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•Wild 3TAT2 ilU'SEtM. LISMltt 15TH * BWH ST< -rum. onto § LaVaughartOn Lombardo Show COLO-BUS, OHIO 5 ENTJNEL Sentinel Announces Beauty Contest At Big Walnut Aug. 30 15 A Wilting beauty conteat to select "Miss Bronze Ohio of 1*33" will ho the principal attraction during The Ohio See.Us>el's first annual "ssslgjs'.. soar festival/' i| was announced this week. VOL. 5. No. 5 SATURDAY. JULY II. 1D53 COLUMBUS, OHIO Thy* festival will he an nil day event at Big Walnut Country club, Sunday, Aug. 30, aad in addition to the bathing revue will feature a v-v- riety of competitive games for adults and children and on outdoor dance. Family and club groups froen Columbus and other cities in which The Sentinel is circulated, are being urged to organize and plan to make it M ail slay outing, complete with nicnic baslccfts. C WHO'S WHO IN SPRINGFIELD 1_w £T "THE OH tag 15 By Grate L Lee • •sv ai_ aw _.•-_•_ sssa-iaT ••#

SPRLNGtlELD. — Americans is planned before their depar­ Bernadine Randolph is ing in City hospital JENJUNEL all over the world celebrated ture . . . Mrs, Mayela Senter, a the 4th ot July Saturday, some Bchooi teacher in Toledo, spent Logan is recuperating m ¥ srith speeche the weekend with Dr. and Mrs his home. 117 W. Clark st. »<.>.iit- with tw G. A. Allen, S3, S Center st. MB. AND MBS. Snookey artillery and Mrs. Senler is attending Ohio Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Luther ' SJlTalT'w'sllrS " ll SATURDAY, JULY IS. IMS COLUMBUS, OHIO garden par lie. and picnics. State university's summer ses­ Moseley and daughter Gloria, Generally fair weather ovei sion and completing work on her Mr. and Mrs. William- and "Divine Sarah". Vaoghaa ponders a-Musical problem vrith most of the country brought ou master's degree in psychology. daughter Mildred have moved mae*lro Gay Lombardo as they rehearse for dynamic vocalist's the trudition-l swarm of trav ... Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pet- into their new homes In the second ef two gBrSSi appearances on CRS-Radlo's "day Lom­ elers and picnickers, sightsecn tiford and children, of Wiibcr- •ly planned Meadowbrook Ad- bards Ttsss." Saodsy, J.IT S. Air lime Is 5 p. m., KDT.—ANr and sport enthusiasts. It was i lorce, are enroute to Los Ange­ Phete. SENTINEL day far gatherings and foi les for an extended vacation. watching fireworks u city perks. MILS. AM HI A LIVINGSTON very pleasant information. Mrs. In Springfield and surrounding and Mrs. Laura Bruce, formerly Boyd has been employed as the towns the celebrations seemed referred to as the "lovely Rey­ first Negro representative lor OFFERS tradtti".,.... Akbar Shrine Tem­ nolds sisters" of Springfield. Miami Bread Co.. Dayton. JH>r COLUMBUS COURT ROUNDUP pi*? picnic drew large crowds to now residing in N. Carolina, the Urban* fairgrounds Satur­ spent the week in Springficld. REWARD FOR day and Sunday. Neighbors They were house guests of Miss Judge Henry L. Holdcn, first Democrat to sit on bench of pUed into their cars with bas­ i her conversation that municipal court in recent years, got off to flying start in criminal kets, headed for the great open mi Bread will give a W per- court Monday, imposing fines totaling $950 and 47? days on per­ spaces. Other* who highly entertained these dtscount to any church, If sons who sppeared before him on his first day in'many rourt. rs are obtained through her. charmers were Robert Dem and Holden, former assistant [LroSecuting attorney of Franklin Riley Jackson and their friends, . . . The senior choir of North Si. AME sponsors a singsplra- county, was appointed by Gov. Lausche last year to succeed Mrs. Thelma Frye, Mrs. Edna Wayne Fogle, elected to common pleas court. ^ Johnston, Mrs— Lightfoot, Dr. tion vesper service Sunday, July 12, at t, p. in. Local and out ot Among those paying cash ' ~~ " Leo Robinson and Lonnie Hen­ fines were Lucious Rose, 48, 281 released, was forfeited. safe holiday' derson. Many friends enjoyed town latent will participate. The Altar club will sponsor its an­ E. Long St., who pleaded guilty « - • closed its day. the steak fry which was given to to possessing liquor for sale. His TRAFFIC COURT ACTIONS APPREHENSION OF In Washington their honor in the home ut Mr. nual garden party on Mr. Rub­ and Mrs. Pierce Johnston, 517 en C. Henry's lawn, 527 S. Cen­ that fireworks nd speeches ter si., Sunday, July 26, from 3 were deUvered i the Washmg- W. Grand av, , . . Mr. and Mrs MJW-Siig OswS-f j wTsenlenceVlo n H. York, Mack U pshaw, newlyweds, spent The publi there the weekend in fronton visiting oration at the eternal light in Mrs. Upshaw's parents. The Up- dent . Leah Bristol Lo- F^HS™ sVt-vr \\\ui£& .£ Madison Square Garden. In Ma­ siiaws will be at home In theti Mrs. Ruth Voting nila, Filipinos celebrated their newly furnished apartment, of Springfield, died in her home fined tl« .nd cost. Monday . J^ _, ^rgg ari_sln| seventh Independence day with p61S<* W. Grand av. last Friday. Mrs. L*-„an was Davsd Smith. 28, asrman as c suspended his driv, gay fiestas, parades and fire­ born in Springfield 6U years ago Lockbourne .Ir base wa ocdci- licaa. (or three year. , . . works. From friendly capitals MI1S. MARY TBI M»l.». _ and had resided i" Columbus 5_£%£ SS -w-ta-w-wS^IS the past 40 years. A member of LONG ST. KILLER! around the world—Italy, Yugo- vacationing in Alabama where under $1000 bond. Smith alleged- aPP«r f wnUe she plans to spend two weeks St. Phillips church, Columbus, visiting with her mother and she" is survived by s son, Ciar- Slory On Page 2 • L. Logan, Jr.. and sister, Washington and so another 4th reu.tiv.s ... Mr. 'and Mrs, Paul »f July, has passed. .Bates mulored to Tejutesaer . Ruth Young, Springfield. 1 '- * where they will spend ten days The Grim Resper_ claimed ' SVIAJSOARET 'BIGGS, », 5.7 INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS MB. AND Mala. Albert Cooke with Mr Bates parents, Mr. Sinclair av., .rrcstcd Saturday A 25 yearlosa man. lound in Urn 814 W- and Mrs Ben M. Bates, 315 Ber- when Columbus vice squadmen the rear ol Mf Mt. Vernon av. Grand av., Springfield, met with sheba St.. McMinville, Term. found 12 gallons ol bootleg iiq- s.iurdsy nigm with lis. throat an auto accident Sunday eve­ The , Bates have resided m UNTIL NEXT WEEK uor in her borne, was held to the .lit irons car to car, refused to ning, tin <.'tiiv from Columbus Springfield about three federal grand iury under $1000 name his assailant. Jame, A. where they visited with Mrs. leave a note of warning to lovers of the great bond Monday when she was sr- ttutledgc, 1000 Leonard av., at Cooke's family. None ot the ralgrsed before U. S. Cummis- .nt rsospital, told pnl.ee, ' I U family was seriously injured, "There is a little chigger and he ur home of Mrs. Clara Rice, 1077 isn't any bigger than the point sloner Robert W. Newlon on a get my own revenue s___ but all were hospitalized and Mound St. A basket dinner was charge of powessusg unused nouthasde woman who attempted releaaed . . - Capt. and Mrs. of a very smsli pin, but the served on the spacious lawn of bump that he raises just itches liquor . . lour Daytonians, ar- to separate her husband end Fred Mabra and sons are visit­ the hostess lo the following rested in Columbus Sunday and another man trom ligntusg was ing relatives and friends in members and friends: Jean like I and that's where the held at city prison under snves- .tabbed' in the toe ot her right S[>. .ngUeid, Capt, Mabra is a Hargro, Julia Castle, Blanche big ii . . . Remember ligation of suto theft, were iden- ,oot with a pockcl knife during native oi i»pn..gneid, now serv­ Thompson. Beulah Ponder, Mr. 2-ssde. tilled as Rev John Clark Thorn- uie scutlle. Police Ea d loa ing with t,.e •.tb divUkm Nst'l and Mrs. Curtiss Jones, Mr. snd as 42 1557 Morris St.; William Mitchell, as, tag McAllister av„ Guard un.i, and is expecting to Mrs. Ephrsm Porter, Mr. and H ' Moore 28 10M Wastssngton the '-peacemaker," was trymg be sent to -worea soon- Mrs. Ma­ Mrs. > amuel Sheltun, Sarah st Thomas H. Reeder, 30, RR to separate Paul R. Payne. to, bra formerly lived in Arizona Wise, Freeman Lee, Kobert Cavaliers To 2 Germantown pike, and Bar- d her husband, Thorn.s. In but plans to make her borne in Mclser. Clarence Clarke, John an Springtield until her husband bar. Parker, 31, 128* Hawthorn her home Sunday. Payne w.s Rummage, Elmer Glover, Jr., st. Quartet wss released without cut on the elbow, _M all of Springfield, and Mr. and Have Barbecue charges after undergoing an in- • • • Mr. and faMis Charles JeUertes Mrs. Norman Stroud, Mr. and vesication by police . . . Case LATEST FLIM-FLAM racket of South Bend, Ind., visited with Mrs. Olin Jackson, Miss Flora In keeping with , i previously stuiounced schedule ol Welter (Col) Burton, In which vss-tim is Ella Mae How.ro, it. their brother and sister-in-law, Aikm*, Edward Couch and he was charged with operating 702 Pennsylvania av., poorer, Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Jeffcries. Stephen Stepp of Dayton. Mrs. the Cavaliers club Earsaline Lee of Chicago and a numbers game, was contin- but perhaps wiser, after sne was W. Clark si. . . . Raymond first annual benefit barbecue ued until Aug. 21, when be sp- stripped o, a $95 wedding ring. Swayne, a college stuoent from Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baser of Saturday. July 18, at the Frogs Jamestown, poared in court Friday. He .lso ,15 in c.sh and . $25 cngnge- Virginia, visited here over hls a narcotics case pending in ment ring by two rtusivn eon- whs and entertainment will be pro- municipal court . . . Police. In men st -own and High sis. *«• E. 3rd . LINDA APPUN, daughter of Tickets Include a complete continuation ol crusade ag.insl day. She posted the item.in Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Applin, dinner. Tickets can be secured gambling, nabbed 15 men Fri- -.ecsirsly" to snare In the dlvl; Mrs. Robert Reese and Mr. and celebrated her third birtnday day when they raided an alleged sion ol a "large sum of money, Mrs. Joe Davis, former Spnng- July i . . . Many patients, from any member of the Cava- gambling place st 395 W. Good- supposed to n.ve been found or fielders now living in Cleveland, friends and relatives of our be­ lie st Booked on gambling one of the dickers in a billfold, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ loved Dr. T. G. Grimes sighed Dixections: Take route 02 to charges were Harmon While, ... A summer Slut was reporv- shall Cooley, E. 3rd St., and Mr. a breath of relief when it was Gahanna, turn left just after 00 505 Armstrong St.; William ed sstolen Irom the lrotsl oteps of and Mrs. Lester Fish of Oaytoo. officially announced that he has crossing the bridge, continue on M'. Thornton, 85, 711 Bowman George Harnett, Br., 52, 7Hs4ifc been indefinitely deferred from 82 to ClotU rd., turn right on av • M.nny Matthew., 28, 565 Long at., Monuay . . . Shirley the scheduled draft. Dr. Grimes, Rlordan av.; Timothy L. Waah- Waugn, 24, tot E. Long St., told popular practicing physician and snton 22, 95 Charles St.; John police she waa "scalped with a MA. AND MBS. Chester Mi- nephew of. our reliable Dr. G. A. H Fltta' 55 416 Charles »t.: hatchet when she Decant, m- Kee and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Attend Funeral Eruest S. D.vis, 65, 652 E. Long volved In a family argument Bronston, Jr., snd daughter st ; Paul H. Willi., 49, 2006 Kent with relatl 3J7 Galloway Peggy of Newark, N. J., are at'; John H. Rogers, 46, 651 E. av. Monday « waa treated at spciKj.n. a few days with Mrs. In Indianapolis 2nd av.THenry j'aokion, 44, 1627 St. Francis hospital lor lace/a- FRANKLIN CO. SHERIFF NAMES McKees mother, Mrs. Mattie ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Kearney, 291 Merylaod av.; Herbert L. Rig- lions on the head and •*>"_: Pollen. Mrs. McKee is also the son, E. 3rd st., g.ns »4. 646 McCoy St.; John . . . Fsnk Harry, Jr., 29, •>» sister of Mrs. G. A. Allen of S. i reported con- Burt st., Columbus, .and son valescing in Mi npital sit­ Robert were called last week to Glover. 28 604 W. Goodale at.; Grov. St., was in fair conoiuoa Center st. Mr. Bronston is the Marlon Clinton, 65, 1133 MedlU at St. Francis hospital Monday, son of Mrs. McKee, snd Mrs. er being stricken Indianapolis due to the detail, of moma . - . Mrs. Anna Ste.j.ng, their cousin, Hugo Barnes, a «•• J.me. White, 27, 685 Del.- suffering from' .tab wounds in Bronston is the former Bsrbara ware av.; William Matthews, 37, the back. Ha aaW a person Walker and tha* granddaughter W, Grand sr-, has been removed former race driver. They were of Mrs. Spyglass of Dibert av., to City hospital a.ter a lingering accompanit-d by another of Mr. 1018V. Mt. Vernon .v.; Eugene known to him staiibed hlro our- Springfield. A family gathering illness . . . Mrs. Minnie Muex Barnes' cousins, Mrs. Esther R. Qsllds. 21. »14Va E. Long at. ing an argument at that address NEGRO TO LIEUTENANT RANK is reported bospitaUsed ... Bowen, and Mrs. Marie Carey. The $10 ball, on which each was Saturday, SforyAndPholoOnPagel THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY 18, 19S3 SATURDAY, JULY 38, 1953 THE OHIO SENTINEL Central African University Planned Sfarlel In Chesterfield Ad Series Capsuling The News A plan to start an aAfrlcan university li Sentinel Offers Reward For by Donald Harrington in trie UP-TO-THE- MINUTE NEWS ITEMS OF STATE Saturday Hevii The proposed university, AND NATIONAL INTEREST Brutal Killer, Dragnet Out Edited By George Lawrence KANSAS CITY. Ms. - In » 1 phone Interview with THE SENTINEL Wednesday night they believe may lead to the killer feverish effort to not only appre­ ry S. Truman disclosed that the late Tuesday at St. Francis II sre urged te contact ("apt. Scholer, hend the slayer but at the sasse cept membership pits!, where be bad remsined i Police Chief Frank I- Harrison or time to aid in th* Folic* Drat'• t of dir . Truman ! for nearly 38 iMuts. .safety Dir. Don D. Cook (MA. till) • NAACP leaders on hi* ret i N. York. found slumped in s chair in his and turn Ihe information over to s, — A national I ' radio shop aloodsy. The Ohio Sen THI SENTINEL, la making the soy of those official*. Upon the Negro scientist' for a home by Dr. Falls, but a George Washington Carver was judge charged real aim was to tioel this week offered s slOO re­ chief of detectives, erdered 17 of reward offer, pnraiise* all per­ arrest snd conviction of the mur­ THI SENTINEL invites other based on problems ond ad1 ward to sayooe giving informs bis (.rack iBvestigators in on the sons who cso auist (he police In derer this new-paper will turn civic minded individuals and dedicated here as Interior Sec. Mc- keep Negroes out. Kay gave out with "this Is a denv • • • in vocational education tioe leading to the arrest and coo- esse. As The Sentinel went to tracking down one of the most ever the rrwsrd money to the organiutlont to Join In toereas- feature of the summer progi • ietlen of the daring daylight press the squsd, armed with only fiendish murderers in recent local person or person, designated by Ing the amount of the reward- la -nitration thai there must b. no N, YORK — Commit... of ,}. ' second class altrssns In this ne- J doctor* and s pr*sch*r, including of the Division of Mechunic Arts a thread of evidence, after comb­ crime hi-tory that their Identity Cap). Scholer. Thief Harrison snd this case. also, all Identities will and Engineering at Florida A-M Simon Spire, 70, ..bo had operst- ing every nook and cranny of the will be kept an absolute secret. Dir. Cook, all of whom sre co- be kept In tha strictest eonfl- tl-n." It was the country's first seversi Neorees, found -no ..I- ed the Spear Radio Shop, 782 K KasUlde, had tubbed three aus- Those having information which opersting with The Sentinel In s tribute of this type lo a Negro. dene* ef racial discrimination" In * * ' 'j cases ef five babl** whe died a* Pretty Vera Francis, Lo* Angeles model and movie sUrlet LONDON—Tut! uriiirih House- at itt>' w t_h . Mrl#_._.._.a . lM...... M of lh loca c n ao area between 20th at. east Gem City Democratic headquarters, 131 S. Wilkinson i Pf. 1.—Ptere* Photo. (At UNu heaeVart. NAACP added Martin, 3OT N. Garfield av., pro­ ot qu.lifUd [risfrees. duction manager of The Senti­ nd St. Clair sv. west. Mrs. F. L Green *rs In N. York .peels! cammlulen ,he lawmakers' burder when ts prebe racial situation in 5. Af-'-. blhnei nel. Mrs. Reed's daughter, Teachers Enrolled DAYTON. — Final rite* were " v . . J , ;"** •«'^«n«e* it weuie neio near- Trunsii'-. J Blanche, resides with the Kauft- held for Mrs. Frances E. Green, 40, i. ^UTt |W I" -Oa-va uest month. Cr*up Mondav nf Gov. Lausche: of 3112 Lskeview sv., former beau­ iMonday Champ NAACP In Courses Al A-M religion ^J2i2W* ?