A brief review of the Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily (Diptera: ) with descriptions of a new genus and new species by Igor Ya. GRICHANOV

Abstract is lands, and Grootaertia is confined to South Africa. The numbers of Afrotropica l species belonging to Desc riptions of Grootaertia GRJC llA •ov, gen. nov. and 11 new species, medeterine genera are as follows: Medetera (31 ), Sacco­ new records fo r known Afri can species are give n. Holotypes of 19 speci es have been exammcd from the coll ec 11 ons of the Roya l Institute pheronta ( 15), T/11ypticus (6), Craterophorns (5), Groo­ fo r atu ra l Sciences (Brus els) and the Royal Museum for Central taertia (5), Corindia (3) and Paramedetera (1). The Africa (Tcrvuren). The genus Paramedetera GROOTAERT et MEU FF ELS major fraction of valid Afrotropical species was de­ is recorded from Africa for the first time. The following pairs of species are synonymi zed: J\ledetera /111 eosc111ata PARENT(= Af. /a chaisei Cou­ scribed by C.H. CURRA (10), 0. PAR.E T (11) and I.Ya. turier). 11/. 1/1(/illei CURRA (= ,\/. beckeri PARENT. 1\/. r111ila11s PARE T), GRJCHA ov (36 species including 4 described with O.P. Saccopheronw hirs111icos1a PARE T (= S. s 11bq11i11ta EGROOOV et al. ), NEGROBOV). s. 11igra VANSC ll UYTOROECK (= s. a/1i1110111a11 a NEG ROOOV et al. ). s. The well -known fauna of Congo (Kinshasa) comprises p 11 /chra VA SC ll UYTBROECK (= s. 11/richi NEG ROOOV et al.). A revi sed ca1alogue and key to 7 gen era and 66 Afrotropi cal species of Mede- 32 species; South Africa numbers 16, Kenya 14, Tanzania 1erinac arc also present ed. and Gabon 9 species each, arnibia 8 and Uganda 7 pecies. Only 4 species were recorded from the Sey­ Key words: Diptera, Doli chopod idae, Medeterinae. Cori11dia. Crater­ ophorus. Groo ra ertia gen. nov., Medetera . Paramedetera, Saccopher- chelles, 2 from Madagascar and 2 from Mauritius. The 011ra . Thr1p1icus. new speci es, new synonymy, Tropical Africa. most interesting distribution patterns of species are as follows: Medetera grisescens DE MEJJERE - Tanzania, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Bunna India, epal, Introduction Bangladesh, Ceylon, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Viet­ nam, Malaysia, Samoa, ew Caledonia, Hawaii and Aus­ The last catalogue of Afrotropical Medeterinae (DYTE tra li a; Thrypticus be/lus LOEW - Congo (Kinshasa), Tan­ and SMITll, 1980) included 35 species belonging to 2 zania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Senegal, St. Helena, Egypt, Eur­ genera, Medetera FI SC HER VO wA LDH EIM and Thrypticus ope, Palearctic Asia including the Far Ea t. Mede/era GER TAECKE R. GRICH A ov (I 997a) proved Saccopheron­ mainei CUR.RA N and Medetera normalis CURRA inhabit la BEC KER to be a genus; GRI Cll AN OV (I 998a, I 998b) the whole continental Afrotropics. transferred Craterophorus LAMB into the subfamily and Treating material from the collections of the Royal found representati ves of the Au tralian genus Corindia [nstitute for atural Science (Brussels) and the Royal BI CKEL in the Afrotropics. The genus Paramedetera Mu eum for Central Africa (Tervuren), I found a lot of GR OOTAERT et MEUFFE LS is recorded from Africa for additional material on the subfamily Medeterinae. Holo­ the first time, and Grootaertia GRI CHAN OV, gen. nov. is types of 19 species were examined. Descriptions of 11 de cribed in thi s paper. The author (GRI CHA ov, 1997- new species, new records for known African species are 1998) recently described many new pecies from the given and 6 species are synonymized in this paper. A Afrotropical Region. Several names have been placed revised catalogue and keys to all Afrotropical medeterine in synonymy, some others are waiting to be ynonymized. species are also presented. Records of two Palearctic species of Medetera from St. Holotypes and para types of the new species are depos­ Helena and Ethiopia need confirmation. ow 7 genera ited in the Royal Institute for atural Sciences [RINS] and 66 Afrotropical specie of Medeterinae are known (Brussels), the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervu­ from the Region. Medetera and Tl11:1'plicus are cosmopo- ren [RMCA], the atural History Museum in London 1itan genera, Saccopheronta is a Pantropical genus with [NHML], the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen two species occurring in the Nearctic Region, Corindia [ZMUC] and Lund University, Sweden [Lund]. Other has been earlier known from Australia (BI CKEL, 1986), material examined is al o kept in the Zoological Institute Para111 edetera has been recentl y described from Sumatra of Russ ian Academy of Science [ZIN], atal Museum, and New Guinea (GROOTAE RT and MEUFFE LS, I 997). Pietermaritzburg, South Africa [NMP], and Tel Aviv Craterophorus is endemi c for western Indian Ocean University, Israel [TAU]. Hypopygia removed from dry 88 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV specimens are placed after alkalisation into glycerol and cies: Medetera carnivora FISCHER VON WAL DH EIM , 1819 mounted on the same pin in a cavity of polymer fi lm (=Musca diadema LINNAEUS , 1767), by monotypy. covered witb a piece of adhesive tape. Most part of the = Medeterus MEIG EN, 1824 (unjustifi ed emendation). material co ll ected from Gabon, Botswana and Madagas­ = Medeterium BERTHOLD in LATREILLE, 1827 (unjustified car is kept in 70% alcohol inside glass tubes and cans. In emendation). addition, some specimens are also placed after alkali sa­ = Taechobates HALIDAY, 1832:356. Type species f-Tydro­ tion into glycerol and mounted on pin. Listing material phorusjaculus FALU':', 1823, designated by COQUILLETT, examined, I use here slashes ( I ) to separate labe ls on one 1910:6 11. pin and square brackets [ .. .] to insert my perso nal re­ = Orth abates WAHLBERG, 1844: l 09. Type species Hy ­ marks. Species diagnosis includes usually key characters drophorus jaculus FALL EN, 1823 , designated by Coqui l­ and some important features that were missed in original lett, 1910:581. descriptions. Bibliography includes works published after = Anorthus LO EW, 1850: 11 7. Type species Hydrophorus the "Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afroh·opical Re­ jaculus FALLEN , 1823 , by monotypy. gion,, (DYTE and SMITH , 1980). = Oligochaetus M1K, 1878:7. Type species Medeterus plwnbellus MEIGE , 1824, by original designation. = Elongomedetera HOLLI S, 1964:260. Type species Elon­ CATALOGUE OF AFROTROPICAL SPECIES gomedetera thoracica HOLLI S, 1964, by origina l designa­ OF MEDETERINAE tion . = Asioligochaetus NEGROBOV, 1966: 877 (as subgen us). Genus Corindia BICKEL Type speci es Oligochaetus vlasovi STACKELBERG, 1937, by original designation . Corindia BICKEL, 1986: 137. Type species: Corindia ma­ = Lorea NEGROBOV, 1966:878 (as subgenus). Type spe­ jor BICKEL, 1986, by original designation. cies Mede/era spiniger STACKELBERG, 1937, by original designation. verschureni GRICHANOV, 1998a: 191 - Congo (Kinshasa). danielssoni GRJ CHANOV, 1998a :l93 - Gambia, Congo afra CURRAN, 1927: 15 - South Africa, Kenya. (Kinshasa), Gabon. = longitarsis CURRAN, 1924:227. saegeri GRICHANOV, l 998a: 193 - Congo (Kinshasa), Ga­ ambigua ZETTERSTEDT. 1843:456 (Hydrophorus) - ?St. bon. Hel ena ; Europe, Siberia, Far East. araneipes PARE NT, 1929:43 - Sudan. capensis CURRAN, 1926: 13 - South Africa. Genus Craterophorus LAMB cederholmi GRICHA NOV, l 997a: 185 - Siena Leone, Gha­ na , Gabon. Craterophorus LAMB , 1922:380. Type species: Crater­ chumakovi GRI CHA NOV, 1997: 183 - Namibia. ophorus mirus LAMB, 1922, by original designation. ealensis PARENT, 193 6: I 0 - Congo (K in shasa). edwardsi GR ICHANOV, I 997a: 176 - Uganda, Gabon. mirabilis LAMB, 1922:383 - Seychelles. ghesquierei GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa). mirus LAMB, 1922:381 - Seychelles. grisescens DE MEJJER E, 191 6:259 - Tanza nia, Madagas­ currani GRICl-IANOV, l 998b:[207] - Mauritius. car, Seychelles, Mauritius; Burma, Indi a, Nepal, Ban­ permirus LAMB , 1922:384 - Seychelles. gladesh, Ceylon , Taiwan, Ind onesia, Thailand, Viet­ parenti GRICHANOV, 1998b:[207] - Madagascar. nam, Malaysia, Samoa, New Ca ledo ni a, Hawaii , Austra­ lia. = hawaiiensis VAN DUZEE, 1933 :343. Genus Grootaertia GRICI-IANOV, gen. nov. = atrata VAN DUZEE, 1933:344. = cilifemorata VA DUZEE, 1933:344. Grootaertia GRICHANOV, gen. nov. Type species: Groo­ = pa/111ae HARDY, 1939:35 1. taertia ku::.n etsovi GRICHANOV, sp. n., by original desig­ hamata PARENT, 1936: 11 - Congo (Kinshasa). nation. luteoscutata PARENT, 1936: 12 - Congo (Kinshasa), Tan­ zania, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone. anomalipennis GRICHA ov, sp. n. - South Africa. = lachaisei COUTURIER, 1985:287, 11. syn. anomalopyga GRI 11A 1ov, sp. n. - South Africa. = luteoscutata lachaisei (COUTURIER) GRICl-IANOV, asymmetrica GRICHA ov, sp. n. - South Africa. I 997a: 183, n. syn . bistylata GRICHANOV, sp. n. - South Africa. lvovskii GRJCHANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa). kuznetsovi GRICHANOV, sp. n. - South Africa. mainei CURRAN, 1925 : 117 - Tanzania, Kenya, Burun­ di, Co ngo (Kinshasa), Congo (B razzavi I le) , Cameroon, Gabon, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Gambia, Angola, Zam­ Genus Medetera FISCHER VON w ALDHEll\I bia. = beckeri PARENT, 1929:44 [new name for Oligochaetus Medetera F1 CHER VON WALDllEIM, 1819:7. Type spe- sp. n. umrnmed, BECKER, 1923: 12] , n. syn. Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 89

= currani PARENT, 1931:46 (female). = zairensis DYTE, SMITH, 1980:454 (Medetera). = rutilans PARENT, 1935:1 26 (female), n. syn. demeteri GRJ CHANOV, 1997b: 126 - Ethiopia. = viridipalpa NEG ROBOV et SCHUMANN, 1990:229. fletcheri GRJCHANOV, 1997b:l32 - Uganda, Congo (Kin­ munroi CURRAN, 1925: 176 - South Africa. shasa). nocturna CURRAN, 1927: 15 (female) - Sierra Leone, glabra NEG ROBOV, VANSCHUYTBROECK, GRJCHANOV, Congo (Kinshasa). 1981:6 - Congo (Kinshasa). norlingi GR ICHANOV, 1997a: 176 - Namibia, Botswana, hirsuticosta PARENT, 1935:128 - Congo (Kinshasa), Ken­ Ango la, South Africa. ya. normalis CURRAN, l 924:226 - South Africa, Namibi a, = subquinta NEGROBOV, v ANSCHUYTBROECK, GRICHA­ Botswana, Burundi, Tanzania, Congo (Kin shasa), Congo NOV, l 98 1:4 , n. syn. (Brazzavill e), Ghana, Sierra Leone, Gambia. = quinta NEGROBOV, v ANSC HUYTBROECK, GRJCHANOV, otiosa PARENT, 1934: 135 - South Africa. 198l:figs. 15-19 nee PARENT (misidentification). penura CURRAN, 1926:401 - South Africa. = pulchra v ANSCHUYTBROECK, 1951 :87 (pa1i of para­ plumbella MEIGEN, l 843:456 - ?Ethi op ia; Europe, Siber­ types). ia, Chin a. nigra v ANSCHUYTBROECK, 1960: 10 - Congo (Kinshasa), = minululus VON RO SER, 1840:56. Uganda. polita PARENT, 1936: 12 - Congo (Kinshasa). = a/timontana NEGROBOV, V ANSCl-fUYTB RO EC K, GRJCHA­ polleti GRI CHANOV, I 997a: 179 - Namibia, Botswana. NOV, 198 1:8, n.syn. pospelovi GRI CHANOV, 1997a:l 82 - Ghana. = pulchra VANSCHUYTBROECK, 195 1:87 (part of para­ pracdator CURRAN, 1926:40 I - South Africa. types). pseudotiosa GRICl-IANOV, sp. n. - Namibia, Congo (Kin­ nigritibia NEGROBOV, v A SC HUYTBROECK, GRJCHANOV, sha sa). 1981 :9 - Congo (Kin shasa), Sierra Leone. rikhterae GRICl-I ANOV, 1997a: 180 - Namibia. nudipes BECKER, 1914:126 - Kenya. seksyaevae GRICH ANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa), Ga­ parvilamellata PARENT, 1938:4 12 - Kenya, Congo (Kin­ bon . shasa). simplicis CURRAN, 1924:227 - South Africa, Namibi a, pulchra v ANSCl-IUYTBROECK, 1951:87 - Congo (Kinsha­ Co ngo (Kinshasa). sa), Uganda, Tanzani a, Burundi, Gabon. stoltzei GRICllANOV, sp. n. - Tanzania. = ulrichi N EG ROBOV, v ANSCHUYTBROECK, GRJCHA 10\/, subchevi GRICllANOV, I 997a: 177 - Namibia, South Afri­ 1981:3 , n. syn. ca, Botswana. quinta PARENT, 1936: 16 - Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, subviridis PARENT, 1939:278 (female) - Kenya. Gabon. varitibia PARE T, 1935: 127 (female) - Congo (Kinshasa), shatalkini GRICHANOV, l 997b: 130 - Kenya, Congo (Kin­ Tanzania. shasa). = ulrichi N EG ROBOV, v ANSCHUYTBROECK, GRJCHANOV, 198 1:3 (part of paratypes). Genus Paramedetera GROOTAERT et MEUFFELS = pulchra VANSC HUYTBROECK, 1951 :87 (part of para­ types). Paramedetera GROOTAERT et MEUFFELS. 1997:309. Type zicsiana GRICH A ov, l 997b: 126 - Tanzania, Kenya. species Para111edetera papuensis GROOTAERT et MEUF­ FELS. 1997 :309. Genus T/11ypticus GERSTAEC KER sierraleonensis GRI CHANOV, sp. n. - Sierra Leone. Thrypticus GERSTAECKER, 1864:43. Type species T/11 yp­ licus smaragdinus GERSTAECKER, 1864, by monotypy. Genus Saccopftero11ta BECKER = Aphantolimus WH EE LER, 1890:375. Type species T/11 ypticus 1Fillistoni WH EE LER, 1890, des ignated by Co­ Saccopheronta, BECKER, 19 14:125 (as genus) ; 1923: 12 QU IL LETT, 1910:508. (as subgenus of Mede/era). Type spec ies Saccopheronta = Xanthotricha ALDRI CH, 1896:339. Type species T/11 yp­ nudipes BECKER, 19 14, by monotypy. ticus cupulifera ALDRICH, 1896, designated by ROB INSON, 1970:40.2 l. aperta NEGROBOV, VANSCHUYTBROECK, GRICl-IA 10\/, = Submedeterus BECKER, 191 6:360. Type species Sub­ 1981:7 - Co ngo (Kin shasa), Uganda. medeterus cuneatus BECKER, 1916, by monotypy. arnaudi NEGROBOV , VANSC ll UYTBROECK, GRICl-IA ov, 198 1:7 - Co ngo (Ki nshasa), Kenya, Uganda, Burundi. a fer v A SC l-I UYTBROECK, 195 1: 94 - Congo (Kinshasa). = \'011.S"C:huytbroecki GOSSER IES, 1988:306 (Medetera). bellus LOEW, 1869:303 - Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, caffra CURRAN, 1927: 183 (Mede/era) - South Africa, Kenya, Ethi op ia, Senegal, South Africa, St. Helena; Congo (K in shasa), Kenya. Egypt, Europe, Palearctic As ia. = turneri PARE T, 1934: 136 (Medetera). = minus VANSCl-IUYTBROECK, 1951:96; 1952:38. = bicolorPARENT, 1935:127. = jennicus v ANSC l-fUYTBROECK, 195 1:95 nee BECKE R. 90 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV kataevi GRICHANOV, 1998c:[213] - Con go (Kinshasa), ch aracters. Abdomen has 8 visible terga and stema; 9th Ca meroon, Kenya, Swazil and , South Africa. hemitergites usually exposed, broad, mediall y fu sed, with mironovi GRICHA ov, 1998c:[213] - Ghana. simple setae. sinevi GRJCHANOV, 1998c:[213] - Kenya. zagulyaevi GRI CHA ov, 1998c:[2 13] -Kenya. Etymology. The genus is named after the Belgian ento­ mologist, Dr. Patrick GROOTAE RT.

