United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,446,070 Mantelle (45) Date of Patent: "Aug

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United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,446,070 Mantelle (45) Date of Patent: USOO544607OA United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,446,070 Mantelle (45) Date of Patent: "Aug. 29, 1995 54 COMPOST ONS AND METHODS FOR 4,659,714 4/1987 Watt-Smith ......................... 514/260 TOPCAL ADMNSTRATION OF 4,675,009 6/1987 Hymes .......... ... 604/304 PHARMACEUTICALLY ACTIVE AGENTS 4,695,465 9/1987 Kigasawa .............................. 424/19 4,748,022 5/1988 Busciglio. ... 424/195 75 Inventor: Juan A. Mantelle, Miami, Fla. 4,765,983 8/1988 Takayanagi. ... 424/434 4,789,667 12/1988 Makino ............ ... 514/16 73) Assignee: Nover Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Miami, 4,867,970 9/1989 Newsham et al. ... 424/435 Fla. 4,888,354 12/1989 Chang .............. ... 514/424 4,894,232 1/1990 Reul ............. ... 424/439 * Notice: The portion of the term of this patent 4,900,552 2/1990 Sanvordeker .... ... 424/422 subsequent to Aug. 10, 2010 has been 4,900,554 2/1990 Yanagibashi. ... 424/448 disclaimed. 4,937,078 6/1990 Mezei........... ... 424/450 Appl. No.: 112,330 4,940,587 7/1990 Jenkins ..... ... 424/480 21 4,981,875 l/1991 Leusner ... ... 514/774 22 Filed: Aug. 27, 1993 5,023,082 6/1991 Friedman . ... 424/426 5,234,957 8/1993 Mantelle ........................... 514/772.6 Related U.S. Application Data FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 63 Continuation-in-part of PCT/US92/01730, Feb. 27, 0002425 6/1979 European Pat. Off. 1992, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 0139127 5/1985 European Pat. Off. 813,196, Dec. 23, 1991, Pat. No. 5,234,957, which is a 0159168 10/1985 European Pat. Off. continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 661,827, Feb. 27, 1991, 250187 6/1987 European Pat. Off. abandoned. 0331392 2/1989 European Pat. Off. 51 Int. Cl. ............ - A - P - d - d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A61K 47/32 363224 10/1989 European Pat. Off. U.S. C. ............ 217989 3/1983 Germany . 52 a a is a 8 88.8 s 514/772.6; 424/485; 52460 11/1966 Luxembourg. 424/486; 424/487; 424/488; 514/781; 514/782 352.239 12/1972 Sweden . 58 Field of Search - A - a 424/435, 443, 447, 449, 1360820 7/1974 United Kingdom. 424/450, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488; 514/772.6, 89/10740 11/1989 WIPO . 818, 947, 781, 782 OTHER PUBLICATIONS 56 References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS J. F. Butterworth, et al., “Molecular Mechanisms of Local Anesthesia: A Review', Anesthesiology 2,142,537 1/1939 Tisza ..................................... 167/52 72:711–754, 1990. Pertinent pp. 720-721. 2,277,038 3/1942 Curtis .................................... 167/52 2,352,691 7/1944 Curtis .................................. 260/472 Primary Examiner-Thurman K. Page 2,501,544 3/1950 Shrontz ............................... 128/268 Assistant Examiner-Carlos Azpuru 3,249,109 5/1966 Maeth .... ... 28/268 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Foley & Lardner 3,632,740 1/1972 Robinson .............................. 424/28 3,640,741 2/1972 Etes ........... ... 106/170 57 ABSTRACT 3,814,095 6/1974 Lubens ................................ 128/260 3,972,995 8/1976 Tsuk ..................................... 424/28 Compositions for topical application comprising a ther 4,302.465 11/1981 Ekenstam .. ... 424/267 apeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical 4,307,075 12/1981 Martin ................................... 424/28 agent(s), a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, and a 4,466,973 8/984 Rennie ...... ... 424/267 solvent for the pharmaceutical agent(s) in the carrier 4,529,601 7/1985 Broberg ... 514/626 4,572,832 2/986 Kigasawa .............................. 424/19 and methods of administering the pharmaceutical 4,608,249 8/1986 Otsuka .................................. 424/28 agents to a mammal are disclosed. 4,615,697 10/1986 Robinson ...... ... 604/890 4,652,060 12/1986 Broberg ................................ 424/28 45 Claims, No Drawings 5,446,070 1. 2 able to have the anesthetic agent present in a high con COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR TOPICAL centration to effect a rapid onset and, additionally or ADMNSTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALLY alternatively, in excess of the amount that can be imme ACTIVE AGENTS diately absorbed through the dermis at the site of appli cation, so as to prolong anesthesia. On the other hand, CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED the presence of the anesthetic agent primarily in crystal APPLICATIONS line form may irritate sensitive tissues such as mucosal This application is a continuation-in-part of tissues. This is particularly true with regard to lido PCT/US92/01730, filed Feb. 27, 1992, which is a con caine. tinuation-in-part application of U.S. patent application 10 A number of references disclose local anesthetic com Ser. No. 07/813,196, filed Dec. 23, 1991, now issued as positions. For instance, Swedish Patent Publication No. U.S. Pat. No. 5,234,957, which is a continuation-in-part 352,239 published Dec. 27, 1972 in the name of S. G. of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/661,827 filed Feb. Davis et al., assigned to Astra Pharmaceutical Products, 27, 1991 and now abandoned, all of which applications Inc., and based on Swedish patent application No. are hereby incorporated by reference. 