Red Ban Egiste Section One
RED BAN EGISTE SECTION ONE VOLUME LXIV, NO. i. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1941. PAGES! TO 16 Supper Tonight At 700 DogsEntered In Reformed Church Big Sailing Regatta $1,600 Cleared For Second Registration The second annual supper served Child Welfare by the ladles of the Red Bank Re- formed church on Shrewsbury ave- Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson, Jr., Annual Rumson Sfiow nue, will take place in the churoh On Fourth Of July of Brookdale farm, Llncroft, For Draft Next Tuesday 1 notified The Register Tuesday dining room tonight. Supper will be that there had been 1,100 paid served from 0:30 o'clock and will admissions at the annual Social consist of ham and all ths fixings. Service pet show, and that the Event Saturday At Rumson To The ohalnnan in charge of the af- Inter-Club Races Feature gross receipts totaled. $1,861.94. Instructions Issued By Re'd Bantc fair is Mrs. Wallace B. Ronkln. She She said that approximately Feature Water Test Exhibition will be assisted by tho following com- Event* On M. B. C. Program $1,600 had been cleared for child Board—Expect 15d to Register Here mlttees: Kitchen committee, Un. welfare work. John Weller chairman, Mrs. Eliza- An -unusual "water test" exhibition beth Estelle, Mrs. Victor Hembllng, Arrow and lightning class boats, She was especially apprecia- Instructions for the second draft will be one of the interesting fea- Mrs. Rusiel Clark, Mrs. H«It3r"£i- knockabouts, comets, sneakboxes, tive of the co-operation received registration for military service neat tures of the 13th annual dog show of Joseph Serpico telle and Mm.
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