No Negroes In Tenn. Delegation To National GOP Convention

No Negroes will be among Ten- lican representation from this end ville last Saturday for the State feller. lion from the Ninth Congressional floor. Meanwhile, another fierce show-, GOP primary. Atty. Brigg» most nessessee’s delegation to the Re­ of the State would be interracial. Convention which elected delegates At the convention Saturday, Old District. The executive committee Mr. I.ce and his followers, Negro down between Lee and James Is certainly will have the backlog of publican Convention at San Fran­ This policy existed under the late and alternates and voted to sup­ Guard Republican leader George instead accepted Robert James and white. Insist the James faction shaping up. Mr. Janies several Mr. Lee and his group. -s cisco in July. GOP leader, Robert R. Church, and port Arizona Senator Goldwater Lee appeared before a special com­ and Lewis Donelson. is lily-white and is denying repre­ weeks ago said lie will run for the This will be a rematch for the This will be the first time in continued under the leadership of for the presidential nomination. mittee and warned that any aband­ James and Donelsen were named sentation to Negro Republicans Republican nomination for the two candidates as they opposed more than 40 years that Negroes Lt. Oeorge W. Lee. (The at-large national convention onment of Negroes would be "a in March when the James faction Followers of the pace-setting United States House of Represen­ each other in 1962 for the same have not been numbered among the Lee's power was wrested from de egates ire not bound by Satur­ bonanza for the Democrats." He of the Shelby County GOP organi- James faction contend Negroes tatives from the Ninth District seat polled 7394 votes and Briggs State’s GOP voting group. him about two years ago by a pre­ day's Goldwater endorsement.) was seeking to have himself and cation dominated the county con­ "participated fully" in district cau­ last Saturday. Atty. Raymond M got 3,214. Down through the years it was dominantly white group. Mr. Lee is reportedly campaign­ David Marks of Memphis declared vention and Mr. Lee and his fol­ cuses and attended the county Bri ;gs of the Old Guard announc­ Later Mr. James lost to Democrat almost understood that the Repub- Mr. Lee was on hand in Nash- ing for New York Governor Rocke­ delegates to the national conven- lowers walked off the convention convention. ed lie will oppose Mr. James in the (Continued On Page Four)




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• ■ Price Given Guild Award Called Dr. Ish Trucks Now A Hit In r Dr. Hollis F. Price, president of tlie challenge of our time . . i LeMoyne College and first Negro "Because in the example of tits in Memphis ever honored by the own life he has shown tlie, way Memphis Chapter of the National toward realization of tilts hope. . . 'Fellow' Ruling Newspaper Guild, was singled out "Because he has worked with Saturday night for tlie Guild’s ‘63 courage, devotion and wisdom, witli Big Firm Loses Citizenship Award'. dignity and good humor, for the He's Elected By Dr. Price, who ran for the school human rights of all people.. American College Bid For Terminal. \ board last year and received 41,083 "Because he has encouraged at votes, though he was not elected, Opposite School ' LeMoyne College a climate of un­ Of Surgeons » < was given rounds of roaring ap­ derstanding and responsible le®j- < The City Commission has re­ plause when he was called to the ersiiip as well as Intellectual and One of tlie nation's lop honors jected a petition to rezone the speakers’ stand to receive the academic fulfillment . . . , award. With him at the newsmen's "Because under his leadership lias been bestowed upon Dr. G. W. northeast corner of Pennsylvania and Fields, across tlie street irom dinner dance at the Claridge was LeMoyne has been a community Stanley Ish* Jr. of 1483 South Park sv. Carver High School, for use u a iiis wife, Mrs. Althea Price, an Eng­ influence not only in education, way East.'& DR. G. W. STANLEY ISII JR. Tile' chief of surgery at Collins truck terminal. lish Instructor at B. T, Washing­ but in drama, art. architecture, Chapel Hospital last week was ton High School. music and literature. . . Tl\e decision was a victory for elected a fellow of tlie American He was cited as "a towering "Because he has been ever ready College of Surgeons. parents and civil organizations in force for goodwill while improving to meet with and work with any the Carver High School area. They He is the first Negro in Memphis tlie stature and life of Negroes in persons or groups interested in bet­ Six Indicted After to receive this outstanding honor were represented by Atty. Ben F. tills city, this nation, this world." tering race relations, and because Jones. President Price received the tra­ he has been a towerin’ force for Being Den'cd Food A native of Little Rock, the quiet ditional citation in the form Of a Tlie petition failed for lack of the goodwill Improving the stature and and affable Dr. Ish earned the "stick” of type mounted on a wood­ Six colte'.e stuti.'i: ,i have been life of Negroes in this city, this M.I). degree at Howard University necessary three affirmative votes. en frame. It was presented to him Indi '"d bv tlie Uhe’Jiy County nation, this world. . . in Washington and served his resi­ Commissioners Hunter Lane and bv tlie Guild president, James H grand jury because th ’- were de DR. HOLLIS F. PRICE "Because in his own person lie dency In surgery at the Veterans James Moore voted for rezoning. White, of the Press-8clmltar: nled service ■ at the Normal Tea Commissioner Pete Sisslon voted holds up the image of constructive Administration Hospital in Tuske­ Mr. White, hard-hitting city hall Room. 539 south Hi.'.liland. located ■No' and Commissioner Claude Ar­ day. change, accomplished with under­ gee and Hines Hospital in Chicago reporter, was honored.-as Oullds- near Memphis State University.. . mour abstained. Mayor Ingram was President- Price |s a graduate ol standing, klndnesa and compas­ He has served is president ol the ,s. man of the Year for his work as The tea rotim Is orfe of several out of the city it the time the Amherst and holds the master's sion. . , medical staff and as chief of sur­ negotiating chairman In 1962-63. of the better eatiiig places refusing vote was taken. from Columbia. He has honorary gery at Collins Ohapel since 1957 Both award wlnnefs were select­ ‘'Because he embodies the best to serve Negroes. About 70 other The rezonlng issue became a doctorates from Brandeis and Am­ He is the husband of Mrs. Sue ed by separate committees of mem­ tradition of the great educators. restaurants, Including two near herst. Ish who is prominent In civic and matter for the City Commission bers of the Guild wh'ch represent» Booker T. Washington and Robert MSU, have lowered racinl barriers. i club. affairs. They have one daugh- after the Memphis anJ $1050 per week should be in (ConU.iued On l’.ige Four) of beauty emphasizing make-up and at the city hall by about 50 Negro ■Mr. Turner, aided bv Atty David i To UN Ai LeMoyne by June 1. hair styles, the demonstration was and white demonstrators. Caywood. and Mr Ely who was' Canadas permanent ambassador In preparing for summer camp given by Mrs. Myrtle White, a Following a brief prayer at city given verbal assistance by Dr. John to the United Nations. Paul Trem­ cadi leader should see to thè fol­ Closing Dates At teacher of cosmetology at Rooker hall steps .about 7E of the clergy­ Beard, battled it oul in the MSU blay. will visit LeMoyne College lowing: T. Washington High SchoolVCWfer men crammed into a conference School of Business Adtninistrat'on this weekend. Friday through Sun­ 1. That all boys going to camp LeMoyne Are Listed consultants were Mrs. Bernice room where Rabbi Randall Falk auditorium, a small lecture hall day, May 8-10. receive physical examinations by Abron and Miss Phyllis Brooks. read a four-point desegregation that seats less than 200. licensed physicians. Commencement at I.eMoyne Col­ Of particular Interest to the He will speak Friday night be­ proposal to Briley. 2. Bring each boy's advance­ lege is scheduled for June 1 fol­ young ladles was the question -and fore a public assembly at Second Both teams received what some ment record up to date oh his lowing May 31 baccalaureate ser­ answer period In which they, were Thè proposal called for immedi­ observers considered equal rounds Congregational Church, Walker and card to avoid repetition of require­ vices. Both will be held on the able to draw from the consultants- ate desegregation of all school of applause but it must pe reported McDowell, starting at 8. grades; a otiy ordinance to outlaw ments. campus in front of Brownlee Hall advice on their individual prqb- that. Mr. Ely and his colleague also The Friday night program is un­ KING ELIAS WILLIAMS discrimination in public accomo- 3. Each Scoutmaster should re­ iii the late afternoon. lems. c were booed on occasions. der sponsorship of LeMoynes Col­ Final examinations will bet un­ . dations; desegregation of govern­ main in camp with his boys to help A kit containing souvenirs, sajn- legiate Chapter for the United Na­ I British go along on iniclcur cut- ment agencies end desegregation of Credit for this debate goes to tlie encourage them in Scoutcraft derway May 25, continuing through c tions. the International Relations Scout teamwork’ and Scout spirit. May 29. ((Continued On Pare Four I recreational facilities, MSU Student Political Affairs ■back. Forum. Club at Southwestern and the Mem­ Briley said school desegregation, In opposition to Mr. Ely's cry of phis chapter of the American As­ now advanced through the first sociation for the United Nations. seven grades, was a "matter for "Communist plot" and Dr. Beard’s reference of the "evil rights bill." Mr. Tremblays visit to LeMoyne the Board of Education." He said is sponsored by tlie American Mis- passenger of a public accomodat- Mr. Turner said "We cannot argue JESSE TURNER Lawson Raps Methodists’ Plan tills bill is too drastic when it Is (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Four) only attempting to give us rights » - we were promised 200 years ago." Mr. Turner received able support from Atty. Caywood who said;;, “It is real easy to sav something is Communistic when we're against f The General Conference's decis­ set up to satisfy while southerners Inside Memphis (Continued On Page Four! ion calling for voluntary desegre­ when Methodists of rhe North and gation in the Methodist Church s South merged several years ago. $50 Cash Prize not expected to bring about and big The General Conference voted LOOK FOR. A TOE-TO-TOE Exalted Ruler (Hobson Reynolds) of Summer Session changes here and In other sections Friday to desegregate bv gradually battle between Lt.. George W. lee Ph.ladelphir. and Commissioner of of the Eouth. abolishing the Com nil Jurisdiction. To LeMoyne Senior and Bob James, leaders of the two Fducntion (George W. Lee) of Mem­ Dates At LeMoyne The Rev. James M. Lawson Jr., The plan calls for tile voluntary Mrs. Virginia Flowers of 1851 Republican factions In Shelby phis enjoying breakfast. Mr. Rey­ LeMoyne's 1964 summer session pastor of Centenary Methodist absorption of the 373.3O()-memher Keltner Circle. Apt. 7, a senior at County, when Lee’s candidate, Atty. nolds was on a brief stopover, en­ Is scheduled to run from June 12 Church here, spoke out against the all-Negro. jurJsdictiQii by. the five LeMoyne College, won third prize Raymond M. Briggs, opposes James route from Little Rock to his home. through Aug. 8, it was announced "slow process" from his pulpit Sun­ all-white and idogiaphiailly de­ of $50 in the essay division of the in the primaries for the GOP nom­ this week by the college registrar, day morning. signated jurisdictions. Target date national creative writing contest, ination for the United States House KAPPAS’ DEBUTANTE Ball was Mrs. Margaret McWilliams. Rev. Mr. Lawson was in Pitts­ for desegregation is Sept. 1, 1937. sponsored annually by Reader's of Representatives from the Ninth just too much. Too many people There will be two sessions, one burgh last week attending tlie two- The Conference failed to estab­ Digest and the United Negro Col­ District. that is. Fire marshal wouldn't let for five weeks. June 12-July 18, week long conference. lish it desegregation plan witli lege Fund. (' . them dance. and another for eight weeks. June "There is no spirit of volunta­ teeth. It merely said desegregation Prizes are awarded in three cate-, SIDEWALK OBSERVERS predict 12-Aug. 8. Registration is scheduled rism in the Christian Church." he of the jurisdictions should be vol­ gories—short story, poetry and, as­ exclusive Second Presbyterian PRESS - SCIMITAR'S Mid-South for June 12, said. "You will not find any volun­ untary. This means that white say. Students attending the 33 Church will still: be barring Ne­ Spelling Bee Friday night at Tech Special offerings include a 502 teers in the Christian faith one conferences must invite Negro member colleges of the United Ne­ groes and interracial groups when High will be integrated. Contestant workshop in modem mathematics must be drafted into God’s work." churches to join them or Negro gro College Fund were eligible to the General Assembly convenes from Fulton county, Kentucky is for elementary teachers (three se­ Purpose of the decision is an at­ churches must apply for admission. participate. . ' •* there next year this time. Dorothy Mae Avent, a 14 - year- mester hours), a flve-week human­ There are five ail-Negro Metho­ tempt to abolish the all-Negro The three winners in eachp»te- old Negro girl. ities seminar for high school jun- AMBASSADOR TREMBLAY Central- Jurisdiction within the dist church in Memphis Centen AIRPORT BÇENE:. Elks’ Grand i iors, and recreational swimming. Methodist Church, a body that was I ary, Warren, Bethel, Prospect and1 REV, J. M. LAWSON Jr, I (Continued on Fa

Î. •'V k 1 <*X. I Sdurday, May 9, 1964 Opens With Soiree

Congratulate Coronation Miss Bradley Parade

Miss Dorothy Bradley, recently initiated into Delta Sigma Theta Wednesday Sorority Inc., was entertained with i surprise party at 2597 Felix St., The Memphis Cotton Makers' ■ by Miss'TBarbara Stone, a pledgee Jubilee gets underway Sunday U Of Delta Sgma Theta and cousin 3 p. m. with a soiree in Tom Lee Of Miss Bradley. Park along Riverside Drive. Little The setting was carried out in Miss White Gold and Master White the sorctity colors - red. yellow and Gold »ill be crowned at this time. MISSIONARY AT HYDE PARK beria. She is shown here with the Jannie R. Winfrey, Charles Booker, Bobbie W. Walker. Paul Holly and white Official opening of the Midway — A reecnt visitor to Hyde Park principal of the school and sixth Miss Aletha Wooten, Mrs. Louise Mrs. Victoria Standard. Among those present were: Miss at Beale Avenue and Linden Ave­ School was a missionary, Miss Doris grade teachers. Left'to right: Mon- O?Helms, Miss Nimmo. Andrew B. ' . Minnie Malone, a Delta soror; Miss nue Park is slated for noon Mon­ Nimmo, now. on. furlough from Li- roe Hussey, Samuel H. Booker, Mrs. Bland, principal of the school; Mrs. Rosa J. Partee, a Delta pledgee; day. Coronation of the Juvenile Ronald Duncan, a member of Kap­ King and Queen has been set for pa Alpha Psi .fraternity; Miss Joy Monday night, 7:30, at Church Park United Singing Union Washington of Detroit. Mich.; Er­ Community Center. One bi? event is scheduled for At Tabernacle Sunday vin Bonds of Jackson, Tenn., a Mission Workers member of Kappa Alpha Psi fra­ Tuesday with the crowning of the The United Singing Union, com­ NASHVILLE ternity; ’ Miss Ora L. Jackson. King and Queen of the Royal posed of 30 voices, will be pre­ Charles and James Jones of Chica­ Serenadors, 7:30 p. m., Church sented at the Tabernacle Commun- go; Melin E. Carter and Eddie J. Park Community Center. | ity Church, 303 Cynthia, Sunday, Williams, Mr. Williams was Miss Wednesday will usher in the May 10 at 3:30 p. m. The program At Hyde . is being sponsored by Tabernacle's Bradley's escort. Coronation Parade, 6:30 P- m, HAS NEW moving east on Beaie from River­ Radio Club of which Mrs. Ernes­ Miss Doris Nimmo. a missionary During Miss Nimmo's visit . at side Drive. Coronation ceremon­ tine Shinault is chairman. who has served in Liberia for the Hyde Park School she showed a The group, composed of some of ies and royal ball at Church Park film concerning the education and past three years. » as a recent guest the city’s better known singers, Two Honored By Community Center, 8 p. m. religious life of the Liberian peo­ of principal A. B. Bland arid his has attracted crowds wherever they sixth grade teachers of Hyde park ple. She also brought authentic cos­ PROTESTS There will be a royal tour of appeared. The public is invited to tumes and other materals which By W. J. ANDERSON city schools Thursday morning and School. hear them. The church is between were very interesting and educa­ Mt. Gilliam Choir a royal tea that evening, 7:30. at Miss Nimmo is presently on fur­ Vance and Pontotoc, on Cynthia. tional. Her visit was one of the cul­ NASHVILLE - (UPI)-A segre­ Foote Homes Auditorium. lough from Liberia. She has been No. 2 Choir of Mt. Gilliam Bap­ minating activities for ■ the sixth gated restaurant lowered its racial Big day is Friday, starting with on furlough for approximately one tist Church honored Mrs. Bell grade pupils "who had worked on bars Monday to serve four colored Children's Parade at 9:45 a. m., year, during which. tifne she has Brown and Mrs. J. H. Cummings had a very full schedule. units about Africa. patrons amid new demonstrations moving up Mam from Butler and in a “This Is Your Life'' program. Frincipal Bland of Hyde Park Florida Widow that saw scuffling break out in the then east on Beale to Turley. During the first year of Miss Mrs. Brown was honored for her Nimmo’s furlough, she campaigned Scnool made a donation to the downtown area. Children's Party at noon, Church 20 years of service as secretary of for funds to build schools and buy MXion School for the purchasing Park Community Center; Grand Groups of demonstrators totaling the’choir and Mrs. Cummings for materials for the Liberian p-rpils. of teaching materials. Jubilee Parade at 8 p. m., moving about 150 persons picketed the half 16 years of service in various ca­ Presently she is attending Merii- Miss Nimmo was invited to Hyde I down Main from Market' and east dozen segregated restaurants which pacities. phis State University where sne is' Park School by Mrs. Bobbie W. on Beale to Welling. A. Jubilee have refused to admit non-whites. ... Mrs. Cummings -has served ■ as- di­ taking advanced graduate work m Walker, sixth grade teacher, who is ¡Party is.planned for 9:30 p. m.. A girl was slapped by a white man rectress of the choir, a Sunday JUBILEE'S JUNIOR KING AND queen of the Memphis Cotton Mak­ supervision and administration'. \ presently attending Memphis State I at Church Park. . University and working toward a when she attempted to enter a School teacher and leader of the I QUEEN — Wendell Brown. 