HEUI Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------In Edit: The Application Guide link is corrected; I'm having modem problems, so if I'm slow to answer posts or disappear from the Forum for a while, you know why; Carpentractor has a nice injector diagram on his web site, but I can't post the link. Look in his Northeast Rally download postings for *.jpg2. (As of October 2017, since Carpentractor’s site has either changed to a new web address or is just no longer available, so alternative diagrams have been included below.)

Let me preface this post by saying that I know perfectly well that I'm not supposed to disassemble or modify an injector, and that doing so will void the warranty, affect the calibration, yadda, yadda, yadda. Those who feel this way can click the "Back" button on their browser right now! Those who want more power, for less money, keep reading. This is the first of 2 or 3 posts dealing with the injector. Part 1 is Injector Parts, Part 2 is Injector Operation, and Part 3 is Injector Modification. Please confine any replies to this post to the injector parts, and how they are assembled, not to how they work. Forum member rwoody loaned me an injector (and a !) when I was by his place in OK last week, and I've spent five days taking it apart and figuring out how it works, with an eye towards understanding how to modify them for more power. In short, I believe that for those willing to do some of the work themselves, some tremendous power gains are available for a lot less money than most companies are charging. At this point, I'm NOT advocating people start pulling their to tweak them--I'm saying let's put our heads together and study how they work until we thoroughly understand their operation, and the ramifications of any modifications. Then we decide if we want to tweak them. To follow these posts, you will need to go to www.dipaco.com , download several files, and then print them out so you can see everything at once. If you have an injector to take apart and follow along, that will be even better. The files linked below are attached at the end of this document for convenience. PowerStroke Injector Parts http://www.dipacodtech.com/core/media/media.nl?id=608&c=744110&h=b733b2a81f1fe8f23956&whence = http://www.dipacodtech.com/core/media/media.nl?id=598&c=744110&h=6797cd4dc59c0d385e38&whence =

Injector Plunger and Barrel http://www.dipacodtech.com/core/media/media.nl?id=600&c=744110&h=5956a18b50ad1296ab84&whence = http://www.dipacodtech.com/core/media/media.nl?id=650&c=744110&h=93ad0f4294602a4ab75e&whence =

Injector Nozzle http://www.dipacodtech.com/core/media/media.nl?id=599&c=744110&h=a45538a78c9433c8fdeb&whence =

Injector Application Guide http://www.dipacodtech.com/core/media/media.nl?id=667&c=744110&h=2ae307382f7897a77654&whence = All parts are machined to metric dimensions, and the poppet, , plunger and barrel are held to tolerances that far exceed my .0001" (.0025mm) micrometers. HEUI Injector Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------Part 1. HEUI Injector Parts Start with #FI-77. There are 46 parts in the injector, grouping into several sub-assemblies. The 4 solenoid screws go through the solenoid, through the spacer, and into the adapter. The 4 assembly screws go through the adapter into the piston and body. The piston and valve body screws into the body. The 6 dowels just keep things aligned during assembly, but do nothing else. The first O-ring goes inside the adapter, and the sleeve fits inside the poppet shim and into the adapter. The O-ring seals the sleeve into the adapter. The adjusting screw goes through the armature and into the . The poppet spring is sandwiched between the poppet valve and the sleeve. When assembled, the armature is on top of the adapter, about half of the poppet is inside the adapter, and half of poppet and spring are below it. The lower part of the poppet fits inside the piston and valve body. There are 2 O-rings after the piston and valve body; one fits on the outside of the valve body to seal it to the body, the other fits inside to seal the piston. The piston fits into the bottom of the piston and valve body. The retaining ring is a snap ring that goes on the upper end of the plunger; the retaining washer seats on the ring, acting as a seat for the spring. When assembled, the spring and 2/3 of the plunger are inside the piston, the rest of the plunger fits inside the