Ford, Susan - Events - 9/18/76 - Steuben Day Parade” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R

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Ford, Susan - Events - 9/18/76 - Steuben Day Parade” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R The original documents are located in Box 44, folder “Ford, Susan - Events - 9/18/76 - Steuben Day Parade” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. TH E WHITE HO SE vvASH NGTON .I September ~3, 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: 1 CAVANEY FROM: S~AN PORTER SUBJECT : Action Memo Susan Ford has accepted the following out-of-town invitation: EVENT: 19th Annual Steuben Parade GROUP: German-American Committee of Greater New York, Incorporated DATE: Saturday, September 18, 1976 TIME: 11:30 a.m.: Gather 12:00 p.m.: Parade begins PLACE: Begins at 63rd and Fifth Avenue New York , New York CONTACT : Dr. Walter E . Bock - o-f tJ.... $".' CTl) General Chairman ~1'2;) <....E" c.(-Oi~ 0 WJ.. 0: 212-390-3236 H: 212-533-3946 COMMENTS: Susan Ford will participate in the 19th Annual Steuben Parade, sponsored by the German-American Community in New York City. The Parade honors General Von Steuben for his contributions to the success of the American Army during the fateful days of the fight for independence. Leadi~g German statesmen including Willy Brandt and Walter Scheel have participated in the past, but in the nineteen years of the Parade, no member of the White House has ever attended. Outside .f.t, ~ V\L '-JI~ .S ~ ·~ • j(,...,. ~ ,...._ 1M1'1L.. w' lh._ CA°"VA •f ('-'-o ~ Lt . Digitized from Box 44 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - 2 - those of English origin in the United States, the German-Americans are the largest ethnic segment of our population. The Governor and Mayor will part;icipate. , The Parade begins at 63rd and Fifth Avenue. Participants will walk to 69th Street ~'b:> the reviewing stand. The invitation has the encouragement o£ the FC. The.. file - attached. Thank you. I ,... c: BF Staff Myron Kuropas W!lliam Nicholson Jerry .Jones Terry o;Donnell James Field James Baker Stuart Spencer Ed Terrell Elly Peterson Williaxr Greener III Jud Summer Timothy Austin Kathy Mccort Rex Scouten Staircase _. ~ WA.c;, • - '.V"-1-'~-~ '~ 001~ ~)J..~OJ,, -~L L~ August 2, 1976 (/\~~ ...._, ' ~~tic<.. - { . ) : 1!!.MORANDUlv1 F OR: SUSAN PORTER ... - "'T"'*.... c: 4., FROM: BILL NICHOLsorWwAi SUBJECT: Steuben Day Parade, Saturday, September 18 in New York City ·' . The attached background is forwarded fo~ onsideration. I Jack agrees, let's coordinate on contacting e sponsors as this has not yet been regretted for the President. Thank you • ......;- . ,,...,,... ( I .;;.-:: /j _.. ')c..V ~I.,~ I ~ • '·f.v . ' I - ~ -r~~ A-"\"­ ~~. c. RE""~~~S ., -:; 7 r·o77ha- ..., ' - ,,,,- -,,; _/ ? 'e of .r:c. • e t.:7e . ...., 1 - me~ico.n t.on.m • _,raater September 3th, l 976 8 '• e • .> • - , Ao1. 4._ t • .-w Yo , • Y. •oo c DR. \.ALTER E BOCK - ~·· otl ' • - ;~ - 236 Ger. ra ChJ:rr Jr. I'. ~ (2.1-L)".5'"3 ~0"10/at)' C -4\: .b­ )!on L:ll 1,',r.,- ~. p~ ~J;i, ~r-~4~· :i,4' i;,,,., -, ~ ~~ ~~ .. 4~~~. ... n~f.l:r/ - .. , " I M~r , 1 •t .11 Hon. r..IJ lb ':h Hon.. -.·1Jnf •. 1 1 G•~nd ~' s I ~1i.~- J. f~ W<- ,aiJ.J_ Fr.s;ik A B lz, Jr .rl.ugustf~rl Honor~ry G~.inaf Cht::h·m~:i E"-·"in A. ,,,..-:::1 a TfD---- Geor~e Pap!! Hellmu!h G. Oipp I 'SCHo;:OULE EO. _____ Wi!i'tt E. Schoep• D:').TE RECE:~VED Co-Ch;\irman ~~r Wiliiam Hand,,ler Yi...C:hnir111en Fred :<:. 6lu'11 ~arl Eymold M..~ Petet J. "' r Hon~rable Gerald H Ford t!"rbert Masd f.Mrtin Opi:z President of the United States ~ MESS AG~~~-~-~-- Wa:t>r R3yelt : S?E.t\KE:RS BUREAU, _____ He<bert 5'hirnkus The Whi te House Dr. George F. s~uF.erl OTHER George Vogler Washington, D.C. Josef Volz Conrld W.'.l~lfol AP.?OJNTMENT OFFICE .