[Tenth Series, Vd. Ill, First Session, 1991 11913 (Ma)] No. 28. Tday, Augwt 20.19Ql/Sravana 29, 1913 (-1 CoLWNs mary Reference ...... Oral Answers to Questions: 'Starred Questions Nos. 467, 470,474, 478 ...... Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 468,469,475--477,47-86 . . Unstarred Questions Nos. 3421-3650...... Statement by Ministers (i) PdiSituation in the Soviet Union Shri Madhavsinh Solanki ...... (ii) Prices of Imported Newsprint Shri Ajit Kumar Panja ...... Papers Laid on the Table ...... Re: Nomination of a Member of panel of Chairmen ...... -Matters Under Rule 377 ...... Needtosetupagro-basedlndustriesm Mohindergah district, and also to earmark funds for exploration of mine- rals in the region Rao Ram Singh ...... 228-229 Need for maintaining proper recod d printing ink used by Bank Note Pm. Dewas (M.P.) Shri Phool Chand Venna ...... 229 Need to create 'Puwanchal Pradesh' canpising eighteen distrids of Eastem Uttaretadesh Shti Hari Kewal Prasad ...... 230 Need to direct National Airport Authority to go ahead with L plan for expamion of nm-way etc. of Airpott. Orisse Shri Sivaji Patnaik ...... 230-231 Need to take immediate remedial steps tocheckthespreadofthemysterious disease affecting aracanut trees in viC lqps d Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya Shri Peter G. Marbruriang ...... 231 Need to review the policy of rural elec- trification Shri Santosh Kumar Gengwar ...... 231-232 The S$n + marked above the name of a Member indites that the question was ~aakedonthefboroftheHousebythatMember. (vii) Need to provide S.T.D. facility at Erat- tupetta Telephone Exchange in Kottayam cbWA, Kerala Shri P.C. Thomas ...... (uiii) Need to ensure early payment of wages to the workers of NarWleda railway sta- lhninNagpur Shri Tejsingh Rao Bhonsle ...... mistty of Industry Shri Shankersinh Vaghela ...... Shri Chandulal Chandrakar ...... shri Ajoy Mukhopadhyaya ...... Stwi A. Charles ...... shri Chandra Jeet Yadav ...... Shri Praful Patd ...... ShriMohanRawle ...... LOK SABHA ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [English] Increase in Air Fares Tuesday, August 20, 1991 ISravana 29, 1913 (Saka) + '487. SHRI CHETlrH P.S. CHAUHAN; SHRlMATl SUMITRA The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock MAHAAN Will the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION [MR. SPEAKERin the Chair] AND TOURISM be pleased to state: OBITUARY REFERENCE (a) whether any proposal to increase [English] the air fares has been worked out by the MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have Air lndia and the lndian Airlines; to inform the House of the sad demise of (b) if so, the details thereof 'and since one of our former colleagues Shri Dgvi- when the revised fares will be appli; jay Narain Singh. and Shri Digvijay Narain Singh had a long (c) the likely impact of the increase on career having served this parliamentary the tourism indusk-;? - House from First to SiLok Sabha during 195S79. He represented five THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE different constituencies of the State of MINISTRY OF CiVlL AVIATION AND . TOURISM (SHRI M.O.H. FAROOK): (a) An agriculturist and a politid worker, to (c) Air lndia and lndian Airlines have Shri Singh was an able and active par- worked out various options for meeting liamentarian. He took keen interest in the the impact of the increase in the price of proceedings of the House particularly Aviation Turbine Fusl and exchange rate dating to foreign affairs and defence. adjustmbnts, one of whii is the revision of fares. No decisbn has so far been A widely travelled person, Shri Digvijay taken in this matter. Narain Singh was a Member of the SHRI CHETAN 2.S. CHAUHAN: Mr. Parliamentary Delegations to the USSR the -.and Yugoslavia in 1955 and also a Speaker, Sir, I would like to bring to Member of the lndian Delegation to the notice of the hon. Minister that the Gun United Nations Organisation in 1956. surcharge is still being charged and only 12 out of the 18 A-320s aircraft are in Shri Digvijay Narain Singh passed .operation as per the Indian Airlines' away at Patna on 2nd August, 1991 at spokesnian's report of 9th Au@st. This -'age of 67 years. loss is being inarned on account of the We deeply mourn the loss of this friend inefficiency of the lndian Airlines and ah and I am sure the House will join me in to tax the air passengers. It is not fair. Is corweying our condolences to the be- the Ministry of Civil Aviation appmching reaved family. the Government to restore the discount The HW& may now stand in silence of 30 per cent on air fuel. which is for a short while as a mark of respect to reduced to 15 per cent. now? the deceased. THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION (The Members then stood in silence for a AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO short while) SCINDIA): No, Sir. (Intermptions) 3 Oral Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Oral Answers 4

SHRl SAlFUDDlN CHOUDHURY: He SHRIMATI SUMITRA MAHAJAN: No. is bold out, Sir. (Interruptions) SHRl CHETAN P.S. CHAUHAN: Is MR. SPEAKER: You have to ask the there any proposal to' increase the night question. You do not reply to the qw-. . Ilights of the Indian Airlines which are at tion. e reduced fares? [Translation] SHR1 MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: No, Sir. (Interruptions) Them is no such proposal at present. But SHRIMATI . SUMITRA MAWAN : ~r theum various permutations and combina- Speaker, Sir, through you, I would like td akns are thought of from time to time. point out that just now the hon. Minister EN& at present, there is no such propose1 said that a proposal to increase air fam under consideration. is under consideretion. That means the SHRl CHETAN P.S. CHAUHAN: Thii Gowmment is considering air fare hike. flight whii is running from Bombay to At the same time may 1 know from the Delhi and frofn Delhi to Bombay is quite hon. Minister whether there is efso a swcasdul. And there is a demand to proposal to increase pasmqe# inaease this flight. (Interruptions) amenities and make improvements in the MR. SPEAKER: YOU have put two airports. There are many such airports supplementanes. whii are not equipped with I.LS SHRl RAM NAIK: As a spedal case, facili for the landing of aircraft and the you just allow one more question. Just accident that took place recently is a like an extra ball, W there be an extra krming example of fhii lapse. ILS. facili- ty is not available in Indore airport too. question. The said airport does not have the con- MR. SPEAKER: All right. veyor belt facilities even. Is there any (Interruptions) proposal to improve the quality of food SHRl MURU DEORA: That was a No being served to the passengers. in aero- Bell. (Interruptions) plane? Is the hon. Minister proposing to SHRl CHETAN P.S. CHAUHAN: Now give addiial faciliies while he has a that I have got the chance and the proPogal to escalate the airfare? Min'ster is also agreeing to reply to A, let [English] me put it. Is there any pmposal to give SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: The qdal discount to the foreign tourists question is not really about the conveyor and to the Ncm-Resident Indians to sec- belt. These are not nally about the ure much needed foreign exchange? facili at the airport. SHRl M.O.H. FAROOK: There is no I just like to make one clartfication in suet, prqwsal. (lnterruptions) reply to hon. Member Shri Chetan flrandation] Chauhan. There are certain discounted SHRl RAM NAIK: Had you gane there air fares whi are already availabk like to play cricket as a result of which all this the 'Discow India Fare'. There is heppened? another scherne also where foreign tour- SHRlMATl SUMITRA MAHAJAN: At ists who pay in dollars do g8t wrtein dint. But that is already existing. le8st I did not quarrel with him. There is no new proposal. SHRl ANNA JOSHI: Was it on account eir MR. SPEAKER: The Minister feels that d crash? this does not atise out of the mah SHRlMATl SUMITRA MAHAIAN: question. So, he needs a notiw. happened on account of air bklllwr it SHRl ANNA JOSHI: What will be the agh nor was there any quarrel with addiial burden due to increese in price Sdndieji. of aviation turbine fuel and the exchange [English] rate adjustment? And the second part of SHRl NlRMAL KANn CHATTERJEE : the question is, is il tact that you have Wwe you there at Shri Scindia's place? not increased the rates only because a 5 Oral Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 judicial case b going on against you in under that and it is something which we the Ahrnedabad Court from the side of would certainly consider. Ahmedabad Consumer's Society? [Translation] SHRI M.O.H. FAROOK: The impact of PROF. RASA SlNGH RAWAT: Sir, ATF price increase is Rs. 100 cnxes. It from the ie true that there is a case in Ahrnedabad thrcugh you 1 would like to know hon. Minister whether along with the -. proposal to increase the air fares in MR. SPEAKER: But you have not Indian Airlines and Air India there is also increased the fare only because of that. a p~eposalto provide adequate security SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: No, Sir. to passengers and contain incidents of MR. SPEAKER: I think, you have ans- aircrash. The Minister is requested kindly wered the question. to throw light on it. SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: First of MR. SPEAKER: It is not related to this all the increase in the price of aviation question. turbine fuel has put an addiil esti- [English] mated burden of approximately Rs. 103 CrDre8. DR. B.G. JAWALI : The total net re- The depredated--rupee would put an venue is worth Rs. 103 crores approxi- additknal burden of about Rs. 85 cfores mately. Now, there are two aspects in approximately. These are all estimates 'the collection of revenmike the Minis- top and borne more extra charges on naviga- ters, Members of Parli, lion,. night landing facilities are going to bureaucrats and businessmen who get cost us about Rs. 15 crores. As far as reimbursement. What is the adual re edditional burden is concerned it will be venue collected from the people as such, over Rs. 200 arxes. As far as the case excluding the socalled bodc adjustment? In the Ahrnedabad High Court is con- SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: The c#med, there is a case, but whenever total revenue, the Indian Airlines has fare increases have taken place in the collected in 1990-01 is about Rs. 1100 recenl past and if fare increases takes crores. Earlier, it was Rs. 1125 crores. In piece in Mure, permission of High Cwrt the current financial year it was esti- is solicited. mated at Rs. 1435 crores. SHRl ANNA JOSHI: Is it delayed be -SHRI RAM NAIK: The Minister has cause of the case in the High Court? seid that at present, there is no proposal MR. SPEAKER: He has correctly ans- to increase the fare immediately. While in wered that question. Railways, you have increased it, because SHRl MANORANJAN BHAKTA: I of. the cost of productiorr, fuel in woukl like to know from the hon. Minis- -20 per cent, 25 per cent in case *,whether it is a fact that in the North- of suburban mmuters, I am surprised Eastem regions and in Tripum, there is a toknow,whythereissomuchdelayin amounting to 17% per cent on not increasing the fare, whereas every- the pmmger fare and, if so, &at is the where else the common man is being hit, uMa? I would like to know whettw the whilest the Airline's pessenge*r are only Govmment is gdng to consider to make being spared. Is there any special con- applicaMethesametypeofsubsidyt0 sideration for which it is not being in- the pessengers, who are travelling from ueased? Calcutte and Madras to Port Blair, An&- SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: 1 have mM and Nicobar Islands. not said that there is no pqosal b SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There increase Pares; I had said that this is one arocaeinsu~farestothose of the various options that is under ex- psrts of the country, mainly on the amination. But, I am very glad to hear ht'they am completely cut off. that if I do take this ddsh in future, we from all other communications. I sup- will have the full support of Shri Ram -POW, port Blair would probeMy am W and his senior cdleagues. 7 Oral Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Oral Answers 8

Purchase of Boeings for Alr India Mr. ~Gaker,Sir, was any decision taken - '470. SHRl BHAGWAN SHANKAR by the Air India.to purchase various other RAWAT. aircrafts or Boeings? SHPl MAHESH KUMAR SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Mr. KANODIA: Speaker, Sir, no such proposal is under Will the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION Government's consideration at present. AND TOURISM be pleased to state: IEnglish] (a) whether a decision had been taken SHRI MURL~DEORA: The hon. Minis- to purchase four kings for the Air ter has said that the Government is India; acquiring these new 747 aircrafts. I . @) if so, the details thereof and would like to know from the hon. Minister whether the Boeings have since been what is the mode of insurance coverage acquired by the Air India; they take when they buy such. aircrafts. (c) if not, the reasons therefor; We had two major aircrashes-one near (d) whether the cost of these Boeings Bombay in 1978 January and another on estimated-lwo years earlier has since the way from Canada. Have we reco- gone up and if so, the ex!ent thereof; and vered all the loss of money due to these (e) the remedial measures proposed accidents? What sort of insurance cover- to be taken by the Government to ensure age we take? Is it entitled for all the risks early implementation of the decision to like sabotage also? avoid further cost escalation? MR. SPEAKER: Will it arise from this THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE question? MINI!TIRY OF ClVlL AVIATION AND SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: I re- ToURlsM (SHRI M.O.H. FAROOK): (a) quire a separate notice Sir. to (e) Government have approved the SHRl GEORGE FERNANDES: Mr. proposal of Air India for acquiring four Speaker, Sir, I have two queries. The Boeing 747- passenger aircraft at an hon. Minister has already said the ap- estimated cost of Rs. 1962.03 crores. proval from P.I.B. was received in March.. . ' Owing to the exchaqe rate adjustment, When was this proposal initiated by the the project cost in rtqees has increased Air India and when it was placed before by Rs. 600 mres; hcwever, the foreign the Government? Secondly, whether fit- exchange element of US $667.09 million ting the aircrafts with Rolls Royce engi- remains the same. nes was one of our conditions for which pranslation] the delay was caused? Whether the SHRl BHAGWAh SHANKAR RAWAT: manufacturer, an American Company, Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to know made a request to fit some other engines from the hon. Minister the date on which manufactured in the U.S.A. in place of the Govemment approved to the propos- Rolls Royce in the aircrafts? al of Air India? What arb the reasons of SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Mr. delay wen after Gwemment had ap- Speaker, Sir, the Air India Board ap- proved the scheme. Who is to be held proved this proposal on the 13th Sep- responsiMe for the loss caused to the tember 1989. So far as the engine is country due to increase of 600 mre concerned the delay was not caused on rupees in cost of the aircrafts. account of this. THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIAT~ON [English] AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO Subsldlsod food to vlllqpm In ITDC SCINDIA): Mr. Speaker, Sir, P.I.B. ac- hotdr oorded its approval on 14th March and '471. SHRl RAM kAPSE: Will the the same was to be submitted before the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND TOUR- Cabin#. Since there was a caretaker ISM be pleased to state: Gowmmt in power at that time it was (a) whether any 'scheme has been nol permissible for them to take impor- introduced to provide subsiidised food to -' tent decisions. On account of this the villagers in India Tourism Development mamrwasdelayed. Corporation hotels; WRl BHAGWAN SHANKAR RAWAT: (b) if so, the details thereof including 9 Oral Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 10 the names of the lndia Tourism Develop- Annexure ment Corporation hotels where the scheme has been implemented; Statement indicating the names of the (c) the details of the concession of- hotels operated by ITDC where the fered and the conditions thereof; scheme of 50% concession on meals to rural people has been introduced (d) the experience gained so far in the w.e.f. 25.1.91. wddng of the scheme; and (e) whether there is any proposal to S.No. Name of the Unit review this scheme and if not, the -- nSasons therefor? Ashok Hotel, New Delhi. Hotel Samrat, New Delhi. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Qutab Hotel, New Delhi. MINISTRY OF ClVlL AVIATION AND Ashok Radisson Hotel, TOURISM (SHRI M.O.H. FAROOK) (a) Bangalore. to (e) A statement is laid on the Table of Ashok Radisson Lalitha Palace the Sabha. Hotel, Mvsore. 1 STATEMENT Ash& Pladisson Beach Resort, Kovalam. (a) Yes, Sir. Hotel Airport Ashok, Calcutta. Hotel Agra Ashok, Agra. (b) and (c) A scheme was introduced Hotel Kanishka, IJmr Delhi. by from 25.1.1991 offering 50% Hotel Janpath, New Delhi. discount on meals to rural guests in one Hotel Varanasi Ashok, of the specified restaurants of each ITDC Varanasi. hotel on two days in a week i.e. on . Hotel Jaipur Ashok, Jaipur. Thursday and Friday. The concession is Laxmi Vilas Palace Hotel, Udaipur. admissible to rural people staying. within Hotel Ranjii, New Delhi. a radius of 50 kms in thevicinity of the Lodhi Hotel, New Delhi. respective ITDC hotel Irestaurant on es- Hotel Jammu Ashok, Jammu. tablishing identity through an identity Hotel Khajuraho Ashok, card / certificate, preferably with a photo- Khajuraho. graph, isgued by the Village Pradhan and Hotel Ashok, Patna. A certified by the Sarpanch of the area, or Hotel Madurai Ashok, Madurai. a certificete issued by the Block Develop- Temple Bay Ashok Beach Resort, ment Officer of the respective area from Marnallapuram, where such guests visit. However, in the Hotel Bodhgaya Ashok, Bodhgaya. case of hotels located in the Union Terri Hotel Aurangabad Ashok, Auran- Wy of Delhi, the distance restriction of gabad. 50 kms is not applicable, and any Hotel Kalinga Ashok, Bhubneswar. bonalide rural guest from any where in Hotel Hassan Ashok, Hassan. lndia can avail of this facili. In the case Ash& Yatri Nias, New Delhi. of family, the number of dependents who can avail of this facitlty is limited to 6 members, including the Head of the farni- SHRI RAM KAPSE: In six months' M. A list of ITDC Hotels where this time only 38 rural guests have availed of sdme has been introduced is at this facility in 25 ITDC hotels. I would like Annexure. to know whether enough publicity was not made. (dl 38 Rural have availed of thii facility urder ~ rthi scheme upto 15.7.1991. THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO (e) Yes, Sir. SCINDIA): I think there was enough pub 11 Oral Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Oral Answers 12 ldty - not only the publiaty which was SHRl MADAN LAL KHURANA: I would done on behall of KlX but even ex- lie to know the total expenditure incur- traneous to the efforts of the ITDC this red on this scheme including the expen- particular matter had widespread publicity dire incurred on furniture, advertise throughout the country. Certainly, there ments and pukkty. Further, what were was no lack of effort on the part of the the expenses incurred on the 38 persons ITDC or on the part of other people who responded to this scheme? the cmcmed in pr-. SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Sir, SHRl RAM KAPSE: I hd asked in hotels have variws deparbnents and re- Part (d) of my question about the experi- staurants and they do not maintain sepa- ence gained so far in the working of the rate accounts. Accourlts are kept on a scheme. But the Minister is silent on the joint basis for all departments. If the hon. aspect. He has only given the figure as Member wants to know the detail I shall 38. What about the experience? make a special endeavour to present the SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: That is same. the number 38 in the sum total of our [English] elqlerience. SHRl ANANDGAJAPATI RAlU SHRl RAM KAPSE: If the number is so POOSAPATI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, this par- low, why is it being reviewed? ticular scheme regarding subsidised food MR. SPEAKER: This is your third Sup- for villagers in Five Stai Hotels is Wttary. perhaps a scheme to encourage villagers SHRl RAM KAPSE: I am asking one to come to the Hotels and see what is question after another. There was no happening in the Five Star Hotels. Part A, Part B, etc. Though I am a Now, I would like to know from the teacher, there is no Part A, B and C, etc. hon. Minister since rural scheme should I want to know as to why it is being be broad-based and should even go to reviewed. Why are you going to stop it the villages--whether the Central Gov- when only 38 people have availed of ernment will consider giving sub- to that? There is no loss in it. the State Governments to start such SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: We schemes in various States. keep wefything under constant review. SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There That is the nature of the hotels. is no such proposal. SHRl ATAL BlHARl VAJPAYEE: Mr. SHRl RAM NAIK: The prime motive Speaker. Sir, very few people could take force behind this Scheme was the Ex- idvantage of this scheme. 38 is a very Deputy Prime Minister. When the Gov- low figure and in case of family, the ernment is now reconsidering it and re- number of members has been fixed. at viewing it, will the hon. Minister take him six. But Sir, one condition is that rural into confMke so that it can be im- people will have to prove that they be- plemented in a. proper way? kng to the rural area. WIII these people SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: The bring a certificate from the Block De- Ex-Deputy Prime Minister was probably vekpmentOfficerorgethisphotograph the ~uthoraf this Scheme. We also want aaested to prove that he belongs to a to pay due regards to hi feelings and ~ralarea? Does not hon. Minister deny sentiments. On fundamentals, we also the fact that such concMbs actually believe that a lot of priority should be disawrage people from availing of such given to rural areas and thorn who come benefits? If such reshictions are done fmn the rural areas. That is why we are away with, more villagers will take advan- continuing this scheme. The hm. tage of this scheme. Member asked as to why we are not SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Sir, dosingitdown.Itisbecausewehevekt hon. Shri Vajpayee has given some very of respect for the rural areas. We would -I -. These can definitely lito give the scheme a little more time be looked into. to prove whether it is successhrl. That 13 Oral Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 14 would become a formidable task. But I Minister has said 'no'. But may I know cer!!nly make an assessment. from the Hon. Minister what are the MR. SPEAKER: No assurance on the criteria for declaring a tourist centre? Itom of the House on that matter. THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION [Tmslation] AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO SHRl BRlSHlN PATEL: Sir, I would SCINDIA); I think, the Hon. Members has Uke to 'know tKMl the Government not understood the answer. We have whether it is true that any person who is said, no, there is no such policy of wearing a dhoti-kurta would be treated as declaring any place as a tourist centre. a villager and allowed to avail concession There is no such policy. on mls. Attired in a dhoti-kurta, a We have things like tourist circles. We pmm does not need a certificate from a also give financial help on the request of Bkdc Development Officer because his the State Government when they put atbire in itself is a symbol of his rural forward certain projects. But'there is no bkground. Will provisions be made to such tning as tourist centre. ghre concession on meals to persons attired in a dhoti-kurta? SRHl ARVIND NETAM: I want to know SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There the criteria. k no such pfuvis~on. SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There [Tlenslation] is no such policy. There is no such Burhanpur u a Tourfd Centre tourist centre. '472. SHRl MAHENDRA KUMAR SlNGH THAKUR: Will the Minister of [Translat~on] ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM be DR. LAXMI NARAYAN PANDEYA: Sir, pleased to state: there are many places of twrist interest (a) whether Burhanpur has been de- in Madhya Pradesh. Is there any propos- dered as a tourist centre; and al to provide financial assistance for the (b) if so, the amount allocated for development of such places and what is development of this historical place? the criterion for providing financial assist- [English] ance? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MR. SPEAKER: Regarding this the MINISTRY OF ClVlL AVIATION AND hon. Minister has replied in the affirrna- TOURISM (SHRI M.O.H. FAROOK): (a) tive. No Sir. There is no such policy of declar- DR. LAXMI NARAYAN PANDEYA: ing any place as a tourist centre. Which are these places in Madhya (b) Does not arise. Pradesh? [Transla tion] MR. SPEAKER: Please ask .your sup MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Minioter has plementary. said that there are several such places. SHRl MAHENDRA KUMAR SlNGH SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: I shall THAKUR: I have nothing more to ask. give this information in response to the SMT. SUMITRA MAHAJAN: Sir, the hon. Member's question although a reply hg. Minister has given the information to this question should not be necessary regarding Burhanpur. There are many as we are talking about Burhanpur. Still, I ather pieces in Madhya Pradesh which would lib to infm the hon. Member can be developed as tourist centres. Are that the Government has given a lot of there any proposals to develop tourism in financial assistance to Madhya Pmfhsh. Medhya Pradesh? In the Seventh Plan Rs. 2.30 crores were [English] given over a period of five years and this SHRl M.O.H. FAROOK: Sir, if the year there is a pIoposa1 to give Rs. 2.34 Sfate Government comes forward and crores. Wsthat such-and-such a place has to SHRl KARIYA MUNDA: Sir, may I be we have to try to develop know from the hon. Minister whether the it. I hew, got a bt of schemes as far as Chhotanagpur region in Bihar. Madh~aPradesh is concerned. But I does specify about whi the Hon. MR. SPEAKER: NU, this question Member is asking. not pertain to Bihar. -SHRl ARVIND NETAM: Sir, the Hon. 16 Oral Answers . AUGUST 20, 1991 Oral Answers 16

