The Justinian Volume 1960 Article 1 Issue 1 November
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The Justinian Volume 1960 Article 1 Issue 1 November 1960 The uJ stinian Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation (1960) "The usJ tinian," The Justinian: Vol. 1960 : Iss. 1 , Article 1. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at BrooklynWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The usJ tinian by an authorized editor of BrooklynWorks. et al.: The Justinian Uhe JU3linian Member 01 American Law Student Association NOVEMBER 1960 BROOKLYN LAW SCHOOL, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK VOL. XXI , NO. I June Graduation IsB A Names New Boa rd; Brooklyn Awards 281 Degrees; B t Elected President Dr. Newsom Addresses Grads ~ t ~ we r e~d ~ st May for the officers of the Student Bar Association, the organizat:on of BLS Two hundred eighty-one Bachelor of Laws degrees we re conferred at student government. The officials are: President-Harvey Baxter, First Vice-President-lIichael Solomon, the commencement exercises of Brooklyn Law School, held last June 21 econd Vice-Pre id ent-Richard A. Benack, Treasurer- Steven Keats, Corresponding Secretary - Ethel B. at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Pearlman, Recording Secretary-Stan Tathanson, Student Aid Chairman-Gene Kaslow and ALSA Represen- The honorary degree of Doctor of Law was conferred upon lIon. talive-Brad Spielman. Carroll V . Newsom, President of the New York University. Pre,ident Harvey Baxter, e\'ening clas. of 1961, is a ocial Studies teacher at Montauk Junior High School, Newsom also delivered the principal address, entitled "Educational Demands Brooklyn, ew York. He was graduated from Champlain College of the State University of New York, at work at New York University, Upon the Future Lawyer." Hon. Henry L. Ughetta, president of the Board of Trustee, of School of Education. He is a mem _____________ Brooklyn Law School, presided over ber of Iota Theta Law Fraternity, the commencement exercises and con and last year was Treasurer of the ferred the honorary degree u[lun Pres Student Bar Association. He will Plan Annual ident ewsom. Dr. Harry Halpern, co-ordinate all student activities and an alumnus of Brooklyn J .aw School. be the students' liaison with the SBA Dance gave the Invocation ami the B~ne faculty. The en tire student body of Brook- diction. M ichael Solomon, class of 1962, Iyn Law School was invited this Dean Jerome Prince pn.>,ented the was graduated from Adelphi College, month to the SBA Annual Buffet- candidates for degree" all<l conkrred where he majored in History and Dance on December 10th, by Harvey two Doctor of Judicial :-,cicllCe Ile Government, and was a Dean' list Baxter, pre ident of the Student Bar gree, eight Ma ster flf 1.<1\\ <lq~ r ees tudent. Last year, he was Presi- 'A ssociation. and two hundred eil.!iltY-'JlIC Bachelor dent o f the freshmen clas,. "Following the successful pattern of Law- degree,.. Ri chard A. Benack, Cla" of 1961, establi shed last winter, the dance wi ll The following C:ll1dld;d," rece ived was graduated from Fordham Uni be held in the school lounge," R ichard their Bachelor oi Law,; degree Cllt/I Benack, \'ice-pre,idcnt of BA and laude: Ira B. ).larsilall, Brooklyn; versity where he majored in English. He served two years in the U.S. dance chairman, told TH E: JUSTINIAN. Frank Lionel, BrolJklYIl ; and Bar- Army Transportation Corps, attaining Stanley Gross and his orchestra bara !zett, New York. George Jo have been signed to provide the mu ic. seph :\Ialinsky of Cl.'orgeto\\·n, Con- the rank of Captain. Thi ycar, stre's will be placed on h SBA B d ' t d ' th I d M' 1e - I H vey Steven Keats, Cia 5 of 1962, \Va continuous dancing. necticut, recei\'", 1 th~ :\f a~te r oi TSa:;;. Et hel ~:r Pe~srl~:an ,e Ri~nhar/ B~sn~ack .or T:~ Ro~ ~ ! :dmS;i'elm:~, graduated from the N. Y. U. School Pdf I d . 1 Laws degree ell/II 10 lid,. ; and 'ath- Steven Kea ts, Gene Kazlow , and Stan Natha Ison rocee S rom tie ance go entIre y erine Frances \ 'el,or, Ke\\' York ,I __________________________ of Commerce, Accounts and Finance. to the Student Aid Fund. In college, he was vice president ~f co~i~~e~~t~t ~:S~a~c~O~;,~\~~V~~;:lt~ I/Ia.ylla CI//II lalld... Attorn.~v, General A":-cepts the Ec, Clul" a member of Price, Queens. received the '-=' M_ the Inter Club Council, and a mem- or J UridIcal Science degree 11 gna ber of the Finance C lub. In La\\' (1/I/IIal/dc. 1960 BLS Graduate School, he is a member of Iota Announce New Prizc;; a_\\'arded _at the ~e rem l.'