No Negroes In Tenn. Delegation To National GOP Convention No Negroes will be among Ten- lican representation from this end ville last Saturday for the State feller. lion from the Ninth Congressional floor. Meanwhile, another fierce show-, GOP primary. Atty. Brigg» most nessessee’s delegation to the Re­ of the State would be interracial. Convention which elected delegates At the convention Saturday, Old District. The executive committee Mr. I.ce and his followers, Negro down between Lee and James Is certainly will have the backlog of publican Convention at San Fran­ This policy existed under the late and alternates and voted to sup­ Guard Republican leader George instead accepted Robert James and white. Insist the James faction shaping up. Mr. Janies several Mr. Lee and his group. -s cisco in July. GOP leader, Robert R. Church, and port Arizona Senator Goldwater Lee appeared before a special com­ and Lewis Donelson. is lily-white and is denying repre­ weeks ago said lie will run for the This will be a rematch for the This will be the first time in continued under the leadership of for the presidential nomination. mittee and warned that any aband­ James and Donelsen were named sentation to Negro Republicans Republican nomination for the two candidates as they opposed more than 40 years that Negroes Lt. Oeorge W. Lee. (The at-large national convention onment of Negroes would be "a in March when the James faction Followers of the pace-setting United States House of Represen­ each other in 1962 for the same have not been numbered among the Lee's power was wrested from de egates ire not bound by Satur­ bonanza for the Democrats." He of the Shelby County GOP organi- James faction contend Negroes tatives from the Ninth District seat polled 7394 votes and Briggs State’s GOP voting group. him about two years ago by a pre­ day's Goldwater endorsement.) was seeking to have himself and cation dominated the county con­ "participated fully" in district cau­ last Saturday. Atty. Raymond M got 3,214. Down through the years it was dominantly white group. Mr. Lee is reportedly campaign­ David Marks of Memphis declared vention and Mr. Lee and his fol­ cuses and attended the county Bri ;gs of the Old Guard announc­ Later Mr. James lost to Democrat almost understood that the Repub- Mr. Lee was on hand in Nash- ing for New York Governor Rocke­ delegates to the national conven- lowers walked off the convention convention. ed lie will oppose Mr. James in the (Continued On Page Four) PRICE \1 VOLUME 32, NUMBER 48 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1964 •J I I* V A ’ I A; • ■ Price Given Guild Award Called Dr. Ish Trucks Now A Hit In r Dr. Hollis F. Price, president of tlie challenge of our time . i LeMoyne College and first Negro "Because in the example of tits in Memphis ever honored by the own life he has shown tlie, way Memphis Chapter of the National toward realization of tilts hope. 'Fellow' Ruling Newspaper Guild, was singled out "Because he has worked with Saturday night for tlie Guild’s ‘63 courage, devotion and wisdom, witli Big Firm Loses Citizenship Award'. dignity and good humor, for the He's Elected By Dr. Price, who ran for the school human rights of all people.. American College Bid For Terminal. \ board last year and received 41,083 "Because he has encouraged at votes, though he was not elected, Opposite School ' LeMoyne College a climate of un­ Of Surgeons » < was given rounds of roaring ap­ derstanding and responsible le®j- < The City Commission has re­ plause when he was called to the ersiiip as well as Intellectual and One of tlie nation's lop honors jected a petition to rezone the speakers’ stand to receive the academic fulfillment . , award. With him at the newsmen's "Because under his leadership lias been bestowed upon Dr. G. W. northeast corner of Pennsylvania and Fields, across tlie street irom dinner dance at the Claridge was LeMoyne has been a community Stanley Ish* Jr. of 1483 South Park sv. Carver High School, for use u a iiis wife, Mrs. Althea Price, an Eng­ influence not only in education, way East.'