User's Manual for the SABE Databases Pan American Health Organization ,.. , ) '· ~~'-~ l!c, , ~0//,rr olthe •! · 0 World Hea lth Organization ' Washington, D.C. September 2004 The user's manual for the SABE survey databases was prepared by the SABE regional coordination team of the Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC, August 2004. International teams responsible for the survey in each of the seven cities provided technical support for the preparation and review of this document. Comments, questions, or requests for information can be directed to Martha Pelaez at
[email protected] 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................... ........................... ..... ............... ... .......... ... 4 PRINCIPAL SABE SURVEY RESEARCHERS ... ............ .... ................................................. 6 DESIGN OF THE SAMPLE ...................... .............................. .. .......... ............... .. 7 DIRECT, PROXY, AND ASSISTED INTERVIEWS ......... .......................... .. ..... .. .. ............. ... 15 SECTION A: GENERAL DATA .................................... ... .. ................... ...... ............ ... 16. Identification of the Gender of the Interviewee A3 Classification and Code: Birthplace A11a Religion A12 Ethnic Group A 13 History of Relationships and Marital Status SECTION 8: COGNITIVE STATUS ......... .. .. ............. .. ..... .. .. .. ·-· ......................... ...... ... .20 Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) Pfeffer SECTION C: HEALTH STATUS .... ...................