barrel. The upper side of the barrel mates to the piston and valve body. The retaining spring girdles the barrel, and holds the check ball in position on a vent hole in the side of the barrel. This valve allows oil or fuel that leaks past the piston or plunger to be vented into the fuel supply, preventing "" of the injector. See FI-69 for a close up. The check ball and check plate are sandwiched in pockets between the stop plate and the stop. The ball lets fuel into the barrel, but closes off during injection. Then the plate lets fuel into the spacer sleeve, and from there into the nozzle, but closes off to prevent fuel from flowing back into the barrel from the nozzle when the nozzle needle closes. The nozzle needle fits inside the nozzle tip; the spacer sleeve fits against the nozzle tip, and the lift spacer sits on top of the needle, with the stop pin on it, going inside the spring. See FI-68 for a detail view. The spacer sleeve is not shown in FI-68. The spacer sleeve mates with the stop on the top end. The stop pin limits the travel of the needle to about .38mm, and getting slammed against the stop 2-3,000 times a minute by up to 18,000 psi takes its toll. When assembled, everything from the barrel to the nozzle tip is inside the body, and the only parts which are really visible are the adapter, piston and valve body, barrel, stop plate, spacer sleeve, and nozzle tip. More to come, stay tuned. Conversion Factors: 1" = 25.40mm -- 1mm = .039" (39/1000) .10mm = .0039" (39/10,000) .01mm = .00039" (39/100,000). For comparison, a sheet of paper is about .10mm, a hair is .04mm. If a number is preceded by ± that means I had difficulty getting a consistent measurement, with the uncertainty generally being less than .10mm. Measurements were taken with a digital caliper reading to .0015"/.01mm, and double-checks done with a .0001" micrometer. Both were calibrated with the same 1" standard. Spring rates were calculated using the wire diameter, coil diameter and number of coils, but could have ±10%-15% error, or possibly more. Part 2 HEUI Injector Operation It is assumed that you have thoroughly read and understood the previous post before reading this one! The solenoid and poppet control the flow of high pressure oil into and out of the injector; the piston, plunger and barrel pressurize the fuel for injection; the check balls/stop plate control fuel flow direction and the nozzle assembly controls when and how fast the fuel sprays through the tip orifices.

HEUI Injector Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------

Solenoid and Armature: When the solenoid is energized by the PCM/IDM it creates an electro-magnetic field which pulls the armature upwards. The armature's maximum travel is limited to .50mm, the difference in thickness between the armature (4.97mm) and the solenoid spacer (5.47mm). This .50mm can be slightly less during injector operation due to the oil film present, and can be reduced if the adjusting screw is loosened. When the adjusting screw is fully tightened, the top of the poppet is flush against the bottom of the armature. When the screw is loosened, the armature is able to move freely up and down between the screw head and the adapter. If the screw is too loose, the armature will contact the solenoid before it contacts the screw head, and the poppet will not open. The screw has a thread pitch of .5mm, so if it is loosened by 1 turn or more, the poppet will not move. On this injector, the top of the poppet is flush with the top of the adapter, meaning that if there is any wear on the lower (oil inlet) seat, and the adjusting screw is fully tightened, when the solenoid is de-energized the armature will bottom out on the adapter before the poppet is fully on the lower seat, and it will no longer seal. Thus, high pressure oil will flow in the lower seat and out the upper seat. The screw can be loosened 1/4 to 1/3 turn to allow the poppet more down-travel to seat more fully without limiting the up-travel. (I am beginning to wonder if this screw really adjusts anything, or if Dipaco misnamed it.) HEUI Injector Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------The Poppet Valve: The poppet is a 2-way or shuttle valve, controlling both the high pressure oil's entry into the injector and its exit. In its "down" position (solenoid de-energized) it is held against its seat in the piston/valve body by the poppet spring. In its "up" position (solenoid energized) it is held against its seat in the sleeve by the solenoid's pull on the armature. The range of movement for the poppet is .34mm (±.01mm), the difference between the seat-to-seat distance of the poppet, and the sleeve seat to piston/valve body seat. That is, when the solenoid is de-energized, the outlet seat is open .34mm and when it is energized the inlet seat is open .34mm. With this being a used injector, the production specs could be less. The poppet's seats, which are like a head , have a dia. of 11.34mm, a width of .025mm, and the poppet moves .34mm up off the seat. The curtain area, or the opening available for oil to flow through, is ±12.11 sq/mm. The spring has a calculated spring rate around 165 lb/in, a free length of .587" and an installed height of ±0.424". Although this gives a seat pressure of 27 lbs, there is very little area on the underside of the poppet's inlet seat for the HP oil to act on. A passage through the center of the poppet allows any oil that accumulates under the lower part of the inlet seat to escape to the spacer, and prevents hydrolock or lock from immobilizing the poppet, and the spacer is notched so any oil there drains into the valve cover area. High Pressure Oil Flow: The oil from the high pressure rail enters the piston/valve body through two 3.5mm holes which end under the poppet's lower seat. When the solenoid is energized, the poppet moves up off its lower seat, allowing the high pressure oil to flow through the seat, around the poppet, and down a passageway in the side of the piston/valve body, which ends above the piston. This oil then pushes the piston down, beginning the actual injection portion of the cycle. When the poppet moves up, it seats against the sleeve, preventing the HP oil from escaping through the sleeve and adapter plate. When the solenoid de-energizes, the poppet moves down away from the sleeve (outlet) seat, seating on the piston/valve body inlet seat, stopping the flow of HP oil into the injector and allowing the oil that has just activated the piston to exit the injector. When the piston is pushed down, the plunger spring is compressed, and it will stay compressed as long as the solenoid is energized. When the solenoid is de-energized, the spring pushes the piston back up in its , and the oil above the piston is ejected through the oil passage, past the poppet's sleeve seat, through the adapter, and out under the valve covers. Whereas the HP oil inlet holes are 3.5mm, the outlet holes in the sleeve are ±1.75mm. This restriction limits the rate of travel of the piston as it returns to its seat, preventing it from hammering the seat. The Piston: The piston is a hollow cup with the open end down. In this injector it is 16mm OD and 32.2mm long. (Other sizes are also used, depending on application. See FI-115A) [Note: I measured the plunger as having a dia. of 5.98mm, and the piston of 15.98 but I'm not sure if that allows .02mm shaft-to-bore clearance, or if it is .02mm wear. I think it is clearance, but I used 6mm and 16mm in all the calculations.] Based on the 16mm OD, it has a surface area for the oil to push on, of 201.06 mm 2. The piston can move down up to 3.50mm, before bottoming on the barrel. 201.06 mm 2 x 3.5mm = 703.71 mm 3 (max.) of oil usage per injector pulse. Thus, at 3,000 rpm the HP oil could theoretically have to supply 703.71 mm 3 x 8 cyls x 3000 rpm/1000 = 16,889 cc (4.5 gal.) of oil per minute-- at 3,000 psi! 3000 rpm is 1500 injections cycles, so only 2.25 gal per minute. The actual amount of piston movement for a given injection pulse is regulated by the amount of time the solenoid is energized and the oil rail pressure. The Plunger and Barrel: (See FI-069) The plunger and its spring are nestled inside the piston and retained by the barrel, with the plunger entering 2/3 of the way into the barrel. The barrel is 18.97mm long, and when assembled the end of the plunger is 6.98mm from the outlet end of the barrel. The plunger is 6mm in dia, giving a surface are of 28.27 mm 2. Dividing the piston surface area by the plunger surface area gives a ratio of 7.11:1, meaning that the fuel is pressurized 7.11 times more than the HP oil. If the oil is at 3,000 psi, the fuel is being injected at 21,336 psi. The published pressure ratio is 7:1. The spring has a calculated spring rate of 174 lb/in, a free length of 1.116", an installed height of .934", for