2960 the London Gazette, 27 June, 1947
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2960 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 27 JUNE, 1947 and continuing in a straight line from the last-men- School site with frontage to Richard Street. tioned boundary to the centre line of Forty Acre Granville Road. Lane thence proceeding northward and north west- 1-45 (odd Nos. only) Granville Road. ward along the centre line of Forty Acre Lane and continuing to the centre line of Beckton Road thence Land between Nos. 45 and 47 (odd Nos. only) proceeding eastward along the centre line of Beckton Granville Road. Road to the starting point. Excluding therefrom the 47-77 (odd Nos. only) Granville Road. land on the eastern and western sides of Dartmouth 2-40 (even Nos. only) Granville Road. Road in the occupation of the Lamson Paragon Land adjoining and behind Nos. 2-14 Granville Supply Company Limited together with the lands Road. formerly occupied' by premises known as Nos. 28 Pacific Road (part of). to 40 (even Nos. only) Ford's Park Road; Nos. 5 1-33 and 37-47 (odd Nos. only) Pacific Road. to 19 (odd Nos. only) St. Thomas' Road; land ad- Garage adjoining No. 47 Pacific Road. joining No. 5 St. Thomas' Road; Nos. 2 to 24 (even 2-118 (even Nos. only) Pacific Road. Nos. only) Dartmouth Road, and land adjoining Plymouth Road (part of). No. 2 Dartmouth Road. 7-3'3 (odd Nos. only) Plymouth Road. Land adjoining No. 33 Plymouth Road and in Part II.—Particulars. rear of 24-40 Granville Road and No. 33 Plymouth. Properties and Streets which at the 3rd day of Road. September, 1939, were known by the following 35 'Plymouth Road. descriptions: — Ford's Park Road (part of). Beckton Road (part of). 1-61 (odd Nos. only) Ford's Park Road. 63- (" The Plymouth Anns " Off-Licence) Ford's 46 & 48 (" The Gladstone " Off-Licence) Beckton Park Road. Road. 12-26 (even Nos. only) Ford's Park Road. 50-54 (even Nos. only) Beckton Road. St. Johns Road (part of). Yard adjoining No. 54 Beckton Road. 17-128 (consecutive) St. Johns Road. 56-62 (even Nos. only) (Salvation Army Citadel) St. Thomas' Road. Beckton Road. ^-'22 (even Nos. only) St. Thomas' Road. 64-110 (even Nos. only) Beckton Road. Stable adjoining No. 2 St. Thomas' Road. 112-114 (even Nos. only) Beckton Road, being Dartmouth Road. land at the corner of Beckton Road and Richard Thorne Street. Street. Land and factory premises used as a Bottle 116-120 (even Nos. only) Beckton Road. Works, having a frontage to Thorne Street. Land and buildings on south side of Nos. 116-120 And any other properties not specifically referred (even Nos. only) Beckton Road. to above comprised in the area described in Part I of this Schedule. Forty Acre Lane (part of). Dated this 27th day of June, 1947. 1-39 (odd Nos. only) Forty Acre Lane. 3> E. E. KING, Town Clerk. 4 55 (odd Nos. only) (Hoopers Garage) Forty Town Hall, Acre Lane. West Ham, £.15. 57-61 (odd Nos. only) Forty Acre Lane. (2/5) Yard and Garage adjoining No. 61 Forty Acre Lane. 6A (" Old Glass House " Off-Licence) Forty TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1944. Acre Lane. WEST HAM (SOUTH No. 3A AREA) COMPULSORY Land at the rear of Nos. 6A and 4, 6 & 8 Forty Acre Lane. PURCHASE ORDER, 1947. 4-14 (even Nos. only) Forty Acre Lane. NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Trinity Street (part of). County Borough of West Ham in pursuance of their powers under Section 2 of the Town and Country 89-101 (odd Nos. only) Trinity Street. Planning Act, 1944, on the twenty-eight day of May Bradley Street. 1947, made an Order, which has been submitted for Land in the rear of 50-54 (even Nos. only) confirmation by the Minister of Town and Country Beckton Road occupied by power-house, Bradley Planning authorises them to purchase compul- Street. sorily for the purposes of the redevelopment thereof Land and -buildings adjoining No. 2 Bradley as an area of extensive war damage the lands de- Street. scribed in the Schedule hereto, and directing that 2-46 (even Nos. only) Bradley Street. the provisions of the Act relating to expedited com- 1-51 (odd Nos. only) Bradley Street. pletion of purchase shall apply thereto. Motor Works adjoining No. 5,1 Bradley Street. A copy of the Order, and of the Map referred to therein, have been deposited at the offices of the Thornton Street. Authority at the Town Hall, West Kami £.15, and 1-13 (odd Nos. only) Thornton Street. l will be open for inspection without payment of fee 2-<22 (even Nos. only) Thornton Street. at all reasonable hours. Land adjoining No. 2-z Thornton Street. Where the Minister confirms the Order, he may, if 24-312 (even Nos. only) Thornton Street. he is satisfied that it is requisite so to do, confirm Land adjoining No. 3,2 Thornton Street. the Order with a Direction that the provisions of Edwin Street. the Act relating to expedited completion of purchase 2-i'S (even Nos. only) Edtwin Street. shall apply to the said land. Land between Nos. 18 and 30 (even Nos. only) Edwin Street. Where the confirmed Order contains such a Direc- 30-42- (even Nos. only) Edwin Street. tion the following provisions will operate: — Yard between Nos. 42 and 46 (even Nos. only) (a) The Lands Clauses Acts and the Acquisition Edwin Street. of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919 46-54 (even Nos. only) Edwin Street. as amended and applied by the Town and Country Land and buildings at the corner of Thornton Planning Act, 1944, will have effect as if a notice •Street and Edwin Street. to treat such as is mentioned in Section 18 of the 1-7 (odd Nos. only) Edwin Street. Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, had been 9 (The " Cherry Tree " Off-Licence) Edwin served on every person on whom the Council could, Street. under the terms of that Section, have served such Yard adjoining No. i Edwin Street. a notice, namely, all persons interested 'n the said Land and buildings (at rear of Nos. 1-23 (odd lands; all persons enabled by the Lands Clauses Nos. only) Fife Road) Edwin Street. Acts to sell and convey or release any of the said Land and buildings at corner of Richard Street lands; or such of the above persons as would after and Edwin Street. diligent enquiry be known to the Council, and the Corner Street. date on which such notice to treat will be deemed 1-7 (consecutive) Corner Street. to have been served will be the date on which the Richard Street. Order is registered in the Register of Local Land i-i'9 (consecutive) Richard Street. Charges kept in respect of the area in which the Fife Road (part of). lands are situated. Such notice to treat will not 1-115 (odd [N°s- only) Fife Road. be deemed to have been served on any person in Land adjoining No. 2 Fife Road. respect of an interest which is a tenancy for a year, 2-18 (even Nos. only) Fife Road. or from year to year, or a less interest..