13, of ers' Jubilee, scheduled for May 10- JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - (ANP) restaurant and an integration lead­ B. T. U. story Hour and the Jun­ J 1183 College,- is the junior king, and. 16. Prince to the junior queen is Miss Nimmo has been teacher and I master's degree — Although the late Porcher L. er was shoved to the. ground at ior High group. She has also served I Yvonne Marie Mitchell. 14, of 4968 ' Clementhy~ Ann Parker, 0, of 1156 principal of a Mission School m 1 Mrs. Mattye Crosley. secondary­ Taylor, outspoken editor and pub­ another. as president of the choir, assist­ William Arnold Road, is junior Fountain Court. Liberia. She will return this sum­ supervisor of the Memphis City mer for another three years of ded­ I Schools; Mrs. Victoria Standard, lisher of the Florida Tattler has ant leader of Girl Scouts and den Mrs. Miller A large number of students from I icated service. Because of her out­ ¡one of the patrons of Eyde Park been dead more than two months, mother to Cub Pack No. 159. Fisk University, a predominately 1 standing work, she will be promot­ the institution of a motion regard­ School, and Mrs. Lois Byrd, fourth colored school, marched two miles She has also served as youth coun­ ed to a supervisory position upon I ing a. slander suit brought against grade teacher at Hyde Park, at­ from the campus to the City Hall selor and childem's program chair­ Entertains her return. Miss Nimmo did mis-1 tended tne program along with ap­ him nearly two years ago threat­ and .joined other demonstrators for man, vice president of the No.. 1 sion work before she became a mis- i proximately 250 sixth grade stu­ ens to impoverish his wife, children a pray-iii before the building. Circle and as organiser and ad­ MARY MARTEL siohary to Liberia. dents. and grandchildren, it was learned here this week. visor to the Cherub Choir. Mrs. Mayor Beverly Briley termed the Frank Hampton, local gas station Cummings still works untiringly in Two 16-Year-Olds Have Big Problems voluntary desegregation of the most of these groups plus the P. operator and political figure, who Mrs. Mamie Miller was host to restaurant a ‘‘very optimistic sign" T. A. and other community organi­ in April, 1963. filed a suit against And Mary Tries To Solve Them a recent meeting of the Ladies BORN TO MR. AND MRS. and said he was heartened “by zations. Taylor, claiming $150.000 damages Community Club at her home, 136 ' what appears to be a very healthy Mrs. Lillie Branscomb served as Dear Mary: ) your father. for slander has filed a motion for W. Person. AT JOHN GASTON 1 poleon. development.” mistress of ceremonies for the pro­ substitution of the parties which I am 16 years old and my prob­ After the chaplain, Mrs.. Lelia HOSPITAL Jimmie L. Walker. 896 N. Belle­ gram. Both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Dear Mary: will name the editor's wife, Mrs. But even as the mayor issued his lem is very serious. First, my father Crawford conducted the devotion. April 6 vue, daughter, Vivian Denise. Cummings extend their sincere l am a typical American teenager Mary Taylor, as . the defendant to statement, the groups of demon­ doesn’t want me to have any as­ The president, Mrs. T. J. Colston, William H. Buford. 1183 College, thanks to all the participants on of 16. I have fallen in love with Luther C. Lotten, 681 Georgia, the suit. I strators abandoned their hit-and- sociation with boys. He believes presided. Various committees made daughter. Kathy Veronica. the program. an 18-year-old boy. I am sure I son, Kevin Vernell Willie Curtis, run tactics at the restaurants, re­ that they all are no good and I their reports. Mrs. L. B. Hawkins, Although Mrs. Taylor was not in­ am in love with him because I 2606 Autumn, daughter Carolyn April 11 grouped and joined others in front am too “precious” to become in­ the club's secretary, gave ■ useful volved in the'alleged slander, nor have felt this way for two years. Renee. Thomas J. East, 437 Foote Park, of the Cit.v Hall for a mass dem- volved with them. He says that I household hints. All enjGyed the was sfce the original defendant The problem is he does not love Willie Holmes. 2235 Lyon, daugh­ 'daughter, 'Jacqueline Loraine. stration., am too young to have boy friends praise service. A delicious repast was in the slander suit, the estate of me and I know it. What can I do? ter, Shirley Ann. Hudell Eulls, 89 W. DeSoto, son, Christian Home no matter how casual they are. I enjoyed by all. Mrs. Rossie Jack- Porcher Taylor which his widow- -Police blocked the entrance to I feel that life has 'no value with­ Felix 0. Adair, 219 Tillman, W. M. disagree with my father because I son brought in a new member, Mrs. inherited after her husband's death the building. Another police force daughter, Anita Laverne. James Dodson, 912 S. Fourth, son, believe that dating is a vital part out him. is still legaDy attachable for ¡Jam­ stood in the street between the Fannie Clark, who was gladly re- ■: Robert R. Winfrey, 299 N. .Dun­ Jerome. ■ of growing up. I know just how far Broken-hearted ceived by the members. ages despite the fact that he died demonstrators and a group of about Week ÄI Beulah lap, son,, Kenneth Andre. Wallace' Doss. 2875 Broad, son. to go and I really don’t believe Members attending this meeting before a verdict was rendered. 100 spectators. ■ Dear Broken-Hearted: Lee A. Shanks. 2172 Griggs, son, Cedric T.Uiferro.,' The Home Department of the that I would make a fool of my­ were: xvxko.Mre. jwooucRosalie Lee,uuu, xyudMrs.. Samoani In his original suit, Hampton Lee Andrew, Jr. Robert, l. Appleberry, 1312 Michi­ Beulah Baptist Church, 2407 Doug­ self. I have never given my parents Unreturned love is one of the Holloway, Mrs. Andrew Henry, Mrs. charged that Taylor had made un­ Sam Dodson, a white Nashille April 7 gan, 1 son. lass Avenue, will observe "Christian any reason for them not to trust tragedies of life many people must i Mary Birdof{. Mrs. Marylee Avant warranted attacks on him for the Methodist minister and chairman face at one time or another, since Jodie M. Pope, 976 S. Welling­ of the governor's Commission on Home Week" in a two-day observ- me. Mrs. Jessie Johnson, Mrs. Milas April 12 sole purpose • of humiliating him < I 1 ton, daughter. Annette Yvonne. ’ ance, Thursday and Friday, May Help you know he does not love you why Watkins, Mrs. Margie Arnold, Mrs. and encouraging the public to stop Human Relations, addressed the Jesse Green, son. Darryl. James M. Holmes, 928 Latham, 7-», at 7:30 p. m, nurse your frustration? Face the Thyol Mae Jones. Mrs. Elizabeth doing business with a reputable group and urged segregated busi­ Isaac L. Hayes. 925 S. Mansfield, daughter, Gina Monique. Judge Kenneth Turner of the Dear "Help ! 1 .” fact that he is not for you and Adams. Mrs. Lucy Fielder, Mrs. C. businessman: nesses to "reevaluate their pro­ daughter; Veronica Denise.' William Springfield, 356 Abel, son I agree with you, dating is a mix with the other young people, Hampton also asked the court to cedures and take steps to elimi­ Juvenile Court of Memphis will H. Grimes. Mrs. Addie Wright and Berdel Baker. 2711 Harrjson. William Bernard. be the featured speaker Thursday part of growing up and at 16 you You may find a young man who Mrs. Louise Houston who served as enjoin Taylor "from publishing and nate such discriminatory practices. daughter, Barbara Jean. R. B. Neely, 2680 Spottswood, should be able to know the dif­ will be happy you did not waste distributing any further slanderous "We are convinced that we can evening, May 7. an excellent critic for the evening. Otis Johnson, 354 S- Wellington, daughter, Gloria Jean. ference between right and wrong your time with someone who did Next meeting is scheduled to be at statements" concerning him, no longer satisfy the demands of A forum will be the feature of son. Michael. Pervis L. Stennis, 1204 Woodlawn if your. early training has been not. appreciate you. the home of Mrs. Addie Wright, I The slander suit, grew out of Tay­ our democratic society with token- , the Friday evening program in April 8 daughter, Felecia Troshawn. adequate.. Enlist the aid of your 347 Fields Ave., Tuesday. May 12, lor's alleged statements that ism," he said. which the subject "Better Family Humphre Edwards, 1349 Wabash, Emmett Taylor, 7194 Winchester, mother or some understanding fe­ at 7:30 P. M. Hampton "has limited education .. relationship Challenges” will be son, Steven Lyrin. daughter. Cherry Denise. The demonstrations in the male relative to whom yoir father, Sisterhood Will Meet Mrs. K. W. Green is the reporter. .. was fired from the City Police discussed. The discussion leaders Mar_v Shephard, 4711 Alston, son, April 13 downtown area began last week and will listen. Get her to talk with Department several years ago and and their subjects are: At Mt. Gilliam Baptist an estimated 102 persons have been Joseph Earl. | T. J. Ladd, son, Earnest. has set himself up as a self tap- The Home - Mrs, Felicia Sartin. 0, Z. Webster, 3095 Johnson, son, 1 arrested. Seven policemen and Jerry Layrock, 1100 Holmes Rd., pointed leader..” The Church — Benjamin T. The Sisterhood of Shelby Coun­ Oregon Landers. son, Gory Lewis. about a dozen other persons have ty District Association will .’meet Lewi«. Of Robert McCoy. 1771 Keltner Cir., Leo Smith, 4171 Brown Lane, son, been injured. . The School — Oliver Johnson. Vole îo Extend at Mt. Gilliam Baptist Church, son,, Ronald Jay. Michael. 1029 Rayner St., May 11. at 11 a.m. i son, Steve Anthony. The Community — George William Woods, 921 Neptune, son, Emmitt Wilson, ■ 821 Polk, son. ter. Sandra Darlene. All members are requested to be April 18 Holmer-- William Henry, Jr. Ronnie Rozel], Felix Hayes, 1588 Rice, daughter, Genial Theme of the occasion present. Real Estate J?mes Lewis, 2031 Farrington, Willie Savage. 292 Ingle .son, Fi- Lisa Michelle. is “Crdwn Him Lord of All Through NAACP Campaign Mrs. J. C. Austin is president of daughter. Janice Renee. April 14 darrel Dushawn. By JESSE L WILLIAMS Sammie Lee Randolph. 1088 BettefFamily Relationships". The the Sisterhood, Rev. E. Bates, J. P. Hoyle, 209 S. Driver, daugh­ Wesley Bradford, 1461 Effie ! Walter Johnson. 201 W. Person, The executive board of the Mem­ Beach, daughter, Adreadiayvetta. moderator of the association, and ter. Gwendolyn Elizabeth. daughter, Christine. son, Michael Renard. public—is Invited. phis Branch NAACP voted to ex­ "Whosoever therefore «hall break E. W. Williamson. 1392 Melrose . Mrs. eBatrice Hawkins, publicity Howard McCallum, 1037 Lane, son George Vaughn, 449 E. Olive,' son, MrslRuth Graves Is superinten- one of these least commandments, Hosea Deener, 2325 Eldridge, Cove, son, George Keith. tend the annual spring membership chairman. Robert Bruce. Darryl Reith. and shall teach men so, he shall be da,tahter, Adriene Camilla. April 9 campaign through May 17. Elie Jones, 2492 Staten, daughter. Fred T. Green, I860 called the least in the kingdom of James Dennis, 1362 Mississippi, Swift, son, Henry Henderson, 2229 Zanone, Tracy Lynn. Andre.. On this date, which has been heaven: But whosoever shall do ton, Darrell Dewayne. son, Harold Jerome. Devilin Memorial Club William Catron, 893 E. John Boyd, 725 S. Wellington, 0. B. Buckner, 65 proclaimed "Freedom Sunday" by and teach them, the same shall Trigg, W. Raines, Robert Powell. 396 Edith, son, MEMORIAL STODIO daughter, Rosa Linda. daughter, Francine. the national office of the NAACP, In Planning Strip Tea be called great in the kingdom daughter, Yvonne Kaya Kelly Montreal. George Gross, 606 W. Peoples Rd. April 19 Beautiful, Lasting a mass meeting observing the 10th of Heaven.” St Matthews 5 Chapter, . J April 9 daughter, Shirley Denise. Thurman Jackson, 260 Caldwell, anniversary of the U. S. Supreme The Gloria Devlin Memorial Club 19 Verse - The Holy Bible. Johnson presses econon.y In vet­ - Memorials John Hughes, 3013 Calvert, James Williams, 170 son, Thurman, Jr. Court Decision outlawing segrega­ of Bethel A.M.E. Church will have Reno, erans hospitasl. daughter, Teresa Lynn. daughter, Deborah Ann. B. E. Alston, 4998 Johnetta, son, tion, in public schools, will be held a strip tea at Lelia Walker Club REAL ESTATE FINANCE at Metropolitan Baptist-Church. House, 717 Walker, Sunday, May Hardy Wright, 682 Boston, eon, April 15 Anthony. Managers of institutions which fin­ Kenny Bernard. John Allen Fason, 274 S. Fourth, tee Ä. Bolton; 1191 n. Beleve- U. S. proposes production halt 10, from 3 to 6 p. m. Door prizes on missiles. At this meeting annual achieve­ ance real estate must be alert to Hassie Lee Harris, 1432 Taylor, son, Kenneth Xavier. dere, son, Lee Andrew, Jr. will be given to persons holding shifts in population within their ment awards will me presented to lucky tickets. son. Kenneth Lee. Joe Patterson, 266 Bullington, George E. Yount, 1778. Marjorie, lending areas. Unless proper fore­ those who have made outstanding The public is invited. William Earnest Ray Hayes, 1446 Lyceum, daughter, Jeanie Lee. son. Maurice Cassius. casts arc made, both for. the area contributions to the cause of free­ Saunders is president of this group, son. Anihony Decarlo. Curtis Saulsberry, 745 St. Paul, William Faulkner, 1519 Beacon that is suffering from such shifts dom during the past year. Also to Mrs. Leslie Alexander, sponsor, and Bassie Brooks, 856 Olympic, daughter, Josephine. son. Carl Wayne. and for the one that benefits, loans daughter, Amita. be honored are membership cam­ Rev. J. L. Gleese, pastor of the Floyd Knox, 897 Crump Ct.. In the older areas may became more daughter, Pgire. AT E. H. CRUMP MEMORIAL paign workers who excel in the church. hazardous. April 10 : HOSPITAL current drive. The contest for cam­ James McOre, 2176 Lyon, son. Meanwhile, opportunities, for bet­ Ben Campbell. 1421 Kansas, Anthony Fitzgerald. I April 3' paign workers will end on May daughter,’ Sandra Denise. MONEY? 16. All reports, to be eligible for BIC Presenting ter loans in the newer areas may OUR NEW LOCATION April 16 j James E. Jeffries, 5218 Higway awards, must be in by this date be bypassed. Ulester Brown, 533 Boston, son, Rust College Choir If management Is sufficiently Ulester Jr. Rupert 0. Givhans, 306 Cvnthia 8° . .daughter .Sharon Michelle. 1470 S. BELLEVUE April# aware of what is happening, it can George Edwards, 9 Raines Rd., son, Dan. (Near Calvary Cemetery) dent; Fred Davis, general chair­ The Baptist Industrial College of! act in such manner as to protect son, George Camel! Freddie King, 605 E. McLemore, Willie Brown. 1153 N. Belvedere, man, Tvler Glover, publicity chair­ daughter, Pamela Yvette. DAY PHONE: 948-9049 Hernando, Miss will present the Itself bn both counts. John W. Dudley, 1364 N. Stone­ daughter, Terri Ann. man and the Rev. W. C. Holmes, April 5 NIGHTS: BR 4-O346 I Rust College Choir of Holly Springs, Population shifts normally take wall, son, John Matthew. Leatha Williams, 230 n. Manas­ paster. Miss, in a musical at First Bap­ place gradually They are not rapid John L. Clark, 1661 Monsarrat, sas. son, Eric Fernando. Charles Young, 3531 Ashford, son Charles Emmitt, Jr. tist Church, 500 North Fourth enough to jeopardize good loans daughter, Gwendolyn. Robert E. Williams, 162 Modder April 6 Street, Sunday, May 17, at 3 p. m. already on the books. New loans Joe L Yates 927 Mason, son, Na- son, Kim Marie. You Can Borrow Cash George Burnett, 629 Lauderdale Guest speaker will be Dr. Charles should be made with greater cau­ April 17 daughter, Carmen Phyerniese. Starts SAT., MAY 9 W. Guy. Fruit will be given in this tion in the declining areas and an inducement for land speculators James c. Clark, 573 Jeanette, son, From Us On ^Robert Coleman, 989 Boyd, daugh- service. Rev. P. L Rowe is pastor. with great boldness in those en­ to demolish them In order to make James Coby. jr. t DAI SY One Big Week! Arthur L. Branch, 2517 Staten, joying sound growth. It is neces­ way toy a higher and better use of Automobile, Furniture, daughter, Wanda Kay.. sary for the lending institution to the land. James Hyter In Concert William R. Payne. 1294 Whit­ OUR COTTON CARNIVAL ATTRACTION! make the right forecasts. This is (2) The recovery must be on a JOB PRINTING Signatures not always easy. broad scale. Piecemeal rebuilding more, son. Eric Darnell. May 10 At Centenary Eugene Warren, 289 Cynthia, of All Kindt! If recoveries in values of real es­ of an obsolete section Involves too daughter, Rebecca. There it a reason why people James Hyter, pVomising ba«, tate occur in declining areas, they great a risk to invite the type of in­ „Jeffrey Lynn. Emmett d. Jones, 2523 Vandale, Trouble With Your F°r HUDSON" POWER MOWER Part Time Interviewing In Memphis WR» DAY -SEE- For SIMPSON flNANCECQMPANY( UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CENTER PICNIC GROUNDS FREE ESTIMATES COLOR -CINEMASCOPE REASONABLE PRICES FLOYD Men and Women with Some College loan request" - NOW OPEN - Serving the Tri-Stata Area Examined and Supervised by the The Small Motor Education and Flexible Schedule for 41 years 4 TONY RANDALL THELMA Modem Convenience« "We like to say yes to your Matter NO EXPfltliNCE REQUIRED Special Rate« for State Dept, of insurance and IMK'DAKa DAUB-JULIA MEADE But Use of Car Necessary * . . Write: Box 500, Memphis School« and Club« Johnson Printery Banking 4HMWW WWOH.AftWBUOWTOUIOHM «IUASI All Work Guaranteed ■ World, 546 Beale St., giving age, education, and experience. For Reservation Call: 220 Hamand« I LOCATIONS i 520 E. MdEMORE Hl 8. Main j* i.mi Local Supervisor Will Train 397-4348 1 JA. 7 6144 oi BR 6-3593 1U Madison f JA. 1-7611 « à <* MEMPHIS WORLD Patterson High School

