Yvain and Gawain anon a fourteenth century Middle English verse romance, based upon Chrétien de Troyes’ twelfth century Arthurian story of the Knight of the Lion Translated and retold in Modern English prose by Richard Scott-Robinson This story has been translated and retold from: Mary Flowers Bras- well, 1995. Sir Perceval of Galles, and Yvain and Gawain. Medieval Institute Publications. TEAMS Middle English texts. The text is tak- en from the only surviving copy in British Library MS Cotton Galba E.ix, dated to the early-fifteenth century. Copyright © Richard Scott-Robinson, 2002, 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be repro- duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy- ing, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. The download of a single copy for personal use, or for teaching purposes, does not require permission.
[email protected] Yvain and Gawain anon, retelling a story by Chrétien de Troyes fourteenth century Middle English, retelling a twelfth century Old French romance ere bigyns Ywain and Gawain · Almyghti God that made mankyn · He schilde His servandes out of syn H· And mayntene tham with myght and mayne · That herkens Ywayne and Gawayne · Thai war knightes of the Tabyl Rownde · Tharfore listens a lytel stownde – Almighty God, who made mankind, shield us from sin and keep safe in your protection all who listen to this story of Yvain and Gawain. They were knights of the Round Table, therefore listen for a moment. Arthur, the King of England, who conquered all of Wales and all of Scotland, as the book says – and many other The romance of Yvain and Gawain is a lands, if you will look – was the finest of all knights.