Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 11-4-1976 The Guardian, November 4, 1976 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1976). The Guardian, November 4, 1976. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Ungijt ^tate (Suarbtan tBtfurBliad, Sfauember 4. 1975 Bagtan. (iHjto Uol 13 Jfteut IB Students organize tuition hike fight BY RON WL'KESON going to demand that they in- Guardian Staff Writer crease our taxes." Lynch commented that outside Students Against Tuition Hikes support might not involve taxes, met Wednesday afternoon to but rather the shifting of prior- organize an opposition group ities in state budgeting. against impending tuition in- "I don't think that we should creases. confine it to just student sup- A biennium budget cut of i.3 port," maintained Lynch. "We percent in state funds has result- have to have other people who ed in three specific measures wifi support us. I can't see doing according to vice president An- one without the other." drew P Spiegel to deal with the Possible routes for gathering decrease: initiating a program to outside support. Lynch suggest- increase enrollment, budget ed. are to hit local PTAs showing cuts/maintaining vacancies in that higher education for their positions, and tuition increases.