[•>-*• •«•»•» •' »**'»•«« n.tiv* " tician and a Dsyton resident for mission. A central bureai TALLAHASSEE, Fla. —Forty 30 years. Mrs. Green died after s screen all application• *S^s J for medi AiVlcsn's sloe ef st-w.) ompnny and the city th. Finai Examinations Members Getter in-service teachers are enrolled three-year illness. She was a na­ cal schools wai propoiied fay s iiscriminatory clause whu Judge Carter In three courses in the Division tive of Vandslis, Mich. uuncil adopted four TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Final DAYTON. — The chatnpi of Mechanic Arts and Engineer­ Rev. Kv.ni Porter officiated at services conducted In Bowman fu­ NAACP membership sslesman ing at Florida- A-M college that CHICAGO — Negro MUiKrUn A. - three page prepan mester of the "S3-'5t school term neral chapel. Burial was In Wood­ K u ,l,y b ..hml Mrs. Clrmon Smilh *f 1830 Hoi are designed to aid persona in C. Falls won hi, fight to live taffif > ' _tt"' ondemncd CTC of Florida A-M college are sche­ w or nrf rm sv., according to 1833 laOembersl Well Qualified becoming certified*, teach land "cemetery. esclasive Western Springs, s Chi- • " •* '°S • »- tory , hiring polit duled to begin Friday, Jan. 22. Campaign China. Charles J. Fran Survivors include* her husband, CSKO suburb.'Sder voters rejected: •hg.w..',- * "___, , said, is depriving courses .in vocational education. T m In a brief ceremony st Colum­ The course offerings, which are Frank; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Al­ IOT-006 a $110,000 park bond U-L__Jf T____ S^ttff^ the community of the opportu­ bus Monday, Gov. Frank J. Lstt- being Uught by Sheldon Cole, bert Hstbeock; four sisters, Mrs. sue, part of which was Intended ^'f . '"«"»«»•>"-> toorer nity to earn a liVing hi a decent A-M Workshop Ends . Mrs. Smith won hei tiile. after Alberta Price, Mrs. Marguerite p d " Job," and at the same tim< sch* presented Judge Russell L sham, Frank Shesrer, William A. Vocstional Education Dept. to cover costs of past and fulure "solution making JOHN FRANCIS TALLAHASSEE. Fla. — An she sold 100 NAACP memberships White, Mrs. Mary WillUouwa sad lawsuits in F.IU case Officials had I^^J^L^L^L^r^ in s record lime ef just 30 min- Carter of Dayton with his and Esther Toler, W. S. Lyman, head, are in plastics, leather- In cllies -whare there hotel* driving buses in Toledo, average of 75 persona attended mission snd opened Carter's cam­ Pauline Hstbeock, snd a brother, MHight to condemn land acquired Jr., Edmund B. Paston, Jess* Craft, and art metal. Sterling Hstbeock. and alher facilities ***( i all . . . CI e v e I s u d, Cincinnati and daily sessions of the three week paign for election to the munici­ Dickinson, William If. Brooki, without discrimi nation Youngstown, in Okie, and In Sbe lined up Negroes snd whites pal court beach by telling John L. franc*. Walter Hill, Of race or color." cities as far south as St. Louis source-use education work employed by her husband, con men: "Judge Carter's q.iaiilicat- Dsrht D. White and Alfred H Liberia To Have RIPPING INTO aad Baltimore, without say which 'closed at Florida Iraetor Cicraoo Smith, gave them.a ions, ea every .wore, are equal PERSONA IT IRS IN THE panvf cla'T. of PayinK trouble. college last Friday. [hose presented by say person 1 Own Coinage Syslem of doll. lecture on the iniportsoce of join­ Sheriff Appoints Depl. turned down **""•' ing end supporting orgubsUotu have ever appelated!" Also. Junes Allen, Percy D. Fruncis churged that this tike the NAACP, and then started Ohio's chief executive pointed Jones of the Ohio Industrial Com­ . . Crooner Billy Eck-i! i because the company is FRANCIS WENT ON: Approved By VA -inning the 100 men up ea s out that Judge Carter graduated mission, laeroy Phillips. Liquor stolen sficr he faced tilizing the full labor sup- crags of three aaentbertbipa per Control Board supervisor; Jsmes -"Not only Is i ally TALLAHASSEE. Flo. — Flori­ from both Ohio State imiversity I syslem. At present U. S. charges for ignoring numerous undesirable for a utility affected sad Harvard Law school. He add Witson, assistant ward committee Goode Lieutenant nd coin are the predomi- parking tickets ... Pianist Hasel da A-M college _ with a public interest t< ed: *You don't get through those Ut Daylc*; C. J. Mclin, Jr., .onetary tokens used in Scott left via Air Prance fur va­ discri-. proved by the Vetesans Admin­ BCfaooht by simply parking your Dayton's 7th ward commit tttrrum; cation In Pari* . . . Jackie Robin- minate on the ground of istration for training-under Pub- To Convert ROTC Millie Finch, receptionist hi the son preparing one man art exhibit Nbg • workers I it neverthclt-si, is alsu morally wrong. This'ii i No. 340, IS and 350. council recogniz-ed that tact as1 JtpdeV Carter, with Ms wife governor's office; Mary Ovcrby show off his newest diversion. ads in th daily papers Jones, Federated County Dcino- IMiritiiij! Methe Byron ot: t'1' s operators," jg. 1, 1940, at Prc^-rm At Famcee swtva two mltoV**. tesh-M en, How To Become A assed a resolu- manksd me fssvevwav -frees Ihe erstle Orgsnization seeretsry; How- Brooklyn says he'll be 111 Francs declare Dorms Open Sept. 13 srd Russell, Montgomery County old Jnl> 23 snd describes i Continuing in igned, among others, by TAUJUIASSEE, Fla. — The ktetteas *# say beset.'* Ho se- Confirmed Alcoholic Joseph R. Jones then president TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Dor­ wrW Cev. L*w*ch«. "V-- wWl Democratic club presudeat; J< I himself van ef scl-J assembly, (tie ROTC program of Florida AM iCtt, mitories open for freshmen who college Is to be converted e made a habit of hov- .ence," arrested practicing | pointed out thai of drinks brfnrc dinner, \ medicine without license' prevailed are entering Florida A-M col­ "general military science pro­ lege for the fall term'Sunday gram." effective at the tegiruv Rslph Holsinger, become an incipient; (King) Cole signed for modern! indiai-,„~. ,!< i')...M. morning, Sept. 13, at 9 o'clock. ing of the fall term, according writer for the Dayton Journal Rich- fill Jones" i said, wnen the local transit com- to official information received The Carter family besined, and Herald, and George Lawrence, mend .(Va.» .psycluslrlat, .re-,and leaves soon fur Haiti • Au-jpuny upplied fi>r,a higher fare, recently by Pres. George W, In the corner stood a sweet Sentinel national newt editor. ports Roger Stirling in the cur-fthor John (In.ide, Gunther writ-; the Public Service Commission ted between the city Farmers' Conference Gore, Jr., from the Dept of the little lady with gray hah*. There rent issue of Slug niugi.ni.r, rhe ing "Inside Africa". . , Fred Wall, I f„lind thai the lu.-h oM „( .... such agreement c n ghtly habit is apt to condition,Cong. William Dawson's former .ration wa i •• .i" . • tn- i- • i a few tears in her eyes. JUDGE CARTER was sworn in prohibiting discri ! TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — The *~ S"!™1.!" •n:*e?.ret"7' «'arrd.0l •,,™P,in« '"'pany's failure lo use the full la- of pride, for the was Mary at 3 p. m Thursday by Coiiunon I annual farmers' conference of Carter Steward of Columbus, unendurable t UP |a«l P°-t office jobs . . . Bandlead-1 „ ket A » result the sit- Pless Court Judge Calvin Craw­ Hence, you may find yourself i b r mur 8 Florida A-M college will be held mr.thi r of the new Judge. k l, W hi S n hu b( c Allanfa Leads NAACP ford In the traffic court cham­ «ick guy—a confirmed 1 YSt^l* S*\ n Z T\\ L , l"^" » ' « corrected und Friday, Dec. 11, TH1H GOV. LAUSCHE stalked bers located in tha Dayton City job when he led N. York's Bird.«,«,_ egrutf , ..rt- «„*• <.r_.r»ii,.g- Into the waiting room outside his Building. Numerous Dayton civic. Und and went nest door •« •-.-!- " - "* ' Circle To Present In Youth Memberships massive office snd greeted the nu- Adequate Clothing Bandbox, where he played THE OHIO SEHTIiiEl Democratic and Republican hour with Lionel Hampton crew. N. YORK. — With an enroll, TALLAHASSEE, Fla. *-Ever leaders (rom I all over the -Ut* .SHI.UH .' PAUL AND LT. GOODE student in the Division of Eng Evening Of Songs "THE FPJOPLK'S CHAMPION' ment of 1000, the A t I a - • - who bad gathered to pay tribute QUOTE OP THE WEEK: Song NAACP Urges Hen NAACP Youth Council Is to the second Negro ever named It Goode, 1555 Clifton sv., Columbus, a deputy sheriff ress Pearl Bslley gives her deli- Circle No. 3 of Union Grove the largest unh cominwed of to the bench la Ohio's history, for five years and a sergeant since last October, waa elevated to Florida A-M college must- pro- nililioi n for an old maid —"a gal Baptist church, is presenting Mrs. young peop.e-io the association, and th* first turned by a Dem- Ha! Cole Is the rank of lieutenant last, week by Ralph J. Paul Franklin county vide himself with work clothes vhHe'e s spent tee much time chln- Seek Transit Jobs Olive Cochran and Miss Frances Herbert Wright, -NAACP youth ocralie s^vtrnor. sheriff. adequate for the vocation he'is » n% and net enouph time neck- Tate in an evening of songs Sun­ secretary, reported bore. pursuing. m. | **_.' The Columbus NAACP eoee day, July 19, at 8 p. HI in the Th* tsw-rrt-*- iwM*k hs***. »nd Among 'Big Ten' In his new position, the 33 year old officer will he In charge of maintenance of all sheriffs vehicles, and will maintain doe* su- again this week urged young auditorium of Union Grove. Stu­ COLUMBUS In the NAACP drive for 300,- chstfad Infarmally with evory Nat (King) Cot, M rated tn en InUresUd In besoming dents ot Mrs. Margaret , Perry 008 new members, the youth di­ porsen 1st the rtsm. FcUo-l** n the activities of all cruiser crews, jail sergeants and TELEPHONE: Evergreen SM4 among the Big 10 of current n*l, Paul said. The [iremotion is effective Thursday «- bus operators te apply at Co­ Hast, Mrs. Cochran snd Miss Tate vision is seeking an enrollment thh, he returned to Ms *ffk* popular vocalists, by Pic maga­ lumbus Transit's offtc*. Appli­ DAYTON of -8,000 throughout the nation. to pot* with the new Ms* and this week. Fund Committee Increases zine, luting Is based on record N. YORK—The com ilttee of volunteers organised by Lulu B. cants, are then requested to TELEPHONE: FUrtea SIM In the first six month« of the his family fer S b,.tory *f ntws- Since his appointment as sergeant, Goode has worked on the notify Joan L. Francis, Ma. year, more than 7000 young peo­ asaer and •najaasW* peielw- sales, juke box appeal and fre­ desk at th* jail. He Is the first Negro deputy sheriff In rranklin White of Houston to rain S100.000 for the NAACP "fighting fund quency on disc jockey pro- fur freedom" continues t grow with the addition of 22 new mem- at... of their action, or eall ple joined th* association. sy.twh*rs. The Ohio Sentinel, Ev. 35M. hers this week. Man. S, 1.7.. SATURDAY. JULY 18, 1963 SATURDAY, JULY 18. 1953 THE OHIO SENTINEL 'Roots'Aulhor,% Mrs. Lawrence CHILLICOTHE NEWS NOTES FROM Sen. McCarthy Demonstrates In Hot Debate By Ethel Cousins HELSONVILLE On Television 580 Frederick St. By AUCW A, DUNNMAN CHILLICOTHE.—First Jiapli.t fc*lebr..k'd it. 129th anniver­ A demonstration In arts and WASKINGTOM. — (AMP). — sary beginning Wednesday nigh. When Rev. Phale D, Halt- und crafts will be given by Mrs. -By Mrs. Raymond Brunston— fireworks exploded on Capitol thoir, of Columbus, were present, Thursday night Rev. Charles Katherine Lawrence, assistant Hill last week when the Sen. W. Walton of Urbancrest preached. Rev. L. H. Johnson and choir playground supervisor at Doug­ end of the week guests of rel»- Joseph McCarthy Investigating ot Christ Memorial, Columbus, conducted the service Friday. Rev. las Elementary siiiool, Colum­ I livos . . . Mrs: Ruth Topsail committee questloned ' iArnsud , J. Ashburn, Jr., of Oakley Av. Baptist, Columbus, and his mala bus. Friday at 8:45 p. m. on TV. bon Lodge.'FAM No. 62, Neli visited in Athens Thursday . . . D'Usseau on his play, "Deep chorus conducted the service Sunday at 3 p. m. The pastor. Rev. station WBNS, Channel 10, it ville, will be a delegate to the Miss Basle Hall wbs a Colum­ Are the Roots/* which' was Melvin Woodard, spoke at Sunday morning service on "What was announced this week, grand lodge meeting at Central bus visitor last weekend . . • placed in foreign libraries by Think Ye ot the Christ:" Leslie Hcdgepath rendered a solo. The State college, Wilberforce. Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dexter ot the Dept. of Stat*.. anniversary closed Monday night with Rev. J. W. Parrish and THURSDAY OF nest week has Woodson, Lou Chapman, Ike Gallipolis were Sunday guests The faploaion began at the choir of Shlloh Baptist, Columbus, as guests. designnated as "Pioneer day." Reyton and Edgar Norman have of the former's parents, Mr. and very start of the hearings when Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rainey at which' lime all city play­ made reservations to attend but Mrs. Cash Dexter, and family. the author attempted to explain accompanied Cant, and Mrs. ground activities will be held at are not delegates, as was stated his play by pointing that "Deep Lloyd Jones to Fort Mead, Md„ Central athlclic field at 6:30 last week. Are Ih* Roots" was based on Sightless Ass'n and spent the weekend sightsee-1 w'f"th* him for a vacation ... Mr, p. m. The program will be held Miss Dorutliy Brunston, who the life of a H.*gi^ir*t«ran and there and fn Washington, atid Mrs. Charles Flci pointed up racial prejudice in D. C. .. . Lloyd Lswson of Ron | Columbus were guests is employed at Montaldo's in Co­ Contest, Tea Set lumbus, is spending her vaca­ the south. home ot the Marvin Rulneys last The witness was interrupted week ... I Rev. Melvin Woodard tion at her twine here . . . The The Colored Welfare Ass'n for by McCarthy, who informed him spoke for the U. B. Missionary AME church will hold a picnic Sightless is sponsoring u ten und that ha was not there to give group Thursday. Mrs. at Kalanmacker pk., Logon, Sa­ baby contest Sunday, Aug. 2, a speech to the committee but Gamble sang three selections. field turday July 18. Rev. W, H. Gib­ from 4 to 7 p. m. at Masonic son is pastor . . . Mrs. Louise Temple, Long st. and Miami itv., The services were held ter at Douglas school. The sec­ Columbus. Those interested, in Hilton Rest Horn tional track meet will be held Dexter and Mrs. Orcn Miller isltors in Columbus Fri­ aiding the sightless are urged to THE ARGUMENT tec.*me so July 30, Gerald Chnppell, play­ contact the chairman of the pro­ [heated that a Capitol guard ground director, announced. i Ha gram. Mrs Grace Mltchem, Ev. rpped forward, apparently duy afternoon. Plans were mode ind Cha Woodson vaitlng orders from the chair- for a picnic. Miss Carrie Beard BEGINNING Tins week and lev* the witness from conducted the business session continuing -x-ckly throughout . . . George Newsome of Indian­ series of moving calmed down only apolis visited lii'. brother ami after the committee chairman sister-in-law. the Elmer Tfew- had threatened to have him re- last week , . . Hoy Bur- Announcement! e d from the conference , son of Mrs. Emma Burrell, and cited for contempt of Is home on furlough,, having been stationed In Germany . . . Purple Heart Damages resulting from a flash fire forced us D'Usseau told McCarthy that Mrs. Robert Reed of Dayton , would be glad to debate the i here to be with her sister, to ctoeo our doors recently. Labor problem. question of subversiveness with Pat Patterson, who under- Order Picnic " * n on any television show. But, f surgery at City hos­ delayed our reconstruction plans, but we are added, "It it a waste of time pital. Mrs. Patterson i* 'tetter well along the way now to the long-awaited discuss it here where every­ . . . Guests at the home at Mr. Slated Sunday thing. Is .stacked In favor of the and Mrs. Don Hairston last week The Capt. Colin P. Kelly Chap­ re-opening. When we do we promise to bring Miss Joan Hairston. Miss ter No. 148. Military Order of Kitty Hairston, Sandy Hairston, the Purple Heart, will have its you a beautiful, elaborately fitted Parisian WHET-IE* Ihe Communistic ' officer state Frederick Hairston, of Colum­ annual basket picnic at Maple Lounge and Bar, the finest the Eastaide has form of government is superior for the 1963-54 lists your bus, and Sgt. Richy of Lock- Shade picnic grounds, west of form, depends upon your ner ns prcxy. Teddy Hughes, bourne air base. Frederick re­ Briggsdnle, Sunday, July ID, Dr. ever seen. Until then please bear with us, and definition of Communism," said veep; Elson Craig, secretary: mained for an extended visit William H. Kinslnger. Columbus Don Weaver, treasurer; Paul with the Hairstons. chapter commander, unnounced pass along our kind thanks to all our friends Moore, chaplain, and Jim Ever- this week. an raised by th* chairman. and customer* who Have expressed concern, After McCarthy refused to d«- gin. parliamentarian . . . The AMONG THOSE attending the AU veteran*, who have purple Paul Williams-Orioles package Communlsm, Dfjsseau said funeral of the late Rev. Hill in heart medols. and their families, and watch The Sentinel for our re-opening understood Communism .••• would've played to 500 more Xenia were Rev. Melvin Wood­ are Invited to attend the day­ g a philosophy which advo- dance addicts had it been staged ard,, Mrs. Edwin .Price, Mrs. long outing. Various garnet and announcement. ites a more equitable diatribu- in a bigger arena, Lincoln ball­ Alice Walker, Mr. and Mrs. El­ other recreational activities are i.n of wealth, recognises the room's capacity of 1300 was sold mer Dyer, Mrs. Ella lu.binson. included on the program. There ghts of the poor over the privi- out long, before the intermission Mil will be prizes and -tree soft gos of the rich, and favors th* . . . Boxer Roy Mohan becomes Beard, Mrs. Mullic F drinks for all. ililion of racial segregation. ,a Benedict on Satttrc. Miss Edith Carter. Mrs, Edward ddilion. Local Chapter, According to his definition. McCullough and children are MOPH No. 148, will hold Its i "JIOGS" DOUGLASS, an visiting her mother. Mrs. Ethel gular monthly., meeting, durii "avenoo" fixture, Is modelin" a Cousins . . . Arnett Hill "is ut which the annual viola sal* and JACK'S BAR form of government. selection ot the Esquire Shop's City hospital, somewhat im­ its display at the Ohio State popular "hobby jeans." Bought proved . , , George Cousins, III, Fair, will be discussed. Corner Long St. or- Lexington Ave. 'em here last' week . . , Chazz spending a 21 day furlough with Signs will be posted Negro Volers Defeat Garrett took a cue from Lionel his parents. He is stationed at Columbus, O. Hampton and Joined the parade Camp Ffflrchild. Wash. . . . The Hospital Bond Issue of sportsmen wearing ouah Olver Winficlds and family, of "polka dot ground grippers" . . . Dayton, were recent guests of Esquire's No. 1 client is Walter his father, John Wind eld. Judy Btale conference of branches vt Lewis, major domo of Lewis" Winfield remained for an ex­ the NAACP and the Columbia Cafe, He's a white shirt booster, tended visit with her grand­ Negro Citizens Committee -a pro- both for dress and. causal wear father, aunt and uncle, the posed VI ,£W,OO0 bond issue for . . , Fred Frazler, another guy Harold Stones . . . Mr. and Mrs. improvement of the Columbia high on the Esquire list, says Harvey Meridith of Cleveland, hospital has been defeated. we're his top choice when it Term., were guests of the Lewis The Negro groups opposed the issue tecause. Rev. James M. iphis Hinton NAACP leader, charged. .spent l.i.'