15 1774.4/70 filed Dec. 30, 1970, discloses a local anesthetic film containing up to 50% lidocaine in crystallized, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION microdispersed form. In its final form, this composition 1. Field of the Invention lacks a solvent for the anesthetic agent. The preparation The present invention relates to compositions and is prepared by adding a solution of lidocaine in an or methods for the topical administration of pharmaceuti 20 ganic solvent or an acid addition salt in water, under cally active agents to a mammal in need thereof. More heat and agitation, to a solution or suspension of a film particularly, the present invention relates to anesthesia forming material, namely carboxymethyl cellulose, pol and local anesthetic agents for topical administration. yvinyl alcohol, or a mixture of polyvinyl alcohol and Still more particularly, the invention relates to a method polyvinyl pyrrolidone in water, followed by heating to for the topical administration of an anesthetic agent or a 25 remove any solvent present. combination of anesthetic agents to prevent or amelio U.S. Pat. No. 4,937,078 to Mezei, et al. describes a rate pain. liposome encapsulated local anesthetic or analgesic There is no limitation on the type of pharmaceutical agent that can be used in the present invention, pro agent that is said to provide, when applied to the skin or vided that it can be absorbed topically, typically percu 30 mucous membrane, greater local anesthesia and analge taneously. Thus, the pharmaceutical agent includes sia than the same agents incorporated in conventional both drugs that are topically applied for local effects vehicles such as ointments, creams, or lotions. These and those which can be administered topically for sys liposomal films are preferably applied under occlusion. temic effects. U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,572,832 and 4,695,465 to Kigasawa 2. Description of Background Art 35 and 3,249,109 to Maeth all describe the use of water Anesthetic agents are pharmacologically active soluble protein based systems which incorporate anes agents that block nerve conduction when applied in thetics, and which also contain a tackifier and a poly therapeutically effective amounts. They can be used for hydric alcohol solvent. In the compositions of these local or systemic application. Anesthetic agents have references, the water soluble protein gives the base its been used extensively in the medical field to obtain consistency and bulk and serves as an essential vehicle topical anesthesia. The term "topical” or "topically” is for the incorporation of medicaments and therapeutic used here in its coventional sense as referring to a spot, agents. which can be in or on any part of the body, including U.S. Pat. No. 4,894,232 to Reil, et al. discloses a base but not limited to the epidermis, any other dermis, or for mucosal or denture adhesive pastes and a process for any other body tissue. Topical administration or appli 45 the preparation thereof. Lidocaine is one possible thera cation means the direct contact of the anesthetic with peutic agent suitable for this paste. tissue, such as skin or membrane, particularly the oral or U.S. Pat. No. 3,814,095 to Lubens describes an absor buccal mucosa. Topical administration also includes bent pad for topical application of an anesthetic agent application to hardened tissue such as teeth and append and having a peripheral adhesive. ages of the skin such as nails and hair. Previous methods 50 It is also known to combine two local anesthetic free of applying topical anesthetic agents to the skin or mu bases with different melting points. By mixing the two cosa have used "non-finite' or liquid or semi-liquid anesthetic bases, an eutectic mixture has been reported carriers such as gels, lotions, emulsions, creams, plas that is liquid at room temperature, making it possible to ters, or ointments, or "finite' carriers, non-spreading attain higher concentrations of the active bases. substances which retain their form, e.g. patches, dress 55 U.S. Pat. No. 4,888,354 by Chang relates to a combi ings and bandages. nation of the free base and an acid addition salt of a Local anesthetics generally are esters or amides of variety of drugs, typically in a liquid carrier, to increase benzoic acid derivatives, administered either as the free skin penetration rates. Anesthetics, along with a list of base or the acid-addition salt. Free bases tend to be other suitable drugs are mentioned. This reference spe irritating at high concentrations. Acid-addition salts cifically teaches that base and acid-addition forms of the have low skin permeability. same drug be used in carrier. To be effective, a topical, local anesthetic should U.S.
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