a seat pressure of 31.66 lbs. It requires a minimum of 102 psi oil pressure (31.66lbs / .3097sq/in piston area) for the plunger to move, but with a 7.11:1 piston:plunger ratio working against 40 psi minimum of fuel pressure, it needs 386 psi (40 x 7.11 + 102) to start injecting fuel. (Now you know why the PCM won't even try to fire the injectors unless it sees 400-500 psi of oil rail pressure.) **Double check that last calculation** It’s the other way. 40psi fuel under a 28.27 mm 2 plunger area yields 1.75 lbf pushing up. To get the same force pushing down, you need 1.75 lbf / .3097 sq.in. = 5.66 psi oil. 40psi/7.11=5.63psi. Total oil pressure to start moving the piston/plunger is 102 + 5.63 = 107.63psi. HEUI Injector Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------A hole in the top of the barrel leads through to the side allowing any oil that leaks past the piston seal, or any fuel that leaks past the plunger, to be ejected into the fuel, near where it enters the stop plate. A check ball at the outlet, held in place by the retaining spring that girdles the barrel, prevents fuel from entering. I believe this hole and check ball combination is to allow fuel to fill the area under the plunger with fuel. The fuel lubricates the piston below the o-ring, and also the plunger inside the barrel. As the intensifier piston moves down, this volume decreases and the passage allows the fuel to return to the fuel inlet. Also, for split shots (this text is from a pre-split shot archive), there is a small vent in the plunger that passes over this check ball, venting the fuel pressure and thus causing the needle to reseat, “splitting the shot”. Although the plunger could move up to 6.98mm before coming out of the barrel and bottoming on the stop plate, it can move only as much as the piston moves, or 3.50mm maximum. Multiplying 3.5mm travel by 28.27sq/mm gives a maximum fuel delivery rate of 98.94 cu/mm per . The emissions sticker on my valve cover (1995 with SOD4 PCM Code) says 73.8 cu/mm per stroke, which leads me to conclude that the piston travel is limited by the PCM/Solenoid on-time to a stroke of 2.61mm. On this injector there is a very faint ring on the barrel where the piston has bottomed out on it, but the wear marks on the piston are 2.50-2.70mm wide. The Stop Plate: Although called a stop plate, its most important function is as a valve body or metering block. The check ball controls the fuel inlet, opening for fuel to enter the barrel when the plunger retracts, and closing when the plunger extends, to keep the fuel in. The check plate serves the opposite function; it opens to let the pressurized fuel flow from the barrel to the nozzle, and closes when the nozzle needle returns to its seat, acting as a damper or cushion for the needle and preventing the fuel pushed up by the needle from holding the check ball closed, which could prevent the barrel from refilling with fuel. There are no springs holding the check ball and check plate; they stay in or move out of their seats based on the pressure differential between their inlet and outlet. The fuel outlet hole in the check plate is ±1.15mm dia., the bore for the inlet is ±3.25mm, but with a 3.17mm ball in it there isn't much clearance (0.40mm 2) for fuel to flow. Where the fuel inlet is on the bottom of the stop would be blocked off by the spacer sleeve, so there is a channel in the stop across both sides of the inlet hole which is 0.08mm deep and 3.3mm wide that allows fuel to reach the inlet. The area of this opening is 0.30mm 2. The dowel pins that align the stop to the spacer are 1.58mm (1/16") dia., but the holes they go in are 1.78mm so there is quite a lot of slop, compared to the rest of the tolerances. This slop can affect where the fuel inlet hole is in relation to the inner edge of the sleeve, in turn affecting fuel inlet flow. Seeing all these restrictions, I'm surprised the even runs! This is probably why so many people find performance gains by increasing the fuel pressure. How long does it take for 73 mm 3 of fuel to flow through a 0.30 mm 2 opening at 40 psi? Can it do it 50 times in 3/4 second? At 3000rpm or 1500 injections/min, that’s 25 times per second, or 40ms per event. The Nozzle: (See FI-068; the spacer sleeve is not shown.) The nozzle assembly controls the minimum pressure at which the fuel can be injected, the rate of fuel flow through the nozzle tip and the spray pattern. After