Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16


Carotenoids as natural functional pigments

Takashi Maoka1

Received: 5 June 2019 / Accepted: 22 September 2019 / Published online: 1 October 2019 © The Author(s) 2019

Abstract are tetraterpene pigments that are distributed in photosynthetic bacteria, some species of archaea and fungi, algae, plants, and . About 850 naturally occurring carotenoids had been reported up until 2018. Photosynthetic bacteria, fungi, algae, and plants can synthesize carotenoids de novo. Carotenoids are essential pigments in photosynthetic organs along with . Carotenoids also act as photo-protectors, antioxidants, color attractants, and precursors of plant hormones in non-photosynthetic organs of plants. Animals cannot synthesize carotenoids de novo, and so those found in animals are either directly accumulated from food or partly modifed through metabolic reactions. So, carotenoids show structural diversity. Carotenoids in animals play important roles such precursors of vitamin A, photo-protectors, anti- oxidants, enhancers of immunity, and contributors to reproduction. In the present review, I describe the structural diversity, function, biosyntheses, and metabolism of natural carotenoids.

Keywords Carotenoids · Natural pigments · Biosyntheses · Metabolism · Function

Introduction carotenoids containing oxygen atoms as hydroxy, carbonyl, aldehyde, carboxylic, epoxide, and furanoxide groups in Structure of carotenoids these molecules. Some are present as fatty acid esters, glycosides, sulfates, and protein complexes. Struc- Carotenoids are tetraterpene pigments, which exhibit yel- tures of xanthophylls show marked diversity. About 800 low, orange, red and purple colors. Carotenoids are the kinds of xanthophylls have been reported in nature up until most widely distributed pigments in nature and are present 2018 [1, 2]. Figure 1b shows structures of typical in photosynthetic bacteria, some species of archaea and and xanthophylls. Most carotenoids have 40-carbon skeleton fungi, algae, plants, and animals. Most carotenoids consist (C40 ). Some carotenoids have a 45- or 50-car- of eight isoprene units with a 40-carbon skeleton. Their gen- bon skeleton, which are called higher carotenoids. About 40 eral structures commonly consist of a polyene chain with kinds of higher carotenoids are present in some species of nine conjugated double bonds and an end group at both archaea. On the other hand, carotenoids composed of carbon ends of the polyene chain. The structures of the polyene skeletons with fewer than 40 carbons are called apocarot- chain and end groups of carotenoids are shown in Fig. 1a enoids. About 120 kinds of are present in [1]. Carotenoids are divided into two groups: carotenes and some species of plants and animals as degradation products xanthophylls. Carotenes, such as α-, β-carotene, of C40 carotenoids [1, 2]. β,ψ-carotene (γ-carotene), and , are hydrocarbons. About 50 kinds of carotenes are present in nature [1]. On the History of carotenoid research in natural product other hand, xanthophylls, such as β-cryptoxanthin, , chemistry , , , and , are In the early part of the nineteenth century, carotenoids were found in paprika (1817), safron (1818), annatto (1825), * Takashi Maoka carrots (1831), and autumn leaves (1837). In 1906, Zwet [email protected]‑ succeeded in the separation of carotene, and 1 Research Institute for Production Development, 15 from green leaves using column chromatogra- Shimogamo, Morimoto Cho, Sakyoku, Kyoto 606‑0805, phy. In the 1930s, Karrer and Khun elucidated the structures Japan

Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 2 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16

Fig. 1 a Basic structures of A end group polyene chain end group carotenoids and end groups. b Structures of typical carotenes 18' 19 20 5' and xanthophylls 17 16 15 13' 6 9' 1' 1 6' 9 13 15' 19' 16' 17' 5 18 20' -Carotene end group

-end group -end group -end group -end group

-end group -end group -end group

B Carotenes

-Carotene Lycopene



HO HO -Cryptoxanthin Lutein O OH OH

HO HO O Zeaxanthin Astaxanthin OH OH O O O . O O O O . O O Fucoxanthin HO HO Peridinin