REVIEW OF TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED, Diagnosis. The new genus is most close to Para­ DESCRIPTIONS AND NEW RECORDS medetera, differing in apical ari sta; di stal sectors of ~+s and M 1+2 weakl y arch ed anteri orl y; 7th abdominal Grootaertia GRICMANOV, gen. nov. segment semicircul ar, narrow, not forming pedi cel; hy­ popygium sess il e, asymm etrical; hypandrial lobes Type-speci es: Grootaertia kuznetsovi sp. n. , here des ig­ absent; aedeagus with laroe lateral lobes; fe male ovis­ nated. capt with simpl e fu sed 9tPi hemitergites bea rin g simple setae. The morphology of male and female geni ta li a Descrip tion. Small species, 1.4-1.8 mm; body more or in Grootaertia species is rather primitive and va ri abl e. less brown or greeni sh-black with admixture of yellow on Therefore, the genus is likely to be th e most ancestral pleura and abdomen. Ocell ar tubercle prominent, with a group of the subfa mil y, and the subfam il y Medeter­ pair of strong bl ack setae. One strong but short black inae as a whole is possibl y a more ancestral group in verti ca l seta laterally on fron s present, a strong postver­ the famil y Dulichopodidae than Doli chopod inac and ti ca l one is pos itioned as a linear continuation of th e Sciapodinae (see also di scussion in Grootaert et al. , postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium with sparse 1998). ciI ia. Face widest under antennae, graduall y narrowed towa rds palpi . Clypea l suture marked laterally. Antenn a approxim ately as long as head height; pedi cel with a ring 1. Grootaertia kuznetsovi sp. n. (Figs. 1-5) of short api ca l setul ae; 1st flage llomere with acute apex and very short hairs. Ari sta api ca l, glabrous. Palpu s short, Holotype. o, RSA : Ca pe Prov . 25 km SSW Malmesbury, with I black seta; proboscis stout, pro minent. Mesonotum 150 m, 33°38'S, l 8°34'E, 4.X. 1994, loc. 2, leg. R. DA­ concave in posteri or third. Fo ur pairs of stro ng dorsocen­ IELSSON [Lund]. tra l setae with an additi onal small seta in front of the 1s t one. Acrostichal setae absent. One long and one very Paratypes. 18 o o and 7 ~ ~ with the same labe l as short humeral, one posthurneral , I or 2 notop leural , 2 holotype; 24 o o and 15 ~ ~ ' RSA: Cape Prov. , Koom­ short pres utu ra l and 2 stro ng postsutura l (supraa lar) setae planskloof, 10 km S Citrusdal, 200-270 m, 32°40'S, present. One or two propl eura l setae. Scutellu m with a 19°0 l 'E, 04-08.X. l 994, loc. 6, leg. R. DA IELSSO ; 5 pair of strong setae. Legs simple. Fore coxa with short o o, RSA: Cape Prov . Patrisberg, N of Citrusdal, hairs and several dark ap ica l setae; mid and hind coxae 32°27'S, l 8°58'E, 06.X.1994, loc. 7, leg. R. DA- with one extern al seta. Femora without setae, sli ghtly IELSSON; l o, RSA: Cape Prov., 9 km NW Worcester, longer than co rresponding tibi a. Mid tibia with 1 anteri or 33°37'S, l8°22'E, 09.X. 1994, loc. ll , leg. R. DAN IELS­ and 0- l posterodorsa l setae at basa l l /5 or l /4, 1 strong so ; l l o o and 3 ~ ~ , RSA: Cape Prov. , Malgas, 40 m, api coventra l seta. Hind bas itarsus equal to or sli ghtly 34°20'S, 20°30'E, 1 l- 13.X. 1994, loc. 14, leg. R. DA­ longer than next tarso mere. Wing elonga te-oval, simple; NIELSSON; third sector of costa 2-2. 5 times longer than fo urth. R4+5 and M 1+2 para ll el in ap ica l part. Api ca l part ofM1+2 2.5-3 Additional material. l ~ , So uth Africa, W Cape, Strand­ times longer than basal pa rt. Cross-vein 111-cu eq ual to or fontein, 34 l 8Ba, Groot-Sand leegte, l 0-12. l 0.1977, RM sli ghtl y longer than maxim al di stance between R4+5 and MILLER; 1 ~ ' Otterboro Fo restry Reserve, Hankey area, M 1+2 • Ap ica l part of CuA 1 3-4 times longer than 111-cu. l l 0.XIl. l 967, 3325CC, B. & P. STUCKENBERG: I J. Brand­ Anal ve in fo ld-li ke; anal lobe developed; ana l angle kop Area, Ca lvinia district, Southwest Cape, 14 October obtuse. Alul a undeveloped. Lower ca lypter with greatly 1964, B. & P. STUCKENBERG [NMP]. reduced cili a. Abdomen with short black setae. Terga l-6 si mpl e. Sterna weakly sclerotized. ?1 11 tergum semicircu­ Description. Ma le. Frons and face black, grey-wh itish lar, na rrow, lying conformably with 6th tergum. 3th ter­ pollinose. Ocell ar tubercle prom inent, with a pa ir of gum large, covering left basolateral foramen. No epan­ strong black setae. One strong but short black vertical dria l seta. No epandrial lobe. Hypandrium greatly re­ seta lateral ly on frons present, a strong postvertical one is duced or absent. Aedeagus prominent, with long pointed positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal apically lateral lobes. Surstyli usually long and thin, from row; postocular setae black above, white laterally and one to three pairs; unpaired surstylus sometimes present, below. Ventral postcranium with several long cilia. Face usually asymmetrical ly positioned and shaped. Cercus widest under antennae, gradually narrowed towards pa lpi . usually rounded, bearing several dorsal setae. Female Clypeal suture marked laterally. Ratio of hei ght of face to similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual its maximal width, 20: 11 . Antenna as long as head Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 91

addition to 1 strong apicoventral seta. Hind tibia with several short dorsal setae; hind basitarsus with l short basovenh·al seta. Length ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 32: 36: 39: 17: 8: 5: 4: 4. Same ratio for middle leg, 15: 40: 49: 25: l 0: 7: 4: 5. Same ratio for hind leg, 13: 42: 57: 15: 15: 7: 6: 5. Wing elongate-oval, simple, hyaline; veins brown; posterior wing margin evenly convex, nearly straight in middle 1/3; maximum wing-width at the end of CuA1• Costa without long hairs. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and ~+5 to this between ~+5 and M 1+2, 15 : 6. Rl reaching 2/5 of wing length. R2+3, ~+sand M 1+2 slightly convex anteriorly. ~+ 5 and M 1+2 parallel in apical part. Ratio of apical to basal part ofM1+2 (from r-m), 68: 23. Cros vein 111-cu slightly convex. Apical part of CuA 1 slightly convex posteriorly. Ratio of cross-vein m-cu to maximal distance between ~+ 5 and M 1+2 to apical part of CuAi, 8: 7: 38. Anal vein fold-like; anal lobe developed; anal angle obtuse. Alula undeveloped. Lower calypter yellow-brownish with greatly reduced cilia. Halter yel­ low. Abdomen mostly brown-black, weakly pollinose, with short black etae. Terga l-6 with a nan-ow yellow stripe along lateral margin on both sides. Stema usually yellow, weakly sclerotized. 7111 tergum semicircular nan-ow, ly­ 111 1 ing confonnably with 6 tergum. 8 h tergum large, cover­ ing left basolateral foramen. Epandrium shining black, elongate-oval (lateral view). No epandrial seta. No epan­ drial lobe. No hypandrium. Aedeagus long and thin; lateral lobes of aedeagus long, thin, pointed apically.

Fig. I - Habitus. Grootaertia k11::11etsovi sp. 11. Surstyli yellow, two pairs dorsally and one unpaired, long and thin surstylus positioned left apicoventrally; ventral pair of surstyli long and thin, nan-owed apically, with height; scape and pedicel reddish-brown or black; pedicel with a ring of short apical etulae; 1st flagellomere black, elongate-oval, 1.5 times longer than high, with acute apex and very short hairs. Ari ta apical, glabrous, 1.7 times longer than antennomeres combined. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5: 5: 10: 27. Palpus and proboscis dark-brown, with sparse hairs; palpus short, with I black eta; proboscis stout, promi­ nent. Mesonotum concave in posterior third, greeni h-black, grey pollinose, with black setae. Pleurae mostly black, grey pollinose; humeri and suture partly yellow brown­ ish. Four pairs of trong dor ocentral setae with an addi­ tional small seta in front of the I st one. Acrostichal setae absent. One long and one very short humeral, one post­ humeral, I strong notopleural, 2 short pre utural and 2 strong postsutural (supraalar) setac present. Two dark propleural setae. Scutellum with a pair of strong setae. Legs including coxae reddish-yellow; tarsi black from tip of basitarsus. Fore coxa with short hairs and several dark ap ica l setae; mid and hind coxae with one external seta. Femora without setae and long hairs. Fore tibia with 2- 3 short apicovcntral setac. Mid tibia with 1 anterior and I posterodorsal setae at basal 1/5, 2- 3 short apical setae in Fig. 2 - Mouth pa11 laterally. Grootaertia ku::netsovi sp. 11. 92 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV

sexual characters. Abdomen has 8 visible terga and ster­ na; 9th hemitergites usua ll y exposed, broad, medially fused, lateral ly sc lerotized, setosed. Ana l lobe flat, sub­ triangular (ventral view), with microscopic hairs. Length (mm): body without antennae 1.6, antenna 0.6, wing-length 1.9, wing-width 0. 7, hypopygium 0. 8.

Distribution: South Africa.

Etymology . The species is named after the Russian en­ tomologist, Dr. V.1. K UZNETSOV.

Diagnosis and variability. The new species di ffe rs from other species of the genus in mostly bl ack pleura and abdominal terga, one unpaired sursty lus in add ition to Fig. 3 - Oviscapt laterall y. Crootaertia kuznetsovi sp. 11. two pairs, long dorsa l setae on ventra l pair of surstyli , large cercus with di stinct fingerlike di stolateral lobe etc. Long seri es of paratypes demonstrates variabi li ty in co lour of scape and pedicel (from ye ll ow to brown­ bl ack) and pleura (a lmo t entirely bl ack or with ye ll ow lon gih1dinal stripes), in length, width and position of hypopygial surstyli and shape of aedeagus. Howeve r, the general plan of the hypopygium is rather stable in 11 paratypes studi ed, although one of them has ha lf­ reduced ventral (unpaired) surstylu s. Many paratypes have I 51 flagellomere as long as hi gh, i.e., sho1ter than that in holotype.

2. Grootaertia anomalipe1111is sp. n. (Figs. 6-7)

Holotype. c), RSA: Cape Prov., De Hoop Nature Reserve, 0-200 m, 34°27'S, 20°25'E, 10-13.X. 1994, loc . 12, leg. R. D ANIELSSON [Lund].

Description . Male. Frons black, grey pol I inose; face li ght-brown, white po llinose. Ocellar tubercle prominent, Fig. 4 - Oviscapt dorsally. Crootaertia ku::11 e1sovi sp. 11. with a pair of strong black seta e. One strong black vertical seta laterally on frons present, a strong postvertical one is positioned as a I inea r continuation of the postocular setal row; postocular setae bl ack above, white laterally and below. Ventral postcranium with several long cilia. Face wid est und er antennae, grad uall y narrowed towards pal pi. Clypea l suture marked latera ll y. Ratio of height of face to its maximal width, 16: I 0. Antenn a shorter than hea d height; scape and pedicel ye ll ow ish-brown; pedicel with a ring of short ap ical setulae; I ' 1 flagellomere black, rounded, as lon g as or sli ghtl y longer than high , with acute apex and very short hairs. Arista apical, glabrous, twice longer than antennomeres combined. Length ratio Fig. 5 - Hypopygium, left lateral view. Crootaertia ku::net­ of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 4: 4: 8: soFi sp. 11. 20. Palpus and proboscis li ght-brown, with sparse hai rs; palpus sho1t, with I black seta; proboscis stout, prom i­ nent. long dorsal setae in basal half; dorsal lobe as long as Mesonotum concave in posterior third, mostly yellow­ epandrium, thin and glabrous. Cercus yellow, large, with ish-brown, grey pollinose, with black setae. Mesonota l distinct fingerlike distolateral lobe bearing several long depression and scutellum black dorsally; mesonotum dorsal setae. anteriorly with medial and two lateral (along rows of Female simi lar to male except lacking ma le secondary dorsocentral setae) dark narrow longitudinal stripes. Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 93

Abdomen mostly yellow-brownish, weakly pollinose, with short black setae. Terga 1-5 widely blackish-brown __ , I ..... ~ -- dorsa ll y. Sterna yellow, weakly sclerotized. 7th tergum -- - ., - I 1 /'' I/ '\ I/I semicircular, narrow, lying conformably with 6 h ter­ I I :. '-./;/ 1 / I~··. /; gum. 8 h tergum yellow, large, covering left baso lateral / I 11' ··· ./( / / I 'j''f-/r"··· foramen. Epandrium shining brown, elongate-oval (lat­ If " eral view), nearl y twice longer than wi de, acute ap i­ coventrall y. o epandrial seta. No epandrial lobe. No Fig. 6 - l-l ypopygium , lert lateral view. Grootaertia a110111a­ hypandrium. Aedeagus broad, flat, with large medial /ip e1111 is sp. 11. foramen and thin apical part; lateral lobes of aedeagus asymmetric; left (dorsal) lobe long, thin , pointed api­ call y; two right (ventral) lobes of different shape. Surstyli yellow, long and thin, glabrous, three pairs of different length, asymmeh·ic, attached to epandrium dor­ soapicall y. Cercus small , concealed, with several dorsal setae. Female unknown. Length (nm1 ): body without antennae 1.4, antenna 0.4, wing-l ength 1.8, wing-width 0.7, hypopygium 0.8.

Distribution: South Africa. Fig. 7 - l-lypopygium. right lateral view. Grootaertia a110- 111alipe1111is sp. 11. Etymology. The name of the new pec1es reflects the unusual shape of the aedeagus.

Diagnosis. The new species differs from other species of the genus in havi ng an elongate epandrium, three Pleurae reddish-yellow. Four pairs of strong but short pa irs of long thin glabrous surstyli, concealed cerci, dorsoccntral sctac with 1-2 additional sma ll setae in front broad asynunetric aedeagus with large medial fora­ of the I ' 1 one. Acrostichal setae absent. One long and one men. very short humeral, one posthumeral, I long and I sho1t strong notopleural, 2 sho1t presutural and 2 strong post­ sutural (supraalar) sctae present. One light propleural 3. Grootaertia a110111alopyga sp. n. (Fig. 8) seta. Scutellum with a pair of strong setae. 1 Leg · including coxae yellow; 5 h segment of all tarsi Holotype. 0, RSA: Cape Prov., Wilderness, . Park, 17 black. Fore coxa with hort hairs and several dark apical km SE George, 33°58'S, 22°39'E, 14.X.1994, Joe. 18, setae; mid and hind coxae with one external seta. Femora leg. R. D ANIELSSON [Lund]. witho ut setae and long hairs. Fore tibia with 2-3 short apical setae. Mid tibia with I anterior seta at basal I /4, 2-3 Paratrpes. 2 0 0 with the ame label as holotype. short apical setae in addition to 1 strong apicoventral seta. Hind tibia and basitarsus without strong setae. Length Description. Male. Sim il ar to G. a110111alipe11nis sp. n. in ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segment almost all re pects except as noted. Face with yellow from first to fifth), 18: 32: 35: 16: 7: 5: 4: 5. Same ratio for middle leg, 13: 34: 41: 20: I 0: 6: 5: 5. Same ratio for hind leg, 10: 38: 48: 13: 10: 7: 5: 5. Wing elongate-oval, simple, hyaline; vein yellow­ brown: posterior wing margin evenly convex; maximum win g-width just before the end of CuA 1 • Costa without long hairs. Ratio of part ofcosta between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+ 5 and M 1 2, 16: 7. R I reaching 2/5 of wing length. R2+3, R4+5 and M1+2 almost straight, slightly co nvex anteriorly. R4+5 and M 1+2 parallel in apical part. Ratio of apical to basal part of M 1+2 (from r-111), 64: 26. Crossvein 111-cu slightly convex. Apical part of CuA 1 straight. Ratio of cross-vein 111-c11 to maximal di tance

between R4 , 5 and M 1+2 to apical part ofCuA 1, 8: 7: 31. Anal vein fold-like; anal lobe developed; anal angle Fig. 8 - Hypopygium, left lateral view. Grootaertia a110111a­ obtuse. Alula undeveloped. Lower calypter yellow. with /op1ga sp. 11. (left ventral, right and left dor al greatly reduced cilia. Halter yellow. surstyli are figured). 94 lgor Ya. GRJCHA OV ground colour, white pollino e. Length ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia to tar us (segments from first to fifth) , 24: 34: 35: 16: 6: 5: 4: 5. Same ratio for middle leg, 14: 40: 42: 21: 9: 6: 4: 5. Same ratio for hind leg, 12: 40: 45: 15: 11: 7: 5: 5. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between ~+s and M1+2, 18: 7. Rati o of ap ical to basal part of M 1+2 (from r-111), 69: 26. Ratio of cross­ ve in m-cu to maximal distance bet\veen R.i+s and M 1+2 to apica l part of CuA 1 I 0: 7: 25. Hypopygial foramen left basodorsolateral. Epandrium elongate-oval, slightly widened apically (lateral view), 1.5 times longer than high. Aedeagus broad, with thin apical part; lateral lobes of aedeagus asymmetric; left (dor al) lobe long, thin, pointed apically; right (ventral) lobe short, bifurcated, sometimes longer than figured . Fig. 9 - Hypopygium, left lateral view. Grootaertia as:r111- Sur tyli long and thin, of different length, a ymmetric; 111 etrica sp. n. (right and lefl surs1yli are figured). ventral pair the longest, glabrous, attached to epandrium apicoventrally; right dorsal lobe arising apicoventrally, with short hairs in middle half; left dorsal lobe arising vein 111-c11 to maximal distance between R-i+s and 1 1_2 to apicodorsally, with short hairs in middle half; unpaired apical part of CuAi, 7: 7: 25. short glabrous surstylus positioned left apicodorsally. Abdominal 7111 tergum weakly sc lerotized. reduced; 8111 Cercus mall , rounded, exposed with several strong dor­ tergum large. covering left ba olateral foramen. Epan­ sa l setae. drium sli ghtly longer than high, widened distad. asym­ Female unknown. metrical. Hypandrium fu ed to epandrium. hort, spade­ Length (mm): body without antennae 1.8, antenna 0.8, like, slightly widened distally, with widely rounded wing-length 1.9, wing-width 0.7, hypopygium 0.7. distal margin (ventral view). apicoventral in position. Aedeagus broad. naITO\\·ed basally. with hort pointed Distribution: South Africa. lateral lobes and short narrow apicomedial part ari - ing from large subtriangular prominence. One pair of £(1 11110/ogy. The name of the new species reflects the long naITow glabrous pointed surstyli. approximately a unusual shape of the hypopygium with asymmetric sur­ long as epandrium: left surstylus simple. dor olateral in tyl i. position, arising at base of cercus; right surstylus ventro­ lateral in position. arising at base of hypandrium. with Diagnosis. The new pecies is closely related to G. nan·ow basal process I ·3 as long as urstylus. Cercu a110111alipe1111is, differing in having a sho1ter epandrium, large. without distinct fingerlike lobe, with 4-6 dor al five thin surstyli, short hairs on dorsal surstyli. exposed etae. cerci, broad asymmetric aedeagus. Female unknown. Length (mm): body without antennae 1.6, antenna 0.5, wing-length I. 7. wing-width 0.6. hypopygium 0.5. 4. Grootaertia asymmetrica sp. n. (Fig. 9) Distribution: South Africa. Holof)pe. -.), RSA: Cape Prov .. De Hoop ature Re erve. 0-200 m, 34°27'S, 20°25'E, 10-13.X.1994, loc. 12, leg. Ety1110/ogy. The name of the new species refers to the R. DA IELSSO [Lund]. asymmetrical hypopygium.

