Appendix H. Delta Drinking Water Quality and Treatment Costs
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Delta Drinking Water Quality and Treatment Costs Technical Appendix H Wei-Hsiang Chen Kristine Haunschild Jay R. Lund with research support from William E. Fleenor September 2008 Description This document is an appendix to the Public Policy Institute of California report, Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, prepared by a team of researchers from the Center for Watershed Sciences (University of California, Davis) and the Public Policy Institute of California. Supported with funding from Stephen D. Bechtel Jr. and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation The Public Policy Institute of California is dedicated to informing and improving public policy in California through independent, objective, nonpartisan research on major economic, social, and political issues. The institute’s goal is to raise public awareness and to give elected representatives and other decisionmakers a more informed basis for developing policies and programs. The institute’s research focuses on the underlying forces shaping California's future, cutting across a wide range of public policy concerns, including economic development, education, environment and resources, governance, population, public finance, and social and health policy. PPIC is a private, nonprofit organization. It does not take or support positions on any ballot measures or on any local, state, or federal legislation, nor does it endorse, support, or oppose any political parties or candidates for public office. PPIC was established in 1994 with an endowment from William R. Hewlett. Mark Baldassare is President and Chief Executive Officer of PPIC. Thomas C. Sutton is Chair of the Board of Directors. Copyright © 2008 by Public Policy Institute of California All rights reserved San Francisco, CA Short sections of text, not to exceed three paragraphs, may be quoted without written permission provided that full attribution is given to the source and the above copyright notice is included. Research publications reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff, officers, or Board of Directors of the Public Policy Institute of California. Contents Summary iii Acknowledgments v Acronyms vi Introduction 1 1. WATER QUALITY IN AND NEAR DELTA 2 Delta Drinking Water Intakes 2 Electrical Conductivity (Salinity) 6 Bromide 8 Chloride 10 Total and Dissolved Organic Carbon 10 Nutrients 13 Pesticides and Herbicides 15 Prediction of Future Water Quality 16 2. DISINFECTION BYPRODUCTS 19 Potential Disinfection Byproducts of Concern in the Delta 19 3. TREATMENT PROCESSES FOR DISINFECTION AND DBP PRECURSOR REMOVAL FOR DELTA WATERS 22 Alternative Disinfection 22 Treatment Processes for DBP Precursor Removal 23 Enhanced Coagulation 23 Adsorption 23 Membrane Filtration 23 Magnetic Ion Exchange 24 Existing and Future Potential Treatment Processes 24 4. COST ANALYSIS FOR WATER QUALITIES AND DELTA LOCATIONS 27 Cost Concepts and Estimation Methods 27 Treatment Cost Estimation for Unit Processes 28 Disinfection Technologies 28 Advanced Treatment for DBP Precursor Removal 30 Treatment Cost Estimation for Water Quality Scenarios and Intake Locations 33 Treatment Strategies for Various Water Quality Scenarios 33 Treatment Costs for Various Treatment Alternatives in Delta 35 Treatment Costs for Potential Future Quality Condition in Delta 37 5. RESIDUAL HEALTH RISK 40 i Conclusions 42 Addendum H1. Water Quality Data 45 Data Sources 45 Water Quality Constituents of Interest 47 Bromide 47 Chloride 48 Total Organic Carbon 50 Nutrients 52 References 53 About the Authors 55 ii Summary This appendix explores the current and long-term effects of Delta export water quality on drinking water treatment cost and public health risk from disinfection byproduct (DBP) formation. While these analyses are preliminary, they should provide a better understanding of the general magnitude of these costs and concerns for strategic decisions on managing Delta water exports. The analysis considers several intake locations within the Delta, including the South Delta intakes (Contra Costa Canal intake, South Delta pumps at Banks), the North Bay Aqueduct, and upstream locations on the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, the two major tributaries to the Delta. Salinity (electrical conductivity, bromide, and chloride), total and dissolved organic carbon (TOC and DOC), nutrients (total nitrogen and phosphorous), and pesticides/herbicides are the primary water quality constituents of interest. Salinity-associated contaminants will become more significant for South Delta water exports, from both San Joaquin River drainage and seawater intrusion from sea level rise and western island failures. High DOC concentrations also are troublesome, particularly