& DR. G. W. STANLEY ISII JR. Tile' chief of surgery at Collins truck terminal. lish Instructor at B. T, Washing­ but in drama, art. architecture, Chapel Hospital last week was ton High School. music and literature. Tl\e decision was a victory for elected a fellow of tlie American He was cited as "a towering "Because he has been ever ready College of Surgeons. parents and civil organizations in force for goodwill while improving to meet with and work with any the Carver High School area. They He is the first Negro in Memphis tlie stature and life of Negroes in persons or groups interested in bet­ Six Indicted After to receive this outstanding honor were represented by Atty. Ben F. tills city, this nation, this world." tering race relations, and because Jones. President Price received the tra­ he has been a towerin’ force for Being Den'cd Food A native of Little Rock, the quiet ditional citation in the form Of a Tlie petition failed for lack of the goodwill Improving the stature and and affable Dr. Ish earned the "stick” of type mounted on a wood­ Six colte'.e stuti.'i: ,i have been life of Negroes in this city, this M.I). degree at Howard University necessary three affirmative votes. en frame. It was presented to him Indi '"d bv tlie Uhe’Jiy County nation, this world. in Washington and served his resi­ Commissioners Hunter Lane and bv tlie Guild president, James H grand jury because th ’- were de DR. HOLLIS F. PRICE "Because in his own person lie dency In surgery at the Veterans James Moore voted for rezoning. White, of the Press-8clmltar: nled service ■ at the Normal Tea Commissioner Pete Sisslon voted holds up the image of constructive Administration Hospital in Tuske­ Mr. White, hard-hitting city hall Room. 539 south Hi.'.liland. located ■No' and Commissioner Claude Ar­ day. change, accomplished with under­ gee and Hines Hospital in Chicago reporter, was honored.-as Oullds- near Memphis State University.. mour abstained. Mayor Ingram was President- Price |s a graduate ol standing, klndnesa and compas­ He has served is president ol the ,s. man of the Year for his work as Amherst and holds the master's The tea rotim Is orfe of several out of the city it the time the sion. , of the better eatiiig places refusing medical staff and as chief of sur­ negotiating chairman In 1962-63. from Columbia. He has honorary vote was taken. to serve Negroes. About 70 other gery at Collins Ohapel since 1957 Both award wlnnefs were select­ doctorates from Brandeis and Am­ ‘'Because he embodies the best The rezonlng issue became a restaurants, Including two near He is the husband of Mrs. Sue ed by separate committees of mem­ tradition of the great educators. matter for the City Commission herst. Ish who is prominent In civic and bers of the Guild wh'ch represent» Booker T. Washington and Robert MSU, have lowered racinl barriers. after the Memphis an<L Shelby i club. affairs. They have one daugh- editorial, business office and ad­ He taught at Tuskegee nine years Moton, and of tlie great teachers County Planning Commission. rec­ Nick Karris, owner of thc tea | ter. vertising employees of the two before coming to LeMoyne in 1940 of all people. QUEEN OF COTTON MAKERS' to room, called police after the stu- Dr Ish. who also Is medical dl- port this Thursday afternoon ommended that Strickland Trans­ as dean. He was named president "And, because all people are his JUI'.fi. .- Pretty Nadine Poin­ dally papers here. dents refused to leave. rule as Queen over the Memphis portation Company of Dallas be Only a few people know early in 1943. people . dexter of Ilttsburgh, Pa., was sched Cotton Makers' Jubilee. Ail of tlie students are free un. (Continued on Page Four) permitted to extend its truoktng The citation reads: "We. the working newspapermen tiled to arrive at Metropolitan Air- last week that Dr. Price had been der J25O bonds each, business to the corner of Pennayl- selected for the award. But, the "Because as educator Rnd hu- and women of the Newspaper Two of those indicted are white. vania and Field, across th# street secret began to leak Friday and maintarlan he has raised thc eyes Guild of Memphis, do tender to Howard Romaine. 21. a student at. from the school. and hearts of countless young him this metal symbol of our high Thé Plinning Co then it was announced on the Air Southwestern, and Mart T. Stovall, people toward the hope as well as regard and affectionate respect ” Boy Scouts Back and in the afternoon paper Satur- 1!). a student at Memphis State. mended approval p » ■■ ..... ................. ; 1 Jubilee’s Queen Tlie non-wliltes indicted all stu­ (Continued On Page FawJ r dents at Memphis State, are Hor­ To Camp Fuller < Mayor Briley tense J, Spillers. 21, of 2418 Dead- \ rick: Phyllis LaVerne Ross, hi. of Camp Fuller will serve again this 2025 Keltner Circle: Joe F. Purdy. year as the sight for Boy Scout Dellas WHI Name 25. 1338 Chadwick Circle, and Rummer Camp. Tlie 1903 camp saw Given Pleas O'Dell Thomas King, '21, of 212!) 210 boys and 25 adults participate At Airport To Greet Her Is The King, Eldridge. m one of the best camp set ups yet.
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