Have your say on improving your local area LOCAL COMMUNITY MEETINGS Community Safety Consultation Forum Thursday 23 May 2013 - 7pm, Borough Offices, Bishops’ College, Goffs Oak and West Cheshunt Neighbourhood Forum Thursday 6 June 2013 - 7pm, Borough Offices, Bishops’ College, Cheshunt Borough Consultative Panel Monday 24 June 2013 – 7pm, Borough Offices, Bishops’ College, Cheshunt Environmental Panel Wednesday 17 July 2013 – 7pm – Borough Offices, Bishops’ College, Cheshunt

Want to be kept informed? If you wish to be kept up to date with local issues, you can register at www.broxbourne.gov.uk/emailalerts and receive emails about Council events, meetings, consultations and service announcements The Police also invite residents to join their community messaging service which provides local news, incident alerts and crime prevention advice. To register please go to www.herts.police.uk What are your views? Broxbourne If you wish to comment on this document, please respond in writing to the Community Safety Team, , Bishops College, Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 9XQ or e-mail your comments to [email protected] Community Useful contact numbers Broxbourne Council Community Police and Crime Panel (PCP) Safety Partnership Safety Team 01992 785650 01992 785573 [email protected] [email protected] www.hertspcp.org.uk Hertfordshire Police Hertfordshire Police and Crime Action Plan Non-emergency number – 101 Commissioner (PCC) www.herts.police.uk 01992 556600 [email protected] www.hertscommissioner.org 2013 - 2014 - Summary This document is published by the Borough of Broxbourne on behalf of the Broxbourne Community Safety Partnership.

Broxbourne Community Safety Action Plan 2013/14 Broxbourne Community Safety Action Plan 2013/14 The Broxbourne Community Safety Partnership CRIME AND ANTI-SOCIAL MANAGING OFFENDERS undertakes an annual assessment of local crime and ASB BEHAVIOUR DOWN IN 2012/13 • Continue to identify persistent and priority offenders levels to identify the priorities to be addressed by the local and work closely to reduce their offending Community Safety Plan. The latest strategic assessment • All crime levels reduced by 16% in the Borough identifies the need to: compared with the same period last year • Increase the profile of restorative justice schemes in the Borough • Residential burglary was up 5%, motor vehicle crime • Maintain reduced levels of serious acquisitive crime was down 18% and robbery reduced by 40% • Maintain the number and increase the type of particularly burglary dwelling and vehicle crime and community payback schemes in the Borough reduce offending rates of Persistent and Prolific • Incidents of anti-social behaviour decreased by 23% Offenders. with criminal damage reducing by 10% • Work towards reducing the incidence of domestic • There are still residents concerns about obstructive violence in the Borough. and illegal parking in the borough, particularly outside schools. • Maintain the multi-agency approach to deal with parking issues outside schools and other illegal/ • There was a reduction in the number of Fixed Penalty obstructive parking issues. Notices issued by the Council for littering, 2,970 compared to 3,389 compared to the previous year • Reducing the levels of anti-social behaviour, including enviro-crimes; • There were 868 reports of flytipping the borough, an increase of 6% Fly-tipping in Cheshunt • Continue to engage the public to improve confidence/ reassurance in the Police/Council and improve • Broxbourne benefited from 4,704 community payback TACKLING ALCOHOL/DRUG MISUSE perceptions about anti-social behaviour. man-hours in 2012/2013, compared with 3,120 in 2011/12. • Work with key partners to identify suitable premises for a local support centre for drug users • The number of people feeling that teenagers hanging The local Community Safety Action Plan aims to • In conjunction with Trading Standards maintain the complement the Police and Crime Plan. It also considers: around on the street is a problem, reduced from 64% in 2006 to 41% in 2011. current level of under age/proxy purchasing exercises • That despite continuing reductions in overall crime • Extend the existing alcohol control and anti-social behaviour, if the Borough’s position All Crime Levels zone 1st August - 31st July generally in the County and it’s most similar group Community Payback deployed in the Borough 9000 (MSG) is to improve, there is a need to maintain 7890 IMPROVING PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME AND 8000 7500 ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AND 7463 ASB significant reductions. 7000 6665 ENVIRO-CRIME 6000 5612 • Strengthen communications and community • The impact of the newly elected Police and Crime 5000 4947 • Use targeted operations to deter and reduce crime Commissioner and potential funding cuts to community 4000 engagement to help maintain improved

No. of offences and anti-social behaviour 3000 public confidence/reassurance particularly safety partnerships 2000 • Maximise the deployment of existing CCTV cameras e-communications and social networking • The potential impact on crime levels, particularly 1000 0 to in response to ASB/enviro-crime ‘hotspots’ serious acquisitive crime as a result of the changes to 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 • Increase the level of communications to recruit Year welfare benefits system in 2013. • Develop a communications campaign to tackle the volunteers to existing volunteering initiatives increase in flytipping offences and dog fouling • The proposed legislative changes to the tools and • Continue to advertise and promote key community powers for addressing anti-social behaviour. • Continue to combat pavement parking and persistent safety messages via a variety of mediums PRIORITY ACTIONS FOR evaders • Utilise the community engagement vehicle at 2013/2014 • Further develop initiatives with local schools to community meetings and events REDUCING CRIME improve pedestrian and vehicle safety in the vicinity of schools • Embed the changes in local neigbourhood policing • Implement a rolling programme of multi-agency town • Work with partners to secure reductions in burglary centre inspections dwelling and vehicle crime • Maximise take up of the local small scale schemes • Develop a range of measures to help combat fund shoplifting/business crime • Provide a comprehensive programme youth • Implement a communications campign around engagement activities across the Borough. domestic abuse, focusing on key identified hotspot Provide targeted, co-ordinated multi-agency youth months engagement operations at peak times of year Meeting the Police and Crime Commissioner (Summer, Halloween) Community Engagement Vehicle Broxbourne Community Safety Action Plan 2013/14 Broxbourne Community Safety Action Plan 2013/14