of β-carotene and lycopene. Furthermore, they found that by Kuhn and Karrer in 1928–1930, about 750 naturally β-carotene was a precursor of vitamin A. They won the occurring carotenoids had been reported up until 2004 Nobel Prize in chemistry for this work. Subsequently, struc- [1]. Improvements of analytical instruments such as NMR, tures of lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin were revealed by MS, and HPLC have made it possible to perform the struc- their groups. These structural studies were based on the oxi- tural elucidation of very minor carotenoids in nature [2]. dative degradation of carotenoids with ­KMnO4, and struc- Annually, several new structures of carotenoids are being tures were analyzed using elemental analysis. In the 1950s, reported. Our research group has performed the structural the Zechmeister group studied E/Z (cis–trans) isomeriza- elucidation and analysis of naturally occurring carotenoids tion of carotenoids. In the 1960s, the Weedon group and using NMR, MS, MS/MS, and LC/MS [2] over the last dec- Liaaen-Jensen group elucidated the structure of fucoxanthin ade. About 100 kinds of natural carotenoids were reported and peridinin, respectively, using NMR and MS spectrom- from 2004 to 2018 [2]. Synthetic studies of carotenoids etry [3]. Since the frst structural elucidation of β-carotene revealed the stereochemistry of several complex structures

1 3 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16 3 of natural carotenoids such as peridinin, fucoxanthin, cras- by non-photochemical quenching, a mechanism to reduce sostreaxanthin B, and cucurbitaxanthin A [4]. the amount of energy that reaches the photosynthetic reac- tion centers. Non-photochemical quenching is one of the main ways to protect against photoinhibition. In higher Carotenoids in photosynthetic bacteria, plants, xanthophyll cycles consist of –anthe- some species of fungi, algae, and plants raxanthin–zeaxanthin. During light stress, violaxanthin is converted to zeaxanthin via the intermediate , Carotenoid biosynthesis which plays a direct photo-protective role acting as a lipid- protective antioxidant and by stimulating non-photochemical Basic carotenoid biosynthetic pathways are indicated in quenching within light-harvesting proteins. This conversion Fig. 2a and b. The frst step, dimethylallyl pyrophosphate of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin is medicated by the enzyme is formed from acetyl CoA or pyruvic acid through meva- violaxanthin de-epoxidase, while the reverse reaction is per- lonate pathway or non-mevanolate pathway, respectively. formed by zeaxanthin epoxidase (Fig. 3) [6]. Lutein epox- Then, , with a C40 carotenoid skeleton, is formed ide and lutein are members of xanthophylls cycles in higher from dimethylallyl pyrophosphate through geranyl pyroph- plants. In diatoms, the xanthophyll cycle consists of diadi- osphate and geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (Fig. 2a). Phy- noxanthin and (Fig. 3) [6]. toene is a colorless carotenoid with three conjugated double bonds. Phytoene is stepwisely desaturated to form lycopene Carotenoids in non‑photosynthetic organs of plants via , ζ-carotene, and by phy- toene desaturase. Lycopene cyclases produce carotenoids Carotenoids are also present in non-photosynthetic organs with cyclic terminal end groups such as α-carotene and of plants such as fruits, pericarps, seeds, roots, and fow- β-carotene, as shown in Fig. 2b. Several xanthophylls are ers. Carotenoids in these none-photosynthetic organs show produced by carotene hydroxylases, ketolases, and epoxi- structural diversity and are formed by secondary metabolic dase. These carotenoid biosynthetic pathways have been reactions, such as oxidation, the cleavage of polyene chains, comprehensively revealed by enzymatic and genetic studies and (Z/E) (cis–trans) isomerization [5, 6]. Carotenoids in [5]. non-photosynthetic organs act as photo-protectors, antioxi- dants, color attractants, and precursors of plant hormones. Carotenoids in photosynthetic organs of plants Many fruits and seeds turn red or purple during the rip- ening stage. This color change is due to the formation of Carotenoids are essential compounds along with chloro- carotenoids and/or anthocyanins. For example, the color of phylls in photosynthetic bacteria, algae, and plants and are the pericarp of tomato turns from greenish-yellow to deep involved in and photo-protection. Carot- red during the ripening stage. This color change is due to enoids harvest light energy and transfer this energy to chlo- the conversion of phytoene to lycopene in the pericap of the rophylls through singlet–singlet excitation transfer. This tomato. Phytoene (colorless), which is the major carotenoid singlet–singlet transfer is a lower energy state transfer used in greenish-yellow tomato, is converted to phytofuene (pale during photosynthesis. Carotenoids absorb excessive energy yellow), ζ-carotene (yellow), neurosporene (orange), and from chlorophylls through triplet–triplet transfer and release lycopene (red) by phytoene desaturase, as shown in Fig. 2B excessive energy by polyene vibration. The triplet–triplet [5, 6]. Lycopene is a carotenoid with some of the strongest transfer is a higher energy state essential in photo-protection. singlet oxygen quenching and photo-protection activities [5, Reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen, hydroxy 6]. radicals, and superoxide anion radicals are produced from Pittosporum tobira (Tobera in Japanese) is a small, oxygen and light during photosynthesis. Carotenoids with slender, evergreen tree growing in southern Japan. In more than eleven conjugated double bonds show a marked summer, the seeds have a pale yellow color and are cov- capacity to quench singlet oxygen. The mechanism for ered with a capsule. In autumn, the seeds are exposed to quenching singlet oxygen is a physical reaction. Carotenoids sunlight and change color from yellow to red. The major take up thermal energy from singlet oxygen and release this carotenoid in the yellow seeds is violaxanthin, with a pale energy by polyene vibration. yellow color, and related epoxy carotenoids. On the other The xanthophyll cycle involves the enzymatic removal hand, the major carotenoid in the red seeds is a series of of epoxy groups from xanthophylls (violaxanthin, anthe- red seco-carotenoids named as tobiraxanthin A, B, and raxanthin, and lutein epoxide) to create the so-called de- C. During the autumn season, violaxanthin is converted epoxy xanthophylls (zeaxanthin and lutein). These enzy- to tobiraxanthin A by oxidative cleavage of C5–C6 and matic cycles were found to play a key role in stimulating C5′–C6′ bonds, as shown in Fig. 4a. Tobiraxanthin A energy dissipation within light-harvesting antenna proteins shows an approximately 30-nm longer wavelength shift

