Diversities II Guest Editors: Karel Arnaut, Jan Blommaert, Ben Rampton and Massimiliano Spotti

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Diversities II Guest Editors: Karel Arnaut, Jan Blommaert, Ben Rampton and Massimiliano Spotti Vol. 14, No. 2, 2012 Language and Superdiversities II Guest Editors: Karel Arnaut, Jan Blommaert, Ben Rampton and Massimiliano Spotti Super-diversity: elements of an emerging perspective 1 by Karel Arnaut, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity Buffalaxed superdiversity: representations of the other on YouTube 17 by Sirpa Leppänen and Ari Häkkinen, University of Jyväskylä Mobility, voice, and symbolic restratification: An ethnography of ‘elite migrants’ in urban China 35 by Jie Dong, Tilburg University Translating global experience into institutional models of competency: linguistic inequalities in the job interview 49 by Celia Roberts, King’s College London Concluding Commentary 73 by David Parkin Open forum Engendering indigenous Mexican migration into the United States. A case of study of the Yalálag Zapotec Women 87 by Adriana Cruz-Manjarrez Practising Fractal Shi’i Identities through Muharram Rituals in Mumbai 103 by Reza Masoudi Nejad An online journal published by An & MPI MMG UNESCO DIVERSITIES mpimmg United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization MAX PLANCK SOCIETY Publication Director: Golda El-Khoury Editor: Gabriele ALEX Guest Editors: Karel ArnAut, Jan BlommAErt, Ben rAmPton and Massimiliano SPotti layout and Design: Birgitt SiPPEl Past issues in 2008-2012: “Skilled Migration and the Brain Drain”, Vol. 14, no. 1, 2012 “Language and Superdiversities”, Vol. 13, no. 2, 2011 “Female Migration Outcomes: Human Rights Perspectives”, Vol. 13, no. 1, 2011 “Depicting Diversities”, Vol. 12, no. 1, 2010 “Turks Abroad: Settlers, Citizens, Transnationals”, Vol. 11, no. 2, 2009 “The Human Rights of Migrants”, Vol. 11, no. 1, 2009 “The Conditions of Modern Return Migrants”, Vol. 10, no. 2, 2008 “Citizenship Tests in a Post-National Era”, Vol. 10, no. 1, 2008 © unESCo (2013) iSSn 2079-6595 Published jointly by the united nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France and max Planck institute for the Study of religious and Ethnic Diversity hermann-Föge-Weg 11 D-37073 Göttingen, Germany Disclaimer: the designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of unESCo concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. the authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this Journal and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of unESCo and do not commit the organization. Available online at www.mmg.mpg.de/diversities and www.unesco.org/shs/diversities Super-diversity: elements of an emerging perspective By Karel ArnAut max Planck institute for the Study of religious and Ethnic Diversity Abstract this paper is an attempt to reflect upon diversity in contemporary globalising society from within the disciplinary frontier of anthropology and sociolinguistics. like the paper of David Parkin (infra) Arnaut’s is an attempt to device new frames of reference for the sociolinguistic study of super-diversity. here Arnaut explores the potential of ‘super-diversity’ as a perspec- tive or lens for looking at diversity as discourse and as social practice.t he paper first looks into the notion of super-diversity, which marks a sea-change in the global design of transnational- ism. moreover, super-diversity seems to indicate that a new approach is needed to replace the model of orderly multiculturalism by taking into account the fluidities and complexities of diversity in the age of heightened mobility and digital communication. Second, this paper recognises that over the last two decades a hegemonic ‘diversity’ discourse has emerged in a ‘post-panoptical’ configuration of governmentality that manages these complex forms of diversity. the challenge of the super-diversity perspective is to relate to this hegemonic dis- course while not losing track of the exciting dynamics of messy and creative commonplace diversity in every-day interaction and low-key cultural production. in order to perform this task, the paper proposes a ‘critical sociolinguistics of diversity’ that is presented as part of a new moment in the post-colonial history of the human and social sciences, almost half a cen- tury after the earlier decolonising moves by scholars such as Johannes Fabian and Dellh ymes. A new world of diversity? interest: the idea of universality-in-progress, and the anthropological point of vantage is that of a world culture struggling to be born. As a scientist, that of infinite diversity within a closed system. the anthropologist both represents its embryonic When hymes (1972: 34) states that it was the possibilities and works to create it. if that culture task of anthropology ‘to establish the study of fails, so will anthropology (Wolf 1964: 96 [my em- the cultural as a universal and personal dimen- phasis] quoted in hymes 1972: 19 and cited again sion of human efforts toward