SHRl RAM NAGINA MISHRA: Sir, places having a population of 20,000 and Khushinagar, near Deoria, is the biggest above, keeping in view the product av- centre of Buddhism in the world. This ailability, viability considerations etc. place gets visitors froni Sri Lanka, China SHRl M.R. JANARTHANAN: Mr. and Burma. But this place is not de- Speaker Sir, the answer is not only vekped and even basic amenities are unsatisfactory but also vague and incom- not available for visitors. plete. My point in asking the question is MR. SPEAKER: This question is re- whether or not the Government will set lated to Madhya Pradesh. If you have a up LPG agencies in each Village Pan- question regarding Bihar the hon. Minis- chayat Union Headquarters in order to ter will ask for notice. reduce the gap in the living standard of SHRl RAM NAGINA MISHRA: If the the urbanites and the rural people, keep- hon. Minister asks for a notice it is all ing in view that there is deforestation right. when the villages use wood as fuel even today. And curtailing deforestation is a MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Minister has said policy matter of this Government. My that. original question is only this point. But it SHRl ATAL BlHARl VAJPAYEE: Sir, is put as only Village Panchayats. I want Viha and Sanchi attract foreign tour- to know whether the Government will set ists. I had an opportunity to tour Vidisha up LPG gas agencies in each Village for a few days. I felt that facilities pre- Panchayat Union Headquarters or not. sentty available for foreign tourists are By doing so, the population criteria will not adequate. Will the hon. Minister im- also be satisfied which is more than a p~ the facilities in Vidisha in order to lakh and also time and qoney win be attract foreign tourists? saved and the hygienic system will also SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Sir, the be followed in the villages. question pertains to Burhanpur. A SHRl S. KRISHNA KUMAR: Sir, it has nwnber of projects have been taken up been the Government's constant effoil to in Vkliia and Sanchi in consultation with increase the availability of LPG to our Madhya Pradesh Government. Vidisha, rural areas. But at the same time, it may which is a recognised tribal arcuit, in- not be possible to consider LPG market- dudes Bhopal, Sanchi and Udaygiri cir- ing to atl the Village Panchayats on cuit. We will certainly look into the possi- account of the limited poduct availability ##ty of developing the' area from the and large number of existing unviable point of view of tourism. distributionships. Almost 40 per cent of [English] the distributorships which are operating Allotment of LPG agencies to Village all over the country are considered to be Purchayats unviable. Due to these reasons, it will not '473. SHRl M.R. KADAMBUR be possible to give an assurance that JAMTHANAN: Will the Minister of each Village Panchayat will be given the PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be distributorship. pleased to state: SHRl M.R. JANARTHANAN: Sir, the (a) whether the Government propose hon. Minister is talking about the availibil- . to albt LPG agencies to Village Pan- ity of gas and several times, it is said in -; Parliament that gas is beihg flared up if so, the details thereof; and everyday in Bombay High. Even in the . (q Cauvery Basin, tapping of gas is at a (c) if not, the reasons therefor? very slow pace. Therefore, availability of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE gas, which the Government is answering, MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND is not relevant to the question. So much NATURAL GAS AND MINISTER OF gas is being wasted. STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DE- MR. SPEAKER: You ask the question. FENCE (SHRI S. KRISHNA KUMAR): (a) to (c) LPG agencies are being set up in SHRI M.R. JANARTHANAN: Sir, the 17 Oral Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 18

Minister has told about the availabili of As regards gas flaring, we have a diffe- gas. And I am explaining that part of it. rent project for that and World Bank MR. SPEAKER: You do not have to project has already been sanctioned. For make a speech for that. You have to put production of LPG, we have a different only the question. programme and I have the details of the programme here...... SHRl M.R. JANARTHANAN: Sir, the village ladies are still weeping due to MR. SPEAKER: If the question is smoke caused due to fire. lengthy, the reply need not be lengthy too. MR. SPEAKER: Is that the question? SHRl S. KRISHNA KUMAR: Sir, my Would you like to ask the Minister answer is that depending on the market whether he will be wiping out their tears demand, it will be our effort to see that of not? (Interruptions) LPG is made available at the earliest to the largest number of village panchayats. SHRl M.R. JANARTHANAN: This SHRl PRAFUL PATEL: Time and question is regarding the rural people... again, Govemment has been complain- MR. SPEAKER: If you ask a pointed ing about the shortage of gas cylinders. question, you will get a pointed reply. Because of the shortage, there is delay SHRl M.R. JANARTHANAN: But the in the distribution system. In Bombay answer given is negative. The answer High, earlier there was a proposal to supply gas through the existing pipeline says that it is not possible. I request that at least in the 8th Plan period, more and of the Bombay Gas Company. more village panchayat headquarters MR. SPEAKER : I think it is something shbuld be given gas agencies, so that different. This is about the LPG. the gap in the living standards of the SHRI PRAFUL PATEL : If gas is sup- rural people and the urbanites will be plied through pipelines, in some areas, reduced. Rural welfare is the main policy there will be that many more cylinders of this Government. When this Govern- available for distribution in rural areas. ment says that it is not possible, it is Time and again, there is a proposal but against the wishes of the rural people. the Govemment has not done anything. That is why I am asking a pertinent MR. SPEAKER : Only the word 'gas' is question. Without answering negatively, common in this. There is nothing else will the Government come forward and common. say that they will consider it at least SHRl SHOBHANADREESWARA RAO dding the 8th Five Year Plan? VADDE : The hon. Ministei has said that SHRI S. KRISHNA KUMAR: We have the Government is taking steps to sanc- not answered negatively. We have said tion LPG agencies to those places hav- that we are continuously making efforts ing a population of 20,000. Is it not a fact to spread the availabili of LPG to rural that there are several places in .Andhra areas. The hon. member is mixing up the Pradesh with more than 20,000 popula- gas which is being produced and a part tion and which do not yet have the LPG crf the gas which is being flared in our oil agencies, Whereby the consumek are fields such as Bombay High with the suffering a lot? I would like to know from LPG, which is a constituent and which the hon. Minister as to what steps the has to be separately produced. We have Government is going to take in the near a plan for producing more LPG in the future to sanction LPG agencies to such COUntty. We have an immediate plan and places which come within the scope of I have got the figures here. The schemes your normal yardstick. are being projected over the 8th Five SHRl S. KRISHNA KUMAR : The hon. Year Plan and it is our effort to see that Member's presumption is correct. There the backlog of nearly 70 lakh applications will be a large number of areas in the which are already pending for LPG is country with more than 20,000 popula- expeditiously cleared. The question tion, where there are no agencies. I have about LPG is different from gas flaring. answered about the constraints of the 19 Oral Answers AUGUST 20. 1991 Oral Answers 20

Government. As far as Andhra Pradesh tion. If you want to reply, I have no is concerned, there are about 14 lakh objection. He is asking whether you are amsumers already and the waiting list is going to give special concession for the 32 lakhs. I have got the consumer list people coming from village. and the vmtitq list figures for all the SHRl S. KRISHNA KUMAR : There is States. The satisfachion of the LPG ap- no such proposal. plicants is met progressively depending upon the supplydemand position and the SHRl NIRMAL KANTl CHATTER- projected work merketing plan of the oil JEE : Sir, to another question regarding Companies. gas connection on M.Ps' recommenda- tion, the Minister replied that all the [Translation] recommendations have been replied to. SHRl CHHEDI PASWAN : The hon. In fact, it has not happened. Many peo- Mhister has stated that due to non- ple have not yet received the gas con- availabilityofLPG,agenciescannotbe nections recommended by M.Ps. M to Panchayats. Agencies are set MR. SPEAKER : He needs some more up in areas having population of 20,000 information from the Ministry. and above. No block in the awntry has a pop&bon d less than 20,000. So in SHRl NIRMAL KANTl CHATTER- view d this, does the Government pro- JEE : I would like to know can it be that pose to set up LPG agencies at Mock many of the recommendations by M.Ps ~? could not be met because of the non- availability of any agency if diierent pan- [English] cbayats. Part @) of the question is that if -SHRI S. KRISHNA KUMAR : Sir, I there is no agency within a population of have already answered that question. 20,000 people, can an agency be ad- There are many areas in the country vised to cover such a distance with the where there is no gas agency though the help of some small increase in the fares population of that area is 20,000. Be- so that the supply is made to those cause of the limited availabilii of the people also. I would like to say fhat if LPG and constraints in increasing the there are recommendations from Mem- availability wer a time period, we have a bers of Partiament, those recommenda- merketing plan in each State. The tions shall be fulfilled in any case and no number of LPG dealership is being pmg- recommendation of a M.P. would be left ressively increased by each of the oil unattended to, prwided A is within the companies. When they make a marketing quata. ptan, the hon. Membei's concern is being teken SHRl S. KRISHNA KUMAR : Sir, all into account by the individual oil the recommendations regarding LPG by OOmQanies- M.Ps are being taken care of by the [Transktion] Ministry. We have a computerised lii of SHRl RATlUU VARMA :Mr. Speaker, the number of recommendations given by Sir, hon. Minii has stated that due to each M.P. and the number whii has lmMfai#lity d LPG, agencies cannot already been allotted and what remains be alktted to Pamhyats. But orders in the quota of each M.P ...( lntermptions) Were-~toreleaSeLPG~sI have not finished. in villqes four months back. In each SHRl NIRMAL KANTl CHATTER- vYLege not more than two LPG consu- JEE : We have received so many Mem ~~~samthere.Sogasagenciesarenot that our recommend~tionshave not been wYZng to deliver gas cylinders in villages. fulfilled. btheOovemmentwillingtoallowgas SHRl S. KRISHNA KUMAR :Please amumm to tolled cylinders on their amr? be patient. I have not finished. I was saying that the Minihas computerised mml infomlationofthenwnberofappHcations ~SPEAKER:IdonYthM

already been satisfied and the balance in needs to be investigated and the out- each M.Ps quota. That information can come known to us. be made available to each M.P. so that [English] he comes to know what is the un-allotted This is a very serious matter. quota. This I think will satisfy the Mem- [Translation] becs SHRl NIRMAL KANTl CHATTER- MR. SPEAKER: Will it be investigated? JEE :This is not true. We have to move [English] a Privilege Motion against the Minister. SHRl S. KRISHNA KUMAR: Wherever Whewer they are cornputerised or not, the Government have sanctioned the ap- whether they know about it or not, I do plications recommended by the Members not know. (Interruptions) But they have of Parliament and where the actual con- been sanctioned, and not received by the nections have not been obtained by the persons concerned. (Interruptions) consumers, in such cases, immediate SHRl MANORANJAN BHAKTA : There rectificatory action will be taken by the are some isolated territories in the coun- Ministry. try. The country is celebrating the birth [Translation] anniversary of Shri Rajiv Gandhi who SHRl MADAN LAL KHURANA: My was very much concerned about the poor question is, all this has taken place in people and the people who are living in wholesale and what will be their fate the remote and isolated territories of this now? country. On this occasion, will the Gov- [English] ernment consider providing gas connec- SHRl NIRMAL KANTI CHAlTEWEE: tions to the people who are living in the Should we lay that list on the Table of hilly and remote areas where special the House? Let the Minister reply. (Inter- type of problems are prevailing in provid- ruptions) ing gas connections? MR. SPEAKER: It should not be like THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM 6. this. The Minister said that we will give AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI SHAdK- you the information. (Interruptions) ARANAND) : I also share the concern of the hon. Member for the people who are MR. SPEAKER: After the Minister re- living in the remote and hilly areas of the plies, he is replying. (Interruptions) country. It is a good suggestion; it is a SHRl B. SHANKARANAND: I share worthy suggestion. The Government will the concern of the hon. Members regard- consider this suggestion. ing this because they have been mmp [Translation] laining to me both inside the House and also outside the House that such a thing SHRl MADAN KHURANA: Sir, as LAL is happening. (Interruptions) You first lis- several hon. M.Ps. have said that they ten to me. I am agreeing to your sugges- , have received a number of letters about tion; I am not disagreeing to what you non-release of LPG and telephone con- are saying. If there has been any lapse nections and as I have also received some letters in this regard, will the Gov- on the part of the Company in giving the ernment look into all such cases? Last right information to the consumers whom the MPs have recommended they time the hon. Minister sanctioned con- and nections. A list showing such connections have not received any reply, it is a matter was received. But the allottees have not to be looked into; and I promise to the obta'~nedactual connections. How has it House that I will look into the matter and happened? I firmly believe that connec- take corrective measures. (Interruptions) bions were released by the Department, SHRl HARl KISHORE SINGH: Ever but the hm. MPs have not yet received since this LPG is being supplied, only the letters in this connection. Till now I used urban people are benefiting from it. Will to think that this has happened in my the Minister consider aYotting one-third of case only, but it has happened in other the available LPG for me nual people? Cases too. Therefore the whole episode SHRl B. SANKAFWhiAND: May I draw 23 Oral Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Oral .Answers 24 the attention of the House to a very which has been sent to the Planning serious fact, that the population of this Commission for clearance. country is increasing by leaps and SHRl ANNA JOSHI: I am asking about bounds? I do not think that we have the proposals which have been cleared, been able to produce LPG to match the along with these three. demand of such an increasing popula- SHRl MALLIKARJUN: As far as Besides this, there has been a shift tion. Maharashtra is concerned there is no in population right from the rural areas to other proposal which has been cleared. the urban areas and the population pat- tem in this country is changing very fast. SHRl ANNA JOSHI: I agree. Which So, to plan for such a changing popula- are the ones which have been cleared? tion it is very difficult with the available SHRl MALLIKARJUN: That is what I material for LPG. But it is our responsibil- am saying. There is no proposal pending ity to make it available. for clearance. These three proposals SHRl NIRMAL KANTl CHATTERJEE: which I have mentioned-where electrifi- This shift in the population from rural to cation is in progress--will be completed urban areas is not much. by March 1992. These projects which are SHRl B. SANKARANAND: If at all the in progress involve 132 route kilometres. Hon. Member can also help in influencing So far as the cost is concerned, it the views ana shaping the opinion of the costs Rs. 40 lakhs per one route society, that we must also control the kilornetre for electrification. population, then the LPG distribution will SHRl ANNA JOSHI: What are the take care of itself. prop&als for the next five years in Railway Electrification in Maharashtra Maharashtra for electrification of the Rail- '474. SHRl ANNA JOSHI: Will the ways? And secondly, is the Konkan Rail- Minister of !?.A.ILWAYS be pleased to way route going to be electrified from the state: beginning? (a) the proposals for railway electrifica- SHRl MALLIKARJUN: So far as the tion in Maharashtra pending for clear- is concerned, there is no ance; and proposal at this moment to think about (b) the details of the railway electrifica- electrification of that line. tion works under progress in that State? Now we are only concentrating to see THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE that the trunk routes are completed so MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAL- that it will facilitate the commuters. UKARJUN): (a) Nil. About the proposals for electrification (b) As a part of electrifica;ion of Delhi- of lines in Maharashtra, we have asked Bombay trunk route via Central Railway for the survey of the line from Jalgaon to and -Bombay trunk route via Udhna and after the survey is completed Nagpur, work is in progress in sections we will consider this line. Waghoda-Bhusawal and Bhandara Road- SHRl RAM KAPSE: Sir, the Minister Nagpur which fall in Maharashtra State. has given an assurance that by March Electrification of Diva-Panvel Section is 1992, Diva-Panvel track will be elec- also in progress. trified. I would like to know from the SHRl ANNA JOSHI: Fist of all, what Minister whether side by side there js are the proposals cleared for electrifica- any proposal for starting a suburban tion other than Waghoda-Bhusawal, railway on Diva-Panvel railway after its Diva-Panval and Howrah-Bombay Sec- electrification is completed. tions? SHRl MALLIKARJUN: Sir, this is only Secondly, what is the cost per for the completion of Diva-Panvel track, kibmtm of electrification and thirdly, which is 24 kms. when will this be completed? So far as suburban railway is con- SHRl MALLIKARJUN: We have al- cerned, at the moment I cannot furnish ready informed that there is no proposal, any information about it. 25 Oral Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 26