the pressurized fuel leaves the barrel and flows through the check plate, it travels through a passage in the side of the spacer sleeve (not through the center) which mates with a passage in the side of the nozzle tip. The passage then angles in to the center of the tip, coming in just below where the needle necks down. The needle is held on its seat by the nozzle spring which has a calculated spring rate of 460 lb/in, a free height of ~0.654" (spring is out of square and worn unevenly), an installed height of 0.566" for a seat pressure of 40.23 lbs. It is calibrated to open at 2675±125 psi; with a 7.11:1 pressure ratio, there must be 376 psi of oil pressure in order to pressurize the fuel to 2675 psi. Plus the 108psi to overcome the plunger spring. So 484 psi. Here’s the 400-500psi minimum pressure before the PCM commands an injection event. Do not confuse seat pressure with Valve Opening Pressure (VOP): seat pressure is how much force the spring exerts on the needle, regardless of the surface area the force is applied over; opening pressure is the seat pressure divided by the surface area of the needle which fuel is able to push on. VOP = Seat Pressure/Seat area; Seat area = 40.23/2675 = 0.015in 2 or 9.7mm 2. As fuel enters the chamber around the needle in the tip, it pushes the needle up off its seat, and fuel then is sprayed through the tip orifices into the cylinder. As the needle lifts off its seat, it pushes on the lift spacer, which in turn pushes on the nozzle spring, compressing it. Due to the stop pin inside the spring, the needle is only able to move 0.38mm before the pin bottoms out on the stop. A hole in the side of the spacer sleeve allows it to fill with fuel for cooling & lubrication, and acts as a vent when the needle rises and falls. When the pressure falls below the VOP, the needle returns to its seat and injection stops. As the needle seats, there can be a slight pressure surge in the opposite direction the fuel entered from, and if this occurs the check plate will close, keeping the fuel in the nozzle. HEUI Injector Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------Out of all the parts in this injector, the stop where the pin hits shows the only actual damage, while the nozzle spring has the most wear of any part, followed by the lift spacer and stop pin. When you'll get this digested, I'll post part 3 "Injector Modification".

Part 3: Injector Modification In order to follow this post, you will need to have read and understood the two preceding posts, Injector Parts and Injector Operation . In the Injector Operation post I mentioned that the barrel had some faint marks on it indicating that the piston had bottomed out. I have since found out that this injector had in fact been used in a truck with a 300hp Hypermax-modified PCM (not a chip, but same effect as a ±70hp unit). The injector had 203,000 hard-working miles on it. For those who have found all the metric measurements to be unfamiliar and bewildering, I'm in the same boat. I first spec'd everything out in inches, but when I found out that the controlling dimensions were metric, I went back and re-measured and recalculated everything. The lines of thought I'm suggesting are all put forth with a keen awareness that every part in the injector is carefully matched to work with its related components--this is a carefully balanced system--so modifying anything will affect all the other aspects of the system. Some of these effects will be beneficial, some detrimental. For this reason, I most earnestly solicit your input, your understanding, your knowledge, and your questions. I especially need input from those of you with electrical and mechanical engineering or hydraulic backgrounds. Also, double-check reasoning and especially my calculations! You will not hurt my feelings if you point out errors, I'm here to learn! On the other hand, I'm also aware that in the interest of low production costs, many parts of the injector have been designed with a great deal of room for improvement, and hopefully this identifies many of them. The Solenoid & Armature Any modifications here should be directed towards decreasing the time between when the solenoid begins to energize, and the armature reaches the limit of its movement. Incidentally, this is what Joe Servo's High Voltage IDM does--by increasing the voltage from 115 to 140 volts, the solenoid energizes faster. There are