcliffe Road (Site 10 for around 11 dwellings), 36 Charles Street (site for around 11 units), Rear of Cossington Road (Site 12 for around18 units), Barrow Road (Site 13 for around 12 units), Factory corner of Park and Seagrave Road (Site 21 for around 11 units), 9 King Street (site 22 for around 14 units) if: a. It is required to remediate a shortfall in the supply of housing land due to the failure of existing housing sites in Sileby to deliver the anticipated scale of development required; b. It becomes necessary to provide for additional homes in the Parish in accordance with any new development plan that replaces the Charnwood Local Plan Core Strategy; and c. Any business or community uses can be satisfactorily relocated or if the need for residential development clearly outweighs the loss of these uses.

The proposal does not meet the criteria of a windfall site since it is already allocated as available for development, it has not previously been developed nor is it infill. It is in conflict with Policy H2 of SNP which states;

Policy H2 Windfall Development Residential development on infill and redevelopment sites within the settlement boundary will be supported where the development:

a) Comprises a restricted gap in the continuity of existing frontage buildings or on other sites within the built-up area of Sileby or where the site is closely surrounded by existing buildings; b) Respects the shape and form of Sileby in order to maintain its distinctive character and enhance it where possible; c) Retains existing important natural boundaries such as trees, hedges and streams; d) Does not reduce garden space to an extent where it is adversely impacts on the character of the area, or the amenity of neighbours and the existing and future occupiers of the dwelling (s); and e) Does not result in an unacceptable loss of amenity for neighbouring occupiers by reason of loss of privacy, loss of daylight, visual intrusion or noise in line with Charnwood Borough Council Planning Guidance.

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The outline approval considered the impact development would have on the Sileby Cemetery Chapel (listed in CBC list of locally designated assets) and considered that the design set out in drawing number EDP3418/06f provided for appropriate stand- off and landscaping mitigations to the Chapel building. This set back the built form in order that views of the chapel could be appreciated from within the open spaces and the orientation of the road network was such that the chapel became a focus for the development. The proposed extension would reduce the stand-off area between housing and the cemetery and limit the view of the chapel to a very narrow linear glimpse framed by housing and car parking spaces resulting in a negative visual impact on the character of the local area and in particular setting of a heritage asset.

The proposal seeks to develop over land previously approved to be an attenuation pond and included on drawing EDP3418/06f. The application has not sought to amend the outline permission or as far as can be seen from the public realm included a revised surface water strategy to support the changes to the attenuation pond with a swale in a new location. The Parish Council are alarmed that the proposal will exacerbate the flooding risk elsewhere, particularly on properties to the rear of Ratcliffe Road. In recent weeks the impact of surface runoff has been experienced by Sileby as a whole and once again by residents on Ratcliffe Road. Therefore, in the absence of the of a revised surface water strategy the Parish Council would urge this application is refused. The Parish Council requests the opportunity to speak at Plans Committee.

(c) P/19/2290/2 Single storey side extension 11 Quaker Road, Sileby, LE12 7SA RESOLVED No objection (d) P/19/2365/2 Discharge of Condition 7 of P/12/2235/2 Seagrave Park, Seagrave Road, Sileby, Leics LE12 7TP RESOLVED Clerk to request an extension to respond to this application. Councillor Ms A Fearn to look into the artwork and report back. The Clerk to get in touch with the ‘Residents Group’ so they can comment. (e) P/19/1951/2 Erection of detached single garage to rear of dwelling - 95 Homefield Road, Sileby, LE12 7TG RESOLVED No objection (f) P/19/2390/2 Proposed single storey rear extension to dwelling 182 Barrow Road, Sileby, LE12 7LR RESOLVED No objection (g) Land off Seagrave Road, Sileby - To note the Appeal Decision (Ref APP/X2410/W/19/3233285) is dismissed and approval of the details is refused, namely details for the public use of the MUGA out of school hours submitted in pursuance of condition 26 attached to planning permission Ref P/12/2235/2 dated 20 December 2013 Councillor Mrs E Astill gave an update saying that Bellways need to put together a new user agreement, which meets with conditions. RESOLVED To note this.

279/19 TO CONSIDER THE DRAFT ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2020/21 The budget was reviewed by Council, and it was RESOLVED that this could go on the next agenda for precept approval, with an increase of 3.5%.

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281/19 TO APPROVE COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO THE DRAFT LOCAL PLAN A response from the Planning Consultant Mr Andy Thomas of Thomas-Taylor Planning Ltd was circulated to members and it was RESOLVED to approve these comments and forward to Charnwood Borough Council.

282/19 BELLWAY DEVELOPMENT SEAGRAVE ROAD – SCHEME OF PUBLIC ART This item was discussed in Min No 278/19 (d)

283/19 TO RECEIVE A REPORT ON THE RISK ASSESSMENTS FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, PARISH OFFICE AND SPORTS PAVILION Councillor Ms A Fearn reported that everything was broadly compliant. The Clerk confirmed that all problems had been rectified.

284/19 TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS FROM A MEMBER OF STAFF The Admin Officer has requested flexible working hours on her return from maternity leave and it was RESOLVED to agree this request and to be reviewed after three months.


286/19 CORRESPONDENCE:- (a) To receive and note an invitation from the Mayor of Charnwood for the Chairman and guest to attend the Community Carol Service at All Saints with Holy Trinity Parish Church, Steeple Row, on Wednesday, 18 December commencing at 7.00 pm RESOLVED Councillors Mrs V Marriott and Ms A Fearn will attend (b) Invitation to comment on Leicestershire County Council’s Draft Equality Strategy 2020- 24 https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/equality-strategy-consultation RESOLVED To note this (c) To receive and note a councillor’s resignation Ms Mandy Pollard has resigned her position on the Parish Council and it was RESOLVED to note this 1. 287/192. FUTURE PLANNING ➢ The Pinfold (Councillors Mrs J Harris and Mrs E Jones) ➢ Mark Warden, Resilience Officer, Charnwood Borough Council

The meeting closed at 9.22 pm

Chairman’s Signature: ………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………

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