.I week lirn with llieir it provided only $150,000 for im­ daughter, Mrs. Vivian Hampton, provement of faculties available helping her lo move back to Cle- to Negro patients. KX CENTRAL CAGE ACE The issue was beaten by 381 Dave Caldwell pens tho column votes out of 0071 cast. a note from England, Says he The vote in predominately Ne- copped all scoring honors as his BOY SCOUTS FROM Troup 15 army cage learn swept hardcourt at Quinn Chapel who spent the gainst the bond issue. honors from all other English week at Camp Minga were Ron­ based U. S. armed forces quin­ nie Bayless, Nilan Vincent. Ncal tets . . . Ken Mizelle, a two Locklcar, Billie Bayless and McCrary Addresses John Lynch. Jr. They were ao compained by Ass't Scoutmas­ Press awards Dinner ter Burnell Valentine . . . An­ nual day camp of Carver Center from Korea . . . And off the will be held at Mound City in sports heat comes rumor, (hat August. Registrations are now ditor and radio and television Vernon Barkstull, former North entator. declared in being taken for 1st and 2nd Hi athlete, will be* given a try- grade and pre-echool children is last Friday evening out by Milwaukee Braves base­ Americans are menv for the Aug. 10-14 period. Older ball club. He was one of city's children will go to camp Aug. inoritles, and therefore best as a prep star. st be a greater under­ 17-21 . . . Carver Center recently standing among the groups that held a "spelling be-" Prize win­ make up the population. Mc­ ners were Bnhlta Fairrow, Mar­ Crary spoke before ao audience line Thomas, Carole Giles, of nearly 200 guests at Global George Studney, the furniture- James Giles and BootsJe Jones. News Syndicate's annual press huckster . . . Playboy Eugene Next week • "tasting bee" will awards dinner in Hotel Theresa Hull ... Ed Richardson, whose be held and on July 31 the an­ last Friday evening. longevity in local Industrial cage nual pet show will be presented. circles is reminiscent ut Sutchclt Prizes will bo given for the old­ Paige's conlinuance In the great est, smallest, largest, most un- Holds Membership American pastime . . . Cootie RUal and most comical pet. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Flori­ . Lopez and John Carter, fixtures da A-M college hoisls member­ In "the Block," both colorful fi­ MELDOY NETTEK c e 1 e- ship in the American Council gures in Esquire styled sports­ bnited her birthday with a party On Education, wear . . . .And when you need a at Carver Center. Fifty-three fin, make it a point to see Ben. were present and brought gifts. THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1S53 SATURDAY. JULY IS, 1953 THE OHIO SENTINEL ilrbutlS ISSUES STATlhOIT Beauticians Harold 0. Shelton Good Eating From a Casserole To Attend Is Recuperating .. .Society . . . Harold O. fphelton. Sr.. who Ministers Back has been confined to White Akron Meet Edited Br Cross hospital for the past week, One dooms delegates, alter­ is much improved and expects nates and numerous Columbus Hatty* B. Redmond O Ka. 8837 to be able to be released from Richard Gordon beauty shop operators *•" at­ the hospital the latter part of tend the convention of the Ohio 383 S. Highland Av. Columbug, O. C » mmenUng wer* pisrtsg saH ha eeffee Ass'n of Beauticians In Akron ptirehssetl by Negroes. This July 10-23 at the Akron Comntu- Bra stand, ea the put of Mr. 250 E, Market i Golden Apricot Jim Oardsa resssHed In the restaa- Columbus City raat Immediately disceatiae Mesdames Ford, Eddings Are t asmads (tO-U> frevu WasMag- lag Ha assert masa-ecy arae- members hold­ tea apricots tJce. ing state offices In Cultuictte* ', e. lemon Juice reeled I stncerely WHeve that Chapter No. 10, Columbus. They Uplift Bible Class Hostesses the paw « are Mary Myers, chairman of H settle liquid ln.lt pectin the Executive Board; Mrs. taso.] Mesdames Rose Ford and B 4 p tist Min,.'. Wash and pit apricots. Cut in- terial Alliance, na Wade, legislative chairman,, Fannie Eddings were ho: eases freshments were served from an Rev. C. F. Jen­ and Mrs. Ines RoLerts, execu-jto the Uplift Bibl* Clasa of 2nd attractively appointed table with all pieces and combine kins, pastor of live board member. ! Baptist church Columbus, Wed- a centerpiece of garden cut Int. Baptist Delegates are Mattie Caldwell, I nesdi """ " flowers. Table' hostess was Mrs. church, issued a Win. Mae Starks, AdeU Huff, j vats Ethel Hawkins, a guest from Place over high heat and bring 11 awS voie ft** Itlehard W. Lancaster. to a full rolling boll. Boil hard A casserole ef lamb and vegetables Ls a geed choice fer statement in support of Gor- CsHin for icslsittw*. t* an- Mary Walker, Rosslee Partee av. H and Ida Brooks. Alternates are At the close of I thrifty family meats. Diamond-shaped blsculls make a crisp ether term as city attora*y. Others in etttmdance were stanlly. Remove from heat and and appealing topping for this attractive dish shown above. See Modern Jelly Making Way r.-,« Other members of the Gordon Novella Peltway, Ferris Be*sl*y ' session Mrs. Ruse Willii Henry, president; Odessa l have fallowed and kept u> and Faye Crewa. } man of th immediately stir in pectin. Skim recipe. BpsrhUag clear, delirious jellj Is .ralehi. aad easilr wage tor City Ally Committee include Irs. Mabel Cartei Allen, Descon R. P. Knight, and discard the foam. Continue etas* cesuaet wMh Mr. Ge>ra\es. .Raglan R, Held, chslrmatn; Oe Classes wilt be held m tn-e j presented class teacher; Mrs. C. F. Jen­ 1 with .aleh-frese. frail Juice and bottled trait peetla. Fill a. Sharing bis tcaarc ss city al- morning, 7:45 to 9:45, and in the who sang ,o vocal solos will to stir and skim for five mi- Meat and vegetables cooked together in,a savory gravy and n*va Pree, Att'y A. J. Wnrsharo kins, Winnie Hamilton, Hattie nutea. Ladle into hot alerilized year jelly glasses now this modern, Jelly making wag. aa4 hare tecaey. It is (msertaat te ah and Dr. Lyman W. Cos, afternoon, from 1:15 to 5, Spe ~" Redmond, Roberta Weaver, topped with richly-browned biscuits is downright good citing, as isssjs- that a public •ffieUi i hsir styling, wav-1 hit. An instrumental solo wa­ Jars and seal. Yield: About 0 any family can tell you by eight and smell even before they taste plenty ot this wbolesome spread lee hag reUa, toast aad waffles, <:i_l ,. Adel* Grayson, Florence Beat­ halt pints. guard their arvil liberties ss hair ling, hair coloring.] rendered by Miss Vivian Ford ty, Lulu Ellis, Martha Miller, the dish. —ANP Photo. gMraskteed to them seder the pin irllng by Rev. I Lulu Smothers and Anne Belle Baking dish combinations, or i Rices Have the | Jones. casseroles as they are often cal­ be offered. The group then retired 1 led, are not always the quickest r skillet. Add water and bay Inatructors at the entrees to prepare, but as a rule eat. Cover and aimmer 30 mi-, SEE SPICER'S FIRhST racial esse rtmis * tie* fa* aU [House Guest be Mrs. Lula Hams tules, or until meat is almost Sammye Allen of ! je*£ Students To Hew (tub Is ender. Add salt and pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rice, 1S1 Both are wvecialials "hen add vegetables and con- S. Oakley av., Columbus, had field. As an added Organized the inue cooking 30 minutes longer, as their house guest recently reil known hair stylist ".. -.Appear In Last Wednesday a group of blea for all I r until vegetables and meat ppear during the cl ladies met at the home of Mrs. gcther under one crisply-brown re tender. Remove bay leaf. Lucinda Wilmer, 1520 Rose- top. Then all that is needed, to Sprinkle quick-cooking tapioca where Geeshm aent Att'y Ed­ tioned in Muncie, Ind., where Music Recital thome St., Columbus, for the complete a satisfying and nutri­ over meat mixture; mix well. ward J. Cox, ess* ef his Ssstat- purpose of forming a neighbor­ tious meal Is s salad ot lettuce Measure, into 2i quart baking they were guest* of Mr. and dish, adding water If nrcessary sals. to a H*I b «l. rests sr aM Mrs. G. Maasey. In Philadelphia locklamkn Visit Dr. Sigurd Jorgei hood dub. or mixed greens with French te investigate rem pi* lata «<**- they visited Mr. End Mrs. Titus Mrs. Wilmer gave those pres­ dressing, and a fruit dessert. soiwsag metal esavriminatiea Litticiohn. In Chesterfield. Md... With Columbus Kin ent an outline of the aim* and jod choice for < this t atienOsnu Hsrding minutes. Then stir well and bake they were guests of Mr. Rice's 1 recital at the purpose of the club, and th* nee. would be fresh rhubarb brother and slater-in-law, Mr. and children, of Locklsnd, were school, ISO Hamilton av., Colum­ essary requirements for the or­ pie or strawberry shortcake. Or 5 minutes longer. Stir again. and Mrs. George Gage and the weekend guests of their bus, on Thursday at - P. M. ganisation. Following an infor­ perhaps you might choose fresh Cut rolled biscuit dough in dia­ Mrs. AKW Itoce Is spent a few days at Atlantic City. and Mn mal discussion, th* group agreed mond shapes and place on lop L. Lync •__ i___^__ s^TI-riS be Jack Austin, Mildred Col- upon the name, Vlgllantee s Franklin , Columbus, and Dr. I^ ^^ *£ ^^ Mc Neighborhood club. baking 12 minutes, or ui Bible CI*us Hosless cults are done Makes 6 i Mn. Aleiasder 1$ Daniels, Richard and Gcraldine The following officers were Year Around wear cast bo 1 pound b lamb shouldei Mrs. Anns. Ilrvicc was I Philip and Barbara bad, with this wide brim . (Cut In 1 President, Mrs. Lucinda Wil­ to Use Soul Winner* Bible ciaa* Reid, Hughic hat ol block taffeta, black 1 tb. fat Tuesday at her home, ISO N. fMl IB (wwSSwSS brey, Martha McNee mer; vice president, Mrs. Ra­ Weekend In Cleveland chel Anderson; secretary, Mrs. velvet balls and hair lino - Biaby rd , Columbus Delightful Mrs. Pier. Lee Aleaeraler eg Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Duncan, ne Haddock, Lester refreshments were served. Pres­ Mattiiee Freeman; treasurer, veil. Quite the thing with 1 c. finely diced • lymans Vacation Chicago was the hosase guest of Eaatwood av., Columbus, spent Mrs. Pearl Mason; chaplain, ent srere Mesdames Rosa Mc- Mrs. LsiUier Swain, 137. ML the weekend in Cleveland. cool black sheers In Aug­ Williams. prealdent; Lottie Miaa Mary Brown; committee Vi, c. sliced onions V.mon ay.. Columella Sh. auso chairman, Mrs. Gladys Patter- ust for the tall Miss. Mod­ In Atlantic City Jones, Harriett Chavous, Anna viaisesl her sister, Mrs. Ern­ \A pound fresh mushrooms. Fatton, Alexine Spurloc-k Glen- estine Beam, all - Grove St. Returns From Detroit eled by Lilli* Williams. dora Brooks, Elizabeth Coleman, Among tsaee whe entertained s. H. H. Tesgue, 310 E. Haiti* Crosby, Mary Sawyer Morrill av., -Columbus, has re- THE BTUDKNT COUNCIL , and gue*U, Mrs. ' Roberta Mc­ •d home from Detroit where the school will give a convent.* URSEL'S Coy. Messrs. James Bruce, 171 S. Wlieall.rtd •he was called to the bedside of lawruparty in the studio pta c. finely .diced potatoes George Brooks snd A. D. V, her sick daughter, whose condi ground Friday. "July 31. at 7:1 tb. quick-cooking tapioca JANNIE-4MITH Crcahy. . Is' improved. HAT SHOPPE -10 unbuked baking powder bis- cuitsj rolled V«-tnch thick Miss Smith Says .., 179 N. Monro* Ave. Brown lumb, onions and tnush- Columbus, Ohio ooms in tat in heavy of Negro Musician Sorority Chapter OVER lOO we • believe In that aid fashioned kind, where every customer Rummage Sale Set leaves the store smlUng with the satisfaction he has receiv­ Real Bfafers' ed, la addition to a fine merchandise buy, the kindest and Alpha Kappa chapter of lota stneerest devotion to service he can attain at a Columbus Used Westinghouse Refrigerators Dinner Is Held Phi Lambda sorority will con­ store. Oar courteous; well Informed, cooperative salespe*- duct o rummage sale Soturday, klways on their toes to help make your shopping 6 o'clock dl meeting SAVE COST July 16, at the Christian Center, held at the St. Clair hotel 518 E. Long st., at Washington hen last Tuesday and was open to Accent On Fall.... av. Sole begins at 7:30 a Miss Jennie Smith, first Uw« i addition te the sales force TO CHOOSE FROM Columbus real estate brokers OF HEW Mrs. Lucille C. Culpepp* at SPICER'S Mt. Vernon Ave; headquarters store, serves and salesmen. With the approach of also ss assistant geaeral manager, assisting la selection and I MODELS FROM 4 - lO CU. FT. Frederick Bowers of Dayton, Fall, this "Pill Bon" of FURNITURE display of the ultra modern lines of home furnishings and member of the Ohio House of appliances now en display at our three floor main store. block satin cord, rbine- For the feminine touch we urge you to call oa Miss Smith Representatives and president stono ornament, feather of the Ohio Ass'n of Real, Estate Nearest thine, te new furniture Is our complete Apricot Coconut Pie before you select that next piece of furniture er new ap­ and veiling all add up to pliance. For evening store appointments phone Miss Smith ' Brokers, was guest speaker. re-upbolslerifig job: Add new beauty t* year home $ Several bills to be enacted by make a lovely hat for the st EVergreen 9543. 4995 TO , General Assembly of Ohio 5*-5" and under Miss. It u st smasing small rest. Your choice ef quality ere discussed by Bowers. modeled by Gloria Gar- fabrics. {_ c. shredded roc OPEN ANY NIGHT BY APPOINTMENT In attendance were Amnion land. 2 tb. flour G. Brown, president; Jesse Roy, 1 tb. lemon Juice "Over 40 Years Oa Mt. Vernon Ave. Vaidie Wilson, L. J. Faulkner, NO DOWN PAYMENT Orris Maya, William C. Culpep­ FREE KSTlMATfeH EASY TEBNS per, Mary Bowman, Hattie Red­ URSEUS mond, I. Alma Taylor, Gladys Brown, Henry Worley, S. D. HAT SHOPPE We »U* build new fnrnlture, sell and Hooker, Bruce H. Hull, Rsy- service sll types of appiiaaeea. pastry shell. Mi: , mond H. Jones, Donald' Wray 179 NC Monro* Are, together flour and sugar an< I IMS CWP0M W0»ffl $5.00 I and Theodore Gaston. Visit ear storerooms soon! sprinkle over fruit. Sprinkle will Columbus, Ohio OUR LOCATIONS SAVE YOU MONEY SALES STAFF I toward th* purchase aaf air (SB. of these refriger.tor.. ' illow steam to escape. Bake Charles F. Spicer, President *>»--< iMijbl^'OwSasb IW*. at 425 degrees tor 35 to 40 mi­ Thelma M. Spicer, Gen. Mgr. Ca-sTt-s •«« T*-/•£*-£•»! 32S0 N. HIGH ST. nutes, or until nicely browned. Melvin Hlmes, Credit Mgr. J*-.. c-rui,. Mr*. r.-.n. Will serve 6 to 8. i DAVID LYLE, INC. EASTSDE CAB CO. JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 993-995 MT. VERNON AV. COR. 18TH ST.—EV. 99431 Open Every Day * a. s*. t* * p. m. STARTAROftCHWAR! BRANCH STORE—39S-897 E. MAIN ST.—FA. 9319 | KUI '•«- will. 3TEAltN3\ No powder Open Monday 'aad Friday -Nights TH • trtn4ltS»,__lTCsjS OPEN TIL 9 FE. 5511 . .. kills lOSCttSS sversUjp^a^tnts. LU.3543 ssise, wsslwiUitj., us*. V~d "YOU'LL DO BETTER AT SPICBR>$" THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY IS. Its* SATURDAY, JULY IS. 19M THE OHIO SENTINEL Mrs. Shaw Women's Howie-Jones Guided Jack And Jill Confab Homemaker Hint: Try Wedding Cast Speaker At Sfield On Television This Coffee Cake! Mm. Elizabeth Shaw was guest Women's day speaker The marriage of Miss Con­ •t Us. a. service at Broaddus Methodist church, Spring­ stance Howie, Columbus resi­ field, last Sunday. dent to A-lc Crawford C. Jones Mrs. Shaw is the mother of of Mt. Vernon, N Y.. on CBS- V's "Bride and Or WSJ.WIO.OH a c am waa seen in the Columbus BV ANNE GOODE odiat church, Columbus, and •ea over WBNS-TV from 2:20 Mis* Rowtta Shaw, a senior at 3:40 p. m. Tuesday. July Philander Smith college. Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rock. Ark. She la the wife of . Howie, 2B7 J.>hni*on at., M Csiarlee L. Shaw, n forenxan at L>wie attended Ohio Slate I B. and T. Metals Co.. Commhua. •raity and Scarritt college Mrs. Shaw currently I* vice president of the Woman's So­ ciety of Christian Service of Wltcatland Methodist and youth e U. S. or its possessions as a cwunst'ror and Columbus district director of children's work of acher for the Methodist Board the Lexington conference. Two ef ladies was* helped make recent national ceovenlie* Missions at Harwuod Girl's of Jack aad Jill clubs a success were Mrs. C4wl*wWaBttT M. Rsel- She ts a graduate of Ohio boot, in Albuquerque, N. M. har. Jr. (left), and Mrs. Ana Lawrence Hall. Jack sad Jill met Scene. Some t State university with two de­ The couple met through their grees, a bachelor of science in In Memphis at air conditioned Universal Life Insssran** bwAMing as bracelet: ' activities with the AME church with theme. Abundant Life In Oar Community." Mrs. Halt wss social adtrdniaUetlon and a in Albuquerque, where Airman * And oar popularjiy is deserved, be general chairman ef eeaveatloo, and la a teacher and mother i populat bachelor of science in education. Jones was choir director. He was At Ohio State, she is a member MRS. ELIZABETH SHAW sad past president af Memphis chapter ef Jack and Jill, cause it is built on a firm fuundaiioa ol , stationed at the time at Kirtland Specialized Service. Here, skilled Regis­ of PI Omega Pi, iMtional busi­ air force base in Alhuquerque. ness education honorary frater- tered Pharmacists compound your pre­ scriptions precisely *> the Doctor directs. Visitors From filh a good coloi Mn. Slaughter Is onverted into u aunny, fresh Turn njitfideiiily to at for prescript ions Dr.G.LManii Cool Your Alumiraim ellow with sn sli-purpose dye — and for your needs in drugs, sidi-roota Busy Parents Service West Coast, PMIaeelpkia Visitor ,,- supplies, baby needs, vitamin supple- LUCY DEAN NURSERY Mr*. Florence M. Slaughter, W*eBef«eW«hiii. Rellgtee* Training 254 3. Highland av., Columbus. Is Visitor •40 SI. CtsW WA, MM W. Virginia Is visiting her son and daughter- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Prilier- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth In G>lumbus mah, Jr., and son, of Loa Ange­ Slaughter, and family, in Phila­ I-ooking for a new Idea fer refresbn les, and Mr. and Mn. Hughston delphia. She reports she has Dr. George L. Monn, fo j while they were hot. Let -your ClsiaSEU FOR VACATION resident of Columbus and •a ys_r cereal shelf fer the perfect solution — ervnrhy ce TYLERS PRESCRIPTIONS Brown, of Charleston, W. Va., seen many interesting and his­ aluminum utensils cool beforw JULY *TJ torical places, and is being high- principal of Marshall school of eoffee cake ANP Ph*to. 1081 Mt. Vernon Ave. Long SL *\ Taylor Ave. HANNAH BAttNETT Prsa- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. St, Louis, was a visitor in Co­ face Delbert PrUsrrman, Sr., 290 S. lumbus due to th« illness of his Searching fur something new to serve? Even the best i COLUMBUS, OHIO Highland av., Columbus, last I puzzle over this problem. Ever stop to think that the answer Fresh g week. ster. Mrs. Bessie A. White. Mary Caolya Gill Is Dr. Mann motored from Co­ be sitting right on your cereal shelf? For many of the fam Ira special treatment and mint­ Mr. and Mrs. Prillerman, Jr., lumbus loTuskegee, Al*., where ready-to-eat cereals you. serve each morning, as well as I ed P*as get it, like this: Cook 3 MlWrfl and iron wtU visit in Ohio and pounds fresh, green peas (shell- Long distance telephone calls were made almost exclusively Bride 01 Mr. Jokmett ach for five weeks in regular breakfast favorites, have a dual personality. for business and emergency reasons 2o years sgo, but la recent points east before returning to the College of Education al Tus- ed, of course) and 2 or 3 sprigs NYLOftS Lus Angeles.. The family picnic Mrs. Thomas N. Green, 150. One of these versatile cereals, " • ' yesra families have made increasing use of this service and new Hawthorne «v\. Columbus, an kege. for example, is used in making • j tb. flour small > ( boil­ July 4 was held on the lawn of ing sailed^uter. Season with 2 the average family In the territory ef the Ohio Bell Telephime the senior Prillermans. nounces the marriage of hei Dr. Mann received two de- • crumby Coffee cake that's \ tb. batter Co. mskes 22 eat of town calls a year. daughter, Mary Carolyn Gill, :i.