Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-11-07
1&, 1945 ~ RI PATS, MEATS. 11 .........d .....,. Al I ....... II :oming , .... ..,rn, .. 001. 81; FI u.r •• ,. IU ..... 0..... .. Cloudy, 1'1... to; Ll Ibr•• ,b QI ,.... Ibl•• ," D... II; &J Ibr ..... Vi ..... I ....... J ••• 11. 8UOO....... roe, ~pmllms .lamp II , .... r.t II... ,.•••• 11,,..,. D••. IL .BOS" IOWA: Considerable cloucl1ness "'... II,.... alr,la..... _,. I. J ....... , ........n· ,w. C. aile'" &ocIay and cooler. Ie. Of Idvanl'e Iowa City'S Morning Newspaper e soph ~~==~~============~-=_=~_=~~=H=.=.=Anl='O·~-=T=.=D=P=U='=.====~==~~I~O~W7A7=_~C~)~_T~_~Y~,=. I~O~~W~_~A~==========~~==~NES~==D~A~Y~,~N~O~VEM»~==ER==7~.~1~9~45~==================~=====H=.==M=.=~===~~=nR~_:N:::::::::::::::::::::~NUM=====7.=B~ER=~:3=8= llie dir A2 t of Lan . - second I wyer ecte ew Yor ayor Phoeni- Atomic Energy Transit Strike Upsets LABOR BIG GUNS AT CONFERENCE Recall Marines Dutch Partnership Jeffries Leads Frankensteen · Offered Indonesians Travel in Washington F (h In Detroit Mayoralty Conlesl Promised Nation's Other Labor rom Ina Nationalist Leaders Developments Reach Indicate Probable U. S. Military Men -ELECTION ROUNDUP Mediation Stages Rejection of Proposal To Russia'ns Concerned; Civil War Detroit . .. New York. By TOE ASSOCIATED palss Possibility 'ncreases BATAVIA, Java CAP) - The Commissar Molotov A surprise strike of AFL transit Dutch disclosed yesterday an otler DETROIT (AP) - Mayor Ed NEW YORK (AP) - William workers set Washington's thou CHUNGKING (AP)-American to Indonesians at "partnership" In ward J. Jeffries early this morn O'Dwyer, backed by the Demo Claims Atom Bomb sands literally back on their toes marines sitting precariously on the the Netherlands to end the strite ing boosted his lead 10,686 votes cratic party, the American Labor [n the East Indies, but Indonesian over his opponent, Richard T.
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