The spatlight is on Roy J. .Mc­ Lemore. “Teacher of the Year " Mr. McLemore was graduated from Shelby County Training School in ¡951,'and from Tennes­ see State with a B. S. degree in instrumental music He entered tin Memphb city system in 1956 as a teacher if Instrumental music .it Porter Jr. High ' School. He later By JEWEL GENTRY HUI.BFRT transfi i'i'd to Carver High School. In 1958 he was inducted into the KAPPAS GIVE ANNUAL Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Brent, Sr., Ilona Orleans Watts, daugh­ If. 8. Army and served two. years DEBUTANTE BAIL AT ter of Mrs. M. T. Willis, was pre­ was 'presented by her father and with tlie 3rd. Armored Division ELLIS AUDITORIUM escorted by Carnell Smitli... Miss sented by Mt Richard Armstrong' Hand m Frankfort. Germany Fifty-four Beautiful Girls uiid escorted by Lucelous Betts, Jr. Willie Dean Murray, daughter of Mr. McLemore returned to tlie Are Presented . . Miss Irma Dell Hawkins, daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Murray, was school system in 196(1 and was ter of Mr. and Mrs Maceo J. Ste­ "THE DEBUTANTE SEASON" i presented by Mr. Edward Booth Iransleried to Patterson High gall, was presented by her grand­ or this year’s attractive young deli- j and escorted by Arnell Smith . . School in 1961. He is married to and two beautiful sisters, Miss father, Mr. Stegall, and escorted utantes went into high gear Friday Mrs. Barbara G. McLemore, à tea­ Billie Jean Barnett and Miss Helen by Thomas Munn . . . Miss Diane evening when members- of Kappa cher at Porter Jr. High S hool. Melville, daughter of Airs A. B Alpha Psi presented flfly-four Carolyn Barnett, daughters of Mr. They, are the parents of two sons. Melville, was presented by Mr. beautiful young girls into Mem­ and Mrs. Benro G. Barnett, were The hmioree comes from a fami­ Ryland Acey and escorted by Carl phis society . . . and the City Au­ presented by their father and Bil­ ly of teachers. His mother. Mrs. Bowman . . mid Miss Yvonne ditorium was the setting for one lie Jean was escorted by Malcom E. A. -McLemore, of Woodstock, Lewis, daughter of Mrs. Louise of Ute gayest events of tlie reason, Therkeld . . . with Janies Carter .Tenn. and two sisters are teachers Bunders of fashionably dressed escorting Helen Carolyn.' Lewis, was presented by Dr T. W. in the county and city sellout sis-, Roberts and escorted by Cedric fems. ’ ■ JOHNSON guests arrived as early as 7 in the Miss Pearline Wilson, daughter Rice. PRINCIPAL'S LIST Thé hon­ evening to get seats in Musi? Hull of Mr. Dempsey Wilson, was pre­ orees for this distinct honor are for tlie presentation at 8 pm. . . sented by Mr. Sam Montgomery Miss Linda Hargraves, daughter Miss Johnnie Mae Anderson, a and tlie foyer was brightened will) . . . Miss Sibert Greer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Allen B. Hargraves, ninth grade student, who has made beautiful spring gowns, predom­ of Reverend and Mrs. M. A. Greer, was presented by her father and (he Principal's List for the third inately in warm tones. was presented by her father . .-. escorted by Leo Milton Gray, Jr. . . consecutive six - weeks report card Mr. Melvin Conley, a past Pole­ Miss Angela Yvonne Flowers, daugh­ Mias Brenda Ann Sawyer, daughter period, and Miss Lots Liiellyn. a march and long time active mem­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flow­ of Mrs. Otlia S. Sawyer and the FINAL PAYMENT - Members of Left to right: Mrs. Katherine Arm­ Mrs. Maxine Smith, local NAACP tenth grade student. ber was first to take the mic . . : ers, was presented by her father late Mr. Sawyer, was presented by LaRita Homemakers Club are shown strong, Jesse Turner, president of executive secretary, Mrs. Alma and presented Mrs. Floyd Campoell an uncle, Mr. Wendell 8awyer . . the Memphis Branch NAACP; Mrs. Morris; president, and Mrs. Julia CITIZENS - OF - THE- YEAR . . . and escorted by Gustallna making the final payment of $100 Tile citizens - of -die -year were who has worked training the girls Heath . . . Miss Forestine Frazier, Mias Norma Marie Lotties, daugh­ on their NAACP Life Membership Ann Falls, treasurer of the club; Pleas. selected Iront the roster of citizens-- for many years. It. was Mr. R. L. ter of Mr. and Airs. Oliver Wil­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi ttf -th-1 month. This signal honor Wynn, Polemarch of the local Frazier, was presented by her fa­ liamson, was presented by Mr. Wil­ Jeanette Graham, Mrs. Dorothy goes to Miss Johnnie Mae Ander- graduate chapter, who presented ther and escorted by Gerald Ter­ liamson and escorted by Charles Moseley, Mrs. Alberta Triplett, Mrs. soi) and Carl Johnson. the placque to the prominent Mem­ rell . . Miss Carolyn Porter, Bowden ... Mas Eva Brlttenum, LaRita Homemakers Club Mildred Hodges. Mrs. Myrtle Craw­ HONOR ROLL - Grade 7 Vir­ phis Matron . . . and a new mem­ daughter of Mrs. Bertha Bell and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erman ford (the Washburn Twins) . . . ginia Coleman mid Karen Greer ber, Mr. James Greene, presented Porter, was presented by her father Mr. Brlttenum, was presented by Mrs. Clara Winston, Mrs. Maggie long stemmed roses to Mrs. Camp­ and escorted by Lonnie Stevenson Mr J. F. Brlttenum and escorted Barrow, Mrs. Gladys McChriston, bell who looked especially stunning ... and Miss Eleanor Hicks, daugh­ bv William Lambert ... and Mias Makes Final Payment On Mrs. Nanilee Banks, Mrs. Molly in a long gray formal. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Hicks, Doris Frank Price, daughter of Long, Mr. ¡LeRoy Vann Johnson, Mr. Campbell also presented was presented by her father and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Price, Sr., was Mr. Janies U. Rhodes, Mr. George Debs of 12 years ago . . . and they escorted by Herbert Boyd. presented , by her father and her NAACP Life Membership were Mrs. Delores Cole Calhan who Banks, Mr. Isaac White, Mr. James Miss Carol Marie Thompson, fos­ escort was Ronald Hooks. presented flowers by little Debra Winston. Mr. Charles Smith and ROY J. McLEMORE ter daughter of Elder Blair T. When the LaRita Homemakers tlon. . . s Chandler, daughter of Mr. and KAPPA MEN Mr. J. Leo Jeffrey, the honoree's Hunt and niece of Miss Harry Mae Club held an elaborate tea and A $25 hatifrom Katie's Millinery Mrs. Howard Chandler (lie a Kap­ Kappa men seen with their wives spouse who can always be found Grade 8 — Carl Johnson. Grade 9— Simons, was presented by an uncle, fashion show April 26 at the’hdine Shoppe was won by George Hol­ pa man) . . . Mrs. Eline Johnson and'dntes during the evening were close by when Mrs. Jeffrey is Johnnie Mae Anderson, Emma Mr. Samuel McAnulty, and escort­ of its president, Mrs. Charlie Mor­ loway, Sr. Dr, John Jordan nar­ Crutcher and Annie Wilburn. Grade Campbell whose flowers were pre­ Mr. R. L. Wynn and the Kappa's around. ed by Cecil Lincoln . . . Miss Fan­ ris, and Mr. Morris, 981 Alaska St., rated the fashion show. 10 — Minnie Cole, Thomas Harris sented by little Donna Osborne, “First Lady" . . . Mr. H. L .Chand­ We are told that Mrs, Jeffrey nie Louise Webb, daughter of Mrs. members made the final payment and Lois Leuellyn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ler. Mr. C. K. Evans, Mr. J Gal­ iwho has a wonderful personality) Some of the guests present were: Edna Webb, was presented by an was gracious and spoke tell­ >f $100 on their NAACP Life Mem­ W. H. Sweet is principal of the Osborne.. Jr. . . . Mrs. Cynthia iev. Mr. Thomas Willis, Mr. Utillus Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Walker, Mr. and uncle, Mr. Elmer Henderson, and bership of $500 and pledged their school. Greene Winfrey who received flow­ Phillips, Jr., Mr. H. B. Hall, Mr. ing her friends so. Mrs. B. Newsome, Mr. and Mrs. h escorted by Eddie Richards ... Miss continued support to the organla- ers from little Clara Jane Sweet, (Fkiyd Campbell, Mr. A. Maceo W. Terry, Mr. and Mrs; Alonzo Mary Louise Savage, daughter of daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' William Walker, Mr. Ernest Aaron. Mrs. MRS. W. F. NABORS IS HOSTESS Wooten, Rev, and Mrs. T, R. Buck­ Mrs. Alla Mae Savage, was pre­ Sweet . . . and Mrs. Barbara Gil­ Thomas Bethel, and Mr D. TO ELITE MEMBERS pioneers at Manassas and many ner, Mr. and Mrs. H, Armstrong, sented by Mr. James Galiev ; . , liam McLemore, presented flowers Atkins,' Mr. W. Collins, Mr. D. have graduated from the school . Mr. and Mrs. R, Cortrick, Mr. and Bridge Club •if Miss Frances Jeanne Mitchell, Mrs. W. F. Nabors was a con­ by little Keltha Bridges, daughter Crawford, Jr„ Mr. Elmer Hender­ .. It Is also significant that his Mrs. Lowe. Mrs. Lena Christian, daughter of Mrs. Chestine Alex­ genial hostess and her pretty south of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Bridges. son, Mr. Donald Jaokson, Mr. M. relatives gave land for the school Mrs. Theresa Mills, JeJsse James ander, was presented by Mr. Palm­ Parkway nome was a perfect spot Mr. Oscar (of the Handy band) James. Mr. H. Latham, Mr. B. L. to be built on . . Dr. Saville, a Mrs. Willie Fossett, Mrs. Doris er Mosby and escorted by Carl for a Spring meeting with pretty was at the organ all evening and Lee. Mr. W. P. Porter. Mr. R. J. native of Little Rock, has made Burkes, Miss Bernice Harris and Reelects Campbell ... and Miss Katheryn vivid colored flowers peeping out during intermission Mr. Harold Roddv, Mr. Wendell Sawyer. Mr. himself muclrTelt in the Memphis Mrs. Henrietta Edwards. Ann Woods, daughter of Mr. and in her back garden and can Brooks who sang .. . stealing much H. K. Sim. Mr: I. Spillers, Mr. community ... and for sure pa­ Mrs. Charles Woods, was presented attention when lie sang San Fran­ Clifford Stockton who stole the be seen easily from a large back trons, teachers and students at Others were Mrs. Callie Payne, by her father and escorted by De- Mrs. Shaw cisco. show during Intermission leading rumpus room, Manassas (as well as many Mem­ James Wells, 'V.C. Dunn. Frank leany Ankton. Payne, Mrs. Louise Brown, Mrs. Ell- the Kappa's Sweetheart Song:. . . Mrs. J. A. Mlckel, vice-president, phians are expecting to attend the JOHNNIE ANDERSON Highlights of the Entre No1« din­ ga Noel, Chester McKenney, Rus­ PRESENTATION Miss Patricia McClellan, daugh­ Mr. L. Stovall, Mr. Jesse Turner, presided in the absence of the Concert Friday evening, May 8 at ner meeting, held last Saturday at ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc­ sell Smith, Robert Carrie, James Mr. Floyd Campbell (who al­ Mr. J. W. Whittaker. Mr. J. Wil­ president, Miss Martell Trigg. The 7:30 in the school auditorium. Ad­ Tony's Inn, was election of officers Pleas, Miss Geneva Bennett, James ways takes the . mike during the Clellan. was presented by her fa­ burn. Mr. J. W. Yarbrough. Mr. meeting was started off with prayer mission will be .50 and .75 at the lor the coming fiscal year. Hostess Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Hard­ presentation! was presented to the ther and escorted by Troy King 0. Yarbrough and Atty, A. W. for the late Mrs. Edith Cox .one door. The concert band. Junior and for this key meeting was Mrs. Car­ ing, Rev. Chos. W. Guy, Miss Ber­ packed house by Mr. Conley. The . : Miss Cheryl Ann Davis, daugh­ Willis, Jr. of the most devoted and oldest senior high vocal groups will per. Porter PTA In rie S. Scott, charter member who ter of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb A. Davis, tha Mitchell and Rev. M; Sexton. party, one of the major social events “Your Colmtinist" was guest of members who passed' three- week- form musical selections front the was reelected treasrer of this pop­ of the season, and the 12th formal was presented by Mr. Curtis Jeans the long table where Mr. and Mrs. ago. "classics to ". Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. ular bridge club. Reelected president < t presentation of the debutante and escorted by Fred' Jones . . . Utillus Phillips, Jr., were hosts . ,. Mrs. W. F. Owen, Director of the. Willie Harding. Tony Phillips, Cal­ was Mrs. Essie Shaw. group, was beautiful . . . Drama Miss Mary Louise Dortch, daugh­ Last Meet Of Year and for sure gracious ones . . . Sarah Brown Branch YWCA, gave MEMPHIANS ATTEND DERBY vin Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Toler, Other elected officers were: Mrs. and vibrant color were keynotes ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dortch, finding Oach guest upon entrance highlights of the YWCA Conven­ DR. AND MRS. LELAND AT­ Miss S. Lockhart, William Thom­ Nedra E. Smith,. vice president;, for the elaborate decorations that was presented by her father and Porter PTA will hold the last in that huge crowd (in the Ball- tion in Cleveland and Mrs. H. KINS joined their uncle and aunt. as, Mrs. M. Chambers, and Mrs. Mrs. Arand W: Taylor, secretary;' centered the huge stage. esvorted by larry McCauley . . . meeting of the school year. Thurs­ troom of the auditorium where Hunnicutt gave the History and Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Gleason In Maxine McCurdy, guest hat model, Mrs. Lillian Wolfe, assistant secre- Debs' mothers sat together on Miss Rosie Beverly Cheatham, day. May 7, at 7:30 P. M. ill the guests switched after the presen­ Story of Greek Myth Games Louisville last week end and were officials of the NAACP present were taiy; Mrs. Helen H. Bowen, business front rows in the middle aisle of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie school cafetorium. tation) . . . Among the other were headed by Mrs. W. F. Owen all house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Maxine Smith mid Jesse H. The agenda will include: manager; Mrs. Ernestine Gray, as­ Music Hall . . . and the beautiful C. Cheatham, was presented by her guests at the Phillips’ table were ...... after which an Ice Course Leslis Perry. Turner. Financial report of the annual sistant business manager; Mrs. Mol­ Mrs. Horace Chandler pinned cor­ father and escorted by Howard their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Util­ was served. Mrs. Janice Jean is the club's tea by Nesby Blanchard. lie bmg, chairman of benevolence; sages on each mother as she was Peters. Ill . . . Miss Häzel Knight, lus Phillips. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Tay­ MRS JOHNETTA KELSO HO- reporter. Reports of the recent state* meet­ Mrs. L. Delores Scott, aergeant-at- ' ' presented to her escort by her fa­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Other members attending the lor Ward, Mrs. Maud Bright, Mr. ing m Knoxville will be given by arms, and Mrs. Frances M. Hassell, ther or by a close relative. Each Knight, was presented by her fa­ April Meeting on Friday were Mrs. ZAY was house guest last week of and Mrs. Fred Garner. Mr. J. A. (¡he' delegates. Mrs. Christine D. reporter. girl walked out and was met by ther and escorted by Harold Hill, T H. Watkins Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hankins at Beauchamp, Mr. and Mrs. Free­ Hill, PTA president, and Mrs. Ro-, her father . made her' bow and Miss Evelyn Simmons, daugh­ Lillian Jones, Mrs. R. L. Flagg and Bridge prizes went to Mrs. Has­ man Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. their new Louisville residence .... berta Young. and was presented to her escort by ter of Mr. and Airs. Joseph Sim­ Mrs George W West.. sell, Mi's. Bowen and Mrs. Tajlor. . Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence for the Deiby. A slate of officers will be pre­ her father. mons. The members were overjoyed with Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ward, sented by the nominating commit­ the presence of Mrs. Clementine/ Pretty' voting debs, who all wore Miss Maudette Brownlee, daugh­ THE MANASSAS HIGH SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs, Willie Ward, and Another Memphis couple whom I tee, Jesse Neely will install offi­ ter of Mrs. G. L. Brownlee and Atkins Ramsey, former Entre Nous '■ long full white formal gowns and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lindsey. BAND AND CHORAL GROUPS saw leaving for the derby was MR. cers. long white gloves . . . were Miss the late Mr. Brownlee, was pre­ WILL PRESENT DR. BYAS AND Seal In House member now making her home In It is almost unfair to name guests and MRS. LEO JBFFRES. Entertainment features of the Laverne Bonner, daughter of Mr. sented by an uncle, Dr. H. C. Har­ I)R. SAVILLE AS MAIN Montclair, N. Y. Mrs. Ramsey and "' at the beautifu ball. . . but among program will consist of excerpts her baby daughter, Patricia Joyce, and Mrs. Harold Douglass, was ris. who came from his home in A letter from my husband, Jame6 the few guests that I managed to ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY NIGHT from the recent band concert by are spending a brief spring vac»1- - presented by her father and escort­ Chicago for the presentation . . . chat with during the evening were The Manassas High School Band A. Hulbert, who is Director of Li­ tlie band and concert choir. tion in Memphis visiting relatives ed by Bennie Criss ... Miss Erdyne and Miss Brownlee was escorted or speak to in the crowd or glimpse and Choral Concert, will feature brary services in East Pakistan An attendance prize will be given and friends. She Is the daughter ' by Ben Petite .... Miss Arenthia Corley, daughter of Mrs. Erdyne through the thick group of friends as its main attraction performanc­ over seven cities and (serving as the homeroom class with the larg­ I/’ath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs. Georgia P. Atkins and the Smith and Mr. William, was pre­ who chatted together were Mr. and es by two outstanding physicians Goodwill Ambassador in a diplo­ est registration of parents. Johnny Leath, was presented by sitter of Mrs. Vasco A. Smith, Jr, - a-i sented by her father and escorted Mrs. Leonard Mitchell, Mr. and of the city, Dr. James S. Byas, matic capicity) was In Karachi, by James Cooper . . . Miss Jac­ her father and escorted bv Ronald Mrs. Booker Casum, Mrs. Turner violinist and Dr. A. F. Saville, jazz West Pakistan where he was at­ Ester.. : .Miss Gloria Knox, daugh­ queline Young, daughter of Mrs. Oates, Mrs. Clinton Ray, Mr. and pianist. Dr. Byas grew up in the tending a meeting), Another letter ter of Mr. and Mrs. Caselle Knox, Dorothy Young Shaw and Mr. Mrs. Sidnev Oates, Mr. and Mrs. North Memphis areas where he from mie of the girls. Marilyn, who Lemmons Young, was presented by was presented by Mr. Eugene Hun­ Wilber Stockton, Dr. F. Frank and other members of Ills family was to join him in New Delhi tln- Mr. Shaw and escorted by James ter and ecorted by Gregorv Hirsch White, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. John­ (Including his late father. Dr. John dias capital) for a sight - seeing , . . Miss Mary Louise Braswell, Elmore ... . and Miss Sandra Eliz­ son and their daughter, Mrs, Aret- Byas have been outstanding citizens tour. abeth Nelson, daughter of Mr. and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe It is of much significance that, Mrs. Wm. Nelson, Sr., was present-1 Braswell, Sr., was presented by her ta Pope . . . Miss Harry Mae Si­ mon, Elder Blair T. Hunt at the many of Dr. Byas' relatives were MRS. T. J. JOHNSON is back father and escorted by Vernon ed by her father and her escort was presentation . . . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hatch ... and Patricia Jeane Tay­ James Henderson. McAnulty and their young daugh­ of Mr. and Mrs., Miss Berlon Fave Goodloe, lor, daughter ter, Miss Samoni MfeAnulty, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel James Taylor, whose escort was student at Fisk University who —Goodloe, Sr., was presented by her Julius Guy. Jr. came home for her young cousin's father and escorted by Larry Cox Miss Pearl Carolyn Parker, WEEKEND presentation ... Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ... Miss Lana Valerie Walls, daugh­ Floyd Newman, Mr. and Mrs, Ma­ B. Parker, was presented by her ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Walls, ceo Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert father and her escort was . Joe was presented by her father and Lewis, Jr., and Dr. and Mrs, W. escorted bv Azell Smith . . . Miss Sandridge, Jr. . . Miss Wandra O. Speight, Jr. Faye P. Morris, daughter of Mr. Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Ish, Jr., and Mrs. Hugh Morris, was pre­ Jerry C. Johnson, was escorted by U.S. NO. 1 RED - 10 LB. BAG sented by her father and escorted her father .and her escort was Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold, Jr„. ■Mrs. R. S. 'Lewis, Sr., Mrs. Marie by Clifton S. Tucker . . . Miss Charles Diggs . . . Miss Pamela ATTY. 1). J. SMITH JR. Jeweldlne Cain, daughter of Mr. Caldwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mams, Miss Mattie Bell, Mrs. Lonnie Briscoe. Mrs. Zack High­ D. J. (Jack) Smith, 26 - year- and Mrs. George Can, was pre­ A. Caldwell, was presented by her tower, Mrs. James Byas and her 29= old attorney and civic worker, will father and escorted bv Fred Jor­ POTATOES sented by her father and escorted seek tlie Democratic nomination for dan. in . . . Miss Velma Marie young daughter, Mae Olivia ... Dr. bv Billy Nesbitt ... and Miss Ida SRLOIN or ROUND the District 8 seat of Shelby Coun­ Rodgers, daughter of. Bishop and and Mrs. Alfonza Saville and their Strong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ty in the Tennessee House of Re­ James H. Strong, was presented by Mrs. E. W. Rodgers, was presented young daughters ... Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sand ridge. Mrs. Louise Sand­ presentatives. her father and her escort was Otis by Mr. Readus Smith and escorted ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Huber Sand-, Sangster. by George Warr . . . Miss Carolyn This seat was formerly held by Deener, daughter of Mr. and Mis. ridge , and their pretty voting girls STEAKS a 59= Atty. Charles H. O'Brien, an an­ Miss Ora Lee Douglass, daughter YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT HOGUE & KNOTT STORES of Mrs. Zona Lee -Douglass, was Taft Buller, was presented by Mr. ... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jamison, nounced candidate for Lie State Mr. and Mrs: Anderson Bridges, presented by Mr. Leonard Jones B. T. Deener and escorted by Senate. Mrs. Horace Chandler, Mr. and FRESH CUT-UP TRAY PACK and eecoted by John Delk . . . Miss Lawrence Walton . . . and Miss Pa­ Mr. Smith received his law de­ Mrs. Jack Humes. Mrs. Thomas Vertis Worsham, daughter of Mr. tricia Ann Allen, daughter of Mr. gree from Harvard and . is a mem­ Bethel and her brother, Mr. Harold and Mrs. Robert Worsham, was and Mrs. John F. Allen, was pre­ ber of die law firm of Cannon, Strong. Band Director at Arkansas presented bv her father and es­ sented by her father'and escorted Alexander & Luck. State .-.. and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor corted by Clifton Dates . . . -Miss by Maurice Metcalf. FRYERS 17- He is on the board of directors Elizabeth Ann Saunders, daughter Miss Judith Carol Martin, daugh­ Hayes. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CUT-UP FRYERS of Front Street Theatre and at­ of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sanders, ter of the" Reverend and Mrs. F. tends Second Presbyterian’ Church. MRS. VALERY A WALLACE PALMOLIVE-REG. 12c SIZE BAR was presented bv her father and M. Martin of St. Andrew Church, JEFFREY IS COMPLIMENTED her escort, was John Arnold, III... was presented by her father and home after two weeks in Chicago BY THE SANCTUARY CHOIR Miss Carolyn Brent, daughter of escorted by Gerald Greene . . . with a sister, Mrs. Clemetlne Ir­ OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SOAP b» 5c vin .. . Going up with Mrs. John­ The Sanctuary Choir, of First YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT HOGUE & KNOTT STORES son was another sister. Mrs. Arti- Baptist Church (Lauderdale) and mese Garrett of Vicksburg. Rev. H. C. Nabrit.. pastor of the FRESH GRADE "A" MEDIUM - ALL WHITE ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION TO church, honored Mrs. Valerva Wal­ MEMPHIANS were thrilled to see lace Jeffrey at a blrthdav party popular MRS. CLEMETINE AT­ Tuesday night after choir rehears­ KINS RAMSEY and her 7 month al .. . for her long and untiring Doz. 27c old baby. Clem (as she is known service as organist. There were EGGS by her close friends) was here for INFERTILE - NOT COLD STORAGE MEMPHIS WORLD many beautiful gifts, cards and ex­ a month, with her mother, Mrs. pressions from those who showed No Stamps, Just Low Discount Prices Georgia Atkins .... and with a' gratitude to Mrs. Jeffrey who serv­ brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and■ For One Year (52 Issuesj ed along with her late sister, Miss Mrs. Vasco Smith and a brother Elizabeth Wallace, who was also and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe I enclose $4.00 remittance gifted in music. Atkins. Among the manv members of the HOGUE & KNOTT choir and close friends attending THE BEAUTICIANS are invit­ were Airs.- Lula B. Smith, Minister ing you and your friend to the Name...... 5 ... • of Music . . . Mrs. Vernfce ,8. Na­ STORES Branch YWCA May 17th from 2 Street Address...... • brlt, Pianist . . . Mr, Charles 973 S. THIRD 1578 LAMAR 3511 PARK to 4 for a Show of Fashions. Graham, Director ... Mr. Leonard ' 1378 MO. HOLLYWOOD AND 4321 SUMMER City...... Zone.... J. Small, Asst. Director . . . Mrs. Hazel Gurley, Mrs. Naomi Green­ HOGUE & KNOTT GUARANTEE: That you will not bo forced If a man empties his purse in­ State ...... ■ • • ...... lee, Mrs. Mabel Hudson. Mrs. to buy $5.00 worth of high price merchandise to get one to'his head'no one can take it Louise Payne, Mrs. Velma Busch, low price special. from him, I ------Mrs. Margaret ’M. Goodlow, Mrs. 4 —Benjamin Franklin. No Negroes In •"< (Continued from Page One) NW WEEKLY Incumbent Cliff Davis by a mere 1200 votes. Political observers claim Lee kept his followers from the polls, helping to defeat James. SERMON This could happen again. •r iPBWUUd by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING 00. Tracks Hit 1« BEV. BIAIR T. HUNT, Even SATURDAY at 54« REALE » Ph- J*. • (Continued from Page One) Member of SCOTI NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE PASTOR, W. A. Beott, II, Founder; C. A. 8c

DEPUTY PROTOCOL CHIEF— Chester C. Carter, 43, Los Mother Charges Angeles, is the new U.S. Herbert Hill deputy chief of protocol In Washington, D.C. A former Peace Corps official, he re­ Man Abducted Her Files Complaints cently has been deputy as­ sistant, secretary of State for congressional relations. And Two Sons With LBJ Unit MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. - A Ne­ gro mother of two teen-age boys, WASHINGTON. D. C. - Four with the aid of an official of the major industrial f.rms, two labor Negro Named NAACP, has sworn out a warrant unions and one Federal agency lire for the firrest of a white man who, charged with discriminatory em­ she charged, abducted her and her ployment practices in a series of Deputy Chief sons. complaints filed here witli tlie Pres­ The mother asserts that the man ident's .Committee on Equid Em­ stopped the car in which she and ployment Opportunity by tlie Na­ her sons were riding and took them tional Association for the Advance­ Of Protocol to his home where he asked his ment of Colored People. wife if the two boys were the ones Named in .lie complaints filed WASHINGTON - (NNPA) - who had allegedly whistled at her. April 30 by Herbert Hill, the As­ Chester C. Carter, 43, of Los An The man’s wife reportedly said they sociation's labor secretary, are the geles, has been appointed Deputy were not. General Mdbrs Corporation; the Chief of Protocol for tile State De Leon Cox, executive secretary of American Viscose Corporation, partment. the Atlanta NAACP branch, who Owens Illinois Forest products Journeyed here to assist the mo- Company, Goodyear Tire and Rub­ ber Company, Textile Workers Un­ As the first of his race to serve ther, declined to Identify her or in this sensitive capacity, Carter for fear that either might ion, AFL-CIO, and the Internation­ will work under the direction of be subjected to harassment. al Brotherhood of Puli), Sulphite Angier Biddle Duke, U. S. Chief of The man was released on bond, and Paper Mill Workers Union, GRAND LADY OF BEAUTY CULTURE-Dr. Marjorie Tom Palmer, Los Angeles regional office, The Protocol. He succeeds James E. Mr. Cox, said, pending a hearing AFL-CIO, and tlie Genera] Services S. Joyner, center standing, Chicago civic leader Coca-Cola Company, looks on. Seated is Mr». Administration. Bowers, who lias been shifted to by the gmnd jury which meets in The complaints tiled against tlie and beauty culture educator, was honored for Mollie Henderson, Dayton, Ohio. The Coca-Colc an overseas assignment. July in this rural community 130 General Motors Corporation in­ her long-time service to the United Beauty Company was donor of the appreciation plaque Before his appointment, Mr. Car­ miles south of Atlanta. volved tlie Harrison Radiator Di­ ter was Deputy Assistant Secretary School Owners and Teachers Association dur­ received by Mrs, Joyner, who is coordinator vision in Buffalo and the Chevro­ of State tor Congressional . Rela­ ing the organization's convention held at the of the organization of beauty culture adminis­ GEORGIAN INSTRUCTS WEST AFRICAN CLASS - Peace Corpsman let Division in Tonawanda, New tions. He has served as Deputy Savannah "Crash" Rufus Stevenson of Newnan, Georgia, gives final instruction to York. Negro complainants charged Denver-Hilton Hotel, Denver, Colorado. Award trators and educators. Peace Corps Representative in Ethi­ Drive Nets 1,013 that on March 23 and again on was presented bv Mrs. Juanita White, Denver, as opia and director of Peace Corps his class before administering a quiz. April 6, Negro women were turned activities in Tunisia and the Cam.- New Vote Registrants away from the personnel of eroons. SAVANNAH, C.a. - one - day Hit Genera) Motors' Harrison Rad­ Carter is a native of Emporia, "crash” voter registration push that iator Division by plant guards. They Kans., and maintains a •permanent Mobile Said To netted 1,013 new Negro voters on Georgia Peace Corpsman were not permitted to file applica­ James E. Queen Promoted residence in Los Angeles. He was the ballot rolls, was termed "highly tions but white women were in­ graduated from the University of successful" by W. C. patton, NAA terviewed and hired. Southern California witn a B. A. CP field secretary for registration Top Deep South degree in 1950. Subsequently, he mid voting. Enjoys W. Africa Post At tlie General Motors' Chevrolet By Eastern Esso Region received his master's degree from Success of the effort was attri­ Division in Tonawanda,.Negro work, USC <1953) and his I,. L. B. de­ buted to the resentment of Negroes FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE, West Africa - Georgia's Rufus eis charged that they were denied fleer of the Elks, serving tlie Grand Lodge us ussbtant public relations gree from Loyola Law School in to publicized reports that the white Stevenson, Morehouse College, 1962, has just completed his Peace promotional right’, aiid that white In Desegregalion Los Angeles U958>. people of Savannah felt Negroes workers with less seniority were up­ director. He is a member of the were pushing tod hard and too Corps vacation and is bock teaching "moths" (as it is called) in graded into more desirable mid MOBILE, Ala -(ANPi-ln a_pvi- Urban League and treasurer of the The appointee served In the U. fast. the Sierra leone Grammar (Secondary) School. Recently, the white ’higher paying job clii.ssifi.nilons. liinnarv report from records of t ic New York Chapter of tlie Nalional S. Army in World World II, from civil rights groups lie represents ns Association of Market Developers, Mr. Pntton said that the one- modernly designed cement walled school building, overlooking Filing of the complaint will) tlie 1942 to 1946, and in Japan and director of case work. J I. I eFlore, In ills last assignment. Mr. Queen day effort, which was under the the rolling waves of the Atlantic Ocean, is repoited Io be the old­ President's committee came on the Korea during the Korean conflict; on behalf of the Citizens' Com­ was a fuel oil sd?s representative direction of Mrs. Mercedes Wright, eve of a massive protest demon- from 1950 to. 1952. est secondary school in Tropical West Africa. mittee and tlie Alabama Confer­ in Humble’s District was just one phase of a lampaign 'tniticn al tlie gates of General Following his return to civilian ence for So"lul Justice, and as con­ for about two yeirs after joining which has been in progress since Twenty - two year old Stevenson Sierra Leoneans, Europeans mid Motor’s huge plant in Detroit sche­ life, Carter was employed bv the sultant to the Non-Partisan Voter- t’ie company In February. 