U.S. May Test Intentions on Berlin
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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 19|ig AYerage Daily Net Frees Run FACE TWENTf ror the Week Eadlag Tiie Waatlier iHmtrliPatrr lEttptttttg Nov. 8th ltl» r eeeeaet eif O. 8. Weather Bnpeaa light raia tUa aftamoM aai Member* of Sunset Rehekah The flnai two seeilone of the The weddinf of Miaa A n ita s . two to fly* degrees above normal. 12.825/ tonight. %jam tonight near ML Lodge are requested to meet to- basic learterAhip cour«e for Inter Johnaon, 4§1 Porter St., and Ar Sialenhood Head The normal mean temperature at Mamber of the Audit About Town night at 7;30 at the corner of E. mediate and Brownie rJirl Scout thur M. Shorta, 110 ('onatance D r. Hartford this period la Al degrees, Btfiean of Cfreiilattea ahaww a Hheljr Sonday, neiillimed ” --------- ; Center and Spruce Sta., to proceed leadrts. extended from laat Mpring, will take place tomorrow at 4 p.m. Attending Confab ranging from a high of SI to a miM. High In BOa. The Zipaer Club will hold a aet- there to pay reapecla to the will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, in Rmanuel Lutheran Church, with low of 31. At New HaVen! the' nor DUTCH BOY Manchester——A City of Village Charm back party tomorrow night for uillan Helm, at her on Nov. 18 and 2ft, in the member^ receptibn following in Luther. Hall Mr*. Irving Hochberg, president mal la 43 .ranging from a high of membera and their frienda »'«>■•• j home, 2ft Spruce .SI. .Mra. Helm alup loom of the South Methodiat of the church. of the Sinterhood of Temple Beth 51 to a low of 34 and at Brideport ing at R o'clock | waa a member of the lodge. Church. the normal Is 43 ranging from a VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 40 CI’EN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER LI, 1958 Sholom. Will represtent her sister (Classified Advertising en Pag* R) PRIc E FIVE CENTS The We Two Group of Conroniia hood at the Biennial Convention of high of ftl to a Ipw of .35. It will .lumora will meet at f^nveiiant turn cooler Sunday and warmer DOKL AWABDS MiBfi Marlf* Rrnniit. dauphtfi; of I>aujfhtera of Riberty, No. 17. Congi"egalional .'■hiinii thi.a e\e- Lutheian Church will hbld a baked the National Women's League of Mrs, ThfrcBH Brandi, S.'l W .fid LOLI, will meet Tiieaday night at gooda aale tomorrow at ^.;30 a.rn. the United Synagogue of America. again by Wedne.sday. The foliowinK were awarded life-size Dutch Boy dolia ning at " o’clock At Ilua hour dle Tpke., haa been elected vice 7 O f lock in Orange Hall, Paat alao Paator Ra.«'< aiir. a group of in Halc'a atore. They will have a The convention begins tomorrow during the Grand Opening: celebration of our new'ly ' chairman if the frenhinan t laaa Worthy MlstrcHa Mlaa Vera Dion aupply of cakee. nlea. bie-id. <of- and ends Thiireday. It will be held Army Seen laymen will leace fo.* Thomaaton At SI. .Joseph College. \Vc«t Hart Tyrone Power, 45, Dag Rejects and her ataff will install the new enlarRcd atore: Covenant Church to participate In [fee cake.H, cookiea and baked at the -Americana Hotel, Miami ford. A graduate ol Manchester :^Tf! i era at R oVlork, The paat niia- beana. Beach, Fla. FATHKRS* KON8 the Conneclicit Covenant mini.-i- , Higti School last June, alie ia a AND DALGHTKRS IRENE LISK . .................. 141 Pine Street, Manchester tre.aaea will hold a penny auction to About l.-ftOO dcl(!gates from all Asking for terium meeting Tomoriow will be pAVcholopy major. ^ i which niemhe;a an<l frieiula are Jord an on work day at the Cromwell Home Ronald Ijirchcveque. 22. aon of parts of the United States and MRS. A. PATTON . .26.7 Hig;h Street West, Manchester askerl fo rlonnle, I,.ight refre««h* R. I. Larrlieveque. Gooae l.*ane Canada will convene to celebrate Succumbs in Spain U.S. May Test for Children. ■ I The Washington J’TA will hold MISS PAULA HURI.BURT 18 Bonner Rd., Manchester ✓ nienis "ill be aeived after the Ud , Toihuid, formerly of Manrhes- the lOfh Anniversary of the Na a food sale at lA'nn .s f’oultry meeting. DINNER New Funds A ropiilar mcrting of Ual- Store in the l‘’ar kafle tonutrmw , te;. haa been aaaigned to B f*o. of tional Women's League, repre- By LOUIS P. NEVIN Syrian Jets the 2rul Ttelning Regiment al Ft. .senling more than 700 sisterhoods Coepor Hall lan-Amrnrnn Snnrty wtll hr licM from 10 a Ml to 4 p.m fVmlnb- A luerliDg of the executive lorn- Pix. N J . for eight weeka of in with a membership of more than (JP Madrid, Nov. 15 (/P)—Ty tomo^^o\^ njplit at 7 At lh« utofR are aaked In hmiK I heir mitlee r»f Nutmeg Koieal, 'Pall <’e- SOUTH MCTHODIST Washington, Nov. 15 )— rlub)iouB<' Nnminftljon of offt- fantry haaic training. 