FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 19|ig AYerage Daily Net Frees Run FACE TWENTf ror the Week Eadlag Tiie Waatlier iHmtrliPatrr lEttptttttg Nov. 8th ltl» r eeeeaet eif O. 8. Weather Bnpeaa light raia tUa aftamoM aai Member* of Sunset Rehekah The flnai two seeilone of the The weddinf of Miaa A n ita s . two to fly* degrees above normal. 12.825/ tonight. %jam tonight near ML Lodge are requested to meet to- basic learterAhip cour«e for Inter­ Johnaon, 4§1 Porter St., and Ar­ Sialenhood Head The normal mean temperature at Mamber of the Audit About Town night at 7;30 at the corner of E. mediate and Brownie rJirl Scout thur M. Shorta, 110 ('onatance D r. Hartford this period la Al degrees, Btfiean of Cfreiilattea ahaww a Hheljr Sonday, neiillimed ” --------- ; Center and Spruce Sta., to proceed leadrts. extended from laat Mpring, will take place tomorrow at 4 p.m. Attending Confab ranging from a high of SI to a miM. High In BOa. The Zipaer Club will hold a aet- there to pay reapecla to the will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, in Rmanuel Lutheran Church, with low of 31. At New HaVen! the' nor­ DUTCH BOY Manchester——A City of Village Charm back party tomorrow night for uillan Helm, at her on Nov. 18 and 2ft, in the member^ receptibn following in Luther. Hall Mr*. Irving Hochberg, president mal la 43 .ranging from a high of membera and their frienda »'«>■•• j home, 2ft Spruce .SI. .Mra. Helm alup loom of the South Methodiat of the church. of the Sinterhood of Temple Beth 51 to a low of 34 and at Brideport ing at R o'clock | waa a member of the lodge. Church. the normal Is 43 ranging from a VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 40 CI’EN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER LI, 1958 Sholom. Will represtent her sister­ (Classified Advertising en Pag* R) PRIc E FIVE CENTS The We Two Group of Conroniia hood at the Biennial Convention of high of ftl to a Ipw of .35. It will .lumora will meet at f^nveiiant turn cooler Sunday and warmer DOKL AWABDS MiBfi Marlf* Rrnniit. dauphtfi; of I>aujfhtera of Riberty, No. 17. Congi"egalional .'■hiinii thi.a e\e- Lutheian Church will hbld a baked the National Women's League of Mrs, ThfrcBH Brandi, S.'l W .fid­ LOLI, will meet Tiieaday night at gooda aale tomorrow at ^.;30 a.rn. the United Synagogue of America. again by Wedne.sday. The foliowinK were awarded life-size Dutch Boy dolia ning at " o’clock At Ilua hour dle Tpke., haa been elected vice 7 O f lock in Orange Hall, Paat alao Paator Ra.«'< aiir. a group of in Halc'a atore. They will have a The convention begins tomorrow during the Grand Opening: celebration of our new'ly ' chairman if the frenhinan t laaa Worthy MlstrcHa Mlaa Vera Dion aupply of cakee. nlea. bie-id. <of- and ends Thiireday. It will be held Army Seen laymen will leace fo.* Thomaaton At SI. .Joseph College. \Vc«t Hart­ Tyrone Power, 45, Dag Rejects and her ataff will install the new enlarRcd atore: Covenant Church to participate In [fee cake.H, cookiea and baked at the -Americana Hotel, Miami ford. A graduate ol Manchester :^Tf! i era at R oVlork, The paat niia- beana. Beach, Fla. FATHKRS* KON8 the Conneclicit Covenant mini.-i- , Higti School last June, alie ia a AND DALGHTKRS IRENE LISK . .................. 141 Pine Street, Manchester tre.aaea will hold a penny auction to About l.-ftOO dcl(!gates from all Asking for terium meeting Tomoriow will be pAVcholopy major. ^ i which niemhe;a an<l frieiula are Jord an on work day at the Cromwell Home Ronald Ijirchcveque. 22. aon of parts of the United States and MRS. A. PATTON . .26.7 Hig;h Street West, Manchester askerl fo rlonnle, I,.ight refre««h* R. I. Larrlieveque. Gooae l.*ane Canada will convene to celebrate Succumbs in Spain U.S. May Test for Children. ■ I The Washington J’TA will hold MISS PAULA HURI.BURT 18 Bonner Rd., Manchester ✓ nienis "ill be aeived after the Ud , Toihuid, formerly of Manrhes- the lOfh Anniversary of the Na­ a food sale at lA'nn .s f’oultry meeting. DINNER New Funds A ropiilar mcrting of Ual- Store in the l‘’ar kafle tonutrmw , te;. haa been aaaigned to B f*o. of tional Women's League, repre- By LOUIS P. NEVIN Syrian Jets the 2rul Ttelning Regiment al Ft. .senling more than 700 sisterhoods Coepor Hall lan-Amrnrnn Snnrty wtll hr licM from 10 a Ml to 4 p.m fVmlnb- A luerliDg of the executive lorn- Pix. N J . for eight weeka of in­ with a membership of more than (JP Madrid, Nov. 15 (/P)—Ty­ tomo^^o\^ njplit at 7 At lh« utofR are aaked In hmiK I heir mitlee r»f Nutmeg Koieal, 'Pall <’e- SOUTH MCTHODIST Washington, Nov. 15 )— rlub)iouB<' Nnminftljon of offt- fantry haaic training. 