www.msrlegal.com Sean Marciniak August 16, 2017 VIA E-MAIL AND U.S. MAIL David Belmer Linda N. Andal, CMC Planning Director City Clerk City of Anaheim City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department Planning and Building Department 200 South Anaheim Boulevard 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California 92805 Anaheim, California 92805 Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Re: Response to February 9, 2017 letter re Disneyland Resort Eastern Gateway Project and request for information under the California Public Records Act Dear Mr. Belmer and Ms. Andal: Thank you for your responses to our Public Records Act request of March 5, 2017 regarding the Disneyland Resort’s1 proposed Eastern Gateway Project (“Project”). We have had an opportunity to review the documents that you provided (the “Responses”), and respectfully request that the City disclose further information and documents that were identified in the Responses, but never released for our review. This information includes: Information about the City’s decision not to prepare a health risk assessment of the Project, which would evaluate the Project’s cancer and non-cancer disease risks to nearby residents and other sensitive receptors. We requested a full air quality study in our letter of January 2, 2017, and at least one of the City’s environmental consultants also proposed such a study. Traffic and noise studies that the Project applicant prepared, and that the City peer-reviewed. Such studies are not subject to the exemptions and privileges listed in your letter of March 30, 2017. Additional materials concerning impacts of the Project on historic resources.