Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-11-07
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1&, 1945 ~ RI PATS, MEATS. 11 .........d .....,. Al I ....... II :oming , .... ..,rn, .. 001. 81; FI u.r •• ,. IU ..... 0..... .. Cloudy, 1'1... to; Ll Ibr•• ,b QI ,.... Ibl•• ," D... II; &J Ibr ..... Vi ..... I ....... J ••• 11. 8UOO....... roe, ~pmllms .lamp II , .... r.t II... ,.•••• 11,,..,. D••. IL .BOS" IOWA: Considerable cloucl1ness "'... II,.... alr,la..... _,. I. J ....... , ........n· ,w. C. aile'" &ocIay and cooler. Ie. Of Idvanl'e Iowa City'S Morning Newspaper e soph ~~==~~============~-=_=~_=~~=H=.=.=Anl='O·~-=T=.=D=P=U='=.====~==~~I~O~W7A7=_~C~)~_T~_~Y~,=. I~O~~W~_~A~==========~~==~NES~==D~A~Y~,~N~O~VEM»~==ER==7~.~1~9~45~==================~=====H=.==M=.=~===~~=nR~_:N:::::::::::::::::::::~NUM=====7.=B~ER=~:3=8= llie dir A2 t of Lan . - second I wyer ecte ew Yor ayor Phoeni- Atomic Energy Transit Strike Upsets LABOR BIG GUNS AT CONFERENCE Recall Marines Dutch Partnership Jeffries Leads Frankensteen · Offered Indonesians Travel in Washington F (h In Detroit Mayoralty Conlesl Promised Nation's Other Labor rom Ina Nationalist Leaders Developments Reach Indicate Probable U. S. Military Men -ELECTION ROUNDUP Mediation Stages Rejection of Proposal To Russia'ns Concerned; Civil War Detroit . .. New York. By TOE ASSOCIATED palss Possibility 'ncreases BATAVIA, Java CAP) - The Commissar Molotov A surprise strike of AFL transit Dutch disclosed yesterday an otler DETROIT (AP) - Mayor Ed NEW YORK (AP) - William workers set Washington's thou CHUNGKING (AP)-American to Indonesians at "partnership" In ward J. Jeffries early this morn O'Dwyer, backed by the Demo Claims Atom Bomb sands literally back on their toes marines sitting precariously on the the Netherlands to end the strite ing boosted his lead 10,686 votes cratic party, the American Labor [n the East Indies, but Indonesian over his opponent, Richard T. party and Tammany hall, last Cannot Remain Secret and heels yesterday. lid of seething north China wUl It was walk, thumb a ride, or leaders indicated they WOuld hold Frankensteen, oro United Auto night was conceded by his oppon go home, probably by Dec. 5, un out lor complete independence. ents to have been elected mayor MOSCOW (AP)-Foreign Com stay home for most of the 1,500,- workers' vice-president, in their 000 daily fare-payers of the Capl official TientsIn reports said yes The Dutch plan, presented to hotly contested mayoralty race. of New York City. missar V. M. Molotov, asserting the t.al Transit company. Some man terday-leavIng China's scrapping nationalist leaders last week, was Jeffries, seeking his fourth term General Sessions Judge Jonah atomic bomb cannot be kept se as mayor, polled 184,360 votes aged to squeeze Into cabs crowded Com m u n i 5 t and government published yesterday despite a Goldstein, who was supported by cret, promised Russians last night even under normal condltlons. warning by President Soekarno of from 875 ot the 1,136 precincts, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, gave up forces to make their own peace or that the Soviet Union will have Others were called for by com the "Indonesian republic" to act while the union leader got 173,674. the race two and one-half hour.i "atomic energy and many other pany vehicles. fight their own war. ing Gov. Gen. Hubertus J. Van Some observers view the De after the polls had closed. things." A United States conciliation Pessimists expect the Lid to blow Mook that it might result in in troit contest as a test of the po Newbold Morris, No Deal nom A signal bell had to be rung to Iilical strength of the CIO's po service commissioner was assigned Wlliam Green, president ot the American Federation ot Labor and at any moment, and there was evi creased ten Ion. ine candidate who had retiring quiet the tumult that welled to the wage dispute but he had no John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine workers are shown -Soekarno in a statement soon Utical action committee, support Mayor F. H. La Guardia's back as dence today that American mili Lng F'rankensteen, in the great in through the hall of St. Andrew in authority to act unlil both the com they talked together at the labor-management conferences in Washing afterward made no direct refer ing, conceded a few minutes later. the Kremlin when Molotov made tary leaders also are increaSingly dustrial center. It was a non pany and the union agree to work ton. ence to the Dutch proposals but Paul E. Fitzpatrick. Democratic this statement in his speech on the with him. concerned 'about the possibility of declared "Up until now there Is partisan ballOt. eve of the 28th anniversary of the slate chairman, In a slatement, de • • • aU-out civil war. Lt. Gen, Albert no sign of the Dutch having other clared O'Dwyer's victory '''marks Red revolution. Other prime labor develop * * * ,* * * C, Wedemeyer, returning from Intentions than restoring the old Thomas Burke Retains the beginning of the end of Gov Molotov said the use of atom~c ments included: colonial system," energy must not be employed in a Washington to his China com Cleveland Mayoralty ernor Dewey's influence as a po 1. John L. Lewis won a iieM Major points in the Dutch plan litical figure in New York state .