Judging for Queen Wednesday Night to Begin Weekend of Homecoming

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Judging for Queen Wednesday Night to Begin Weekend of Homecoming HILLTOP NEWSTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1962 VOLUME V, NU'MBER 11 LAGRANGE COLLEGE, LAGRANGE, GEORGIA Advance registration Students eligible for new honor program set for December 3, 4, 5 Plans are under way to set up a new honor program at La- by Pat Lanham Grange College. In order to be eligible for this group, a student Advance registration for winter must have an overall average of quarter has been set for Decem- 3.5 or better and must be within ber 3, 4, and 5. three quarters of graduation. A complete schedule lor the Each student must also be ap- quarter has already been prepared proved by his major advisor and and posted, and material will be the advisory council. sent to the advisors in advance. This program requires two Dean Harwell stated, "It is re- quarters of independent work by commended that advisees meet the student in his major. All with their advisors prior to ad- work, which will include exten- vance registration and make sive and intensive reading and plans." preparation of a paper, will be A change in the procedure pre- under the direction of the major viously followed is that all sec- advisor and two other committee tioning for each course will be members. The other members centrally controlled. The students will be someone from outside and will not choose sections themselv- someone from another depart- es. This is done in an effort to ment. distribute more evenly the num- The purpose of this program ber of students in each section. is to encourage these students to Actual assignment to class sec- extend themselves and to aid tions and completion of registra- them in graduate work. Although tion will be conducted in the the number of students partici- Simpson Room of the gymnasium pating will be small, they will on the dates listed above. Faculty serve as examples to the other advisors.will have space provided students and aid the student body for them in the Simpson Room so as a whole. that they might assist the students if necessary, but most of the plan- ning will have taken place be- Bloodmobile to visit fore this time. A $10 late fee will be charged LC campus Nov. 28 students winter quarter who were The American Red Cross Blood- in residence during the fall quar- mobile will visit our campus Nov. ter and did not complete advance 28 in a college drive sponsored by our Student Government As- registration on the dates listed. Candidates for Homecoming Queen include (L to R) Bottom Row: Sandra Young, Cassandra Har- mon, Nancy Stipek; 2nd Row: Sylvia Mouchet, Judy Holstun, Ouida Harmon, Dee Atkinson, Billie Ayres, sociation and all Greek organiza- Deige Parker, Harriette Kuhr; 3rd Row: Jean Jackson, Betty Jones, Ann Swanson; 4th Row: Linda tions. Owen Green, president of the Friday, November 16, Purcell, Judy Hayes; 5th Row: Elizabeth Reeves, Judy McKoon, Margarete Hartemann; 6th Row: Sue SGA, announced to the Hilltop Goethe, Beverly Barber, Sandy Bromwell; 7th Row: Anna Smith, Annette Adams. is Stunt Night date News the plans that are under- way. Students will be presented by Pat Lanham additional information concerning Judging for Queen Wednesday night to this drive through their individ- Stunt Night, which is an an- ual sororities and fraternities. A nual event of Homecoming activ- list of prospects will be given to ities, will be held Friday night, the SGA from these organizations, November 16. begin weekend of Homecoming events which by stressing a high per- All four classes will participate centage of donors, will be recog- in the competition by presenting The LaGrange College Home- sponsor a Panther Preview game. the campus. At 11:45 a. m. the nized for their cooperative efforts. a fifteen-minute skit. Each group coming, which is Saturday, Nov. Freshmen will play the upper- Alumni Association will hold its A student who gives a pint of will also be allowed five minutes 17, is expected to be one of the classmen. The proceeds will be annual meeting. Mrs. T. Scott blood must have parental permis- to set up props. Numbers will be best ever. Many plans have been used for a basketball banquet and Avary, president, will preside. sion, if he is under 21 except those drawn to determine the order of made which include all alumni, for the purchase of a trophy for An alumni-varsity basketball who have been in military service the presentations. as well as students. an outstanding player. It is hoped game is set for 2:30 p. m. The or are married. Judging of the skits is based on Homecoming weekend will get that this game will become a per- highlight of the game will be the "Students