Paratypes. 5 0 J with the same label as holotype. Diagnosis. The new species is clo ely related to G. a110111a/ipe1111is. differing in ha\'ing a short asymmetric Additional material. I J, South Africa, W Cape, 32 km epandrium, developed hypandrium, one pair of glabrous NE Clanwilliam, Brandewyn R. , 32 I 9AA, 2-3 .X.1977, surstyl i, expo cd cerci, sy mmetric aedeagus. RM MILLER [NMP].

Description. Male. Similar lo G. a11011wlipe11nis p. n. in 5. Grootaertia bistylata sp. n. (Fig. 10) almost all respects except as noted. Length ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to Holot_1pe. j. RSA: Cape Prov .. De Hoop ature Reserve. fifth), 20: 30: 30: 15: 7: 5: 4: 4. Same ratio for middle leg, 0-200 m, 34°27'S, 20°25'E, 10-13 .X.1994, loc. 12, leg. 12: 30: 36· 17: 9: 6: 4: 4. Same ratio for hind leg, I 0: 32: R. DANIELS 0 [Lund]. 35: 14: 10:7:5:5.Ratioofpartofco tabetwccnR2 ,and R-1 , to this between R4 5 and M 1 2• 16: 7. Ratio of apical Description. Male (head, fore legs. middle tibia and to basal part of \.1 1 2 (from r-111 ), 60: 25. Ratio of cro s- tarsus absent). Similar to G. a11011wlipe1111is sp. n. in Afroh·opical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 95

7. Corindia saegeri GRtCHA 'OV

Material examined. 12 c) c) , Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. aE aEGER, 12.VII.1951, 5.VIIl. 1952, 14.VIII.1951 , l 6.VIII.1952, 9 .TX.1952, I 6.IX.1952, H. DE SA EGER [RMCA].

Diagnosis. The species is simi lar to C verschureni, dif­ fering by having cercus not longer than surstylus; dorsal Fig. I O - Hypopygium, left latera l view. Croolaertia bisly­ lobe of surstylus shmier than ventral lobi ; ventral lobe /a/a sp. n. having short flat spoonlike apical seta.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon . almost all respects except as noted. Length ratio of hind coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to 8. Corindia verschureui GRICHANOV fifth), 12: 38: 45: 14: 10: 7: 4: 5. Ratio of part ofcosta between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+s and M 1+2, 15 : Material examined. 1 c), Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. DE 6. Ratio of cross-vein 111-cu to maximal distance between SAEGER, TI/gc/8, 9.JX.1952, H. DE SAEGER, 4042 [NMP];

R4+ ) and M 1+ 2 to ap ical part ofCuAi, 8: 7: 25. I o, I ~ 'Co ngo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. DE SAEGER, II/gel/ Abdomina l 7111 tergum weakly sc lerotized, red uced; 8111 10 [II/ge/7], 28.XII.1951 [I 6.IX.1952], H. DE SAEGER, tergum large, covering left basodorsolateral foramen. 2954, 4057 [RMCA]; 12 c), Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. Epand rium 1.5 times longer than high , widened distad, SE SAEGER [5.X.1951, 24.VII.1952, 4.VIIl.1952, symm etri cal. Hypandrium fused to epandrium, very 2.IX.1952, I 6.IX.1952], H . DE SAEGER [RMCA] ; 11 8 short, ap icoventral in position. Aedeagus broad, with c) c), Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. DE SAEGER, two long pointed lateral lobes of unequal length arising 23.VIlI.1950, 26.V.1951, 23.VI.1951, 25.VI. 1951, at middle of aedeagus and narrow apicomedial part One 12 .VII.1951, 14.VIII.1951 , !7.VIII.1951 , 21.VIII.1951, pair of long thin glabrous surstyli, twice longer than 23.VIII.1951 , 25.VIII.1951 , 7.IX.1951, 21.IX.1951, epandrium, apicodorsolateral in position. Cercus very 22.IX.1951, 28.IX.1951 , 5.X.1951, 6.X.1951, small , with fingerlike lateral lobe bearing 3 dorsal setae. I 1.X. 1951 , !6.X.1951 , 20.X.1951 , 31.X.1951, Female unknown. I l.XI.1951 , 12.XI.1951, 13 .XI.1951 , 19.Xl.1951 , Length (mm): wing l .6, wing-width 0.6, hypopygium 8.XII.1 95 1, 12.XIT.1 95 1, 13 .XIT.1 95 1, 17.XII.1951, 1.0. 28.XTT.1951 , 2.Ll 952, I 6.I.1952, l l.TIT.1952 , 29.IV.1952, IO.TV.195 2, 5.V.1952, 25 .Vl.1952, Distribution : South Africa. 26.Vl.1952, 1O.VII.1952 , 4.VIII.1952, 5.VIILI 952, 8.Vlll.1952, 18.VIII.1952, l .IX.1952, 2.IX.1952, Etr111olog\'. The name of the new species refers to the 4.!X.1952, 9. IX . l 952, 16.IX.1952, 26.IX.1952, H. DE presence of one pair of surstyli . SAEGER [RMCA].

Diagnosis. The new species is closely related to G. Diagnosis. The species is keyed to Australi an C cooloola a110111a/ipe1111is, differing in ha ving a shorter epandrium, BI CKEL ( 1986), differing in longer ap ical part of CuA 1 deve loped hypandrium, one pair of glabrous symmetrical wing vein, longer and thinner branches of su rstylus and surstyli , very small cerci, bilobate aedeagus. other characters of hypopygi um.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa). 6. Coriudia da11ielsso11i GRICHANO\'

Material e.rn 111in ed. I 0, Gabon: Ntoum, IX.1984, A. 9. Medetera ceder/10/mi GRICHANOV PAULY rec ., Picge Malaise, verger d'agrumes, Coll. R.l.Sc.N .B. [RINS]; 7 5 0, Congo Beige: P.N.G . Miss Material examined. 12 c) cj, 31 ~ ~ . Gabon: VIIT. l 984, H. DE SAEGER, 19.Xl. 1951 , 18.XIl.1951. 13.Il.1952, P.M.; I 6, 2 ~ ~ . Gabon: Ntoum. Vlll. l 984, A. PAULY I l.lll.1952, !6.IX.1952, H. DE SA EGE R [RMCA]. col., Piege Malaise dans verger de collection, n° 003, Coll. R.l.Sc.N.B. ; I cj, 2 ~~.Ga bon: Ntoum, VIII. l 984, Diagnosis. The species is simil ar to C verschureni GR1- A. PAULY col., Piege Malaise dans verger de co ll ection, c 11 AN OV, differin g from it by li ghter legs, longer distance n° 003 , Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B.; 4 c) 6, 2 ~ ~ . Gabon: Ntoum, between apices of R2+3 and R4+5, simple surstylus and Vlll.1984, A. PAULY col., paturage, Co ll . R.I.Sc.N.B.; I othe r characters of hypopygium. J, 3 ~ ~ . Gabon: Ntoum, X. 1984, A. PA ULY col., patu­ rage, Co ll. R.l.Sc.N.B. ; l (), 6 , Gabon: Ntoum, Distribution: Gambia, Congo (K inshasa), Gabon (I). IX . 1984, A. PAULY rec. , Piege Malaise, verger 96 Igor Ya. GRJCHANOV d'agnunes, Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B.; I c), Gabon: Woleu-ntem, Assok-Ngum, 21.Il.1986, A. PAUL y rec., bac jaune, coupe forestiere, Coll. R.l.Sc.N.B. [RINS].

Diagnosis. M. cederho/111i is most closely related to Or­ iental M. longa NEGROBOV & THU NEBE RG (BICKEL, 1987, redescription), differing in having yellow coxae, 2 dorso­ centrals only, and by hypopygiurn morphology. It keys out to Afrotropical M. qfra and M. si111plicis, though strongly differing in very long legs, long ?1" tergum and many other characters. See Fig. 11 in GRICHANOV, 1997a.

Distribution: Sierra Leone, Ghana, Gabon (!).

10. ft.fedetem ea/e11sis PARENT

Type material examined. Holotype, c) , Congo Beige: Eala, VIII.1935, J. GHESQUI ERE I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. Fig. 11 - Apex of hypopygium, left lateral view. JY!edetera I.G. I 0.482 I Medetern ealensis n.sp. c) Type. 0 . PARENT ghesquierei sp. n. det., 1935 I Type [red label]; paratypes, 4 c) c) and 14 ~ ~ . same labels, with additional red label "para type".

Diagnosis. The species keys out to M. rikhterne, differing Description. Male. Frons and face black, brownish polli­ by its smaller size; wing-vein 111- cu 2/3 length of apical nose; clypeus weakly shining green in middle. A row of part of CuA 1; posterior basitarsus simple, 2/5 as long as several fine black postocular setae at the top of eye and a second tarsomere; posterior tibia simple, with at most row of brown-black postoculars below present. One several inconspicuous black thick posterior apical setae. strong vertical seta laterally on frons. Ocellar tubercle Legs black, knees and tarsi light-brown. Anterior coxa with one pair of strong setae. Ventral postcranium cov­ with pale cilia. Antenna black, arista apical. Frons and ered with sparse dark irregular setae. Face widest under face entirely pollinose, faintly brilliant; lower calypter antennae. Antenna short, black, slightly longer than head with pale cilia. height; pedicel slightly swollen, with a ring of short apical setulae; first flagellomere small, rounded, with Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa) short terminal hairs. Arista apical, pubescent, six times longer than antennomeres combined. Palpus and probos­ cis short, greenish-black, weakly pollinose, with dark 11. Medetera edwardsi GRICHAt~ov hairs; palpus with one black seta. Thorax bronze-black, with bluish reflection, grey pol­ Material examined. 1 c), 5 ~~ . Gabon : Ntoum, VlII.1984, linose, with black setae. Five pairs of strong dorsocentral A. PAULY rec., Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B. [RlNS] setae with several hairs anteriorly; first 3 setae half as 111 long as 4th ; 4th seta 2/3 as long as 5 • Two rows of short Diagnosis. lvf edwardsi is a sister species to M. norlingi, acrostichals extending to mesonotal flattening. Propleura having only a slight difference in coloration and ratios of with 1 black seta and I short black hair above fore coxa. podomeres mainly. Study of hypopygium morphology of Scutellum with a pair of strong medial setae and two these two species demonstrates distinct specific charac­ lateral setae, half as long as medial. ters (GRJ CHANOV, 1997, Figs. 2, 3): median lobe of sur­ Legs mostly brown, all coxae black, femora dark­ stylus expanded rather than narrowed and rounded api­ brown. Coxae with black setae and hairs; fore coxa with cally. See also diagnosis of M. norlingi. short hairs and several apical setae; mid and hind coxae each with one external seta. Fore legs without setae. Fore Distribution: Uganda, Gabon(!). tarsus simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 40: 50: 45 : 23: J 8: 11: 8: 7. Mid tibia with one anterodorsal, one poster­ 12. Medetera ghesquierei sp. n. (Fig. 11) odorsal at basal 1/4 and two apical setae. Length ratio of mid coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to Holotype. c), Congo Beige: Eala, 29.Vlll.1935, J. GHE S­ fifth), 30: 50: 47: 32: 22: 15: 9: 7. Hind legs without long QU1ERE, 665 I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482. setae. Hind tarsus simple. Length ratio of hind coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 22: Parntype. c), Congo Beige: Eala, Vl.1935, J. GH ESQUIERE, 58: 62: 15: 32: 18: 9: 8. 646 I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. I 0.482. Wings hyaline, veins brown. Costa without long hairs. Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 97

Ratio of part of costa between R21-3 and ~+ s to this 14. Medetera hamata PARENT between ~+ 5 and M1 +2, 16: 4. ~+ 5 and M 1+2 distin ctly convergent in apical part. Ratio of apical to basal part of Type material examined. Holotype, (5 , Congo Beige: M 1+2 (from r-m), 85: 53. Ratio of cross-vein 111 -cu to Eala, VIII.1935, J. GHESQUIERE I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. BeJg. maxi mal distance between R4+5 and M 1+2 to ap ical part LG. 10.482 I Medetera hamata n.sp. Type. 0 . PARENT ofCuA 1, II : l8: 17. Lower calypter brownish-yell ow, det. , 1935 I Type [red label]; paratypes, 3 o o and 1 ~ . with dark ci lia. Ha lters brownish-yell ow. same labels, with additional red label " paratype" or Abdo men bronze-black, with sho rt black setae; 7111 " cotype" [RINS]. segment short. Epandrium sli ghtly longer than high. Fora­ me n basolateral. Hypandrium midventrnl, elongate, nar­ Additional material. (5 , Col. Mus. Congo, E lisabethville row. Aedeagus slim, simple. Epandrial lobi reduced to 2 (A la lum iere), IX.1959, Ch . Seydel [RMCA]; (5 , Col. long pedunculate ·etae positioned closely to one another. Mus. Congo, Kivu: Sanghe, Pl. Ruzizi (a la lumiere), Short epandrial seta present. Surstylus bil obate; ventral XII.1951, H. Bomans [RMCA]; (5 , Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr., lobe with one short and one long apical processes, 2 long Yangambi (Stan.), 1958, R. Dessait I Recolte dans inflor­ flatte ned and I simple apicoventral setae; dorsal lobe escences pres Cacaoyers [RM CA]. long, narrow, with short setae. Cercus shorter than sur­ sty lus, elonga te, dorsa ll y setosed, with 2 apical flattened Diagnosis. Face entirely pollinose. Fore coxa with short, setae and short subapical ventral process directed ventrad. sometimes shining light hairs and long, wide, pointed, Female unknown. black apical hook of glued setae (sometimes weakly Length (mm): body without antennae 2.2, antenna 0.9, developed); hind femur with several anterior cilia in wing-length 2.4, wing-width 0.8, hypopygium 0.7. apical half and several stiff dorsal cilia in basal half. Length ratio of hind basitarsus to 2"d segment, 2.2: 4.5. Distribution: Congo (Kin shasa). Vein m-cu half (holotype) or 2/3 (paratypes) as long as apical paii of CuA1. Halters from dark-brown to light­ Etymology. The species is named after the collector, Dr. J. brown. Surstylus long, slightly curved ventrad with GHESQUI ERE. rounded apex and thin dorsal subapical process, reaching apex of surstylus. Cercus having two apical flattened Diagnosis and variability. M. ghesquierei sp. n. keys out setae and subapical process. to M. otiosa and M. pospelovi, differing from these species in having 2 apical flattened setae and a short Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa). subapi cal ventral process on cercus and long flattened apicodorsal setae on surstylu s. The new species could not be associated with M. nocturna because of its metallic 15. Medetera luteoscutata PARE~T green thorax, ye ll ow tibiae and apica ll y parallel w 111g ve ins R.++s and M 1+2 in the latter species. Type material examined. Holotype d', Congo Beige: Eala, 10.VI.1935, J. GHESQurERE, 532 I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 I J1edetera luteosculata n.sp. 13. Medetera grisescens DE MEIJERE Type. 0. PARENT det., 1935 / Type [red label]; paratypes. 4 o o and 3 2 ;;'., same labels. . with additional red label Material examined. 3. Tanzania, East Usarnbara, Amani "paratype " or " co type" ( 1 female differing in collecting 1000 m, 25.1.1977 I Zool. Mus., Copenhagen, H. EN­ date: VIJ.1935). GHOFF, 0 . Lo rvt11 0LDT; 3 3 J, Madagascar: Foulpointe, foret, lagune, X.1993, A. PAU LY col. P.M. (RINS]. Additional material. 3 :) 5- 9 '.;: ~- Congo Beige: Eala, 21.IX.1 935. Xl.1935. XTI.1935. 22-29.11.1936. Diagnosis. BI CKEL ( 1987, redescription and figure) con­ 31.111.1936, ill.1 936. 16.IY.1936. IV.1936. VTI.1936, nects this species to the " diadema-veles" Group , wh ich X.1936, J. GHESQUIERE R. Mus. Hist. 'at. Belg. is characterised by th e fol lowing characters: 4 strong I.G. L0.482 I Medetera lweoscuta1a. 0. PARBIH det. do rsocentrals decreasin g in size anteriorly; male posterior [RINS]; 6 .j .j, 5 ~ ~- Congo Beige: P... G. Miss bas itarsus with anterovcntral basal tooth; hypopygium H. DE SAEGER, 2.Xl.1950. 13.VTn.195L 3UU95L infl ated basall y; epandrial seta lost; sursty lus fused al­ 2.XI.195 1, 5.Xl.1951. 14.XI.1951. 14.V.1952, most to tip. M. grisescens has latera l scutell ars about 2/3 22.V.1952, 30.VIIl.1952. H. DE SAEGER.. 399 : 1 :)'_ length of medians; epanclrial lobe bri st Jes branched di s­ Congo Beige: P. '.G .. ~1iss. H. DE SAEGER. llifc4. tall y; cercus with api cal tooth ed blade- lik e setn and mid­ 31.VlI.1 95 1, Ree. J. VERSCHURE~. 2182 [RMCA]; I .j, ventral clavate proj ecti on. Congo beige. Batama. 23.ill.1946. F. fR...\~~1s / Pres mare en fo ret r R.I.Sc.N.B. LG. 24452 [RINS]: I .j, Distribution: Tanzan ia (! ), Madngascar (!), Seychell es, Congo Beige: Yangambi. l 7.Vl.1952, Dr. Schedl I K. Mauritius; Burma, India, Nepal, l3un g lud c~ h . Ceylon, Schedl, s. 14-S Coll. Mus. Congo, Don. R. Maine Taiwa n, In donesia, Thail and, Victm11n , Malays ia , Samoa, [RMCA]: I ~ - Coquilbatville. 1946 (cb. Seops) [RMCA]; 1ew Ca ledonia, llawaii, i\ uslrn li n. I '.i' , Malawi, Kasungu t\at Park. Lifupa Camp, I 333Aa, 98 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV

9-10.Xll .1980, 1000 m, STUCKENBERG & LONDT, Bra­ chystegia [NMP].

Diagnosis and variability. M. Luteoscutata differs from major part of known species of the genus by black body, 3 pairs of strong dorsocentrals decreasing in size anteriorl y, and more densely haired anterior half of mesonotum; male fo re basitarsus with anteroventra l ap ical process, half as long as next tarsornere; 3 rd tarsomere o f t I1e same tarsus with posterodorsal apical process almost reaching apex of the next article. Antenna black; arista ap ica l, Fig. 12 - Hypopygium , left latera l view. Medetera /vovskii pubescent; 4 strong scutellars; anterior coxa often with sp. n. ap ical hook of glued hairs; mid tibia with 2 dorsal setae at base; 111-cu half as long as api ca l section of CuA 1; halter knob yel low-brown. Scutellum entirely dark-brown, somewhat paler at margin, or entirely ye ll ow; al l coxae hairlike setae anteriorly. Two rows of short acrostichals ye ll ow; mid femw· in ap ica l half and hind femm in apical extend ing to mesonotal flattening. Propleural seta invisi­ 415 brown; mid femur sometimes entirely ye ll ow or ble. Scutellum with a pai r of strong medial setae and two mostly brown; hind tibia dark except ap ices or ye ll ow. microscopic lateral hairs. Anterior tarsus looks li ke the one figmed by Couturi er Legs mostly dirty yellow, anterior coxa brownish-ye l­ (1985). low, mid and hind coxa and last tarsomeres of all tarsi brown. Coxae with light setae and hairs; fore and mid Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Malawi (!), Tanzania, coxae with numerous hairs; mid and hind coxae each with Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone. one fine external seta. Fore legs without setae. Fore tarsus simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 20: 31: 30: 11: 8: 6: 4: 16. Medetera lvovskii sp. n. (Fig. 12) 4. Mid tibia with one anterodorsa l, one posterodorsal at basa l 114 and two apical setae. I 51 to 4 111 tarsomeres each Holotype. d, Congo Beige: P.N.G., Miss. H. DE SAEGER, with l or 2 short ap icoventral setu lae. Length ratio of mid II/f, 22.XII.1950, Ree. J. VERSCHUREN, l OOO. coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) , 15: 36: 40: 20: 13: 10: 5: 5. Hind femur without Paratypes. d, Congo Beige: P.N.G., Miss. H. DE SAEGER, long setae. Hind tibia with 1-2 sho1t subapical dorsal [J/fd / 17, 25 .IX. 1952, H. DE SAEGER , 4083; ~ . Congo setae, with ye llow apical posteroventral scale. Hind Beige: P.N.G., Miss. H. DE SAEGER, Il/gd/4, tarsus simple. Length ratio of hind coxa to femur to tibia 26.VI.1952, H. DE SAEGER, 3706; i, Congo Beige: to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 12: 38: 45: 10: 20: P.N.G., Miss. H. DE SAEGER, ll/e, 4.1.1951 , J. VERSCl-IU­ 10: 7: 7. REN , 1041. Wings hyaline, ve ins brown. Costa without long hairs. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and ~+ 5 to this Additional material. 3 cS &, 4 ~ ~ , Congo Beige: between R4+5 andM1+2, 16: 7. ~+sa nd M 1+2 inconspicu­ P.N.G. Miss H. DE SAEGER, II/gd/4, TI/gd/6, JT/gc/8, III ously convergent, almost straight in apical part. Ratio of fd /18, PpK15, 27 .XJI.1951, 24.XII.1951, 2.IX.1952, cross-vein m-cu to maximal distance between ~ + 5 and 6.IX.1952, 9.IX.1952, 12. IX.1952, H. DE SA EGER M1 +2 to apical part of CuA 1, 5: 7: 12. Lower calypter [RMCA]. yellow, with dirty-yellow cilia. Halters yellow. Abdomen bronze-black, with short setae; 7111 segment Description. Male. Frons and face entirely grey pollinose, short. Epandrium elongate, widest at middle. Foramen with green ground colour. A row of several fine short basolateral. Hypandrium midventral , elongate, narrow, black postocular setae at the top of eye and a row of white with sho1t narrow subapical lateral lobes; Aedeagus postoculars below present. One strong vertical seta later­ slim, simple. Epandrial lobi reduced to 2 long setae all y on frons. Ocellar tubercle with one pair of strong positioned closely to one another. Sho1t epandrial seta setae. Ventral postcranium covered with sparse white present. Surstylus bilobate; ventral lobe long and nar­ irregular setae. Face widest under antennae. Antenna row, with several short setae at apex and short dorsoa­ short, black, as long as head height; pedicel slightly pical process; dorsal lobe slightly longer than ventra l, swollen, with a ring of short apical setulae; first flagello­ thin, with several microscopic setae at apex. Cercus as mere smaller than pedicel, rounded, with short terminal long as surstylus, swollen at base, dorsally setosed, hairs. Arista apical, 5 times longer than ante1111omeres with long thin apex bearing 2 flattened setae directed combined. Palpus and proboscis short, dark-brown, grey ventrad. pollinose, with light hairs. Female similar to male except lacking male secondary Thorax bronze-black, grey pollinose, with black setae. sexual characters, with legs and fore coxa lighter than in Two pairs of strong dorsocentral setae with a row of male. Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 99

Length (nun): body without anternrne 0.95, anternrn 23.Xl.1951, 6.XII.1951, 24.XII.1951 , 8.V.1952, 0.6, wing 1.3, hypopygium 0.3. 22.VIII.1952, 23.Vill.1952, 30.Vill.1952, 22.IX.1952, 23.IX.1952, H. D E SAEGER [RMCA]; 7 cS cS , 3 ~~ ' Coll. Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa). Mus. Congo, E lisabethville (a la lumiere), I-1960, Ch. Seydel; [RMCA]; 2 ~ ~ ' Coll. Mus. Congo, Tshuapa: Etymology. The species is named after the Russian en­ Ikengo, 7.Xll.1952, P. Basilewsky; 1 ~ ,C oll. Mus. Con­ tomologist, Dr. A.L. L VOVSKJ I. go, E lisabethville, Il-1940, H.J. Bredo [RMCA].

Diagnosis. M lvovskii sp. n. keys out to M. edwardsi and Diagnosis. M. mainei differs from other species by the M. norlingi, differing in smaller size, almost parallel wing following characters. Two strong scutellars w ith a pair of ve ins R4+5 and M 1+2, cercus with long thin apex bearing 2 greatly reduced lateral hairs; 4 strong dorsocentrals; 2 flattened setae, epandrial setae positioned closely to one black propleural setae; legs mostly reddish-yellow, coxae 51 another, etc. entirely and femora in basal half brown to black; 1 to 4 th tarsomeres of mid tarsus with distinct apical setulae. See drawings of hypopygium in NEGROBOV and SCHUMANN, 17. Medetera mainei CURRAN 1990, Figs. 1, 2.

Type material examined. Holotypus, cS [red label] I Mu­ Distribution: Tanzania (!), Kenya, Bmundi (!), Congo see du Congo, Benza Mazola, 13/15-IV-191 l , R. MAYNE (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville), Cameroon, Gabon (!), I R. Det. R. 1160 I Holotype, Medetera mainei CURRAN; N igeri a, Ghana, Togo, Gambia, Angola, Zambia, Mo­ Holotypus, ~ [red label] I M usee du Congo, Rutshmu, I- zambique (!). 1934, Dr. DE W ULF I R. Det. U. 2962 I Medetera rutilans n. sp. , Type, 0. PARENT. 18. Medetera noctuma CURRA Additional material. 8 cS cS , 17 ~~ ,Co n go beige, Eala [&] Ri vers Bui sira, XI.1934; IIT.1935; IV.1935; VI.1935; Material examined. 1 d', Congo-beige, Flandria, IV.1935, VII. 1935; VTJI. 1935; Vl.1936; XI.1936; 21.XI. 1936, J. J. GHESQU IERE, 475 I S. fleurs males d'Elaeis I R. Mus. G1-1ESQU IERE I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 I 0. Hist. Nat. Belg. 10482 /Medetera nocturna CURR. d', 0 . PARE NT det. , 1935, 1936 [&] 1937, Medetera currani PARENT det., 1935; 1 J, Congo-beige, Flandria, IV. 1935, Par.[RINS]; l cS, 7 ~ ~ , Nigeria: Ogoja County, on wall J. GH ESQU IER E, 475 I S. flems males d'Elaeis I R. Mus. of house, I June 1961 I R.W. M EYE R, A 6756 I Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belg. 10482 /Medetera turneri PAR. J, 0. Afr. Centr. , don P. VA NSC HUYTB RO EC K I P. VANSCHUYT­ PARENT det., 1935 [RINS]. BROECK det. Medetera turneri PARENT [RMCA]; 4 cS cS, Congo Beige: P.N.G., Miss. H. DE SAEGE R, II/fc/4 (II/fd/ Diagnosis. Published description of female M. nocturna 4), 30.VIl!.1952 (6.XII.1951), H. DE SAEGER, 3997, comprises the following diagnostic characters. Antenna 286 l; 1 cS, Congo Beige: P.N.G. , Miss. H. D E SAEGER, black; femora black in basal half; tibiae yellow; thorax Tio/ I, 19.VIlT.1 950, Ree. G. D EMOU LI N, 763 [RMCA]; 7 metallic green; two strong scutellar setae; two strong c3' c), 4 ~~ ,C ongo Beige: Kivu, Goma (base), 26.IV.1953, dorsocentrals with several short hair-like setae anteriorly; J. VERBEKE, KEA: U.V., 2056 [RINS]; 1 cS , Congo-beige, ~+ s and M 1+2 parallel in apical pa1i. Males determined Rivers Busira, VI.1936, J. GH ESQU IERE I R. Mus. Hist. by 0. PARENT may represent different species, with ~+ 5 Nat. Belg. I 0.482; l cS, Col l. R.I.Sc.N.B., Urundi : Kitega, and M 1+2 distinctly convergent, being parallel at wing 26 .l.1952, F. FRA N~o 1s; 3 cS cS, l ~ ' Gabon: Ntoum, VIU­ end. X.1984, A. PAU LY rec. , Piege Malaise, verger d'avoca­ tiers, Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B.; 2 c5 J, Gabon: Ntoum, VIJT.1984, Distribution: Sierra Leone; Congo (Kinshasa). A. PAU LY col., Piege Malaise dans verger de coll ection, n° 003, Coll. R.T.Sc.N .B.; 3 ~ , Gabon: Ntoum, VIlf.1 984, A. PAULY col., paturage, Coll . R .I.Sc.N.B.; 1 19. Medetera 11orli11gi GRJCHANOV cS, I ~ ' Gabon: Ntourn, X.1984, A. PAU LY col., paturage, Co ll. R.I.Sc.N.B. [RINS]; 2 cS J, Tanzania, Uzungwa Material examin ed. 1 J, Tzaneen, northern South Africa, Mts., Chita Forest Reserve, 750 m, 28.X-l.Xl.1984, M. 28.01.996, 0. KOVALEV [ZIN]; 8 d J, Botswana: Serowe, STOL TZE & G. PETERSEN, Zoo!. Museum, Copenhagen Xl.1986, M. D E MEYER [RINS]; 7 cS cS, 2 ~ ~' South [ZMUC]; 1 cS, Luabo lower Zambesi River, Port. East Africa, Natal, Zululand, Ndumu Game Reserve, Africa, P.J. Usher I IX. 1957 [NMP]; 2 ~ ~ , Congo beige, 26.X.1972, M.E. IRW IN, 2632Cc [NMP]. Rutshuru , 4-6.Xll.1937, J. GHESQUIERE I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. 1.G. I 0.482 [RINS]; 1 ~ ' Urundi, Terr. De Diagnosis. M norlingi and M. edwardsi are included Kitega, 3.II.1952, F. Francois I R. I. Sc. N. B. I.G. into the "petulca" Group (BI CKEL, 1985), differing 24.452 I Col line: Kitega, alt. 1750 m [RINS]; 6 c5 J, 10 from other species by mostly yellow legs, two strong; 51 ~ ~ ' Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. DE SAEGER, dorsocentrals with the 1 one half as long as the 2n , 3.VIII. 1951 , 27.VIII.1951, 19.X.1951 , 7.XI. 195 1, yellow-brownish antenna, and a long narrow dorsal I 00 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV process on sursty lus. See also diagnosis of M. edward­ with light, sometim es brown, setae; posterior basitarsus si. 113 as long as next tarsomere; m-cu equal to or so me­ what shorter than ap ica l part of CuA 1; m-cu 1.5 to 2 Distribution: Nam ibi a, Botswana, Ango la, South Africa times shorter than maximum distance between R4+5 and (!). M1+2 . See drawing ofhypopygium in GRICHANOV, 1997a, Fig. 6.