1 3 4 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16

Fig. 2 a Carotenoid biosyn- A O O thetic pathways (formation of S-CoA COOH phytoene). b Desaturation of polyene chain and cyclization of Acethyl CoA Pyruvic acid end groups Mevalonate pathway Non mevalonate pathway

O O O CH O-P-P P-P = P OPOH HO CH O-P-P 2 2 OH OH HO OH Isopentenyl pyrophosphate Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate Mevalonic acid


Geranyl pyrophospahate


Geranylgeranyl pyrophospahate



Phytoene (colorless) phytoene desaturase

Phytofuluene (pale yellow) phytoene desaturase

Carotene (yellow) phytoene desaturase

Neurosporene (orange) phytoene desaturase

Lycopene (Red)

lycopene cyclase

lycopene cyclase

-Carotene (orange)

-Carotene (orange-yellow)

1 3 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16 5

In higher plants

Lumen Thylakoidmembran Stroma Lumen Thylakoidmembran Stroma


O O HO HO Zeaxanthin Zeaxanthin High light Violaxanthin High light Lutein epoxide epoxidase epoxidase Violaxanthin de-epoxidase Low light Violaxanthin Low light de-epoxidase OH OH

O HO HO Antheraxanthin Zeaxanthin Lutein High light epoxidase In diatoms Violaxanthin Low light de-epoxidase OH OH O

Zeaxanthin HO HO Zeaxanthin epoxidase High light Violaxanthin Low light de-epoxidase OH

HO Diatoxanthin

Fig. 3 Xanthophyll cycles than violaxanthin because of the introduction of two con- embryo maturation and germination, cell division and jugated carbonyl groups at C6 and C6′ in the polyene chain elongation, foral growth, and stress responses. Carote- of violaxanthin. Therefore, tobiraxanthin A shows strong noids are also precursors of some aroma compounds [6]. activity to quench singlet oxygen induced by sunlight. Fur- thermore, the red color of the seed acts as an attractant for birds to eat seeds to disperse them. Therefore, red seco- carotenoids act as antioxidants, photo-protectors, and color Carotenoids in animals attractants in P. tobira (Fig. 4a) [2, 7]. Novel carotenoid and α-tocopherol complexes named In general, animals do not synthesize carotenoids de novo, pittosporumxanthins were also isolated from the red- and so those found in animals are either directly obtained colored seeds of P. tobira [2, 8, 9] by our research group. from food or partly modifed through metabolic reactions. Pittosporumxanthin A1 and A2 are diastereomeric pairs of The major metabolic conversions of carotenoids found the cycloaddition product of violaxanthin at the C-11′ and in these animals are oxidation, reduction, translation of C-12′ positions, with α-tocopherol (Fig. 4b). The mecha- double bonds, oxidative cleavage of double bonds, and nism of carotenoid and α-tocopherol complex formation cleavage of epoxy bonds [5, 6, 10]. in the seeds of P. tobira may be considered as follows: an It is well-known that carotenoids that contain unsub- α-tocopherol radical is formed from α-tocopherol by the stituted β- rings such as β-carotene, α-carotene, quenching or scavenging of reactive oxygen species in the β-cryptoxanthin. and β,ψ-carotene (γ-carotene) are pre- seed. The α-tocopherol radical itself becomes a pro-oxidant cursor of and are called pro-vitamin A. Further- and causes oxidative damage. Therefore, carotenoids such more, carotenoids in animals play important roles such as as violaxanthin take up α-tocopherol radicals through the photo-protectors, antioxidants, enhancers of immunity, and formation of adduct products. This suggests that carotenoids contributors to reproduction. Several animals use carot- can quench phenoxy radicals by reacting with these polyene enoids as signals for intra-species (sexual signaling, social chains [2, 8, 9]. status signaling, and parent–ofspring signaling) and inter- Carotenoids also participate in diferent types of cell species (species recognition, warning coloration, mimicry, signaling. They are able to signal the production of absci- and crypsis) communication [5, 6, 10]. sic acid, which regulate plant growth, seed dormancy,