two other possible ways of decreasing the activation time, and both involve positioning the armature closer to the solenoid. There is .50mm clearance between the armature and the solenoid, and with the armature moving a maximum of .34mm (if the adjusting screw is tight), this gap could be reduced by up .16mm by either machining the solenoid spacer, which would move the solenoid down closer to the armature, or using a shim washer between the poppet and armature to move the armature up closer to the solenoid. The drawback to both these approaches is loss of clearance for adjustment, making Joe's approach preferable. Also, there is a better use for this clearance. The Poppet The poppet moves .34mm during its cycle, as explained previously. If the poppet shim were ground thinner (This one is 1.99mm), the poppet would be able to move farther off its seats, increasing flow across the seat. The shim, rather than the sleeve, must be ground to avoid grinding away the seat area on the sleeve. The amount to be ground off would be .16mm or less. (Increasing the poppet travel is the same as increasing valve lift with a or ratio change.) Grinding the shim will also move the armature closer to the solenoid; if this clearance is found to be insufficient, the tip of the poppet, where the armature contacts it, could be ground down to regain this clearance. Grinding the tip would be very simple and the shim only slightly more difficult. The critical issue with the shim would be to maintain both sides parallel to each other. Otherwise the poppet will not seat properly on the sleeve. If the shim is ground more than ±.25mm the sleeve will protrude above the adapter, moving the armature closer to the solenoid; if more material needs to be removed, the sleeve needs to be shortened a corresponding amount. Grinding the shim .25mm gives a 72% flow increase, but I don't think that much is necessary. I suspect that the shim in each injector may be unique to it, in that it may be used to compensate for varying distances between the sleeve seat and piston/valve body seat. Measuring the shims in several injectors will verify this. If this is the case, the poppet travel in each injector should be measured before grinding, and the shims ground to give equal travel in each injector, rather than just grinding each shim the same amount. HEUI Injector Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------By grinding the shim and increasing the seat flow, during the oil inlet period the piston would start to move sooner, and would move faster. During the oil outlet period, the piston and plunger would be able to return to their seats faster, in turn allowing more time for the barrel to refill with fuel. Moving the piston faster decreases the pulse width of the injector for a given amount of fuel, giving more latitude for injector timing changes or allowing the pulse to be increased further so more fuel can be injected during each cycle. This will have to be accomplished via PCM or chip programming. The benefits from increasing the oil flow by increasing the seat area should be similar to the benefits from increasing the oil rail pressure with a 10k resistor. The Piston & Plunger (See FI-115A. What Dipaco calls PRIME is a split-shot). Now, the fun begins! If you look at this sheet, comparing the piston OD and length with the various engine configurations and ratings, it becomes apparent that the shorter the piston, the higher the horsepower of the engine. The plunger in our injectors, #6000/31, is used with both 32.2mm and 29.7mm . The T444E High Torque produces over 600 ft-lbs, 50% more than a PowerStroke of the same year; the HP rating is only slightly higher because IH uses a ±2500 rpm limit on its engine, whereas the PSD goes to 3300. By using a shorter piston, a longer stroke can be obtained before it bottoms on the barrel. Whereas the 32.2mm piston has a maximum stroke of 3.5mm and can inject up to 98.94cu/mm per stroke, a 29.7mm piston could have a stroke of 6mm and could inject up to 169.62cu/mm per stroke, a 71% increase! The maximum stroke for the plunger is 6.98mm before it bottoms out on the stop plate; if one wanted to increase the stroke beyond 6.98mm it would be necessary to shorten the plunger a corresponding amount. The spring has an installed height of 23.74mm, and coil bind occurs at 19.00mm, so the maximum spring travel is 4.74mm. To go beyond this would require either