Historical Anecdotes 77 Squadron RAAF in Korea 1950-1953 Col King
The Korean Episode Historical Anecdotes 77 Squadron RAAF In Korea 1950-1953 Col King The Korean Episode Historical Anecdotes 77 Squadron RAAF In Korea 1950-1953 COLIN G KING — "Meteor" Acknowledgements I acknowledge with gratitude the many people who have contributed to this book in one way or another. I must give special thanks to my daughter Lynette and my sister Wendy for their unflagging support and valuable check-reading of material. Deserving of special mention is my nephew Robert Sandland, a highly proficient computer expert whose enormous support and many hours of tuition, proof-reading and ensuring technical correctness of the ePub presentation has enabled this publication to become a reality. Without his forensic research and technical assistance I would have been in trouble, especially at the start of this project.. Some use has been made of the excellent research material provided by Wikipedia, and occasional quotations from this source have been incorporated. A number of ex-aircrew have provided their gripping stories of wartime experiences while also assisting with technical accuracy. The list is a long one and my memory is not equal to the task. However, prominent among the many contributors I wish to mention the following: Ron Guthrie, Gordon Harvey, Don Pinkstone, Ken Godfrey, Wal Rivers, Jim Kichenside, Cec Sly, Keith Meggs, John Parker, Pat Melican and so many others. Many of these servicemen received promotions and decorations for their service during The Korean episode and World War II. I salute them! No doubt there are many others who served but have been inadvertently omitted from these records.
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