-.;i from Ohio State untver- certain to suit the most d inert- i , ->. grape-nuts tablespoons all-nutrition margar­ In addition te th* visitors ity. His doctor of philosophy dc- ine, sell and pepper. Serves 0. those present included Mr. and Ir. William Thomas Johnson, minating tastes. For family tare ! Sift flour once, i Mra. William prillerman and Of the late Mr. and Mrs. W or for friends dropping in for TV i baking powder and Workers under Communist rule la Esat Berlin are staging family, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd PriU T. Johnson. The ceremony waa and tea, this cereal coffee cake] .gain. Cream she widespread demonstrsltons. • Some capitalist subversive meat performed April 4 in Columbus. is the perfect refreshment, with sugar gradually, ci have told them they have nothing I* lose but their chains. nily, Mr. and its nut-like flavor and the crisp Add egg and beat t '-goodness of the cereal topping. I Huff v. Add flour Mrs. Cooper, Daughters (incy Weekender Here's the recipe to clip-and with milk, a small Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, 240 S. IH COLUMBUS - SHOP HUP YOUB OW jj H0ME.AND SAVE! Visit Springfield Kin Wayne av., Columbus, spent the ..UfflS' Mrs. Hallie Cooper, 1454 Mt. boliduy weekend with her sun­ Vernon av., Columbus, motored n-law ond daughter, Mr. and Williams Grocery CRUSADERS CONF. BEAUIE SHOPPE to Dayton and -Springfield to «rs. W.-M. Foster, Jr., in Cin- SMAUWOOD MARKET OPERATED lii ROBERT BEASLFY MODE HOSIERY Jessie Mae Emery That an, visit her sisters, Mrs. Nancy 2 tb. butter or-sther shortening Quality Meata A 487 Carfield Ave. Tobaccos. Candies. Sundries g «Ura. Te Ser.e V . Metvea Given*. Rhea Brown, Valentine and Mrs. Clara Tay­ Croccnea Ml Ml. Vera.. As. PK. Utt , Operators lor. She was accompanied by her S* Hear Cl«*»i«» S.rvic- Open tvea A Sundays and Ice Cream 3»4 W. Goodale - AD. atM 14 C. SUIe SI. AU. (Ml Prep. A R Til 11.A LOGAN daughters, Mrs. Goldie Kear­ N.w> Available F-v Phone Order* Received Open 12 a.m. 'til 10 p.m Ope. Ms*. Ill I a. SB. No Appointment Necessary ney, Mrs. Helen Johnson and Year C»»«»I«M ,'firmly .Serve wan FA. 0431 HI I » p. a..: Hat. a-t Mrs. Clara Toler, her grandson, Normandic Cleaners 005 Mt Vvroon Ave. Robert Kearney, and Captain Columbus, Ohio Johnson. And Tailors 2M E. Lot.- St. Sunday A. M. Special William A Smallwood AD. SMS Want to give your family Sunday morning treat and y< lynches Guests eggs new npeolT We suggest 3 E.W.W.WAMSUM6ttlE5H0P Robert Davis of Cleveland Is add to your scrambled eggi spending his vacation with his teaspoon chopped parsley, or cousins, Dr. and Mrs. H. ated » hart- Lynch, 162 Jefferson av., Colu FEATHERSfONE'S Make Time Stand crumbled, cooked bacon, EaUSUT WILLIAMS, Proprietor — AKTIS PORTE*. Clerk or |tj pound dried frizzled beef, or I cup suuteed mushrooms. MARKET SrfU With A These proportions are based on 4 •»• N. IITH ST. ' FA. 0SSS WALKER'S STORE **gs. THE SENTINEL DIRECTORY TO BETTER CWUM81TS BEAUTICIAHS iCesowahua, O. Greeerlca - Meats Portrait Fsirmont Hand-Packed Ice Carry Out Vegetable. Meats Cream A Frozen Drnmstleki • FE. 332S BAivWn Groceries Pr-O C-s-nUt* B«s.t Wei*. With B*«k 1* OM Ltsasuoe Upea Daily 7:2* A. M. Til r -B' Fresh Fish • Poultry »..r A Wis* T* Carry Out 11 P. M. - Sundays • A. M. McAfee Beauty Salon Cottage Beauty Box MARKET W.-ehd.y, • A. M 10 f M SHINGLE HOUSE 862 ML Vernon Ave. GOODWIN'S Complete Beaaty Treatment EV. 8332 OPEN DAILY A SUNDAY BEAUTY SHOP F...S. Frais.. V.gaUsUa. Sarah Middleten, Wills Complete Beauty Service , PIERCE'S.., Rr Mt. Vernon at l?th Mse Washington. Operators 14M Granville St.. FA. 70S* Columbus. Ohio WE DELIVER C,...... Mast. VEROVIS McAJFEE, Prop. SUSAN MAE BRYANT. Pro. Opr. Paulina a mart 678 E L.a, St.—FA 01.7 10M E. L.sf St. FE. 1712 Prop. Jsney Begtnap Csrr STUDIO... JU3T A MERE BEAUTY Fnirose Beauty Barr The Home af ST. CIAIR CARItY «iMT MONDS' Ct-ASSlC SALON SUSSMAL" & SON 34g H. Msh Si. — 1" A. -.370 00) Mt. Vernon Ave.-FE. 11U Distinctive Pertraiis SOS SL Clair Ave, Columbus, O. FA. 0322 Beauty Salon Quality Meats and Croceries Complete Beauty Service Scalp Treatment a SpeciaKy Groceries, Meats, Confections, Ice Cream 920 E. Lonf — FE. &132 ataye Saanders, Ines Roberts POPULAR BRANDS BEER .V WINE CUssw_s, Ps_*wey» * RrsU. Fay* Crews, staaagat- Winifred Wine and Beer to Carry Out Mitchell. Sal), Nolan, J*baal* Mary Lee Walker, Operators TO CARRYOUT CsmaloU sUsat) initsi Prop. LEON B. BOLDEN tarSW* M--.U. ^fWp, Virginia Baker. Operators Petri* Beastey, Raaslls W. Oar "Heme Service Plan" Hahae Pierce'. Stadia As 1092 MT. VERNON AVE. . Calumbsis. O. - EV. 2S61 Ann Gardasse Oe-vaiaae ftlsprtss, Anna Flenard, rsrtee. Proprietors Elgetha Cptffrington. Owner Cleee Te Te. As Va.r T.hsph.., « «,. Speculate In Creep Pletere. • Bah, phetee • Weddings • CaU SHOP THE SAVE WAT MAVHUGH & SON New Location Ted., Pee An Aj,|s_tns..t. tig Ml. VERNON AVE.' MODERN MARKET Logan aW*e**__ Classic STREAMLINE Ig3 N. gOth SL FA- 1HS. Beauty Salon OPEN SUNDAr FROM SAM UNTIL to A. M. DKEWRYS 2.6S tOi Mt. Veraaa - PE. 2019 EXQUISITE MODE BEAUTY SHOP IFerm.r Lee.tkse el Ckarat Haul SUPER MARKET Th. ato>. with The Fri.aiH, Ai,.o,p..r. BEER CM Complete bVexuty -Service -MM r. LONO ST. Ii. MM PIERCE'S PORTRAIT STUDIO 849-855 E. BROAD ST. Columbus. O. Qaalitr Ma.li ... Geae.eia, — Mil.. M. M..S..S, Pr^.. • sTalAaUJK MAE LONG and KalL Li-.rpos.! Chi.r I." Csr-W.d, |l,!...r, ANNA BOZEMAN. 1*reps. gp..UH.B.g la AU Phase, eg Br.el, Chare HABVKT UNO, A..III..1 Os^ratoxs; taS-aia*'HsstUr, Pr.pe: Birdie gwaesttsree, EslhUin lEIUj) Wilis 117 HAMILTON AVE. MAin 8*47 Levetla HsdJ**fc, Alice Petty. COMPLETE SELECTION L**** Wade. Harriet Daalap Crpe.at.rs: UstU. pier.., LUIisa DMSak, Sgsbel McKalght Cwsamasss, O. PATRONIZE MERCHANTS WHO SUPPORT YOUR PAPERl itwM-a«g«»^aa______iB-«riinw • t ____ata_l THE OHIO SKWTIWil. SATURDAY, JULY IS. ltSS SATURDAY, JULY 18, 18BS THE OHIO SENTINEL Yeast Believer 01 Septic Tank Troubles WHY 1UG CASK! Your Weekly Treat Recipe rt. YORK.-—Many horn* own­ tatlrm system operating proper­ The Sentinel's e very few people who er* are finding out that ordinary ly- locdl And National Viewpoints good fried chicken. 1 LaaM active yeast, either in dry or Ten cakes or envelopes of the eat can also be drea­ H e. fat compressed cake form, Is help­ active yeast, which is available my number ot attrac- ing keep down mslntenanc* at moat grocery Stores, will La Salle Wise Store. 1 naely sliced *al*a problems in their individual EDITORIAL SECTION U C. Spring - tti S IligU Ut. pepper usually be sufficient to "start" treat your family to a dish o sewage disposal systems. s new tank. Depending on the chir-kei. and tomatoes? Cook the cut-up chicken in hot Sanitation engineers size of th* tank and the volume fat until it is delicately browned. that bacterial action I* I* of waste, one envelope should -I saw M la TB. Oki. Sesai- CHICKEN AND TOMATOES Add onions and cook until they 1 ywaavg ehirken I», U 1 Ik sary to keep the contents of sep­ be flus-sed Into tha tank every are i-t-ft but not brown. Add to- tic Units and other disposal sys- on* to three weeks. snabms, salt and pepper. Cover flutd state. Yeast, tighily and let cook until chicken which contributes greatly to th* is lender and tomatoes have rupply of digestive bacteria in Frost Rack's Hat-el made a thick sauce (about 80 to the tank, keeps the whole ssni- «Tt Mt, Vwsws. in. Speaking of Politics HY LITTLE MARKET 40 minutes). Serve hot over pro- Quality PaWtt, Groe.ri.. It'a y**vr duly to yearecsf «nd Confection. person In public office is to be top Negro appointments made of the State Industrial Commie- seeks • fifth term a «• yemor Fry-, Chicken. 1%. STc You -ill find this chicken dish sad yonr c*maanatty. Register FIANK SLACK. Owss— ir just a little out of the ordinary, tod* y—sad set* I s*_S*afsVne must keep his po- by Lauscbe since 1015 Include, slon. 1-owery is now chairman of or *« « **™g^V™'-}? Wiwuri ZZZ^ZZZ^'., ...... y. I*. »e out it** one that la bound to Uical house In order at all Percy J. t-owery, Columbus, the Parole Board and Dickerson has certainly set an example please- Th* tomatoes and onions ImeJ. STwhetncr Gov. Laus- Ohio Pardon and Parole Com- is vice chairman on the Indus- that many other ••"•«»•"« AU PoptsUr Brand, vl Ssser * Wlsve at Cut Kate Price. add a sip and ric tineas to the appointed Rus* che's act was a scheme lo hold mission, and J. Maynsrd Dicker- trial Commission. would do well to follow ... in- dish that will "tickle" th* pal­ sell £•. Carter to onto the Negro vote, or whether son, Youngstown, as a member So whether Frank Lausche eluding Pre*. Ike. DUlVERY SOVICE ate. The above recipe Is suffi­ H. & G. MARKET a judgeship on it came directly from the kind­ ness of his heart', Is ot n QUALITY MEATS AND GROCER1E5 cient for serving four te fiv* SB H. WASJUNOTON AVE. persona. So, why not serve chic­ QUALITY MEATS & GROCERIES qdence. The thing that c Ml N. WAdUUNOTON ATE. - AD. t*M ken and tomatoes at an early that he had the intestinal forti­ Win Top Honors At A-T College date and then start counting the BEER * WINE TO CARRY OUT tude to name a Ncj Hrs • A. at. TU 0 P. af. compliment* ef your family or I lilt A. M. Bali! I:Jt P. M. Mania; Use. judgeship In face of the fact thst the results of the last cleo guests? Il>.«. satil ir.s. tot- B • of doing what Is most un­ tion Indicated that his party's expected by political prophets, popularity Is on a downward if IrtformatJon originating in swing. Dayton la true. Political observers In the Day­ CERTAINLY Judge Carter ts ton area, it Is said, were not eminently qualified tor the ap­ only surprised at the appoint­ pointment, but there were se­ ment going to a Negro, but they veral other DayUaiaa* equally SPECIALS FOR OHIO SENTINEL READERS able to nil th* postUen. la view ef tlus fats. It appear* ship. te this writer that la making So ahtxking was thi: appoint­ the selection. Gov. Lauscbe's THESE EASTSIDE COLUMBUS MERCHANTS HAVE CAREFULLY SELECTED THESE ITEMS AS "THE BEST BUY OF THE WEEK" ment that one Dayton political decision was made more on writer made the' following ob­ the principle that the . 3-1.2.3 servation: Negroes of Dayton are entitled "Carte r's appointment by to representation on the mu­ al CARL mm MARKETS at SPICER'S FURNITURE laaaseac came as a complete nicipal court bench than Ii wIFMDUKD surprise to most political ob­ was as a political expediency. HIHS Mt. Vera.. A.... f«. 110s St. server*. One state representa­ An argument is ulso hcurd I Mt. Vers** Av*. gi.wt St»re — ttsat-I E. Mala «. tive had told this reporter among both Republicans and SUPER MARKET l.ausrhe Informed him Thurs­ anti-Lausche Democrats to the day ef a different selection. effect that the governor wus not 1054 ML Vernon Ave. Colorful Umbrella Table Most observers figured It sincere, since Carter must quali­ Home Grown Tomatoes fy by petition for the Aug. II Everyday Low Price. Cay, celorfnl Ssran-eavered umbrellas fer primury election and that he year patio or garde*. Stardy-hnllt for *at> $19-95 must face reelection next No­ 2 lbs. 29c stde use. Choice ef esters sad pattern*. vember. This too, in my opinion, is just so much hog-wash, for •even though Carter's office will mill l WE ARE not in a po- be at stake in November, re­ . sltitm to properly delve Into the gardless of whether he wins or BEEF LIVER question ol "who got fooled," loses, it will go down in history at FUlHbdlONE'S MARKET Don't W.it 'Til Th. Pests Sw.rrn Youi nor are we concerned with* this that a Negro once served as a clement of the matter, we do Judge in Dayton. 4SS N. loth St. lb. 49c Order Your Prot.ckion Today! feel qualified to comment on the political aspects nf the ap- FURTHERMORE, IT will ser­ Ti. i ve to eliminate the theory, held PI (tin SUPPLIES SPARE RIBS SCREEN DOORS Only $4.98 by many ot cHir Negro youths, Among.students winning top awards at A-T college, Greensboro^N. ('., past school year were, tbat their color prevents them from left front row: James E. Matthews, newly elected president of student body; Margaret Trls- , f.—e See Oar C«e« C.la OMdens from reaching high places in our i. 39c public affairs, regardless of vsae, Ssslow's, Ihe,, medal award lo sealer maintaining highest scholastic average In School o. - deal Far ri.nir, t ampin., Overnight risking Trips al REYNEIDS HARDWARE (0. • becolud his judgement their ability. Education (hers was 2.»t>out of possible Mt); Lucille Plggott, William H. Foushee memorial All Brands of Beer A Wine To Carry Out in selecting an appointee quali­ In turning Caner as a Judge, 914 Mt. Vernon A... scholarship cap to Junior maintaining highest scholastic average; Betty Lewis, Alpha Kappa Al­ We Deliver S Ju.t Call FA. 0559 fied lo fill any office under his Gov. Lausche. has shown that jurisdiction. Needless to say, this pha sorority scholarship award of tOte to commercial education jualor maintaining highest scho­ he had no fear for political lastic average. Back row: Rebecca Judge, Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority scholarship award of FRESH (ALLIES > opinion, but that bosses, nor any reprisals st Use s the way polls by narrowmindctl voters. 090; Velma Speight Kennedy, Gate City alumni award to student wis* had best interpreted ideals MONEY LOANED lb. 39c at STUART'S CREDIT SIORE Perhaps i ' Will i • that Moreover, It clearly substan­ of college to Greensboro community; Margaret Davis, Ralph Johns brothtrhood award ot V* to tiates his campaign promise, student who had done moat to promote brotherhood. IHamaisdi - Watches - Cm Cor. 20th and ML Vernon which he has made ever and Tele.issen - Kadies - clausing over again: "Ladles a • *•* far Cat. Or Anvuwag af Vats. Piece gentlemen the dictates ef any conscience Is my boss." In addition to Carter, other ROTC Cadets Off To Summer Camp at SULLY'S LOANS BOLOGNA IN! Mt. Verm Ave. - PA. SIM lb. 29c FREE GIFT tai Es.Utde I'a.rshraker f.r M Teen To Every Adult Who Bring. In This Ad Following th* succ e s s f a I time I was told that I had con­ .DM Tate prc-dawn benefit tacted TB I was riding on top EGGS dance at the Lincoln ballroom, of the world, doing charity af­ al JOHHSOH'S MEATS Columbus, July 5, Eddie J. fairs an along for other people Colston, Sentinel theatrical East Market Be.se gtaBd Nea. 1 aad 1 and scgaatsatteaw, never Mined Sine. LAST WEEK'S WINNER editor, received the following dreaming that I would he la Or. Mlasai aad Mt. Versa- letter ef appreciation from the pnaHlaa. to receive same some DOI.49C Mrs L. W. Smith hospitalised Doa Tat*. The day. affair was spotaaored by the GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. $1.00 10131 ML Vernon Ave., Columbus 1 catered the hospital realis­ ing If I wwevtd be here any lengli. of time I'd hare to BABY BEEF SHORT MBS lb. 29c —— Store Hour. The misspelling .1 trie ward. "Spare Ribs" eeowrcd ss have some help from some­ Dear Eddie "Spsrrlts" la She rood la ad Sajser Market advertisement. where. I had aa Ides ot where S Til 6 Mon-Thur. Jay: Just a it woold come from and It PURETORK SAUSAGE 2 lbs. $1.15 few words of may have meant that I would 8 Til 8 Fri S Sat thanks to yon have to go back to work be­ fore being cured. knocked them­ The fellows, yourself, and selves eat the everyone who helped push It last few weeks m a k lag the Win The Sentinel's $5.00 Merchandise Award! snd myself. oencm aaace Den Tale As aa extra favor please thank all the fellows, Merry Among 80-odd army ROTC cadets attending AT college", Greenslrore, N. C. "I",!'",!"* ^ Are you a careful reader? If you are yon assay whs The Ohio Sentinel's $5.00 Gift Merchandise Award. Here', how, A misspelled word ap­ possible. This tt pear, in on. of the advertisements appearing in aen.ation.l "SPECIALS FOR OHIO SENTINEL READERS" display shown above. Find the csme as one of the most pleas­ Jacloon aad Ettdle Saunders for summer camp training al Ft. Benalng, Ga., were 10 who have been Mined ™™ »** ef station WVKO, yourself snd 7 word. Clip the advertisement and ink* It to the merchant. Tha first to do this on Saturday at 9 a. m. or after with the correct answer wilt be ant surprises of my life. military student*." By maintaining equivalent r eeords daring their coming »«-" Jt J™ l^* If* thugs of this sort that John Q. Public for pulling •imswl.d a SaUM Mnrcfcandis. Certificate rsdtwthlt for th. SBerrhend.se of the winner's choice at any .tore adv.rti.int "SPECIALS FOR ever tins dance until 1 return be cUgTble for "regular" commtssioa. In arm, u po« graduation. "*£*&g£**j^ss5 prove beyond a doubt show Held, William Hardy, nenjamln Shaw. William Matthews. N*«m*a B*Uty,Jf""^^^ „. OHIO SENTINEL READERS. people, musician to the musical field. Another million thanks, aad row: Richard Moore. James Beam. James Matthews, Eageaa Tapscott. All are jtmlors wiui es I leva you all.