___! ,,..w,Adolf ... Woh;t Dear r•:r. President, Theob~!d J. o~ng!er rmuc• Chairman Wolfgang 1-lam~I An earlier letter h~d been sent to your office ;.in3ncial s~u.?:ary info~ming you that the annual Steuben Parade, Ed11h t'3nd!l~r Day E.w~c-.,tiv• sponsored by the German American Community is being lolte Witschel AHista~t Secretary held in New York, Saturday, Septe'Tlber 18+.h, 1976 ~ · ·bcd!·Ke•charn 1,-:=ii .. ,f ,~ S:1 .. t!oliirV st~rting at noon. r • J.:>nke C:>:n:nsntalor Erwin A. Sing!e Jl.lnorar1 Comm:•t.,a I·"l :his letter, we had pointed 0·1t that the Ste tben H.,n. Jo:;ep'i Ad..: 1:t Hon. A'bert H. eoscl> Parade is th€ largest gathrring of Americans ~f German Hon. J~rry A 'U<'~ll an~es+ry all over the a130 Hor:. R~'p!- ( • ~ froM United States. I r. "· Morb•r• '1•o.:jl er Ho,,. lovi• ler .'lwitz a t;t:-acts thousands of tourists \."ho co::ne f'rom C-er-nany >ton. Arthur lev'll Hon. Ro':>!!rt f, Wag. er fo- this special event. Or. Walter E. B<>ck Karl B;)~llier 1'.l!:t Bo•;r:ian> n2. t·:~iugh the response we ha:e had does not sound too H1isey T. Bu;k~ P.ev !!alph D~ 'I • encouraging, i+ :s our fondest hope that you wi+l still Wa:ter O:i~ 'er 1 Gv•r.'h E be ab e to join our paraders for this most histor!c Dietr;c:; • ... • ..,an A'fred Gr <!> eve~~, esp-=c ially in vi e·N of V'in Steuben's contribution Thi> !or 'a z 1~r., t· e success o: the Ame~ican ~rmy d~ring the fateful E1.1:.~n Mey ,. H!""!.S o~ter !'lar n d2ys of the fight for independenca. Kll:r1 P.u'°1"?"? er A~o! f Scha-1•· Karl S<hred~r Henry Soho rl .• 'Ile d.'.) hop9 that ;1our scI:iedule can be rearranged to Or. He•ndeh P. S·;hr fl'>.>I Chairman en~ble you to join us in the line and in the review Jeff Ketcl-am o~ ~ e parade. You are also most coYdially relcome foreign Rehr1ons Cha.irm•n Erwil'\ A. 1 ""';! t0 ~oin us at ou~ annual .-anq•1et to be held starting c.. ,.,llo>Yet O!.ia•m Ch~c!Y G1rtrvd~ le •• a ~ r . ~. in t~e Hotel Biltmore, New York , on Sept.17th C<>rnfl.,wtr Sa!H CfA"t.:rnaro Georc;e Bl1..1er ti ~ jay bef o~e tha parade . Gr~d•l1ncl Clwjr !J Ccntad Wo•'"'' M1uie C~ai1m~tt Or George f. Seu. .rt I rl/"' 13.nt to em1,has i ze the respect •Nhich we h::-.;.re -f"o'!:" yo Pubiic P.ol;ot;ons Chair n ari ·e do sincerely hope that it will be possib2~ for He,..o~rt Sch tr k ~ i ltac•:"tion Cha!rMan ~.:.u to join ;;s and become one of us in h:Jnorin6 '3-en~ral Ci•orge Pi;>!! Sp"K; •I Everrs Chairin.n o;i S-:euben. ;..~ .. w J ' y Ketcf.-.m HlttorfJn . I:,~ H?ffm>n<' k.tnt• Chait·m n Dr. Ge:>r;i: F. fe,t . ) THE.. f HITE HOUSE WASH I NG t ON .-..... July 22, 1976 1.1EMORANDUM FOR: MYRON KUROPAS FROM : WILLIAM NICHOLSON VV vv /I/ I ' SUBJECT: Invitation to the President to participate in Steuben Day Parade on Saturday, September 18 in New York City I would appreciate your comments and recommendation onthe attached invitation. Thank you. C OMMENTS: I r e commend that the President participate in the parade. The parade is a significant event and the Germans are our l a rgest ethnic g roup. ez1oen Parade of The Germon-America.n Committee of Greater ew York, Inc. ~ September 18th, 1976 6" !'eter Ccoper Rd .• Apt. AC New Yorlc, N. Y 10010 DR. WALTER E. BOCK Bu•. Telep~ne: 390-3236 General Cha rman ::i •• ffenoury Chatrm3n HO'I. Hu3h Ca e TC _____ ~ l!rond3n T II rne Hononry Grand Jn~I :-::~~n1t,_E: ~o. ___ .,,,,,. Sume Hon. c•lbach Hon. ' I • f. Rin~I Gsand M r h•I March 25, 1976 Fran<. A Bolz. Jr. -. ·1) 9 t4onoury Cenanl Ch~irm•n r 1.. ,._ 1976 Erwin A. S "!O a• Pa;)• Honorable Gerald R. Ford Heilmulh G. O!ppel President of the United States .. Willie E. ho~s :;;:!:Ai<~RS SUFi~U ___ Co-Ch•irman The White House Willi;t."11 Handal~r YlC9oCJlainH" Washington, D. C. • Fred K. Blum Kerl Eymold Mn. Poter J. Keueler H•rbetf Mase! Dear Mr. President, Mattin Opitz We!ter R•yell Herbert Schimltus Dr. Geo199 F. Seuffert May I at this early date inform you that the annual George Vogler Josef Volz Steuben Parade will be held in New York on Saturday, Conrad Woalfel Adolf Wohsl 18th, 1976.
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