20. Medetera norma/is CURRAN Distribution: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana (!), Ma­ lawi (!), Burundi (!), Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa) (!), Material examined. 1 c), Musee du Congo, S. Afr.: Bad­ Congo (Brazzavill e), Ghana, Sierra Leone, Gambia. ford, 9/2/25 (MUNRO) Ex co ll. CURRAN I R. Det. R. 1284 I Mede/era norma/is CURRAN, det. C.H. CURRAN; l ~ , Botswana: Serowe, X.1987, M. DE MEYER [RINS]; l c), 21. Medetera otiosa PARENT Tanzania, West Usambara Mts., Mazumbai, 1600 m, Ol.VIII.1980, M. STOLTZE & N. SCHARFF leg., Zoo!. Material examined. I c) , Amiston coasta l dunes, Bredas­ Museum, K0benhavn; l c), Congo beige: Rutshuru, dorp District, Cape Province, 22-23 October 1964, B. & I.1937, J. GHESQU IERE, 3583 I R. Mus. Nat. Hist. Belg. P. STUCKENBERG [NMP]. 10482; 5 c) c), 10 ~ ~ , Scottburgh, Natal, S. Africa, B. & P. STUCKENBERG, 15.XI.1963; Pietermaritzburg, South Diagnosis. M. otiosa differs from other species by the Africa, 30.X. 1960, B. ST UCKENBERU; Oribi Gorge Re­ following characters. Two strong sc utc ll ars with a pair of serve, Umzimkulwana Va ll ey, Natal, South Africa, B. greatly reduced lateral hairs; 2 strong dorsocentrals with a & P. STUCKENBERG, 21-28 November 1960; So uth Africa: row of hairs anteriorl y; antenna black; legs black, knees Natal, Richards Bay, 2832Cc, 21-24 Januaty 1980, R. reddish; posterior basitarsus 2/5 as long as next tar­ MILLER & P. STABBINS, at li ght; South Africa: Natal, Kosi somere; m-cu sli ghtly shorter than apical part of CuA I . Bay Lkeside, 2632DD, 16-19.III. I 982, Co ll.: D.A. Bar­ raclough, Papyrus Swamp, Malaise; South Africa; Natal Distribution: South Africa. Prov., Cape Vidal, 20 mi. N St. Lucia, ME & BJ IRWI N, 0 to 20 m, coastal dune forest, Nov. 24, 1971 (2832Ba); 3 ~ ~ , South Africa: Natal, Um lalazi Nature Res. , ea. 22. Medetera polita PARENT 28°57' S, 31°40' E, 20 m, 28-29.I.1988, Dune forest, J. LONDT; 4 ~ ~ ' Malawi: Ntchisi forest reserve, 1334Ac, Type material examined. Holotype, J , Congo Beige: I 500m, LONDT & STUCKENBERG, 3-4.XIJ. 1980, Montane Ea la , 12.VII. l 935, J. Gl-IESQUIERE, 586 I Sur tronc Scy­ forest & woodland; l c), Malawi, Kasungu Nat Park, phocephalium abattu en marais I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Be lg. Lifupa Camp, 1333Aa, 9-10.XII.1980, I 000 m, STUCK­ I.G. 10.482 I Medetera polita n.sp . Type. 0. PARENT det., ENBERG & LONDT, Brachystegia; l c), South Africa: Natal, 1935 I Type [red label]; paratypes, I 0 J r) , 34 + ¥,same Mkuzi Game Res., ea. 140 m, 8-15.X.1990, 27°38'20" S, locality, with addition al red labels "paratype" and "co­ 32°09'30" E, Co ll . JGH LONDT, MY Light & Malaise; I type" [RTNS]. c), S. Africa: N. Cape, # 13 , Kuruman, nr. Die Oog, 27°29' S, 23°26' E, 1300 m, Date: 13.IIl.1991 , LONDT & WHIT­ Diagnosis. Frons purple-bri II iant; face po! ished, enti rely TINGTON, Mercury Vapour Light; 4 c) c), 2 ~ ~ , Hli hluwe, brilliant violet. Anterior coxa with pale ci li a. Hind fe mora 19 Janua1y 1979, B. DoUBE; 2 c) c), Roma Mission, without anterior setae, with several dorsal cilia in basal Maseru District, Basutoland, B. & P. STUCKENBERG, 4- half, half as long as diameter of femora; hind tibia with 13 Jan. 1963 I Valley floor, Old Lands, 5500 ft; I c) , anteroapical scale of short hairs covering several ve1y South Africa, Natal, Zululand, Ndumu Game Reserve, sho1t black thick setae; hind basitarsus with small apica l 26.X.1972, M.E. IRWIN, 2632Cc [NMP]; 10 c) ~ , Urundi: sca le and short simple ap ical seta; length ratio of hind Terr. Bururi, Matana [Mugamba; Rumonge, Nyanza], alt. basitarsus to 2'"1 segment, 32: 7 1. Lower calypter with 1900 [2000, 1950 a 2050] 111, VIII.1948 [VII-VIII.1948; dark brown, though sh ining light, cilia. Surstylus straight, V.1948; 12.IX.1948], F. FRAN(:OIS I R.l.Sc.N.B. I.G. long, thin, sp lit at apex , with long and thin subapical 24.452 [RINS]; 2 c) c) , Congo Beige: P.N .G. Miss H. dorsal process. Cercus with apical seta longer than cercus. DE SAEGER, 10.IX.1951 , 12 .XIJ .1951, H. DE SAEGER [RMCA]. Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa).

Diagnosis. M. normalis differs from other species by the following complex of characters. Face entirely poll i­ 23. Medetera polleti GRICllANOV nose; first flagellomere ovate, arista dorsal; two strong dorsocentrals with a row of small setae anteriorly; four Material examined. 3 c) c) , 9 ~ ~ . Botswana: Serowe, strong scutellars with lateral ones half as long as med­ 1986 pas date, DE MEYER [RINSJ; I ;j, South Africa, ials; one long and one short black propleural setae; fe­ Cape Mountain, Zebra Natl. Park, l 400 m, March 12, mora bl ackish except apices, tibiae reddish-yellow; coxae 1972, M.E. & B.J. IRWI N. msAb [NMP]. Afrotropical fauna of the subfamil y Medeterinae 101

Diagnosis. M polleti can be associated with the "diade­ 23.IX.1952, Ree. H. DE SAEGER, 2861, 2945, 3992, ma-veles" Group of species (B ICKE L, 1985, 1987), 4023, 4042, 4068. though hav in g epandrial seta and only 3 strong dorsocen­ tral s, and lacking lateral scutell ars. Wing vein m-cu twice Description. Male. Similar to M. lvovskii sp. n. in almost longer than apical pati of Cu.A 1, scape and pedicel yel­ all respects except as noted. Propleura with 1 strong seta low-brownish, legs mostly yellow. Hypopygium strongly and 2 hairs above fore coxa. Legs mostly dirty yellow, differs from th at in other Afrotropical species of the femora mostl y brown, anterior coxa brown-yell ow, mid genu s. See drawing of hypopygium in GR.JCHANOV, and hind coxa and last tarsomeres of all tarsi brown. I 997a, Fig. 5. Length ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 21: 35: 32: 13: 9: 6: 5: 5. Distribution: Namibia, Botswana (!), South Africa(!). Length ratio of mid coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments first to second), 16: 37: 40: 21: 12. Length ratio of hind coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments 24. Medetera praedator CURRAN from first to third), 12: 39: 49: 10: 19: 10. Ratio of pati of costa between R2+3 and ~ + 5 to this Type material examined. l o, 1 ~ ' paratypes [red label] I between R4+s and M 1+2, 16: 5. R4+5 and M 1+2 weakly Musee du Congo, S. Afr.: East London, 19/2/24 (MUNRO) convergent, almost straight in apical part. Ratio of cross­

Ex co ll. CURRAN I R. Det. S. 1284 I Paratype, Medetera vein m-cu to maximal distance between ~+sa nd M 1+2 to prnedator CURRAN [RTNS]. apical pati ofCuAi, 6: 10: 10. Abdomen bronze-black, with short setae; Epandriurn Materia l examin ed. 2 o, 1 ~ ' South Africa: Cape prov., swollen in basal half, narrowed distally. Foramen baso­ Boesmansri viermond, 3326Ad, 26-31.XII.1985, J. lateral. Hypandrium midventral, elongate, nanow, with LONDT, Hill above caravan park [NMP]. small apicoventral tooth. Aedeagus simple. Epandrial lobe as short digitiforrn tubercle with 2 long setae. Shmi Diagnosis. The species keys out to M. pseudotiosa, dif­ epandrial seta present. Surstylus shotier than epandriwn, fering in ratio of 111- cu to apical part of CuA 1 (7: 13). bilobate; ventral lobe broad, h·uncate and sli ghtly wi­ Scutellum with lateral setae slightly shorter than half­ dened at apex, with one sh·ong apicovenh·al and several length of medial setae. simple setae at apex; dorsal lobe longer than ventral, very thin, with I strong subapical dorsal seta and 2 micro­ Distribution : South Africa. scopic setae at apex. Cercus shorier than sw-stylus, con­ cave venh·all y, dorsally setose, with long apical process, nearly as long as cercus, very long thick subapical venh·al 25. Medetera pseudotiosa sp. n. (Fig. 13) seta half as long as cercus and 2 vety small adjacent setae. Female similar to male except lacking male secondary Holotype . .:5, S.W. Africa (W. 30), Ameib Farm, 3 I .I- sexual characters. 2. 11 .1972, on vegetation around pools I Southern African Length (mm): body without antennae 1.5, antenna 0.6, Exp . B.M. 1972- 1. wing-l ength 1.5, wing-width 0.5, hypopygium 0.4.

Parntvpes. I 0 o o, 5 ~ ~ ' Congo Beige: P.N.G., Miss. Distribution: Namibia, Congo (Kinshasa). H. DE SAEGER, fl/hd/4, II/gd/6, Ndelele/4, Il/gc/8, PpK. l/6, Mabanga/4, PpK.15, 6.XII.195 1, 24.XII.1951 , Diagnosis. M. pseudotiosa sp. n. is close to M. otiosa and 30.Vlll.1952, 2.lX.1952, 9.IX.1952, 22.IX. 1952, probably M. nocturna and M. praedator, differing from them by black colour on basal half of femora; yellow tibiae, black body, convergent wing veins ~+ 5 and M 1+2, very long apical process and long subapical ventral seta on cercus.

26. Medetera seksyaevae sp. n. (Fig. 14)

Holotype. 0, Congo Beige: P.N.G., Miss. H. DE SAEGER, rI/gd/4, 30.X.1951 , Ree. H. DE SA EGE R, 270 l.

Paratypes. 1 0, 2 ~~ , Gabon: Ntoum, IX.1984, A. PAULY rec., Piege Malaise, verger d'avocatiers, Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B.

Additional material. l o, Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss Fig. 13 - l-l ypopygium, left lateral view. Mede/era pseudo­ H. D E SAEGER, II/gd/4, 19 .X. l 951, H. DE SAEGER tiosa sp. n. [RMCA]. l 02 lgor Ya. GRICHANOV

------lobe broad, with 2 short setae at apex, large rounded and -- - -=--=----=---~ flattened dorsoapical projection, long and thin lateral I process bearing 1 apical and 1 subapical short setae; I I dorsal lobe sli ghtly longer than ventral, with 1 apical I I and l dorsal short setae. Cercus broad, dorsally setosed, I ', w ith long flattened seta at apex and ventra l subapical tubercle bearing 3 flattened setae. Female similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters. Fig. 14 - Hypopygium, left lateral view. Medetera seksyae­ Length (mm): body without antennae 2.0, antenna 0.5, vae sp. 11. wing 2.0, hypopygium 0.6.

Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon. Description. Male. A row of several fine short black postocular setae at the top of eye and a row of white Etymology. The species is named after the Russian en­ postocular below present. One sh·ong vertical seta later­ tomolog ist, Dr. S.V. SEKSYAEVA. all y on frons. Ocellar tubercle with one pair of strong setae. Ventral postcranium covered with sparse white Diagnosis. J\11. seksyaevae sp. n. keys out to M. subchevi irregular setae. Face w idest under antennae. Antenna and M. chumakovi, differing by dorsal ari sta, non-thick­ short, brown, as long as head hei ght; pedicel slightly ened basal part of CuA 1, w ing vein 111-cu half as long a swoll en, wi th a ring of short apical setulae; first flagello­ apical part of CuA 1, and morphology of hypopygium. mere small er than pedicel, rounded, with distinct apex. Ari sta dorsoapical, twice longer than antennomeres com­ bined. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first :flagello­ 27. Medetera sto/tzei sp. n. (Fig. 15) mere to arista, 3: 4: 5: 20. Palpus and proboscis short, dark-brown, with li ght hairs. Holotype. J, Tanzania, Uzungwa Mts., Chita Forest Re­ Thorax bronze-black. Two pairs of strong posterior and serve, ] 500 m, I 0.XI.l 984, M. STOL TZE & G. PETERSEN, 3 pairs of weak anterior dorsocentral setae (broken off in Zoo!. M useum, Copenhagen. ho lotype). Two rows of acrostichals. Scutellum w ith a pair of strong medial and two strong lateral setae (broken Description. Male. Frons and face black, entirely grey off in holotype). pollinose. A row of several fine short brown postocular Legs mostly yell ow, all coxae and last tarsomeres of all setae at the top of eye and a row of white postocular tarsi brown (fore coxa yell ow in paratypes). Fore coxa below present. One strong vertical seta laterally on frons w ith hairs and several apical setae; mid and hind coxae (broken off). Ocellar tubercle with one pair of strong each with one external seta. Fore legs without setae. Fore setae (broken off). Ventral postcranium covered with tarsus simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia sparse long white irregular setae. Face widest under to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25: 41: 45: 22: 14: antennae. Antenna short, black; pedicel sli ghtly swoll en, 12: 8: 6. M id tibia with one anterodorsal at basal 1/4 and with a ring of short apical setulae; first flagellomere two apical setae. 151 to 4 111 tarsomeres each w ith l or 2 sma ll , rounded, with short terminal hairs. Arista apical short apicoventral setulae. Length ratio of mid coxa to (broken off). Palpus and proboscis short, black, grey fem ur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 16: pollinose, with li ght hairs; palpus sli ghtly shining, with 4 1: 48: 33: 19: 13: 7: 6. Hind femur without long setae. l black seta. Hind tibi a with 1-2 short subapical dorsal setae, with Thorax black, grey pollinose, with black setae; scutel­ yell ow apical posteroventral scale and several short th ick lum brown. Five pairs of strong dorsocentral setae gra­ black apical setulae. Hind basitarsus simple. Length ratio dually decreasing in size anteriorly; each seta l/3 shorter of hind coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments first to than preceding one; several hairs in front of the I 51 second), 13: 43: 55: 15: 30. dorsocentral seta. Two rows of short acrostichals extend- Wings hyaline. Costa without long hairs. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and ~+ 5 to this between R.++5 and M 1+2, I 5: 4. R-1+5 andM 1+2 distinctly convergent. Ratio of cross-vein 111-cu to maximal distance between R4+5 and M 1+2 to apical part ofCuAi, 9: 12: 18. Abdomen bronze-black, with short setae; 7111 segment 111 slightly longer than 6 , as long as epandrium. Epandrium elongate, highest at middle, widest at apex. Foramen basolateral. Hypandrium midventral, elongate, narrow, simple. Aedeagus slim, simple. Epandrial lo bi reduced to 2 long setae positioned in apical third of epandrium. Fig. 15 - Hypopygium. left lateral view. Medetera stoltzei Short epandrial seta present. Surstylus bilobate; ventral sp. 11. Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterioae I 03 ing to rnesonotal flattening. Propleura with I strong black 28. Medetera subchevi GRICHAi ov seta and one sho11 white hair above fore coxa. Scutellum with a pair of strong medial setae and two lateral setae, 2/ Material examined. 1 CS , Kruger Nat. Park, South Africa, 3 as long as medial. 29.01.996, 0. KOVALEV [ZIN]; 4 CS CS , Botswana: Serowe, Legs mostly black-brown, coxae black, knees dirty XI. l 986, M. DE MEYER [RINS]; 1 CS , Kenya: West Pokot, ye ll ow. Coxae with black setae; fore coxa with short, #66, Marich Field Centre, 0 I 0 33' , 35°28' E, 1000 m, shining li ght hairs; mid and hind coxae each with one Date: 22.Xl.1992, J. LONDT & A. WHITTINGTON, closed fin e external seta. Fore legs without strong setae. Fore Acacia woodland [NMP]. basitarsus nearly as wide as tibia. Length ratio of fore coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to Diagnosis. M subchevi has some relations to the North­ fifth), 40: 50: 54: 27: 15: 12: 8: 8. Mid tibia with one American "petulca" Group of species (BICKEL, 1985). It anterodorsa l, one posterodorsal at basal I /4 and several keys out to Afrotropical M. araneipes and M. seksyaevae, very short apica l setae. Length ratio of mid coxa to femur differing in wing ve in m-cu equal to or sli ghtly sho11er to tib ia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 30: 60: 72: than apical pai1 of CuAi, apical arista, another ratio of 39: 22 : 16: 12: 8. Hind femur with row of several anterior podomeres and morphology of hypopygium. black setae in apical half, nearly as long as femora diameter. Hind tibia with 1-2 short subapical dorsal setae. Distribution: Namibia, South Africa (!), Botswana (!). Hind tarsus simple. Length ratio of hind coxa to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25: 66: 91: 21: 38: 16: 9: 8. 29. Medetera varitibia PARE 'T Wings greyish, almost hyaline, veins brown. Costa without long hairs. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 Type material examined. Holotypus, ~ [red labe l] I Musee and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1+ 2, 28: 7. ~+5 and du Congo, P.N.A. 1933 , cratere Magunga, Dr. DE WULF I M 1+ 2 distinctly convergent, slightly bowed anteriorly. R. Det. R. 2966 I Mede/era varitibia n.sp. Type. 0. Ratio of apical to basal part of M1+2 (from r-111) , 107: PARE T. 72. Ratio of cross-vein 111- cu to maximal distance between

R4+5 and M1+2 to apical part ofCuAi, 18: 20: 27. Anal Material examined. l cs , Musee du Congo, P.N.A., 1933, vein distinct. Lower calypter brownish-yellow, with cratere Mugunga, Dr. DE WULF I R. Det. T. 2966 I dirty-yellow cilia. Halters yellow. Mede/era nocturna CURR. CS, 0. PARE T det.; 6 CS CS, Abdomen black, grey poll inose, with short black setae. Congo-beige, Rutshuru, XII.1936, J. GHESQUIERE, 3583 Epandriurn elongate, twice as long as high. Foramen I R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. 10482 I 0. PARENT det., 1936 basolateral. Hypandrium midventral, elongate, narrow. (1937) Medetera spec.?; 1 Q, Musee du Congo, P.N.A. Aedeagus slim, imple. Epandrial lobi reduced to 2 long 1933, cratere Magunga, Dr. DE WULF I R. Det. R. 2966 I pedunculate setae positioned closely to one another. Short Mede/era otiosa PARE T. 0. PARE 'T det. [RMCA). epandrial seta present at base of hypandrium. Surstylus long and narrow, bifurcated at middle; ventral lobe with Diagnosis. Fore and hind tibiae dark yellow; mid tibia broad apical projection bearing 2 trong setae, thin short lighter; femora black except apices. Propleura with black apical process bearing I sho11 seta and l strong and 2 setae. The species keys out to M. normalis, differing in microscopic subapical ventral setae; dorsal lobe as long black ante1ma with apical arista. as ventral , thin , with several short setae in distal half. Cercus shorter than surstylus. dorsally setosed, with Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania. broad rounded apex bearing large flattened apicodorsal seta directed ventrad and 2 thick and 2 fine apicoventral setae. 30. Paramedetera sierraleo11e11sis sp. n. Female unknown. (Figs. l 6-17) Length (mm): body without antennae 2.8, wing-length 3.1 , wing-width 1.2. hypopygium 0.8. Holotype. cs, Sierra Leone: Freetown, Fourah Bay Col­ lege, 13°14.W, 8°28 ' , 24.XI.1993, loc. 7, wept in sec. Distrihution: Tanzania. forest I Lund University Sierra Leone Expedition 1993, leg. L. CEOERHOLM - R. DANI ELSSO - R. HALL. Etymologl'. The specie is named after one of the collec­ tors, Dr. M. STO LTZI:.. Paratyp e. Q with the same label as holotype.

