BROXBOURNE COMMUNITY SAFETY CONSULTATION FORUM Links to Key Information The latest crime statistics for the Borough can be found at Hertfordshire crime levels & statistics – CrimeMapper – Local neighbourhood budgets – further information can be found at The latest anti-social behaviour statistics can be found in the Safer Community Monitor: Useful links/contacts about community safety matters Police (non emergency) 101 or Crime Stoppers 0800 555111 Broxbourne Council Community Safety Team 01992 785573 email –
[email protected] Broxbourne Council Helpline 01992 785577 or Fire Home Safety Checks 0800 5873347 HCC Defective Street Lights 01438 737320 01923 471320 or Meeting held 31st January 2013 Present: Hertfordshire Constabulary Herts County Council Chief Inspector D Newsome Cty. Cllrs Ms D Hart and D. Hewitt Broxbourne Borough Council - Councillors Paul Mason (Leader), Ken Ayling, Sue Ball- Greenwood, Keith Brown, Martin Greensmyth, Tim Hutchings, Mark Mills-Bishop, Yvonne Mobbs, Bren Perryman, Paul Seeby (Chairman) and Lyn White and Mr M J Walker and Mr T Cox 27 local residents including representatives of the following local organisations/forums:- Robert Arnold Lulworth Avenue Neighbourhood Watch Alan Bull Great Amwell Carpet Bowls Keith