[Translat~on] asked to conduct an inquiry into the Report of Commissioner of Railway accident, the Commissioner of Railway Safety begins the inquiry proceedings. Ssfety Every accident is not investigated by the '478. DR. MMINARAYAN Commissioner and I do not have figures PANDEYA: of such accidents with me. SHRI ATAL BlHARl VAIPAYEE: DR. LAXMI NARAYAN PANDEYA: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I wanted to know the find- Will the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION ings of inquiry reports received so far AND TOURISM be pleased to state: and on the basis of these reports, what (a) whether the reports of the Commis- remedial steps can be taken, to prevent sioner of Railway safety on railway acci- recurrence of train accidents. are made public; dents SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: The (b) if not, the reasons therefor; Commissioner of Railway Safety often (c) the number of railway accidents sends his suggestions on the basis of his enquired into by the Commissioner of inquiry report. After that it depends upon Railway Safety during the last three the Ministry of Railways to act on these years, year-wise; suggestions. (d) whether the enquiry reports on DR. LAXMI NARAYAN PANDEYA: I these accidents would be laid on the would like to know the steps taken by the Table; and Government on the basis of inquiry re- (e) if not, the reasons therefor? ports submitted by the Commissioner of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Railway Safety. Has the Government MINISTRY OF ClVlL AVIATION AND acted accordingly after considering the reports or does it propose to act? TOURISM (SHRI M.O.H. FAROOK): (a) Yes, Sir. SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Action (b) Does not arise. on inquiry report is taken by the Ministry of Railways and not by the Commis- sioner of Railway Safety. (c) Year Number of rahay acci- ,dents inquired into by SHRI ATAL BlHARl VAJPAYEE: This CRS question mainly pertains to. train acci- dents, but the reply is being given by the 1980-69 11 nos. Minister of Civil Aviation because the 1989-90 4 nos. , 1-91 8 nos. Commissioner of Railway Safety comes under the jurisdiction of his Ministry. My (d) and (e) No, Sir. Copies of the question is to the former Minister of printed report are, however, sent to the Railways (Interruptions) libmy of the Parliament. Only recently he was the Minister of DR. MMINARAYAN PANDEYA: Mr. Railways. Sir, what were his experiences Speaker, Sir, I would like to know the as Minister of Railways because it ap- total, number of accidents took place in pears some what strange that inquiry into 1988-89, 1989-90 and 1990-91 ; and how train accidents is conducted outside the many of these accidents investigated. Ministry of Railways. Should the job of Which errors have been found occurring inquiry into train accidents be not vested repeatedly that have been mentioned in with the Ministry of Railways. Has the the reports received after inquiry. Will the present division of responsibilities in any hon. Minister tell something in this re- way contributed to reducing train acci- gard' dents and can the Ministry of Railways THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION not make arrangements for impartial in- AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO quiry. I would like that the hon. Minister SCINDIA) : Sir, Commissioner of Railway of Civil Aviation may reply keeping in SefW does not maintain a record of view his past experiences. number of such accidents. On being SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: I think 27 Written Answers AUGUST 20. 1991 Written Answers 28

the arrangements can certainly be made track, train accidents occur every now in the Ministry of Railways but then and then. I would like to know what impartiality of inquiry should amply be remedial steps are being taken by demonstrated to the whole country. The Govemrnent to improve this section of Commissioner of Raib~ay Safety has Westem Railway. been kept outside the purview of the [English] Ministry of Railways, just to heighten the SHRl M.O.H. FAROOK: I do not think credibility of inquiry. we have any answer for that. [English] SHRl SOBHANADREESWARA RAO WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS VADDE: Has it come to the notice of his Ministry that sometimes it is so happen- [Translation] ing that the railway driver is made to Nainpur divisional offlce work for nearly 24 hours and sometimes '468. SHRl MOHAN LAL JHIKRAM: ewn more from signing off to signing on Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be and that because of the fatigue, some- pleased to state: times it leads to some accident? In view (a) whether full staff has been provided of these facts, will his Ministry issue in the office of Assistant Divi- suitable instructions so that the railway sional Railway Manager at Nainpur, if so, drivers are not subjected to such fatigues the details thereof and if not, the reasons and strictly adhere to eight-hour work therefor; schedule? (b) whether the recent rail accident SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: The near Shikara was on account of inadequ- findings are presented from time to time. ate staff in Nainpur; and The Railway Minisiry should take note of (c) the time by which adequate staff is these findings. That is what we expect. likely to be given to that office? But as far as 24-hour working is con- cerned, I think, it is for the Railway THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS Minister to answer that. (SHRI C.K. JAFFER SHARIEF): (a) Yes, Sir. Three ministerial staff and one Group [Translation] 'D' staff has been provided for the office SHRl DAU DAYAL JOSHI: Mr. Speak- of Additional Divisional Railway Manager er, Sir, through you, I would like to know at Nainpur. from the hon. Minister, whether it is (b) No, Sir. oorrect that the Commissioner of Railway Safety suggested to the Department for (c) Does not arise. the renewal of the railway track from [English] Nagda to Ratlam on Westem Railway Appraisal of functlonlng of department because of its dilapidated state and if a, of non-conventional energy sources then what action has been taken '469. SHRl BALRAJ PASSI: thereon? SHRl PRABHU DAYAL MR. SPEAKER: No, Mr. Joshi, it is a KATHERIA: separate question. WIU the Minister of POWER AND SHRl DAU DAYAL JOSHI: Mr. Speak- NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOUR- er, Sir, report of the Commissioner of CES be pleased to state: Railway Safety mentions ... (a) whether attention of the Govern- MR. SPEAKER: No, Mr. Joshi. There ment has been drawn to the news item is one other organisation for railway safe- captioned "CAG raps DNES on expendi- ty and when accident takes place, that ture" apearing in the Hindustan Times organisation mducts an inquiry into the dated July 22, 1991; causes of accident. That is why your (b) if so, the facts thereof; question is not concerned with it. (c) the number of officials found guilty SHRl DAU DAYAL JOSHI: Mr. Speak- in this regard; and er, Sir, due to overageing of railway (d) the steps taken or proposed to be 29 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 30

taken to check such wastage of 77 units, out of which 29 were reportedly resources? working. In view of this unsatisfactory THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE implementation, .the project was fore- MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- closed in 1990, and out of Rs. 18 lakhs VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI released to the State, a refund of about KALPNATH RAI): (a) Yes, Sir. Rs. 6.00 lakhs has been obtained. The State has been asked to rectify the non- (b) (i) A Refuse Incineration cum-Pow- functional units and to make them opera- er Generation Plant, with research and tional. The wind pump demonstration development ramifications, was set up in programme is being implemented satis- Delhi in 1987 with Danish assis- factorily in -various parts bf the country. tance. The project was installed on a (iv) A project using rice husk to run a turn-key basis by a Danish company who were responsible for the design, supply 1.5 MW pilot plant was approved by the of plant and equipment, and providing Government in the State sector in the requisite technology. The company May, 1986, at a cost of Rs. 2.9 crores. In used its own experience and expertise in March, 1987 DNES agreed to extend a assessing the calorific value of Delhi's grant-in-aid of Rs. 1.45 crores and a total garbage and designing the plant. The amount of Rs. 1 .I crore was released till tum-key contractor failed to demonstrate March, 1988. However, the State au- successful operation of the plant. In July, thorities revised the financial pattern and 1990, the Govemrnent decided to wind scope of the project which is now esti- up the project, and compensation for the mated to cost about Rs. 10 crores. The full project cost has been claimed from revised project was not found acceptable the Danish company. Arbitration proceed- by DNES and the Punjab Govemrnent ings have been initiated in the case. was asked to refund the grant assist- ance. An amount of Rs. 1 crore has (ii) A research and development (R&D) already been refunded by the State. project for the development of coal based Magneto Hydro Dynamic (MHD) techno- (c) and (d) No malafide action on the logy, including the setting up of a 5 MW part of any individual has been reported. thermal in-put experimental plant, was In order to ensure effective utilisation of started in 1977 with Soviet scientific resources, a more rigorous appraisal and cooperation. The pilot plant was commis- mointoring of projects is being underta- sioned in 1985 using blue water gas ken by high-level scientific committees produced from coal in the plant. The and independent experts and organisa- objecbve was to gererate plasma by tions. burning the gas at temperatures exceed- MacherlaRalchur and Vlkarabab ing 2800•‹C and to produce electricity by Krishna Railway line passing the plasma through a magnetic '475. DR. RAVl MALLU: WIII the Minis- field. It was after the commissioning of br of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: the plant using coal as the basic fuel that (a) whether the survey for construction long duration trial tuns were conducted of a railway line trom Macherla (A.P.) to by u&ng a higher calorific value LPG for Raichur (Kamataka) and from Vikarabad testing the pilot plant systems. The pro- (A.P.) to Krishna has been completed' pd has successfully demonstrated, at the experimental level, the technologial (b) if so, the details thereof and the feasibility of generating electricity using action proposed to be taken in this re- MHD technology. Commercial generation gard; and of electricity based on MHD technology (c) if not, when the survey is likely to was not the immediate objective of the be taken up? RBD project. THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (in) An amount of about Rs. 24 lakhs C.K. JAFFER SHARIEF) : (a) Yes, Sir. was sanctioned to Andhra Pradesh in (b) Preliminary Engineering cum traffic 1987 for installation of 150 wind pumping surveys for new BG line. between Raichur units. The State authorities procured only and Macherla and Vikarabad and Krishna 31 Wriften Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 32 were carried out by S.C. Railway in MT diesel was supplied during April-July, 1988. The cost of Vikarabad-Krishna 1991. The entire demand at retail outlets (148 km) was then assessed at Rs. is being fully met. 86.31 cr. with a negative rate of retum. Similarly the cost of Raichur-Macherla (b) and (c) Yes, Sir. The proposal is (293 km) new BG line was then asses- under the consideration of Government. sed at. Rs. 191 .I 0 cr, with a rate of retum [Transla tion] of 1.5%. A survey for extending the pro- posed line from Raichur to Gadag has Restoration of traln mlces running been ordered. Further action will be de- from Samartlpur cided after survey is completed. (c) Does not arise. '479. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: Will Safal the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to Rec~ttmentof Karamcharls refer to the reply given on July 16, 1991 '476. SHRI GlRDHARl LAL BHARGA- to the Unstaned Question No. 208 re- VA: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be garding restoration of train services run- pleased to state: ning from Samastipur and state the date (a) whether due to shortage of the from which these five pairs of trains had safai karamcharis sanitation on railway been running and the time by which stations and railway compartments has these trains are likely to be restored? deteriorated considerably; (b) whether there has been a ban on THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI reauitment of safai karamcharis since C.K. JAFFER SHARIEF): The dates of July, 1981 ; and introduction of the five pairs of trains are given below: (c) whether the Government propose to bring about improvement in the sanita- 1. 331 1 332 Samastipur-Nimali Pas- tion system by making fresh recruitment? senger initially introduced between THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Darbhanga-Nirmali w.e.f. 1.4.1958 C. K. JAFFER SHARIEF): (a) No, Sir. and extended upto Samastipur (b) No, Sir. w.e.f. 1.10.1958. (c) Does not arise. 2. 459 I 460 Samastipur-Darbhanga Oil refinery in Orissa Passenger introduced w.e.f. '477. DR. KARTIKESWAR PATRA: 1.5.1 985. SHRI ANADl CHARAN DAS: 3. 425 1 426 Darbhanga-Narkatiaganj Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND Passenger initially introduced bet- NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: ween Darbhanga- w.e.f. (a) the actual demand and supply of 1.10.1984 and extended upto Nar- petrd and diesel in Orissa as on March katiaganj w.e.f. 1.5.1985. 31, 1991 and July 31, 1991 and the details of the steps taken Iproposed to 4. 327 1 328 Darbhanga-Jaynagar Pas- be taken to bridge the gap between senger initially introduced between demand and supply; Mahendmghat-Jaynagar w.e.f. (b) whether any dl company has sub 1.5.1958 and curtailed on Mahen- mitted in the past a prom report to the drughat-Darbhanga sectibn w.e.f. Oovemrnent for setting up of an oil refin- 2.5.1959. ery in the State; and 5. 321 1 322 DarbhangaJaynagar Pas- (c) if so, the action taken or proposed senger initially introducd between b be taken thereon? Madhubani-daynagar waf. THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM 1.4.1983 and exlened uplo Dar- AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANK- bhanga w.e.f. 1.10.1986. ARANANO): (a) 53957 MT pew and 425758 MT dWl was supplied during At present there is no proposal to 1990-91. 20116 MT petrol and 151071 restore these trains. 33 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 34

[English] THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION Seating capoctty In IA Fleet AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAURAO SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. '480. SHRl PRAKASH BAPU VASANT- RAO PATIL: Will the Minister of ClVlL (b) Does not arise. AVIATION AND TOURISM be pleased to [Translation] state: Hajlpur-Bettiah Railway Line (a) whether the Indian Airlines propose '483. SHRl SHlVA SHARAN SINHA: to increase the seating capacity in its Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be fleet during the current financial year; pleased to state: and (a) whether there is a long standing (b) if so, the details thereof? demand for construction of railway line THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION between Hajipur and Bettiah via Vaishali, AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO Devariya, Sahibganj and Arerajin Bihar; SCINDIA): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. lndian (b) whether the Govemment had con- Airlines plans to augment its capacity by ducted a survey in this regard; and 25-30 per cent during the current finan- cial year with the phased re-induction of (c) if so, the time by which this work is the A-320 aircraft. This capacity increase likely to be started? would be spread wer the network, con- THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI sistent with the traffic growth occuring on C.K. JAFFER SHARIEF): (a) and (b) No, different routes. Sir. Mangalore Refinery (c) Does not arise. '481. SHRl SUDHIR GIRI: [English] SHRI C.P. MUDALAGIRI- Working Capital Management in ITDC YAPPA: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND '484. SHRl INDRAJIT GUPTA: Will the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: TOURISM be pleased to state: (a) the progress made so far in re- spect of setting up of Mangalore Re- (a) whether in November. 1974 the Administrative Reforms Commission had finery; studied and submitted its report on two (b) the time by which the refinery is aspects of 'working capital management' likely to start functioning; and i.e. (c) the total estimated cost of the re- (i) Management of Inventory and finery? (ii) Management of AcCounts Receiv- THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM able, in the India Tourism Develop- AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANK- ment Corporation in 1975 and 1976 ARANAND): (a) to (c) The project, which respectively; and is estimated to cost Rs. 1160 crores (at (b) if so, the details of the recommen- June, 1990 prices) has been approved dations made by the Commission and by Government in A~ril. 1991 and is the action, taken thereon? expected to be commi&ioned by April, 1995. THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO Suspension of Services of Airbus SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. At the request of A-320 ITDC, the Department of Personnel 8 '482. SHRl RAJENDRA KUMAR Administrative Reforms in the latter half SHARMA: Will the Minister of ClVlL AVI- of 1974 made a comprehensive study of ATION AND TOURISM be pleased to existing procedures of ITDC Delhi based state: hotels relating to purchases, billing, col- (a) whether the Government propose lection etc. and submitted its reports on to suspend again all the sewices of 'Inventov Management' in June 1975 Airbus A-320 due to mechanical defects; and and on Accounts Receivable Manage- (b) if so, the reasons therefor? ment in October 1976. Written Answers 36 35 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991

(b) The details of the recommends- the action takh maavl by lm are lions made by the Commission and as follows: Recommendation I. hvenw Management TO intdim sciealilsc m&ods of in- lnnrory menagemew induding nWint8 nence d slwes value BCQwlntr, periodi- cd review ot inventwies. award of clwrbal rate conbgcl etc.