170,000 women. C. J. MORRISON rone Power died today of a United N-ations, N. Y., donations to thr rcIk»oI lafetrrm The Army, cutting troops for d.'JiR o f t^ebanon. "ill b*' held al CHURCH rrrs for the rnnnnp yrar vtHl Inkr between ft and R o'clock tonight. the Ma.'ionic Temple Moi)f|a\' n;ghl economy this year, may ask heart attack. The 45-year-old Nov. 16 (/P)—Secretary Gen plarr nrfrr.shnirnlB will b<* a I 7:.30. .VlemlieiB of the YhAV are re- PAINT and WALLPAPER COMPANY screen and stage star was aftM ihr mretinp. New EnKlnnd Menu Congress to give it more mon eral Dag Hammarskjold has j Sun.scl Rehekah l^id^je ssill have qiiepterl to meet al 7 oelock to- I Extendod Eorpcast ey for modernization. * stricken on a movie set, “Sol turned down appeals by Jor Intentions on Berlin ;a polhifk at ft;30 Monday everuMK <’)i.t|tiiiHn ('o uit, O d e r of Am a- niglu at the W’Hlkina-W'eal Ku- i --------- WE (JIVE (JREEN STAMPS Mon liorR of thr filh DintncI l-’iie Knlerlainment Congress, at its last session, ap omon and Sheba.” in which he dan to bring before the Se under the flirecLinn of M i .*» Vii- iiinlh '.'ill hohl ,t .‘'tihlaiN VN'Ii i.hI neral Home lo pa\' rexperla to Wil- ^ TemperatureA In f!onnerli( iit :i8.i CENTER STREET—TEL. MI 9-9718 propriated extra money in an at Df'pt "ill hold n dcpnrtinont inrrt- Kima Ivfwi.R Members who have wa.s playing opposite Italian curity Council charges that inc loniplil fll 7 o rlock At the ftrr- tniiiglit ;<( R o't In k in !lm M ason Irnm KMnehl, "’ho.He aon ia a mem- | for th'' next five daya Saturday Donation 8.ftc Ter Plate tempt to head off the manpower not been Aoliiited ahould lontarl ic. fVmpIr, bei' of the po.-»l. I through Wedne.arlay, will average i cuts. But the Army has not used actress Gina Lollobrigida. Syrian jets jumped King Hus 1 Noiilr itiHiid Mir I’vonnr I’onlniR the money and, following Presi Power complained, as he had I or Mra Ruth Reck\^llh Al the been for several days, of a pain in sein’s vacation-bound plane dent Bisenhower’s original budget, and chased it back across the Awaits Red ! n rling to follo’.s, the degree will plans to reduce its forces by 30,- his left arm and abdomen. I lie f onferrerl on a rlass of ranrli- aftw . ^ft^»^M■l^*^l la/M** ■■af^**ftf^**ftp***‘*ftft“ “ ftp>** asaiiiaft* i 'ftp** iftft— ’ftp*** iapM>"ifta>s>»»ftax 000 men within the next few He was'rushed to a Spanish hos Jordanian frontier, it was re i dateii. m onths. pital at 11:30 a.m. and died an ported today. Suggestion of a doubled appro hour later. Ted Richmond, pro Hammarskjold is said to have Opinion on Mr and Mre John K Shea 1 lfi I priation for modernization came ducer of the picture, was at his told Amman that he jcmpalhized . nrtrr St . "ill observe their fiOth yesterday from Gen. Maxwell D. bedside. with its plaint, but felt the inci '"edding AMPiverRHiv Siindav with Taylor, A rm y chief of staff. His wife of less than a year, the dent last Mondsv was an Lsolaled City’s Status ROASTING open hoiiae for their relative^ and Taylor was asked at a news former Debbie Ann Minardos, is one that did not endanger Middle ! friends from 2 to *i p m. conference if he believed the expecting a baby in February. East peace, Army would need $3 billion a year Power had been man led to U.N. officials have Unted out By RKYMOFR TOPPING CHICKENS ^’Iioir praclit e at the J4ii« king- during the next five years to mod French actress Annabella snd to that Jordan did not ask Ham- Berlin, Noy. 15 (itP)The U.S. u h screen star Linda Ohristian, Both ham < *on;fregHl lonal f * h u n h H ernize ground forces. The Army marskjold’s apeeial repre.sentaltve Army i.a expected .soon to send I evenme al 7 30 "ill be follow e<| bv w ith Chief of Staff replied that he did. man lages ended in dWorce. in Amman. Pier Spinelli. to get Shooting of the picture was halt another truck convoy we.st in Husbands are among: our I a meeting of the evernta'’ f om- Tile cui rent year's Army alloca clearance from the United Arab nilllee of the church at M pm.