19"1. ho March. has served here as a teacher a lit? Americans• wlm Ic.iiuie i-.mtiiijs duled far Monday, May 4. Ollier Veterans Administration, initially I,eiigue, made public-this week n served briefly as u sales i.r»inre lie more than a year, and says, "1 and special theme music. ilenuinsir.itIons pr.ilisling (lie mot­ as Assistant District Director of the The NAACP aide indicated that number of rcenl achievements !n mid junior salesman Humble Is the really fell in lcve with the country. Oft duty, lie frequently wears or corporation's discriminatory ' Bureau of Public Assistance for the similar "crash’ efforts are being Mi bile, "unsurpassed elsewhere tn chief Unite i Blates affiliate of I think it’s tiie most beautiful place traditional Nigerian dress. practices will be held in some fill •County of Los Angeles. planned for other Southern cities. tills part of the Deep Sotil i.” to­ Standard Oil Company iNew ejr- in West Africa. Its beaches and '■One thing 1 like about my work (¡ties across tlie country. Prior to joining the Peace Corps, Other Georgia voter registration ward goals of‘ first class (it.lzen- mountains offer some wonderful week is that Friday nights, Satur­ scy). he was employed from 1956 to 1961 campaigns are presently under way tliip by the Negro people. by the Superior Court of Los An­ in Athens, Brunswick, Augusta, scenery." ■ days and Sundays belong to me. A former irib’ie le' itlons; repre- Friday nights, I usually see tlie tri­ More Cities Added In geles as a court officer in the Pro­ Rome and Decatur. The one in His school (equivalent to U. S. If- listed desegregation of t'ie ■entatlve of t)ie; Rhilmldphla. Urban bation Department and then as a Decatur iiad added more than 2,- high schools) includes first lurm ple feature movies; Saturdays 1 go NAACP TV Spectacular city buses, public schools, pub’le League, Mr Queen was an Infan­ juvenile traffic hearing officer for 500 new voters as of April 17, Mr. (same as U. S. eighth grade) dancing and partying and Sundays, 'Ibrnrle!.. nil lerminiil waitin’’ room try lle ileniint during the Korean to lite beach." the Juvenile Division. He also serv­ Patton declared. through sixtli form (matching our NEW YORK. ■ Boston. Pitts- and restaurants or lunch counters War mid served about 18 months in freshman College). 11 hits un enroll­ l»ir(jh III!',I Wa liiil.J'ill. I) (!., ll'.iVc ed as a leoturw for tlie Los An­ "You really have to discipline several variety and. drug st'”- Korea mid Jauiin He won the God bless America for a sense Joined tlie 'growing list' of cities lundi counters, thb mmifdprtl ¡ifi'f geles Board of Education from 1959 ment of over 650 students (boys) yourse.f on parties " lie continued. Bronze Filar with b.ak leaf Cluster instructed by 30 teachers -- five of course, riiintv court house faclll to 1962. of humor. If not, you'll bi’ going almost every wh'i’li will present (lie NAACP fur braverv In c"inbat. He is a cap. -Will Rogers them Peace Corps Volunteers. This night," which will present the NAACP ties, and limited desegregation JAMES E. QUEEN tain In tlie United States Army is probably the: largest single num­ "Freedom ■ F’ e-taculnr" closed cir­ seme other nubile facilities and a" NEW YORK - James E. Qiiecn Reserve. ber of Peace Corps Volunteers in GIVES PARTIES cuit TV program on Thursday, com modulions. Leaving lite A.rrnv In 1954. he a Sierra Leonean school. He teaches May 14 ins been promoted by tlie Earterii was a field representative for three T'Flore also said that ortaniz’’ 30 hours a week in tlie modernly Occasionally, lie gives parties in Tlie two-hour program, In ob­ 'sso Region of Hmiilile Oil and Re- years for Jolm-on Publishing CXim- lions whirh lie represents sponso" equipped classrooms where the stu­ his cottage tor his students. "I like servance of the lOtli anniversary of ning Comoenv and Joins the head- puny, publishers of Jet and Ebony. Discrimination Found rd Vivian M done, honor ■’t'lden' dents are uniformly dressed in blue to entertain," lie said. the U S. Supreme Court decision •uarters staff of the region In ! de became an Urban League staff “The Sierra Leoneans visit us and the only Negro at the Univer­ shorts and white shirt. on school segregation, will be seen New York to work in the combined ¡member in 1957 and. nenly,four often. They are great visitors and sity of Alabama, and are now af- DESIRE TO LEARN in approxlnnte'y 50 cities through­ 'reas of commuiiity. customer and years later, moved to Humble and they sometimes have meals witli us. forditir guidance to another vou" The Volunteers are well liked by out tlie country.. ■dueational relations, its Faso’sales organization In Phila­ On occasions lie’s Invited into their lady who may seek admission t( He moves to ills’nev job from a the'students and show mi extreme Tlie NAACP seeks to raise $1? delphia. Harmful To All Races desire to learn all they can. The homes for meals. "They do ■ very the university at an early date. •inrketlng assignment in Philadel­ OCO.OOO tn carry on tlie fight for A native of Parkersburg, W. Va., little inviting to nidals," he. said students also follow many ’state­ civil rights throuvh ticket sales to phia. Mr. Queen studied Engli-h and psy- WASHINGTON -.LUPI) - Dr. fidence. cheerfully. He d’sclosed that more tii'm m' side’ patterns of behavior. “Teach­ the star-studded show. new jobs hive been owned to Ne­ choloev whi'e In the service. He al­ Benjamin Spock, the famed baby Once this Is gone, Dr. Spock said ing them is a real joy," Steevnson Since Wendell P. Alston retired “I guess I'in exceptional" he de­ groes during thé pad tvo years so attended St. Joseph’s College, expert, said Saturday that discrimi­ 'the Negro develops “low expecta. said. ust year more than 33 years with clared. 1 don't have any problems semi-skilled and skilled capacities Temple University and the Wharton nation is harmful to children of tions” for himself, his family,- his Although school is only a fifteen Tt’.inble and a predecessor com­ at all." This was confirmed by his in heavy indtisfrv tuta federal cm- S’liooi of tlie University of Penn­ both races even when the infants friends, and his race. minute walk from Stevenson's home, pany, Esso Standard Oil. Mr. Queen co - Peace Corps Volunteer and n'ovment throu«»h efforts nf the sylvania. specializing in communi­ still are in diapers. he usually gels a ride with one of lias spent most of his time In New As for the white child, the most housemate. Kevin Lawther of West­ citizens Committee, • the Confer­ cations, sociology and publid rela- the Sierra Leonean teachers. Yci'k assisting witli various pro­ obvious effect of discrimination is port, Connecticut, who teaches at ence for Foel'i.) Justice and tlie liuns. ,-‘.5 t Attacking discrimination as harm­ Many Saturdays, the young Geor­ jects in line with his new appoint­ hate. .he same school. Non-Partisan 'Votes league. There He is married to the former Miss ful to both the white and Negro gian visits the local school for the ment in t'ie regional Public Re­ Rufus’ first experience with Af­ jobs developed primarily at the Edmona Mayo of Cumberland, Va. child, Dr. Spock said the effects When the white child is "taught blind, taking his record player and lations Department. rican food, lie remembers, was with Aluminum Crmoanv plant here ’1 hey met while lie was at Fort Lee of the problem range from creat­ that Negroes are dirty or diseased records. Last year he 'taught many fufu, a popular dish made from end the Alabama Dry Do"k and On many matter’, such os deiler mid she wns finishing her college ing a sense of fear in the white . they , are really being taught of them to dance, and the chil­ cassava. "I was really embarrassed." Shfnhuilding Company. The jnter- recruitment and promotion of fair studies at Virginia State College child to a sense of inferority in that, they must be afraid" of Ne­ dren like to sing their songs to "I got that ball of food in my ■ nHionnl ■Pan"r and Sco’t Paner emloyment and enlightened cus­ nt Petersburg and were married the Negro youngsters. groes. ThiB kind of fear produces him. / mouth r.nd didn’t know what to Comnanles, and Scuthen Bell Te’„- tomer-relations po’lcics he will al­ When he returned from Korea, hate, said Dr. Spock whose book, His background of choral singing At the "very start of his life, io with it," Ito said. laughing. "Il phone. and TcteTrenh Comnativ, so act as a consultant to the Esso They have a daughter. Sheree ' "Tlie Common Sense Book of Baby in Morehouse College’s quartet and tlie Negro child becomes prejudic­ Happened al a party. Everybody were listed as being under federal marketing organization. He joins I,'"m ”, end a son, James, Jr., 3, and Child Care" has sold more than Glee Club, and membership in the ed aeainst himself by accepting understood, and iiad sympathy for rerntlnv nmv as a rsuit of fnves- Junies S. Avery in these activities. .and live at 4914 Locus Street, Atlanta - Morehouse - Spelman the white man’s prejudice against 16 million copies. me." Now lie eats most of tlie local tuofin”s ronriirted bv him with Mr. Avery has been assigned to Chorus comes in great line. He 1-bitadelphia. him,” Dr. Spock said. foods. , , re^rd to lob biqs and segrcTation; the Esso regional «headquarters on a str'ctly non-professional — In a. speech to a church assemb­ sings with a group composed of Conn. Exchange Club For vacation, the Newman Geor­ Letaore sMd liant Mobile has 14 since 1956. Insls Mr. Queen is it writer of ly on civil rights. Dr. Spock said gia native, spent a month visiting c'tv bus drivers. 26 nollee nfrlcors. Mr. Queen, 31. is a national of- lyrics and music who has had one this acceptance triggers a chain Clings To Bias Clause Ivory Coast and Nigeria Peace Corps Includin'’ two defectives, four f1- sonz recorded among several he reaction that fuins Negro self con- Volunteers and swing, these'coun­ n>s'e Rehml traffic officers.’ two has done alone or with a. colia- mnin factors to bring , a lasting DANBURY, Conn. — Members of tries. ■ . fir« st"tions manned bv colored r. Gulf and checs are other College Fund Gels on our side, wl'l be I wo of the the loca. branch of the National As­ A Peace Corps representative's fii'fftvbtcrs irrelndlne cantatas, and result Im our fight for freedom. hobbies. NAACP Painting sociation for the Advancement of talk al Morehouse on Peace’ Corps- that the (’heriffs denartment ins j Colored Peoople were (out in force ervico to be rendered and oppor- .two Nc"i-n dnnnttes "nd one fc- again last week picketing a meet-, Grant From Maylag unitids offered moused his inter­ ma’e réhool traffic officer. hclie”rd Al World’s Fair ing of the "lily - white" Exchange est but. Stevenson whs So hesitant, tn .be the only one in'Alabama. He NEWTON, Iowa — The United JACKSON STATE SPEAKER - “I’m delighted with the way Artra NEW YORK - "Our New Day Club of Danbury. , ■ he said it took him almost three Dr William H. Dennis, Jr., Presi­ e'sn said that Nft’rees hold dlen’. Begun,” the NAACP’s panoramic Negro College Fund, which assist’ reeks to fill out his Questionnaire. dent of Albany State College, Al­ fled rosltlens wi'lt the juvenile mural depicting the history of the The local chapter of the busi­ 32 colleges in the United States keeps my skin radiantly bright.,, "I have no regrets on my decision, bany. Ga., will deliver tlie Com­ co”rt and iwe'f’re pren-v. Negro In America, has been insured ness and professional men's group has been awarded a $3,M0 grant ’ither," lie admitted. mencement Address gt Jackson At 'eact one downtown .hotel and lor $50,000 and put on exhibit at continues to refuse to drop the from tlie Maytag Company Founda­ He hopes to enter Boston Univer­ State College Monday, May 25. one or two motels accept Negroes • •ays Miss Dee Simmons, model and winner of the New York World’s Fair. "white only" clause in its constitu- tion, Inc., it was announced by ity for additional rtudv after his as guests. The mural, painted by James I ticn after first agreeing to do so, Robert E. Vance, foundation presi­ .our here. "Then." he said. "I may He said that whites and N^’rors the "Miss Empire State of 1962" title. DeLoache, has been set up in the said Frederick Adams, NAACP dent. each for a while. flict between the two governments who have the best Interests of heir ¡Educational Building under the branch president. The national or­ This marks the 12th consecutive results from the raids by the community nt twirl «■ertalntv wnnM In conclusion, he camo up with, Take a lip from a sponsorship of a private group call­ ganization of the Excnange Club re­ year the Negro college fund lia> I guess my biggest problem. here Shifta bandits from Somali into he proud of the fart, that "at :io ed the African Heritage Exposition. vised its constitution in 1961. been the recipient of a Maytaj I ( tryltiv to keep from falling in the north-eastern section of Ken- time so far, has It bein necessary lovely Artra user~make foundation grant I dropped all my strong lies .tar ns tn seriously consider :unnns your skin come alive- Announced simultaneously were .it home, in my junior and senior ol'rer (han ti’e conférence tah’e grants to the National Fund for college years.” nètltionc and the courts, to realize look lighter, brighter. Medical Education, the Iowa Col­ FOR REAL I HTrr — NATURAL EFFECT Uli I..Q j o-r indns " He did not. however tTry Artra caret lege Foundation and the National ri''e nut direct artloii, "if necessary Fund for Graduate Nursing . Edu­ DIPLOMAT«! BREAK SHORT HAIR STYLE end tn evens where believed 'ea'- contains"miracle" cation. Sole financial support of MOGAD1SCO - (ANP) - The , T» bl ihoAii in'Medaln new i,^lf »T/It"diatU ihte.” hut at the. same tape r itd ' / lightening ingredient the Maytag foundation is the May­ Somali goverment has been asked that ours Is a government of taw Hydroquinone to bring tag company, laundry applicance by the Kei ya government to recta, and that the courts and tlie ’aw manufacturer. its ambassador, it Was Icarnid here out a glowing last week The relations between, loveliness. Use Artra th" two governments, considerably .trained sinon last Noyemncr, has UPSET anytime-non-oily, WIG GLAMOUR ted Kenya to break off diplomatic it vanishes. relations with Somalia.. The con- Rilleve tortured ikln .'. . tut. . . Get Artra today! High »¡th the proven etfectivenen of In- ternitloneliy-fimoui "Skin Succeii" ■ Fashion DON'TBE Ointmint. Thli Oependdbie medica­ tion lnduc*i tut, hltssed relief Style from the itching agonies ol pimples, rishei, eczema, tetter and meny Makes You other forms of upset skin. While If eklnny, thia and under­ eleven Importent Iniredlents, skill­ Look More weight because of poor ap­ petite or poor eating habit* fully compounded, work fast to re­ Beautiful take WiU-On. It’d rich >a MEDALO lieve itching misery, upset skin can weight building calorlea heal aven much faster, halmar's Than Ever plus vitamins, nuni ralg end. i body building nutrient*.' the SHORTY - $35. "Ski* laceen" Olatnieat, reason­ ONLY... Hoepitil tested. Fast gain* ably priced at 44C of weight of up to impound« For Real—Natural Ert.-rt A i.. w. vett.'I’c I reported. No overeating, ahort ball full ri>p wig, Set log-'iy, *.*» LOVELIER COMPLEXION He'ps make buitllne, lei», can curl it, fllil! I(di ipa>A i- iiud. Rhi.iM HEAD TO TOE PROTECTION ’6LS 5* arm*, cheeks, tlUout.Mpf any bt\lu that Mills vour luiuj v |tl ti.n- BE ATTRACTIVE TO MEN-Get latest put flesh on skinny figure* die Hiid flattorki^. tm«*s in .li't The active foamy medication of "Skin Fashion Wig-Celanese act'kite look!, like Rial L all over oody the came way. Blacr., Off Black. lho>n Jitd Dark Brown Succeii" Soap protects your loveli­ Hair.. .soft and Io ely. Come in Shinies; Black, ¡5» Help* fight fatigue, low Brice 135—Stall ihade a nudl umidf nsitich Artra Cosmetic! Off-Black, Brown, Auburn, Blond oi Mixed Grev. rMliUnee, •l*«pl**ineai due to unde» weight'con- gUanda.^ ness 3 ways. 1. Beiuly-tanefits your dTtion" If underweight li due to diaeaae, ¿4 your Kenilworth. N.J. SEND NO MONEY -Jii«t send your ntfiiu and skin to reveal • more radiant com- ■ i your address. Stateshadc. Pay postman |6.W plua doctor about the value of W*t*-On for you. Sat* Gold Medal Hair Prod., Inc. pleiion. 2. Gives long lasting deodor­ postage on delivery. Hurry while the supply lasts. Ufaction from the firat trial or return where pur* ehwed for refund. At dragglet* everywhere. Dept. S-3, Bldyn 35, N.Y. ant protection. 3. Stops the spread Walt-On Emultlon, pint . . .»1.00 of germs that often cause pimples ? VALMOR HAIR STYLES, W*t*-OnT*bl*t*,(»«l .... 3.00 and blemishes. Be sweeter, fresher, f tfkv ranplit* ItiutnUA Cataloe of Medal* Dept. M153, 2451 So. Michigan Ave H*w luptr WaU-On. 10 oi. , ».»•>. nicer to be, near. MlMtF'S "SUN / Bair Btytn, W1|1. Hall capi and aUachmenta Chicago 16 | --»end name and addraaa, U'l jonn EHUl SUCCESS” SOAP, reasonably priced / WATE-ON ' Mi riquuU Jut writ«.


