Christmas Club Total Is $417000 Study Wins by 3-2
•\ A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full 'Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Published Every Thursday VOL. XVII—NO. 39 FORD'S, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1955 at 18 Green Street, •Woodbridge. H J PRICE EIGHT CENTS Decrepit 30-Year Old Frame Portables Christmas Study Wins Still House Avenel, PL Reading Pupils Club Total By 3-2 Vote Is $417,000 In Edison J? " Two Banks in Township Slate of Cu'rcio, Dunhani To Mail Checks Next Sullivan, Yelenesies, Week to 3,150 Savers McCord Winners ^ WOODBRIDGE — Next week, EDISON—This township's vot- tlie largest Christmas check .ever ing public has indicated clearly will be sent to the largest number' that it is in favor of. a charter of Christmas Club savers, when study with a vote Tuesday of 3-2 in favor of the move. The vote the two township banks wUT mail was 4,015 to 2.273, $417,000 to 3,150 Christmas Club members. Elected as a slate to make the study were Dr. Raymond J. Cur- Checks from the Woodbridge cio, William J. Dunham, William National Bank- wil be mailed on S. McCord, Edmund Sullivan and Monday, _Fred P. Buntenbaeh,,.-announced. Checks will Anthony Yelenesies. "be sent to 1,700 members, an in- As a result of the election, Edi- crease of 400' members over last son Township is the first county year 'and $62,000 more in cash. municipality to conduct this study as provided under the Faulkner Theodore. Brichze, cashier at Act.
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