—Don Tate. ccption'of Bcusey, a sophomore. THE OHIO SENT1NEL SATURDAV, JULY 18, 1853 SATURDAY, JULY IS, 19SJ THE OHIO SENTINEL Long Climb, But this Ike, Truman NAACP Speakers? Farm Family Made It with Charles E. Wilson, chair- Committee on Civil Rights, ap- It took 11 years of tenant farming and stay laboring i ot General Electric Corp., pointed by Truman. Dr. Tobias at $1.50 a «my far Mr. and Mrs. Rosco* Johnson of Port torn* this fall . •ne of the member* of the served on the committee. Gihse*. Mi**., to get started, but now they own a »90O0 meHMtjd and drvvraijfitsd farm and groaa nearly $5000 a year. gross, according plan yyi: CONGRATULATE GOV. Frank J. Uusche and Att'y The story of their h*td won —— —— - • being formulated by officials ot Russell _ Carter upon'the latter's appointment hy th. success i* cont»in*d in a report enough to buy a mule and be- the NAACP. Walk. For Palsied Victims governor laat week to the Dayton municipal court bench. rereived by th* U. S. Dept. of come a tenant on the place. This became known this week Agriculture from .Stole Leader But the Johtison* believed in It la our belief that the governor made a wise and W. E- Amnion* of the Missis- growing their own food in order organisation will soon issue a popular choice in .electing the 33 year old.Carter tp a po­ aippi Ertcmron Service. to. put -.omething aside for a call for a mammoth non-partiscn sition which only one other Negro In Ohio, Judge Perry B. The Johnsons, wl ainy day. "Of course, we fund raising rally to lake the Jackaon of Cleveland, hold,. a lift by th* Farm, form of a dinner, and that Eisen­ Our acquaintance with C.rter ha. been both lees, mimslration, grow "but * hower and Truman will be invit­ and pleasant and there is no doubt whatever In our mind Cash crops and MB ed to address the gathering. own food on their 04 Last week, Walter White, exe­ that thi. young man will fill th. Dayton judge.hip with Their casta crop* include 10 cutive director, and Dr. Chonn- bolls dignity end wisdom, bom of a background of un­ acres of cotton, 10 of corn, 10 of THEN ONE DAY they got the ing Tobias, chairman of the questioned intelligence and bound!... integrity. soybeans, and 30 *cres of pas- ,deJJJ 0f applying to th* Farmers Board of D irectors of the One thing, and one thing alone, however, clouds the sure and hay crops tor their 2* Home for a loan to buy a farm, NAACP, called on ex-Pres. Tru­ Carter appointment. And that is the fact that he ttriket head of beef cattle and 05 hogs. On the record of their efforts to man in his Waldorf Towers suite us as something of a prophet whose honor wan more dis­ save by living at home, their here and extended him an invita­ cernible elsewhere than In his own hometown. approved, and s tion to speak st the dinner. Carter la a native of. Columbu.. Moat of his life he they moved they have two acres of millet, ,,,,,, Isved in the Capital City. Accordingly, It both irk. and two of sugarcane, and a on* that cost them 24004. being considered for member­ hurt. sus to cxpres. th. fact that this young man had to •ere borne garden out of which -We've been offered fnOOt ship on the board, or that he pull up .take, and direct hi. t.lent. to a community they sell rilwnd fer swr place." toy* Mr*. would head the campaign to other than that in which he has hi. roots. "1 taeaght we s Johnsoo, "but w* wouldn't raise a $10 million freedom fund The fault In thin situation, as in so many others that get started." say tnisk ef sellhsg if which the NAACP will seek dur­ come to mind, lies with those of us in the Columbus com­ who -rapped **tt af Alcorn Although they had 40 years in ing the next ten-years. The drive cettege's high school depart- which „ for the fund was urged by Dr. munity who are seemingly loathe to recognize the posai- i repay their loan, they bilitiea of our young men and women until their abilities meat U take a Job at a HM hf-¥- »lre.dy cut their Indebted- Tobias during e speech at the- a day keeping op use ptow. ^ tg,, ._,.„ ,1.909. recent NAACP annuel etwen- and qualification, are recognised elsewhere than in the Aown t0 community which denies them the opportunity to contrib­ sad awes as* ether eas>>hsm*wt j^,0 & „,.,, five ,j_Ug_,«r* tlon In SL-Louis. It was touched have graduated from college, oft when the board chairman ute those talents and qualifications toward it* betterment. and th* pointed out that an organiiation W. are quite familiar with the pressure that waa 102S, m ,,„ a with a program like that of the brought to be.r by Dayton'. Negro le.der.hip to bring •ore »we owe a tot lo Farmers NAACP would need about a mil­ One ef the thowsaadq of psalm ft about th. Carter appointment. That le.der.hip, of sun­ lion dollars a year. "P Home, our supervisor, and to have vslnntcered for the "mallmes dry political, religious and civic shade., mad. iu vole our county agent, J. C. Dun­ Noting that racial discrimina­ heard as far away aa the governor's office and Mr. silt) THE WOBU) Will COmMK TO REJECT bar," says Jtjhnson, "They en- tion and segregation should be ratae funds for United Cerebral Palsy la its nationwide drive fer Lavusche, a.tute politician that he is, heeded it. demand. Fall Pegistrafion apply 1 ended in about ten years, It was 914 millieo. Here, mailman L.tsnle J. McConaell starts ever his Would that the Negro populace of Columbus would be­ OUR LEADERSHIP UNTIL THE STI6MA IS REMOVED TALLAHASSEE. Fla. — Fall immediately concluded that suet, row* te collect funds *a his *wa time ta Lo* Angeles. With Urn stir itself tn bring such gains to our town. s term registration for upperclass- carry out other sound soil build- a program should be undertak- men at Florida A-M college will Ing practices, as well as poison are twa pnlay victims. Terry Mtseil, left, aad Seadra Ana •Where i. the Columbus Negro leadership? The an- hegin on Friday, Sept. It. our cotton against boll weevils." It waa pointed out that th* call Holme*. awer is there ian't any and there haen't been for quite tome time. Congratulations again to the people of Dayton on AS I SEE IT their good fortune. W* can only express a mixture of pity and contempt By Lucius E. Lee for the good people of Columbus. ERY DELICATE grounds to fire department. The seal de- V be treading when it is pro- serfs the community. posed that some of our doctors A - doctor deserves leisure their point across there might Any More Suggestions! be given a refresher course at time to himself and family and develop a boon for the old pat­ THIS newspaper is heartily In accord with the suggestion some school on humanity's ob- friends and should not be hound- ent medicine cure-all, which is a of the Columbus Dispatch that the new Mt. Vernon Av. ligation to man but, judging ed aft the time by people suffer- less;. expensive. One thing hi true, though the critics may bo school building in Columbus be renamed in honor.of a Ne­ who knows gripes people know If they feel gro whose name is deserving of perpetuation in the com­ _ erious need of such what an indisposition is and better or not after any curative. munity. a course, or sermon, for some what real malady lurks under Sometime ago a lad had a Present plans call for naming th* school Beatty Ph. doctors. The'complaints are that it? • stomach ache and was taken to lechool. Wo believe that the Columbus Board of Educa­ doctors, lust don't make calls He has a right to vacations his doctor, who gave him a shot - tion selected a good name—in a general sense)—but the anymore like they used to; their rfhd time to putter around ffis in the arm. The ache did not Dispatch'a suggestion is certainly worthy of the board's fees are so high they can hard- home or a little cord gam* with abate. His mother gave him consideration. |y he reached; It la getting too friends, but he bargained for an water and baking soda.. The lad of The Dispatch believes it is appropriate to call the new belched twice and weiit out to ... ctivities when he took play a game of . building Granville T. Woods school, in honor of a Colum­ world on the expense item. One Hypocrites' legacy, for he NOT ONLY DO the complaint* bus native who invented more than 150 electrical devices, person said that it is not pos- pledged to administer unto the hit the doctors but, moreso, the many of which were put to practical use by such firms as sible to be released from a hoe- sick immediately whenever hospitals. Instead of being char* Westinghoi.se. General Electric and American Bell Tele­ pital until one can pay his fee'. ' needed, contrary to the prevail- liable institutions ot mercy for phone. Whlle some of th* gripes ing Custom of some office secre- the sick, some of them ought to llbcral sprinkling of tary setting an appointment Any more suggestions? We'll be only too happy to be paying big dividends to in- salt grains fer sw si low Ing, date for a critically sick person. call them to the Board of Education's attention. According to some gripes, UHry are rest experiences to' they have outdistanced labor In many people. , IT IS TRUE that only som< pay increases, only it Is pay-In The biggest grig* 1* th* who depend on others for thei for the patient for the hospitaL et modern medical attention gains, forget a reciprocal ten­ This all goes to say that it Is Giving The Senator His Lumps and, while none Of as want* derness towards those who con- getting too expensive to be sick. INDEFINITE POSTPONEMENT of action by the Industry addltloaal trends of our gov- stitute the base* for their in­ What can one do? Get sick and ond Labor Committee of the Ohio Senate on the so-call­ crement towards socialism by come. The time in studies and die without medical attention? ed Moorehead bill, which would call for a statewide ref­ nsUonal controls and service, money that go into preparing a To be sure, it la not that had but there snj thing that will physician should net him appre- some of those gripes have a erendum on the question of whether the Legislature has drlvc the people Into a popular clable returns for his effort but the power to enact a state FEPC bill; was a wise move. very legitimate base for com­ support of that social medi­ hts.calling goes a little further plaint. FOR MILDNESS The Moorehead bill, introduced by the Zanesville cine as much as seeing their than being a mere professional practitioner of senatorial hocus-pocus oat the question of doctors Join the ranks of those man, for it carries the neces­ A doctor has a right to strive fair employment practices in our state, was a hoax and who try to skin the public for sary attribute of a man of serv­ for certain attainments but a fraud from the beginning. Tha only purpose tb* bill every cent they can get? ice to men matched by none striving for those attainments could possibly serve would have been that of fanning other, except a preacher or pub- must never overshadow hi* the fires of. racial prejudices, if Best out and out hatred, ACCORDING TO SOME testi- lie adm: pledge to his profession. It Is not a* every nook and cranny of the state of Ohio. mony given, the availability of THAT SERVICE implies altogether necessary that ho FOR CHARACTER doctors, while loved ones are ex­ that there b ao weather toe come out of hi* shell of special­ In our opinion that was the precise reason why Sen. periencing excruciating pain, is foal or using te stay aim ization to general practice, but Moorehead introduced this monstrous measure in the first appalling. They say that if you from making a bcelinc to a he ought to be available to erase place.* don't know one whom you can sick man's door. If needed. misery from mankind when Thin la haruiy the time to try to shame the senator call by the first name, you Aad, too, that service exacts a (we believe he is 'way, 'way beyond the pale of redemp­ might get an awful run-around consideration from him to His fees certainly ought to he tion), but it is never too late to commend those legislators trylPT Bo get a doctor to com* make a fair charge. And, within the reach of his practice Before reat hare 70™ tins round, think of Hunter tm-for the to the house in an emergency while he needs his fees for his and, knowing that the vast ma­ who display an awareness of their public responsibilities, call. own expenses, he should never jority of his public is In the low-' tense qualities that have made it firs, chalet of so many American as was the case with the quartet which relegated the sink to a low ef asking a pa- er income bracket, the fees Moorehead measure to the pigeonhole to which it was en­ gentlemen since 1860. Judge for yourself in unaurrauted smoothness THE DOCTOR, like a pas­ tlent if he has th* money to ought to be very modest. He snd distinguished Savor. Sej Hunter hn. Buy il first, Isst snd alwavt, FOR GOOD TASTE titled. tor, has been th* soul of the defray the expenses ef a visit must return to his post as th* community hat now he seems before he consents to make a soul of his community, like his predecessor, the little man in a MAN to raaaotrt roa to totroi to have sequestered himself 7 off la a swanky office with buggy driving through storms, •paat for their service. "'shots'' Instruments in his snow drifts or scorching hot *V »2" hands, waiting far the patients medical profession which have. weather to relieve a pain. to crawl to the office how* it that ''shots'' have taken over His fine car will go through ever had off the patients are, to the extent of rivaling the old those same conditions, only yjtn en. •*- rr. unless they want to he hauled rattlesnake oil cure-all, for, much more quickly,' and his off to some hospital enter- doubtlessly, there is exact scietv- spirit to do ought to be just as svMs* asr« mtymtif .11,000 employees on the Ohio Bell payroll. geacy ream by the police or title factual dedKtion couched quick. JUMTCa.«IU0a DISTHLIH. CO.. .ItC.. LOUI.VILLS. KY. SLSHDCD ttfl.IS.tV SS.S f.OOF. „S ,_„, -S«T«aUSew5etS* SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1SS3 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY IS, 1SSS THE OHIO SENTINEL Now You Actually Stk Low Income Project Caldwell Plans Vacation School DAVIS' IKORD STOP By Hulls' D. LI'SKAK •Gerald Lusear, president; Doro-iby Unit No. 4 at Riverside pi­ •__ ds Tele.lsiwi as 1st. Bsdie. U. S. Judge Bans For n two weeks period begin- thy Diggs, vice president; Shir- This annual event la headed by BepaU Service Wku. It UsH ing Aug. 3, Caldwell Tempi) Davis, secretary; Carolyn Mrs. Artemis Cook. /« *MTiAieRRras»d Boon To Taxpayers: Kerr' assistant secretary; De-1 ,.,.,. „._._• , . .,„rasa.*_ ,,.. s__i"r lar*Tw»Bha^»wPaINCENSaI lores '-Murdock- , __"»._kl With Hubert la. Kerr as leader, , the Christian Endeavor Society 1 Ml MT. TKBNON ATE. Jim Crow Housing ijjfi »<7»™__ryj_r_ sVi5 which all chUdren of the colm Mahan, sergeant-at- community arc welcome. Special and Mary Slsde, is lc UP****** -• Chrtat- NOW Iirt N -upancy of dwelling units in a federally-aided low rent CLsarles F. Spicer, caairmaa of tb* Ciliasas Cocamit- scheduled. Complete details will No 5 the following persona Tk and is eager housing; project here has been banned by a ruling handed taa for the De-eelopsweat «f a Better Columbus, announced announced later. establish a growing orgnniia- down by Judge William E. Sleekier of the U. S. district this week that ''tr^mmittee investigation* disclose as en­ Are You doing My Way ton. The society has its meeting BErUAMIM FRANKLIN PHOTO SHOP Mrs. Susie Burks; vice presi­ m w. (IOOOALE n. court in response to a suit brought against the Kvansville tirely without founds I ion charges that Columbus Village, each Sunday at 6:30 p, m. at Housing Authority by attorneys of the NAAGP. a propoa»d saw low rtt-coeoe Isesaasssg projvect, will coat the dent, Mrs. Birdie Hairston; sec- the church. Everyone I* invited. Heart rtvat.,r.pks .1 Aa.ll, • (kildre. • L 1 ship. There were two accessions retary, Mrs. Vera Wheeler; cor­ •ruddeag. • Rrssapa In his ruling hajodtd down last ' • -' ,' in-* taapvayers naoesey." Directed by Mrs. RhenetU M responding secretary, Mrs. Willa I Bra. I r. M. - tt r. M. — Cat. ru MM » « Apr.uili.eu Mr-relay Judge Sleekier, for the rights aecured to Ihe plaintiffs "On the cosstrarj.* rr..-.r Davis, th* girls' ensemble of the Reed; treasurer, Raymond T. '•EN SANDERS, Mgr. first time in any case, held that _nd other members of their COMMAND, D.pt. C81 youth choir participated in Cook; chaplain, John Herd; FORM approval of segregation in the class by the equal protection OU S. MICHIGAN AYE. program presented by Columbus social chairman, Mrs. Helen project by the U. S. Public Hous- arid due process clauses of the Chicago, III. ing bpdie* $Tt for every tax dol­ generally known. Therefoi Branch No. 1 of the Nat'l i Hord; program chairman, Mrs. Adm Ww >l , e 1Un lar now collected on this vir- ^i '» V?w''tV « "S •mtwdnwat" and of the there la little question but what of sfiegro Musicians Sunday after- Birdie Hairston. tin III public policy of the U. S." He f___ ' tually vacant *lte. these housing projects further held that the local hous- v<**'*™ preference and ehgtbi- at th* church. Newly-elect­ Friday Aug. 7, is the dste ol "Aa examination of county been carrying their fair share of ed officers of the youth choir *r« the moonlight fieata sponsored ing authority a policy of en- ••*>' secticeia of the national Commonsense rccOarda.'* Spicer said, "reveals the Us load." FlOftAl forced segregation "violates, the housing act of lOtO. that real estate taxes collected on this site are now only $271.7*1 ARMiYof.- a year. The actual tax trill is'l rmmm mnnn las Dayton Baptist Uiurcnes Are LOANS some 4W1S.76 a year, but on one LoWTClIUC |5 Increase Child Accident Efforts of the parcels there is a *4T an-j HBtTS 1st on to nual deUnqvicivey for the *p*st .Al- A.,,1',.1 Well Represented At Congress I The Nat'l Society for Crippled Children and Adult*, with which the Ohio Society for Crippled Children is affiliated, has Joined with •1000 twoyc.r-.or.totalofW.ThisiUniO 56^11161 the Nst'l Safety Council and the American Academy of Pediatrics ia based on an assessed value-r DAYTON. — Baptist churches en a year-round program of child safety in a concerted etfo tioa of «tH00 for the land, and of Dayton were well represented BRYCE FLORISTS reduce the child accident toll. t«M0 on five substandard d weil- at the recent Nat'l Baptist Sun­ inga, and six sheds." • Natl Editor day School and Baptist Training Union Congress in Brooklyn. George Lawrence, has Joined Mrs. Mattie Lyle and Mrs. Eve­ The Ohio Sentinel staff si lyn Jackson of this city were in- WEDEUVIR Workers Give To Fighting Fund Metropolitan Housing Authority tional news editor. He will Largest single delegation was 'iret contribution by organized labor tt- — .Commonwealth, will pay an estimated 113,300 a temporarily as editor of from Tabernacle Baptist, head­ i.p .....d for freedom" was received this week from year in lieu of taxes when the Th* Sentinel's Dayton edition. ed by Rev. Dr. J. Welby Broad­ ____ Diet, t of the Internal"! Union of Electrical Workers, CIO. 5,000 project is completed, The announcernent dus, minister, snd his wife. The COLUMBUS Upon solicitation by Herbert Hill, NAACP labor relations asslst- and another $7000 a year in this week by John B. Combs, "messengers" included E t h.e 1 northern N. Jersey, gave ,T,,EET rent, a total of $20,300 a year. In Sentinel managing editor. Owings, church school superin­ 1ITSKKAI. DIRECTORV -*^^-L contrast to the 0-72.70 now col-l^;*""' .