’ ■* f INSURANCE COMPANY Memphis District No.1 :368 Beale Street ’ Mr. James Isabel ...... Manager Mr. Velton Rogers...... Supervisor Mr. Lenal Anderson ...... Supervisor Mr. Albert Simmons ... Supervisor Mr. Ernest Riley ...... Supervisor Mrs. Catherine Stone ...... Clerk Mrs. Maxine Brown ...... Clerk AGENTS: ' ' i • Mrs. M. D. Bradley Mr. T. Hamilton Mr. A. J. Sims Miss L. Brown Mr. B. Lanier Mrs. E. Shelby Mr. R. Baird Mr. L. H. Matlock Mr. Fred D. Wilson Mr. A. Baskerville Mr. J. N. Franklin Mr. E. J. Jackson Mrs. A. Collins Mr. William Provall Mr. R. L. Harris Mr. G. Curry Mrs. W. M. Relford Mr. Calvin Graham

East Memphis District: 2364 Park < Mr. James Cain, Jr...... Manager Mr. Alvin King...... Supervisor Mr. Leandra Jones ...... Supervisor Mrs. Sophia Roberts .... Clerk Mrs. E. C. Simpkins ...... Clerk AGENTS: Mr. J. R. Ruffin Mrs. B. Howard Mrs. JF. Smith Mrs. Q. E. Hopkins Mrs. E. Thomas Mrs.'G, Payne Mr. H. Poindexter Mr. C. Butler Mr. J. I. Taylor 1 • North Memphis District: 2167 Chelsea Mr. Charles Cooperwood...... Manager Mr. Clarence Greer Supervisor Mrs. Oletta Roberson ...... Clerk AGENTS: Mr. L. H. Young Mr. L. Turner Mr. C. Williams Mr. P. Gill Mr. M. Wallace Mr. J. Williams North Carolina 571 Vance Ave. NO HOME COMPLETE WITHOUT NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL POLICIES MEMPHIS DISTRICT ROSTER LONNIE CHARLES WALKER, MANAGER DISTRICT ROSTER STAFF MANAGERS CLERKS: CASHIER: C.F. Morris Miss S. T. Harris Miss E. M. Pierce M. S. Romby Mrs. Dorothy Hart RETIRED P.T. ORDINARY: J. E. Childers (Part Time J. H. Roland Melvin Robinson t. B. Green AGENTS: Earl E. Brown Herbert H, Brown Lee Edward Branch . Melvin D. Adams ' Andrew Randolph Mrs. Drudllo.Hayden Cuba S. Johnson Robert C. Johnson L. D. Wortham James Wadley A. L. Thompson Elie Jones Mrs. Mazie V. Gentry Mrs. Arvelia Collins Joseph C. Mason Manzo Allen Wendell Cowan Richard Harrell Gilbert H. Ashford Curtis Garrison Albert Finch Nathan R. Webster Mrs. Alma Foster Emmitt Ford Clarence Taylor James V. Bradley Howard Horton

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“"r W4..„ i—’ FOUR RECORDS SMASHED DURING Bill Little Is LeMoyne's ! . ’ 'ii; »LV* tNsn WOHKItS Athletic Banquet Speaker WHERE MONEY GROWS BY SAM BROWN TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE, Ala. - Baion-paweri from Southern LeMoyne's annual athletic ban­ Mr.. Little officiates football and ON TREES ■ University, Baton Rouge, la., swept all of the relays here May 2, quet Is scheduled for Friday night. basketball. He Is sports editor of ! ; > More than $1,000,000 in to completely dominate the 38th annual Tuskagea Relays, hlld May 15, starting at 8 in the oollege the Trl-State Defender, a member cosh can be seen on an Commons. of St. Augustine Catholic Church ■>*€ I international money tree al in historic Alumni bowl. Speaker will be William 0. Little, I and is affiliated with Omega Psi the New York World's Fair. a 1867 graduate of LeMoyne who Phi fraternity and tire Loafers. Although a driving rain made the The Booker T. Washington High The "foliage" consists of Is basketball arid football coach at gp weather anything but appropriate, School splkestera, from Atlanta, dollar», foreign currency Douglass High School. Mr. Brown is an officer of Cen­ more than 350 cinder stars from Ga„ walked off with top lauftla ond traveler» cheques. Toastmaster for the evening will tenary Methodist Church, a .sports colleges and high schools in Ala­ in three of the high relays Sunday May 10 will be the of- f X .'4:,. . for the Golden Wildcats. Smith won be Samuel R. Brown, an alumnus writer for the Commercial Appeal bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, - the sprint medley, le-mile Icial Opening Day for the Semi- t the broaa Jump and the high jump of LeMoyne, government employee and was affiliated for many years Mississippi, South Carolina and and two - mile. ' To League, and will be the be- j Charles L. Harper, also of Alla» in pacing his mates. and sports editor of the Memphis with the now defunct Memphis Texas, competed in the, two - day inning of the eleventh year of V. We also, congratulate Claude World. Red Sox baseball team. > . i sports carnival. ta, won the 440 * yard relay and he league’« operation. It will also. Humphrey; of Lester for his fine Southern’s history . making clean Western • Olin High School, of e the Opening Day for a new performancei in the Region Meet in This money tree stands in sweep of all of the relays Included Birmingham, Ala., came home fl|»v aseball organization known as the thei Shot Put, but this was nothing front of lhe American Ex­ tile 446, 880, sprint medley, one - in the 880- yard relay. lunicipal League, a new circuit : 111 new to the over 200 senior football press pavilion, just inside mile and two - mile, and the tal­ E. Middleton, of Howard High omposed of former members and Magician Track Report On players, who have been overshad­ the main entrance Io the ent - laden Jaguars won the beaut­ School, Ocala, Fla., hit the tape In few newcomers, of the semi - >■. '•j owing the opposition all the year. Fair. In this building peo­ iful Allen W. Gambrell Memorial 10.1 to capture the 100 - yard dqsh To League. for high school boys, There are several others who ple from all over the world Trophy, awarded annually to the True the Semi - Pro League has winners of the two - mile relay. were standouts In the Region Squad To Atlanta YW Confab buy traveler's cheques COLLEGE SUMMARY arried on.for these past ten years VA'A Carrying the baton in the two - Meet who will be going to Nash­ ond cash personal checks. ONE MILE RUN1. David nd has provided to a large extent ville for the State Meet at the Ten­ Members of the Memphis Young mile relay were Henry Brown, Leon Walker (Morehouse); 2. Bob Gatlin Information on New York he only baseball for Bluff City LeMoyne's track squad, led by Women's Christian Association, on Halford, Gilbert Williams and Dar­ Southern); 3. Ezra Ware 11th SL nessee A. A I. State University hotels and travel informa­ ans. For some reason not clear to Stadium. We congratulated each of the 440-yard specialist, Milton lheir return home April 20, reported row Dodson, High School); 4. Abe Hardy (Souths tion is olso available. ( s, some members of the Semi - them and may they bring more Mack, goes to Atlanta this week­ io the local membership on their FOUR RECORDS SHATTERED cm). TIME: 4:33.0. >ro League have seen fit to with- fame honor and prestige to the end for the Southern Intercollegi­ rarticlpation in another historic Teammates from Southern, botli 440 ■ YARD RELAY - 1- South­ Iraw from the parent organization ate Athletic Conference's annual Bluff City. Association convention in Cleve- - M Jj r from New Orleans' Landry High ern (Frank Pitta, of Archer High, ind form a league or an organiza- track and field meet. Events are ♦' and, Ohio. / Sohool, shattered two meet records. Atlanta; Peter King, George An­ ion of their own. Strangely enough scheduled for Friday and Saturday. The 23rd national convention Robert Celestine, sophomore, heav­ derson, James Guy); 2. Morehtnue; *> * his new group has the blessings Sixteen member colleges will took major steps in relation to both ed the javelin 199 feet, 3-4 inches: 8. Prairie View (Willie Derring, H i if the Recreational Department of i participate in the SIAC meet. the YWCA's membership policy and and Richard Jackson, senior tossed Douglrs Broadus, Madison Kilpat­ lie Park Commission of the city, | i to its commitment to further ra­ h the sliot put 58 feet, 10 Inches. He rick, Alfrixl Parker. TIME: <3X « ’ and will be sponsored by the De- cial integration. tv- also set a new record of 15 foet, 120 . YARD HIGH HUfUlU tC 3M lartment, Just as the Semi - pro In the action on membership, the 6 inches in the discus throw. The 1. Charlie Smith (Clark); 2. .eague. High School News ' convention voted, according to Mrs. I* fourth record fell during the Wo­ son (Clark) Richardson (Clark). For sometime now, we have been What Goes On Al 'ddie G. Owen, Sarah Brown w men’s Sports Day program on Fri­ TIME: 15.9. Tying to find out just what is Hi There! This is Shirley Dod- , Branch Executive Director, to give day. OS! 448-440-YARDYARD R|1N 1. Theron jehind the organization of the new on mid Mary Hammond bringing voting rights to all dues - paying silUi Lewis, Southern t. -Ernest Moyea jutfit. Many questions have been vou the latest around the campus members over 17 years of age In spite of the soggy track, Gene raised in regards to the new out­ I of The Big p., better known as the Porter Jr. High High on the priority list was a Burroughs, of Edward Waters Col­ (Southern); 3. Charles Ingram Th« World'» Foir in miniature ii on view al th« American Expren (Prairie View); 4. ,T. (jaweOn to­ fit, and just why two league., arc |■ Greater Mt. Pisgah High. By DAISY WEAVER push for the furtherance of racial lege, Jacksonville, Fla., steppedroff pavilion, free of charge. The entire expoiition can be icen ol a ward Waters); 2. William Derring necessary. Did the Semi - pro |! Stepping into our spotlight is a Ninth graders here had their integration in all aspects of Asso­ the 100-yard dash in 10.0 and Char­ glance. People study lhe whole Fair layout and plan the easy way (Prairie view. TIME: l»0. League grow too big, or did some very outstanding person, well loved Honor Assembly Friday, May 1, In ciation work as well as in com­ lie Smith, versatile all - around to yiiit lhe exhibit*.’ “ ONE-MILL: RELAY - L South­ personalities clash to the extent by the faculty and student body. the gymnasium. Guest speaker was imunities across the United States. Clark College star of Atlanta, won that the operation of the Sem The person of whom I speak is the Rev. J. c. Adkins of Emmanuel KJ the 120 - yard high hurdles in 15.9. ern (Ernest Moms, Larry McFad­ Pro League did not meet their none other than Miss Mary Mur­ Episcopal Church, Rev. Mr. Adkins j Herbert Joncsi of Tuskegee, won the den, Fred Mom, Theron Lewis); 2. ideas? rell. Mary resides at 9342 Hwy. 64^ gave a very Inspirational talk. The bioad Jump in stride. -lorehouse (James Harris, Erzkr»y- It is rumored that some of the In Arlington, Tennessee with her Booker T. Washington Glee Club Bob Hayes, United States sprint den Bradford, < Carlton Brown, champion, of Florida A. & M. Uni­ members of the dissident group mother, Mrs. Lucill'e Murrell. sang several selections: Holy, Holy, Lauderdale County News ( harte« Ellerson); 3, Prairie View; versity, did not compete in the 100- 1. Savannah State, THltEl 3ttt.l. feel that some financial gains could Her church affiliation is Gray's Holy, Ezekiel Snw the Wheel, and I BY MRS. LULA COLEMAN yard dash,, but ran a leg during the be realized by a more aggressive Creeks Baptist Church, where she the Hallelujah Chorus. The Glee BROAD JUMP - 1. Herbert 440- yard relay trials. The entire approach to the operations, and is a very active member of the Club was under the direction of E. Leads1 Manassas Ion« (Tuskegee); 2, Jphn GUliam Last Sunday was a high day at Willie Ada Curry at their homes Florida A. * M. squad withdrew (S. C. State); 3. Aaron Regans that the Semi - Pro League was junior choir. Around campus she L. Pender. The Porter School Glee ( New Hope OME Church, Hennings, In Hennings. from the finals because of the in­ (Southern); 4. T. Thomas (Prärie dragging Its feet. Also, questions is president of her homeroom class, Club also sang. Mrs. E. Wynne is Tenn. Rev. H- L. Olaker, the pastor, clement weather. View). DISTANCE: 22 ft, 11 in. are being raised in regards to the a member of the library club, key the director for Porter. Both cho­ delivered ii soul stirring sermon. The Your reporter, Mrs. Lula Cole­ Other outstanding individual dub, and the N. H. A. ruses were enjoyed very much. Io Track Title DISCUS THROW - 1. Richard future of the Semi - Pro League choir, with Mrs. Lillie Sue Miller at man, wishes to thank Mr. Fred So hate off to this very fine young 9TH GRADE HONOR ROLL feats wore entered into the ledger Jackson (Southern); 2. Ed John­ and its officials, and the way the William Hurd, versatile track and the , rendered excellent music. Montgomery for his hospitality in lady. The honor roll students for the ( by David Walker, celebrated dis­ son (Prairie View); 3. Charles per­ league has been operated. field star led the Manasrns Tigers Beautifully decorated with flowers, transporting her, Mrs. Minnie In­ tance runner from Morehouse Col­ Recently our chapter of the 4-H fifth 6- week period at Porter are: , ry (Alabnma 8tate){i 4. William We loo, have wondered about the to championship of Region Three the church was spiritually "on fire". gram, Mr. David Show, Mr. Lu­ lege, Atlanta, who won the his­ dub, under the instructions of Mrs. Emma Parker, Juanita Smiley, par- . Johnson (Clark). DISTANCE: 158 formation of the second league, Track Meet of the Tennessee High Mrs. Pearl Davis and Mrs. Chester ther Baker and Mr. Tommie In­ toric Moton one-mile run. South­ F. 0. Tate and Mrs. B. Taylor, denla Edwards, Kathleen Smith, , feet, 6 Inches; NEW RECORD. Old known as the Municipal League in Schools Athletic Association Mon­ Hardy, presidents of Stewardess gram to their homes in Ripley. . ern’s Richard Ross, who leaped 6 Record 156 feet, 6 inches, participated in the District 4-H Nathaniel Walker, Patriica Jackson, ( regards to its members withdraw­ day night at the Melrose Stadium. Please leave news for publica­ feet, 1 1-2 inches to win the high club elimination at Merry High WiUine Cain, Myrla Pruitt, Loretta Boards No. 1 and 2, had the pulpit, HIGH JUMP - 1. Richard Rom ing from the Semi - Pro. There Manassas competed in six events tion In the Memphis World at Tho­ jump; and John Champion, unat­ School in Jackson. Our 4-H dub McCoy, Ruby Johnson, Claudia . communion table and alter In (Southern); 3. Oacar Jackson are those who say some selfish in­ and won each one and finished mas Funeral Home on time. tached, winner of the polo vault, members were alert and represented Conner, Mazie Sanders, Novella white. (Morehouse); 3. Larry Davis (Ed­ dividuals with the idea of turning with a total of 30 points. Booker For fast, quick ambulance ser­ by clearing the bar at 13 feet. us well. Some of the honors re­ King, Shirley Blackwell, Carl Pat- , The public is always welcome to ward Waters); 4. Tie Robert Lee the baseball program into a money T. Washington was second with 24 vice, call Mr. Landon Thomas, man­ BTW SPIKESTER8 OF ceived are as follbws: ten, Jean Johnson, Sandra Ford. attend services at New Hope. (Southern); David Harris (More­ making proposition for the purpose points and Melrose third with 22. ager of the home at 1521. Mr. Lar­ ATLANTA SPARKLE TIIE SENIOR DIVISION: Alma Nichols, Patricia Cole, Renee house). HEIGHT: 6 feet 11-1 Inch­ of personal gain. The question Young Hurd, son of Mr. and ry Cooper Is the assistant man­ Henry Thomas — 1st place—Food North, Yvonne Lomax, Betty Flet­ The choir reunion will be held es- , * might be asked, "Has the Semi - Mrs. Leon Hurd has been an out­ ager; Mr. B. B. Bonds, office man­ and Nutrition. cher and Charles Richards. at New Hope CME Church the third JAVELIN THROW; - Robert Pro League grown faster and big­ standing performer all season, and ! M. J. Brandi — 1st place — Elec- Sunday night In May. Everyone is ager. Celestine (Southern); 2. C. Zach­ ger than those operating it “to PRINCIPAL’S LIST climaxed the season's activities by invite^ t 1 tricity. Larry Moore, Ronald Walter. El- capturing the 100 yard dash CIO) Jacksonville ary (Edward Water»); 3, R. Clgrk handle it?" Whatever the reason We exjepd thanks to these court- Barbara Fleming — 2nd place — va Mickle and Michael Gibson. Con­ - * (Alabama State); 4. Elmer Mixon behind the operation of the two low hurdles (:21,1), and the 220 On lhe sick list this week are ous people for allowing the use of . Safety. gratulations and keep up the good (:22.8) and accounted for half of (Clark). DISTANCE; 199 foet, 3-4 leagues, Sunday is Opening Day for their office for our riews. Eula Buford — 2nd place —Pub­ tiie Manassas total points. Man­ Mrs. Josephine Allen and Mrs. Inches. New Record. Old Record — both, a,id local fans can come out work. lic Speaking. Special recognition goes to the Mayor Upgrades 56 feet, 6 in. and root for their favorite teams. assas also captured the high hur­ Janice Shannon — 3rd place — following students who entered the SHOT PUT - 1. Richard Jackson Perhaps a few congratulations dles. 440-yard dasli and spring Yeast bread. algebra contest at LeMoyne Col­ medley. (Southern); 2. Donald Smith (Flor­ are in order in regards to prep THE JUNIOR DIVISION lege. They were: Patricia Lane, El- Hurd’s performance was the Robert Hayes To Appear ida A. & M.); 3. Patrick gander* baseball and the track arid field Negro Policemen Barbara Thomas — 1st place — va Mickle, Vernice Worthy, Juanita more remarkable as in less than (Bethune - Cookman); Alexanoer performers. The Hamilton Wildcats Com Bread Muffins. Smiley, Larry Moore and Michael twenty minutes after he had cap­ JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - (ANP) Johnson (Lucy Laney), DISTANCE: have won the championship of the ensues William — 2nd place - Gibson. Patricia Lane was third in tured the low hurdles, he competed — In what appears to be an at­ 56 feet, 10 in. NEW RECORD. Old prep league, and so, we say con­ Here At Cheney Stadium Poultry. the contest. Congratulations to all in the 220 and nipped Booker tempt to mend the broken fences Record: 56 feet, 6 ta. gratulations to a team that was We extend our most sincere con­ the students. Washington’s J. W. Brown by a between himself and the Negro SPRINT MEDLEY RLLAY 1. able to capture the title in prep By MARION E. JACKSON gratulations to these winners. SPORTS whisker. Brown and Hurd had been citizens of Jacksonville Mayor Hay­ Southern (Theron Lewis, Peter baseball for the 1964 season. On April 11, our band partici­ The Lions just finished the 1963- King, James Guy, Darrell DotaM); dueling bitterly all season: ATLANTA, Go.