Accounts Receivable Management To bmulate a detaii credit policy Detailed guidelines for extending wdii to various including tolbw-up action lor reelisation of wtm were worked out and issued to ell ho(d units d wtstandi and rvrite off of bad in June 1977 inditing intersl'i b terms and condibbns aebls. lor aediit, time limits for sendq bills. fohwp action tor realition review of wtstandngs, write ofl of bad debts a. A &it Wicy was ahfwmulated end circulated in July

Direct flights to Australla Novembr 10, 1990 to March 31, '485. SHRI V.S. VIJAYARAGHAVAN: 1991, 12617 connections were re- Will the Minister of ClVlL 4VIATION leased. AND TOURISM be pleased to state: '(b) The process of releases starts (a)'whether the Union Government immediately after the sanction is is- propose to introduce direct flights to sued. and from Australia; and (c) Each M.P. can recommend 48 (b) if so, the details thereof? LPG connections in a year. THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION [English] AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. (b) Does not arise. /7ransIation] 3421. SHRI V. SREENIVASA LPG connections on remmrnenda- PRASAD: Will the minister of COAL tkns of Members of Parliament be pleased to state: '486. SHRI SATYAPAL SlNGH (a) wether a large number of miners YADAV: Will the Minister of PET- died in and around Nagpur coalfields ROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be under the control of Westem Coalfields pleased to state: Limited due to poisonous gas leakage; (a) the number of LPG connections (b) whether the authorities had failed sanctioned by the previous Govem- to adopt proper safety measures; and ment during 1990.91 on the recom- mendations of Members of Parliament; (c) if so, the fads and details thePeof? (b) the time by which the LPG con- ME DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE nections are likely to be released MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. against the sandions; if not, the NYAMAGOUDA): (a) No, Sir. reasons therefor; and (b) and (c) The Coal Company has (c) the number of LPG connections taken adequate safety measures in pdposed to be given durlng 1991-92 this regard. Mechanical ventilators are on the recommendations of Members provided, as per staMe, to regulate d Parliamenn the levels of such gases within per- THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM missible limits. Flame Safety lamps are AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHAN- also provided to detect presence of KARANAND): (a) During period such gases. 51 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 38

~ranslarion] THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Upgmddm at Sujn Station MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. NYAMAGOUDA): (a) and (b) The Ei SHRI RAMASHRAY PRASAD 3422. Five Year Plan (1992-97) for the develop SINGH: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS ment of coal industry is under preparation. be pleased t0 -8: [Trmslattion] (e) wfmUmr the Government propose to upgrade the Sujra Station on Delhi- Amount spent on ON and Gas Drilling Baghpat-Shyamli section to '0' dass dur- in . ing 1991-92; 3425. SHRI DAU DAYAL JOSHI: Will (b) H so, the details thereof; and the Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: (c) if not, the reasons therefor? (a) since when the exploration work for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE oil and natural gas has been going on in MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAL- Rajasthan; and UKARJUN): (a) No, Sir. (b) the amount spent thereon so far? (b) Does not arise. THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM (c) The proposal has not been found AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI 8. SHANK- financially justified. ARANAND): la\ Since 1958. LPG agencbs in Rajsthan (b) Till 31.3.1991. a total amount of 3423. PROF. RASA SINGH RAWAT: Rs. 260.96 crores has been spent. Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND Walting List for LPG Connection In NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: Kamataka (a) the district-wise number of LPG 3426. SHRI RAMCHANDRA VEERAP- agencies at present in Rajasthan; PA: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM (b) whether the Govemment have re- AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to ceived bmplaints from consumers of state: vatious gas agencies in Ajmer district (a) the district-wise waiting list for LPG regarding irregularities being committed connections in Kamataka and the pre- by them; and sent monthly demand of LPG in the (c) if so. the action taken thereon? State; and THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM (b) the steps taken to provide LPG AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANK- connections to all the applicants on the ARANAND): (a) As on 1.4.1991 there waiting lists? were 158 LPG distributorships in Rajas- THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM than. AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANK- @) and (c) Whenever complaints are ARANAND): (a) As on 1.4.91, 2.62 labs received they are Wed into and ap- persons are on the waiting list. The propriate action is taken. average monthly consumption during IEngIiqw 1990-91 was 9.1 TMT. Rodudkn In Cemtml Coalfkldr (b) Efforts are on to give LPG connec- Umlted In Elghu~Plan tions to as many applicants as possible 3424. SHRI GOPl NATH GAJAPATHI: in Kamataka. Will the Minister,of COAL be pleased to Coal Maria stab: 3427. SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA: (a) whether the Government have ta- Will the Minister of COAL be pleased to lcenanysteptoincreasecoalproducm state: dWQ the Eighth Five Year Plan; and (a) whether the deposited money of (b) if so, the tam proposed to be set the coal mafia has been forfeited after UP kr Coal production in the Eghth plan, the investigation conducted by the C.B.I.; parlrcularly by the (b) if so, the amount forfeited since Umited? 1980, till now; 39 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 40

(c) whether the Government are incur- complaints have been received during ring heavy losses on account of the the last two years and have been in- activities of coal mafia; quired into. LPG supply is subject to . (d) if so, the details thereof; availability in the country, the availability of which varies from year to year. (e) whether the Government propose to constitute a committee of Members of Harnessing of Bio-Gas in Kerala Parliament to investigate the large scale 3429. SHRI P.C. THOMAS: Will the bungling and irregularities in the coal Minister of POWER AND NON-CON- distribution; and VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be (f) if not, the reasons therefor? pleased to state: WE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (a) whether the Government propose MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. NYA- to hamess bio-gas energy in Kerala; MA GOUDA): (a) and (b) According to (b) if so, the details thereof; information furnished by Central Bureau (c) whether subsidy is provided to of Investigation (CBI), during the course small bio-gas plants in that State and is of investigation of 7 cases registered by likely to continue to be given; them in 1989 the payments of benami fixed deposit receipts involving an (d) whether bio-gas -slurry is a good amount of Rs. 3.77 crores were stopped. fertilizer; and Later on, an amount of Rs. 2.70 crores (e) if so, the steps proposed to be was released on the basis of the order taken to promote its use? dated 22.4.91 of Calcutta High Court. All THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the 7 cases are reportedly under investi- MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- gation of the CBI. VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI (c) and (d) The activities of anti-social KALP NATH RAI): (a) Yes, Sir. elements do affect the efficient and (b) A target of setting up of 2500 family smooth functioning of the Coal Com- type biogas plants have been fixed for panies, but it is difficult to quantify the the nodal department of the State Gov- losses. ernment of Kerala for 1991-92. Besides, (e) and (f) There is at present no Khadi and Village Industries Commission proposal to constitute such a committee. is also setting up biogas plants in the However, Coal Distribution policy of Coal State. India Ltd. (CIL) is being reviewed by the (c) Yes, Sir. The Central subsidy for Government. small size biogas plants is likely to be [~n~lishj continued subject to availability of finan- Complaints of LPG Consumers of cial resources and periodic review. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (d) & (e) Yes, Sir. The steps taken for 3428. SHRI SUSHIL CHANDRA VER- promotion of the use of slurry for manu- MA: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM rial purposes include organisation of de- AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to monstrations in farmers' fields, training of state: beneficiaries, bringing out literature high- (a) whether the LPG consumers of lighting its benefits in regional languages, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation have to etc. wait for long periods for supply; Air Service to Rajahmundry (b) whether numerous complaints have 3430. SHRI K.V.R. CHOWDARY: Will been received in this regard in recent the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND years; and TOURISM be pleased to state: (c) the action taken or proposed -to be (a) whether the Government propose taken by the Government in this regard? to improve the Air sewices to Rajahmun- THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM dry in view of heavy demand from the AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANK- ONGC for oil exploration and for gas ARANAND): (a) to (c) 549 individual based industries located there; and 41 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 42

(b) l so, the steps taken in this re- TmlUter0fAmtsot)ICTPC gd? 3433. DR. SUDHIR RAY : WIII the THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION Minister of POWER AND NON-CON- AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be SCINDIA): (a) and (b) Vayudoot is at pleased to state: present operating thrice a week Domier (a) whether the transfer of National senrice on the Hyderabad-vijayawada- thermal Power Corporation's assets to Rajahmundry Sector. The capacity pro- National Power Transmission Corporation vided is considered adequate to meet the has taken place on the basis of the existing traffic demand. power of attmy; Expansion of Mangalore Airport (b) if so, the reasons for transferring 3431. SHRI M. RAMANNA RAI: Will the assets of a successful public sector the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND undertaking to another newly created TOURISM be pleased to state: public sector; (a) whether the Government have any (c) whether the transfer has been ef- proposal for the expansion of Mangalore fected in accordance with the company Airport; Law practices and with the consent of (b) if so, the details thereof and when the Ministry of Law; and this airport is likely to be expanded; and (d) if so, the facts thereof? (c) if not, the reasons therefor? ME MINISTER OF STATE OF THE THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. KALP NATH RAl). (a) National Thermal (b) and (c) While a plan has been Power Corporation Ltd. has executed a formulated for the expansion of Manga- Power Attorney in favour of National lore airport and proceedings have been Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. initiated for acquisition of land, the im- (NPTC) with effect from 16th August, plementation of the expansion project will 1991 authorising National Power Trans- depend on the availability of financial mission Coqmabon Ud. (NPTC) to man- resources with the National Airports age the transmission lineslsub-stations Authority. assets akng with pupportingequipments~ associated facilities and assets other Pmmger amenities at Katnl Stath than those forming integral part of the 3432. SHRI SHRAVAN KUMAR generating stations as a running bud- PATEL: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS ness of NPTC and to & all necessary be pleased to state: acts in that regard, until necessary for- (a) the prop& undertaken or pro- malies for the de-jure transfer of the posed to be undertaken for the extension un&Mngs are duly catnpktea. of passenger facili at Katni Railway (b) The National Power Transmission Station and the progress made so far Corporation Ltd. (NPTC) has been set up thereoh; and to undertake the programme of laying the (b) the amount sanctioned for the pur- transmission system and associated sub pose during 1990-91 and 1991 -92? stations in a coordinated and effident THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE manner with a view to move larger MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAL- blocks of power from various generating UKAWUN): (a) During 1990-91,a dou- sources under the Central Sector b the ble bedded retiring room was provided at Load Centres within the region as well as a cost of Rs.78,600 and work of exten- acms the regions with reliability, ~~~lfily sion of waiting hall at a total cost of and economy. Rs. 3.30 lakh was m. (c) and (dl present arrangemenls (b) In 1990-91 and 1991-92, indited in reply of the Part (a) of the Rs. 0.78 lakh and Rs. 1.55 lakh. respec- question have been finabed in consulta- tively have been sanctii. tion with M~nishyof Law. 43 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 44

hoclmbnd~nof~THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE and westem Why MlNlSlRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MM- 3434. SHRI RAM NAlK : WIII the LIKARJUN) : (a) The imlexpdb Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to ture pertaining to Suburban Secbjons are sEete: given below:- (a) the im and expenditure of (haamormm suburban sections of Cemtal and West- 1989-90 i/!imlle chfml 1m.a 133.10 em Railways, separately, ku f984SK) Wgit#n 103.19 105.83 end 1990-91; 7990-9 1 The income !expenditure for the @)thenonnsgbservedfor~ol financial year 1990-91 will be availeble suburban and mainline section expenses after the actuals for 1990-91 are worked and imrne where railway infrastructure out in December, 1991. is common for both; and (c) the number of first dass Wets (b) Common expenditure and earnings and second dass tickets sold for Central are segregated based on appropriate and Westem Railway subban ,sections performance parameters. separately during 1989-90 and 1900-91? (c) Number of tickets issued. (In th6u.smda) Year Central Western First Cless - 1BBBBO 859 law 1900-91 660 1152 -1 smmd Class 1Sm-W 217,331 m,B(O 1990.91 218,787 248,440 (Roubbnrl) [Translation] es. Railways have taken action for rea- RBcwefyol~~byRallwap lisation of butstanding dues and eviction of defaulting lice-. 3435. SHRI MRUTYUNJAYA NAYAK : MI the Minister of RAILWAYS be [English] pleeeed to state: Romvation of bcheda Strtkn (SER) (a) whether attention of the Govem- 3436. SHRI SATYAGOPAL MlSRA : ment has been drawn to the news item Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be capthed 'Offkem ki laparwahi se rail-. pleased to state: wy ko licence fees mein bhari nuksan' (a) whether the Government propose appearing in 'Jansatta' dated July 30, to renovate the Mecheda railway station 1991; and of South Eastern Railway; and @) if so, the facts thereof and the (b) if so, the details thereof? abps taken by the Government for the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE rscwery of the outstanding licence fees? MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAL- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE UKARJUN) : (a) No, Sir. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAL- (b) Does not arise. UWN): (a) Yes, Sir, 'Kutlr Jyatl' Scheme In Blhu @) The news itern refers to the Report d the Comptroller and Auditor Oeneral of 3437. SHRI NAWAL KlSHORE RAI : lndie tor the period ending March 1WO Will the Minister of POWER AND NOW relatingtodelayinrevisknofbtlCeffM CONVENTIONAL ENERQY SOURCES d raihvay land and recovery of dues. The be pleased to state: dday is meinly atbibutable to non-avaiia- (a) the number of elecbified and un- bY#ydvekcationoflandfrunRevrnue electrifled villages in Sitamami district of arlhoritieeandlibysomelicence Bihar; and 46 Written Answers SRAVANA 28, 1913 (SAM) WIitten Answers 46

@) the name8 of pieces wherewhere (b) Y so, the places from where gas oKutwf Syoti' scheme has been im- is being flared and the quantity there- pmmbd in that district and the of; and plam whii are proposed to be * (c) the steps taken or proposed to wmd by this facility in Mure? utilise the flared gas in Assam? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM MIN~STR~'OF POWER AND NON- AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHAN- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES KARANAND) : (a) and (b) Over 1.5 (SHRI KALP NATH RAI) : (a) Bihar MMSCMD of associated gas is being State Electricity Board has reported flared in 8 number pf oiltidds in that 803 villages in the Sitamarhi Dis- Assam iduding Lakwa, Geleki and trict have been elecbified upto 31st Rudfas8gfv. March, 1991, leaving a balance of 238 (c) Steps .to increase utiliition of villagmyettobeelectrified. gas include identification of new con- (b) Bihar State EkWdty Board has sumers, installation of addial gas reported release of about 1700 single compressors, implementation of addi- point light connctions under Kuteer tional gas injectton schemes, mery Jyoti Scheme in the Siarhi di of LPG, etc. d Bihar. Under the scheme, which CrpacitV Utilkrtlon of Poww Plmm was financed from Central grants dur- of Uttar Pmksh ing 1988a and 1080-90, the task of 3440. SHRI RAM NlHOR RAI: WIII identifying the beneficiaries was lefl to the Minister of POWER AND NON- the State Government. CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES rranslation] be pleased to state: Railway Line from Panvd to UM (a) the production capacrty of the 3438. SHRI GOVINDRAO NIKAM: Rihand Power Station, Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be Hydd Obra, Anpara and Beejpur thetmal power pleased to state: stations of and the (a) whether the Government propose power. activity generated by these &a- to lay a railway line from Panvel to tions; upt; (b) if so, the details thereof; and (b) whether there is any difference (c) the time by which this scheme between the production cepactiy and is tikely to be implemented? the vractivity generated; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) if so, the reasons therefor, and MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAL- the steps proposed to be taken in this LIKARJUN) : (a) to (c) A survey for regard; and new BG line between Panvel and Kar- (d) the time by which the Anpara jat has been taken up. Further deci- *ermal power station, phase4 k likely sion will be taken based on reults of to become operational? the survey and availability of resources THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE in the coming years. MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- [English] CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Flrrlng of Natural Gns in Aurm (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) The in- 3439. SHRI KABINDRA PURKAY- stalled capacity, energy generation and ASTH: Will the Minister of PET- Plant Load Factor of Rihand Hydel ROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be Power Station, Obra, Anpara and pleased to state: Rihand Super Thermal Power Stations (a) Whether huge quantity of natural during April, 1991July, 1991 is given gas is being flared daily in Assam; below:- 47 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 48

~dtimstath InsWed Ensgy Generatbn Plant Lbad Fedor Capedty (MW) (MU) (%I kprn STPs 630 1346 73.0 mm~) loo0 2145 73.3 pedommw d Hydel hwf SWb depends upon'the availability of water in the reeenrdr). @) and (c) Generation of power de- connect Faizabad with Mankapur in Uttar pends both on the requirements (Load) Pradesh by B.G. railway line; and and transmission and distribution system amstmiits. It is, therefore, not possible (b) if so, the details thereof and if not, to generate power from generating units the reasons therefor? to b full capaclty as performance of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE power station depends upon a number of MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAL- factors including planned maintenance, LIKARJUN); (a) No. Sir, forwd outages etc. in the case of ther- mal and nuclear units and availability of (b) Updating of survey from Mankapur water in the reservoirs in the case of to Faizabad has been included in the hydro units. The power generation also 1991-92 Budget. Further decision will depend on the system load conditions depend on results of the Survey and whii varies within the day between availability of resources in the coming peak hours and off-peak hours. Various years. measures taken to improve the genera- tion of thermal stations include Renova- [Translation] tion & Modemisation of old units, assis- flights delayed due to Bomb Hoax tance to State Electnclty Boards in mrdectaking plants betterment program- 3442. SHRI SHIV SHARAN VERMA: me, supply of requisite quality and quan- Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND Wy of coal, training of personnel, and TOURISM be pleased to state: improvement in transmission nehwork. (d) Anpara-B TPS (2x500 MW) is (a) the number of flights delayed due urder construction under Phase-ll at An- to bomb hoax during the last three para. The first units of 500 MW is months and the details thereof; and -led for commissioning in January, (b) the losses suffered therefrom? 1983 and the second. . unit of 500 MW is like)ytobe- in December, THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION 1983. AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO BGRai1UnlrtromF~to SCINDIA): (a) 22 flights were delayed due to bomb hoax during the last three 3441. SHRl Will months as per details in the statement SHYAM LA1 KAMAL: attached. ale Mirrister of RALWAYS be pleased to ebrte: - (b) It is not possible to give an (a) whether the is any plan to estimate of the losses so suffered. STATEMENT sr.No.PIO, SoUm mi stam w Rarts WY No. d Tm No. Inbr.

1. - 6.5.91 Banba~ Air Indin BOMBAY--DELI4 2 Hm. 25 Min. 49 Written Answers SRAVANA 29. 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 50

a. Page Source Date1 Station Flght Route Delay No. No. d Time No. Infor. BOMBAY IC-161 2 Hn. 35 Min. I.A.

IC-808 BOMBAY-DELHI 4 Hrs. 30 Min. I.A.

Air lndia 3 Hrs. 91 5


Air-India 6 HE. 331

IC-187 2 Hrs. I.A.

Air lndia BOMBAY-DUBAI 6 HE. 757

IC-671 4 Hrs. I.A.

mba~ Ic-605 4 Hn I.A.

Pakistan BOMBAY-KARACHI 2 Hn. Airlines PK.277 IC-631 BOMBAY-KARACHI 31,2 hrs. I.A.

Delh~ RB-502 DAMASCUS-DELHC 2 hrs Syrian DAMASCUS Airlines Pakistan KARACHCDELHC 2 hs. A~rlines KARACHI PK.293 Air Franch MALDEEP-HONGKONG 4 hrs. 30 min. AF-183 DELHCPARIS


Air lndia DELHCDUBAI 3 hn. 45 rnin 735

IC-423 55 min. I.A.

MADRAS IC-539 3 hn. I.A.

IC-573 No delay I.A.

