Reward for Apprehension of Long St. Killer!
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• . •rmB"""ii""""^""B^^*^™ •Wild 3TAT2 ilU'SEtM. LISMltt 15TH * BWH ST< -rum. onto § LaVaughartOn Lombardo Show COLO-BUS, OHIO 5 ENTJNEL Sentinel Announces Beauty Contest At Big Walnut Aug. 30 15 A Wilting beauty conteat to select "Miss Bronze Ohio of 1*33" will ho the principal attraction during The Ohio See.Us>el's first annual "ssslgjs'.. soar festival/' i| was announced this week. VOL. 5. No. 5 SATURDAY. JULY II. 1D53 COLUMBUS, OHIO Thy* festival will he an nil day event at Big Walnut Country club, Sunday, Aug. 30, aad in addition to the bathing revue will feature a v-v- riety of competitive games for adults and children and on outdoor dance. Family and club groups froen Columbus and other cities in which The Sentinel is circulated, are being urged to organize and plan to make it M ail slay outing, complete with nicnic baslccfts. C WHO'S WHO IN SPRINGFIELD 1_w £T "THE OH tag 15 By Grate L Lee • •sv ai_ aw _.•-_•_ sssa-iaT ••# SPRLNGtlELD. — Americans is planned before their depar Bernadine Randolph is ing in City hospital JENJUNEL all over the world celebrated ture . Mrs, Mayela Senter, a the 4th ot July Saturday, some Bchooi teacher in Toledo, spent Logan is recuperating m ¥ srith speeche the weekend with Dr. and Mrs his home. 117 W. Clark st. »<.>.iit- with tw G. A. Allen, S3, S Center st. MB. AND MBS. Snookey artillery and Mrs. Senler is attending Ohio Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Luther ' SJlTalT'w'sllrS " ll SATURDAY, JULY IS. IMS COLUMBUS, OHIO garden par lie. and picnics. State university's summer ses Moseley and daughter Gloria, Generally fair weather ovei sion and completing work on her Mr. and Mrs. William- and "Divine Sarah". Vaoghaa ponders a-Musical problem vrith most of the country brought ou master's degree in psychology. daughter Mildred have moved mae*lro Gay Lombardo as they rehearse for dynamic vocalist's the trudition-l swarm of trav ... Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pet- into their new homes In the second ef two gBrSSi appearances on CRS-Radlo's "day Lom elers and picnickers, sightsecn tiford and children, of Wiibcr- •ly planned Meadowbrook Ad- bards Ttsss." Saodsy, J.IT S. Air lime Is 5 p. m., KDT.—ANr and sport enthusiasts. It was i lorce, are enroute to Los Ange Phete. SENTINEL day far gatherings and foi les for an extended vacation. watching fireworks u city perks. MILS. AM HI A LIVINGSTON very pleasant information. Mrs. In Springfield and surrounding and Mrs. Laura Bruce, formerly Boyd has been employed as the towns the celebrations seemed referred to as the "lovely Rey first Negro representative lor OFFERS tradtti".,.... Akbar Shrine Tem nolds sisters" of Springfield. Miami Bread Co.. Dayton. JH>r COLUMBUS COURT ROUNDUP pi*? picnic drew large crowds to now residing in N. Carolina, the Urban* fairgrounds Satur spent the week in Springficld. REWARD FOR day and Sunday. Neighbors They were house guests of Miss Judge Henry L. Holdcn, first Democrat to sit on bench of pUed into their cars with bas i her conversation that municipal court in recent years, got off to flying start in criminal kets, headed for the great open mi Bread will give a W per- court Monday, imposing fines totaling $950 and 47? days on per spaces. Other* who highly entertained these dtscount to any church, If sons who sppeared before him on his first day in'many rourt. rs are obtained through her. charmers were Robert Dem and Holden, former assistant [LroSecuting attorney of Franklin Riley Jackson and their friends, . The senior choir of North Si. AME sponsors a singsplra- county, was appointed by Gov. Lausche last year to succeed Mrs. Thelma Frye, Mrs. Edna Wayne Fogle, elected to common pleas court. ^ Johnston, Mrs— Lightfoot, Dr. tion vesper service Sunday, July 12, at t, p. in. Local and out ot Among those paying cash ' ~~ " Leo Robinson and Lonnie Hen fines were Lucious Rose, 48, 281 released, was forfeited. safe holiday' derson. Many friends enjoyed town latent will participate. The Altar club will sponsor its an E. Long St., who pleaded guilty « - • closed its day. the steak fry which was given to to possessing liquor for sale. His TRAFFIC COURT ACTIONS APPREHENSION OF In Washington their honor in the home ut Mr. nual garden party on Mr. Rub and Mrs. Pierce Johnston, 517 en C. Henry's lawn, 527 S. Cen that fireworks nd speeches ter si., Sunday, July 26, from 3 were deUvered i the Washmg- W. Grand av, , . Mr. and Mrs MJW-Siig OswS-f j wTsenlenceVlo n H. York, Mack U pshaw, newlyweds, spent The publi there the weekend in fronton visiting oration at the eternal light in Mrs. Upshaw's parents. The Up- dent . Leah Bristol Lo- F^HS™ sVt-vr \\\ui£& .