1 3 6 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16

Seed (summer) Covered with capsule Seed (autumn) The seeds are exposed to sunlight and change color from yellow to red.

A 5' O Acyl 6 O O 6' Acyl O 5 Violaxanthin 9 conjugated double bonds (Yellow)

Oxidative cleavage of C5-C6 and C5'-C6' bonds

Acyl OO O 5' 6 5 6' O OO Acyl Tobiraxanthin A 11 conjugated double bonds (Red)

O B HO -Tocopherol


OH .O O -Tocopherol radical O HO Violaxanthin O O .O -Tocopherol radical OH O 12' O 28''' OH 12' 11' O 11' Violaxanthin

cycloaddition of violaxanthin at the C-11' and C-12' positions with -tocopherol radical showing a O-C12'-C11'-C28'' linkage


O R1 12' OH 11' O R2 O -R1 -R2 HO A1 : H H Pittosporumxanthin A1 A2 : H H Pittosporumxanthin A2

Fig. 4 a Formation of tobiraxanthin and b formation of pittosporumxanthins in the seeds of Pittosporum tobira

1 3 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16 7

Food chain and metabolism of carotenoids (ε,ε-carotene-3,3′-diol). Tunaxanthin is metabolized from in aquatic animals astaxanthin via zeaxanthin, as shown in Fig. 9 [5, 10, 11]. Carotenoids with a 3-oxo-ε-end group such as 3-hydroxy- Aquatic animals contain various carotenoids that show struc- β,ε-caroten-3′-one and ε,ε-carotene-3,3′-dione are key inter- tural diversity. Aquatic animals obtain carotenoids from mediates in this metabolic conversion. foods such as algae and other animals and modify them through metabolic reactions. Many of the carotenoids pre- Biological function of carotenoids in marine animals sent in aquatic animals are metabolites of β-carotene, fucox- anthin, peridinin, diatoxanthin, alloxanthin, and astaxanthin As described above, marine animals convert dietary carot- [2, 10, 11]. enoids and accumulate them in these organs. Through these Bivalves (oysters, clams, scallops, mussels, and ark metabolic conversions, antioxidative and photo-protective shells) and tunicates (sea squirts) are flter feeders. They feed activities of carotenoids are increased. on micro-algae such as diatoms, dinofagellates, blue-green For example, many marine invertebrates such as crus- algae, and green algae and obtain carotenoids from these taceans convert β-carotene to astaxanthin and accumulate dietary sources. The major carotenoid in diatoms is fucox- it in integuments, carapaces, eggs, and ovaries. Through anthin. Fucoxanthin has several functional groups, such as the metabolic conversion, the carotenoid changes its color allenic bond, epoxide, carbonyl, and acetyl groups. There- from yellow (β-carotene) to red (astaxanthin). Astaxan- fore, metabolites of fucoxanthin in bivalves and tunicates thin in marine invertebrates sometimes forms a carotenoid show structural diversity, as shown in Fig. 5a. The major protein complex and is a red, blue, or purple color. These metabolic conversions of fucoxanthin found in these ani- colors may serve to camoufage the animals in the prevail- mals are the conversion of allenic bond to acetylenic bond, ing undersea light conditions, serve as general photorecep- hydrolysis cleavage of epoxy group, and oxidative cleavage tors, or provide protection against possible harmful efects of epoxy group, as shown in Fig. 5b [2, 10]. of light. Furthermore, through this metabolic conversion, the Peridinin, with its C37 carbon skeleton, is a major red antioxidant efects of carotenoids such as the quenching of carotenoid in dinofagellates. Peridinin also has several func- singlet oxygen, inhibiting lipid peroxidation, and protection tional groups, such as an allenic bond, epoxide, and a lactone against photo-oxidation are enhanced. Therefore, astaxan- ring. As well as