LOKSABHA DEBATES TENTH SERIES (VOL.III No.28) AUGUST 20,1991 FIRST SESSION TENTH LOK SABHA LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CONTENTS [Tenth Series, Vd. Ill, First Session, 1991 11913 (Ma)] No. 28. Tday, Augwt 20.19Ql/Sravana 29, 1913 (-1 CoLWNs mary Reference ............................................................................... Oral Answers to Questions: 'Starred Questions Nos. 467, 470,474, 478 ...... Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 468,469,475--477,47-86 . Unstarred Questions Nos. 3421-3650. ........ Statement by Ministers (i) PdiSituation in the Soviet Union Shri Madhavsinh Solanki .............................................. (ii) Prices of Imported Newsprint Shri Ajit Kumar Panja ................................................... Papers Laid on the Table ...................................................................... Re: Nomination of a Member of panel of Chairmen ..................................... .. ............. -Matters Under Rule 377 ........................................................................ Needtosetupagro-basedlndustriesm Mohindergah district, Haryana and also to earmark funds for exploration of mine- rals in the region Rao Ram Singh ........................................................ 228-229 Need for maintaining proper recod d printing ink used by Bank Note Pm. Dewas (M.P.) Shri Phool Chand Venna ......................................... 229 Need to create 'Puwanchal Pradesh' canpising eighteen distrids of Eastem Uttaretadesh Shti Hari Kewal Prasad ............................................ 230 Need to direct National Airport Authority to go ahead with L plan for expamion of nm-way etc. of Bhubaneswar Airpott. Orisse Shri Sivaji Patnaik .................................................... 230-231 Need to take immediate remedial steps tocheckthespreadofthemysterious disease affecting aracanut trees in viC lqps d Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya Shri Peter G. Marbruriang ........................................ 231 Need to review the policy of rural elec- trification Shri Santosh Kumar Gengwar .................................. 231-232 The S$n + marked above the name of a Member indites that the question was ~aakedonthefboroftheHousebythatMember. (vii) Need to provide S.T.D. facility at Erat- tupetta Telephone Exchange in Kottayam cbWA, Kerala Shri P.C. Thomas ..................................................... (uiii) Need to ensure early payment of wages to the workers of NarWleda railway sta- lhninNagpur Shri Tejsingh Rao Bhonsle ....................................... mistty of Industry Shri Shankersinh Vaghela ................................................................ Shri Chandulal Chandrakar .............................................................. shri Ajoy Mukhopadhyaya ................................................................ Stwi A. Charles ................................................................................. shri Chandra Jeet Yadav ................................................................. Shri Praful Patd ............................................................................... ShriMohanRawle ............................................................................ LOK SABHA ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [English] Increase in Air Fares Tuesday, August 20, 1991 ISravana 29, 1913 (Saka) + '487. SHRI CHETlrH P.S. CHAUHAN; SHRlMATl SUMITRA The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock MAHAAN Will the Minister of ClVlL AVIATION [MR. SPEAKERin the Chair] AND TOURISM be pleased to state: OBITUARY REFERENCE (a) whether any proposal to increase [English] the air fares has been worked out by the MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have Air lndia and the lndian Airlines; to inform the House of the sad demise of (b) if so, the details thereof 'and since one of our former colleagues Shri Dgvi- when the revised fares will be appli; jay Narain Singh. and Shri Digvijay Narain Singh had a long (c) the likely impact of the increase on career having served this parliamentary the tourism indusk-;? - House from First to SiLok Sabha during 195S79. He represented five THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE different constituencies of the State of MINISTRY OF CiVlL AVIATION AND Bihar. TOURISM (SHRI M.O.H. FAROOK): (a) An agriculturist and a politid worker, to (c) Air lndia and lndian Airlines have Shri Singh was an able and active par- worked out various options for meeting liamentarian. He took keen interest in the the impact of the increase in the price of proceedings of the House particularly Aviation Turbine Fusl and exchange rate dating to foreign affairs and defence. adjustmbnts, one of whii is the revision of fares. No decisbn has so far been A widely travelled person, Shri Digvijay taken in this matter. Narain Singh was a Member of the SHRI