(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,314.465 B2 Brew Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,314.465 B2 Brew Et Al US009314465B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,314.465 B2 Brew et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Apr. 19, 2016 (54) DRUG COMBINATIONS AND USES IN 2008.0003280 A1 1/2008 Levine et al. ................. 424/456 TREATING A COUGHING CONDITION 2008/O176955 A1 7/2008 Hecket al. 2008, 0220078 A1 9, 2008 Morton et al. (71) Applicant: Infirst Healthcare Limited 2009, O136427 A1 5/2009 Croft et al. 2009, O220594 A1 9, 2009 Field (72) Inventors: John Brew, London (GB); Robin Mark 2012/O128738 A1 5, 2012 Brew et al. Bannister, London (GB) 2012fO252824 A1 10/2012 Brew et al. (73) Assignee: Infirst Healthcare Limited, London FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (GB) CN 1593451 3, 2005 CN 101024.014 A 8, 2007 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 101112383 B 5, 2010 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 DE 4420708 A1 12, 1995 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. EP 2050435 B1 4/2009 GB 2114001 A 8, 1983 This patent is Subject to a terminal dis GB 2284761 A 6, 1995 claimer. GB 2424.185 B 9, 2006 GB 2442828 A 4/2008 JP 62-249924 A 10, 1987 (21) Appl. No.: 14/287,014 JP H1O-316568 A 12/1998 JP 2001-518928 A 10, 2001 (22) Filed: May 24, 2014 JP 200219.3839. 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Database WPI, Week 200308, Thomson Scientific, London, GB, AN 2003-078587 & JP 2002-193839 (Meiji) Jul 10, 2002. * cited by examiner US 9,314,465 B2 1. 2 DRUG COMBINATIONS AND USES IN complications are common and include abdominal or pelvic TREATING ACOUGHING CONDITION hernias, fatigue fractures of lower ribs and costochondritis. Even though cough medicines are a common an over-the This continuation-in-part application claims priority pur counter remedy for individuals seeking outpatient medical suant to 35 U.S.C. S 120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. attention, their effectiveness as a treatment for a cough is 13/446.217, filed Apr. 13, 2012, a continuation-in-part appli doubtful. In 2006, the American College of Chest Physicians cation of International patent Application PCT/GB2011/ issued guidelines stating that “most over the counter cough 051610, filed Aug. 25, 2011, which claims priority to GB medications are ineffective’, and several research reports Provisional 1014391.5, filed Aug. 27, 2010; International seem to confirm this conclusion. For example, the non-opiate patent Application PCT/GB2010/052085, filed Dec. 14, 10 antitussive drug Dextromethorphan is marketed as a cough 2010, which claims priority to GB Provisional 092.1805.8. filed Dec. 14, 2009; International patent Application PCT/ therapy. However, its efficacy and suitability as a treatment GB2010/052086, filed Dec. 14, 2010, which claims priority for cough is questionable, since its apparent Success as a to GB Provisional 092.1803.3, filed Dec. 14, 2009: Interna clinical treatment was attributed to a placebo effect: Dex tional patent Application PCT/GB2010/051895, filed Nov. 15 tromethorphan itself had no efficacy in treating cough. (Ram 12, 2010, which claims priority to GB Provisional 09 19889.6 sey et al., Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol.) Similarly, the decongestant filed Nov. 13, 2009; International patent Application PCT/ pseudoephedrine has been to shown to have very limited GB2010/051896, filed Nov.
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