-(SNS) don Burns, who says he has been We also, congratulate the teams pated in the musical festival also 64 track season with the city finals Bobby Smith, the four letter per­ grossly “misunderstood," has order­ 2. Morehouse (Chari« Ellerson, and the individuals who performed held in Jackson. at Melrose Stadium. Although we former for Melrose was a double Florida A&M’s brilliant sprinter Robert Hayes, star miler ed the upgrading of a Negro police James Harris, Carlton Brown, David o magnlfglcently in the track and Walker); 3. Florida A, * M. 4. The following stuednts participat­ placed in twelve of the events, we winner for the Golden Wildcats. David, Walker and half-miler Charles Ellerson, perform here Fri­ sergeant to acting lieutenant and >eld meets. We tip our hats to the Mississippi Vocational College. ed. in the ALL STAR BAND: Ann­ were sec,ond in meet,, losing by one The All - Memphis athlete in four day and Saturday, May 8-9 at the 27th Annual SIAC Track and two Negro patrolmen to plain ker T. Washington Warriors for TIME: 3:26.4. ette Harris, Walker Gilmore, John point.. Melrose had that point. sports won the broad jump <19-91 Field Championships at Cheney Stadium. clothes status with the detective inning the District Five track Shannon, Matthew Boyland, Jr. Although we are sad, we have and the high jump (6-2). division. A fourth man has been POLE VAULT - 1. John Champ­ eet. The. team was well coached and Frankette Guinn. had a very good season consider­ In the girls division, Caplevllle ion (Unattached); 2. Richard The meet shapes up as a show­ phere of pomp and pagenatry...... assigned to the traffic department nd the individual performers dls- On last Saturday our splendid ing the number of injuries. We did and Woodstock finished In a tie Thompson (Florida A. A M.) 3. down between defending CIAC A year ago, Florida A 4 M a- and is working In the downtown layed a fine team spirit and team Quiz Team defeated the Quiz Team well, extremely well considering al­ with 15 points each. Bolivar High Thomas Mills (Prairie View). track champion Florida A and M massed 58 points to outscore More­ area. ffort lri taking first place. of Douglas High. Our Quiz mem­ so that we didn’t score in four was third with 13 points, and Mit­ HEIGHT: 13 feet. and highlyjegarded Morehouse house College with 37„ Clark 27, Tlie promotions were made by The Manassas Tigers are to be bers are: Annette Harris, Connie evenB. chell Road was fourth with 8 Allen 20 and Fort Valley State 13. College, a virtual one-two punch the mayor who is also police com­ HIGH SCHOOL SUMMARY ongnatulated for a fine perform- Fisher, Elizabeth Jackson, Elliotte This writer's opinions as to the points. on the spring track circuit. IDO- YARD DA8H - 1. E. Mid­ nce as a team in the Region Joyner and Lester Flemings. Con­ missioner. best athletes of the meet are: Wll- The first two finishers In each Several defending champions dleton (Howard, Ocala); g. J, Ad­ leet ,in which they participated gratulations and good luck to you event will compete in the state Sgt. Solomon Weston, a graduate 1 lie Morgan, who despite an injured The Rattlers and Maroon Tig­ will be on the “missing list,” when ams (Hunt); 3. J. Jajcton (Hunt); n six events and won the six all in the Future. meet in Nashville Saturday at Ten­ of Florida A. and M. University, leg managed to bring in the third ers have confrontations in the the trials get underway. Robert 4. R. Thomas (Be»dh).,tlME: ft.l, vents. It was indeed a team ef­ WHAT'S WHAT ON CAMPUS? nessee A. & I. State University. won the appointment of acting leg of the 400 relay for a second Florida A & M Relays, South Caro­ Harris. Florida A\ A M, who won 440-YARD RELAY Harper, ort, despite the fact that a few Eula why do you hang around1 place; Michael Gibson, who con­ In the District 5 Meet last week, lieutenant arid will have to be con­ lina Invitational Track and Field the -100 and 220 a year ago is in­ Atlanta (Charlie 'Carter, John dividuals stood out as great per- John so much? the Booker T. Washington War­ firmed by the Civil Service Board­ cealed an injured leg and placed Meet, and the Tuskegee Relays, eligible, but has been running this Prince, Sidney Middlebrooks, Rich­ ormers. Thomas, is this true about three riors captured the title with 47 following a test. He will not re­ 1 first in the hurdles and ran his with the Rattlers shading the Ma­ spring unattached. ard Wade); 2. Tompkins, Savannah liearts being in a tangle with you, pointe, with Melrose second w’th ceive the. extra pay of a lieuten­ One of the great performers for ■ other races as usual, and Napoleon ren Tigers in all three competi­ (Leon Wesley, Robert Mitchell, Deborah, and Mary? 36 and Manassas third with 33 ant until he has been confirmed he Manassas Tigers was William Young, who, being the fastest in at' tions. The Orange and Green Rat- Tuskegee Institute’s James Bro­ Frederick Grant, Kenneth Savage). Grade, why is it that you don't1 the city and chosen "Best Athlete the Fairgrounds. urd, who has been an exciting llrrs lost their own relays to the wn, winner of the 440, yards run, as a full-fledged lieutenant. 3. Sol Johnson, Savannah (George want Abra behind you in the lunch rformer all season. In the Reg- 1 of the Meet,” gave his team a mo­ Southern University Jaguar Cuts has been dismissed from the squad Police Chief Reynolds said Pa­ Atkinson, James Woods, Jadob An- on Meet, Hurd won three first line? Or do you? rale boost and an ideal to set for 98-54, but In lhe South Carolina of the Golden Tigers, reportedly trolmen Sidney. Gaines, a sharp­ 'lefson, Luther Ruth); 4. BTW, Mary, are things still tight with laces to pace his mates to the themselves. Invitational. Florida A A M out for insubordination. shooter, and Fred Mack, who were Montgomery (Eugene Divis, Leon you and John? From the looks of hampionshtp. He was outstanding SPOTLIGHT Round 'n Round pointed North Carolina College of assigned to the detective division, Martin, Wille Moore, William Dw). it, it must be the real thing. the 100 . yard dash, the 220- ,^Th^ week the spotlight falls on Durham, N, <’ 58 to 49. Morehouse 'Frank Murray, Florida A t M will receive $20 per month special TIME: 45. Js.'tV A- Brenda, why is Bobby giving you ard dash and the low hurdles, for an utterly charming young lady. was the third at FAMU with 22 who defeated Morehouse’s David assignment pay in addition tovthcli those crazy eyes? Let us in on the 880-YARD REUY - 1, West­ total of 15 points, half of the Around the campus she Is affiliat­ points, but placed fifth at S. C. Walker apparently has used up regular salary. ern - Olin. Birmingham (JiJmmy tai for the Manassas team. We big secret. ed with the National Juniors Hon­ State with 19. Trials for the SIAC his eligibility since he hasn't been Burns said the appointments Coates, Mack Agee, Ronald Bondy, Beverly finds it very hard to stay ors Society and is a library assist­ 'P our hat to William Hurd, the By PRESTON JONES Championships will go on next seen on the track, circuit this were not purely designed "to mend Boris Taylor 2. Howard, Atlanta* °ne man flash.” cool, cairn, and collective while ant. off the campus, who is a spring. Walker, however, will de­ There were 223 golfers on the Friday, beginning at 1:30 P. M„ fences"; and that the action came (William M irelend, Roy Erwin, Ra. Stokes is away. member of St, Matthews Mission­ Bobby Smith of Melrose was out- courses over the weekend, and all Saturday at lhe same hour with fend In the two mile run. as a matter of course, just as three fer Moore, Robert Armtmr), TIME: Shirley, why are you acting so ary Baptist Church and the La anding in his performance in the In the good golf spirit. the colorful "Porada mL- Tfams,” Clark College’s Charlie Smith, patrolmen were upgraded to ser­ 1:38.2. ?ion, as he look two first places strange here lately? I’ve heard that Chandler Social Club. She resides Robert Wright. Miss Oorts Clift, which Will sec all sixteen members winner of the 120 High Hurdles, geants two years ago. He said the ONE - MILE RU.AY - L BTW. with her mother, Mrs. Bernice Elton Grandberry, Dollar sanders, of the SIAC. march In an. atmos- facets challenge In teammate Ro­ Atlanta (Ervin Chapman, Larry Cain mt 971-1 Neptune Street in promotions have been under con- and Brldgett Pyles played a good bert Marshall and Morehouse Col­ .sideration for several months and Jinkficld, Charles Benson, Anthony the -LeMoyne Gardens. She is none lege's Carlton Brown. In the 220 Gates); 2. Harper, Atlanta (John grime. Mr. Wright and Mr. Grarid- their satisfaction. Hoyle Rodgers, hinted that other city jobs not other than Miss Wllhne Cain. Hats Low Hurdles Smith will have to Prince, Charles Singleton, James berry out-drove and out-putted the Earl Ingram and Arnold Lynom previously held by Negroes'will soon off to a successful young lady. defeat George Harold of Allen Swinney, Jr„ Ronnie Robinson); 3. others to win the scats. Ronald played a friendly game with no be opened, / University. BTW, Montgomery (Major Riggins, Shand and Miss Georgia McNeil winners. Lonnie Wilson, Aubrey There has been Bonie speculaion, you have a secret love right under Bernard Craig, Hardwick, Prevo; played a nine-hole game. Mr. Pierce, and Banks Olover played too, in the Gateway City that EARN EXTRA CASH Florida A A M will have a gal­ Johnny Johnson); 4. Turner, At­ everybody’s nose without it being Shand is believed, to have 'beaten 18 holes all even. Burns Is getting ready to appoint seen? Girls keep an eye on Shirley axy of tiptop running in Cecil lanta (Larry Latimer, David Hunt, Miss McNeil in the dual. one or two Negroes to city boards Lester Smith, Kenneth Williams, it might be your guy. Thurman Glass, Bennie Minor, The Robert Wright Associates Austin, Earl Harlson, Lelon Rus­ TIME: 3:38.0. TOPS AROUND CAMPUS Waddell Coleman and Pleas Jones will charter a bus to Nashville in sell, Fraklin Carroll, Ceasar Aus­ AND DEDICATIONS played 27 holes. Mr. Thurman and June for the Nashville Operi. tin, Leonard elly, Grady Smith, ANOTHER ( ANAL ROUTE? TWO-MILE RELAY - 1. BTW, Mary and Edgar — “I've Got A Mr. Minor beat this 27-hole game Watih the next issue of this Jerome F.lps, and George Wrentz. Atlanta (Larry Sinkfield, John Hill­ Let's Go Sell Thing Going Ori." all the way. Top Sawyer. W. 0. paper as your name and your game Morehouse will counter with Law The United States Is pressing and man, James oJhnson, Eddie King); Barbara and George — "I'm Speight Jr., Ike Watson, jimmy could next. rence Bradley, James Douglas, Ja­ broadening Its search for a new 2. Caner, Birmingham (Willie Rob­ mes Harlson, Erskrayden Bradford, Atlantic - Pacific canal route in Freud.” Herndon, Willard Bell and Larry T— inson, Robert Chatman, Samuel Jor R-t Ralph Sinkfield, Jacob Smith, Ro­ Latin America. Routes arc consid­ Marie and Eddie - “Come To Wytin played a very good six-some. dan, Milton Crawfnrti); 4. Lucy bert Green and Simmie Lavend­ ered jn Nicarauga, Costa Rica and THE Me”. Mr. Wynn and Mr. sawyer won this Laney, Augusta (Wlllia Walker, Oracle and Abra — “Big Party" Colombia. An ample sea - level one. Automatic er. George Bailey, Calvin Ramsey, La­ Brenda and Undra — “I Found waterway is sought that might be mar Thomas). TIME: 8:31.3. . Someone to Love Me.” Calvin Halliburton, Robert Craw­ Transmissions Clark College will get fine mile­ dug' with nuclear explosions. SPRINT MEDLEY RELAY - MEMPHIS Shirley and Mr. Secret - “I'm in ford Jr. and Lamar Mitchell play­ And Motors age out of Archie Wilson, Bobby 1. BT1V, Atlanta (Charles Benson, Love Again and Keep Me". ed 18. holes. Mr, Crawford was the Exchanged Nevett., Elmer Mixon, Ed Roberts, Brazil weighs dinlomntic break Larry Sinkfield, Anthony Gates, Ed­ Miry and John — “Love Me All winner in this game. 0. C. Alex­ Robert Marshall, Dwight Ellerson, with Cuba. die King); 2. Central, Newnan The Way." ander and Eddie Green played an Al Richardson, and Ernest Single- I Henry Dixson, Willie Beasley, Reg­ WORLD Emma and Leroy — “Don't Leave even 18 holes. Al Judge and Leon ton. When you are "confused" it's inald Gay, Joe Geter); 4. Harper, Me This Way." McArthur played an even game. >33» Moris Brown College has such when you don’t know enough about Atlanta (John Prince, Chari« Car­ Ernest and Morris — "In His R. J. Acey, Erskine Perkins, Ful­ IfKlutks standouts ax James Bing, Edwards a thing to be worried. ter, Richard Wade. James Swin­ Kiss." ton Ford of Clarksdale, Miss, and All Labor and Part* Dean, Solomon Brannon. Willie —Will Rogers ney, Jr.). TIME: 3:51.7. NEWSPAPERS All Ibdramulicy So until next week this Is Shirlev Alton Cash played an even 18 0 W H Williams, Joh Beam and Robert and Mary saying it is nice to be holes with no winners. Thomas , •* -All Model* Brown. 546 BEALE ST. important but more Important to Knight, Andrew Bland, Mack One Dny Service . The SIAC Track and Field Cliam Macklin, Clarence Dickens and No Money Down be nice. 14 Mu*. To Pay pionships ne»t Saturday will be­ Good afternoon. Chester Cade played their regular I gin wi'h the finals of the 440 yards JA. 6-4030 grudge game. Prof. Bland, Mr. I relay. Other finals will be the one Experience Is what keeps a man Knight and Mr. Cade wérë thé JA 6-7491 mile run, 410 Yards Run, 100 Yards who makes the same mistake twice winners in their regular weekend i Dash, 128 High Hurdles, 880 Yards If You Are 11 or Older from admitting it the third time ..battle. , I heck,Our Bur, 2?0 Yards Run, Two Mlle Around. ■ E. C. Jordan. Lawrence Mason and Coleman Taylor Run. 220 low Hurdles and the Come In Òr Call —Terry McCormick Troy King played a very nice three­ M'lOMAFK jltSU»N One Mlle Relay. some game. Mr. Jordon the AM» MOION I Xt HAM.I Field Events ore the discus, îii m I N|ON Plan for canal in Colombia an wliinrr. Mr. idmi.lic Flory mi;l Iroad Jump, Jr.vclln, p<{k vault, and geii> panama, Rudy Wolf p'ayed nine hales to' high Jump, J/M CROW

GREENVILLE, Mias.—Mississip­ pi's first Negro woman candidate tive, Mr. Walker said that the for U, 9. Congress, Mrs. Fannie. MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A. Maceo Commerce, will help offset the pro­ American government, alon with Lou Hamer of Ruleville, spoke Walker, Negro businessman of paganda of the Russians and Red here recenti yon "Medical Care and Memphis, Tennessee, returned to Chinese. He said some of the most French, British, Red China and the United States last Saturday, critical questions asked during his Pubic Health” in Mississippi, and Russian, have technicians in Mall April 25th, after spending 10 days stay dealt with the workings of a Washington County in particular. and the people are being educated. in Meli, Africa, representing the "Capitalistic society" and the rac­ Mrs. Hamer said there were The American Ambassador to American, government. ial problems of the United States. only six Negro doctors in Mali is the Honorable William Mr. Walker, president of Univer­ ington County where thè Hanley, described by Mr. Walker sal Life Insurance Company and Mall, formerly Sudan, is a re­ population is 43,498 or 55 2 as a man of tremendous tact, in­ the Tri-State Bank in Memphis, public, headed by a president, Modi cent, a situation forcing Negroes tellect and diplomacy, "He is very headed the American Industrial bo Kelta, who has paid a visit tr to seek help from white doctors. well respected by President Modi, Exposition in Mall at the appoint­ the United States Capital. While (There are 35,230 whites in the bo and the Malian people." ment of Secretary of Commerce the provide is sti-1 partly priml- county). SHOWN AROUND A MODEL of the Mary M. Bethune Memorial at “At the white doctor's office Luther Hodges. Mr, Walker repre we're put in a little over-crowded the proclamation ceremony held at City Hail, New York City, are sented President Lyndon B. John­ room and made to wait all day (left to right) Mayor Wagner, Mrs. Daisy E. Lampkin, chairman, son at the exposition, giving' until the doctor treats his white Educational Foundation; Comm. Robert Dowling, national chair­ opening address and attending ;,D1 patients. She told the crowd that man, Bethune Memorial Drive; Miss Dorothy I. Height, national plomatic conferences. • - - throughout the 2nd Congressional District, where she is running for president of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc., accept­ At a press conference in the Uni. Democratic nomlnatin, the death ing proclamation; Robert Berks, sculptor and designer of Memorial versal Life Recreation Room, fM rate is twice as high for Negroes as and Arthur A. J. Weglein, national co-chairman of "Operation lowing a heart warming greetin' for whites. at the airport by approximate Month In New York Grass Roots." "One third of the Negro babies 250 representatives of Universa' born in Washington County each Life, Tri-State Bank and the Mis WASHINGTON, D.C. - Dorothy I. Height, National President, year are delivered by midwives. sisslppl Blvd. Christian Church National Council of Negro Women, Inc., this month received an Only two white babies out of 823 Mr. Walker stated that "The official document from Mayor Robert F. Wagner proclaiming born last year were delivered by American Exposition was an over­ April . ? Io May 18 as "Mary McLeod Bethuno Memorial Month" midwives. And people winder why Sunday School Lesson whelming success — more than the white infant mortality rate is the Russian t: Red Chinese, which in New Yorx City. had been previously held." 26.1 percent but 67.2 percent for Mayor Wagner asked the citizens has extended its Influence across Negroes," she said. The American exposition, ac­ THE CHRISTIAN’S USE OF available to us today. We can spend of New York to observe the month the Nation and the World. An or­ Mrs. Hamer attributed this to more time in intelligent and help­ cording to Mr. Walker, displayed LEISURE proclaimed as “Mary McLeod Be­ ganization of organizations, NCNW segregated hospital facilities “which agricultural equipment, skills' In International Sunday School Les- ful conversation with our neigh­ thune Memorial Month” by support­ now serves as a clearing house for A.U. MERRILL FELLOWS - Crawford W. Johnson and Evalina Wil­ lower the quality of patient care soon for May 10, 1964. bors. There are many worthwhile animal, husbandry, and technical ing the ideals of the council and and violate professional ethics," the activities of more than one mil­ liams, students of Atlanta University, were recently awarded MEMORY SELECTION: "Whatever community enterprises which can skills such as refrigeration, plumb­ urged the citizens to recognize the and “the poverty of segregation." lion women from all walks of life. you do, do all to the glory of God.” be enjoyed. Certainly our church ing, secretarial science and me­ fact that our Democracy has been Merrill Foreign Study Fellowships for a year's study abroad by “Poverty and poor health form It is then fitting that under the — (1 Corinthians 10:31). life furnishes us with unlimited op­ chanics. Malians, previously train­ strengthened by the work of Mrs. Charles Merrill, a member of the University Board of Trustees. an unbreakable circle, one which leaderships of Miss Dorothy I. LESSON TEXT: Matthew 6:33; portunities for challenging and use­ ed by the United States govern­ Bethune and the hundreds of thou­ need attention from the people Height, National president; Mrs. Mark 6:30-32; 1 Corinthians 6: 12- ful service. ment, were used to display these sands of members of NCNW. who are supposed to represent Us,1 Daisy E. Lumpkin, chairman of the 14, 19-2; Philippians 4:8. It is no waste of time for one skills. He felt that this promoted Ceremonies for the Proclamation she said. Educational Foundation; Comm. Nation Warned Against to sit down and' meditate as to thè the acceptance of the American were held at City Hall at a time Robert Dowling, National Chairman Our lesson fcr today has as its sort of person he has been in the Exposition. when NCNW’S National Fund Rais­ of "Operation Grass Roots” and Ar­ LBJ, Wilkins View aim the. instilling of the desire to past; the sort of person he wishes Mr. Walker believes that the ing Campaign known as “Opera­ thur A. J. Weglein, National Co- use one’s leisure time in ways that to become in the future, and how American Exposition, sponsored by tion Grass Roots” has reached a Chairman of "Operation Grass Continued Ghetto Practices enrich and strengthen one’s life and what he should do to achieve the United States Department of desired acceleration. Roots" that a Memorial be erected Gridiron Club Skit and the lives of others. tliis goal. "Operation Grass Roots” under in honor of this truly great wo­ ROCHESTER, N.Y. - Continued ghettoization of the growing the direction of the Educational WASHINGTON - President man, Mary McLeod Bethune. Negro communities in middle-sized northern citeis could convert Somehow, we seldom think of je: ' Too often misuse of our leisure Foundation of NCNW is a national Johnson and this nation's political sus as needing rest, our acceptance time destroys our bodies,, our souls, campaign drive to raise $900,000 A bill permitting the erection of them into "small scale Birminghams," an Urban League official leaders, were the object of some of the fact that he was the Son of ano ruins the happiness of those to complete the Bethune Memorial. meh a Memorial in our Nation's caqtioned this week. i ' i good-natured spoofing by the Grid, Negro Heroes God may cause us to forget that whose live have touched on our Twenty - nine years ago Mary Capital was enacted by Congress iron Club members at their 79th he was also human, and that, as o,'. n — parents, husbands, wives, “The danger to Rochester, with the white community.” McLeod Bethune founded the Na­ and signed into law by President annual white - rie dinner at the a human being, he grew tired in is typical of cities having from and children. The man who occu­ tional ccuncil of Negro Women in Dwight D. Eisenhower in I960. The Alves pointed out that the Statler Hilton Hotel, here, Satur­ mind and body. pies his leisure time in the pursuit 250,000 to 500,0C0 residents, is that Subject Of New New York City. During this time, monument will stand in Lincoln growth of nonwhite residents in day, April 26. of fleshly pleasures squanders both unless a basic change Is made in Mrs. Bethune saw the “need for a Park and will provide an education­ Rochester makes it “impossible” Along with the Chief Executive Jesus and his disciples lived a ins body and his soul for the body its housing pattern, it is in for united organization of women to al and cultural center where wo­ for the city not to face the pro­ himself, on hand to witness the strenuous life; they preached, they is the temple oi the soul. We sin trouble — the trouble associated open doors for our young women so men may further the alms to which blem squarely. From 7,845 persons evening's merriment in song and taught, they listened to the pro­ against God when we sin against Book By NAACP with ghetto life in which the as­ that when it speaks, its power will Mary McLeod Bethune was dedi- in 1950, the city's Negro popula­ skit were a host of celebrities which blems of the multitude; their min­ ourselves, for we were bought for a pirations, opportunities, hope and As- be felt." Since its founding, NCNW tion jumped to 24228 in 1960. It included Executive Secretary Roy istry was an active, fluent thing. price. Jesus paid for our lives with .new YORK—The National . lives of tens of thousands of people is expected to reach 45,747 — or Wilkins of the National Associa­ They travelled; they accepted hos­ his life; he paid for our sins with sociation for the Advancement, nt are blighted and stunted by seg­ 17 percent —of the population in tion for the Advancement of colored pitality when and where it was a most agonizing death. How, then, Colored People has published a 44- offered to them in the course ol page booklet containing' a collect­ regation and discrimination,” he 1970 and 75,350 persons or 31 per. People and Dr. Ralph J. Bunche can we, in all conscience — as ion of biographical sketches of said. cent of the population in 1980. The United Nat'ons undersecretary and their joumeyings, and this, too, im­ Christians — still the voice of our Addressing the Webster Council city's total population in 1960 stood NAACP Board member. posed extra burdens cn them. conscience when we so basely be- famous Negroes of the 1800's. Exe­ on Human Relations in the Shera­ at 318,000. cutive Secretary Roy Wilkins an­ Besides several members of Presi­ It is no wonder, then, that in the tray our Lord? ton Hotel, the official, Paget L. nounced this week, He called upon ctiy officials “to dent Johnson's Cabinet, U. S, Su­ Scripture passages we arc studying Alves, Jr., associate director for The debt we owe God is of stu­ Entitled, "Negro Heroes of Eman­ reverse the trend toward social dis­ preme Court Justices, Congress­ today, we see Jesus exhorting his housing of the National Urban, pendous proportions when we con­ cipation," the 8 by 11 inch booklet organization” produced by ghettoi- men and foreign ambassadors, the disciples to "go away, by themelves" League, New York City, said. sider he gave his only begotten summarizes the roles 39 black zation of nonwhites whose fate is diners included Carl Rowan, di­ and ponder on tlie somewhat stren­ Son for dur salvation. How many Americans of the 19th Century "No city in America can afford, now left “largely in the hands of rector of U. S. Information Agen- uous events that they had just un­ among us whd are parents could played In the Negro’s constant either morally or financially, to ab­ ______cy, and Dr. Robert C. Weaver, ad- dergone. Jesus knew that the pow­ unscrupulous real ■ estate men, even consider such a sacrifice? struggle fot “Identity and achieve­ sorb the kind of punishment a panic peddlers and others of their I ministrator of the Housing and ers of endurance could be over - It therefore behoves us all to ment." Included, also, is. an ap­ ghetto can dish out In Rochester’s vicious ilk." These nersons.persons, he said.said, | Home Finance Agency.Agency, , taxed; that w.thout rest and re­ ever keep in mind the price that praisal of the Negro soldier in the Negro ghetto, which is typical, newal, neither He nor his followers have been forcing "the ghetto to was paid for us, and to endeavor, Civil War. family income is appallingly low, expand h Hise by house and block could adequately answer the great h s wa>( t0 be The informative booklet 1$ based spiritual and physical demands educational levels are frightfully by block, gradually engulfing larg­ worthy H such a sacrifice. on a weekiv .series oil biographical made upon them by his Ministry. aubstandard, unemployment is un­ er sections of the city and pdovent Biracial Worship Is’ there any better way for us to sketches which Were prepared and This period of rest, then, that Je­ bearably high, and the rate of ing the free enterprise system of pay homage thin to use our leisure distributed as'part of the NAACP’s sus advocated was not a squander­ housing dilapidation. — 45 percent supply and demand to operate in time in the furtherance of the rexular press, sàryicé to some three ing of precious time a time "f - is nearly four times as high as housing. cause of Christianity? hundred dpilv and weekly news­ laziness. It was leisure to be used Nashville Services These comments are based on out­ papers. Author of the séries, and wisely, to gain back physical lines of the International Sunday the booklet, is Mjss Mildred Bond Put sparkle in your hair NASHVILLE. Tenn. —■ (UPI) - strength and greater spiritual un­ School Le-sms, copyrighted by the of the NAACP National Office staff. Negroes and whites worshipped to­ derstanding of the complexities of —save money, too Wants Rights Bill As Is, International Council of Religious "Expressions of appreciation and gether Sunday m Nashville churches life, all of which would be. directed Education, and used by permis- commendation- were widespread," Black and White Golden VA/’ I • /• I as religious lenders sought to ease back into the stream of greater, I sion). -emarks Mr. Wilkins in the fore­ Amber Hair Dressing gives service to mankind. word, "»nd a nreat many persons dull hair a brilliant sheen; With Commas, Wilkins Says SäS Today we rarely find ourselves urged that we coinple the series in holds and controls stub­ strations. hounded by multitudes eager to Dr. Gore Dedicates a slnrle vollime for more ccne'-al born hair, makes it soft» NEW YORK — The Negro wants vancement of Colored People, on listen to our words; we have pro­ Snail numbers of Negroes at­ dlatribi'tion. This We have.dohe.” and easy to manage. For a strong civil rights bill, such as the ABC-TV program “Issues and gressed to the era of a shorter Masonic Facility tended white churches and several Printed in three colors, the text Answers,” Sunday, April 26. work week, resulting in more lei­ POMONA SPRINGS, Fla. - Dr. men, women, children. that now boing debated in the Sen­ white persons attended Negro ser­ of the booklet . Is enriched by 25 Interviewed by news commenta­ sure time. True, there are those George W. Gore, Jr. delivered the ate. and is "not willing to concede vices in, the city. -rlRlnal drhwtngs by James I, De- tor Howard K. Smith, Mr. Wilkins among us who often cry fretfully dedlcatoiv address here during the even a period or a comma," to The interracial services were call­ loache, Mr. DeToache, who has said the bill should have been voted that we do not have sufficient time recent, dedication of the new $80,- weakening amendments, said Roy ed for by a special, four - man had a lifelong Interest in telling on and passed by the end of April. at our disposal with which to do 000 Masonic recreational facility Wilkins, executive secretary of the committee of clergymen represent­ the Negro's storv with canvas and Black and White ULTRA-WHITE Hair Dressing, large size 50f! Referring to the aborted stall-in this or that; again, there are those construct'd under the sponsorship National Association for the Ad ing Protestants, Catholics and Jews. paints. Is creator of the NAACP’s at the World’s Fair, which a rebel among us who profess to boredom. of tlie Order of the Eastern Star. mas'ive mural ,'Our New Day Bè- wing of another civil rights group But if we find ourselves on either Built cn a lake side track in this ’Uri." Th« mural, which is insured attempted, the NAACP chief cbm. southern states... received a total of these sides, it is the result-of community 50 miles from Jackson­ tor $50,000. denicts Negro life in mented: of $2,463.000.006 In various types of lack of panning and budgeting of ville. the new Masonic Recreation America since s’averv. and is now Lighten, brighten “. . . if they accuse us of stall­ Federal grants and aids. . . Almost our time,' and ’t is inexcusable. Center will bn valued at about an dJcninv )n the Wdncattonsl Build- ing-in at tlie World's Fair, which without exception, these funds are There are ample facilities and op­ $100.090 wlrn completed, ft con­ beautify your skin K in" "t the New York World’s Fajr. is an amusement, the Senate can used so that Negroes do not get portunities for using our leisure tains m -'el facilities for tourists. Use Black and White Bleach- "Ncto Heroc’ of Flmanctoitw fairly be accused of a stall-in on either any benefit from them or, if time both for the benefit of our­ Dr. Grre. who is worthy patron ing Cream as directed and selves as individitgls and for the "f Hie George W. Gore Jr. Chap­ is hp'nm sn’d at the NA'A CO Na- the civil rights of 18,COO,000 people they do, very little. . . We do not ttnonal Office in N«w York Cite' see your dull, dark skin take benefit of our fellow - men. ter of the Ordtr of the Eastern and. that's far more serious." believe the Federal government ->« wii ns b« the sroun’s 1.725 units on a lighter, brighter, softer, Using our leisure for good read­ Star in T 'llahassee, was accom­ k When asked about Senator Albert ought to spend $2.463,000,000 . . . throughout th« eoiintrv.' D«nendfng ing can pass the time pleasantly panied toi the trip to Piw’t’a smoother look. Regular size ¡b Gore's objections to Title Six. without saying you. may not dis­ upon the qiinntitv ordered, nrlres and profitably. Many, helpful and Springs by Mrs. Gore who is prom- 49f!. Save on large size, 65d. 1 which calls for the cutting off of criminate against the American -ange from M.Ô'' for «ne copy tn excellent books and magazines are federal funds to projects which dis­ citizens who live in your states and W cents eaoh for fifty or more criminate against Negroes, Mr. who happen to be black." '•ODlCi. 89c PIUS TAX nothing alia Io buy I Wilkins replied: In his introduction, Mr. Smith "Beautiful, simply beautiful" you'll “Our position is that federal described Mr. Wilkins as being "the niPI-OMATIC TRAINING eay when you color your hair the grants and aids to the stales in ef­ head of the biggest and, despite IUSAKA - (ANP) - Northern sure BLACK STRAND way. So easy. So fect subsidize segregation and in­ all the noises in the streets, the Rhod’Mii. preoaring for its honed, convenient, ao long-lasting, so young equality. In 1962, for example, the strongest organization for Negro looking! Now. regain youthful look­ for Independence from Great Bri­ ing, natural-like color. See it become rights in the U. 8.” tain in October, has already some dark, lustrous, beautifully radiant in 1. Remove make-up Top Quality I Preferred firet »iddreas- 20 or more candidates training at minutes. Safe with permanents. Public opinion in this country with Black & White aing becauw it’s super­ home or abroad for dlolomatle BLACK STRAND Hair Coloring oilers is everything. Cleansing Cream. 2. refined to luarsnteed posts. 8«me are in the U. S.. others Beauty Salon effect You can’t tel) —Abraham Lincoln the difference! Will not nib off. hospital quality I Re- In Switzerland, Australia. New Zea­ Black & White Cold Does not wash out. Money-hack ______lieves pain and itching of land, Holland, and In Ghana. No Cream softens dry, tired UGDAIIUF* m'nor torn»,chafe *"4 guarantee. At Druggist« everywhere definite date hr Indenedence has skin- 3. Black & White r skin'.injurlee. Switch to been set, but it Is expected that Oct. Vanishing Cream is the Choka el 5 utaral thadet 'trnouu* Moroline, 1000 uses. » kJturJ Only 17d*—or get orer lit Black-filKl-Of'k S'wa 24 will be agreed upon at constitu­ perfect make-up base. Urdiua Iron—luM hoot twice as mpch for 27f. tional conferences to. be held in. Louden next moth. AT LAST The best things in life art It is the worst thlngcs tha THE sd expensive. -Changing* Times PERMANENT WIG COMB 4» AWW. IMrmonen! becouii • It oil ih'ì time« GRAY Naturally Healthy Normal Hair OROWS Sal II yoiineH WITH / from the HAIR ROOTS in YOUR Style II yovriaW SCALP. The condition of your hair THIS I often dapenda heavily on the natural Shape II yourltH health of your icalp. Yeara a|o, IOLOR f DOCTOR CARNOT Invented a modi, IIMI t are furieri—. eatod tar formula called CARBONOEL which la mlaad with many proven IRISH ••H» boi#d Iproyt beneficial Inpedlanti. CARBONOEL ta aueh a atrong, powerful anUaapUo •IlMiRotes need and doer aueh fine work In helping aa ITCHY, BUMPY, DANDRUFFY aealp dl udir hoi dryer that many DOCTORS regard it highly and PRESCRIBE It—for many aealp Just comb and MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You must be satisfied with ALL SHADES troubles. Many annoying aitamally brush to add co- any of these Black & White products or your money back. caused scalp condition» are greatly ...... Ior ton»- Washes relieved by the uaa of thia Triple NEW COLLEGE UNION OPENING - TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE, Ala. - out. Will not rub off. NOT A DVB. etrength ter formula, • Write for this 10 CB1®r DOCTOR'S OENU1NE SCALP FOR­ Flanked (left to right) by Patricia Smith, secretary, College Union; F^“?V*V9IM THAT SUDDEN tend foil amovM MULA now, It »111 ba sent to you at! Alvin Vinson, president, College Union Board; and Bernice Doug­ DYED LOOK. Brush attached for p/ompl delivery < mixed and ready to use, USE IT FOR. removins txceu coloring. Preventi lilock and 71/hlte ^‘1 7 DAYS, and It you era not aatlafiad, las, "Miss College ¡Union", President L. H. Foster cuts the ribbon colling, rubbing off. Cornea in Plea- your money back. Pay only 11.59 on tic Case. Can be carried in pocket delivery. This Includes everything. signifying the official opening of Tuskegee Institute's newly-re­ Order Today Don’t pay a penny aw«.' You get It or purae. Comet in all ahadea: with full dlrectlona. Uaa the finest novated College Union. New facilities in the Union include; eight Black to Platinum Blue. MEDICATED SCALP FORMULA your student offices, three crafts rooms, three game rooms, a music­ HAIR DO FASHIONS manty can buy Your hair and aealp Juat write, state shade. Pay only deserve • fine care, Juat send your listening room, a browsing room, sndfk bar and a coffee terrace. •IM on delivery plus postage. At all fine cosmetic counters W7 Fifth Avenue, Room 901 Mm» and addrata to - GOLD MEDAL­ Money back if not delighted. HAIR PRODUCTS INC. Dapt d-L These new facilities are part of a nearly $3 million building pro­ |haap»ha»d Bay, Brooklyn JS, N.Y. OeU Medel Hair PredMa, let. JNw Ywk 17, N. Y, NOTE:- THIS FORMULA earriaa a ject that also includes 36 faculty-student apartments and three «rUtea aaMf beak fuatatyaa, n?w dermiiRriw. Dept. H Brooklyn $5, New W ■ wwi . •