FRANKFURT AI-1431 3 hrs. 142 51 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 52

connections in of the W of South Bwnd Tmlns at some Unautharised FarMabad colonies where the midents deposited the development 3443. SHRl AVTAR SINGH dWF could not be released due to the nwF BHADANA: Will the Minister of completion of commercial formalities or RAILWAYS be to state: pleased handing over of the Site(s) for Sub (a) whether Mail and Express trains stations to DESU by the concerned running frwn Delhi to South have not Resident's Associations. been provided stoppage at Faridabad stefion; (c) DESU has already released the schemes for electrification of 37 eligible (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and unauthorised colani in 1989 and 46 (c) the time by which the action colonies in 1990 where all the requisite poposed to be taken in this regard to commercial formalities have been fadlibete the labourers coming from completed, including payment of the South to Faridabad? prkscribed development charges by the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE residents and handing over of the site(s) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI to DESU for the substation. The names MALLIKARJUN): (a) to (c) Notth-South of these colonies are given in the bound trains namely 7022 statement attached. The execution of Nizamuddin-Hyderabad Express, 6688 these schemes is in various stages. J&unmu Tawi-Mangalore Navyug STATEMENT Expms in the Up direction and 2615 Ngmes ot the unauthorised colonies for Madra4--New Delhi G.T. Express, 2625 which the electrification shdemes have Trivandrunil Mangalor-ew Delhi been released by DESU during the year Ksrala Mangala Express and 6687 1989 and 1990 after completion of the Mangalore-Jammt+Tawi NaWg requisite formalities. Expres in the Down direction stop at SI. No Name of the uneulhociaed cdony Faridabad. There is no proposal at 1mQ present to prowde the stoppage of any 1. mCdony additional train at Faridabad. 2. ViMeve Doposltlon of Development Charges 3. E Bbck. West VINap by haWwbmd Colonies of Delhl 4. vijay Enclage A-I Bbck (LeR-(M Pocket) 3444. SHRI RAM PRASAD SINGH: 5. Veishali Cobny. Dabn (Pabm) Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- 6. Shiv Ram Park CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES 7. Smaran Park (Rohtak Reed) be pleased to state: 8. LeR-Out Podca D Block. Kr)shne Park (a) whether the residents of unautho- 9. J Bkdc Saearpur (Lelt-Out pocket) 10. Prem Nigm Phaw I. II 6 IV. rieed colonies of Delhi have deposited New Nagar, ShaMatn the devekqnnent charges for the 11. Vies 12. ~GerdencdonY.UttamNagsr connection in 1989 and 1990 elecbicity WViher but they have not yet been provded 13. 14. M-OutPodcaofFbphu~.~ elecbicity connection; Road (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and 15. Bbck'C'.Old~Roa~ (c) the names of the cdonies where 16. Roshen Pura Elcmaim, NajnfgIuh midents have deposited the 17. D Bkdc Dashdwi. Dabri, Pabm Roed devekpment charges and the time by which they are likely to be provided 18. alndapw-,UttamNaOu elecbidty connections? 19. Rappun. U(tam Nagar. 20. JenkiPuriCobny,~~~ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE 21. Rdsn Bagh (Vma Endam) Rohldt MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- RoedB Nengbi CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES 22. hrooslCdony~Khenpw- (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) and (b) a. ~Park,~wtPodut.~r. Accurding to DESU, the electric 24. GiPark Ewtendan 53 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 54

31. Jagadamba Whar 32. E&T Bbdl Daval Perk. Wm 8r01p. 33. Keshoram Park 34. Tamilar Endave 35. m-Cobny 36. Tajpw Pahari 37. Len out pocket of Rajapuri, Uttam Magar. Iswe of LPG Transfer Vawhm 3445. SHRI GOVINDA CHANDRA MUNDA: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government have banned the practice of issuing Transfer Vouchers by the LPG dealers to any other gas agency by any consumer in Delhi; (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and (c) the steps taken or proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard? THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM AND NUTURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANKARANAND): (a) No Sir. (b) and (c) Does not arise. [Engl~sh] Daily fllghts between DelhCRajkot adBombay-Rajkot 3446. SHRI S. N. VEKARIA: WIII the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND TOURISM be pleased to state: (a) whether tights from Delhi to Rajkot have been dinued; (b) if so, the reasons therefor; (c) whether the Government propose to introduce a daily fhgM from Rajkot- Delhi and Bombay-Rajkot in view of the demand of people and trader commu- nity; and (d) if so, since when and if not, the reasons therefor? THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) yes, Sir. (b) DelhiRajkot nights were sus- pended in November, 1989 due to shodage of opemng aidcapacity. (c) and (d) At present Indhn Aklines and Vayudoot are operating servioes, thm days a week and four days a 55 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 66 week respectively, between Bombay and (d) Yes, Sir. Rajkot. Indian Airlines has a propos'al to (e) to (g) Action to acquire land at Usar introduce a daily service between in Maharashtra has been initiated. Bombay and Rajkot in the winter schedule of 1991. The techno-economic feasibility of a terminal at Pipavav in Gujarat is under Due to capacity constraints there are examination. no plans to introduce services between Delhi and Rajkot. [Translation] Addltio~lGas Terminals to Gujarat Vayudoot wlce to Pum, Blhar . and Maharashtra 3448. SHRI SUKDEO PASWAN: Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND 3447. SHRl TEJSINHRAO BHONSLE: TOURISM be pleased to state: SHRI MUKUL WASNIK: (a) whether the Government propose Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND to connect Purnea commissionary of NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: North Bihar with the Vayudoot services; (b) if so, the time by which it is likely to (a) the production of natural gas and be connected by air with other parts of the areas from which , it is being the country; and Produced; (c) if not, the reasons therefor? (b) the details of plans underway for increasing the production of natural gas; THE MINISTER oi CIVIL AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO (c) the places where the gas terminals SCINDIA): (a) to (c) Due to the heavy are located from pumping the natural gas losses being sustained by it, Vayudoot produced from Bombay High and other has been compelled to reduce its offshore regions; network drast~cally.The airlinking of new (d) whether the Government have stations is not a feasible proposition for received requests from Maharashtra and Vayudoot at the present juncture. Gujarat Governments to establish [Engl~sh] additha1 gas terminals in their States; Kutear Jyoti Scheme (e) if so, the action taken thereon; 3449. SHRI J. CHOKKA RAO: Will the (9 whether the Government of Minister of POWER AND NON- Maharashtra has ~romisedto the ONGCI CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES GAIL to allot land required for fhe be pleased to state: Purpose; and (a) whether the Kuteer Jyoti Scheme (9) if so, the action taken by the has been started for the poor; Government in this regard? (b) if so, the amount allocated for this ME MINISTER OF PETROLEUM scheme; AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANKARANAND): (a) In 19?0-91, (c) whether the Rural Electrification 17998 million cubic metres of gas (gross) Corporation without releasing the entire was produced from oil and gas fields funds to the S. E. Bs., have earned located in the Western offshore, .Gujarat, interest thereon and also deducted Rs. Assam, Tripura, Krishna Godavari basin 51. towards service charges from each in Andhra Pradesh and Cauvery basin in beneficiary; Tamil Nadu. (d) if so, the details of the accumulated interest and deductions for the serVlce (b) A number of oil and gas charges; development projects have been approved by the Government including (e) whether the Union Government Neeiam, Mukta, Panna, additional propose to direct the R.E.C, to remit the devekpment of LII and Llll reservoirs in interest and service charges to the Bombay High field. concerned States; (c) At Uran (Maharashtra) and Hazira (9 if so, the details thereof; and (Ouiarat). (g) if not, the reasons therefor? 57 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SA'KA) Written Answers 58

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE this purpose in the EiFw Year MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- Plan? CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES ME MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) and (b) Rs. MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- 25 Crores were provided by the Central CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Government during 1986-80 and 198990 (SHRI KALP .NATH . RAI): (a) The for the Kutir Jyoti scheme, for providing Planning Comrmsslon had, in April, 1987, single-point lgM connection to the rural apprwed the I6 Vallgc Thermal Power poor below the poverty line. Project (4x210 MW) at an estimated (c) to (g) According to available cost of Rs. 887.99 Cram and its information, the service charges realised inclusion in the State's Seventh Fm by Rural Electrification Corporation, who Year Plan (1985-90). Due to reswr~e administered the Kutir Jyoti Scheme, constraints, the State authorities had amount to Rs. 59 lakhs approximately, at decidedtoexecutethisprojedintwo the rate of Rs. 51- per connedion. There phases. Phase4 emhges ir\stallation d is no proposal to direct Rural Units 1 & 2 (2x210 MW) induding Elecbification Corporation to remit the infrastructure for all the four units. Phase- senrice charges earned by them, for, the IIemrisagesinstallationoftvvlouni$(Unit senrices rendered, to the State 3 & 4) of 210 MW each. Oovemments. (b) The Eighth Five Year Plan has not [Translation] been finalised so far. LPG Connections In Uttar Pradesh [Translation] 3450. SHRl RAM BADAN: Will the PovvsrPduon Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL 3452. SHRI ARJUN SINGH YADAV: GAS be pleased to state: SHRI GOPl NATH (a) the district-wise number of LPG WAPATHI: connections released so far in Uttar SHRl DATTATRAYA Pradesh; BANDARU: the SHRl RAJENDRA KUMAR (b) district-wise number of SHARMA: pending for new SHRI C.P. MUDALA- comections; and GIRIYAPPA: (c) the steps being taken for the Will the Miof POWER AND immediate release thereof? NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM SOURCES be pleased to state: AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. (a) the of the Urrion SHAIJKARANAND): (a) to (c) As on names Sates and Territories which are facing power 1A.91 there were 9.05 lakhs persons on the waiting list in UP. Efforts are on to and give LPG connections to as many (b) the steps taken or proposed to be applicants as possible in U.P. taken to bide over the situation? [English] THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- BTheumal~Shtkn,Orktr CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES 3451. SHRl BRAJA KISHORE (SHRI KALPNATH RAI): (a) A statement TRIPATHY: WIH the Minister of POWER the indicating.. . swe-wme prmersupply AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY ~BWW&MIduring April,- 19914b. SOURCES be pleased to state: 1991 is rdtached. (a) whedher the union ~ovenmm (b)variousmerrsures~takento deered the proposal tor Phase-ll, imprwewqdpawer- 3rd and 4th units (2x210 M.w.) of the =P-iw d 18 ~bmalPower Station of Orissa; and seneraahscapedtyl-~ @) if SO, whether the Oavemrnent also perfommof~ma6Pbkns. pmQosetomakeneoesseryelkcetionfor redudion d- T 8 D m, 58 . WMtm Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 60 knplementation 0s demand manegement arranging transfer of energy from surplus and en- conservation measures and to deficit areas. SrATEMENT Actual Power Supply Position for April, Ql-July, 91 (Figures in MU net)

~IStateISystem April, 19914uly, 1991 \ Requirement Availability Shortage (%)

--Delhi w- -HimechalPradesh Jammu & Kashmir Punjab INC. -NFF m--n UtarRadesh ToCel (N.R.) -won orriarat Madhya Pradesh MaharasMra Goa ToCel (WR.) -lkgkn kdtvapradesh Kamataka Kerala Tenril Nedu Total (S.R.) Ewrrmil#kn- D.V.C. mlsa --w Tacal (E.R.) N. Essbam Region Alma [Eww (b) if so, the details thereof? THE MINISTER OF C1VIL AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. (b) Does not arise.

-Polly--- 94W. SHRl MRAMRAW WOH ttlt3MiniE&rdCOALbe~to(16rls: (8) -- -Proporo 61 Written Answers SRAVANA 20, 1913 (SAM) Written Answers 62 ap adopt my unifonn pdi on the price (iii) Freight equalisation for coal would d mal like Qas & Oil in the country; transfer the. finendel burden to @) if so, the details in this regard; and consumers near the coalfields and also (e)W *an may intedem with optimal locaakn and economical principles THE DEPUTY- MINISTER IN THE forlocetionduserindustriegleeding MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. toevoideMew6s&ges. NYAMAQOUDA): (a) to (c) Pith& prices charged by Coal lndia Limited f-w-ofvw- ((31) are the same for same grade of 3455. SHRl SHANKERSINH coal irrespective of the mine1 areal VAGHELA: company where coal is produced. DR. A.K. PATEL: Similarly in case d Singarmi Cdlii Will the Minister d ClVlL AVIATION Company pithead AND TOURISM be pleased to state: prices, although different from the prices (a) the number of stations arnently chnrged by- Coal India Limited, are the oomectedbyalevayudootservicesand same for same grade of coal praduced in their kxalhs; the any mine or area of company. (b) the sectors where vayudoot Hon'bk Member is pernaps wggeshg senricss~discontinued~the thetdeliveredpriceofcoalpayableby lest two yea~s;and theccmumershot~ldbethesameatthe (c) the FWBMS therefw Ond when ansumem' end as in case of petroleum these senriceg are likely to be resumed? pmducts. Such price equalisation can be eeNeved THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION only if a freight equaiii AND TOURISM (SHRI scheme is implemented for coal. MADHAW SCINDIA): (a) A list of 42 sbtions There is at present no proposal to operational as on 14th August, 1991 is inboduce a FreigM Equalisation Scheme in^. for coal fiu the followisng reasons:- (b) A list of 54 statiorw from where (I) Coal is a low value, bulk commodity vayudwt senriceswerewithdrarm duting end therefore, freight is a major less-eo and 1090-91 is given h element in its ddicost. Statement-ll. (ii) Cod is produced in a large number (c) For commercial and operational of locations and in many grades. reasons, services were withdrawn from Freight equalition for many these stations. Githe finarldal productiwl c8ntres and for 210 position of Vayudoot, it is not feasible for million tonne5 of varying grades, Vayudoot at the present jwlcture to WM po6e innumerable difficulhs. enlarge its operetions.

tist of operetional Stations as on 14th August, 1991 REGIONS REGIONS NORTHERN SOUTHERN EASTERN WESTERN 63 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 64


07. JoapH 07. Pondicherry 07. Agartala 07. Keshod OB. 3eisakner 08. Bangalore 08. Kailashahar 08. Aurangabad 08. Shimle 09. Belgaum 09. Shillong 09. Bamda 10.- 10.Madurai 10. Ahmedabad 11. Dehradun 11. Cochin 12. Agatti TOTAL: (11 + 12 + 0 + 10 = 42 Stations) STATEMENT-4 List of Vayudoot stations from where services were withdrawn during 1989-90 13 1990-91 N.R. E.R. S.R. W.R.

1- Andhm Pmdesh Gujant 19. Kamalpur 35. Cuddapah 47. Deesa Anmchal Pmdesh 36. Rarnagundarn Mahrmhtn 20. Zero . 37. VMakhapatnam 48. Ratnagiri 21. Daparizo Kamabka 49. Shdapur 22- Along 38. Bellary 50. Osmanabad 23. Passighat 39. Mysore 51. Nagpur 24. Tom 40. Hubli 52. Akola waE-W Tmll Mu 53. Nanded 25. Malda 41. Thanjavur UT-Daman 6 Dlu Blhu 42. Neyvelli 54. Daman 26. Gaye 43. Trichurapalli n. 44. Madurai 28. Palna 29. Kamb orlam 45. Cali 30. Bhubamhwar UT-Pondicherry 31. Jeypore 46. Pondicherry 32 Ynlprrr 33- lmphal w 34. Dimepur r-1 (b) if so, the details thereof; and -mJu~of~Botllhg- (a the places plants are 3456. TEJ NARAYAN SINGH: Ukely to be set UP end the cepadty WllltheMhmfdeETROLELlMAND thereof? -- NATURALWbeptewdtodate: THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM (a) whe!tw the Gmmmed propose AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. badupr#wLPGbt@~~; SHANKARANAND): (a) to (c) New 65 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written ~nswers* 66 bottling plants are being set up by the oil [Translation] companies at Calicut and Palghat in Overbridges in Kanpur (Uttar PrWesh) Kerala, Kamwl in A.P., Udaipur in 3459. SHRI KESHRI LAL: WdI the Rajasthan and Silchar in Assam: The Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to capecity of the plants at Cochin and state: Gauhati is being augmented. (a) the number of places in Uttar LPG agencles In Kerala Pradesh for which there are propcsals to construct overbridges on railway lines 3457. SHRI KODlKKUNlL SURESH: during 1991; Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND (b) the places in Kanpur uty and NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: Kanpur Dehat areas where over-bndges (a) whether the Government propose are to be constructed in 1991 as to allot LPG agencies in Kerala during demanded by tne !ml population; 1991-92; (c) the reasons for not taking any action to construa these bridges; and (b) if so, the district-wise locations (d) the time by which the construction thereof; and of over-bndges on railway lines will be (c) the district-wise details of the LPG started and compkid? agencies closed down on account of THE MINISTER 13F STATE IN .THE cortuption charges during 1990-91? MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAUIWUN): (a) Five. THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM (b) There are demands for construction AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. of Roadsverbriciges in replacement of SHANKARANAND): (a) and (b) While level crossing No. 79-D on Grand Trunk some of the LPG distributorships planned Road and the level crossing No. 6 near in prewous marketing plans are yet to be commissioned no new programme has Eye Hospital in Kaipur. been finalised for the year 1991-92. (c) Road-overbridge on G.T. Rwd has been included in !he Railways' Works (c) One in Alleppey district was Programme of 599@-91 and the work is terminated on acount of malpractices.. in planning stage. ?he Railways have not so far received any firm proposal for Alrstrip at Jalna, Maharashtra road-overbridge near Eye Hospital, 3458. SHRl ANKUSHRAO Kanpur. RAOSAHEB TOPE: Will the Minister of (d) The commencement 'of the works ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM be will depend on the finalisation of the pleased to state: planslestimate aqd sanctioning of expenditure. Their campletion will mainly (a) whether the Government propose depend on the completion of . bndge to construct an Airstrip for every district; approaches .by the State Government. (b) if so, when the construction of the Cancellation of traln between airstrip at Jalna in Maharashtra is to be SbmbhaGMoradabad started; and 3460.-SHRI SRIPAL SlNGH YADAV: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be (c) if not, the reasons therefor? pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION (a) whether 1% 2SR, 3SRM and AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVMO 4SRM passenger trains running behrmn SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. Sambhal-Moradabad have been cancelled; (b) The National Airports Authority has (b) if so, the reasons therefor; no proposal to construct an airstrip at Jalna in Maharashtra. (c) whether the Government propose to restore these trains or to introduce any (c) Omhctbn of such airstrips is not new train to facilitate the passengers; -nicarly viable. and 67 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Writfen Answers 68

