4-H Association Unmounted Checklist Questions ______Western/English (Please circle) Name

Beginner Please date when each items I completed.

Safe Horse Handling Basics ______Body language of the horse Describe what body language is? ______Horse instinct and prey animals- Describe (What is a horse’s first instinct when frightened? ______Approaching the horse Blind zones- Where are they on a horse? ______Rope Safety How do you correctly hold the rope. ______Haltering & correct fit Describe. What should you never do when haltering a horse? ______How to release a horse into pasture/stall Describe how? Which direction should the horse be facing? ______Leading the horse From what side do you lead your horse & what is the proper position? ______Tying the horseWhen tied, what length should the rope be & at what level? ______Quick release knot Demonstrate. When do you use this? ______Basic groomingWhat do you use a sweat scraper for? Rubber curry? Metal curry? ______Begin Picking up feet-Explain how Which direction are you facing? ______Safe riding attire- What is safe riding attire for all riders? ______Safe tack-What do you always do before getting on? Stretched-out holes, cracks, dry rot, & broken stitches are all signs of what?

Saddling & Bridling ______Saddling the horseWhat should you do after tightening the ? ______Adjust length from the ground What is a good way to judge the length of the even before getting on? ______Bridling the horse (technique & fit)Where do you stand when bridling the horse ______When untacking, what part do you take off first?

Emergencies ______Emergency questions list(This will be completed at a meeting) (Situation/What might happen/Remedy) ______In the arena at clinics, camp or fair-If rider falls off what do you do? ______Loose horse on grounds (What do you do?) ______Emergency stopping (circling, one ) Explain -When do you use this? ______Emergency dismount Explain. When do you use this? (In what direction should you land?)

General Knowledge ______Watch seven You Tube videos in series “Every Time Every Ride” https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3FCFB0983E6F01D1 What did this video stress about safety? ______Horse Parts (horse learning lab)Name any 10 Parts ______Tack parts (Name 5 Parts of each -the & the ) What other part is attached to the besides the ? What is the purpose of a breast plate or collar? ______Horse Breeds (Name 5 breeds) ______Tie a hay netWhat height should it be placed for your horse? ______Tack cleaning (Name 2 reasons for cleaning tack & what you would use) ______Horse terminology-Explain: Farrier-How often should a horse be checked? Hands-11 hands- horse or pony? Where would you find the- Cleft, Bar, Frog & White Line? ______Name one reason for “Cooling Out” your horse after exercise. ______Hippology -Facial Markings-Name 4

4-H Horse Association Unmounted Checklists Intermediate

Please date when each items is completed.

______Beginner checklist completed ______List 3 vices ______Know the gaits of the horse- What are they & how many beats? ______Horse colors-List 10 What are the five basic colors? ______Horse Markings-Name 3 leg markings & 5 face markings ______How to warm up your horse-Why is it important? How is it done? ______How to cool down your horse-Why is it important? How is it done? ______How to condition your horse - Explain LSD ______Riding stretches for humans Read-Before & After Equestrian Sports ______Basic horse nutritional needs What are they? (Read- Basic Horse Feeds) ______Basic needs of the Horse Explain roughage &Concentrates. How many gallons of water/day? ______Parasites (internal & external)( Name 3 of each. ______Deworming How often is it recommended for a horse? List 3 signs worming is needed. ______Immunizations/Diseases What are 4 diseases you are required to vaccinate your horse from? ______Name 3 other vaccinations you can give your horse to prevent them from getting sick. ______Coggins test What is it? Why test? How often? ______Horse terminology: What does barn sour mean? What is cribbing? Emergency dismount-How do you land? How many inches in a hand? Name 2 natural aids & 2 artificial aids. ______Hippology-Name 10 breeds of . Name 10 additional body parts.

Advanced  Please date when each items is completed.

______Beginner and intermediate checklist completed ______Types of Bits What determines the severity of a ? Which bit uses double reins? ______Vices Name 5 stable vices. ______Horse parts Finish your worksheet on horse parts. . ______Horse conformation What 6 areas are analyzed the most? ______First aid for the horseName 5 things you should carry in a first aid kit for your horse. ______Horse Nutrition How many pounds of hay per day does an average horse consume? ______Parts of the Digestive System How long would horse’s intestines be when fully stretched out? ______Leg Wrapping What parts of the horse’s leg are protected by a shipping bandage? ______Body scoring & Weight Management Body Condition Scoring; Where are the 6 fat storage areas? ______If a horse needs more energy in the winter, do you feed more hay or grain? ______Blemishes & Unsoundness What is the difference? ______Temp, Pulse & Respiration What are normal? How do you determine your horse’s respiration? ______Leg Anatomy Name 10 parts of the leg ______Parts of the Hoof Name 4 parts of the hoof. ______Judging the age of the horse by the teeth How many teeth does a normal horse have? ______Saddle Fit How can you tell if your saddle is a proper fit for your horse? ______Horse Terminology Explain: “Cow Hocked,” “easy keeper,” ______Hippology- Name 10 colors. Name 5 Horse sports.