CHETAN 2.S. CHAUHAN: Mr. Parliamentary Delegations to the USSR the -.and Yugoslavia in 1955 and also a Speaker, Sir, I would like to bring to Member of the lndian Delegation to the notice of the hon. Minister that the Gun United Nations Organisation in 1956. surcharge is still being charged and only 12 out of the 18 A-320s aircraft are in Shri Digvijay Narain Singh passed .operation as per the Indian Airlines' away at Patna on 2nd August, 1991 at spokesnian's report of 9th Au@st. This -'age of 67 years. loss is being inarned on account of the We deeply mourn the loss of this friend inefficiency of the lndian Airlines and ah and I am sure the House will join me in to tax the air passengers. It is not fair. Is corweying our condolences to the be- the Ministry of Civil Aviation appmching reaved family. the Government to restore the discount The HW& may now stand in silence of 30 per cent on air fuel. which is for a short while as a mark of respect to reduced to 15 per cent. now? the deceased. THE MINISTER OF ClVlL AVIATION (The Members then stood in silence for a AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO short while) SCINDIA): No, Sir. (Intermptions) 3 Oral Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Oral Answers 4 SHRl SAlFUDDlN CHOUDHURY: He SHRIMATI SUMITRA MAHAJAN: No. is bold out, Sir. (Interruptions) SHRl CHETAN P.S. CHAUHAN: Is MR. SPEAKER: You have to ask the there any proposal to' increase the night question. You do not reply to the qw-. Ilights of the Indian Airlines which are at tion. e reduced fares? [Translation] SHR1 MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: No, Sir. (Interruptions) Them is no such proposal at present. But SHRIMATI . SUMITRA MAWAN : ~r theum various permutations and combina- Speaker, Sir, through you, I would like td akns are thought of from time to time. point out that just now the hon. Minister EN& at present, there is no such propose1 said that a proposal to increase air fam under consideration. is under consideretion. That means the SHRl CHETAN P.S. CHAUHAN: Thii Gowmment is considering air fare hike. flight whii is running from Bombay to At the same time may 1 know from the Delhi and frofn Delhi to Bombay is quite hon. Minister whether there is efso a swcasdul. And there is a demand to proposal to increase pasmqe# inaease this flight. (Interruptions) amenities and make improvements in the MR. SPEAKER: YOU have put two airports. There are many such airports supplementanes. whii are not equipped with I.LS SHRl RAM NAIK: As a spedal case, facili for the landing of aircraft and the you just allow one more question. Just accident that took place recently is a like an extra ball, W there be an extra krming example of fhii lapse. ILS. facili- ty is not available in Indore airport too. question. The said airport does not have the con- MR. SPEAKER: All right. veyor belt facilities even. Is there any (Interruptions) proposal to improve the quality of food SHRl MURU DEORA: That was a No being served to the passengers. in aero- Bell. (Interruptions) plane? Is the hon. Minister proposing to SHRl CHETAN P.S. CHAUHAN: Now give addiial faciliies while he has a that I have got the chance and the proPogal to escalate the airfare? Min'ster is also agreeing to reply to A, let [English] me put it. Is there any pmposal to give SHRl MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: The qdal discount to the foreign tourists question is not really about the conveyor and to the Ncm-Resident Indians to sec- belt. These are not nally about the ure much needed foreign exchange? facili at the airport. SHRl M.O.H. FAROOK: There is no I just like to make one clartfication in suet, prqwsal. (lnterruptions) reply to hon. Member Shri Chetan flrandation] Chauhan. There are certain discounted SHRl RAM NAIK: Had you gane there air fares whi are already availabk like to play cricket as a result of which all this the 'Discow India Fare'. There is heppened? another scherne also where foreign tour- SHRlMATl SUMITRA MAHAJAN: At ists who pay in dollars do g8t wrtein dint. But that is already existing. le8st I did not quarrel with him. There is no new proposal. SHRl ANNA JOSHI: Was it on account eir MR. SPEAKER: The Minister feels that d crash? this does not atise out of the mah SHRlMATl SUMITRA MAHAIAN: question. So, he needs a notiw. happened on account of air bklllwr it SHRl ANNA JOSHI: What will be the agh nor was there any quarrel with addiial burden due to increese in price Sdndieji. of aviation turbine fuel and the exchange [English] rate adjustment? And the second part of SHRl NlRMAL KANn CHATTERJEE : the question is, is il tact that you have Wwe you there at Shri Scindia's place? not increased the rates only because a 5 Oral Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 judicial case b going on against you in under that and it is something which we the Ahrnedabad Court from the
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