(d) if so, when? AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SHANKARANAND): Additional receipts WMSTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI on account of revision in prices will WKARIUN): (a) While ISR, 2SR depend on the actual consumption of . end 4SRM have been suspended, 3 petroleum products during the year. SFMI has been rescheduled. [English] @I Due to eareme)y poor Pmductkn of crude 011 by ONQC p8bmkation. 3463. PROF. K.V. THOMAS: WiII the (c) Not for the present. Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL (d) Does not arise. @IS be pleased to state: Cawmbn of Bihw Frtuhr-klunpur (a) the present crude oil produdin by FWI Une the Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC); 3461. SHRI VUAY KUMAR YADAV: MU the Minister of RAILWAYS be (b) whether the present production is pbesed to state: according to the targets fixed; (a) the number and names of metre (c) the targets fixed for 1991.82; and gauge railway lines in Bihar which have (d) the steps taken to achieve the either been taken over by the target? (bvemment or have been closed during THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM the Seventh Plan period; AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. @) the number and names of the lines SHANKARANAND): (a) ONGC's crude out of them whii have been converted. oil produdion during the quarter April to hlo broad gauge lines and are June, 1991 was around -7.35 mHlion operational; tmnes. (c) whether the Government propose (b) to (d) The revised figures of b cmvert the remaining lines including estimated cmde oil production lor 1991- - M-ldmpur line into broad9uge; 92 are yet to be finalised. and Dw&pmat of lndlan Island8 for (d) if so, the details of targets fixed in Fordgn Tourlab m? 3464. SHRI VISHWANATH SHARMA: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE WiII the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND WSTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI TOURISM be pleased to state: WKARIUN): (a) No other Railway (a) whsther the Government propose h in Bih, except Patuha-lslampur to develop Indian islands for exclusive nmwpge railway line whii was foreign tourists to earn higher foreign ndonahd in terms of an Act of exchange; and PrOIvnentof1985,wascloseddown so, tk details in regard thereto? mngseventhplanperiod. (b) if THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION @) Nil. AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO (c) No, Sir. SCINDIA): (a) and (b) Yes Sir; the (d) Does not arise. Govemment proposes to develop island ~trornPrkodwalPltrokum tourism with a view to augment foreign pmducb exchange earnings. However, Island Tourism will be available to both foreign 3462. SHRl HARIKEWAL PRASAD: and domestic tourists. Wlthe Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURALGASbepk8dtostatethe Plrffonnr at Tenall SWkn (Guntur) mil profit likely to be earned by the 3465. PROF. UMMAREDDY aavanment by reiskrg the prices of VENKAESWARLU: Will the Minister of p#mhm produds in the current RAILWAYS pleased to state: -yean (a) whether there is any scheme to THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM corrstNct new platforms and to extend 69 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 70 the existing ones on Tenali station (Guntur district) in view of a large number of trains passing through it; and 3468. SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be (b) if so, the details thereof? pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (a) whether attention of the MALLIKARJUN): (a) No, Sir. Govemment has been drawn to the news item captioned "Touts Flourish, trains (b) Does not arise. flounder" appearing in the "Times of LPG agencies in Slndhudurg and India" dated June, 11, 1991; Ratnaglrl, Maharashtra (b) if so, whether complaints regarding 3466. SHRI SUDHIR SAWANT: Will corruption in reservation of tickets, late the Minister of PETROLEUM AND running, lack of drinking water and NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: decline in the level of catgring in trains (a) whether there is any proposal to have been received, if so, the number of allot LPG agencies to all the tehsil such complaints; and headquarters in Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri dist&s of Maharashtra; (c) the adion being taken by the Govemrnent to provide better rail service (b) if so, the details thereof; facilities to the passengers and to (c) whether it is proposed to give improved its functioning and earnings? preference to women cooperative +ties in allotting such agencies; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (d) if so, the details thereof? MALLIKARIUN): (a) Yes, Sir. THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. (b) On an average about 40 complaints SHANKARANAND): (a) No, Sir. pertaining to various subjects are received per month in the Ministly. (b) to (d) Do not arise. [Translation] (c) The effort to improve services and financial positii is a continuous on Overbrldge at Hathras going all embracing process. 3467. DR. LAL BAHADUR RAWAL: Will the Minister of RAILw~YS be [Translation] pleased to state: (a) whether the Govemment propose 3469. SHRI RAlVEER SINGH: Will the to a over bridge at Hathras construct fly Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to junction railway crossing in Uttar Pradesh; and state: (b) if so, the time by which the (a) the number of passengers arrested amtmtion work is likely to be started for travelling without ticket during 1990, and completed? and upto June, 1991 , zonezise; TH~MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) the details of the amount collected MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI from them as fine; and MALLIKARIUN): (a) alhd (b) The Railway have received a proposal for construcfion (c) the number of persons given d roadoverbrldge in replamt of punishment? bud crossing No. 95A near Hathras THE MINISTER OF STAE IN ME Junction. After the State Government MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI acquires the necessary land and accords MALLIKARIUN): (a) to (c) The number of hian priority for the work, the Railway will persons pIosecuted, jailed and the wnddw its indusion in their future amount of judiil fine realiduring the Works Programme. penod from January 1990 to June 1981 were as under:- 71 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 72

Rdlway No. of pwsons No. of persons Amount of judii prosecutedle~~ested jailed fine realii (Rs. in lakhs)

[English] Declaration of Bangalore Airmrt as lnternationa Airport ' LPG agencks In Maharashtra 3471. SHRI H.D. DEVEGOWDA: Will 3470. PROF. ASHOK ANANDRAO the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND DESHMUKH: Will the Minister of TOURISM be pleased to state: PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be (a) whether the Government propose pleased to state: to declare Bangalore airport as an (a) the district-wise number and International Airport dlrring the current kcation of LPG agencies at present in financial year; and Maharashtra and the number of LPG (b) if not, the reasons thereof? connections released so far; THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION (b) the number of persons on waiting AW TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) and (b) There is no li, district-wise and by when gas connections are likely to be released to proposal to declare Bangalore airport as and an international airport during the current them; financial year, as the existing (c) the names of the places, district- international airports are adequate to wise in Maharashtra where new gas cater to the international traffic. Pgencies are likely to be opened in near Gas on cheaper rates to Assam and Mum? Blhar THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM 3472. KUMARI DlPlKA CHIKHLIA: Will AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. the Minister of PETROLEUM AND SHANKARANAND) : (a) and (b) The NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: details as on 1.4.91 am:- (a) whether there is any proposal i) LPG ~&i~hip+--..----.--- 540 under consideration of the Government ii) Customet Strength --- 30.46 lakhs to supply natural gas at cheaper rates to iii) waiting --- 11.61 lakhs Assam and Bihar; (b) if so, the details thereof; and, EffoRs are to give LPG connecbions to (c) if not, the reasons therefor? as many apptii as possibk in Mahareshtra. THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GA,S (SHRI 8. (c) New LPG distriknorships are SHANKARANAND): (a)\ to (c) Gas is opmd in dinerent cities as per alreatty being supplied in Assam at MerMq Plans and policy from time to concessional rates. There is no proposal ahe. .to supply gas to Biar. 73 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 74 rranslation] (b) The impact of recent depreciation LPG conmcthm In Whya Praclesh in the value of Rupee is likely to be over 3473. SHRI PHOOL CHAND VERMA: Rs. 6400 Crores. Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND (c) This aspect would be kept in view NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: while finalising the Eighth Five Year Plan (a) the number of applicants registered (1992-97). for LPG so far in various towns of Chandil Thennal Power Plant Madhya Pradesh; and 3476. SHRl SURYA NARAYAN (b) the time by which LPG connections SINGH: Will the Minister of POWER AND are likely to be issued to them? NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM SOURCES be pleased to state: AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. (a) whether the Chandil Thermal SHANKARANAND): (a) and (b) As on Power Project in Bihar is pending for 1.4.91 there were 3.38 lakhs Persons on approval; the waiting list in Madhya Pradesh. Efforts are on to give LPG connections to (b) if so, the reasons for delay in as many applicants as possible in according approval; and Madhya Pradesh. (c) the time by which the approval is [English] likely to be accorded? Mnlng of crude oil produced from THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Cauvery basin MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- 3474. SHRI C. SRINIVASAN: WIII the CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c) The GAS be pleased to state: proposal for setting up 2x250 MW (a) whether the Government have Thermal Power Plant by Mls RPG wohed out any plan for refining the Enterprises Ltd. in Singhbhum dist. of crude oil produced from the oil wells in Bihar was received in the Central Cauvery basin; and Electricity Authority in January, 1991 . Inputs such as coal linkage, compliance (b) if so, the details thereof? of Sec. 29 of Electricity (Supply) Act, THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM 1948, and clearance from Environment AND NATURAL, GAS (SHRI B. and Forests are yet to be tied up. The SHANKARANAND): (a) Yes, Sir. proposal would be taken up for techno- (b) MIS Madras Refineries Limited is economic appraisal of CEA as soon as setting up a 0.5 MMTPA crude distillation these inputs are tied up. unit at Panangudi village in Thanjavur Setting up of Coal at District at a cost of Rs.114.30 crores. Stockyard Vijayawada Coa of Power Prom 3477. SHRI SOBHANADREESWARA 3475. SHRlMATl RAO VADDE: Will the Minister of COAL BASAVARAJESWARI: Will the Minister be pleased to state: of POWER AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to (a) whether the Government have state: received any representation for setting up (a) whether the devaluation of the a coal stockyard at Vijayawada for rupee has pushed up the cost of power effectively and timely sewing of the fXObcb substantially both in Central and consumers in and around the district; State sectors; (b) if so, the action taken thereon; and (b) if so, the extent of increase; and (c) if not, the reasons therefor? (c) the steps taken or proposed to be THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE taken to meet the escalation? MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. m~MINISTER OF STATE OF THE NYAMAGOUDA): (a) to (c) The MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- Government does not seem to have CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES received any specific representation for (SHRI KALP NATH Mi): (a) Yes, Sir. setting up of a coal stockyard at 75 Writ?en Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 76

Viyawada. However, the poli of of each station in this district during setling up of stockyards by Coal India last three years; and Ud. is under review due to complaints (d) the amount proposed to be spent againsl their functioning. Any proposals during 1991-92? received from State Government agendes to set up and run coal THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE stockyards will be considered on merits MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI of each case. MALLIKARJUN): (a) No, Sir. /Translation] (b) Does not,arise. LPG Agencb and PetrollDksd (c) Statistics of expenditure on retail outlets In Bihar maintenance are not kept station-wise 3478. SHRI SIMON MARANDI: Will or district-wise; the Minister of PETROLEUM AND (d) No station-wise amount is fixed NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: for maintenance. Expenditure is (a) the district-wise number of LPG incurred as necessitated by the ageclcies in Bihar; condition of the station. (b) whether the number of gas Pllterage of Goods in agenaes in Santhal Pargana and Maharash Chhotanagpur Cornmissionery of Bihar 3480. SHRI UDAYSINGRAO is very few and whether in many town GAIKWAD: Will the .Minister of no gas agency has been opened; RAILWAYS be pleased to state: (c) if so, whether the Government (a) whether a large number of propose to set up gas agencies and wagons loaded with goods, especially peW/diesel retail outlets in these of pig iron and coal are reported to towns of Santhal Pargana; have been lost in transit in (d) if so, the actii being taken in Maharashtra; this regard; and (b) whether such complaints have ' (0) if not, the reasons therefor? also been received by the railways THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM from the public; . AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. As (c) if so, the action taken thereon; SHANKARANAND): (a) on 1.4.91 and there were 141 LPG distributorships in Bihar. (d)' the amount paid to the claimants (b) to (e) New LPG distributorships during 1990-91 and 1991-92 and the and retail outlet dealerships are allotted claims due as on date? based on various factors including the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE population of towns, volurne/distance MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI norms, economic viabili, marketing MAUIKARJUN): (a) and (b) Some plans and pdhcy from time to time. complaints of nondelivery of coal and [English] pig iron consignments for destinations of statlons In Varanasl in Maharashtra have been received. dlstrkt @) Consignments were traced and 3479. SHRI ANAND RATNA delivered or match adjustment was MAURYA: WIII the Minister of made failing which compensation was RAILWAYS be pleased to state: paid. (a) whether there is any proposal for (d) During 1990-91-4Is.30.26 lakhs the cb&qmmt and beautibtion of was pald as mpensation to the the dii%stahions in Varanirsi claimants. During 1991-92, no payment district; has been made so far. 44 daim @) if so, the station-wise details including 43 pertaining to coal and one thereaf; pertaining to pig iron are pending (c)~amountSpent~maintenance dispd at present. 77 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 78

3481. SHRI RAM NARAIN BERWA: . Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be 3482. SHRI DAlTATRAYA BANDARU: pleased to'state: Will the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM be pleased to state: (a) the backlog of vacancies resenred for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Railways during the last three (a) whether with a view to attract years; domestic fihd foreign tourists, the Governkt of Andhra Pradesh had (b) the extent of baddog cleared so submitted proposals for financial w, end assistance during 1990-91 and 1991-92; (c) whether Government propose to fill and up remaining vacancies through special recruitment programme? (b) if so, the details thereof alongwith THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the financial assistance given or MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI proposed to be given for each proposal? WKARIUN): (a) The backlog of vacanck reserved for SCs and STs in THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION recruitment posts druing the last three AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO years is as under: SCINDIA): (a) and (b) The Central Yaw GwA Gw Department of Tourism has extended endi.lo SC ST SC ST financial assistance for the following 31 3.86 - 4 Mism the 319.8 - - plwiymfadirecr prop& during 1990-91 to Andhra 313.90 16 12 mcmbmnt in lhis Pradesh Government: Glade. Amainl

(Rn in Mils) 1.TanistLodgeatMervale 8.39 2. Towia Lodge m Allmmm. Easc (jodavanDisbid 8.43 3. Tourist Bungalow at Vmhmda 828 (b) The clearance of backlog is a 4.WaysdefacilibesatUluru 8.76 continuous process. However, the 5. Twrist &mgslorv at AnuprlNagatju~8.50 mitment made to dear the baddog 6. Restaurant at Warmgal Fort 8.80 each year, in acldii to the normal 7. Snack Bar ai Koda@ty Fat 4.40 8. mMat Tenk Bund Hussansagar reauitment, has been as under: 425 9. 4.50 9.a

During 1991-92 the .followi prop% have beeh sancboned date: a 1.TouristCnmplaxatShemrpet ' 16.59 2.Cottagss6RestsunUrt~tBhevMiislrnd 17.50 3. Tourisl Ladge at PWrbmi 00.48 4.TavktLadge&- 09.48 5,TauristLodgeatlCalkrru 09.48 6.TawistBugebvrat- 09.a

In addii, the Government of Andhra Pradesh have proposed finandal assistance for a cottage complex, beach resorts at two places and puMi support at an estimated cost of Rs. 64.00 lakhs. 79 Written Answers AUGUST a,1991 Written Answers 80

Commltacw far Billing System ot (e) At present the consumer billing DESU system of DESU is computerised and is 3483. SHRI TARA CHAND working satisfactorily. DESU has installed KHANDELWAL: Will the Minister of computer terminals in its 23 District. - POWER AND NON-CONVENTIONAL Offices out of 24 District Offices to ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to facilitate transmission and retrieval of the state: data relating to the electricity bills to and from the main Computer Centre. This (a) whether the Unlon Government facilitates in prompt attendancelredressal have set up various committees from of the complaints regarding electmty time to time to study the billing system of bills. The present computerised billing the Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking' system is functioning effectively. The and the problems being faced by the position is reviewed from time to time by consumers; DESU in the light of the suggestions @) if so, the details of the reports received from the consumers etc. subdied by these committees; Poor Development of Mining Am (c) whether the Government have 3484. SHRlMATl D.K. BHANDARI: Will examined the reports of the committees; the Minister of COAL be pleased to state: (d) if so, the outcome thereof; and (a) whether the Government are aware (e) the details of the fresh measures of the poor development of coal mining the Government propose to take to areas; simplii the billing system of DESU? (b) if so, the reasons thereof; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (c) the steps proposed to be taken 'to MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- overcome the poor development of CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES mining areas? (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (d) ME DEPUTY MINISTER IN ME According to the DESU, the Oepartment MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. . of Administrative Reforms and Public NYAMAGOUDA): (a) to (c) Prior to Ghmces had conducted a study on nationalisation of coal industry, the the simpldimtion of procedures for billing development of coal mining areas had and refund of security deposts by DESU. been inadequate. Since the In their report, it has inter-a/& been nationalisation of the industry in 1973, srggested to follow a uniform procedure the coal companies have been making in all the Difor preparation of speaal efforts to improve the quali of meter-sheets, introduction of rotational life of both its employees and the general meter reading; identification of population. There has been significant oonnections where bilk have not been improvement in the welfare amenities for issued for more than a year; introduction the coal workers apd in the d spot billing system on trial basis; environmental and ecological conditions fsesiklity of issuing the first bill on actual in and around the coalfields. Steps in this rsading and the next bill on assessme~t direction are taken as part of Fii Year basis on monthlylbi-monthly intervals; Plans, 20 point programme, Special dispensing wml the system of security Component Plan for the benefit of deposit for Government accommodation Scheduled Castes, Tribal Sub-Plan for and transfer of security deposits in case the benefit of Scheduled Tribes and ad private accommodation etc. Community Development Plan for the As a result of the implementation of benefit of the general population. many of the msof the Study hklnsds-Kotipalll Railway Une Team, and takmg other measures to 3485. SHRI G.M.C. BALAYOGI: improve and simplify the billing procedure and SHRI K.V.R. CHOWDARY: in MSU gradual stabilisaaion of the the wmputerised bilhg system, DESU has Will Minister of RAILWAYS be been able to considerably bring dawn the pleased to state: kMmce of inc~nectand delayed billing. (a) whether there is any scheme to 81 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 82 commct a railway line to linking (b) No, Sir. Kakinada, Kotipalli and Amlapuram; (b) if so, the details thereof and the Hamesslng of Bio-Gas Energy steps taken so far in this regard; and 3488. SHRI BHUWAN CHANDRA (c) if not, the reasons therefor? KHANDURI: Will the Minister of POWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI SOURCES be pleased to state: MALLIKARJUN): (a) No, Sir. (a) whether harnessing of bio-gas (b) ,Does not arise. energy would reduce the rate of (c) The results of the survey camed deforestation of Garhwal hills; out in 1987 has indicated that the project is unremunerative. The Railways are (b) if so, whether Govemment propose faang constraint of resources at present to set up more masunits in the region and therefore the work could not be for the purpose; and sanctioned. (c) if so, the details thereof? 011 Deposlts In Arunachal Pladesh THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE 3486. SHRI LAfTA UMBREY: Will the MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES GAS be pleased to state: (SHRI KALPNATH RAI): (a) Yes, Sir. (a) the places where petroleum Harnessing of bogas energy is expected deposits have been found in Arunachal to reduce pressure on fuelwood Pradesh and the likely quanbty consumption and thereby on the rate of therefrom; deforestation. (b) whether any exploration work has (b) and (c) The State nodal department been started there; and and Khadi and Village Industries (c) if so, when? Commission have taken up a target of setting up of 140 and 305 family type THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM bio-gas units, respectively, for in AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. 1991-92 five districts of Garhwal region of Uttar SHANKARANAND): (a) Commercially Pradesh. exploitable hydrocarbon deposrts have been discovered in Kharsang and Premature Retirement of SCIST Kurnchai in Arunachal Pradesh. The Officials balance recoverable reserves of oil as on 3489. SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Will the 1.1.1991 of these fields are 5.7 million Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to tonnes. state: (b) and (c) Exploratory drilling was (a) the number of railways officers started in Kharsang field in 1968 and in removed or retired prematurely during Kumchai field in 1977. 1987-1988 and 1,989 and how many Supemst Traln for Kenla belonged to Scheduled Castes/ 3483. SHRI E. AHAMED? Will the Scheduled Tribes among them; and Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to (b) the reason therefor? state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether the Govemment are aware MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI that there is heavy rush for reservation MALLIKARJUN): (a) Information is as on Kerala-Mangala Express for Kerala under: and Kamataka; and (b) .if so, whether it is proposed to introduce another superfast train to Year Kerala atleast twice a week? Totel SC ST THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MALLIKARJUN): (a) Some passengers remain on the waiting list. 83 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 84

