BULLET! DE L'rNST ITUT ROYAL DES SC IE CES ATURELLES DE BELGIQUE E TOMOLOGIE. 69: 87- 112, 1999 BULLETIN VAN HET KON INKLIJK BELG ISCH rNSTITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN E TOMOLOG IE, 69: 87- 112, 1999 A brief review of the Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with descriptions of a new genus and new species by Igor Ya. GRICHANOV Abstract is lands, and Grootaertia is confined to South Africa. The numbers of Afrotropica l species belonging to Desc riptions of Grootaertia GRJC llA •ov, gen. nov. and 11 new species, medeterine genera are as follows: Medetera (31 ), Sacco­ new records fo r known Afri can species are give n. Holotypes of 19 speci es have been exammcd from the coll ec 11 ons of the Roya l Institute pheronta ( 15), T/11ypticus (6), Craterophorns (5), Groo­ fo r atu ra l Sciences (Brus els) and the Royal Museum for Central taertia (5), Corindia (3) and Paramedetera (1). The Africa (Tcrvuren). The genus Paramedetera GROOTAERT et MEU FF ELS major fraction of valid Afrotropical species was de­ is recorded from Africa for the first time. The following pairs of species are synonymi zed: J\ledetera /111 eosc111ata PARENT(= Af. /a chaisei Cou­ scribed by C.H. CURRA (10), 0. PAR.E T (11) and I.Ya. turier). 11/. 1/1(/illei CURRA (= ,\/. beckeri PARENT. 1\/. r111ila11s PARE T), GRJCHA ov (36 species including 4 described with O.P. Saccopheronw hirs111icos1a PARE T (= S. s 11bq11i11ta EGROOOV et al. ), NEGROBOV). s. 11igra VANSC ll UYTOROECK (= s. a/1i1110111a11 a NEG ROOOV et al. ). s. The well -known fauna of Congo (Kinshasa) comprises p 11 /chra VA SC ll UYTBROECK (= s. 11/richi NEG ROOOV et al.). A revi sed ca1alogue and key to 7 gen era and 66 Afrotropi cal species of Mede- 32 species; South Africa numbers 16, Kenya 14, Tanzania 1erinac arc also present ed. and Gabon 9 species each, arnibia 8 and Uganda 7 pecies. Only 4 species were recorded from the Sey­ Key words: Diptera, Doli chopod idae, Medeterinae. Cori11dia. Crater­ ophorus. Groo ra ertia gen. nov., Medetera . Paramedetera, Saccopher- chelles, 2 from Madagascar and 2 from Mauritius. The 011ra . Thr1p1icus. new speci es, new synonymy, Tropical Africa. most interesting distribution patterns of species are as follows: Medetera grisescens DE MEJJERE - Tanzania, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Bunna India, epal, Introduction Bangladesh, Ceylon, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Viet­ nam, Malaysia, Samoa, ew Caledonia, Hawaii and Aus­ The last catalogue of Afrotropical Medeterinae (DYTE tra li a; Thrypticus be/lus LOEW - Congo (Kinshasa), Tan­ and SMITll, 1980) included 35 species belonging to 2 zania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Senegal, St. Helena, Egypt, Eur­ genera, Medetera FI SC HER VO wA LDH EIM and Thrypticus ope, Palearctic Asia including the Far Ea t. Mede/era GER TAECKE R. GRICH A ov (I 997a) proved Saccopheron­ mainei CUR.RA N and Medetera normalis CURRA inhabit la BEC KER to be a genus; GRI Cll AN OV (I 998a, I 998b) the whole continental Afrotropics. transferred Craterophorus LAMB into the subfamily and Treating material from the collections of the Royal found representati ves of the Au tralian genus Corindia [nstitute for atural Science (Brussels) and the Royal BI CKEL in the Afrotropics. The genus Paramedetera Mu eum for Central Africa (Tervuren), I found a lot of GR OOTAERT et MEUFFE LS is recorded from Africa for additional material on the subfamily Medeterinae. Holo­ the first time, and