2. Description of the Project
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Moura Link - Aldoga Rail Project QR Limited Environmental Impact Statement Description of the project 2. Description of the project 2.1 Overview of the project The proposal is to develop new railway infrastructure to service the increasing demand for the export of coal from Queensland’s coalfields. In particular, the proposed railway infrastructure will service exports through the planned WICT but may also service other facilities within the Port of Gladstone and the GSDA. The proposed railway infrastructure will be developed in parallel with WICT Project, which was approved under both the State Development Public and Works Organisation Act 1971 in January 2008 and the EPBC Act in April 2008. The WICT Project included a proposal for rail infrastructure from the western extent of Mount Stowe State Forest, east of the township of Yarwun, to the proposed WICT rail unloading facilities. The proposal consisted of two new tracks parallel to the existing NCL, tracks through the coal unloading stations and multiple approach tracks to the rail loops. A full description of the rail and supporting infrastructure proposed within the original WICT Project scope can be found within the WICT Supplementary EIS (Connell Hatch 2007). This EIS has been prepared in support of the required rail infrastructure proposed to the north west of Gladstone (refer Figure 1.1 within previous section). An outline of the project scope was described in the MLARP Initial Advice Statement issued in September 2007. Subsequent engineering studies have refined the scope, extent and location of the Project components culminating in a Preliminary Engineering Study which has run concurrently with the development of this EIS. The Project comprises the following rail infrastructure: • New rail lines to carry Moura/Surat traffic arriving via the MSL in the south to the NCL southeast of the Mount Larcom township that will connect with the proposed WICT rail loops and other rail tracks in the Gladstone region (defined as Moura Link) • A rollingstock maintenance yard and provisioning facilities at Aldoga in the northern area of the GSDA (defined at Aldoga Rail Yard) • Quadruplication of the NCL from east of the township of Mount Larcom to the proposed WICT rail infrastructure • Additional tracks along the EEMBL • Provision for future tracks within the project area • Provision of rail access for potential third party operators at Aldoga The Project also includes investigating and identifying suitable construction accommodation village locations. The Department of Infrastructure and Planning commissioned Connell Hatch in 2007 to prepare the Gladstone Land, Port, Rail and Road Infrastructure Study. The study has identified a major rail/road and pipeline/conveyor corridor through Aldoga Bank Deviation area which is located to the north east of the project area (refer Figure 2.1). This would require part of the existing NCL and proposed NCL quadruplication to be relocated along the new deviation. QR has considered as an option the development of a permanent access road to the Aldoga Rail Yard from Targinie Road via the Aldoga Bank Deviation area. However, the development of this access road is dependent on the recommendations and outcomes of the Gladstone Land, Port, Rail and Road Infrastructure Study. 25 JUNE 2008 ⏐ REVISION 3 ⏐ PAGE 2-1 Moura Link - Aldoga Rail Project QR Limited Environmental Impact Statement Description of the project The Aldoga Bank Deviation area does not form part of the current scope of works, however some environmental studies (eg flora survey) within this area were conducted as part of this EIS. It is proposed that the Project components will be delivered in a number of stages based on response to market pressures for the export of coal. The nominal coal tonnage capacity for the proposed four (4) stages of the Project, at the time of the preliminary engineering phase is: • Stage 1 – 25 Mtpa • Stage 2 – 40 Mtpa • Stage 3 – 65 Mtpa • Stage 4 – 90 Mtpa (ultimate coal handling capacity estimate) Depending on industry demand, some of the proposed construction stages within the Project life cycle could be brought forward, be amended or become subdivided into smaller stages. 