Australian Jewish r Memorial a record of history in the making Proudly published by The ACT Jewish Community Inc 12 August 2018 / 1 Elul 5778 The Australian Jewish Community has a long and distinguished record of service in the Australian military forces dating back to the Sudan Campaign of 1862. Service in World War I included some 1,800 Jewish men and women, of whom almost 200 made the supreme sacrifice and with Jewish enlistments being proportionate to that of the wider community. ACT Jewish Community Inc National Jewish Memorial Centre 31 National Circuit Forrest ACT 2603 P: PO Box 3105, Manuka ACT 2603 T: 02 6295 1052 E:
[email protected] W: COVER IMAGE: Federation Guard’s Catafalque COPYRIGHT 2018 Party in position at the AJWM All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, Cenotaph electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from an authorised person or persons from the ACT Jewish Community Inc. PAGE | 2 ©ACTJC 2018 THE WAR MEMORIAL PLANNING BEGAN IN 1971 A REMARKABLE SOLDIER AND VICTORIA CROSS RECIPIENT COMMENCEMENT OF THE SERVICE WITH A SPEECH BY DR KEITH SHILKIN AM LED BY HIS EXCELLENCY, THE GOVERNOR GENERAL, SIR PETER COSGROVE, WREATHS ARE LAID ON THE CENOTAPH THE OBITUARY OF THIS HIGHLY DECORATED SOLDIER AS WRITTEN BY PAUL HAM THIS OUTSTANDING MILITARY AND CIVILIAN LEADER IS WIDELY RECOGNISED AS ONE OF AUSTRALIA’S GREATEST SOLDIERS UNVEILING OF A SPECIALLY-COMMISSIONED PORTRAIT OF GENERAL SIR JOHN MONASH WREATHS LAID ON BEHALF OF JEWISH EX-SERVICE ASSOCIATIONS ©ACTJC 2018 PAGE | 3 PRIME MINISTER Prime Minister of Australia Today you are gathered to President, Australian Jewish Historical Society (ACT) remember those who have laid down their lives in the service of our nation.