• political play for strength. for representation of his miners United Mine Workers mand, flew to Peiplng first, to were: CLEVELAND (AP)-Thomas A. all told, thls victory bodes suc He called for Allied control of in the key executive committee confer <\Irectly with his field com Burke, former city law director Japan, and while he described the Indonesia would be Invited to cess tor the Democra tic sla te ticket of the national labor-manage manders In the north-China trou become a full partner in the em who became mayor of Cleveland in next year." London foreign ministers confer ment conference. ble zones. January when Frank J . Lausche ence as a failure, he said "onJy the Win Representation pire, which would be reorganized O'Dwyer. former policeman, hod 2. The Ford Molor company Wedemeyer's arrival at the as a commonwealth. was inaugurated go vel' nor ot Joint efforts of the three grea t hiked its hiring wage rate but . carrier, coal stoker, city magis WASHINGTON' (AP)-Bushy- and trouble scene highlighted these Ohio, was elected yesterday to powers" could "secure the victories denied a CIO United Automobile The government of the East In succeed himseU by one of the larg trate, gang buster as Brooklyn's management. Labor's hall other developments in tense China: dies would be "reconstructed by district attorney, and until recently of the democratic countries over Workers' claim that the change browed, ponderous John L. Lewis was to be divided between the 1. Communists are besieging the est percentages ever g i v e n a Fascism." meant a revision of Ford poticy. legal process in such a way that Cleveland mayoralty candldale. a brigadier general In the army, kicked up a storm in the labor- AFL and CIO. city ot Yenehang, only 160 miles it will consist of a democratic rep will take office Jan. 1. , The United Nations, he asserted, 3. The number of workers off Returns from 975 of the city's must not "become the tool of anY the job because ot strikes totaled management conference yesterday But Lewis wasn't satisfied with north of Shanghai, the headquar- resentative body, with a substan And when he steps into the City with a bid to get representation tel's of Nationalist Gen. Tang En- tinl majority or Indonesian mem 989 voting places gave Burke 124,- one great power." 268,000. for his United Mine workers on this S(!tup nnd as a result ot his Po reported. 094 to 58,812 for his Republican hall to take over his new duties, On atomic energy, the foreign " bers, and a council of ministers one of the nation's most colorful . lhe important executive commlt- objections the conference tinally 2. Reports trom the Yenan head under the governor generaL" opponent, Councilman Ray C. Mil commissar said: political ligures, Fiorello L./I Guar The Washington strike started tee-and he won his battle. voted unanimou Jy to increase the quarters oC the Chinese Reds said ler, election oWeials reported last "We dcsh'e that our nation shall Racial equality would be estab dia, will exit. without warning and many riders While management delegates committee membership to 16 to yesterday that they were proceed- night. bloom, and that there will be waited patiently at stops for buses lished, and room made "for the de La Guardia, mayor for 12 yean, ltomic energy and many other looked on in silence, labor's top mak room for Lewis' United Ing "rull steam ahead" with plans velopment of business of every size and street cars that nevel' ap leaders wrangled heatedly Cor e lor all-out civil war-in the evi Hartford, New Haven in announcing his intention to re things. peared. more than an hour over the com- I Mine workers and the railwllY dent lear that current peace talks for aU racial groups." tire from the scene, said: "It Is not possible at the present The strikers demanded a 30 position ot the committee which brotherhoods. Under the new di- in Chungking would lall. A strong armed force would be Go Republican "Well, you can't stay in oWce time for a technical secret of any cents an hour increase in the will sift all conference business vision, management will have 3. Clouds of conlllcting rumors organized, with all races contrlb indefinitely.