February 1927

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February 1927 DAKEK KTUIV Just Off the Press! LITTLE RED LI9RE Jim Connolly and Irish Freedom By G. Schiiller TEN CENTS FEBRUARY, 1927 The Oath of Spartacus. 25 CENTS What did the Communists do in the British Gene- ral Strike? READ Fight This Poison! A New Pamphlet Just Received from RED England THE REDS AND THE GEN- "Every Little Counts When Your Purpose is Not Calendar ERAL STRIKE — by C. B. The Lessons of the First General Strike of to Improve the Workers' Condition But to Wage the British Working Class 10 Cents A Class War"—New Yor/c Times. T is impossible to conceive of a more insidious poison than the above lines. It would be hard to find a more treacherous attempt to mislead the I workers. Yet this was the message of the New York Times to the thou- sands of cloakmakers after they had been waging a brave struggle for many months under the able leadership of the left wing. Three hundred and sixty thousand copies of this poisonous propaganda is spread throughout the country daily through the columns of the New York Times. Small wonder then that the "New Yorker" has very appropriately called the New York Times "an essential tool of the business man." Small wonder, indeed, that it meets the plaudits of those willing servants of the bosses, Sigman & Co. The DAILY WORKER has established its base in New York, the strong- hold of the left wing, TO FIGHT THIS POISON. The DAILY WORKER has moved to the center of the present struggle in the labor movement. There it will serve as a rallying force against the combined attacks of Sigman, Home and Meeting Hall Beckerman, Woll, Lewis, McMahon, the capitalist courts and the capitalist press. We ask you to help. We ask you to give more power to the Daily A PICTURE OF LENIN Gives a Complete Authoritative Record of Worker in this fight against reaction. the Great Event 25 Cents and a list of revolutionary dates THE BRITISH STRIKE—It's Background, on attractive red card-board with It's Lessons — by Wm F. Dunne 10 Cents DAILY WORKER PUBLISHING CO., a calendar attached. BRITISH LABOR BIDS FOR POWER SECURE 33 E. FIRST STREET, NEW YORK CITY. by Scott Nearing 10 Cents Inclosed you will find my donation of ... dollars 25 Cents SUBSCRIBERS cents to KEEP THE DAILY WORKER. BRITISH RULE IN INDIA 15 cents in lots of five or more. by Shapurji Saklatvala 10 Cents FOR THE Name DAILY WORKER THE DAILY WORKER Address THE DAILY WORKER PUB. CO. PUBLISHING CO. 33 FIRST ST., NEW YORK,. N. Y. City State 33 FIRST ST., NEW YORK, N, Y. THE WORKERS MONTHLY Official Organ WORKERS COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA MAX BEDACHT, Editor. Single copies, twenty-five cents—yearly subscriptions, two dollars; foreign, two fifty. Published monthly by the Daily Worker Publishing Company, 1113 W. Washington Blvd.,Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Matter November 8, 1924, at the postofflce of Chicago, Illinois, under the act ofMarch 3, 1879. 290 FEBRUARY, 1927. No. 16. Mexico and Nicaragua Beginning with the March issue the By Ella G. Wolfe A MJETUCAN imperialism is on a rampage. It swings other millions are being consumed by the modern motor "^ its big stick in an effort to whip a few Central transport on land. But in the next war the major ap- American republics into line—so they may be hitched paratus will be the airplane which takes even larger "WORKERS MONTHLY" onto the profit coining treadmill of Wall Street finance quantities of this precious fuel. will change its name and its appearance. It will be pub- and oil capital. Mexico is being threatened. Nicaragua But what has Mexican oil to do with Nicaragua? Nica- is invaded. All the arts of demagogy are employed to ragua is a good excuse for picking a quarrel. It would lished as justify this plain imperialist aggression. Even Bol- be somewhat raw and very unpopular, to say the least, shevism is conjured up to iplay its trick of blinding the for the State Department to tell the American people masses to the real character of the expeditions. But that we are fighting with Mexico because we want her the facts are too plain. The acts of the imperialists oil. Even American statesmen are somewhat concerned speak too loud. by outward appearances, and desire to give a more Mexican oil has sent our battleships Into the Carib- idealistic reason. So our State Department tells the bean and has landed our marines in Nicaragua. "We" world that we are landing marines in Nicaragua to fight must defeat Sacasa not because he is a bolshevik, not the influences of Mexican bolshevism. On November because he is friendly to the working class—nor evea 17, 1926, the Assistant Secretary of State, Robert Olds, "THE COMMUNIST" because he is a liberal. We must defeat him now be- called the directors of the Washington Bureaus o'f the cause his success would mean a strengthening of the three principal news agencies—The Associated Press, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii rebellious Latin-American feeling against the U. S. in the United Press, and Hearst, into a secret conference, general—and in Mexico it would stiffen the opposition and he told them that "it is an undeniable fact that the against American interests, and endanger the easy, Mexican government