grinding the retaining washer on the plunger thinner or deepening the spring pocket in the barrel. The washer is 4.53mm thick, and removing 1-2mm shouldn't affect its strength at all. There is room to remove even more from the seat in the barrel; for those wanting the maximum possible fuel flow 2-3mm could be removed. The washer appears to be made of a much softer alloy than the barrel, so it would be easier to . Machining the washer or seat will reduce the spring's seat pressure, but I don't see this as causing any complications. The piston would move more/sooner with less oil pressure, injecting more fuel than normal. This will be most pronounced at the lower rpm's when oil pressure is lower. The piston would re-seat a bit slower on its return stroke, due to both the lower spring pressure and larger volume of oil to push out, but if the poppet shim has been ground that will have been compensated for. With a 4.7mm stroke, the fuel rate would be 132.86cu/mm, a 35% increase over the maximum with a chip and a stock injector, and 80% over stock without a chip. I tried to calculate the horsepower increases gained by these increased fuel rates, but the numbers I came up with were too high. If the stock engine with 8 injectors that flow 73.8cu/mm is making 215hp at 3,000 rpm, how many HP will it make with fuel rates of 98.94, 132.86, 169.62, and 212.02 cu/mm? For a comparison, here are some injector flow rates (Tested by Industrial Injection in SLC, UT?) posted by Steve Baz: "The stock Ford injectors (94-97) flow 95 to 100 cc's on our flow bench. The stock Ford injectors (99-01) flow 120 cc's on our flow bench. Hypermax Stage 1 Injectors 140 cc's after 2000 rpm's. Mid range and up. Maddog Stage 1 injectors flow 160 cc's (Stage 1 160 cc's after 2600 rpm's) WOT Maddog Stage 2 injectors flow 160 cc's (Stage 2 160 cc's after 2000 rpm's. Mid range and up. The H.O. International injectors 240cc's The modified H.O. International injectors are flowing over 300 cc's These tests are done at a 3000 rpm's, on a 1000 count test." If you take my figure of 98.94 cu/mm for a stock injector, and multiply it by 1,000, the figure in Steve's post, you get 98.94 cc, about as close to "95-100" as you can get. Note that this figure is the maximum, not the actual amount of 73.8cu/mm. The figure of 120 cc for the 99+ indicates a 4.24mm stroke; this is a split-shot injector, which has some internal differences. The figure of 140 cc for a Hypermax Stage 1 indicates a 4.95mm piston stroke. My figure of 169.62 cu/mm for a 6mm stroke corresponds closely with a Maddog Stage 2 injector. Although I had read Steve's post several times in the past, I did all my calculations independently, and was rather surprised to see that they were right on the money. Now we know how they do it! Also, the 132 cu/mm maximum without modifying the spring seat may be the difference between Hypermax and Maddog's techniques. If you look at page 2 of FI-115A, you will see that IH uses some larger OD, and shorter, pistons in the 466 and 530 injectors. The injectors with a 16 x 29.1mm piston and a 6mm plunger would flow 186.58 cu/mm. A 17.5 x 29.3mm piston and a 7.1mm plunger would flow 253.37 cu/mm, and 17.5 x 26.7mm piston and a 7.1mm plunger could flow 356.31 cu/mm. HEUI Injector Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------At some point, the orifices in the nozzle will become a restriction and will need to be enlarged. They are so tiny as to be barely even visible to the naked eye, so measuring them, not alone modifying them, is beyond my ability. The 466 and 530 have a much wider cylinder bore that the PSD/T444E, and for this reason they use a nozzle with a wider spray pattern. According to CaseyC, if these nozzles are used in a PSD, fuel will spray on the cylinder walls, causing problems. At some point the quantity of oil required to move the piston these increased distances will exceed the high pressure oil pump's capacity, and many people with stage 2 injectors have had to change to the 1999+ high pressure oil which have higher flow rates. A 6mm piston stroke will require 28,992 cc (7.52 gal) of oil per minute at 3,000 rpm. If anyone knows the output specs of the stock pump, please let me know. Now comes the get in, sit down, shut up and hold on part! In the Northern Hydraulics catalog are 13 different hydraulic pumps capable flowing over 7.5 gpm at 3,000 psi or more, with prices ranging from $137 