Grootaertia GRI CHAN OV, gen. nov. is types of 19 species were examined. Descriptions of 11 de cribed in thi s paper. The author (GRI CHA ov, 1997- new species, new records for known African species are 1998) recently described many new pecies from the given and 6 species are synonymized in this paper. A Afrotropical Region. Several names have been placed revised catalogue and keys to all Afrotropical medeterine in synonymy, some others are waiting to be ynonymized. species are also presented. Records of two Palearctic species of Medetera from St. Holotypes and para types of the new species are depos­ Helena and Ethiopia need confirmation. ow 7 genera ited in the Royal Institute for atural Sciences [RINS] and 66 Afrotropical specie of Medeterinae are known (Brussels), the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervu­ from the Region. Medetera and Tl11:1'plicus are cosmopo- ren [RMCA], the atural History Museum in London 1itan genera, Saccopheronta is a Pantropical genus with [NHML], the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen two species occurring in the Nearctic Region, Corindia [ZMUC] and Lund University, Sweden [Lund]. Other has been earlier known from Australia (BI CKEL, 1986), material examined is al o kept in the Zoological Institute Para111 edetera has been recentl y described from Sumatra of Russ ian Academy of Science [ZIN], atal Museum, and New Guinea (GROOTAE RT and MEUFFE LS, I 997). Pietermaritzburg, South Africa [NMP], and Tel Aviv Craterophorus is endemi c for western Indian Ocean University, Israel [TAU]. Hypopygia removed from dry 88 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV specimens are placed after alkalisation into glycerol and cies: Medetera carnivora FISCHER VON WAL DH EIM , 1819 mounted on the same pin in a cavity of polymer fi lm (=Musca diadema LINNAEUS , 1767), by monotypy. covered witb a piece of adhesive tape. Most part of the = Medeterus MEIG EN, 1824 (unjustifi ed emendation). material co ll ected from Gabon, Botswana and Madagas­ = Medeterium BERTHOLD in LATREILLE, 1827 (unjustified car is kept in 70% alcohol inside glass tubes and cans. In emendation). addition, some specimens are also placed after alkali sa­ = Taechobates HALIDAY, 1832:356. Type species f-Tydro­ tion into glycerol and mounted on pin. Listing material phorusjaculus FALU':', 1823, designated by COQUILLETT, examined, I use here slashes ( I ) to separate labe ls on one 1910:6 11. pin and square brackets [ .. .] to insert my perso nal re­ = Orth abates WAHLBERG, 1844: l 09. Type species Hy ­ marks. Species diagnosis includes usually key characters drophorus jaculus FALL EN, 1823 , designated by Coqui l­ and some important features that were missed in original lett, 1910:581. descriptions. Bibliography includes works published after = Anorthus LO EW, 1850: 11 7. Type species Hydrophorus the "Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afroh·opical Re­ jaculus FALLEN , 1823 , by monotypy. gion,, (DYTE and SMITH , 1980). = Oligochaetus M1K, 1878:7. Type species Medeterus plwnbellus MEIGE , 1824, by original designation. = Elongomedetera HOLLI S, 1964:260. Type species Elon­ CATALOGUE OF AFROTROPICAL SPECIES gomedetera thoracica HOLLI S, 1964, by origina l designa­ OF MEDETERINAE tion . = Asioligochaetus NEGROBOV, 1966: 877 (as subgen us). Genus Corindia BICKEL Type speci es Oligochaetus vlasovi STACKELBERG, 1937, by original designation . Corindia BICKEL, 1986: 137. Type species: Corindia ma­ = Lorea NEGROBOV, 1966:878 (as subgenus). Type spe­ jor BICKEL, 1986, by original designation. cies Mede/era spiniger STACKELBERG, 1937, by original designation. verschureni GRICHANOV, 1998a: 191 - Congo (Kinshasa). danielssoni GRJ CHANOV, 1998a :l93 - Gambia, Congo afra CURRAN, 1927: 15 - South Africa, Kenya. (Kinshasa), Gabon. = longitarsis CURRAN, 1924:227. saegeri GRICHANOV, l 998a: 193 - Congo (Kinshasa), Ga­ ambigua ZETTERSTEDT. 