\ l~ ics Theta Fraternity, where he is on wcre: lotr,t Scholar, hl[1 Pri ze, The United tates Department of Justice has added R oh.:rt R. McMillan, the Membership Committee. Frank Lioncl. Brooklyn. :\lr. Lione l a Fel:trua ry 1960 graduate, to the Attorney General's staff. This is the third Ethel B. Pearlman is a second faculty Series also rccei\'cd the La\\,ycr's Co-oper- student selected in 1960 from the Brooklyn Law School, the largest number year evenin g student. he attended Dean Jerome Prince announced that ative Publishing Company Prize. evcr selected in one year. Martin Pollner and Philip Berns, both June Wheaton College and was graduatcd members of the Brooklyn Law School (COI llil/lled all faye 4) 1960 graduates, were previously selected. from \Vashington Square College of faculty would deli \'er a series of __~ ____~ ____ ~____________ ).[r. ).[c11illan is one of approx- NYU. She majored in history, be- ledures in Criminal Procedure and .nede imatciy 95 students to be chosen longed to Alpha Epsilon Phi Soror- E\·idence he fore the Queens County Role Expla (Con/i I/li ed on page 3) ity, and was a member of the Hon- Crimi na l Bar Association. The pur Orientation orary Historical ociety. Last year, pose of the lectures is to help the m a n she was secretary to the Law Re Association with its program of For Incomi ng F r e S h view, and this semester she is a pro post-admission education. On ~londay and T ue day evenings, September 19 and 20, freshman vi sional member of Law Review. eX~I~~l:er~~s ~lfc le~:~:es S~h~~~~ ~~~ orientation was held ill the auditorium of the Brooklyn Law School. It Stan athanson, evening class of conducted by Dean J erome Prince. 1962, i a member of the Brooklyn operation with bar associations and Commenting on the contents and Law Review taff. He i responsible alumni group. For example, a series " format of orientation, Dean Prince for the minutes of all meetings, and of lectures, without fee, on the revi pointed out that years ago orienta the files of th e Board of Governors sions of the Civil Practice Act, will tions wel'e largely historical and anc! the House of Delegates. be offered to alumni this winter. mo t of the time was spent in dis The lectures in Queen will include: cu ion of similaritie and differences Gellc Kazlow, Class of 1961, was Profes or Solomon A. Klein, P're between legal systems. graduatcd frolll BI-ooklyn College Trial Practices in a Crimillal Case; years, ho\\'ever, more time ha s been where he l e l ong~c1 to Alpha Epsilon Dea n Jerome Prince, COllsidera/io1t of de\'oted to advising the ,tudellt n Pi and tl;e Philosophy Club. In Hearsay E:rceptiolls Encol/ntered in a how to adjust to law ,tudy. A ma Law hoo l, he i, a student libra CrillliJlal Case; Colonel William W. JO I' purpose of the sessions has been rian, has been vice-president of hi s Kl einmall, Art of Sl/lIIl11a/ion in a to h Ip bridge the gap bet\\'ecn col- class for two y aI'S, and is a mem Crilllil/ol Case; Professor Solomon A. ber of Tota Theta Law Fratern ity. Klein, APrealiny From a COl/vic/ioll; Justice Mario Pittoni, Tech niql/cs ill The student must learn COI/ I/ l!c tioll with Real Evidence; and about our judicial system, a s well a panel discussion led /:'y the L ec Revised Grading System as ho\V to read and brief a case. turer ' based on problems ugge ted by the au diencc. There were other gaps to bridge Announced For Freshman be ides the academic one, Dean A change in the grading system for those students entering the Law chool on and a fter September, 1960, was announced by Dean J erome Prince. School Renovation Near.s Completion ~:~~C\e S~~~de t~E~! ~ ~::: th:~Ud~:~: The following will be the po sible g rades available to a student. are entering a profe. sion, and that Letter Grade Quality Grade The renovation program of Brooklyn Law School, initiated four they arc not mcre technician. They A + (Outstanding) 5.5 years ago under the direction of Assistant Dean Gilbride, is nearing mu t look and act the part of law- A (Excellent) cOlllp letion. yer . ." B (Above average) C (Average) d::~:~:~1 t~~l (l~:: s ~~:~~r, fl:o~ni~~~e \\. re in, tall cd in the corridors of the In hi addresses to the ne\ stu- D (Passing but unsatisfactory) second and third fl oors: al l of the dents, Dean Prince noted the fact that F (Failure) tairwell s in the bui lding \\ ere pail1t- their col lege preparation has been, for nd r the new grading system in order to remain in good standing, ed and brightened by flu orescent the most part, de cripti\·e.