- - _„,„,,,,,, ,„„ tendent; Opal Sewell, Nellie Dunson, Richard Motley, Mag­ MRS. D. A. WH1TTAKER gie Dunson, Zt^porrah " ^AND SON, INC. nily, rather ' i the i FUNERAL HOME E__r_!*__^ also director of Anna Buriong and May Sewell, for Taber- 720 E. Long St. 4 New Courses Offered Af A-T .-Int. o: church news reportei for The EV. 9549 1 benefit to the Jax^yers oj_ this j thp Baptjrt churcsireh n ^ Daytow£j»n GKEelNSBOHO. N. C—Four new trade* will be offered at and a* administrative Dayton Sentinel. A-T college beginning with the fall quarter, according to Informa-' Slr.irjril.n pointed out in terms of the e to Dr. J. Welby Broaddus, min. CROStvY lion of, a structure which'< BETUt-L BAPTIST delegates ased this week by S. C. Smith, dean of the college's tcch- Your ister of that church und candl ncluded Rev. George W. Lucas, FUNERAL HOME ititute. The new offerings include photography, sheet slats ulSZ substantial buitdi: date for the Dayton Board of Ed Hair In chiefly brick construction, pastor; Elizabeth Hans and or It. painting and decorating and trades drawing. landscaped and which will beau- Dorothy Pullama. IO Minut.. iwrcncc has edited p; tlfy nendously ' York, Dayton and • A. F. GUNN, JR. WW* thus unquestionably add the r of the '. Dr. H. FUNERAL HOME value of surrounding properties. Columbus. died in 98 N. Grant Are. Seal Contributions Increase K0N60LENE "In searching for the facts on New York AD. 652S A statewide increase in contributions received during the 1S*M Th. Original this situation," Spicer added,! university. Easter seal campaign Is revealed, according to Dr. James B. the committee also learned that. — . BROOKS Hair Slr.ighl.n.r this taO.SOO would be in addition.. .__,_- , Johnson, president of the Ohio Society for Crippled Children by a Yo« out get« wsurptoof job FUNERAL HOME, INC to more than $135,000 now being, H. And G. Market 1108 E. Long SL campaign fotal, in round figures as~of July 1, of t519jXW. This Is and your hair will M.J. straight paid annually in taxes, In lieu of II percent statewide increase over the 1052 total. FE. 1411 for 20 dav. oi taxes, in water rent and other city aervices by the four perma­ Gives Qualify Service For itt.igh nent and three temporary hous- sii.nds (op to , inches) ask H, and G. Market, 532 for Koogolene st *sn» drug Wa.shmgten a v., Columbus, can Methodist Epli FUNERAL HOME CHURCH OF GOD owned and operated by liar "church for more than 30 years .tore U>. only •• libel d 110 S. Ways* Ave. EV. 9S21 Goldberg, whom- aim is ' snd a mlnUter far 55 years, 818 E. Long SL Still leading sfte, Columbus f, O. give ihe best in quality g was buried la Kansas City, -Si.nd..'. School, 9:30 a. in. fresh vegetable Mo., lsst week. Father of the C. D. WHITE Jr. SONS Morning Warship, 11 a. m •foods.'1 Mr. Goldberg j singing artist, Etta Noten, ' Rev. Moten, was recognised FUNERAL HOME ^atd*'****'**.. _•«_, Youth Fellowship, 0 p. m. iated with hi^ fa­ 1217 ML Vernon Are. | Evening Worship, 7:30 p. n ther at A. and B. Meat Market, ss one ef the nation's leading Radio Broadcast 196 S. 4th st., is prominent in ministers and evangelists. Bi­ EV. 1514 "WVKO" .... 8:15-0:15 p. n Columbus busincsM circles. Cour­ shop D. Ormonde Walker pre­ J. C. WIlaBER, Paator teous, efficient Ellen Randall is sided at services held at Ebe- the new clerk. Store hours arc 'Gospel In Song' aeser AME church. — ANP 8:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. nt. daily Photo. 1 Su.ifl.ty-, from 8:30 i Meeting Scheduled 2 p tie rvgulur monthly meeting Gospel In Song" will be held Beat th* heat tt.it modern low cott way. A right 2ND BAPTIST CHURCH L Kelfon Lawrence Sunday, July 19, at 3:30 p. m. 100 N. 47th St. at 2nd Baptist church, Colum­ cooling (on costs lots than Vi< on hour lo operate. Cnwaai-s*is, Ok.. Columbus Visitor bus, under auspices of the sea­ ll't quiet and wilt reduce room tomporaturtt 20 de- KcHon Law sonal choir of Hebrew Baptist. Church Scbool; 11:1$ A. M. of the faculty at M-N col Mrs. Mabel Curter will be the fl'eet, by exhausting hoi daytime air and pulling in aing Wnrohip. 10.4. A. M Pine Bluff. Ark. congregational singer and other coot night air. alag Worship. 7:46 P. tt ith his parent; in Columbus guest choral units will be fea­ last week, Mr. Lawrence ' tured. Mrs. Lydia O. Burkes, NOTICE! C F. JENKINS iroute to Pine Bluff after founder and director of "Gospel .Visit your electric appliance dealer today. Ha ho* Misitl.i ndlng funeral Can In Song", invites the public — portable, window and attic modtti from which to bridge, Mass Roland Bernard, ch and athletic di- Beginning June 1, 1953, charges for Ambulance cftoot*. M-N college, who COME TO died suddenly June 24. Mr. Law Warner Aliens Back Service rendered by any member ol the Colum­ Pick up your FREE COPY, "tiko To Keep Cool In SHILOrJ BAPTIST teaching in the summci bu* Funeral Directors Association within, the CHURCH school of the Arkansas college Hot Weather," in our offic* lobby. It shows you how and expects to return to Colum­ From Motor Trip City of Columbus and including Urbancrest, Hamilton at Mt. Vsrwon Ave. bus for a visit in August. to steep cool. In hot weothor. Columbus. Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Wanscr Allen, 360 S. Highland av., Columbus, Han ford Village and American Addition will be JAMES W. PARRISH have returned from a motor Minister Visit Nest Sitnday trip to PitUburgh and Wheeling, 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. $ 8.00 1:15 A. M Radio Broadcusl W. V*., where they were guests 9 A. M. Church School Mt. Olivet Baptist Chorcb 10 P. M. to 8 A. M. $10.00 11 A. M. Church At Worship of friends and relatives. "NO l tu:i:i, BUT CUBIST" 11 A. M. (Continued Church White *. SOB Funeral Berne School for Children) -Small OBG To Worship Mrs. D. A. Whit taker k Sons, toe. children may be left with Bteaks Funeral Home, Inc. competent workers while The OBG Men's Charity Club. t A. M..- The Cuureri ot Study Inc., wives* and friends are in­ WUllaws * McNabb. Inc., M*rtaary 10:45 A. M. • The Church at 0 P. M. vited to worship at Allen Chapel .Crosby Fnaeral Heat* Worship - I P. H • Baptist AME church in Portguruiuth of Ch: jMian Education Sunday. July 26, at 3 p.'m. Community Playground E. T. Wiklc, formerly of Colum­ 7:30 P. U. Worship bus, Is pastor. Anyone interested fetttcTwe Music by Five Choirs may call the president, Virgil COUIksM Ml MUtrtftlt OtM lUCTBiC COMWHV Tucker, at Fa. 4279. J PACE IS THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY IS. IBS! SATURDAY, JULY IS, 1SS3 THE OHIO SENTINEL Second Baptist Bible School Gilbert Gospel Troupe At Gay St. Baptist These Woodmen Notables To Attend Columbus Meet Closes Monday, Well Attended

By KATTYK B. REDMOND presided al the piano for group ainging. Att'y Howard Gilliard A large number ef peraoxt* at­ gave the lesson resume. Foster tended the annual picnic Satur­ tfewlin sang a solo. Closing, re­ day, sporw'trd by the Bible marks were by the supervisor achoui ef 2nd Bapli«t. Columbus, Adult Dept.. C. H. Potts. at Blacklick Wood*. Nu Omega B.ble da-s furnished retresh-

I, which cloBiedl Moetday. highly successful.; Mrs. E a telle Tyler was in J

Sunday at ».IS a. m., tn the Adult Dept-., Pt*iiideitler Men's

BeltHny oapnst till KMIA. AT 7:30 p- in By LOt'lME IMIIRV prayer service will be held . . Sunday. July 38. at 10:t5 a. m. j_rv, A. L. Ladd of Bellefon- Ushers day will be held. Ushers l.irte was the guest speaker at wilt sit together in the sanc­ Sunday morning service* at Be tuary . . Sunday, July -W, at IJuuy Baptieft, Crdumbua. Music 7:45 p. m. Ohm arsqutcentenni.il w»a furnished by the senior Sunday evening worship service The Gilbert Gospel Stagers sad preacher* *f N. York City will appear at Greater Gay St. choir. The City Mi»snm_ry met will be Kponsored by the Mis­ Baptist church, ( olumbes, ttaaday, July It, at 11 a. an., marking beglaalag of a two weeks' re­ * ut the church Sunday afWiBooo. sionary Society. Mrs. Odessa vival meeting. Their ages rang* from 12 te 17. The fear b*y preachers will be accampaaied ky A program was presented with Allen w president and Mrsthei. r sister sad mother. A different spesher win be featured each alght. Gilbert, Jr., will be ds- Elizabeth Coleman program Rev. Alvin McCory delivering lag faith healiag *a«h evenlag. Rev. J. P. Ftaeher Is pester the sermon . . . Delegates have been ivelecHed to attend the Sun­ day school convention in Ports- im-uth this year . . . The Sr. ItCeUIKlkf. Pilgrim To (eineiury Methodist CLOTINE'S Usher Board invites ihe public Stephen Hawkir _ am,U By M.ITTH. R. WIHTi: CHICKEN SHACK to attend a Tom Thumb wedd­ the death of his brother in Cali­ Sunday morning. July It*. »l .Ng W. (.*->da.e St. ing Sunday at !:» p. m. at the fornia . . . Plate* with pictures Fete Henson Centenary Methodist, Columbus, The PUaest la church. The "bride" will be of church are still available. pastor. Dr. T. H. Hines, will H*me Cooked Feed* Mies Clarice FiOney and thContace t Mesdames Dome "groom*' is C I i f 1 o r d Suwell. DAVE GOODMAN, Mgr. Stalks, Cleattie Ferris. Gersldine Opea U Hears DaBy Many other youngsters of theArche r or other members of Cir­ On Sunday I i cle «- Methodist Mel intermediate and sen At 5 and «:M p. m. Intermedi­ ate, Youth and Young Adult Fel- SICK.AMONG UB-Mesdames BOSLEYS Wnteb Pee Th* Sunday, the laicille James, Ut S. Wheatland aion of Appreciation day for E. p I c will be QIHCK IUHCH GRAND OPENING .v.; Gladys Taylor, See Belvi- "Achieving An Ail-In Victory.' L- lF*ss) Henson head of Pil­ IM. HT VBRNPIS AVE. dere *v.; Ernestine Long. lt» grim's Music Dept. The Gospel chorus will sing Eaatwood av.; Lucy Brown,; A "dine with Fess" dirtner will Midweek service is BAHDBOX 1CW7 E. Long St.; Grace Shields,! begin immediately following MS Woodland av., Toledo; morning worship. The major Pkysieal t eMarast and final program will begi Rerreattoa Part** Mayme Garrison, 111 Clarandon B.r-Be-Cur Our Specialty Sl-ewar Batha with Lockers av.; Ssaiah Harrison, 730 Rose- THE TROLLEY Hat* Cleaaed • Shoe Shine more; Messrs. Clifton Moore. SIB Mt. Vernon Ave. awsts Cteseed * Pressed ltSS S. Oakley av.; Ellison •as) atT. VKRNON AVE. Moore, til N. Ohio av.; Edward Cuodwir :. .,,;.•.-, Of Open 24 Hours Daily Becton, 1IS4 Fair av. Mr. Henson Vegetable Plata month' Special Neaaday Arizona following the occasion. Fealare The following groups, for which Complete Meal* 'AVAN.S he is pianist and -director,' ex­ tend wishes for a restful vaca- France's Thurman,,Mgr.- J.

Southern Tea WOOD COOKED Highlighting the list of visitors MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE OUAUTY FOOD SHOP for the conference will be a Complete Lis. .f Und Far..l.r. .ad Rag, Authentic Western Room number of national figures in Ra.gea, Relri..r.tor,. VVaakei College Fund the American Woodmen, a plo- Vote Probes In EASY TERMS FREE DELIVERY Ml Mt. Veraea Ave.-FA. MM «... TBt> I....a- Here TAYIOK & t. Mh Aves. legal reserve fraternal life WE BUY AND SELL COWBOY JEANS la The Streetcar Chicken Dinner. Every insurance association. 1M Miami Av*-PA. ««M Sunday Home Fried Pie. FE.3438 Choir Series These will Include Supreme Cleveland Area The Best la Bar-aVf.. Chili. 618 E. LONG ST. — NEW LOCATION — Commander Lawrence H, Light- II OZ. DINIM of Denver, Colo.; Supreme Fried Chicken Moose Cooked PHIS First Heusr West Skm/Mtmt Prep. JAS. ANTHONY Plate Lunct.ee, Of Old l.rat»» Is Announced Being Praised Sandwiches Columbu.. Ohio »gy Y»or Exott Sift Hrs. 11 A. M. - 1 A. M. N. YORK.—The schedule for Board of Dii Discussing the voting investi­ the weekly series of united Ne­ rington of Detroit; Directors N. gations instituted in Cuyahoga gro college fund choir broad­ Williams of Chicago, and J. H. county last year by Scc'y of SvfjaSwt t- B» casts presented by the Public Allen of St. Louis, ond Nat'l Jr, State Ted Brown, Greater Cleve­ Affairs Sept. of the American Counselor M. I. Smith-Morgan land, bulletin on public business 3i_ *•-*•• Start Your Own "Coo/" Wave Broadcasting Co., of Denver. Dist. published by the Citizens League ed this week by W. J. Trent Jr., Dyer, Sr., of Columbus, will be of Cleveland, stated in a recent executive director of the fund. issue, "Currently, last year*! in tk* refreshing, clean atmosphere of the official host. For the seven week period be­ Features of the meeting, vote fraud perpetrators in Cuya­ ginning July 19 the program will addition to the daily business hoga county are being prose­ feature the choirs of LeMuynt meetings, will be the Amerl cuted and convicted. This action college, Virginia Union univers­ Woodmen junior oratorical c helps reassure the voters that ity. Bishop and St. Augustine'* lest on Thursday night and the officials ore vigilant in protect­ NOVELTY FOOD BAR ing their fundamental rights'" college, Xavier university, Liv annual Woodmen parade ingatonc and Benedict college Prizes will be all UNCF member Institutions. awarded for outstanding groups "When a crook in a poll booth • COMPLETE MEAL SERVICE 24 HOURS DAILY « The schedule is as follows: in the parade. changes the vote of a citizen of 'LeMoyne, July IS; Virginia Delegates to the meeting these United Stales he is Union, July 26; Bishop, Aug. 2; represent Woodmen camp* and mining a crime ten times St. Augustine's, Aug. S; Xavier tents in Delaware, Dist. of Co­ dastardly than the one Best the best twlare the hr.t tsrat, ,«.! Aug. 18; Livingstone, Aug. 23 lumbia, Illinois, Indiana, Ken­ grabs your pocketbook." the Benedict Aug. 30. tucky, Maryland, Michigan, Mis­ s*\tement says. "When your Step as l.r Md. a. aaadwlab .r i souri, N. Jersey, Ohio, Pennsyl­ vania and eastern Kansas. pocketbook is stolen, you can call a poUceman who follows Walk Ml relaaed, relrraised, re.italneil! ^ Und Granted To The American Woodmen is a 52 year old organization, which through on the case." Pentecostal Mission operates In 23 states and the "The lost pocketbook 'meets Dist. of Columbia. the eye* of ail concerned and is The Liberlan government ha* Call ADuns 0S62 for group reservation.. granted free of charge 25 acres easily dramatized," it continues. BEST MERCHANDISE HART of public land to the United Pen­ Avoid Sugar lumps ••The lost vote, on the other The AveaeVs Meat Ceeasnet* Ass Han •• Stece" tecostal Mission. The land is si­ hand, does not 'meet the eye' so 1013 MT. VERNON AVE. FE- 13W 741 E. LONG ST. at HAMILTON AVE. COLUMBUS, OHIO tuated near the Iron-producing Place a piece of apple in your readily. Unfortunately, it does Bomi Hills area and will be used brown sugar jar and It wiU keep not have the drama, of a pater­ by the mission for religious and the sugar from drying out and educational purposes. lumping. nity iiUlt.'* ...; ;Ss3*w slSftsSwIiiSlfi5* •--.'Si- mm


Tttmte't RaM.iir.nt PITH!AB6WU WtWSWAtt V.ii.i, .1 Ex-Singer Smith Is InT NORTH .TM ST. natvi E. Lang SL i-.i-'i^tim?^' V»« stick with i for Tasty Its. NIOaTTl.T —Billy Ki'ksline— REGALA1RES TAKE THE CASE OP A GOOD FRIEND OP OUBS wbs Ullit Richarda»r_ "HANK" SMITH, the Cleve­ 331 IN. 20TH ST. RELAX IN THE The Haw, mt Deltclnu Sn> S lie. Rita gave thi* espUnatlsn tor resigning from a good w**t coast peb- land ad exec and former Ohio DR. ROGER TAYLOR. Me- B.ain.M Phoswa-FA. 7IS1 State grad, expected to march COOL REGAL ._ Gnleaan. freaek Fried Jsns. SBrtnsp heaUsia. ttis paper headlined the story el a big gambling raid. harry grad aad first Negro to FE. 1359-Re.islersce aad being a gead rewrite saaa the there was shifted te him. A down the aisle any day now . . . miens st Miami Valley hos- CAROENS JAM SESSION TCESDAT NfTE C.laas.aa, O. TEEN TIME lUNDAT AFTERNOON couple ef nights later be was i*e«gh*_ splsi dark alley by seeac FOOD BAR George Allen, the chef, in ser­ •f the tbags •at ef the cttsA so ball, 1074 ML Vernon Av,. ious condition at Mercy hospital, MnaU Television Salesman Paul Smith, left. Is congratu­ Columbus, at last report . . . IT JUST WASN'T WORTH rtT said ear friead. "The paper lated by Henry Fa trie off eat wtaalng tl" set la contest sUged by Muaa Williams, who usually For fin. portraits call get the atsry Ireea the police flies, but who dM they Uke K est Musts' Columbus branch sale* force. Fairicoff Is general man­ spends her vacation in Ohio's New Managnanamt Carter's Studio, F«. A509, **? A msanber *C th* press, *f course. I was ea* af th*** mem- ager ef Cesamha* factory. See story.—Pierce Phete. capital city, now has the 768 E. Long .t., CalnwAnt. bers tt the press. I was sor* at the nr*fesaiea fer days. By the MAL'S PLACE "Bloody Mary" role in "South dae ta peer health , lisae 1 get bean* Id be ao mad. that I'd start taking it eat oa my 4M rtrata. Ave. - FA. till Pacific" at Boston . . . Eddie Paul Smith, popular salesman for Muntz TeUvisiou'i Coleman, brains of "Day, Dawn wife. And that get h*r mad, ** what dees she da bat take It oat Ssndwiehes's Specialty Co4ttsabus factory, was swissocl th* firm's top saUsosaii dur­ m tswadda? and Dusk", writes frequently to \a*orled Sandwiches, Chicken ing Mumta' recent "27" contest." Smith's prise winning friends in this area. He's now in BEER sad WINE performance in aa inter-ataff sales campaign was annt Sweden . . . Organist O'Connor "AMD THK RIDS ARK NO DIPPERCNT, a* what do lk*y MAI. GOODWIN. Msaagsr ed ta Muntsette, official publication of Munts^TV, Ii de hat start kcatbtg ap ear pee*, deleaselesa puppy. New, if yea Holmes la spending his money tahak I'M going u let a loasy gambling raid be meeaalbl* ler Muntiette s*id: these days in Atlantic City and our dog issiag an *ye er ssmethlag, yoa'rc crasy! I eatt!'* N. York.