Diagnosis. M. stolt::.ei has only a slight difference from M. Description. Male. Frons and face entirely black, grey capensis as briefly described by CURRA (1926). The pollinose. Ocellar tubercle prominent, with a pair of latter species ha s clypeus and palpi shining, CuA 1 Y.i strong black setae. One strong black ve11ical seta laterally longer than 111- cu, surstylus and cercus narrowed at apex. on frons present, postve11ical seta undeveloped; postocu­ In vestigation of Af. capensis holotype is necessary for lar setae white, sho11 above, becoming longer laterally more reliab le recognition of the two species. and below. Face widest under ante1mae, narrowed in 104 Igor Ya. GRJCHANOV

drium irregularly elongate-ova l (lateral view), with deep venh·a l excision at distal 2/3 directed ba sad and large basolateral foramen. One long epandrial seta at base of hypandrium. Epandrial lobe reduced to 2 long setae of unequal length. Hypandrium attached at di sta l 2/3 of ...... _----- :-- epandrium, fu sed to epandrium, short, subtriangular (ven­ tral view), with acute apex. Lateral lobes of hypandrium long, flat, broad and sli ghtly widened di stad (l ateral view), pointed apicoventrally, with long pointed inner tooth at di sta l 3/4. Aedeagus thin and narrow to apex, Fig. 16 - Hypopygi um , left latera l view. Paramedetera sier­ simpl e. Surstylus with long and broad ventral lobe posi­ raleonensis sp. n. tioned ap icoventra ll y and thin dorsal lobe; both lobes bearing strong seta e as figured. Cercus short, simpl e, with long dorsal setae; unpaired , densely haired epa ndri al process positioned in fro nt of cerci. Female si mil ar to male except in lacking male second­ ary sex ual characters. Face somewhat wider than in male: ra ti o of height of face to its maximal wid th, 18: I 0. Propleural seta brown. Ratio of pa rt of costa between R2+3 and R.i+s to this between R4+5 andM 1+2, 19 : 7. Ratio of apical to basal part of M 1+2, 6 1: 23. Ratio of cross-vein 111-cu to maximal di stance between R4+5 and M 1+2 to ap ica l part of CuA1, 6: 7: 22 . Abdomen mostly brown­ 11 black; 2 d tergum widely yellow latera ll y. Fig. 17 - Hypopygium , ventral view. Paramedetera sierra­ leonensis sp. n. Length (mm): body with out antennae 1.3-1.5, antenna 0.6, win g-l ength 1.6, wing-width 0.6, hypopygium 0.37.

Distribution : Sierra Leone. middle, then parallel-sided. Epistome with longitudinal furrow. Clypeal suture di stinct. Ratio of height of face to Diagnosis. The new speci es is closely related to P. suma­ its maximal width to its minimal width, 19: 7: 4. Antenna trensis GROOTAERT et MEUFFELS ( 1997), differing in fine black, I /4 longer than head height; pedicel with a ring of structures of hypopygium, e.g., simpl e aedeagus, sub­ short ap ical setulae; first flagel lo mere as lon g as high, triangular hypandrium, different setation of surstylus with ovoid apex and short tem1inal hairs. Arista apico­ and shape of hypandri al lobes etc. Female differs from lateral, with short hairs, 6 times longer than antennomeres known species in coloration of abdomen. combined. Pal pus and proboscis black-brown, with sparse hairs; pa lpus short, proboscis stout. Mesonotum flattened in posterior third, greeni sh-black, 31. Saccoplieronta aperta NEGROBOV, brownish pollinose, with black setae. Pleurae black, grey VANSCHUYTBROECK et GRICllANO\' pol linose. Four pai rs of strong dorsocentral setae. Acros­ tichal setae absent. One light propleural seta. Scutel lum Material examined. 3 3 3, Coll. Mus. Congo, N. Lac with a pair of strong setae. Kivu: Rwankwi , 15.11.1952, J.V. LEROY [RMCA]. Legs li ght-brown; mid and hind coxae and last tar­ someres of all tarsi brown. Fore coxa with short hairs Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda. and several li ght apical setae; hind coxa with one external seta. Fore leg without setae. Mid femur with short posterior subap ica l seta. Length ratio of fore coxa 32. Saccoplieronta amaudi NEGROBOV, to femur to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) , V ANSCllUYTBROECK et GRICllANOV 24: 30: 32: 17: 9: 6: 5: 5. Same ratio for middle leg, 17: 35: 4 1: 24: 12: 8: 6: 5. Same ratio for hind leg, 12: 39: 42: Material examined. 2 0 ;j, I +, Urundi : Ntangura (Moso), 13: 16: 9: 6: 5. 1350, 2 l.VT.1952, F. FRAN901s I R.l.Sc.N.B. l.G. 24.452 Wing elongate-oval, simple, hyaline; veins brown; pos­ [RINS] ; 1 ~, Kenya, 30 km N Kakamega (forest), terior wing margin evenly convex; maximum wing-width 23.Xf.1986, I. SUSMA N [TAU]; 2 6 J, Congo Beige: at the end ofCuA1. Costa without long hairs. RI reaching P.N.G . Miss H. DE SAEGER, 20.JV.1952, 7.V.1952, H. 1/3 of wing. R2+3 almost straight. R_i+5 and M1+2 straight DE SAEGER [RMCA]. and parallel in apical part. Anal ve in fold-like; ana l lobe developed; anal angle obtuse. Alula undeveloped. Lower Diagnosis. S. arnaudi together with S. a pert a differs from calypter brown with bl ack cilia. Halter brown. other species by mostly blackish middle and posterior Abdomen brown-black, with sho1t black setae. Epan- femora. The two species can be di st in gui shed by ratio of Afrotropical fauna of the subfami ly Medeterinae 105 anterior tarsomeres and shape of surstylus (see Fig. 21 in 34. Saccopheronta jletcheri GRJCHANOV NEGROBOV et al. , 1981 ). Type material examined. Holotype, 6, Uganda: Ruwen­ Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Kenya, Uganda, Burundi zori Range, XII.1934-I.1 935. B.M. E. Afr. Exp. B.M. ('). 1935-203 I Namwamba Valley, 8300 ft., F.W. EDWARDS. Paratypes, 1 9, same labels; 1 c, 1 9, Uganda: Ruwen­ zori Range, Mahome River, 6700 ft., 13-16. VIII.1952, 33. Saccopheronta cajf'ra (CURRAN) D.S. FLETCHER I Ruwenzori Exped. B.M. 1952-566 [NHML] . Type material examin ed. Holotypus, 9 [red label] I Musee du Congo , Rutshuru, I-1934, Dr. DE WULF I R. Det. Q. Additional material. 2 cS 6, 2 9 9, Congo Beige: P.N.A., 2966 I Saccopheronta bicolor n.sp. Type. 0. PARENT. Mt. Sesero, pres Bitashimva (Bambous), 2000 m, 1 au 2.VII.1934, G.F. DE WITTE, 505 [RINS]. Additional material. 15 cS cS and 9 9, Congo Beige: Kivu, Rutshuru, 22.V au 4 VI. 1934, G. F. DE WITTE: 427 I P. Diagnosis. S. jletcheri is closely related to S. aperta, VANSC HUYTBROECK det. 1951 , Saccopheronta bicolor differing by brown anterior coxa, ratio of anterior tar­ PARENT [RlNS] ; 11 c c, 6 9 9, Congo beige: P.N.A., somere, larger size, and details in hypopygium morphol­ Kivu , Rutshuru (Riv.Fuku, riv. Rodahira, riv. Kanzarue, ogy (see Fig. 6 in GRICHANOY, 1997b ). S. jletcheri is close Lubirizi); 1200 m. (1250 m. , 1285 111) , 23.VI.1934 in size to the type-species of the genus Saccopheronta, (3.Vll.1935, l.Vll.1935, 13.VII. 1935, 16.VII.1935, differing from S. nudipes by dark anterior coxa, yellow 16.X .1935). G.F. DE WITT E, 698 (1614, 1622, 1644, halters, only one propleural seta etc. 1645 , 1655, 1680); l c, Congo beige: env. de Rutshuru, 3.Xll.1937, J. GHESQUIERE /R. mus. Hist. Nat. Relg. L.G. Distribution: Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa) (!). I 0.482 [RINS] ; I c, Kenya, Meru Park, Upper Imenti Forest, June 1973, Han s G0NGET leg. [ZMC]; 1 c, 1 9, N. Yurnba , S. Rhodesia, 2.5.1964, D. Cookson; 1 c, I 9, Port 35. Saccopheronta glabra NEGROBOV, of Johns Dist. , Coastal Forest, E. Cape Prov., 16-17 Oct. YANSCHUYTBROECK et GRICHANOV 1959, 8 . & P. STUCKENBERG; Dhlinza Forest, Eshowe Zulul and, South Africa, B. & P. STUCKE BERG, 5-6 April Material examined. 1 c, Congo Beige: P.N.A., vers 1960; I 9, So . Africa: Natal, 20 km SE Nkandla, 2831 Ca, Rweru (Vole. Mikeno), 2400 m (Bambous), 26 au Nkand la Forest Res., 26.l .1980, for. Margin, R. MILLER & 27.VIT.1934, G.F . DE WITTE, 501 [RINS]; 1 c, Malawi, P. STABB INS; 7 ¥ 2, Gillits, Pinetown district, Nata l, S. 1500 m, Mulanje Mt., m. Likabula, 26-27.X.1983, A. Africa, B. & P. STUCKE BERG; Enon Farm, Richmond, FREIDBERG [TAU]. Natal, S. Africa, B. & P. STUCKENBERG, Jan. 1964; Town Bush , Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, B. & P. STUCKEN­ Diagnosis. S. glabra is close to S. nigra, differing by BERG, 6.Xll.1961; Dhlinza Forest, Eshowe Zululand, absence of a row of strong ventral setae in apical half of South Africa, B. & P. STUCKENBERG, 5-6 April 1960 surstylus. Body brown-black, femora and tibiae yellow. [NMP] ; 1 'i? , Co ngo Beige: P.N.A., 7-l 5.VII.1955, P. Cercus with well developed ventral process. Surstylus VANSCHUYTBROECK, 13274-309 I Mont Hoyo, 1280 m, stick-shaped, with long apical setae. See Figs. 6-9 io sur plantes basses [RJNS] ; 3 cS c) , 2 9 9, Col l. Mus. NEGROBOV et. al., 1981. Congo, N. Lac Kivu: Rwankwi, XIT.1951, 15.Jl.1952, J.V. LEROY [RMCA]. Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Malawi (!).

Diagnosis . S. cq[fra together with S. parvila111ellata dif­ fers from other spec ies of Afrotropical Saccopheronta in 36. Saccopheronta llirsuticosta PARENT mostl y black femora. The two species can be distin­ guished by shape of first tlagellomere and position of Type material examined. Holotypus, cS [without abdo­ arista. S. caffra is probably a unique African species in the men; red label] I Musee du Congo, Kibati 1933 (200 rn genus, having surstylu s split at apex (see Figs. 10-14 in dessus g'ite), Dr. DE WULF I R. Det. D. 2966 I Saccopher­ NEGROBOV et. al., 19 81). onta hirsuticosta n.sp. Type. 0. PARENT; 1 c, Congo beige: P.N.A., Mubaliba, (vole. Nyamaragira), 2000 m, Remark. Three males of S. caffi·a from Madagascar de­ 14 au 26. VJ.1935, G,F. DE WITTE: 1517 I Paratype [red termined by P. VANSCHUYTBROECK (examined, RINS) label] I P. VANSCHUYTBROECK det. 1951 , Saccopheronta belong to undescribed species of Cymatopus KERTESZ pulchra n.sp. [RINS]. and should be exclud ed from the fauna of the island. Several specimens determined by V ANSCHUYTBROECK as Additional material. 1 c, Congo beige: Kivu, Sake S. caffi·a belong also to the genus Tl11yptic11s. (Lac Kivu), 1460 m, 19 au 22.II.1934, G.F. DE WITTE, 251; I 9, Congo beige: Kivu, Rutshuru, 1250 m, Distribution: South Africa, Congo (K inshasa), Kenya. 4.VII.1935, G.F. DE WITTE, 1686 [RINS] ; 1 c, Co ll. 106 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV

Mus. Congo, N. Lac Kivu: Rwankwi, 15 .II.1952, J.V. row of sh·ong ventral setae in apical half. Cercus with LEROY (RMCA]. we ll developed ventral process. See description and drawings of S. altimontana in NEGROBOV et al., 1981 Diagnosis and variability. S. hirsuticosta differs from (Figs. 24-25). other species by yellow legs, brown-black body, and leaf-shaped smstylus. It differs also in the fo llowing Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Rwanda(!). features: fore tarsus usually entirely brown in both sexes; the second tarsomere of fore tarsus half as long as or nearly equal to the third; middle tibia with ante­ 38. Saccop'1ero11ta pulclira vANSCHUYTBROECK roventral row of short ye ll ow or black spinules; sur­ stylus with several very long setae varying in length Type material examined. Ho lotypus, o [red label] I Con­ and position. Costa with simple or somewhat elongated go beige: Kivu, Rutshmu (Envir. du poste) 1285 m, 18/ setulae in basal third, sometimes 3 times longer than 23 -VI-1934, G.F. DE WITTE: 447 I Coll. Mus. Congo (Ex diameter of costa. Male para type of S. pulchra has 2 rows coll. IPNCB) I P. VANSC HUYTBROECK det. 1949, Sacco­ of unusually long costal setulae, and surstyli the same as pheronta pulchra n.sp. Type [RMCA]; 24 o o paratypes, figured by NEGROBOV et al. for S. subquinta (1981: Paratype [red label] I Congo bei ge: Kivu, Rutshuru (En­ Fig. 22). vir. du poste) 1285 111 , 22.V au 4.VI.1934, l 8/23 -VI-1934, 29/3 l.V.1935, l au 6.VI.1935, 7.VI.1935, G.F. DE Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Kenya. WITTE: 427, 447 1396, 1402, 1403 , 1419, 1420 I P. VA SCHUYTBROECK dct. 195 I, Saccopheronta pulchra n.sp. [RINS]. 37. Saccopheronta nigra v ANSCHUYTBROECK Additional material. 4 o o, I ~ , Congo beige: Kivu, Type material examined. Holotype, o, Congo beige: Rutshuru, 1285 m, 7.VI.1935, G.F. DE WI TTE: 1421 (&] Eala, 13.IX.1935, J. GHESQUIERE, 884 I ex fruits Klai­ 1423 / P. VA SC HUYTBROECK det. 1951 , Saccopheronta nedoxa I R. Mus. Nat. Hist. Belg. 10482 I type (red bicolor PARENT [RINS] ; 4 o "", Congo beige: Kivu, label] I P. v ANSCHUYTBROECK det. 195?, Saccopheron/a Rutshuru, 1285 m, 22.V au 4 VI.1934 7.Vl.1935, G.F. nigra n.sp. [RINS]; 1 o, Paratype [red label] I Congo DE WITTE: 427, 446, 1405 / P. VA SCHUYTBROECK det be ige: P.N.A., Mubuliba (vole. Nyamaragira), 2000 m, 1951 , Saccopheronta hirsuticosta PARENT [RTNS]; 57 14 au 26.VI.1935, G.F. DE WITTE: 1496 I P. VAN­ o o, 38 ~ ~ , Congo beige: P.N.A ., Kivu, Rutshw-u SCl-IUYTBROECK det. 1951, Saccopheronta pulchra (Riv. Fuku, ri v. Kanzarue, riv. Rodahira Lubirizi), n. sp. [RINS]. 1000 m, (1200 m, 1250 m, 1285 m, 1500 m), 22.V- 4.VI.1934 ( 18-23.VI.1934), 6.Vl.1 935 (l.VII.1935, Additional material. 1 o, Congo beige: P.N.A., Burunga 2.VII.1935, 3.VII.1935, 4.VIJ.1935, 5.VIl.1935, (Mokoto), 2000 m, 17 au 19.III.1934, G.F. DE WJTTE: 312 6.VIl.1935, 13 .VU.1935, l 6.VTl.1935), 427 (446, 448, I P. VANSCHUYTBROECK det. 1951 , Saccopheronta hirsu­ 1409,1415, 1612, 1614, 1622, 1626, 1644, 1645, 1655, ticosta PARENT (RINS] ; l o, Congo Beige: P.N.A., Sha- 1677, 1680, 1685, 1686), G. F. DE WITTE (RTNS]; l , 111uheru (vole. Nyamaragira), 1843 111 , 14 au 26.VI.1935, Musee du Congo, Kilimandcharo, Coll. Schouteden I G.F. DE WITTE: 1477 I P. VA SCHUYTBROECK det. 1951 , Koli111andscharo, D.O.A. [RMCA] ; I 0, Musee du Con­ Saccopheronta hirsuticosta PARENT [RINS] ; l o, Congo go, Stanleyville, 28.V!.1928, A. COLLART (RMCA]; 6 Beige: P.N.A., Mt. Sesero, pres Bitashi111va (Bambous), o o, Congo Beige: P.N.G., Miss. H. DE SAEGER, Makpe 2000 m, I au 2.VII.1934, G.F. DE WITTE / P. VA SCl-IUYT­ (Nagero; PpK.12/d/9; PpK.60/d/8; II/hd/8), 3.VIIL 195 l BROECK det. 1951, Saccopheronta hirsuticosta PARENT (5.XI.1951; !8.XII.1951 ; 2.T.1952; 10.V. 1952), Ree. H. [RINS]. 3 o o, 1 ~ ' Congo Belge: P.N.A., Mt. Sesero, SE SAEGER, 2195 (2718, 2924, 2972, 3500); 9 o o, l ~ ' pres Bitashimva (Ba111bous), 2000 111, l au 2.VII.1934, Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. DE SAEGER, 27.VII. 1951 , G.F. DE WITTE, 505; 4 o o, Congo Beige: P.N.A., Tsha­ l 8.XII.1951, 2 l .XTI.1951, 2.I.1952, 3.1.1952, 22.Y. 1952, mugussa (Bweza), 2250 111 (Bambous), 9-L O.VIJJ.1934, 15.VII.1952, 24.VII.1952, 9.IX.1952, H. DE SAEGER G.F. DE WITTE, 519 (527); l o, Congo Beige: P.N.A., [RMCA]; 2 o, Co ll. Mus. Congo, N. Lac Kivu: Rwankwi, Riv. Bishakishaki, Ka111atembe (P lain e lave), 2100 m, 7 XII.1951, J.V. LEROY (RMCA]; l 0, Coll. R.l.Sc.N.B., au 23.I.l 935, G.F. DE WITTE, 1044; I o, Congo Beige: Urundi: Plaine de la Ruzizi, 900 111 , 23.VJ.1953, F. FRA - Ruanda, Lac n'Gando (pied Vole. Karisimbi), 2400 111 , r;:O IS [RTNS] ; 1 o, Gabon: Ntoum, VIII.1984, P.M., A. 6.ITI .1 935, G.F. DE WITTE, 1243 ; 1 o, Congo Beige: PAULY Ree. I Co ll. R.I.Sc.N.B. [RTNS]; 3 0 o, 2 ~ ~ . Kivu, Rutshuru (Riv. Fuku), 1250 m, 5.VIl.1935, G.F. Tanzania, East Usambara, Amani, I OOO 111 , l .TI. 1977 I DE WITTE, 1622 (RINS]; l o, 2 ~~'Co ll. Mus. Congo, Zool. Mus. Copenhagen, H. ENGHOFF_ 0. LOMHOLDT, 0. Ruanda: contref. Est Muhavura, 2100 m, P. BASILEWSKY, MARTI leg. [ZMUC]. 28.1.1953 [RMCA]. Diagnosis. S. pulchra differs from other species in having Diagnosis. S. nigra differs from other species by yellow yellow legs, metallic green body, bifurcated surstylus, legs, brown-black body, and stick-shaped surstyl us with a and enlarged latera l lobi of hypandrium (see Fig. 5 in Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 107