@) Out of the above 51, eleven (c) It has not been found possible to alficecs including 3 Scheduled Caste make them functional again. Ollicers wk removed/dismissed/ oompulsorily retired as a result of [Tmnslarion] Bsdplinary proceedings. The balance 40 alfieers Modemisatlon of Power Plants in Uttar induding 10 Scheduled Caste Pradesh and 1 Scheduled Tribe officers were pmmaturely retired in public interest 3492. DR. MAHADEEPAK SlNGH under Rule 1802 (a) of Indian Railway SHAKYA: Will the Minister of POWER EsEeblishmt Code Volume II. AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY Night Landing Facilih at Airports SOURCES be pleased to state: 3490. SHRI K.V. THANGKA BALU: (a) whether financial assistance was Will the Minister of ClVlL AVlATlON AND providqd for the modemisation of power TOURISM be pleased to state: plants in Uttar Pradesh during 1990-91; (a) the names of the airports where and night laPding facilities are not available; (b) if so, the quantum thereof and and comparative figures of assistance given @) when such facilities are likely to be to other States? made available? THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- SCINDIA): (a) The undermentioned CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES airports controlled by the National (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) Yes, Sir. Airports Authority, to which scheduled (b) Financial assistance amounting to flights are being operated by Indian Rs. 15.26 ores was given by Power AMws, do not have night landing Finance Corporation for Renovation and fadlity:- Mademisation of power plants in Uttar (i) Dibrugarh Pradesh during 1990-91. The C) D~~lapur comparative figures of assistam given (ibi lmphal to other States is as under: @) In approximately 2 years time. WeatlMd tklkoptem S.W. Name of the State Finender 3491. SHRI RABl RAY: Will the siven during ~WSWof CIVIL AVIATION AND lsso-sl (Rs. TOURISM be pleased to state: in aorcrr) (a) whether the Westland Helicopters have been grounded permanentry; @) if so, the details thereof; and (c) the corrective steps taken to make them hmctional? THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. @) Fdbmng an accident at Juhu, Bombay, the ibtwas first grounded on Fwway bnd on Tehbad December 21, 1989. It was reinducted in 3493. SHRI SANTOSH KUMAR September. 1900 after the Hussainy GANGWAR: WIII the Minister of Comnittse~itsreport.Thefleet RAILWAYS be pleased to state: was grounded again on 9th February, 1991 in the light of the report d the sub- (a) the railway land alkcted on ammittw appointed by the Director tehbazari is given on permanent a Gemd ol Civil Aviation. temporary basis; 85 when Answers SRAVANA 29, 1013 (SAKA) Written Answers 86

[Englishj (b) the number of years for which WP-pW-In- sanction for such allotment is accorded; 3994. SHRlMATl VASUNDHARA WE: end SHRI RAMESWAR PATIDAR: Will the Minister of POWER AND (c) the details of total area of land of NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOUR- Norfhem Railway1North-Eastern Railway CES be pleased b~ state: on tehbazari basis? allotted (a) whether there is any proposal to set up hydel power plants in Rajasthan; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (b) if so, the details thereof; and MALLIKARJUN): (a) and (b) Fresh (c) the time by which these are likely to licensing of railway land for tehbazari is be set up? not permitled.Existing cases are allowed THE MINISTER OF STATE OF .WE to continue on a temporary basis subject MINISTRY OF POWER AND NOK to requirement of the land for Railway's CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES own use. (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) Yes, Sir. (b) and (c) Two Small Hydwlectric (cj Since tehbazari is done on a schemes and three Mini Hydel Schemes temporary basis for varying periods, the are presently under exemtb in the area fluctuates from time to time. State. The details of the schemes and their expected commissioning schedules is as under:-

SI. d. scheme installed capacity(bMl Erpectedwof commbisianine 1, Suratgarh Scheme 2x2=4 1991-92 (60th unib rolbd in &I'm, 1991) 2 Maned Hyckl Scheme 3x2=6 199142 (d three units mUed in July, 1991) 3. Charanwala Mini Hydel Scheme 1 x1.2=1.2 1 Q92-93 4. Pu@ Mini Hydel Scheme Power HwseI=l Xl.5=1.5 1 993-94 Power House-II=l x.65=0.65 199142 5. RMC MahiiI Mini Hydel Scheme 1991-92 2X.4=0.8

Schemes under examination in CEA Schemes returned to State bovernment Jakham Hydro-electric Project with an Four Hydro-electric Schemes with total estimated capacity of Zx4.5 MW was installation of 372.4 MW we* received in earl'ir sanctioned by the Planning the CEA and were to the state Commission during October, 1984. ~~w~i~i~~for resuhi- afiktaking However, based on further investigations, into account the comments of CEA/CWC the features of the scheme were modified re,utw of inter-state in by Rajasthan State Electricity Board and respect of one scheme. ~h~ details of the tevised project report with revised the schemes are in the installed cepacity of 2x2.5 MW has been Statement. submiied to CEA during January, 1991. The project has to be given forest clearance by MOEF. The project has been deared from environmental angle by MOEF during July, 1984. 87 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 88

STATEMENT List of H.E. Schemes returned to Rajasthan for resubmission

1. R.hughal June '87 4x40=160 415.00 Report returned in Feb. '88 tor resubmission June '87 after resolving inter-Slate aspects with Madhya Pradesh. 2. Jawai Jan. '06 2x0.6+ 6.00 State authorities asked to furnish the echral May '86 2~0.6 discharges as cleared by Irrigation Deptl. for =2.4 assessment of per benefits. Repod re turned in Nov. '88. 2x100 158.00(0) Returned for resubmission in Od. '69 after -200 3.DOCT) carrying out further investigations and exami- nation of alternatives. Dropped by RSEB. Alternative site for development being ex- plored by project authorities. 4.. Mount Ah Aug. '113 2x5=10 16.00 Being MPP, power portion af the scheme MPP could only be cons~deredfor clearance by CEA' after the project is cleared by TAC. Project authorities have been advised to considec the alternative power house site to reduce !ength of penstock and ather civil structures.

Sheds on Platforms of Delhi doctors, post-operation complications 3495. SHRI P. M. SAYEED: Will the et$; Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to (b) if so, the details thereof; state: (c) the steps taken by the (a) whether there is any proposal to Government to solve the problems; cover all the platforms of New Delhi and (d) the total number of paiients Hazrat Nizamuddin stations completely attended by this hospital so far; and with sheds to remove the difficulties of pessengers; (e) the types of ailments treated so far and proposed to be treated in this (b) if so, the time by which the hospital? proposal is likely to be implemented; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) il not, the reasons therefor? MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAUIKARJUN): (a) to (e) The Jeevan THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Rekha Project () has MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI been launched and run by the Impact WKARJUN): (a) No, Sir. lndia Foundation, a voluntary (b) Does not arise. organisation. As per the memorandum of (c) Cover over plalfonns, already Understanding the Ministry of Railways provided at these stations, are adequate were only to make available, remodel 8s per prescribed norms. and runlstable 3 BG coaches for the lmpact ldia Foundation. All social, wuna Expr8M technical and med'il aspects including 3496. SHRI PlUS TIRAKY: Will the medical equipment and staff, required Minkm of RAILWAYS be oleased to for running the mobile hospital are to be m: undertaken by the Impact lndia (a) whether 'Lifeline Exp~ess',the first Foundation. The Ministry of Railways hospital on rails is facing a number has not received any reports of d problems viz. shortage of nurses, shortages. lmpact lndia Foundation 89 Written Answers %AVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 90 proposed to provide treatment for (b) the time by which the electrification physically handicapped (orthopaedic), is likely to be completed in the remaining visually (blindness) and auditory (deaf). villages; Alrllnklng of Ahmedmgar (c) the number of villages proposed to 3497. SHRI YASHWANTRAO PATIL: be electrified every year; and Will the .Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND (d) the details of the funds likely to be TOURISM tlB pleased to state: allotted for the rural electrification (a) whether the Government have any schemes in that area? proposal to link Ahmednagar by air; (b) if so, the details thereof; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (c) if not, the reasons therefor? MINISTRY OF POWER 'AND NON- THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO (SHRI KALP'NATH RAI): (a) As per SCINDIA): (a) to (c) Due to the heavy available information, the number of losses being sustained by it, Vayudoot villages electrified in Jhansi and Lalitpur has been compelled to reduce its Districts of Uttar Pradesh as on network drastically. The airlinking of new 31-3-1991 are as under:- stations is not a feasible proposition for Vayudoot at the present juncture. Name of the Villages electrified Book-Stalls for SCslSTs disbid as on 31-91991 3498. SHRI BARE LAL JATAV: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to Jhansi state: Laliir (a) the criteria adopted for allotment of book-stalls at railway stations; (b) to (d) District-wise priorities are (b) whether there is any provision for finalised at the State level depending on resewation of such stalls for SCsISTs, if the State's total target and outlays fixed not, the reasons therefor; by the planning Commission. There are (c) the total number of book-stalls 30,001 villages unelectrified as on allotted to SCslSTs, zone-wise; and 31-3-1991 in the entire State of Uttar (d) the total number of*book-stalls on Pradesh. The Planning Commission has Central Railway, division-wise as on April allocated Rs. 7975 lakhs for 30, 1991 and the number of stalls electrification of 1550 villages for the allotted to SCsJSTs out of them? year 1991-92. The Uttar Pradesh State THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Electricity Board proposes to electrify 10 MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI villages in Jhansi and 15 villages in MAUIKARJUN): (a) and (b) As per Lalitpur districts during 1991-92. extant policy, all new book-stall contracts Electrification of the remaining villages are resewed for unemployed graduates, IarNly depend upon the availability of their co-operatives, partnerships, resources. associations and co-operative societies [English] of actual workers and vendors. (c) and (d) The information is being Profit by Air India collected and will be laid on the Table of 3500. DR. G.L. KANAUJIA: Will the the Sabha. Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND [Translation] TOURISM be pleased to state: Runl Electrlticatlon In Uttar Prfujesh (a) the total profit earned by the Air 3499. SHRI RAJENDRA AGNIHOTRI: India during 1990-91; Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (b) whether the Government have any be pleased to state: proposal to include some more airbuses (a) the number of the electrified in the fleet of Air India during 1991-92; villages under Jhansi and Laliiur and districts in Uttar Pradesh; (c) if so, the details thereof? 91 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 92

THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION food plaza by providing food stalls and AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO putting up of sunshades in the shape SCINDIA): (a) Air India has earned a of ownings. net profit of Rs. 81.23 crores (b) Does not arise, since no (Prwisional Estimate) during the year permanent construction is involved. 1990-91. (c) Government has sanctioned a @) No. Sir. grant of Rs. 10.00 lakhs for this work (c) Does not arise. to ITDC. Emergmq Landing of Soviet Plme (d) The open air food plaza is at Ahmedabad Airport meant to provide urgently needed 3501. DR. C. SILVERA: Will the eating facilities specially to the middle1 Unister of ClVlL AVIATION AND lower income visitors/tourists to the TOURISM be pleased to state: central Delhi area. (a) whether Soviet plane made an SubsMising Air Fare to and from emergency landing at Ahmedabad Agartala airport recently; 3503. SHRlMATl BlBHU KUMARI (b) if so, the details thereof; DEVI: Will the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM be pleased (c) whether any damage has been to state: caused either to aircraft or its crew members; and (a) whether in view of the scarce rail and road transport facilities in (d) if so, the details thereof? Tripura and the absence of rail link THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION with the captal of the state, the AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO Government propose subsidising aii SCINDIA): (a) No, 8r. fares to and from Agartala; and @) to (d) Do not arise. (b) if so, the decision taken in the Conrtructlon of Resteurant at matter? Janpath Hotel THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION 3502. SHRl M.V. AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO CHANDRASHEKARA MURTHY: Will SCINDIA): (a) and (b) Both Indian the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND Airlines and Vayudoot are charging TOURISM be pleased to state: lower fares in comparision to the (a) whether the Janpath Hotel of normal fares for their services to and m>c has undertaken massive from Agartala to Calcutta and other canstruction of restaurant etc. on its stations in the North-Eastern Region. I& out park in front of its Mandarin Oil Exploration wlth Foreign restaurant; Cdlabomtlon (b) if so, whether the clearance1 3504. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: pemdssion has been obtained from Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND the concerned authorities for this NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: prrpose; (a) the location and area of blocks (c) the details of amount sanctioned which are under exploration for oil and by the ITDC for this construction; and gas with foreign collaboration and the name of the foreign collaborators; (d) the reasons for this addii when the existing restaurants have (b) the location and area of other falw to promote luaative business? b&dcs identified for exploration with foreign cdlaboration; THE MINIWl3 OF ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO (c) the terms and condi for SUNMA): (a) No, Sir. However, the foregn collaboration already in rsahithectolyineunusedoutsidethe operation; Mmbin Restaurant is bmng (d) the changes, if any, in the temrs arnverted by ITDC into an opn air and condii offered to private sector 93 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Wriitfn Answers 94

with foreign collabdration compared to (c) and (d) Details in this regard are the earlier agmhkts; yet to be finalised. (9) whether foreign collaborators with [Translation] necessary capctal resources and Linking of dfstrkts of Blhar technical know-how have been short- with Capital listed; and 3506. SHRI SURYA NARAYAN (9 if so, the names thereof? YADAV: Will the Minister of CIVIL THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM AVIATION AND TOURISM be pleased AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. to state: SHANKARANAND): (a) and (c) At (a) the names of the districts of Bihar present one block comprising 1620 sq. which have not been linked with air Kms. in the Krishna-Godavari Oftshore services with its Capftal so far; area is being explored under a Production Sharing Contract by MIS. (b) whether it is proposed to link each International Petroleum Limited and MIS. district with the Capital by air-services Hardy Oil and Gas (U.K.) Ltd. during 1991-92; Exploration is also being cartied out with (c) if so, the details thereof; and Soviet assistance under turn-key (d) if not, the reasons therefor? amtracts in Cauvery and THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION basins. AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO (b) and (d) About 72 blocks (both SCINDIA): (a) Ranchi is the only station Offshore and Onshore) have been airlinked by Indian Airlines in Bihar with identified for exploration in the proposed its Capital. Fourth Round of bidding. The Notice (b) to (d) Places are airlinked not on Inviting Tenders, which will contain the the basis of their being Di broad terms and conditions, is yet to be Headquarters but on the basis of the issued. economic viability of providing air (e) No, Sir. services to them. It is not a feasible (9 Does not arise. proposition to provide air links to all the Mew sltb for Santa Cnu Alrport District Headquarters in the country. 3505. SHRI MORESHWAR SAVE: [English] WdI the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION Overbridge at level crotdng at AND TQURISM be pleased to state: Klshanganj / Dalkoha (a) whether the life span of Santa 3507. SHRI DEVENDRA PRASAD Cruz Airport of Bombay is only upto YADAV: 2000 A.D.; SHRI RAM VllAS PASWAN: (b) if so, the steps being taken by the SHRI ARJUN CHARAN Government to find out the alternative SETHI: airport; Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be (c) whether the Government have pleased to state: identified the new site for this purpose; (a) whether there is proposal to and construct an werbndge at National (d) if so, the details thereof? Highway level crossing at Kishanganjl section THE MINISTER bF ClVlL AVIATION Dalkoha on Katihar (Bihar); AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO (b) if so, the details thereof; and SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. (c) if not, the reasons therefor? (b) There will be a need to build THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE another airport at Bombay earty in the MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI mXt Century. Preliminary work in this MAUIKARIUN): (a) Yes, Sir; the State regard has been started in order to GovemmentINational Highway Authority evolve a suitable long-term plan for the have initiated proposals for both the additional airport. works. 95 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 96

(b) The proposal is for construction of routes at the present moment. Jabalpur a road overbridge in replacement of the airport is at present not suitable for existing level crossing No. SK/317 near Boeing 737 operations. Kishanganj Station on cost sharing basis (f) No, Sir. jointly with the Railway and for [English] mtruction of a road overbridge near RaIl Accidents betmren Bhusawal and Dalkoha Station on deposit terms. The Badnera works will be taken up for execution only after concrete schemes therefor are 3509. SHRI PANDURANG PUNDLIK Wised and sponsored by the State FUNDKAR: Will the Minister of GovemrnentlNational Highway Authority RAILWAYS be pleased to state: duly consenting to share/bear the cost (a) the riumber of accidents occurred as per rules. during April 1990 to April 1991 between (c) Does not arise. Bhusawal and Badnera on Bombay- Calcutta section; and [Translation] (b) the causes of the accidents? Air services in Madhya Pradesh THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 3508. SHRI VISHWESHWAR MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI BHAGAT: Will the Minister of ClVlL MALLIKARJUN): (a) There were 5 train AVIATION AND TOURISM be pleased to accidents between Bhusawal and state: Badnera stations during April 1990 to (a) the number of places in Madhya April 1991. Pradesh where air sewices have been (b) The accidents occurred due to provided; failure of railway staff. fb) the names of places where air Supply of Petrol, Dhland Kw018ne sewices are proposed to be extended to Haryana during the current year; 3510. SHRI RAM PRAKASH (c) whether there is a proposal to CHAUDhARY: Will the Minister of develop Indore airport so as to provide PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be landing facility to Boeing services; pleased to state: (d) if so, the details thereof and when (a) whether there is shortage of petrol, this proposal is likely to be approved; diesel and kerosene in Haryana (e) whether there is a proposal to link (b) if so, the details of quanttty of these IndoreBhopal-Jabalpur and Nagpur- items supplied to Haryana during the last Calartta-Ahmedabad-Madras and if not, two months; and the reasons therefor; and (c) the steps being taken by the (f) whether the Union Government Government to meet this shortage? propose to introduce helicopter sewices THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM from lndore to Pritampur? AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION SHANKARANAND): (a) No, Sir. AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO (b) and (c) Do not arise. SCINDIA): (a) and (b) Raipur, Bhopal, Indore, Khajuraho and Gwalior in [Translation] Madhya Pradesh are linked by air. There eodhghat Thermal Powsr Project is no proposal to airlink any other place 351 1. SHRI RAMESHWAR PATIDAR: in the state in the Current year. WIII the Minister of POWER AND NON- (c) Boeing services already operate to CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Indore. be pleased to state: (d) Does not arise. (a) whether the Bodhghat thermal (0) No, Sir. While Indore and power project in Bastar district, Madhya have been airlinked recently, Pradesh is lying pending for several the traffic potential does not justify years; nboduction of services on the other (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and 07 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) WWen Answers 98

