Core Topics in Mechanical Ventilation Edited by Iain Mackenzie Index More Information

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Core Topics in Mechanical Ventilation Edited by Iain Mackenzie Index More Information Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86781-8 - Core Topics in Mechanical Ventilation Edited by Iain Mackenzie Index More information Index Abdominal distension in lung elastance oxygen toxicity 270 incidence data 240 345, 346 patient assessment 118, 115–119, 120 laryngeal injuries 248, 247–248 Abdominal paradox 27 recruitment manoeuvres 118–119, left ventricular performance 273 N-Acetylcysteine 79–80, 81, 357, 358 131, 219 lorazepam 165 Acinetobacter baumanii, SDD for 260 trials (See ARDS net trials) lung injury, ventilator-associated (See Acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure ventilation management Lung injury, defined 115 HFOV 127–131, 305–306 ventilator-associated) Acute lung injury (ALI) IRV 125–126 maxillary sinusitis/middle ear blast injuries 212 liquid 228 effusions 246–247 hypoxaemia, PEEP management of modes 215–216 midazolam 165 124–125 overview 214 nasopharyngeal airways 243–245, infants/children 300–301 principles 214–215, 216 246–247 liquid ventilation 228 Acute respiratory failure (ARF) nasotracheal intubation 315 patient assessment 118, 115–119, clinical presentation 29 neurological function 277, 276–277, 120, 197 mechanisms of 24 278, 280 recruitment manoeuvres 131, 219 NIV 43, 49–50 (See also Non-invasive NMBAs 171, 176–177, 276–280 ventilation management ventilation (NIV)) NSAIDs 181 HFV 149–150 overview 24, 22–24, 25, 142 opioid agonists 180 IRV 125–126 Adaptive support ventilation® 113, 361 opioids 276–280 modes 215–216 Adrenaline 81 overview 21, 239, 241 overview 214 Adrenergic receptor antagonists 349, oxygen toxicity 270, 269–270 principles 214–215 348–349, 350 paralysis 176–177 Acute necrotizing myopathy 205, 205, Adverse effects/complications PEEP 125, 126, 198 356 analgesia 276–280 perforations 243 Acute quadriplegic myopathy artificial airway management 58, pharyngo-laryngeal dysfunction 247 syndrome (AQMS) 177 62–63, 72–73 pneumothorax 241–242 Acute renal failure 156 aspiration 242–243, 247, 266 propofol 165–166, 276–280 Acute respiratory distress syndrome aspiration pneumonitis 242–243, pulmonary vascular resistance (ARDS) 245 272–273 APRV therapy 110–112 barotrauma (See Barotrauma) reduction 245, 246 blast injuries 212 benzodiazepines 165, 276–280 regurgitation 242–243, 247, 266 causes 214 bronchopleural fistula 252–253, 255 remifentanil 276–280 CT assessment 265 cardiovascular effects 271, 272, 277 right ventricular performance 272, delirium in 169 cervical spine damage 245, 243–245 274 dornase alfa 79–80 dental/soft tissue/laryngeal 243 sedation 165–166, 245, 276–280 drugs for 81, 137 dexmedetomidine 166 sleep 276, 277, 278, 279, 349, high tidal volume ventilation in endotracheal intubation 58, 72–73, 348–349, 350, 384 153–154 240, 239–240, 242, 246 sufentanil 276–280 hypoxaemia, PEEP management of extubation, un-planned 249–250 swallowing dysfunction 247, 247 124–125 face/lips/oropharynx 245, 246 tracheal injuries 243, 249, 248–249 inertia/friction issues 347, 333–347 fentanyl 276–280 tracheostomy (See under lung contusions 219 gastrointestinal system 274–276 Tracheostomy) nitric oxide as therapy 139 hypotension/hypoxia 239–242 trauma 43 411 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86781-8 - Core Topics in Mechanical Ventilation Edited by Iain Mackenzie Index More information Index Adverse effects/complications (cont.) oxygenation of, surface area in 122, AQMS (acute quadriplegic myopathy VAP (See Ventilator-associated 121–122 syndrome) 177 pneumonia (VAP)) pressure mechanics 5, 4–5, 9–11, 268 ARDS. See Acute respiratory distress venous return 271–272, 273 recruitment syndrome (ARDS) VIDD (See Ventilator-induced in lung elastance 346, 345–346 ARDSnet trials diaphragmatic damage (VIDD)) in muscle contraction 353 lung injury, ventilator-associated withdrawals 278, 276–278, 280 surfactant dysfunction 267, 265–267 263–265 Aerial transport issues in low PO2 13 surfactant in 6, 4–6, 9, 267 NMBA usage 171 Aeromedical transportation issues 290, V/˙ Q˙ ratios 15, 120–121, 136, PEEP 124, 125, 146, 216, 267–269 294, 293–294, 295 133–136, 139 permissive hypercapnia 153, 154, Aerosol drug delivery ventilation inequality in low PO2 155 factors affecting 85 15–16, 17 ventilation modes 215 metered dose inhalers 83, 84 wall stress, inspiration and 266 ARF. See Acute respiratory failure (ARF) method selection 83 Amikacin 81, 256–257 Arginine 190 nebulizers (See Nebulizers) Aminoglycosides 256–257 Aripiprazole 170–171 overview 81, 80–81, 82 Aminophylline 201, 360 Arterial blood gas measurement 29–30 AIDS 359–360 Aminosteroid NMBA agents 174, Arterial oxygen content, calculating 119 Airway collapse, risk factors 1–4 175–176 Artificial airway management, lower