£ Madison Square Garden. In Ma siiaws will be at home In theti Mrs. Ruth Voting nila, Filipinos celebrated their newly furnished apartment, of Springfield, died in her home fined tl« .nd cost. Monday . J^ _, ^rgg ari_sln| seventh Independence day with p61S<* W. Grand av. last Friday. Mrs. L*-„an was Davsd Smith. 28, asrman as c suspended his driv, gay fiestas, parades and fire born in Springfield 6U years ago Lockbourne .Ir base wa ocdci- licaa. (or three year. , . works. From friendly capitals MI1S. MARY TBI M»l.». _ and had resided i" Columbus 5_£%£ SS -w-ta-w-wS^IS the past 40 years. A member of LONG ST. KILLER! around the world—Italy, Yugo- vacationing in Alabama where under $1000 bond. Smith alleged- aPP«r f wnUe she plans to spend two weeks St. Phillips church, Columbus, visiting with her mother and she" is survived by s son, Ciar- Slory On Page 2 • L. Logan, Jr.. and sister, Washington and so another 4th reu.tiv.s ... Mr. 'and Mrs, Paul »f July, has passed. .Bates mulored to Tejutesaer . Ruth Young, Springfield. 1 '- * where they will spend ten days The Grim Resper_ claimed ' SVIAJSOARET 'BIGGS, », 5.7 INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS MB. AND Mala. Albert Cooke with Mr Bates parents, Mr. Sinclair av., .rrcstcd Saturday A 25 yearlosa man. lound in Urn 814 W- and Mrs Ben M. Bates, 315 Ber- when Columbus vice squadmen the rear ol Mf Mt. Vernon av. Grand av., Springfield, met with sheba St.. McMinville, Term. found 12 gallons ol bootleg iiq- s.iurdsy nigm with lis. throat an auto accident Sunday eve The , Bates have resided m UNTIL NEXT WEEK uor in her borne, was held to the .lit irons car to car, refused to ning, tin <.'tiiv from Columbus Springfield about three federal grand iury under $1000 name his assailant. Jame, A. where they visited with Mrs. leave a note of warning to lovers of the great bond Monday when she was sr- ttutledgc, 1000 Leonard av., at Cooke's family. None ot the ralgrsed before U. S. Cummis- .nt rsospital, told, ' I U family was seriously injured, "There is a little chigger and he ur home of Mrs. Clara Rice, 1077 isn't any bigger than the point sloner Robert W. Newlon on a get my own revenue s___ but all were hospitalized and Mound St. A basket dinner was charge of powessusg unused nouthasde woman who attempted releaaed . - Capt. and Mrs. of a very smsli pin, but the served on the spacious lawn of bump that he raises just itches liquor . lour Daytonians, ar- to separate her husband end Fred Mabra and sons are visit the hostess lo the following rested in Columbus Sunday and another man trom ligntusg was ing relatives and friends in members and friends: Jean like I and that's where the held at city prison under snves- .tabbed' in the toe ot her right S[>. .ngUeid, Capt, Mabra is a Hargro, Julia Castle, Blanche big ii . Remember ligation of suto theft, were iden- ,oot with a pockcl knife during native oi i»pn..gneid, now serv Thompson. Beulah Ponder, Mr. 2-ssde. tilled as Rev John Clark Thorn- uie scutlle. Police Ea d loa ing with t,.e •.tb divUkm Nst'l and Mrs. Curtiss Jones, Mr. snd as 42 1557 Morris St.; William Mitchell, as, tag McAllister av„ Guard un.i, and is expecting to Mrs. Ephrsm Porter, Mr. and H ' Moore 28 10M Wastssngton the '-peacemaker," was trymg be sent to -worea soon- Mrs. Ma Mrs. > amuel Sheltun, Sarah st Thomas H. Reeder, 30, RR to separate Paul R. Payne. to, bra formerly lived in Arizona Wise, Freeman Lee, Kobert Cavaliers To 2 Germantown pike, and Bar- d her husband, Thorn.s. In but plans to make her borne in Mclser. Clarence Clarke, John an Springtield until her husband bar. Parker, 31, 128* Hawthorn her home Sunday. Payne w.s Rummage, Elmer Glover, Jr., st. Quartet wss released without cut on the elbow, _M all of Springfield, and Mr. and Have Barbecue charges after undergoing an in- • • • Mr. and faMis Charles JeUertes Mrs. Norman Stroud, Mr. and vesication by police . Case LATEST FLIM-FLAM racket of South Bend, Ind., visited with Mrs. Olin Jackson, Miss Flora In keeping with , i previously stuiounced schedule ol Welter (Col) Burton, In which vss-tim is Ella Mae, it. their brother and sister-in-law, Aikm*, Edward Couch and he was charged with operating 702 Pennsylvania av., poorer, Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Jeffcries. Stephen Stepp of Dayton. Mrs. the Cavaliers club Earsaline Lee of Chicago and a numbers game, was contin- but perhaps wiser, after sne was W. Clark si. Raymond first annual benefit barbecue ued until Aug. 21, when be sp- stripped o, a $95 wedding ring.