(c) the time by whim the project is travel facilities :o Season Tiholders likely to be implemented? are already available for travel in THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE unresewed coaches of most of the MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- passenger trains and some of the Mail/ CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Express trains. They are, however, not (SKRI KALP NATH MI): (a) The Central permitted to travsl by these trains, being Electricity Authority have not received long distance superfast Express trains. any proposal from the Madhya Pradesh [Translation] State authorities for the installation of a ColkgelnRalanctKheWColl~ot Bodhghat Thermal Power Projed in Blhar Bastar diirict, Madhya Pradesh. 3514. SHRI F\AM TAHAL CHOU- (b) and (c) Do not arise. DHARY: Will t1'16 Minister of COAL be [English] pleased to sta!~- Callcut-Bombay Alr Senrlca (a) whether tl-iiie is no college in the Rai and Khelari of Bihar under 3512. PROF. SAVlTHRl LAKSH- coiliefies MANAN: Will the Minister of ClVlL the Central Coa:lields Limited; AWATlON AND TOURISM be pleased to (b) if so, wheh: there is any proposal state: to open a colig3 there; and (a) whether frbquency of Calicut- (c) if SO, the time by which it is likely to Bombay air service will be increased be opened? dulkrg the current year; THE DEPLjN MINISTER IN ME @) if so, the details thereof; and MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. (c) if not, the reasons therefor? NYAMAGOUDA;: (a) There is no College in Rai Colli ucder Central Coaffields THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION Limited (There is 'K) Colliery by the name AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO Khelari Colli!. SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. (b) No, Sir. There has been no @) Does not arise. demand for the same tram the (c) WW effect kom 1st May, 1991, the employ=. daily senrice between Bombay and (c) Question does not arise. is being operated with a A-320 Cali [English] airoaft instead of a B-737 aircraft, thereby increasing the capauty offered Convenbn and Exbndon of Nadiad- from 126 to 168 seats. Due to aircraft Kapadtmj Seczbn Capacity constraints, Indian Airlines is not 3515. SHRl GABHAll MANGAJI in a position to increase the frequency on THAKORE: W the Minister of this sector for the present. RAILWAYS be phased to state: ~ctlonQuota in Exprsss Trains (a) the progress made so far .in the 3513. DR. K.D. JESWANI: Will the conversion of Nadiad-Kapadvanj line and Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to its extension upto Modasa; state: (b) the woks proposed to be (a) whether there is any proposal to undertaken during :991 -92; and pIwide necessary facilities to the season (c) when the project is lily to be parrs holders and to increase the completed? mmvation quota in Express trains like THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Kemavati, Navjeevan, Gorakhpur, Cochin MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI md Bangalore etc.; MALLIKARJUN): (a) 41%. (b) if so, the details in this regard; and (b) Conversion work will be progressed (0) if not, the reasons therefor? during 1991-92. Tm MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) The mplebion of the work win MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI depend on availability of resourn in the MALUKAWN): (a) to (c) Necessav coming years. 9B Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1901 Written Answers 100

New Awudnrms In Kemh (c) The lines at (i) and (ii) abow 3516. SHRl T.J. ANJALOSE: WIII the cannot be taken up at present due to Minister of ClVlL AVIATION AND constraint of reswrces. Linking of Bed, TOURISM be pleased to state: Navalakhi and Okha ports with 80 li (a) the details regarding expansion of can be taken up as deposil works as Um aerodromes in Kerala; these are required to meet the specific @) whether there is any proposai to demand of single user i.e. port mmtmt new aerodromes in Kerala; and authorities. State Oovemment has been suitably advised. (c) if so, the locations thereof? /7ranslation] THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO tkgulp- ot IA mgM or. moa SCINDIA): (a) The National Airports nd WlO Authority has no plans for expansion of 3519. SHRI LALIT ORAO~Will the aerodromes in Kerala. Minister of ClVlL AVIATION 4ND @) No, Sir. TOURISM be pleased to state: (c) Do85 not arise. (a) whether the Indian Airlines ddy flight Nos. IC409 & IC410 had taken off Panmger Tmlna betwean Dhanbad late during May and June, 1901; T-ww (b) wteuler the &nmnmmt vow- 3517. SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: Will to mairitain time schedules of these the Mierof RAILWAYS be pleased to stete: Wights; and (c)ifso:whenandifnot,thereasons (a) whether the Government have any therefon proposcrl to introduce a pasmger train betweem Dhanbad and Tatanagar via THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION Patherdih and Sudamdih; and AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAM0 so, SCINDIA): (a) Out of a total of 122 flights @) if when? whii operated ex-Ddhi (IC409) and ex- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Calcutta (Ic-410) durbrg May and -June, MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI 1991, 84 ftights wen delayed due to WWUN): (a) No, Sir. engketing snags, we&m, air .traffic @)Doesnotarise. ~andmiaceHamous~. ~~~~inGuJurt(b) and (c) With effect from 1 August, 3518. SHRl DlLEEP BHAl SANGHANI: 1991, the departure 'of IC410 from HIY the Minister of RAILWAYS be Calcutta has been revid from 0615 hrs pleseedtostate: 0710 hours so that the delays due to weather condhns at Renchi could be (a) whether the Government of Gujarat the rninimised. lndian Airlines is monhing had requested Union Government for the laying new bmad gauge railway lines in punctuality d operations of I091 Ihe State; 410 to king about an knprovement in the situetkn. @)ifso,thenamesofplaceswhere these are proposed to be laid; and [English] PlpdlrwtrornBombmyWghkTrnH (4 the s&ps takl by the in this regard? Ndu the THE MINISTER OF STATE- IN THE 3520. SHRI ANBACUSU ERA: Win OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Ministew of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL MINISTRY GASbepleasedtostate: WKARIUN): (a) Yes, Sir. been (a)&eUwthe(kvemmentdTamil @) The talbvving proposals have Nadu has epproval mdwd: sought for laykrg a fmtlJdg- from Bornbey I*h to 0 --Tarapore Tamil Nadu; 4 vwNasik; and rn 0.G. linke to Beth. Navalakhi and (b) n SO, the M; and oMm parts. (c) if , -whdher the Unkn

103 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers W4

Runl EWihtlon In Utbr Pnd#h 3525. SHRI RAJNATH SONKAR 3524. SHRl RAM LAKHAN SlNGH SHASTRl : YADAV: Will the Minister of POWER SHRl RAM BADAN: AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY WIII the Minister of POWER AND SOURCES be pleased to state: NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government have (a) whether any survey has been imported plants for generating power out conducted for electrification of Ghazipur, oQ garbage; Balia, Jaunpur, Azamgarh and Mhow @) if so, the names of places where districts of Uttar Pradesh during 1987-88, these plants have been set up and the 1988-89 end 1989-90; price of each plant; and (b) if so, the details thereof and the number of projwAs set up by the (c) the details of plants in operational Government to improve the electricity and those which am our of order and the supply in these districts, District-wise rearsons therefor? details; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (c) the expenditure and the extent to MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- which these schemes have. been CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES implemented; and (MI KALPNAM RE.1): la) A Refuse (d) the number of villages in each Indnerationcum-Power Generation district where electrification has been Rojed, with research and development made during the last three years, the ramifications, was set up in 1987 with number of unelectrified villages and the Denish asManCe. Th6 project was time by which the remaining villages in hs!akd on a turn-key basis by a Danish each district are likely to be electrified? cunpany which supplied the plant and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF ME equipment and was also responsible for MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- ib &sign and for providiig the requisite CnNVENTlONAL ENERGY SOURCES technobgy. (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (d) (b) The project has been set up in According to the information available, no formal survey for village electrification in Delhi at a cod of about Rs. 25 crores, including Danish assisiance. Ghazipur, Mia, Jaunpur, Azamgarh and Mhow districts of Uttar Pradesh was (c) In July, 1990 the Government conducted in 1987-88 to 1989-80. decided to wind up the project, as the The number of villages electrified in OMish company failed to demonstrate each of these districts during the last successhrl operetion oi the plant. three years is as under:-

TotllNo.of~ No. ol Vith~as TW No. cl mpHlW1 cemw abcMf&ddum ebariw m-m -a on 31.3.1091

Fun& for rural are not Spedfic diricts/villages and the priority by the Commission f~ in tMs regard is decided by the State 1s Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 106 w.within the overall allocation for the (b) whether the Government are from yeor to year. The schedule for seeking any World Bank loan for more *tion of the remaining villages in exploration and imports of oil due to thi, above districts will depend on the devaluation of the rupee recently; and &catior,s made by the State Govt. for (c) if so, the details thereof? these districts within the overall allocation THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM medby the Planning Commissioin AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. for the State. However, as on 31.3.1 991, SHANKARANAND): (a) During 1990-91, out of total 1,12,566villages as per 1981 approximately 33 million tonnes of cnrde Census, 82,565 villages stands electrified oil was produced indigenously, the value in the State of Mar Pradesh. of which is approximately Rs. 7375 [English] crores at the price of Rs. 2235 per tonne, Pmfbbllity and Denationalising Coal payable by the refineries. About 29.36 lndla Umlted million tonnes of crude oil and petroleum 3526. SHRI HARlN PATHAK: WIII the products were imported at a cost of Rs. Minister of COAL be pleased to state: long crores. (a) whether the Coal India Limited is (b) No, Sir. ~nningin profit; (c) Does not arise. (b) il so, the details mersof Procurement of Medical Equipment8 (c) whether the Government propose by Coal India Umtted to denationalise the Coal India Limited; 3528. SHRl M.V. CHANDRASHEKARA and MURTHY: Will the Minister of COAL be (d) il so, the details thereof? pleased to state: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (a) whether the Coal India Limited and MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. its subs~diary companies have placed NYAMAGOUDA): (a) and (b) No Sir, orders for procurement of sophisticated Coal India Limited has been incurring media equipments for their various ksses since inception except for the hospitals from abroad; years 1981-82 and 1989-90 when it (b) if so, the locations of the hospitals earned profits of Rs. 34.20 crores and together with the details of equipments Rs. 80.13 mes respecbvely. proposedtobepurchasedfmabroad (c) There is no skh proposal for the for use by them; and mt- (c) the expenditure involved for (d) Does not arise. procurement of new equipments? World Bank Loan for Explontron and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Import of Oil MINISTRY OF COAL [SHRI S.B. 3527. SHRI K. THULASIAH NYAMAGOUDA): (a) Yes, Sir. VANDAYAFI: Will the Minister of (b) and (c) The details in regard to PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be location of hospitals, name of equipments pleased to state: to be procum3 and the expendmre (a) the total quantity and value of oil involoved are given in the attached produced indigenously and imported; statement. STAlEMEbCT

0mVW Locstionof Name of Equipment Vekw, Hospital -CQ8J- WCl Head BREATHING US S 1591 #drlJmnOd (Fbgprr) APPARATUS Bsrlorl CWPUTERISED US S 151339.37 WlindwMI. PULMONARY NNCTlON LABORATORY EQUIPMENT WmCo3 Kdla. UNDER-WATER CUITING DM 13509 WhLbMad M, DIATHERMY MACHINE Burdwan. 107 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 108

FblImy ~~ Boudr MALLIKARIUN): (a) to (8) A statement is 3529. SHRl RAM WE: WIII the altached. Mhister of RAILWAYS be pleased to STATEMENT sat%: (a) The recruitment procedures involve (a) the mmhmt procedures followed inviting of appliitions, scnrtiny thareo4, byRailway--; conducting of mmen examhetkns, @)~categoryaf~for~interviews and finally sdedh d r#xllbnent is made through these candidatesonthebaskofmeftt~. -; (c)the number dposts filled in during UIO leat three years, year-wiae; (d) the scheme of exentinalions hdudnQthemedkwnofexaminetionfor wltlm, oral or apWde test; and (a) b what extent the use of mgbd w-mlencowagedi" .(c) The hbmath is belng odkdsd and will be laid on UIO Tabk d the UIOarsmnamkns? sabha. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE UHSTRV OF RAILWAYS (SHRI 109 Wrinen Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 110

~oardsrecornmend the candites for (b) if so, the details thereof; and appointment on the basis of merit list (c) if not, the reasons therefor? in accordance with their THE MINISTER OF ClVlL p- p- in written test and interview, AVIATION AND TOURISM (SHRI i la to the number of vacancies. MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) No The medium for written test and specrfic amount is earmarked for $ either English or . printing of publicity material in Hindi pranslationl or any other language by the PorvsrGummUonInEighthMn Department of Tourism. m. SHRI DAU DAYAL XISHI: SHRI RNENDRA KUMAR (b) and (c) Does not arise. SHARMA: rranslation] WdI the Minister of POWER AND LPG Through Plpellne In NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY wasthan SOURCES be pleased to state: 3532. SHRI DAU DAYAL JOSHI: (a) the total power generated in Will the Minister of P€lROLEUM dmeFent power sectors during the AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to Seventh Five Year Plan period; stat$ @) the details of the Quantum of (a) whether there is any scheme likely to be generated in the under consideration regarding EiPlan, Sector-wise; distribution of LPG through pipe lines (c) whether the, Government propose in Kota, Anta and Bara areas in to distribute it equally -amongthe State in Rapsthan; and order to avoid regional imbalance; and (b) if so, the progress made in this (d) if not, the reasons thereof? regard and when it is likely to be THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE started in these areas? MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES THE MINISTER Of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI 6. (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (8) The total SHANKARANAND): (a) No, Sir. mergy generated in dierent sectors at Uw end of Seventh Plan period i.e.1989- (b) Does not arise. 00 was as under:- [English] Drilllng In YlrhararMnr Sedor Energy Generation 3533. SHRI ANNA JOSHI: Will the (Million Units) Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: (a) the outcome of the oil and gas exploration by the Oil and Natural Ggs Commission and the Oil India Limited in Maharashtra; and @) to (d) The 8th Plan has not (b) the schemes formulated been finalised so far by the Planning Gwemment to utilise gas exp% Commission. at dierent places in the State? [English] THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM PuMicltv in Hindi AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. 3531. SHRt D~UDAYAL JOSHI: SHANKARANAND): (a) Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION Geoscimctific surveys were canied AND TOURISM be pleased to state: out by ONGC in parts of (a) whether the amount earmarked Maharashtra but so far no for rinting of publicity material in have been identified. to attract tourists are Limited have no =petroleum kdquate in cotnparision to exploration licences in the State of meterials published in English or Maharashtra other l~~guages; (b) Does na arise. 11 1 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 1 1 2

Bfrdt Mwkdng of Petrol and LPG have been found selling petroleum Agencb In Mahamshtra products in Mack market in Maharashtra during the last one year? 3534. SHRI ANNA JOSHI: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state the district-wise THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM details of action taken or being taken by AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B the Oovmment against petrolldiesel SHANKARANAND),: A Statement is retail outlets and LPG agencies who enclosed. STATEMENT (JiJL%lBO TO JUNE-1991)

Diaicb Number ot Cases Auion~orbslngtake~l (1) against PetrdlOiesel Retail Outlets Qlndnprr 1 Swpemh of Seks and Suppbse for 15 deys Ohrk 2 do- Sam 1 & (2) Agehst LPG Agencies Rm 3 Di&htor had been ~Wtywamcrd not to ann charge for refills m 1 do- Kdhpr 1 & srnoli I Cmpbnt not eetablii WNeear 2 Under hwigalh JJnr 1 &

[Translation] nlghtr trom ~ydmbdto Fonlgn counma 3535. SHRI ANNA JOSHI: SHRI GOVINDRAO NIKAM: 3536. SHRl RAMCHANDRA SHRI C.P. MUDALAGIRI- VEERAPPA: WIII the Minister of CIVIL YAPPA: AVIATION AND TOURISM be pleased to state: W the Minister of PETROLEUM AND (a) the details of flights d the Air India NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: from Hyderabad 60 foreign countries; (a) whether the Government of (b) whether the number of fliare MeharssMre has submiied the feasibility adequate to cater the full demand of projw report regarding supply of natural Passefw traffic; gas to Bombay. Thane and Pune cities (c) if not, whether the Govmment through pipelines; and ppopcwe to increase the number of Rights; and (b) il so, the action taken thereon? (d) if so, the details thereof? THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANKA- AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO RANAND): (a) No Sir, Howevcn GAIL has SCINDIA): (a) Pnwrmtly, Air lndii submMed a Detailed.. Feasibilily . Report umnects Hyderabad to Jeddah bi-wwkly bacityw- in via Bombay. Banbay. (b) Yes, Sir. - (c) and (d) Do not arise. (b) Does not a&. 113 : Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 114

[English] (b) if so, the steps taken by the Optlmlsatlon Techniques for Energy Government in this regard; and Power Consumption (c) whether there is any scheme for 3537. SHRI SUSHIL CHANDRA the development of the station; VARMA: Will the Minister of POWER (d) if so, the details thereof and the AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY expenditure likely to be incurred thereon; SOURCES be pleased to state: and (a) whether any study has been made (e) when it is likely to be by the Centre for Human Settlement and implemented? Environment, Bhopal on optimisation THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE techniques for energy and power MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI consumption in the context of industrial MALLIKARJUN): (a) Yes, Sir. use and submitted its report to the Union Government; (b) to (d) Habibganj station is to be developed under the scheme of (b) if so, the details of the provisionof 'Coaching terminal facilities'. recommendations made by the This work has been approved in 1989- organisation in its report; and 90 at a cost of Rs. 9.97 crore. (c) the reaction of Government Expenditure to the tune of Rs. 0.75 thereto? crore has been incurred on the project THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE upto 31.3.1991 and an outlay of Rs. MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- 2.81 crore has been provided for the CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES work during 1991-92. Sheds measuring (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c) A lOOm x 7m each are proposed to be Study on optirnisation techniques for provided on both the platforms of )Power and Energy consumption and Habibganj under this scheme. stabilisation of power systems in the (e) The Completion of the work will context of industrial use, sponsored by depand upon availability of resources in the Department of Power, was the coming years. conducted by the National Centre for [English] Human Settlement and Environment, Urjagram Scheme In Kerala Bhopal, in the three industrial clusters of 3539. SHRI P.C. THOMAS: Will the Madhya Pradesh, namely, Mandideep, Minister of POWER AND NON- Dewas and Pihampur. The Study has, CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES inter-aha, suggested steps for power be pleased to state: management through optimisation (a) whether there is power crisis in niques, shifting of loads, Kerala; heduled pattern of demand for the (b) if so, the steps proposed to be indusries in these clusters by staggering taken in this regard; of maximum demand and shifting of (c) whether there is any pr~posalto bn-essential loads. The electrify the remaining villages in Kerala; recommendations of the Report are (d) if so, the details thereof; teferred to the Madhya Pradesh State (e) whether there is any proposal to Electricity Board who would examine the include Kanayankavayal in Kottayarn technical aspects of the intra-load district under the Ujagrarn scheme; and shifting within the cluster of industries. (9 if so, jhe details thereof? rans slat ion] THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Development of Habibganj Statlon MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES 3538. SHRI SUSHIL CHANDRA (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) In Kerala, JARMA: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS during July, 1991, as against the M pleased to state: requirement of 600 MUs of energy, the (a) whether there is no shed at both availabili was to the extent of 583 he heatforms of the Habibganj railway MUs, -lting in a shortage d 17 MUS 3tation; (2.8%). 115 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 116

(b) Vatious measures being taken to the Bombay offshore basin, exploration in improve the availability of power include the Kerala-Konkan offshore basin has not Blcpedibng commissioning of new yielded any success so far. generating capacity, implementation of Twelve blocks in the Kerala-Konkan a short gestation projects, - improving the basin and Four deep water blocks in the ' performance of existing power stations, Bombay offshore basin are being offered reduction of tranmiission and distribution for exploration in the Fourth Round of b6ses, implementation of demand bidding. management and energy conservation and Increase in passengers capactty on measures arranging transfer of Cochin-Bombay Sixtor energy from surplus to deficit areas. (c) and (d) Kerala has already 3542. SHRI P.C. THOMAS: Will the &ihed cent per cent village Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND eleebitication. TOURISM be pleased to state: (e) and (9 There is no proposal at (a) whether the lndian Airlines flights presmt to include Kanayankavayal have been extended to some new places village in Iduld