today is a bolshevist government. steady flow of oil. We cannot prove it, but we are morally certain that a We have a vital need of Mexico's oil wells. John Ise warm bond of sympathy, if not of actual understanding READ DETAILS ON PAGE 763 AND 764 in his recent .book summing up the oil resources of the exists between Mexico City and Moscow. A steady stream United States calculates that at the present rate of of Bolshevist propaganda has been filtering from Mexico OF THIS ISSUE. American consumption our oil resources will last about down through Central America, aimed at property rights six years. Six years! An appalling short period; there and designed to undermine society and governments as is little time to lose. Mexico is still rich in producing they are now constituted. We feel that this picture oil lands and a number of American geologists who have should be presented to the American people and I desirs been busy for years in reconnoitering for Standard Oil to ask for your advice and co-operation." report that in the States of Chihuahua, Chiapas and One of the representatives present asked why the Tabasco alone there are millions of acres of rich oil lands. State Department did not make a public statement to In our scramble for oil we must consider not only the that effect. The reply was: "Surely you must realize why 19 million American automobiles that have to be fed the Department of State cannot afford to be directing daily, but also the fuel supply of a future war. Modern such a serious statement against a government with battleships have taken to burning oil. First, because it which it is on friendly terms." is easier to store and second, because it emits no tell- The Associated Press fell for this piece of inspired tale smoke. These battleships consume millions of gal- propaganda and published it broadcast—but the "news" lons. And while these are being consumed on the sea, fell flat on the American people as a whole and failed FEBRUARY, 1927 725 724 WORKERS MONTHLY canal against Mexico. When Sacasa says that no one Calles government will arm against the counter-revolu- to browbeat Calles into submission on the oil and land Prior to this election the Nicaraguan national bank in Nicaragua is attempting to endanger the treaty grant- tion. The workers and peasants will fight to protect laws. Not because the Calles regime is revolutionary—• and the national railways were in the hands of Ameri- ing canal rights to the U. S.: what few and meager rights they have won during the nor always even friendly to labor—but because he is can bankers. The Solorzano and Sacasa government Then "we will brook no interference in our Caribbean last decade and a half, for they know that should -forced by the militant spirit of the Mexican peasantry bought back the railway and the bank. policy." the Church and landed opposition come to power—all and working class to make revolutionary gestures from A few months after this, Chamorro, Minister of War The Inconsistent, hypocritical, uncertain movements o£ rights will be destroyed. time to time. 'Calles, like Obregon, before him, has in the Solorzano cabinet, with the aid of Diaz, the pres- Coolidge and Kellogg has created a general conviction American imperialism is gradually swallowing Central had to straddle in his policy. On the one hand he is ent president of Nicaragua, executed a coup d'etat that the massing of so many battleships in the Carib- America. South America is next on the list. The Monroe constantly bullied and worried by the demands of the against Solorzano and forced the latter to resign—and bean has nothing to do with the Nicaraguan affair—- Doctrine is preparing to celebrate its final triumph. American concessionaries with all the power and wealth Sacasa—who then constitutionally was entitled to the that 100 marines could keep Diaz in power but that it Mr. Borah, Chairman of the Foreign Relation Commit- of their government behind them; and on the other, he is presidency, was forced into exile. is aimed directly at Mexico. As time progresses the in- tee of the United States senate, protests against the in- threatened by a well organized militant peasantry and 'Chamorro has always been the friend of America a tention of Coolidge becomes more sharply defined.
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    UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Midwives of progressive education: The Bureau of Educational Experiments 1916-1919 Staring, J.F. Publication date 2013 Document Version Final published version Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Staring, J. F. (2013). Midwives of progressive education: The Bureau of Educational Experiments 1916-1919. Integraal (Werkgroep Integrerende Wetenschapsbeoefening). General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:24 Sep 2021 Jeroen Staring is an anthropologist who teaches mathematics at secondary schools in The Netherlands. of Progressive Midwives His 2005 Medical Sciences dissertation describes the life, work and technique of F. Matthias Alexander Midwives (1869-1955). In 2007, he earned a professional master’s degree in Special Educational Needs. A year later, he earned a professional master’s degree in Pedagogy.
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