giving blood are pro- class participation, originality, underway on Wednesday, Nov. 15, manent part of the Homecoming presentation at half-time of the tecting themselves and their fam- and cleverness. The judges this when the 23 candidates for Home- festivities. candidates for Homecoming Queen ilies against their blood needs for year will consist of a new faculty coming Queen will meet with the Stunt night is on Friday, Nov. and the crowning of the Queen. six months regardless of their member, a LaGrange citizen, and judges. After dinner in the dining 16. Each class on the hill will place of residence," says Mr. a LaGrange College alumnus. A hall the judges and the contest- compete for a trophy which is Members of the senior class James H. Hammett, chairman of rotating trophy is presented to ants will gather in the Simpson presented by the W .A. A. The will be honored at the Homecom- the blood promram of the Troup the winning class each year. The Room. There the judges will in- class which wins will keep the ing banquet at 6:30 p. m. in the County Chapter of Red Cross. title is presently held by the Class terview each girl, and then make trophy until next year. dining hall. Henry L. Bowden, "As accident rates continue to chairman of the Emory University of '65. their decisions as to whom the Homecoming day will begin at rise ... as new and vital ways Admission for the event, which Homecoming Queen for 1963 will 10 o'clock in the morning on Sat- Board of Trustees, will be the of surgery are developed ... as is sponsored by the Women's be. urday, Nov. 17. The registration guest speaker. our population increases . the Athletic Association, will be 25c On Thursday night the La- of alumni will be followed by a Following the banquet is the blood needs increase proportion- for both students and adults. Cur- Grange Men's Alumni Club will coffee hour and a guided tour of traditional homecoming dance. ately. Thirty minutes of time is tain time will be 8 o'clock Friday all it takes for a blood donor to night in Dodds Auditorium. insure a lifetime for someone in STUDENT POLL ple; some were silly; some took it Charlotte Hodges — People took need," writes Frances Harris from seriously; and some panicked. the problem seriously last week the Atlanta Chapter of the Amer- What did you think of the re- Glenn Florence — Students but seemed to have forgotten it ican Red Cross. action to the Cuban crisis by the were very adult in preparing for this week. This effort will provide a What's In The News students on the campus? any emergency. Noel Smith — Sure glad I'm "chance for all students on this Editorials P2 Linda Clark — People were Chuck Stevens — Everyone act- not eighteen yet. hill to show a little school spirit Features P3 silly; it seemed that everyone ed concerned and adult about the Charlie Knight — I was im- that has been so lately criticized," Society Newa p3 panicked. situation. pressed by the large number of says Owen Green regarding the Sports P« Vincent Shaffer — The reaction Lane Tullis — Everyone was students concerned enough to look student body adoption of this was typical of the American peo- concerned but didn't panic. into the situation in detail. drive. lifl*. Page 2 HILLTOP NEWS — LAGRANGE COLLEGE Tuesday, November 13, 1962 FORWARD WE MUST MOVE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR LC PROVING The Hilltop News is published by the students of La- Grange College. So it is ... a campus newspaper, dedicated Dear Editors: But did they sulk? Did they GROUND to the students of this college, striving to improve all con- I imagine that most of us read rave and revolt and threaten com- cerned in any manner it deems necessary. in last week's issue of the paper plete annihilation? Of course not! LaGrange College is a "proving Just what is The Hilltop News? Sam Saxson's provocative article They stiffened their backs in a ground." This college offers stu- First of all, it is a newspaper. By the very meaning of of the unmovable Greek spirit. god-like fashion, turned a trans- dents a chance to experience a the word newspaper, its first duty is the publishing of news. His inspiration, I understand, was figured face to their persecutors, small portion of what life outside Not all news is good news, but anything that interests the a direct result of an "occurrence and promptly marched to the Mai- these walls is like. greatest number of readers nevertheless is news. A lot of that was so impressive" to him dee Smith Patio (Smith Patio or Life will be demanding. The times students do not like what is printed; they feel that that the unmovable spirit "mov- Garden of Gethsemane — what's complex society in which we live certain stories should have been left out.
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