GRI CHANOY, 1997b, for S. ulrichi). See also remark under BROECK, 13274-309 I Pa.ratype, Saccopheronta ulrichi S. shatalkini. NEG ROBOV , VANSCHUYTBROECK, GRJCHANOY [red label; RlNS]. Remark. The fo llowing species are also found among the paratypes of S. pulchra [RlNS]: Saccopheronta hirsuti­ Additional material. 1 b', Coll. Mus. Congo, N. Lac Kivu: costa PARENT, Saccopheronta shatalkini GRJ CHANOY, Rwankwi, 15.Il.1952, J.V. LEROY [RMCA] Saccopheronta nigra V ANSCl-lUYTBROECK, Sympycnus munroi CURRAN, Th in ophilus prudens CURRAN. In addi­ Diagnosis. S. shatalkini is closely related to S. pulchra, tion, 28 mostly damaged female paratypes belong to S. differing by blackish anterior tibi a and tarsus, bluish pulchra mainl y. Holotype of this species is identical to reflection of body, dark anterior pa1i of wing, weak but hol otype of S. ulrichi (examined). distinct differences in hypopygium morphology (see Fig. 4 in GRlCHANOV, 1997b). Distribution: Co ngo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Tanzania, Bur­ undi (!), Gabon (!). Distribution: Kenya, Congo (Kinshasa) (!) .

39. Saccopheronta quinta PARE T 41. Saccopheronta zicsiana GRrCHANOV

Type material examined. Holotype, b', Congo Beige: Material examined. 1 b', Kenya, W Kakamega, #73 , Ea ln, 9.I.1 935, J. GHESQUIER.E I R. Mus. Hi st. Nat. Belg. Kakamega Forest Reserve, 00°22 ' N, 34°53' E, 1620 m, T. G. 10.482 I Saccopheronta quinta n.sp. Type. 0. PAR­ Date: 24.XI.1992, A. WHITTINGTON & J. LONDT, Indigen­ ENT det. , 1935 I Type [red label] [RlNS]. ous forest paths [NMP].

Material examined. 1 b', 2 ~ ~ . Gabon: VIII.1984, P.M. Distribution: Tanzania, Kenya. [RJNS]; I b', Congo beige: P.N.U., Ganza pr. R. Kamau­ dula, affl. Dr. Lukoko, 1860 m, 12-1 8. VI.1949, Mis. G. F. DE WITT E, 2684a I P. VANSCHUYTBROECK det. 1952, 42. Tlzrypticus bellus LOEW Saccopheronta bicolor PARENT [RINS] ; 2 b' b', 4 ~ ~ . Congo Beige: P.N.G., Miss. H. DE SAEGER, Makpe (De­ Material examined. 1 b', S. Africa, Transvaal, 5 km W. degwa; 2/gc/8; II/id/9), 5.XI.1951(31.I.1952;21.V.1952; Sabie, 2530Bb, Lone Creek River, XII, 5, 1976, RM I 0.Vll.1952; 9.TX. 1952), H. DE SAEGER, 27 18 (3 081 , MILLER [NMP]; 6 b' b', Gi llits, Pinetown district, Natal, 3499 , 3765 , 4042); 2 b' b' , Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss S. Africa, B. & P. STUCKENBERG [NMP]; 6 b' b° , H. DE SAEG ER, 27.VlII.195 1, 2.I.1952, H. DE SAEGER Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. DE SAEGER, ll.X.1951, [RMCA]; 4 b' b', 2 ~ ~ . Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss H. 20.X.1951, 19.XI. 195 1, 4.IX.1952, 10.IX.1952, DE SAEG ER, 20.X.1951 , 2.I.1952, 17.V.1952, 22.V. 1952, 16.IX.1952, H. DE SAEGER [RMCA]. 15.Vll.1952, 9.IX.1952, H. DE SAEGER [RMCA]; 1 b', Musee du Co ngo, Stan leyville, XI.1929, A. COLLART Diagnosis. Differs from T. fennicus BECKER by having [RMCA]; 1 b', Musee du Congo, Stanleyvi ll e, smaller size, lighter legs, especially tibiae, and other 28.Vl.1 928, A. COLLART [RMCA]. characters. T. fennicus is characterised by much larger size (2.5 -3.0 mm), thickened and densely pubescent aris­ Diagnosis. PARENT (1936) described a male without ab­ ta, different ratio of m-cu to CuA 1 etc. T. bellus has do men, but wing and legs in cluding anterior tarsus allow hypandrium arising basoventrall y, long and thin, nearly to recogn ise the species. Despite the description, S. quinta straight, parall el -sided in distal half, with sb01i consh·ic­ has acrostichals in two rows, 2 strong medial and 2 latera l tion in the middle and sli ght basal melanization beyond scute ll ar setae, 2/3 as long as medials. On ly posterior consh·iction; aedeagus thin, ari sing from base of epan­ femora are blackish in apical half, all tib iae are yellow; drium, ap ica lly cleft. epandri al lobe is about 2/3 as long as surstylu s, en larged at ap ica l third. Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Kenya, Ethio­ pi a, Senegal, South Africa(!); St. Helena; Egypt, Europe, Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Gabon (!) Pa learctic As ia.

40. Saccophero11ta shatalkini GRtCHANOV 43. Th.rypticus kataevi GRrCHANOV

Type material examined. b', Paratype [red label] I Con­ Material examined. 1 b', Wit River Va lley, Cambria go be ige: Kivu , Rutshuru, 1285 m, l au 6.VI. 1935 , Area, Patensie Distr., 6.12.1967, 3324Da, B. & P. STUC­ G.F. DE WITT E: 1402 / P. VAN SCHUYTBRO EC K det. KEN BERG [NMP]; 5 b' b', Congo Beige: P.N.G. Miss 1951 , Saccopheronta pu/chra n.sp. [RINS]; 1 b', H. DE SA EGER, 23 .Il.1 951, 14.VIII.1951, 10.Ill.1952, Congo Beige: P.N .A., 7-15.Vll.1955, P. VA NSCHUYT- l l.Ill.1952, 9 .IX. 1952, H. DE SAEGER [RMCA]. l 08 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV

Diagnosis. The species is similar to T bel!us, differing by apical pa rt of CuA 1 no more than twice longer than hav ing sma ll er size, mostly ye llow tars i and different 111-cu, 111-cu shorter than maximum distance between characters of hypopygium. Hind basitarsus is equal in ~+sand M 1+2, and 3rd section of costa no more than 11 111 length to the 2 d segment. Hypandrium parall el-sided 4 times longer tha n 4 ••••••••••• • •• .• ••••• (ventral view), with distinct flexion at distal 2/3 (lateral ...... Mede/era FISCHER VON WALDHE IM view). Surstylus ha lf as long as epandri um , with acute apex. Cercus with strong setae and digitifonn apical section. KEYS TO AFROTROPICAL SPECIES OF MEDETERINAE Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa), Cameroon, Kenya, Swa­ ziland, South Africa(!). Genus Corindia BICKEL

l. Part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 about 5 times KEY TO AFROTROPICAL GENERA longer than this between R4 +5 and M 1+2 ; surstylus OF MEDETERINAE simple, knoblike ...... C. danielssoni Pati of costa betv1een R2+3 and R4+s approximately l. R4+5 and M 1+2 parallel to apex ...... 2 2.5-3 times longer than this between R4+5 and M 1+2; ~+ s and M 1+2 convergent, at most subparallel at surstylus branched ...... 2 apex ...... 5 2. Cercus longer than surstylus; dorsal lobe of surstylus 2. Acrostichal setae present; hind coxa with 2 lateral longer than vcntTal lobi ; ventral lobe with simple setae; body coloration usua ll y bright metallic green setae ...... C. verschureni ,, ...... ) Cercus not longer than surstylus; dorsal lobe of sur­ Acrostichal setae absent; hind coxa with 1 lateral stylus shorter than ventral lobi ; ventral lobe with seta; body coloration usually dark ...... 4 broad spoonlike ventral seta ...... C. saegeri 3. Female oviscapt blade-like, sclerotized, narrow in dorsal view; male surstylus strongly deflexed dorsad, usually lying conformably with similarly Genus Craterophorns LAl\IB deflexed, oblong-shaped cerci ...... Thrypticus GERSTAECKER I. Face narrow, 2-3 times hi gher than wide in middle Female oviscapt soft, mal e surstylus and cercus ...... 2 usually not deflexed dorsad . . . . Corindia BICKEL Face approximately as wide as hi gh ...... 4 4. Arista apicolateral; distal sectors of ~+ s and M 1+ 2 2. Anten11a and legs entirely yellow ...... C. 111irus straight; ma le ?1" abdominal segment forming pedi­ Antenna black; femora mostly black ...... 3 cel ; hypopygium symmetrical; hypandrial lobes pre- 3. Posterior wing margin concave between anal lobe sent; aedeagus without lateral lobes ...... and Cu A 1; 111- cu shorter than apical part of Cu A 1 ...... Paramedetera GROOTAERT et MEUFFELS ...... C. currani (paratype) Arista apical; distal sectors ofR4+5 and M 1+2 weakly Posterior wing margin without emargination; 111- cu 1 arched anteriorly; 7 " abdom inal segment semicircu­ longer than apical part of CuA 1 .••.•.••.••••• lar, narrow; hypopygium sessile, asymmetrical; hy­ ...... C. currani (holotype) pandrial lobes absent; aedeagus with large lateral 4. Male fo re and midfemora brown at base, brownish lobes ...... Grootaertia GRICHANOV in middle; hind femur mostly dark-brown; 5111 joint 5. Male l 51 tergite with a pair of dorsal bulbs; female of fore tarsus with short hairs; alula simple and bare with several strong bristles at the same place; 5 ...... C. parenti dorsocentral setae of approximately equal length, Fore and midfemora entirely ye llow, at most fore 1 no acrostichals ...... Craterophorus LAMB femora darkened posteriorly; 5 " joint of fore tarsus Male and female 151 tergite unmodified, at most with with strong apicodorsal setae; alula with a regular severa l long lateral hairs; no more than 4 dorsocen­ row of small stiff setae ...... 5 trals of eq ual length, if 5 or 6 setae, then setae 5. Coxae entirely greyish sil very ...... C. mirabilis gradually decreasing in size anteriorly; acrostichals Coxae yellow, greyish silvery only at base ...... usually present, biseriate ...... 6 ...... C. permirus 6. R4+5 and M 1+2 weakly convergent, almost subparal­ lel; male anterior 3rd tarsomere usually flattened and enlarged or, if simple, then apical part of CuA 1 at Genus Grootaertia GRICl-IANOV least 2.5 times longer than 111- cu, 111-cu equal to or longer than maximum distance between R.-1+s and I. Pleurae and abdominal terga mostl y black; acdeagus M 1+2, and 3rd section of costa at least 4 times longer narrow in basa l part; one unpaired su rstylus in add i­ than 4th ...... Saccopheronta BECKER tion to two pairs; long dorsal setac on ventral pa ir of R4+5 and M 1+2 strongly convergent or, if subparallel su rstyli present; cercus large, with distinct fingerlike at apex, then male anterior 3rd tarsomere simple, distolateral lobe ...... G. ku::netsovi Afrotropi cal fa un a of the subfami ly Medeterinae 109

Pleurae and abdomin al terga mostly ye ll ow; aedea­ 7. Thorax metallic green; Ri+s and M 1+2 parallel in gus swollen in basal part; surstyl i glabrous, ra rely apical part (female) ...... M . nocturna with short hairs; cercus usuall y sma ll ...... 2 Thorax bronze black; ~+ s and M 1+2 convergent 2. Hypopygi um with 1 pair of surstyli; aedeagus with ...... 7a simple lateral lobes ...... 3 7a. Surstylus bilobate ...... M. pseudotiosa Hypopygium with at least 2 pairs of surstyli ; Surstylus trilobate ...... M. praedator aedeagus with one of lateral lobes incised or bifur- 8. Ri+s and M 1+2 almost parallel; wing 1.3 mm ..... cated ...... 4 ...... M. lvovskii 3. Surstyli twice longer than epandrium, positioned R4+5 and M 1+2 distinctly convergent; wing 1.9-2.0 symm etrica lly at distodorsal margin ; cercus smalI . mm ...... 9 ...... G. bistylata 9. Median lobe of surstylus expanded apically ...... Sursty li as long as epandrium, asymmetrical: left ...... M. norlingi surstylus simple, dorsolateral in position, arising Median lobe of surstylus nan-owed and rounded api - at base of cercus; right surstylus ventrolateral in ca ll y ...... M. edwardsi position, arising at base of hypandrium, with narrow 10. Anteri or coxa mostly ye ll ow, greyish anteriorly; pos­ 11 basa l process l/3 as long as surstylus; cercus large terior basitarsus half as long as 2 d tarsomere; arista ...... G. asymmetrica apical; m-cu slightly longer than apical part ofCuA1; 4. Epandrium twice longer than high; 3 pairs of glab­ Sudan ...... M . araneipes rous surstyl i sh ifted to ap icodorsal margin; cerci Anterior coxa usua ll y black except extreme 11 concealed; aedeagus with large medial foramen ... apex; posterior basitarsus 1/3 length of 2 d tar­ ...... G. anoma/ipennis somere ...... 11 Epandrium l .5 times longer than high; ventral pair of 11. Wing vein 111-cu 1.5-2 times longer than apical part