Airway development, upper 297 Anaesthesia, history of active HMEFs 74 Airway obstruction pneumothorax 392–394 aerosol drug delivery 80–83 children 298, 306 sealed airway 390–392 complications 72–73 (See also Heliox 232 Anaesthetic ventilator modes 88–90 Adverse effects/complications) hypotension/circulatory collapse Analgesia HMEFs 74, 75 205–206 acetaminophen 180 hot water humidifiers 74–75 management 311, 363, 362–363, 364 adverse effects 276–280 humidification 74 pathophysiology 197, 196–197, 198, as delirium risk factor 168–169 mucoactive agents 78–80 363 monitoring 178 overview 72–73 pneumothorax 206–207 NSAIDs 180, 181 tracheobronchial suctioning 75–78 problems associated with 196, 203 opioid agonists 168–169, 179, tube exchange 83 tracheostomy 78, 311, 312, 319 178–179, 180 tubing, monitoring 83–85 tracheostomy/tracheobronchial overview 178 Artificial airway management, upper suctioning 78 Anatomical dead space defined breathing system care Airway patency 363, 362–363, 364 143–145 cuff deflation 71 Airway pressure, increasing 122, 123 Androgens 359–360 cuff inflators, manual 70 Airway pressure release ventilation Antadir 376–377 cuff pressure control 71, 69–71 (APRV) Anti-cholinergic drugs oral hygiene 72 applications of 122, 123 asthma/COPD 200 securing, of tube 69, 67–69 described 110–112, 113 mucus production, decreasing 80 sub-glottic secretion drainage 72, inspiratory time prolongation by primary post-ventilation apnoea 71–72, 262 126–127 334–336 Combitube 56, 57 Airway protection 364, 365 Anti-depressants 348–350 complications 58, 62–63, 72–73 (See Airway resistance, in infants/children Anti-fibrinolytics 137 also Adverse 298–299 Anti-pyretics 148 effects/complications) Alfentanyl 62–63 Antibiotic resistance 261 cricoid pressure application ALI. See Acute lung injury (ALI) Anticholinesterases 334–336 technique 63 Almitrine bismesylate, for V/˙ Q˙ Antimuscarinics 81 drugs/venous access 62–63 mismatch 137 Antipsychotics 170–171 endotracheal tubes (See Alternative recruitment hypothesis 254 Anxiety 349, 348–349, 350 Endotracheal intubation) Alveolar-arterial difference calculation APACHE II model, hyperoxia 270, 271 equipment 59, 60–61 116–119 Apnoea indications 58 Alveolar dead space defined 143–145 in infants/children 299–300 LMAs 56, 57 Alveolar shunts in low PO2 14–15 primary post-ventilation 336, monitoring 59 Alveoli 334–336 nasopharyngeal airways 55, 56 development of 296–297 secondary 340, 339–340 oropharyngeal airways (See diffuse haemorrhage 137, 137, 139 ventilation 106 Oropharyngeal airways) functional anatomy 3, 4 Aprotinin 137 overview 54, 55 minute volume increase/pH 350, APRV. See Airway pressure release oxygenation 58–59, 60, 61, 62 350, 351 ventilation (APRV) placement 57–58 412 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86781-8 - Core Topics in Mechanical Ventilation Edited by Iain Mackenzie Index More information Index suction apparatus 61–62 standard therapy 199–200 Bjørneboe, Mogens 397–401 tilting bed/trolley 61 metabolic acidosis/hypercapnia in Blast injuries tube cutting technique 66 155–156 barotrauma 213, 216–217 ventilator 63 muscle fatigue and 24–25 bronchopleural fistula 213 Artificial lungs 227–228 pneumothorax 206–207 classification 213 Aspiration Astrup, Poul 397–401 clinical presentation 212, 213–214 as adverse effect 242–243, 247 ATC (automatic tube compensation) diagnosis 211–212 foreign body, in infants/children 297 114 explosions, physics of 210 gastric residual volumes and 188–189 Atelectasis 23–24 incidence 212–213 lung transplantation 224–225 Atracurium outcomes 217 meconium aspiration syndrome 81, AQMS and 177 primary described 210–211, 213 303–304 overview 174–175 quaternary described 211 pulmonary, risk factors 242 properties 175 radiographic findings 213 tidal volume and 266 study data 174 secondary described 211 transportation issues 287 Auer, J. 393 sucking chest wounds 213 VAP transmission via 257, 258–261 Augmented diffusion 305–306 systemic effects of 217 Aspiration pneumonitis 242–243, 245 Automatic tube compensation (ATC) tertiary described 211 Assessment, of need 114 treatment arterial blood gases 29–30 Automode® 113 ECMO 217 availability principle 22 Availability principle 22 fluid administration 217 clinical 23, 29, 25–29, 30, 144 overview 214 diaphragmatic function 27 β-blockers 348–350 PIP/permissive hypercapnia hypercapnia 22–25, 26 Barometric pressure issues in low PO2 216–217 lung volume measurement 27 13 ventilatory strategy, long-term 214 maximal inspiratory pressure 27 Barotrauma Blast waves 210 neurological disorders 30 blast injuries 213, 216–217 Blast wind 210 overview 21 causes 253 Blast zone anatomy 211 patient categories 22–25 clinical presentation 250, 251 Blease, John 395, 394–395 pulse oximetry 28, 27–28, 29 permissive hypercapnia and 154 Blease Pulmoflator 394–395 quality/length of life
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