for just a pump to $309 for one with a -driven electric clutch. The solution? Mount a belt-driven pump with an electric clutch on the engine with the inlet plumbed to either the oil pan or the existing high pressure pump's reservoir and the outlet plumbed into the spare ports in the oil rails. Use a boost switch to engage the clutch, and it will only run when you need the extra oil flow. The cost? I figure under $600. WOW! Is that killer, or what?? Makes my spine tingle! (If only my pay check could keep up with my imagination.) The Stop Plate The modifications to the stop plate consist in enlarging the fuel passages. For the inlet, the channel should be deepened to .50mm, and a gentle radius put on all the edges of the passages to smooth the flow out. (Like a 3-angle valve job) Next the bore for the inlet check ball should also be enlarged so fuel can flow around the ball more easily. Finally, the center hole in the check plate can be enlarged from ±1.15mm to 1.25mm or 1.35mm and radiused. The Nozzle The stop pin can be ground shorter to allow the needle to open farther. The current travel limit is .38mm, I'd try increasing that to .48mm or so. I don't have any information on the spray orifices at this time, but there is more than enough to play with as it is. Summary: For a "Stage 1" injector, the piston can be shortened by 1.24mm to 30.96mm, giving a 4.74mm stroke, and the poppet shim and stop plate fuel passages left "as is". This injector will flow 132.86cu/mm with a chip. The cost would your time to remove, disassemble, reassemble and reinstall the injectors, 3-4 hours of machine shop time at $45 to $80 per hour, depending on the shop, and whatever it costs to calibrate them afterwards. For a "Stage 2" injector, the poppet shim and the poppet tip can be ground down .08mm from 1.99mm to 1.91mm, giving a 25%+ increase in the seat flow area. The sleeve does not need to be ground. The piston can be shortened by 2.50mm to 29.7mm, giving a 6mm stroke, and the retaining washer ground 1.5mm or so to prevent spring bind. The stop plate's fuel passages will probably need to be enlarged. It may be necessary at this point to shorten the nozzle stop pin by .1mm to increase needle travel by 25%. The nozzle may become a restriction at this point. This injector will flow 169.62cu/mm. For a "Stage 3" injector grind the poppet shim and tip ±.10mm, shorten the piston by 4.0mm to 28.20mm for a stroke of 7.5mm, shorten the plunger ±.65mm so it doesn't hit the stop plate, and shorten the stop pin by ±.10mm. The stop plate's fuel passage must be enlarged. At this point it will almost certainly be necessary to go to a nozzle with larger diameter orifices. This injector will flow 212.02cu/mm. Twin turbos will not be an "option" with this kind of fuel rate--they will be a necessity. Notes: Before modifying an entire set of injectors I would do one, have it flow tested and calibrated to verify that everything works, see if any changes need to be made, and then decide to do a whole set. All the moving parts in the injector seem to be made from hardened alloy steel, so parts will probably need to be cooled during grinding to preserve the temper. Any injector that has been disassembled or modified must be recalibrated on a flow bench. If an entire set of 8 have been modified, then they all need to be balanced to within 3% of each other for optimum engine performance. I've heard that the factory injectors can vary by as much as 13%.

HEUI Injector Parts, Operation, and Modifications

Original posts from DieselStop.com Archives >> Power Strokes 1994-1997 (11/01-7/03) by Swamp Donkey (edited for clarity by SaintITC, PDF by F250_ ) ------Links: Part 1 http://www.thedieselstop.com/archives/ubbthreads/199497_3/forums.thedieselstop.com/archives/showflat.php- Cat=&Number=871915&page=85&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1.htm

Part 2 http://www.thedieselstop.com/archives/ubbthreads/199497_3/forums.thedieselstop.com/archives/showflat.php- Cat=&Number=874185&page=81&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1.htm

Part 3 http://www.thedieselstop.com/archives/ubbthreads/199497_3/forums.thedieselstop.com/archives/showflat.php- Cat=&Number=876688&page=79&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1.htm

HEUI Injector Tech Files by Dipaco http://www.dipacodtech.com/Service-Bay/HEUI-Power-Stroke_4


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