surstyli glabrous, attached to epandrium apicoven­ of Cu A 1; arista dorsal; posterior basitarsus with ba­ trally; right dorsal lobe arising apicoventrally, with soventral tooth ...... M polleti short hairs in middle half; left dorsal lobe arising Wing vein 111-cu equal to or sho1ter than apical pa1t of apicodorsally, with short hairs in middle half; un­ CuA 1; posterior tarsus simple ...... 12 paired short glabrous surstylus positioned left apico­ 12 . Arista apical; wing vein 111-cu equal to or sli ghtly dorsa ll y; cerci exposed; aedeagu without medial sho1ter than apical pait of CuA 1 • • • • M subchevi foramen ...... G. anomalopyga Arista dorsal; wing vein 111-cu half as long as apical part of CuA 1 . • ...... • . . M seksyaevae 13. Legs mostly black-brown, sometimes knees reddish­ yellow or tibiae brownish ...... 14 Genus Medetera F1SCHEH VON WALDHEIM Legs mostly reddish-yellow, sometimes femora mostly dark ...... 24 I . Two strong scutellar setae with greatly reduced lat­ 14. Anterior coxa with pale cilia ...... 15 era l hairs ...... 2 Anterior coxa with black cilia ...... 19 Four strong scutellars, lateral ones at least half as 15. Frons purple brilliant; face polished, entirely brilli- long as medians ...... 13 ant violet; lower calypter with black ci lia ...... 2. Four pairs of strong dorsocentrals with the I stone at ...... M polita 111 least half as long as the 4 ; legs mostly reddish­ Frons and face entirely pollinose, faintly brilliant; ye llow, coxae entirely and femora in basal half lower calypter with pale cilia ...... 16 brown or black ...... M. mainei 16. Tibia reddish-yellow ...... 17 Two or three strong dorsocentrals with 2 or more Legs entirely black or only knees and tarsi somewhat hair-like setu lae in front of the first one ...... 3 li ghter ...... 18 3. Two strong dorsocentrals with several short hair-like 17. Antenna brown, arista dorsal; 3 mm . M. nonnalis sctae anteriorly ...... 4 Antenna black, arista apical; 2 mm (female) ..... Three strong dorsocentrals gradually decreasing in ...... M. varitibia size anteriorly ...... I 0 18. Wing-vein 111-cu as long as apical part of CuA 1; 4. Femora mostly black, antenna black ...... 5 posterior basitarsus l /3 length of second tarsomere, Legs yellow, antenna brownish ...... 8 with basal tooth ; posterior tibia apica ll y swollen, 5. Legs entirely black-brown ...... 6 with two apicolateral hooks; size about 3 mm .... Femora black in basal half; tibiae yellow . . . . . 7 ...... M rikhterae 6. Ccrcus and surstylus with short simpl e apical setae Wing-vein 111-cu 213 length of apical part of CuA1; ...... M. otiosa posterior basitarsus simple, 2/5 as long as second Cercus and surstylus with long flattened apical setae tarsomere; posterior tibia simple, with at most sev­ ...... M. ghesquierei eral inconspicuous black thick posterior apical setae; Ccrcus with long pointed ap ical process and long 2 mm ...... M. ealensis ventral subapical seta, surstylus with simple setae 19. Anterior coxa with apical hook of glued setae; ...... M. pseudotio a postocular setae entirely black; lower calypter with 110 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV

bl ack cilia; body w ithou t antenna 1. 75-2.0 mm ... Lateral scutell ars half as long as median ones; ...... M. hamata femora usuall y yell ow, or if brown above, then fro ns Anterior coxa w ith simple ci liation; 2.5 to 3 mm mostl y shining; epandrium graduall y narrowed api- ...... 20 cad ...... 32 20. H ind femora w ithout anteri or setae ...... 21 31. C lypeus shin ing black with sides poll inose; thorax H ind femora w ith several anteri or setae in apical half, and scutellum tawny brown po ll inose, vittae of me­ as long as femora diameter ...... 22 sonotum not distinct; fem ora reddish, hind fe mora 2 1. Cercus articul ated with large distal part; surstylus black in basal half, m id femora sometimes sli ghtly fi ne, greatly curved ventrad ...... M. pospelovi darkened basa ll y; cercus brown w ith bl ack hai rs; Cercus w ith 2 apical flattened setae and short sub­ surstylus brown, bare ...... M penura apical venh·al process; smstylus bil obate, slightly Clypeus satiny metalli c blue-green; thorax grey­ curved ...... M ghesquierei brown poll inose, with 3 bronze vittae; 4 to 6 strong 22. Postocular setae entirely black; lower calypter w ith dorsocentrals, decreasing in size anterio rl y; femora black cili a; halter brown ...... M. munroi yell ow, sometimes infuscated at base; male hind Postocular setae partly yell ow; lower calypter w ith basitarsus with anteroventral basal tooth; epandrium yell ow ci li a; halter yell ow ...... 23 greatly inflated basa ll y; cercus yell ow ......

23. Apical pa1t of C uA 1 Yi longer than m-cu; surstylus ...... M. grisescens and cercus narrowed at apex ...... M capensis 32. Antenna mostly yellow with 151 flagellomere mostly Apical part of CuA1 1.5 times longer than 111 -cu; brown; surstylus with long and narrow basodorsal surstylus w ith broad apical lobe and long narrow process ...... M. norlingi mi ddorsal process; cercus with broad rounded apex Antenna entirely black; surstylus w ithout long baso­ bearing large flattened apicodorsal seta di rected dorsal process ...... 33 venh·ad and 2 thj ck and 2 fine apicoventral setae .. 33. A ll coxae yellow, sli ghtl y pollinose; second tar­ ...... M. stoltzei somere of hind tarsus 3.2 times longer than first; 24. A ll coxae yellow; scutellum usually pa1tly yellow; 7111 abdominal segment approxim ately as long as male fore basitarsus w ith anterovenh·al apical pro- epandrium ...... M. cederholmi cess, half as long as next tarsomere ...... Middle and hind coxae di stinctly dark-greenish, den­ ...... M luteoscutata sely pollinose; second tarsomere of hind tarsus 2.5 M iddle and hi nd coxae usually dark; scutellum en­ times longer than first; 7111 abdominal segment short­ tirely dark; fore basitarsus simple ...... 25 er than epandrium ...... 34 25. Clypeus wholly white or brow n pollinose; face and 34. Frons shining brovvni sh bl ack; epistome dark-green, frons simi larly clothed, ground colour almost entirely poll en not dense; coxae appearing rather greeni sh; hidden; two pairs of sh·ong dorsocentrals and six or scutellum shining green basally, brownish pollinose more shmt hair-like ones in a row in front of suture; on apical half and margin; cercus yell ow, with fine antenna brown; arista dorsal; coxae black; fernora yellow hairs; surstylu s reddish-brown, sli ghtly thick­ blackish except apices ...... M. normalis ened towards apex, w ith consid erable yell ow hair at Clypeus not wholly pollinose, at least the middle apex ...... M. afra shining, or if pollinose, then femora yellow; other Frons only shining in the middle above; epistome features various ...... 26 densely brown pollinose; anteri or coxa distinctly 26. Basal half of anterior four femora black; thorax and reddish-yellow; base of scutellum shining brown­ abdomen black ...... 27 ish with scarcely a greeni sh tinge; cercus brownish­ Anterior four femora wholly pale or but little dar­ red; surstylus without considerabl e apical hair . . .. kened basally ...... 28 ...... M. simplicis 27. Propleura with 2 or 3 black setae; coxae w ith black­ ish ci lia; cercus black with black hairs; surstylus brownish-red; 2.0 to 2.5 mm ...... M. varitibia Genus Saccoplzeronta BECKER Propleura with white setae; coxae with pale cili a; 3.75 mm (female) ...... M subviridis 1. Two pairs of strong dorsocentra ls; legs yel low 28. First flagellomere subtriangul ar with dorsal arista; a ll ...... S. nudipes coxae black-brown; femora yell ow ...... 29 Three pairs of strong dorsocentrals ...... 2 First fl agellomere usua ll y rounded, w ith apical ari s- 2. All coxae yellow, rarely midcoxa mostly dark, legs ta ...... 30 ye ll ow ...... 3 29. Basal part of CuA1 thickened in male ...... At least mid and hind coxae mostly dark ...... 4 ...... M. chumakovi 3. Surstylus bifurcated; cercus simple; lower calypter Basal part of CuA 1 simple ...... M. seksyaevae brown w ith dark cili a ...... S. pulchra 30. Lateral scutell ars about 2/3 length of median ones; Surstylus non-bifurcated, w ith pedunculate setae in frons pollinose; hind femora black in basal half, or basal half; cercus bifurcated, with strong apical if yellow, then epandrium greatly inflated basally setae; lower calypter yellow w ith li ght cili a ...... 31 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ...... S. zicsiana Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 111

4. Posterior femur at least half black or brown . . . 5 Genus Tltrypticus G ERSTAECKER A ll femora yell ow ...... 11 5. A ll femora black-brow n in basal half ...... 6 l. Coxae and legs yel low, mid coxa brown externally; Anterior femur yell ow ...... 8 hypandrium thin and straight; larger species: about 6. Three dorsocentrals with th e first one half as long as 2.6 mm ...... T. afer the second; at least the scape yell ow-brownish; sur­ At least mid and hind coxae black-brown or dark­ sty lus thi ck, blunt, with tlu·ee long undulate apical green, femora paitly brown or black-green; smaller setae ...... S. demeteri than 2 mm ...... 2 Three strong dorsocentrals of equal length; antenna 2. Legs usuall y dark, sometimes knees and tibiae at bl ack ...... 7 base yell ow; hypandrium sh·aight, parallel-sided, 7. Ari sta dorsal or subapical; first fl agell omere tri angu­ thin, no more than twice w ider than epandrial lobe, lar ...... S. parvilamellata with indentation at the middle; surstylus with small Ari sta apical; first flagellomere rounded; surstylus excavation apically; cereal apical section angular at split on apex ...... S. caffra apex; 1.4-1.9 mm ...... T. bellus 8. M iddle femora yell ow; posterior femora bl ack in At least knees w idely yellow; hypandrium at least 4 api cal 2/3 ...... 9 times wider than epandrial lobe, with flexion at 2/3 or Middle and posterior femora brown-black except 314 (ifhypandrium with flexion before middle, then it ap ical 1/3 ...... 10 very broad); surstylus w ithout excavation apically; 9. All tibi ae black except base; epandrial lobe very cereal apical section with rounded apex ...... 3 short, simple ...... S. nigritibia 3. Femora partly, all tibiae and bases of tarsi yellow; All tibiae yell ow; epandrial lobe about 2/3 as long as hypandrium approximately 4 times w ider than epan­ surstylus, enlarged at apical third . . . . . S. quinta drial lobe, with flexion at 2/3 or 3/4, parallel-sided I 0. Second tarsomere of fore tarsus nearly as long as the (lateral view) or dilated at apex (ventral view) . . 4 third; surstylu s swoll en at base, thin in apical half Legs usually mostly dark; femora in apical 1/3 and ...... S. arnaudi tibiae in basal 1/3 yellow; hypandriurn much wider Second tarsomere of fore tarsus approximately half than epandrial lobe, very broad in middle part (lateral as long as the third; surstylu s stick-shaped ...... view), with flexion at 2/3 or before middle . . . . 5 11 ...... S. aperta 4. Hind basitarsus di stinctly shorter than 2 d segment; 11. Anterior tibia mostly dark; anterior tarsus enti rely hypandrium gradually natrnwed (ventral view) to black ...... 12 flexion at distal 3/4 (lateral view); hypandrium be­ All tibiae yellow; tarsi mostly yellow ...... 13 yond flexion strongly widened in the middle and 12 . All tibiae mostly black; wing hyaline; apex of sli ghtly na1rnwed at apex (venh·al view); surstylus lateral lobi of hypandrium with shallow dorsal ex­ with rounded apex; cercus with fine cili a and pyri­ cavation ...... S. nigritibia form section having broad rounded apex and bearing On ly anterior tibia mostly black; wing darkened about 6 short marginal setulae; 1.5 mm ...... along costa; apex of lateral lobi of hypandrium ...... T. mironovi 11 rounded ...... S. shatalkini Hind basitarsus equal or nearly equal in length to 2 d 13. Body metallic green; surstylus bifurcated; epandrial segment; hypandrium parallel-sided (ventral view), lobe strongly en larged ...... S. pulchra with flexion at distal 2/3 (lateral view); surstylus Body brown or black; surstylus and epandrial lobi with narrow apex; cercus with strong setae simple ...... 14 and digitiform apical section having rounded apex 14. Surstylus plane, broad, leaf-shaped in dorsal view, and bearing 3 rather sh·ong dorsal and apical setae; with several long lateral setae; fore tarsus usually l.l-1.3 mm ...... T. kataevi blackish-brown ...... S. hirsuticosta 5. Epandrial lobe 1/5 as long as surstylus; hypandrium Surstylus stick-shaped rather than leaf-shaped; fore with indentation at distal 2/3; aedeagus with venh·al basitarsus mostly yell ow ...... 15 row of four shott denticles in middle third; surstylus 15. Cercus with wel l developed ventral process . .. 16 acute-angular at apex, with strong venh·aJ seta just Cercus w ith small ventral prominence ...... 17 beyond the middle; 1.2 mm ...... T. zagulyaevi 16. Surstylus with a row of strong ventral setae in apical Epandrial lobe 2/5 as long as surstylus; hypandrium half ...... S. nigra with constriction before the middle; aedeagus with Surstylus with long apical setae, without ventral row venb·aJ row of short denticles in basal half; surstylus of strong setae ...... S. glabra with strong venh·al seta at 3/4 and rounded apex; l .8- 17. Second tarsomere of fore tarsus nearly as long as 2.0 111111 • . . • ...... • . . • T. sin evi third; fore coxa brown; surstylus with 4 long dorsal setae in basal 2/3 and 3 pedunculate setae in basal 1/3 ...... S. jletcheri Acknowledgements Second tarsomere of fore tarsus half as long as the th ird; fore coxa yellow; surstylus without Jong or l am sincerely grateful to Dr. PATRICK GROOTAERT and Dr. MARC pedunculate setae in basal two thirds . . . S. aperta DE M EYER. (Brussels), Dr. BRIA PITKIN (London), Dr. RUDO LF MEIER L12 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV

(Copenhagen), Dr. David BARRACLOUG H (P ietennaritzburg), Dr. Am­ GRJ CHANOV , LYa. l 998a. Three new Afrotropical species of the non FREIDBERG (Tel Aviv) and Dr. ROY DANIELSSO (Lund) fo r their Austra lian genus Corindia BI CKEL (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). kindness in furnishing an opportuni ty to study the co ll ecti ons of th e Royal Institute for Natura l Sc iences (Brussels), the Royal Museum for Intern ational Journal of Dipterological Research 9(3): 191- Centra l Africa, Tervuren, the Natural Hi sto1y Muse um in Lo ndo n, 194. Zoological Museum in Copenhagen, Nata l Museum , South Africa, GR ICHA NOV, I. Ya. l 998b. Two new species of Cra/erophorus Tel Aviv Uni ve rsity, Israel, and Lund University, Sweden. Many LAMB (Diptera: Do li chopodidae) from lndi an Ocean islands. thanks to Dr. Henk MEUFFELS who reviewed a man uscript of the paper and gave several important co rrections. The work was fi nancia lly International Journal of Diplerological Research 9(3):207- supported by the Belgian Office for Scientifi c, Technical and Cul tural 2 11. Affa irs (1999-2000). GRICHANOV , I. Ya. I 998c. Afrotropica l species of th e genus T/11 ypticus GERSTAECKER (D iptera: Dolichopodidae). interna­ tional Journal of Diplerological Research 9(3): 2 13-220. References GROOTAERT, P. and MEUFFELS , 1-l.J.G., 1997. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea XIV. Para111edetera , a new BI CKEL, D.J. 1985. A revision of the Nearctic Mede/era (Dip­ genus in the Medeterinae. In vertebrate 11: 309-3 19. tera: Doli chopodid ae). Un ited States Department ofAgriculture GROOTAERT, P. , STAHLS-MAKELA,G., POLLET, M. and MEUF­ Technical Bulletin 1692: 1-109. FELS , H. 1998. New ideas on polarity of characters and ph ylo­ BI CKEL, DJ. 1986. T/11yplicus and an alli ed new genus, Cor­ aenetic class ification of the subfami li es of th e Doli chopodidae. in dia from Austra li a (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Records of the Fourth international congress ofdiplerology, 6-1 3 September, Australian Museum 38(3): 135 -151 . 1998, Abstracts Vo lume, Oxford: 74-75. R1 rKEL, D.J. 1987. A revision of th e Oriental and Austral as ian NEGROBOV, O.P. and Sc1-1UMANN, H. 1990. Ein e neue Art der Mede/era (Diptera: Doli chopod idae). Records ofth e Australian Gatti.mg Mede/era F1sc1 IER, 1814 aus Kamerun and Zaire (D ip­ Museum 39: 13 1-1 82. tera, Dolichopodidae). Deutsche Ento1110/ogisc/1 e Zeilschrift, COUTUR IER, G. 1985 . Mede/era lachaisei, espece nouvell e de Neue Falge 37( 4-5): 229-230. Diptere Doli chopodidae des Ficus de la foret de Tai (Cote d'Ivoire). Revue Franc.;aise d'Entomologie, Nouv. Ser. 7(5): NEGROBOV , O.P., VA NSCHUYTBRO ECK, P. and GRITCIJ A ov, l.J. 287-289. 198 1. The species of the genus Saccopheronta (Diptera, Doli­ chopodidae). Bulletin de I 'fn sli/11/ Royal des Sciences Natur­ OYTE, C.E. and SMITH , K.G. 1980. Family Dolichopodidae. ln elles de Belgique 53( 4) : 1-1 I. R.W . Crosskey (ed.). Catalogue of the Dip/era of th e Aji-otro­ pical Region . British Museum (Natural Hi story), London: 443- 463. I. Ya . GRICJJANOV GOSSERIES, J. 1988. Some new names in the Do li chopod idae All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, (Diptera). Bulletin et Anna lies de la Societe royale beige d 'En­ Podbelskogo 3, St.Petcrsburg-Pushkin, tomologie 124( I 0-12): 304-307. 189620, Russia. GRICHANOV, I.Ya. I 997a. Eight new species of Mede/era E-rna i I: 1:[email protected] FI SCHER VON WALDHEIM (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tro­ pical Africa. International Journal ofDiplerological Research Present address: 8(4): 173 -1 79. Department of Entomology, GRIC HANOV, I. Ya. I 997b. Four new species of Saccopheron/a Royal Belgian Inst itu te of Natural Sciences, BECKER (Diptera: Do li chopodidae) from Tropical Africa with Vautierstraat 29, notes on the wo rld fauna of the genus. International Journal of B-1 OOO , Brussels, Diplerological Research 8(3): 123-134. Belgium