Ministry of Health of Ukraine Ukrainian Medical Stomatolgical Academy
Ministry of Health of Ukraine Ukrainian Medical Stomatolgical Academy Methodical Instructions for independent work of students during the training for the practical studies Academic discipline Surgical stomatology Module № 6 The topic of the stadies Lymphadenitis. Adenophlegmons. Abscesses of №8 face, palate, alveololingual groove, hyoid area. Physical therapy in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area. Phlegmons of submandibular, submental areas and pterygopalatine-mandibular space. Course V Faculty Foreign Students Training, Stomatological Poltava -2020 1. Relevance of the topic: One of the most urgent issues of dentistry nowadays are acute odontogenic inflammatory processes. Despite the development of new methods of treating purulent infection, the number of patients with inflammatory diseases has an aggressive tendency to increase, leading to difficult complications. They not only cause temporary disability of patients, but also, due to serious complications, can be fatal. Iflammation in the maxillofacial area is predominantly odontogenic, associated with pathological processes in the dentofacial segment, starting from complicated caries, difficult dentition, periodontitis, etc. Inflammatory processes of tonsillogenic, rhinogenic, hematogenous and others are also found in the maxillofacial area. 2. THE SPECIFIC AIMS: 2.1.To analize, to know the statistics, classification , characteristics of etiology and pathogenesis , clinical signs of inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area . 2.2. To explain the diagnostic methods of surface odontogenic inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area. 2.3. To suggest inspect a patient with superficial inflammatory odontogenic processes of maxillofacial area. 2.4. To classificate the odontogenic inflammation of the submandibular area. 2.5. To explain the theoretical and clinical research on the problem of odontogenic submandibular phlegmonous adenitis .
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