fucoxanthin, peridinin is also converted to thin in these animals acts as an antioxidant and prevents several metabolites in bivalves and tunicates, as shown in oxidative stress [6]. Fig. 6 [2, 10]. The next example involves carotenoids in the gonads Astaxanthin is a characteristic marine carotenoid in of the Clione limacine [12]. The sea angel is a crustaceans (shrimps and crabs). Many crustaceans can small, foating sea slug belonging to the class . synthesize astaxanthin from β-carotene, ingested in dietary It inhabits under the drift-ice in the sea of Okhotsk and is algae, via , 3-hydroxyechinenone, , exposed to strong sunlight. Its body is gelatinous and trans- and adonirubin, as shown in Fig. 7 [5, 11]. In many crusta- parent. On the other hand, its gonads and viscera are a bright ceans, hydroxylation at C-3 (C-3′) in the 4-oxo-β-end group orange-red color due to the presence of carotenoids. The sea is non-stereo-selective. Therefore, astaxanthin and related angel is carnivorous and feeds exclusively on a small sea carotenoids with a 3-hydroxy-4-oxo-β-end group, present snail , which is herbivorous and feeds on in crustaceans, are comprised of a mixture of these optical micro-algae such as diatoms and dinofagellates. Therefore, isomers [5, 11]. carotenoids produced by micro-algae are made available Carp, crucian carp, and goldfsh belonging to Cyprinidae to the sea angel through L. helicina in the food chain. L. can convert zeaxanthin to (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin via adonix- helicina directly absorbs carotenoids such as diatoxanthin anthin and idoxanthin (Fig. 8). Therefore, spirulina, which from dietary algae and accumulates them without metabolic contains zeaxanthin as the major carotenoid, is used for pig- modifcation. On the other hand, the sea angel oxidatively mentation in red carp and goldfsh [10, 11]. metabolizes ingested diatoxanthin from L. helicina to pect- On the other hand, several marine fsh (red sea bream, enolone, as shown in Fig. 10 [12]. By introducing a carbonyl cod, tuna, and yellow-tail) and Salmonidae fsh (salmon group at C-4′ in diatoxanthin, the carotenoid changes color and trout) cannot synthesize astaxanthin from other carot- from yellow to red and shows enhanced antioxidative and enoids such as β-carotene and zeaxanthin [5, 10, 11]. photo-protective activities. Therefore, the sea angel accu- Therefore, astaxanthin present in these fsh originates from mulates pectenolone in the gonads as an anti-oxidant and a dietary zooplankton belonging to Crustacea such as krill. photo-protector [12]. So, astaxanthin is used for pigmentation in red sea bream The red carotenoid mytiloxanthin is a metabolite of and salmon. The bright yellow color of the fn and skin of fucoxanthin present in shellfsh and tunicates. Dietal fucox- several marine fsh is due to the presence of tunaxanthin anthin from diatoms is metabolized to mytiloxanthin via

1 3 8 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16

OH OH O O A OH Clam O . O Tunicate O . O O

O O OH Fucoxanthin HO AcylO Fucoxanthin ester OH O OH Amarouciaxanthin B OH OH OH . OH O O . HO . O O Fucoxanthinol AcylO Fucoxanthinol ester O O HO H Oyster OH Allenicmytiloxanthin Oyster OH Sea mussel Sea suirt OH Sea suirt O . OH O Clam HO Tunicate OH O O O O HO Halocynthiaxanthin Amarouciaxanthin A H Mytiloxanthin Sea squirt Oyster OH OH OH O O O O O H Mytiloxanthinone O OOH O Crassostreaxanthin A Crassostreaxanthin B


B +H2O H H -H2O . -AcOH . O Halocynthiaxanthin O HO HO OH OH

O O O -H2O +H2O -2H O OH OH Amarouciaxanthins HO HO OH O

pinacol-like rearrangement O HO Mytiloxanthin O Mytiloxanthinone O HO O O O O H H