FROM NOTES M AtTEREU ON MT DEhK — 'Dear Eddie VILLAGE TAVERN already been DAVE BROWN, the Columbus Jay, come on down and dig our crazy aale. Forget about the loot 111. MT. VERNON AVE. completed when a contribution lad who made good as a designer and goof by taking edvantage of some of our terrific buys. You'll telling of another recruit from in N. York, la now managing JULY ClEaUUsNCE SiUE Dip at some of the prices.—Bobby Greene, Greene Clothiers.'' . , . Serving ta. Ps.pt. la aad the entertainment field was re­ the 31 chair Rose Meta beauty Areiisd I'eunl.KleT Villsgs ceived from, of all places, Co­ Don't forget The Sentinel's first annual "summer festival," at icetings. Psnl is confining the palace in Brooklyn . . . Jack which time we'll pick the 1063 bathing beauty. The date is net for BEER. WINE - GOOD FOOD lumbus, O. Points says he'll build 30 apart­ Cool Off With P *Tm«i» Paul Smith had aa as* gf Ma vote* to giving a srecava i^Di/CE r> Sunday, Aug. 30, at Big Walnut Country club. II will be an all-day' Ope. T'JL M. • Cke.1 P. at very ftae sales pitch, bat he ment units behind his snack bar euUUsdieg career as a singer adjoining the Central State Coll­ miasm affair with activities geared to please every member of the farn- CHESTER E. WHITE. Oav. has sui regrets. 1 wish te A Tall One iiy . - - picnic, games, horseshoes and croquet, baseball, basket- beferc he J*laed the Meats ege campus in Wilberforce . . . PRICE oall. football throws for the ambidextrous boys of the family, etc., sale* tare* la January, 1»1. Pardon and Parole Board chair­ 6ABAMHetf SUITS und prizes for alt. After being discharged frem man Percy Lowery and hia wife . LIGHT ON ! th* V. S. Navy, where he gain­ portuolty te cxcrel** the tal­ BEER ON DRAFT THE U1GHUGUT or TME na-N's..-.».i. .•> summer i-estiva!" were guests at the Swank (with YOUR FEET ed ceasldarabl* experience en- ents within me.' says Mr. a capital "S") Red Brick Inn ••'ill be the bathing beauty contest. A hundred bus cash prize will tettslotag Is. eamp shows, Paul Smith. 'I can do so mack good be awarded the winnah, plus nine other expensive awards for run- Lafayette. O. . . . Bobby Wrenn ... AND PURSE 169 CLUB aUaoded the Capital Conserva- for my acquaintances, fer my of Cincinnati home from school nersup. Each contestant will receive a souvenir'award for her it. CI...I..S AVWMS. tecy *f Music and Ohio Stat* family and far myself.' Branch CLUB participation. Entries are NOW being accented by Sentinel offices in the east, where he continues 1 . l'. Later; he worked with the Mgr. Heary Patrteeff aay* in Springfield. Dayton and Columbus. B.ei . Win. A teed his graduate work . .. . Jimmy famous si using group, the that he la prond aad lssssofcd Daytonlan known for Fie. Our Spwuilt, Uarmonslres, became a mem­ TROCAVERIAi CAs*E CUFF NOTES-^Nelgbberhtsod Grill, sat at the edge ber ef the Civic Theatre Guild 892 MT. VERNON AVE. COLUMBUS I ef .sagab Hill so E. Long at., epened Monday ryem under tn* Prop. LITTLE NAT and played the lead role la the new management and ownership ef t'hslly Caadlff, cx-ltkker Paramount .Players' produc­ i his > . N. J. dept. Inspector, aad by word of fellers la the bis, "a right guy." tion of the musical "Bloomer . . . Friend Heary J*yner, who's quietly dtastla* off the "wel­ Girl," hi lM*. He has aha* ap­ CHARLIE LUCAS, Cleve­ come mat" fer hi* Cap City Belmont club, stages (urinal •pen- cessful chapter of my sales ca­ peared In several ether ptays, reer would be incomplete with­ land NAACP leader and FEPC lag ef his recently redecorated and remodeled WLW club down MANHATTAN ClUB Including "Lost Chord." Chilllcstbc way. The merrymaking will be an event this Friday out telling of the role played by lobbyist, seat Jeka B. Combs, "Pteret and Plerette'* aad brilliant SENTINEL [Mistical Mu.k S Fua S Laughter « Ever, Nile At nig hi with Sammy Hopkins' erk and alnger Buddy Kim bra de- KITCHEN "Death Take* a Holiday." tag the opening Iseoort-. editor, a box ef cigars for *er ItH MT. VERNON AVE. tine], and the splendid manner boy's contribution lo the uo- rii.iir... i.i. i,i i.il THE BKON'/E, n.i.i. ii.,,i,^i»n; _ "PAUL BECAME acquainted in which the newpaper's readers ssccessful fslr employment respond lo Muntz TV advertis- Enjoyed u real pleeted-to-mcecha to lovelies Dclores Smith and Specialising la Hans. CatiBg with Munts TV when he pur­ legislation fight . . . Photeg Cornelia Blair, weekending from Pittsburgh . . . Sharon Lee, Myr­ STEARn, tlltlPS aad chased a set, which performed MARTY'S 502 CLUB ao remarkably and created so George Pierce did meet ef tle Crump's 0 year old, packing fur Camp Wheeler with enough FRIED CHICKEN much favorable comment among smoking . .. . Two Dsytaa SOS ST. CLAIR AVE. Columbu.. O. baggage for a three month European tour. (Jusl like a woman.) . . . Rtiwcoe Bowman recuperating at Grant hospital . . . Orris 11 s. BS. Until I a. s>. his friends that he investigated teacher*, W. V. Qnisrobcrry, Mays, the energetic real estater, actually building a brick wall in WE DELIVER the possibility of selling them. Jr., and BUI Young, gracing Eeaarrtoslr Gather. At M.rt,'. Ft* TTs. beck of his Long st. home . . Julius Stephenson returning from Since then, he has been doing a gular display adver­ the Okie State .e a a* pas. Operated By Helen Wtsartea consistently outstanding job of ted a 'See Paul Smith Vnr» Be.l Of Fooel And l.r,.l Drink. his NY vacation. "Quix's" favorite pastime la jusi that. for MunUTV' campaign erupted looking ap new camera equip­ into a sensational selling month Soil. Tailored To Order Ope. 6 A. M. until 1 A. M. FatET-ry hXJS.Na.stT ABOUND TOWN—Beliy Lou Fields, sis­ "His ye*r« of theatrical train­ ment, aad BLU dreams of high­ PEAKEOCAPS ing and the large number of for me. I want to extend my ter of shapely Margaret Yates, adding un air of charm to the Sky­ DON'S GRIll thanks to The Sentinel and its er degrees, tk* Elks grand Your Soods Or Our. Proprietor, MARTY MEIXMAN line atmosphere . . . Catherine & Dorothy Lyman, leaving their friends he has made locally 797 St. Clair AT*. make him a 'natural' salesman. readers and urge them to con­ lodge convention la Atlanta F0RB6N IKiON Manager, RICHIE HICKS desks at the Welfare Bldg. alter hanging out the "Out to Lunch" tinue their fine response." aad hi* music . . . Thai new sign . . . The fellers on the "block" cleaning their bop glasses to c.l.-l... O. One indication of his ability was Swim Trunk. get a better gander at the Regal'* Dorothy Harriston . . . Maria UN. 0376 the amazing feat he performed WesUldc school la Dayton may taBASBAUCAPS Devereau, on leave from the Downbeat club, cooling In Atlantic last month in selling 26 complete be named the "Ralph J. S1.S5 Up City, if there's a cool spot in Atlantic City . . . The Hill Sisters, Special Feature: ->7" gets in 30 selling days, top­ Dot Daflwridge Bunt-he school." returning from N York, awaiting their turn on the Arthur God- Spaghetti To Carry Out ping it off with the sale of three Ideal for work Or Serve Here 'Sexiest' Singer OHIO STATE student and or play. Jockey NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL Assorted Sandwiches NAACP youth leader Ed Walker Whencvci Dorothy Dandridgi of Cleveland is reported para­ style. F I a BBMI- Beer and Wine lyzed after his dive Into a shal­ UKDER ItlW MAMA(»tfHT , A BLUES SINGER'S "MAN FKIDAY"- Buster Burgess, who gets up in front of an audience Raed. All colors. passes himself off as Larry (For You My Love)'Darnell's man­ DONALD FRACASSO. tr*. and starts blazing with one of low pool. He broke his neck, they New Fall Slack. CHARLES CUNDIFF, Prop. ager, secretary and companion, has the knack for getting into the her torchy numbers, blood . say . . . James Williams of public prints like a Hollywood celebrity. At one time he was al­ sures immediately head foi Vc i>sto»ii, who received his 59c lo $159 S4.9SUp "Same Nelfhborood Spirit Continues'-' leged to have thrown Larry out of a hotel window, from which the stratosphere, says the current AB and MA degrees at Ohio Uaa.r N.« M -••! ALL LEGAL BEVEEAGBg —- , blues singer suffered Just a few bruises. His misdemeanors are issue of Show magazine. Colum­ the talk of show business from coast to coast. Seems to me like , (RADIO nist Lee Mortimer is reported as New F.U Sport Shirt. Larry could do much better with another manager, secretary tk JUKSniNN saying: "This gorgeous gal has BEER • WINE * LIQUOR corn pan Ion. one of the oomphlest voice*. MACK'S DRIVE-IN S2-9S gal E. (TH AVE. Sre-r tf rVirir- To CMryoui unveiled anywhere." , 100 N. 17th -St. Near E. Long STRAW HATS BUSTER'S I.ATEST BliUSH WITH THE MEN IN BLUE Sew**' Columbus, O. (ah hath. 1 said tatest) was dug la last week's edition *f Jet D o r o't h y shrugged off the WE &FEClaA_i_E FULL MEALS Cowboy Pants FINE POOD which stated that singer Wynoole Harris, whose tangos ge 1* aa praise and explained, to Show IN THE IMPOSSIBLE Chirken-Stcaks-Fish $J.95lto foul as any sewer, was cleared 'st aa s sis alt charge filed by magazine that it Isn't her voice $3.29 CepwasSA.Sf.TaVl A. St. Barges*. Busy Buster accused Harris af hiring two thugs te rob ruaw.1 T A. M. ..i.l I A. ML GOINS as much as It is the way she Bar-Be-Cue and best Mm while th* singer was appearing with Darnell in Swsdsr. II A-M. art. I AM TELEVISION - RADIO delivers a song. "I'm more FA. OCIS FA. 04 IS ELECTRIC psychologist than a singer and Sp-ciaiiiiae. la SWt Orders Blskmsat, Vs., early this year. When Barges* failed to appear Kali, Hsdi.. sad tU E. Third Ave. SssMfwiefcaa aad .Soft Drisk. 12M E. LONG ST. at the trial, the Judge dismissed th* charge snd Harris was I concentrate in vising a delivery Hsreuet Taekw. rnpa ' that wilt get the' greatest re­ FA. tr-Ot MeGHEE. Mgr. WE CASH PAY CHECKS ctaared. • sponse from an audience. SATURDAY, JULY IS, 19S3 THE OHIO SENTINEL THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY IS, I9SS HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES SHOES--(LEAN & REPAIR RCHIMSrORRBn MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES CARD OF THANKS Judge Restores Furnished roeat let rent, Kllch- NEW FORD HOTEL NO. 2 Mrt. Lydla O. Burkev fouuder » privileges. Adalta snly. FA. JEFF'S POOL ROOM COMPLETE HOUSE and argaalscr *f th* "Gospel la •*-•». 4S2, EAST LONG STREET Test AD. 0431 111. MT. VERNON AVE. CLEANING SERVICE Song," wishes ta thank these Cigars. Candle, aad lee Cose FREE ESTIMATES Troc' license r...it.a. seal ImsiMM Cat. Watc.M Soft Drinks Repairing awl Remodeling • Bath, Kitchen Ford Hottl No. I Still Operated At 179 North «lh SL RE*. DO. I0t> Washing, V/asiag Fleers Quickest and surest way C JEFFERSON. Fro,. Judge Ralph J. Bertlctt. of Franklin county cocnmon especially wishes t* thank Dr. MRS. B. IT-FORD r..,.l.l,«, u>s. 3MI OFFICEi AD. IU. Why Net gU)ve The Best •Waa court, laat Thursday sustained the appeal of the to buy, sell and trade In Te Do Tang W.rt t h • Columbus "Family Psrrlsh, Mr*. Victoria Washing­ Trocaxceria club, 891 Mt. Vernon av., Columbu*. and or­ Market" is with a Senti­ ton, choir* aad assay ethers.. BRUCE FRAZ1EB, Mgr. dered th* Ohio Board of Liquor Control to reinstate the nel Want Ad. They're ROOMS FE. 49M FB. *-M*t Slight club license which was revoked by the board en a easy te place— FOR RBI. ROrtWE'S DILLYDALLY r charge early Last spring. THE HAWKINS SAM'S SHINE PARLOR Judge Bartlett, who hesrd 1 gad N. 10S1, 5... C.la.ba.. O. Jast Call EV. 2240 FA. 7517 «S N. MONROE AVE. FE. 4815 Used Clslatag Seep appeal case May 25. ta «v.r>.;. ,_,,,.- U 'James Martin/ ** Prop.. SAMUEL PENSON BsroainBox Alter.Uoos aad TsUsriag ing the Liquor Board's decision, j -y^^ c >urt ruled that, hi it* .Ash For Aa Adwriter W. Welcome old .nd New P.tron. II 1M Clldlll Si, U PARSONS AVE. reasoned: "The minor in the (,pinjlkr,| the management had Transient Guest Welcomed ens* had previously been served violated W. Contrntse te Render the Sa.se Eaelnsiv., Assie 4 Joseph stifle in Use club and had shown • i*' .njli,- * dentin!* sufficient to convince' ,.•»,,,. ., BUCKEYE AWNINGS Efficient Sarne* SHINE PARLOR R..a-.r', Maeksu Coatpl.u IUs. Clotfiing mad i baitenders and waitresses Uiat!aftr aruj i deceived by the ALUMINUM DOOR HOODS Deluae Dyeing S Shining he was of legal age. Subsequent hov wh CANVAS S ALUMINUM AWNINGS ef graeeriea tit E. Ian, SL. R»c.«litl.awl Radio. hsvesttgalion, however, revealed ^^ <# tw ML VWVW. A.... cuv a Colsimbas. ,).. FA. 2E20. Fs... Fud.ri.. B.tUv FRICED LOW J. ». BBYAM, Mgr. AD. ml FREE ESTIMATE* — TERMS BRYAN'S CIHES SERVICE MAin 3206 Bl'MFlNO A FAINTING — CABS RIBBED OUT A WAXED NEW LOCATION MASON DIXON COMPLETE AUTO REFINISUlNG-OlLi3AS-I.UBRICAT10N OUIDO'S BUCKEYE 1BIT AWNING & MF6. CO. GENEBAL AUTO REPAIR COAL CO. SAM'S DYE SHOP CLEANERS & DYERS Gabby Ruben New Owner Of Mori's, 264-263-268 SPRUCE ST. Ut PARSONS AVE Col.raku, O. t MONTHS TO PAT , rSNOE REPAIR 747 Hull... AM. C.I'., O. WA. 9509 — KL. 2864 Columbus, Q. ta ML Veres. Ave. 2S3 - 19TH AVE. Was Sales Mgr. Of Vernon Tailoring tig or to. small l.l CleaiiinE 4 Repairing BIGHT . , . sad st the RIGHT AUTOELEnRiCAl Dry Cleaning Hour. 9 a.m. Until • p.m. prlct! Let's look things ever HUSH Cles.ed. Beflalshed, . . . legelher! C.U EV. 3126. BUY ... SELL ... TRADE , Columbus, civ BROWN, VANCE & MASON'S GATES AUTO Dyed Any Color JOE KEE UUNDRY is being made this week. ! ASSOCIATES ' JEWELED* AND ELECTRIC SAMUEL HOPE, Pre*. COLUMBUS LAUNDRY 133 N. aOtb St. CotafSybss. O. New owner is Cabby Ruben, j OPTOMETRISTS ta. E. F.H.. St. FA. tgia It Years' Practical Esperl- S DRY CLEANING Complete Laaadry Scrvve* who won favor with Ea»uidt?rs CLASSES S7.7S ap Calaoib.,. O. e.re at George's Dye Sb.p KM Mt. v.,..„ AM. Col'., O. Hr*. ItM -.»-, 'ta 10 » -» a* sales manager for Vermmj REAL ESTATE Guaranteed Material. ,:i •d R...„ G«„.t,.,, Phone FE. 1011 25 Y.BP'S ! Tailoring and Clothing Co. H*i MISC. FOR SALE —MAIN STORE— ...I.l.r., Sl.rler. Fanit, and Backet*. B.adU. succeeds the 40 year ownership) earliest c THRU THE OHIO SENTINEI EVergreen 2240 of Moi-t Cohen, who was forced It W. Mu. si. AO. aatt LONG S GRANT Dr.a... Ulaak.K. R.Mir. A timsd miscellaneous clothing. Se­ CM.aah.as O. USED CLOTHINC STORE _ Altaeati... from active operation of the' Mori's is open daily lection Includes fur coat and s by ill health. a. m, to I p. m , Frid — BRANCH STORE— BROOK S' AUI-O W. b- ... Mil l.ai.. H.ORINE RAMSEY, Mgr. TIP-TOP CLEANERS two ankle length, matching 7 C. L RAMSEY. F,.,. Ruben i* a member of the Ml. j Saturday till B p m. * bridesmaids dresses. DO. -*.)'. 733 E Lasag St. - AD. 2113 ELECTRIC SERVICE _..'. a..d .Libia.. S76 Mt. Veraso AT*., Cal's. < VeiTton Av. Businessmen's Ass'n HELP WAHTtO Friendly, Courteous Service Col.mh.1. O. and heads the organization's ad-j PiefX Up aad Delivery vertiaing committee. Avon Predaels have openings EDWARD G. WATSON One Day Sorvio* — r E. k71t Urge Group fer * women. We train yon I* MoonligM laundry IN A STATEMENT to The earn money and lovely silver Licensed Real Estate Broker Hathway A Ferguson ,0 E. LM| St. C.lamSa.. O. Sentinel Ruben said this week, Ssles - Rentals - Appraisal* prises tar flth anniversary. RUUF1NG COMPLETE LAUNDRY F.acollaat Sarvk* At ''The people of the Eastaldr Checks In At OK SALE — Good used bath­ Call All. ItW or JE. 2455 after Property Management A FURNACE WOKE have been very nice. I expect to tM N. Monroe Ave. - FE. JIU SERVICE room flxtares ta fine rendi­ K*af! I'alroolie liar Advertisers ITS Mt. V..... A... Opa. 4i30 A.M. MOONEY UUNDRY tion. Bohanaa Licensed it CI... IsOS F.M. 03 Mt. Vscnws Ave., C*!'s, O. Brush Lake Bended Plumbing Co. IMi E. task clerks. Steady employ­ Bigger V Better Sat. O... 4i30 A. All Unas of Laundry Werk teeeg St. PE. Iltl. ment day or eight. Apply ta Horn. Of I P.M Work Clothes A Specialty ipuj ftoysand girls HOMES FOR 5ALE 11:1 person. Hotel St. Clair, 3U St. Buys IR Used Cars Ch.r Mgr. Ops. Sat. Til 11 P- M. critf k.'d Brush Lake youth Clair Ave.. FA. 1111. OK EDWARD F. ZIPF -ek for the Croons modern lulls* heme. WANTED FOR MASSAGE Newly decerstcd. Lovely hard­ I. W. WATSON & CO. USED CARS Bieycla. Tire. »n0 Supplies camping period o( the Sharpening of 1-awnmo.er. conducted by the Youth Dept ot wood Rears. Total price fit**. F..J D..l.r* Pw t0 V.*r, PAUL DAVIES Located on Henry lit. CHEVROLET Sclisors sod Knive. the Columbus Crfean League, un­ rrarUcal er trained nurse, or 1288 N. High St. Alt Kind ol Kayr Mad. Hill RADIO v. flECTRK SHOP UN. 2118 22 Cleveland A.e. der direction A Mrs. Ella M. ene wanting ta learn. State FOR SALE Bicyelea fg, Rent ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Ssndidge age and experience. Write Columbu., Ohio Coiombu. Obi. . EV. 3S40 — tO S. Okie Ave. Wiring as Repairs — Gasrsateed Radio A Television Service The group e tiers-ting the first 973 MT. VEBNON AVE. 