the future’, he situ- on p. 30). ates the future explicitly in ‘a world society’ and the above is a key passage from hymes’s Reinvent- in the on-going human quest for commonality ing Anthropology (1972), an edited volume that and reciprocity through communication (idem: fostered a crisis in anthropology by questioning 35). these ideas have been rearticulated more the discipline’s societal relevance and scientific recently by Bruno latour as vital elements of legitimacy, while raising important ethical issues his theory of ‘compositionism’. the universality related to its changing position in a new, post- which the humanities are searching for, latour colonial world. hymes’s programmatic introduc- (2010: 474) argues, is not yet ‘there’, ‘waiting to tion tried to lay out the basis of anthropology’s be unveiled and discovered’. Bringing in the ele- reinvention within a long (Western) tradition of ment of diversity, he specifies that this common dealing with – describing, explaining, and man- world in the making will have to be built ‘from aging/governing – diversity vis-à-vis universal utterly heterogeneous parts that will never make human nature and culture (hymes 1972: 22). a whole, but at best a fragile, revisable, and two facets of this undertaking are of particular diverse composite material’ (2010: 474). like DIVERSITIES Vol. 14, No. 2, 2012 ISSN 2079-6595, www.unesco.org/shs/diversities/vol14/issue2/art1 © UNESCO DIVERSITIES Vol. 14, No. 2, 2012 • ISSN 2079-6595 K. Arnaut hymes, latour situates the general trajectory of Around the same time of hymes’s and Wolf’s universality in a concrete global history of uncer- post-colonial anthropology, members of the ital- tain unification. ian so-called autonomist ‘movement of 1977’ For hymes, the post-colonial world heralds started theorising the post-Fordist condition of the end of diversity as we know it. Diversity, he mass diversity (‘the multitude’) and its repro- argues, should no longer be located in an on- duction in a global environment (Virno and going trend of diversification – through disper- hardt 1996). Among them, Antonio negri (2008) sion and fragmentation in an ever expanding identifies the human creative potential/energy world – but in processes of ‘reintegration within by referring to Spinoza’s notion of potenza complex units’ (hymes 1972: 32-33; emphasis (ruddick 2010). While globalisation signifies the in the original). the finite world that is evoked end of the world having ‘an outside’, negri con- here resembles the one Paul Valery (1931: 11) tends, potenza realises itself in the ‘recomposi- saw as following on ‘the era of free expansion’ tion of the sensible’, the ‘poetic reconstruction (see Birkett 2006) and which, for Wolf, radically of life from the inside’ in a world that is finite rekeys our way of dealing with human diversity. and yet limitless (negri 2008: 68-69, 239). this ‘For the first time in human history,’ Wolf claims, potenza, negri (2008: 7) argues, will increas- ‘we have transcended the inherited divisions of ingly be realised through what he and others the human phenomenon into segments of time call immaterial labour, in which communication and segments of space’ (Wolf 1964: 95). instantly and the creation of ‘linguistic, communicational, gauging the theoretical implications of this global and affective networks are key elements’. negri repartitioning and the (avant la lettre) compres- thus shares with Virno the idea that at the pres- sion of space-time, Wolf predicts that ‘no one ent stage of globalisation – whether you call it stationary perspective will any longer exhaust ‘empire’ (hardt and negri 2000) or ‘post-Fordism’ the possibilities of man’ (idem). Finally, he casts (Virno 2004), or as we shall see presently ‘post- the newly emergent analytical gaze in terms of modernism’ – the means of production consist multiplicity and mobility: to an increasing extent of communicative tech- niques, procedures and competencies (Virno We have left behind, once and for all, the paleo- technic age of the grounded observer who can 2004: 61). draw only one line of sight between the object and From the early 1990s onwards, post-modern- himself. We have entered the physical and the in- ist theorists have equally tried to come to terms tellectual space age, and we are now in a position with human agency and creativity in a ‘finite yet to circumnavigate man, to take our readings from limitless’ world. in Zygmunt Bauman’s seminal any point in both space and time (idem). text, this world is epitomised by the ‘habitat’ For Wolf this decentring of dominant segmenta- that ‘offers the agency the sum-total of resources tions and static ‘points of view’ requires anthro- for all possible action as well as the field inside pologists to discard simplicity, predictability, and which the action-orienting and action-oriented stasis, and to confront the ‘variability and com- relevancies may be plotted, the habitat is the plexity of human life’ (1964: 96-97).
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