170,000 women. C. J. MORRISON rone Power died today of a United N-ations, N. Y., donations to thr rcIk»oI lafetrrm The Army, cutting troops for d.'JiR o f t^ebanon. "ill b*' held al CHURCH rrrs for the rnnnnp yrar vtHl Inkr between ft and R o'clock tonight. the Ma.'ionic Temple Moi)f|a\' n;ghl economy this year, may ask heart attack. The 45-year-old Nov. 16 (/P)—Secretary Gen­ plarr nrfrr.shnirnlB will b<* a I 7:.30. .VlemlieiB of the YhAV are re- PAINT and WALLPAPER COMPANY screen and stage star was aftM ihr mretinp. New EnKlnnd Menu Congress to give it more mon­ eral Dag Hammarskjold has j Sun.scl Rehekah l^id^je ssill have qiiepterl to meet al 7 oelock to- I Extendod Eorpcast ey for modernization. * stricken on a movie set, “Sol­ turned down appeals by Jor­ Intentions on Berlin ;a polhifk at ft;30 Monday everuMK <’)i.t|tiiiHn ('o uit, O d e r of Am a- niglu at the W’Hlkina-W'eal Ku- i --------- WE (JIVE (JREEN STAMPS Mon liorR of thr filh DintncI l-’iie Knlerlainment Congress, at its last session, ap­ omon and Sheba.” in which he dan to bring before the Se­ under the flirecLinn of M i .*» Vii- iiinlh '.'ill hohl ,t .‘'tihlaiN VN'Ii i.hI neral Home lo pa\' rexperla to Wil- ^ TemperatureA In f!onnerli( iit :i8.i CENTER STREET—TEL. MI 9-9718 propriated extra money in an at­ Df'pt "ill hold n dcpnrtinont inrrt- Kima Ivfwi.R Members who have wa.s playing opposite Italian curity Council charges that inc loniplil fll 7 o rlock At the ftrr- tniiiglit ;<( R o't In k in !lm M ason­ Irnm KMnehl, "’ho.He aon ia a mem- | for th'' next five daya Saturday Donation 8.ftc Ter Plate tempt to head off the manpower not been Aoliiited ahould lontarl ic. fVmpIr, bei' of the po.-»l. I through Wedne.arlay, will average i cuts. But the Army has not used actress Gina Lollobrigida. Syrian jets jumped King Hus­ 1 Noiilr itiHiid Mir I’vonnr I’onlniR the money and, following Presi­ Power complained, as he had I or Mra Ruth Reck\^llh Al the been for several days, of a pain in sein’s vacation-bound plane dent Bisenhower’s original budget, and chased it back across the Awaits Red ! n rling to follo’.s, the degree will plans to reduce its forces by 30,- his left arm and abdomen. I lie f onferrerl on a rlass of ranrli- aftw . ^ft^»^M■l^*^l la/M** ■■af^**ftf^**ftp***‘*ftft“ “ ftp>** asaiiiaft* i 'ftp** iftft— ’ftp*** iapM>"ifta>s>»»ftax 000 men within the next few He was'rushed to a Spanish hos­ Jordanian frontier, it was re­ i dateii. m onths. pital at 11:30 a.m. and died an ported today. Suggestion of a doubled appro­ hour later. Ted Richmond, pro­ Hammarskjold is said to have Opinion on Mr and Mre John K Shea 1 lfi I priation for modernization came ducer of the picture, was at his told Amman that he jcmpalhized . nrtrr St . "ill observe their fiOth yesterday from Gen. Maxwell D. bedside. with its plaint, but felt the inci­ '"edding AMPiverRHiv Siindav with Taylor, A rm y chief of staff. His wife of less than a year, the dent last Mondsv was an Lsolaled City’s Status ROASTING open hoiiae for their relative^ and Taylor was asked at a news former Debbie Ann Minardos, is one that did not endanger Middle ! friends from 2 to *i p m. conference if he believed the expecting a baby in February. East peace, Army would need $3 billion a year Power had been man led to U.N. officials have Unted out By RKYMOFR TOPPING CHICKENS ^’Iioir praclit e at the J4ii« king- during the next five years to mod­ French actress Annabella snd to that Jordan did not ask Ham- Berlin, Noy. 15 (itP)The U.S. u h screen star Linda Ohristian, Both ham < *on;fregHl lonal f * h u n h H ernize ground forces. The Army marskjold’s apeeial repre.sentaltve Army i.a expected .soon to send I evenme al 7 30 "ill be follow e<| bv w ith Chief of Staff replied that he did. man lages ended in dWorce. in Amman. Pier Spinelli. to get Shooting of the picture was halt­ another truck convoy we.st in Husbands are among: our I a meeting of the evernta'’ f om- Tile cui rent year's Army alloca­ clearance from the United Arab nilllee of the church at M pm.
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