'EV. UtS period, consisting of boys and USED CARS FOR SALE girls 11 to 13, is back home. OUNKLE GA. 7620 Volunteer ' workers for Brush LEGAL NOTICES Cell Mr. Wilson, FF.. CXI. agent inization of Colum- STEPHENSON REALTOR lor l-riorer Realty, tig N. High bus house vi ves organized to Margaret M. Austin, whose at., l.r .ppoialsneot t. ace. last known address is tit Park UN. S46S KAUFMAN MOTORS, INC. nuinbrr of < st., Buena Vista, Vs., will take > Ors* Slop CIM lo camp represents notice that ea June I. 1953, FE. 8113 U) Work Done , Harry Austin filed his petition ntage of the leas f FOR SALE Columbu,. O. 628 E. LONG ST. ta the Common Pleas Court of A HOME FOR YOU! JAMES COOPER. M«r. Franklin County, Ohio. Division 1224 N. HIGH ST. IS6S Greenw.y Smith. Thi. Whether year Interests lie ta of funds. af Domestic Relations in Cans* bcsntlful Hilltop property er Emcrgeer*/ Call UN. 3lis GABRT RUBEN Ne. 72313. praying far a divorce twn year old, G-rfl.n Registration lor the next two In another Celumbns commu­ Columbus, i>. from her on the ground* ef gross home on a lovely large nity the man ta bay or sell trnnag* by tiering. first cla week period, which starts July aeglcct ef duty- merchandise, in the tradition i 20, is now in progress For furth­ Said Cause will be fer bearing lot. Reasonably priced. labliahed by my predecessor. er information, contact the Co­ •a or after Jnly 29, 1«3. Loan available. I m m •- CHARLES E. WALLACE In Columbus... lumbus Urban, League, 10. N. dial. po»ie..soru Mrs. Monroe av., Ev. »», Tolcr and Toler, Attys. Salesmaa, "Men of Distinction Follow this Directory boys will find our showcases am (II, 24, r>. 7-4, 11, 11, UOI. Jane McCann, JE. 9460, Culpepper Realty C*. stduckrouro liavaded with the. tales with Robert G. Denmead, RA. 3tn - FE. ftSM COME OUT OUR WAY To Better Tonsorial Service" ia fashionable dress and spor Wllltans Hear. Balls, wheat Realtor, SS E. Stat. St., Columbus YW last aaawa sddress b . CHARLES WORLEY « OLDS Sedanette "6 ". RAH. Hydra $495 Barbers — SUE Holman, Sat. U.tll I P. M. DELUXE FACIALS '4» LINCOLN 4-Dr. RAH. O.D 1705 Harrison house on Broad st.. William J. Gcreskl, whose last STEPHENSON REALTOR Albert Johnson Ope. Wad. Afleraoo. Willi, Wnal.y. Prop. the first post'office,which served address Is unknown, will take '49 PLYM. 4-Dr. Heater Flan Scat Ran Says Columbus, irt ^iPranklinton, the notice that ea Jane », 1»JJ, '48 FORD 4-Dr. Sup. Dla. "«" 3595 6»3 —981 — 502 Lucas Sullivan! homestead, the Derethy L. Gereskj filed her pe- '47 PLYM. 4-Dr. RAH '. |395 NEW LOCATION 269 — 521 _ SS9 peace memorial marker, Confe­ '47 MERCURY Convert. HAH. Choice of 3 1705 BROOSDALE'S 778 — 7S6 — 409 derate cemetery on Sullivant HILLTOP and CITY WIDE « PONTIAC Sedanette. RAH »545 THOMPSON BARBER SHOP av., Campbell Mount, Samuel '49 KAISER Traveler.-Heater *4»5 IHvUien ef Domestic Relations F.irnirrly Mt. Veman-St. Clair Barber Shop BARBERSHOP in. e The Bayers. Yea Famish The llo.aea For St. Te Sell. '40 FORD Sta. Wag. RAH 1795 In Caase Ne. 72578, praying (er a 964 MT. VERNON AVE., Near 18th SL 621 E. Long SL Ma'l Dream divorce treat hint oa th* grounds list Will, SEVEN CHAIR SHOP F.ci.la and Scalp I'rcstrocnu O'Shaughnessy dam and *t gross aeglcct ef duty and res­ the Columbus zoo. Complete Barber Service Specialty toration ef her maiden name «l Men, Worsen and Children's Hair Cutting and StyRag Daniel F. Prugh of the Frank- HAniEBUFORD REDMOND Derethy L. Harnett. A Specialty SIS — S74 - 143 tin County Historical Society Real E.t.te Broker lie&ileif,-Q>iooe. Co. sot — 140- -S39 will conduct the tour. Sskt Cause wlU he for hearing Ladles Hair Bobbing, Scalp Treatment, Deluxe Facials ea er attar Augnst 15, Utt, Barbara: CHARLES DUDLEY, ANDREW HARRIS • ooo — 090 -- 1SI Reservations for the tour may Residence — RA. 8837 353 S. Hlghl.nd A»«- BARBER SERVICE be made by calling the YYVCA, William 0. Brooks, Atty. Natary Public Cetaaska. 4, Okie JOHN THOMPSON, Proprietor Ad. »12L 7-1, 11, It, 25, »-I, f, 1953. THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY IS. 195J SATURDAY. JULY IS, 1»S3 THE OHIO SENTINEL Sala-Sandy Fight Beatty Tennis (lubbers Show Off New Racquets VtOGOL'i Ciowns, Femme Infield Star, SEMI-ANNUAL aEARANCE! On TV Monday Due For Stadium Tilt July 29 I- - Sal* of Donors, Pa., aad Rand}* Snndy of Harlem, SALE freeh and confident after their recent vkiories over rugr Yes, Miss Is corning th* will I pose the In an MEN'S WEAR l-rti Karth Panther and classy Tu/.o Portuguez, reepective- back with the Indianapolis Clowns. engagement in Red official league gsme. It'll be • lv. face each other in a ten round main event to be telecast The-fust girl ever te appear in Bird stadium. Columbus, Wcdnes-| night game, and will be coupon Monday. July 20. at 9 p. m. EDT over WTVN (Columbus) Vi Va Vz OFF! and the Du Mont television network. Miss Stone snd the Clowns st The Satw-Sandy middle' right Game Study, Free ttscted a crowd of sHghtiy more ON SUMMER NEEDS boot will be held .1 m.lehmakeri h' ""<*?> ___ JL*_5. _ than WO when she appeared June -Ted Brenner's F..„ern Pkwy .1 mor' recevitlywlsen he lamb..,- IB In the 10th annual Alia Bab* sreis In Britoklyri. I Lake City's tough Go Fishing For Kids Shrine game. That time the Clowns BROKENLOTS ml Chris .Ochenfcel, y dropped a onesided decision lo the nd' Mont sportscasler, 1 At'53 Ohio Fair Monarchs. ODDS & ENDS ingsidc action snd < Miss Slona did net h*v* MM " j KatfawsiasUc members of Realty Kecreation Center Tennis cloh. Col una bus, proudly exblatt The Ohio Divlston uf Wildlife of Iter need ni.hts. Playing with new rarqarts fives them recently ky Merry Makers, Fin De Ste-ele as* I .a Petite elub*. Frees has' announced tt will ngain tour stitch** In tier left hand, AU MERCHUKDISE WOM SECULAR STOIS! [ Wi: Anita Getnes. Every* Shaw, Janice Owens, Hubert Tuaey, Dir. Chester While, Sr., r«ut sponsor free klddlea' fishing at ah* could not give her best. She No 2ntt* or Irregulars! Says Milt Campbell i Harris, (hester White, Jr.. Jen* Neff, Phjllis flrastton.—Pierre Phot*. the Ohio stale fair, Aug. ^8 to went 41-nly two Innings. Nothing Sept. 4. It will make the 10th went right. Out this time Mi»* '6. ealesl Athlete' year of this fair feature. , Stem wants to mak* smonds Nationally Advertised Wits,. In addition to fishing for fun, to tier Colombo* fallowing. * Msrk.ro short Sleeve SLACKS an educational program -Alll Sh* sol.,., th* first three Inn­ Pine assortment Plain,..-Id (N. J > High Lawrence Wins precede the actual fishing. Ah in ings of s gsme sad then leaves la SPORT SHIRTS $449 est high v ritH.l athlete in a story the paat, each child under 1* Valsws u, tt.W Cabs. Tropicals. by Zander Hollander in the cur­ yearB of age will bo ellowed to Sale rrieed $|W Values te SS.tS rent issue of Sport maganne. Three Events fish free'for one half hour. Im­ and hss been attracting record The only thing that ha* limited p®«r mediately preceding the fishing crowds throughout the Clown' 89 the young Negro's accuiriplisli- — period 30 minutes will be de­ CampWillson REG. $39.50 voted to-educational features In­ Fans sre reminded to come esi ments as an all-round athlete is side a tent which will be erect­ VALUES W SAVE lack of time, writes Hollander, ly or buy ihelr tickets in sdvance VALUES TO who claims lhat the "giant" ha* ed next to the fishing pond. Camp Period from C. C. Caldwell Post mem­ ON mastered track, football, swim­ SPORTS The period will bers. Many fans were turned SSS.00 ming and wrestling. If given sway last June 18 because of long Wanteds, Flssmels, Gabar­ HEN'S SUITS -ouple of 1 Aug. 14-28 lines and last minute rush. dine,. 1 anil 2 button styles. t of Jit GLEANINGS which will be swimming i THI RID SOX won In their Matriain aquaria, their distribution, ubun- Camp Alfred L. Willson, oper­ only showing in Columbus this Straws and Panamas dance, habits and habitats in the ated by the Columbus YMCA, Is season, bowling over Lockbourne Br William (Bill) Bell streams and lakes of the Buck calling all boys between 8 and 17 to attend csmp. Camping Sbybawks. They, too, h*va_a good Now at De.p-Cut Prices Sentinel Sports Editor eye slate. Colored pictures one club and have been holding their winning Linden Center relay lantern aiidc* will also be avail period Is Aug. 14-28. $2.95 Straws NOW $1.69 uble to stress identification fca Among the attractions to be with the Clownn. . $S Genuine Panama. NOW $2.89 Zooligans Slate enjoyed are baseball, tennis, this game it'll be first j We have often cuased Casey Parents of Ihe children fishing volleyball, badminton, football, t Stengel and his Yankees for the game Tuesday afternoon at Softball Champs Croaley field by sending in will be invited inside the tent socoer, horseshoes, cookouts, OPEN MON. & THURS. EVES. — AIR CONDITIONED imanner in which they have man- to observe the educational feu- pvernight hikes, csnoe trips, | handled our poor Cleveland In Paige to hurl, although he had World softball thampion*. the Johnny Sain on the bench.- sented In the i arts and crafts, swimming, fish­ Bills* lleaiilyware team from _ J dians but today we salute Sten- Fslge gave ap three hits sad For the free fishing, as in the ing, boating, Indian cerem, iii.ii will appear in ofumbu*' «•> »'»>ougri allowed two ran* after twe past, the Division of Wildlife ond campflres. ARROW Sunday. Aug. 9, under ounds aft. •- fourth i mi.:-< a MOGOL'S wee* eel, but the game was will furnish each child a l There is u place for ull boys _*. » the Zooligans. according to an. live All-Star loss. lest "already aa the American linden Girls Wis line, cork, sinker, hook and whether beginners or experts in Shirt, and Tin noiJcemenl by N. J. Barack. preai- Our salute to .Stengel is not in ladsageers were (raiting 3-S DAYTON. -- Linden Center bait'. Those catching fish wi! games, crafts, swimming MEN'S WEAR honor of his baseball astuteness when SstcheH enter the lay ground copped team honors given a free stringer and the fishing In Lake Mac-O-Chee. 17S N. HIGH ST. . COLUMBUS, O. but for his heart, an organ which fish will be feed and held for hi 84,n.v _ it High school stadium in the For further information - many people have said did not nnual Jaycee girl's playground them until 5:3© p. m. of that cernlng camp, call W. Van •^'Tt-WAT" ' exist among baseball managera The score is not what portant to us; it was l:n'l Johnson, boya work secretary, PA1R0HIZE SEHTIHEl ADVERTISERS or magnates. Casey proved that that Stengel had honored Paig< at Ma. 67.9. he waa sentimental by picking as one of the all-thne pitchi Leroy (Satchel) l Paige for one greats, although it came ye. SENSATIONAL i five atrstjtht games, of his hurlera for the All-Star after Sal eh had reached his z HOME BUY! - the AUU track tea -nd Its no* .-,»! title at Miami, game. Although he knew Paige Aggies Take Lickings EA&T-6 room single. Three bed co-coach on' its Eui , "Sept. lPJt. is not the hurter this year that reams and bath up. Three Albrirton expecta t i all Zooligans promotions, TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — rooms and reception hall Dayton around end of August, rookie Florida A-M Rfcitlen. — down. Wall-to-wall carpeting leagues. pa-., N C8rolma A-T, IM in in reception hall and living He made it without evi r •»!"* their first game of the IMS sea to spring training camp, teem. Low down payment to comlng 8(m Yh-.y heat the Aggies 19-12 right buyer. Call Mrs. Mary to Cleveland in mid-sea; ion, and in ... helped- to pitch them Bedcy, GA. ttl*. represea- first pennant in more than 20 tative, Deanirsd "* years. He hurled in a world Staffing Chance SPORTS FOR AU aeries when most ballplayers E, LANSING, Mich. — During either fade out of sight or drop two years of play as a substitute Ease the down to Class B leagues. for All-American left halfback Don McAuliffe. Michigan State's 1 He drepped out ef organised dm& Colon: Bethany 1'reabyte; namblers a seeking aoft- baseball fer twa years snd LoRoy Bolden—who finally gets hall games with teams in or out of town. Clubs wi then came back sad made all his slurting chance in 1053 — ternim irVttfi .7 are urged to contact Bill Shaw, 19 N. 21al st., Columbus 3, or of the critics who said he was .scored 78 points, BASEBALL by phone at Ev. si.>o. Bethany is coached by Wilberforce U. grad washed np eat crew by win­ Hudd l.t * Players include Capt. Bill Shaw, Collin Bryce, Jr., ning U aad lesing 19 with a n-R-an-gAws-n-nawnB-g. hrucc Ro| Richard Blackenberry, John Henderson. Lowell tail cad elub. He waa picked BsmuurItoe , Charles Wataoti. Bob t 11, Bill Smith, Charles Lucid*, Muh- Tn. fer the All-SUr teas* en the mRff. McDaniels, Bob Blaylock and By slrcagtb ef his won and lest T-n Brandon . . . Tobe Morrison's Wildcats continue to apiarkle as record snd his string of scare- NIGHT CIOWNS aim* the leading Lltlle League baseball club in the Columbus ares. The less Innings la 19S2. bst Fate, Are Returning I soy* MONTE IUVtN Cats have compiled an enviable record of 21 wins In 55 atarls, In she form ef rain, robbed HARNESS with most of their games played on the road. They have dropped him of his ckaac* last year. So WEDNESDAY. JULY 29 Marques Hcujnes only 10 decisions and played four ties. this year Stengel played Santa (WoesMQ utiivariFl|r hove proved Clans, despite a wave ef erill- RACING feet •.!.--. -,• tssxh-Nvt •niati B-T MUTALS MOVED into undisputed lead of the Columbi toniitM,. Ever* b*>ttpttrrsr kn*y«, iuf.lr.al League with 13-10 and 13-1 victories over Omar Bakeries j Red Bird Stadium basketball star, paaies d Moll-Forge, respectively. Catcher Bill Cochran, on base six] So i .'gurdlvs. of what Ihe fu to refresh with Ice-cold knv* ctiew Ht.sjsjSj, n,n<> >-in,r.g.l it-* in seven trips in the two games, paced the hard hitting ture r U foci, fv* not,..«J tttod „,,, famd ay bring you Casey Sim Cetss-Ceis. Msfmen. Oilier B-T sluggers who came in for praise by Coach gel, lowly sport 8:15 P.M. , of e iob-incladi-tg s->ogginB e Charles Lee, Jim Bridges, James Suber, John writer who. .will, nlwuy temtt Siei -. toll, lo, fUoctt-fvul Mi.. Toni Stone Gu-t te oese As tetitlot Thomas, John l-iuctt. James Whittaker and Bob Wright . . . Bren- i warm spot in his heart for > da Robinson, 1237 Market pl.t Columbus, representing Beatty pk. kind deed of Tuesday, July and the A champion knows that to keep winning, he for long hours, the pressures begin to pile on, in the cilywide bicycle races staged at Franklin pk. under aus- 1053. [ices of the Columbus Recreation Dept., swept all five events1 JIM TUGKItSON, the aepla and you can't work as well. That's when it htaged for girls 13 and under. Beatty produced three other prize- bnrler who waa barred ir.nu CLOWNS must keep relaxed. When pressures begin to winners. Lee Krvin, William Barber and Sharon Robinson. Chris playing with Hot Springs, iVnitehcad, Donald Smith and Julio in Howie, representing Spring Ark., by the Cotton Stales will oppose the pile on ... when work If at: iu appeal... that't pays to pause on the job... bead for a friendly St., i apt mod place awards, as did Allen Nenl for 6th and 6th play- League, has sued the league ground andjRobert Prince for Maryland pk. . . . Hnniord Villuge ' aad Ihe league's president, Al when a champion will stop to rest and refresh. red cooler... and for a frotty bottle of deli­ yirls* soli bailer* dropped both ends ot a twi-night twin bill with' .faraway, for Sae.Mt fer refus­ MEMPHIS dtytett* Cleaners, !0a and M-T, when they visited Akron Sunday. ing t* allow him ta ptay be- How about you? When you stick to your job cious, ice-cold Coca-Cola. ALL si'AK TKAstaf from the Blue and Gold Leagues, Colum-j **"** f"!*,* RED SOX ito* American Legion baseballers, will play their second annual' THKV HAVK G1VLK Legion oii-star doubleheader at Columbus' Red' Bird stadium Charles the run-around in the All Seats $1-25 Follow the Champions. Have a Qkc...and Work Rtfmhtd Wednesdoy. July 22. First game, seven innings, wilt atari nt 5, heavyweight champion man- p. m. with the second under the lights at B:30 . . . Ex-Ohio State !thon. grid star Ray Hamilton has been signed by the professional Chi^J Roland L * S t a r z a will be cago Cardinal*. Called the "best blocking back in the conference" heavyweight champion Rocky h> opposition coaches in the Big 10, Hamilton won three, varsity Marclano's next foe 'despite the •tRs-„.rt,.,,....,..ri» CCJCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY, COLUMBUS, Q. e,w„eocaeottcaw^ awards and sparkled for the Buckeyes when they upset California ' f»ct that Charles i* rated the I7-lt in the 1KQ Romt! ^ cjj^,^ | i^jj ^i^^