2.2 Operational scope The operational function of the proposed provisioning and maintenance yard at Aldoga is to service trains from the Blackwater and Moura/Surat systems accessing the WICT and some other rail traffic accessing the Gladstone area and the GSDA. It may also relieve pressure on the currently heavily used servicing and maintenance facilities at Callemondah. Provisioning sheds have been located to allow for provisioning of loaded or unloaded trains. Trains not required to provision in either direction can bypass the yard. Moura/Surat trains bound for the proposed coal terminal at Wiggins Island will generally travel along the proposed Moura Link and EEMBL onto the NCL thereby bypassing the Aldoga Rail Yard. Additional tracks will be provided along the EEMBL to increase rail capacity. It is likely that almost all loaded Moura/Surat trains will go via the EEMBL to the WICT before returning to the Aldoga Rail Yard for provisioning. Trains entering the yard outbound from the terminal can enter directly from the east. Blackwater system bound trains can join onto the west bound NCL directly from the yard, while Moura bound trains travel to the Moura Link via a rail overpass to cross the NCL. The yard will include the facilities to maintain and service locomotives and wagons. The facilities at the yard will be designed to cater for both electrified and non electrified locomotives. Provision has been made in the design to allow access for third-party operators to the north of the proposed Aldoga Rail Yard (for access to future third-party operator yards). 2.3 Project components 2.3.1 Rail capacity The assumed nominal coal handling capacity of the proposed Moura Link and the Aldoga Rail Yard is estimated to be sufficient to service a 90 Mtpa WICT, whilst through a series of staging, supplement the capacity of the existing Callemondah Rail Yard and service part of future and existing developments in the GSDA and Port of Gladstone. QR is therefore seeking approval for the rail infrastructure nominated for the ultimate Stage 4 of the scope of works. 25 JUNE 2008 ⏐ REVISION 3 ⏐ PAGE 2-2 Moura Link - Aldoga Rail Project QR Limited Environmental Impact Statement Description of the project 2.3.2 Moura Link General description The Moura Link involves the construction of a new rail link between the existing MSL, NCL and the EEMBL. This link will allow trains travelling to/from the Moura/Surat system to enter the proposed WICT unloading loops and other rail facilities in the Gladstone region from the same direction as those travelling from the Blackwater system without travelling through the Gladstone and Calliope rural residential suburbs. Multiple route options were initially investigated for the portion of the Moura Link to the south of the Bruce Highway crossing. During the preparation of this EIS, the DNRW was consulted. DNRW has Castle Hope Dam to be constructed on the Calliope River at Castlehope (DNRW register) as a long term water supply option in its water resource planning. Although this dam site has been ranked very low on the list of water supply options for the Gladstone area by the Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB), the Project concept design has considered the possibility that this dam may be constructed in the future. An options study was undertaken to assess the advantages and disadvantages of a number of alignments for the Moura Link. The study confirmed two options for further consideration, including: • The Moura Link Eastern Option – preferred alignment linking the MSL and NCL • The Moura Link Western Option – alternative alignment linking the MSL and NCL The Moura Link design has also taken into account the cultural heritage value of Lot 1 on SP147877 (refer Section 14) with the alignment being moved further east to bypass this area. This Moura Link corridor will generally comprise of duplicated narrow gauge lines with land take allowance for a third additional bi-directional standard dual gauge line plus passing and holding tracks. All tracks and structures will be built to cater future electrification. It is proposed that the Moura Link will be constructed in two stages, as defined by the proposed coal haulage capacities as follows: • Stage 1 – 25 Mtpa haulage capacity (assumed nominal capacity), which is likely to include: – A single rail line from the MSL to the EEMBL – A single passing loop – Duplication of the existing EEMBL (may form part of Stage 2) – A duplicated rail line from the EEMBL to the NCL • Stage 2 – 40 Mtpa haulage capacity (assumed nominal capacity), which is likely to include: – Duplication of the Moura Link from south of the Calliope River to the NCL – A single holding line The staging and components of each stage may change to suit actual demand from individual mines. Some of the works may be pushed back to Stages 3 and 4. Rail infrastructure crossings The proposed Moura Link crossings of highways, watercourses and existing rail infrastructure are summarised below: • Two crossing structures (rail over road) over the Dawson Highway for both the Moura Link Eastern and Western Options • Four crossing structures over Scrubby Creek for the Moura Link Eastern Option • One crossing structure over Calliope River for both the Moura Link Eastern and Western Options 25 JUNE 2008 ⏐ REVISION 3 ⏐ PAGE 2-3 Moura Link - Aldoga Rail Project QR Limited Environmental