System of Play Position Numbers and Player Profiles System of Play 1-4-3-3

U.S. Soccer Playing System Position Names and Numbering System 1-4-3-3

Center 3 Forwards Left Forward Right Winger Winger

Attacking Center

Center 3 Midfielder

Defensive Center Midfielder

Left Right Outside Back Outside Back 4 Backs Center Back Center Back 1 Goalkeeper

Goalkeeper System of Play 1-4-3-3

U.S. Soccer Position Names and Numbering System

Center TECHNICAL. Left Forward Right Winger Winger Attacking Center Midfielder TACTICAL Center Midfielder

Defensive Center Midfielder PHYSICAL Left Right Outside Back Outside Back Center Back Center Back MENTAL

Goalkeeper POSITION PROFILE Position-Specific Profiles Position Profile: Goalkeeper

U.S. Soccer Position Names and Numbering System

+ Collecting, handling & serving with hands & feet. + Receiving aerial service (all angles, distances)

Center + Tackle, regain possession one v one Left Forward Right Winger Winger + Command, direct team during re-starts + Organize, direct team actions in own half Attacking Center Midfielder + Transition to attack- possess or penetrate

Center Midfielder + Power, acceleration and explosive movement Defensive + Aerial mobility maximize height and reach Center Midfielder + Maximal Speed of Reaction

Left Right Outside Back Outside Back Center Back Center Back #1GOALKEEPER + Alert and focused, constant assessment of play + Lead- confident, decisive mentality + Resilient- re-focus on targets, objectives

Goalkeeper Position Profile: Outside Backs

U.S. Soccer Position Names and Numbering System

+ Collecting the ball efficiently, serve, run fwd. + Full passing range, crosses from flank channel

Center + Tackle, intercept, regain possession of ball Left Forward Right Winger Winger + Recognize, execute penetration on flanks + Organize and direct #7, #11 in defending role Attacking Center Midfielder + Central channel balance, cover for #4, #5

Center Midfielder + Speed endurance- repeated explosive runs Defensive + Acceleration- change speed response to ball Center Midfielder + Endurance, box-box range for the full match

Left Right Outside Back Outside Back Center Back Center Back + Confident competitor in one-one isolation + Confident in attacking and defending roles

#2, 3 #2, OUTSIDE BACKS + Alert, immediate response in transition

Goalkeeper Position Profile: Center Backs

U.S. Soccer Position Names and Numbering System

+ Marking, tracking, intercepting and tackling + Heading, 1-touch passing on aerial serves

Center + Passing to penetrate (all service types) Left Forward Right Winger Winger + Decide, execute- mark opponent or mark space + Build-out, possession, tempo in central channel Attacking Center Midfielder + Organize, direct outside backs and c. midfielders

Center Midfielder + Aerial- max. use of height, explosive movement Defensive + Rx Speed- adjust to ball, opponent movement Center Midfielder + Agility- change direction in response to cues

Left Right Outside Back Outside Back Center Back Center Back + Decisive leader- command and direct teammates + Control and composure under pressure

#4, 5 #4, CENTER BACKS + Focus- assess and prepare when ball is away

Goalkeeper Position Profile: Center Midfielder

U.S. Soccer Position Names and Numbering System

+ Marking, tracking, intercepting and tackling + Collect, turn, re-direct to all regions of field (360) Center + Passing to penetrate (all service types) Left Forward Right Winger Winger + Primary option for build out and possession Attacking + Defensive control centrally in front of backs Center Midfielder + Penetrate- movement, passing or running w/ ball Center Midfielder + Mobility- multi-directional, box-box, centrally Defensive + Speed endurance- intermittent, intense actions Center Midfielder + Explosive movement- max. acceleration Left Right Outside Back Outside Back Center Back Center Back + Energized- maximal effort to connect the team + Game Awareness- control tempo & speed of play + Self-less- effort to connect all parts of the team

Goalkeeper MIDFIELDER 8 CENTER #6, Position Profile: Attacking Center Midfielder

U.S. Soccer Position Names and Numbering System

+ Collect and turn under pressure. + Passing- penetration and goal-scoring chances

Center + or striking to score goals. Left Forward Right Winger Winger + Mobility- create separation from opponent + Create scoring opportunities for teammates Attacking Center Midfielder + Transition- join 1st line of defending pressure

Center Midfielder + Explosive movement- separation from opponent Defensive + Acceleration- change direction or change speed Center Midfielder + Strength-shoot from distance, challenge for ball

Left Right Outside Back Outside Back Center Back Center Back + 360 degree awareness- mental focus + Ambitious attacking mentality + Perception- focus on multiple, complex cues

Goalkeeper C. MIDFIELDER ATTACK #10 Position Profile: Wingers

U.S. Soccer Position Names and Numbering System

+ Flank service at high pace w/ either foot + Running with the ball, high pace (penetration) + Ball preparation, dribbling and ball manipulation Center Left Forward Right Winger Winger + Transition- react, recover as 1st flank defender + Mobility to create team crossing opportunities Attacking Center Midfielder + Mobility, timing of runs for central goal scoring

Center Midfielder + Speed endurance, high pace, frequent transition Defensive + Acceleration- with and without the ball Center Midfielder + Agility- efficiency in changing direction

Left Right Outside Back Outside Back #7, 11 WINGERS 11 #7, Center Back Center Back + Ambitious penetrating attitude + Patience- prepared to max opportunities w/ ball + Focus- constant attention to game cues w/o ball

Goalkeeper Position Profile: Center Forward

U.S. Soccer Position Names and Numbering System

+ Scoring- one-touch on demand (head and feet) + Receive, secure ball under pressure

Center + Able to turn and face the goal (Penetrate) Left Forward Right Winger Winger + Mobility, timing to optimize scoring chances + Recognize, attack the spaces behind the defense Attacking Center Midfielder + Pressure, contain opponents’ build out

Center Midfielder + Speed Endurance- repetitive explosive runs Defensive + Strength- compete for possession Center Midfielder + Explosive movement- compete for aerial service

Left Right Outside Back Outside Back Center Back Center Back + Persistence- remain in advanced position + Aggressive attitude to compete for the ball

#9 CENTER FORWARD CENTER #9 + Alert, anticipate positive opportunities

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