for the North Bay Aqueduct. Although the Sacramento River, a likely intake location for water exports with a peripheral canal, has lower concentrations of salinity and TOC/DOC, it occasionally has pesticide and herbicide issues. Various DBPs of greatest concern, including those regulated and commonly studied, are considered in light of the current and future conditions in the Delta with regard to water quality and treatment technologies. Ozone and UV disinfection are considered, with additional treatment technologies for removing DBP precursors including enhanced coagulation, adsorption, membrane filtration, and magnetic ion exchange (MIEX). Costs for these technologies are estimated as total annualized capital and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Appropriate treatment options and strategies are discussed based on these water quality conditions (TOC and bromide concentrations). Since many DBPs are caused by a combination of DOCs and bromides, and since dissolved bromides largely require expensive reverse osmosis for removal, additional DOC removal can be the least expensive way to reduce DBPs for some range of seawater bromides. Greater seawater intrusion with sea level rise is likely to lead to more advanced and expensive drinking water treatment for DOCs. The cost information is applied to estimate the current and future costs of treatment alternatives for different export locations with projections of future water quality from hydrodynamic modeling described in Appendix C. The major cost results are summarized in Table H.S1 for two of the locations treating water sourced in the South Delta and for water sourced at the Sacramento River site in the northern Delta. With a peripheral canal, the Sacramento River would supply urban water districts; this source is assumed least susceptible to water quality deterioration from sea level rise and Delta levee failures. Although some combined treatment technologies might be impractical for some simulated water quality conditions, overall, drinking water treatment costs would be lower for Sacramento River water. The additional drinking water treatment cost of taking water from the South Delta, rather than from an upstream intake on the Sacramento River, is currently about $20 to $60 per iii acre-foot (af). These cost differences are likely to increase to $100 to $500/af with sea level rise and island failures, unless net Delta outflows are increased to keep salinity at bay. With roughly 1.5 million af per year of Delta water use for urban water supplies at present, these cost differences amount to $30 to $90 million per year currently. The total treatment cost difference could rise to $200 to $1000 million per year in the future, as Delta water quality deteriorates and as urban demands for Delta exports are likely to rise to 2 million acre-feet annually. Table H.S1. Estimated treatment costs for treating current and future Delta exports using selected treatment technologies Annualized treatment cost1 ($/af) Current Plant/intake location2 1 ft SLR 3 ft SLR W Is. Fail (2003 - 2007) Sacramento River 37 – 623 (Medium plant) Sacramento River 35 – 403 (Large plant) CCWD 66 – 91 153 – 409 410 – 584 145 – 400 South Bay 53 – 78 126 – 381 160 – 416 124 – 380 (South Delta pumps) Southern California 46 – 53 124 – 360 158 – 394 122 – 359 (South Delta pumps) Treatments include: ozonation, enhanced coagulation, granular activated carbon, microfiltration/ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and magnetic ion exchange resin CCWD: Contra Costa Water District, 1and 3 ft SLR: 1 and 3 feet sea level rise, W Is. fail: western islands fail 1. Includes annual operation and maintenance costs of existing enhanced coagulation and ozonation processes and total annualized cost of selected additional advanced technologies granular activated carbon, microfiltration/ultrafiltration, magnetic ion exchange, and nanofiltration. 2. Medium treatment plant (7 to 76 mgd) is assumed for CCWD and South Bay, while a large plant (76 to 430 mgd) is assumed for Southern California. Both sizes are considered for water sourced from the Sacramento River. 3. Assumes water quality in Sacramento River is constant over simulated conditions. SOURCE: Authors’ estimates using professional judgment and cost data from Figures H.7, H.8, and H.10 and Tables H.5 and H.11 through H.13. Currently, DBPs are manageable for Delta supplies within treatment standards with moderate additional costs. But sea level rise and western island failures would make treatment of Delta water for urban water supply much more difficult and expensive. Residual public health risks also may remain after treatment from unregulated and residual DBPs. Bromide from seawater, combined with TOC, is a particularly problematic precursor of DBPs whose concentration will be most affected by sea level