1843:456 (Hydrophorus) - ?St. bon. Hel ena ; Europe, Siberia, Far East. araneipes PARE NT, 1929:43 - Sudan. capensis CURRAN, 1926: 13 - South Africa. Genus Craterophorus LAMB cederholmi GRICHA NOV, l 997a: 185 - Siena Leone, Gha­ na , Gabon. Craterophorus LAMB , 1922:380. Type species: Crater­ chumakovi GRI CHA NOV, 1997: 183 - Namibia. ophorus mirus LAMB, 1922, by original designation. ealensis PARENT, 193 6: I 0 - Congo (K in shasa). edwardsi GR ICHANOV, I 997a: 176 - Uganda, Gabon. mirabilis LAMB, 1922:383 - Seychelles. ghesquierei GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa). mirus LAMB, 1922:381 - Seychelles. grisescens DE MEJJER E, 191 6:259 - Tanza nia, Madagas­ currani GRICl-IANOV, l 998b:[207] - Mauritius. car, Seychelles, Mauritius; Burma, Indi a, Nepal, Ban­ permirus LAMB , 1922:384 - Seychelles. gladesh, Ceylon , Taiwan, Ind onesia, Thailand, Viet­ parenti GRICHANOV, 1998b:[207] - Madagascar. nam, Malaysia, Samoa, New Ca ledo ni a, Hawaii , Austra­ lia. = hawaiiensis VAN DUZEE, 1933 :343. Genus Grootaertia GRICI-IANOV, gen. nov. = atrata VAN DUZEE, 1933:344. = cilifemorata VA DUZEE, 1933:344. Grootaertia GRICHANOV, gen. nov. Type species: Groo­ = pa/111ae HARDY, 1939:35 1. taertia ku::.n etsovi GRICHANOV, sp. n., by original desig­ hamata PARENT, 1936: 11 - Congo (Kinshasa). nation. luteoscutata PARENT, 1936: 12 - Congo (Kinshasa), Tan­ zania, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone. anomalipennis GRICHA ov, sp. n. - South Africa. = lachaisei COUTURIER, 1985:287, 11. syn. anomalopyga GRI 11A 1ov, sp. n. - South Africa. = luteoscutata lachaisei (COUTURIER) GRICl-IANOV, asymmetrica GRICHA ov, sp. n. - South Africa. I 997a: 183, n. syn . bistylata GRICHANOV, sp. n. - South Africa. lvovskii GRJCHANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa). kuznetsovi GRICHANOV, sp. n. - South Africa. mainei CURRAN, 1925 : 117 - Tanzania, Kenya, Burun­ di, Co ngo (Kinshasa), Congo (B razzavi I le) , Cameroon, Gabon, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Gambia, Angola, Zam­ Genus Medetera FISCHER VON w ALDHEll\I bia. = beckeri PARENT, 1929:44 [new name for Oligochaetus Medetera F1 CHER VON WALDllEIM, 1819:7. Type spe- sp. n. umrnmed, BECKER, 1923: 12] , n. syn. Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae 89 = currani PARENT, 1931:46 (female). = zairensis DYTE, SMITH, 1980:454 (Medetera). = rutilans PARENT, 1935:1 26 (female), n. syn. demeteri GRJ CHANOV, 1997b: 126 - Ethiopia. = viridipalpa NEG ROBOV et SCHUMANN, 1990:229. fletcheri GRJCHANOV, 1997b:l32 - Uganda, Congo (Kin­ munroi CURRAN, 1925: 176 - South Africa. shasa). nocturna CURRAN, 1927: 15 (female) - Sierra Leone, glabra NEG ROBOV, VANSCHUYTBROECK, GRJCHANOV, Congo (Kinshasa). 1981:6 - Congo (Kinshasa). norlingi GR ICHANOV, 1997a: 176 - Namibia, Botswana, hirsuticosta PARENT, 1935:128 - Congo (Kinshasa), Ken­ Ango la, South Africa. ya. normalis CURRAN, l 924:226 - South Africa, Namibi a, = subquinta NEGROBOV, v ANSCHUYTBROECK, GRICHA­ Botswana, Burundi, Tanzania, Congo (Kin shasa), Congo NOV, l 98 1:4 , n.
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