O O O O O O - O Crassostreaxanthin A O O O HO HO


OOH Crassostreaxanthin B HO

Fig. 5 a Metabolic pathways of fucoxanthin in bivalves and tunicates. b Metabolic conversion mechanisms of end groups of fucoxanthin in bivalves and tunicates

1 3 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16 9

OH Fig. 6 Metabolic pathways O O of peridinin in bivalves and O O tunicates . O AcylO Peridinin 3-ester OH O O O O O . O O O O O HO HO Peridinin Pyrrohoxanthin

OH OH OH O O O . O O O HO HO Peridininol Pyrrohoxanthinol

OH OH OH O O O . O OH OH HO OH HO OH Hydratoperidininol Hydratopyrrohoxanthinol

OH O OH O O O . O O OH O HO OH OH Hydratoperidinin Cyclopyrrhoxanthin


Fig. 7 Oxidative metabolism of β-carotene in crustaceans -Carotene

Echinenone O O

Canthaxanthin HO 3-Hydroxyechinenone* O O O

HO O Adonirubin* O OH

HO O Astaxanthin* * Each compound with optical isomers

1 3 10 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16

OH fucoxanthinol and halocynthiaxanthin in shellfsh and tuni- cates, as shown in Fig. 5a. Through this metabolic conver- sion, antioxidative activities such as singlet oxygen quench- HO Zeaxanthin ing, scavenging of hydroxy radicals, and inhibition of lipid OH peroxidation of carotenoids are increased. Mytiloxanthin showed almost the same excellent antioxidative activity as that of astaxanthin [13]. Therefore, it was concluded that HO Adonixanthin marine animals metabolize dietary carotenoids to a more O OH active antioxidative form and accumulate them in their bod- OH ies and reproductive organs. A novel fucoxanthin pyropheophorbide A ester (Fig. 11) was isolated from the viscera of the abalone Haliotis diver- HO Idoxanthin sicolor aquatilis. The major food sources of abalone are O O macro-algae such as brown algae, which contain fucox- OH anthin as the major carotenoid. Pyropheophorbide A is a metabolite of chlorophyll A in the viscera of abalone. This HO carotenoid pyropheophorbide A ester might be formed O (3S,3'S)-Astaxanthin from fucoxanthin and pyropheophorbide A by esterase in the abalone viscera. It is well-known that pyropheophorbide Fig. 8 Metabolic conversion of zeaxanthin to (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin in A is a photosensitizer that generates singlet oxygen from Cyprinidae fsh ground-state molecular oxygen in the presence of light. On the other hand, carotenoids are excellent quenchers of singlet oxygen and they prevent photo-oxidation. Therefore, it is


HO Astaxanthin* O OH HO Idoxanthin* O OH OH HO Adonixanthin* O OH HO OH -Carotene-3,4,3',4'-tetrol* HO Zeaxanthin* O OH

HO HO 3-Hydroxy- , -caroten-3'-one* Lutein* O * Each compound consisted with optical isomers

O , -Carotene-3,3'-dione* Conversion of 3-hydroxy- -end group to 3-hydroxy- -end group OH

HO Tunaxanthin* HO O HO

Fig. 9 Reductive metabolic pathway of astaxanthin in marine fsh

1 3 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16 11

Fig. 10 Food chain and metabo- lism of carotenoids in sea angel

Herbivorous Carnivorous Diatoms Seasnail Seaangel Limacina helicinaj Clione limacina OH O OH

HO Diatoxanthin Yellow HO PectenoloneRed

Increasing antioxidativeand photoprotectiveactivities

Fig. 11 Novel carotenoid pyropheophorbide A ester from O abalone N N Mg O O N N O O

Chlorophyll A

Viscera of abalone

OH O O N HN . O O O NH N OH O HO Fucoxanthin Pyropheophorbide A Quencher of singlet oxygen Photosensitizer Generator of singlet oxygen Esterification OH O . O O O N HN O O NH N O Fucoxanthin pyropheophorbide A ester

interesting that compounds acting as singlet oxygen genera- β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, and their metabolites tors and quenchers are linked with esterifed bonds. Indeed, [5, 6]. fucoxanthin pyropheophorbide A ester shows weaker singlet oxygen generation than pyropheophorbide A [14]. Carotenoids in insects and spiders

Insects are the most diverse group of animals. Therefore, Carotenoids in terrestrial animals carotenoids in insects show structural diversity. Many of the carotenoids present in insect are β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, As with aquatic animals, most terrestrial animals cannot lutein, and zeaxanthin, which originate from their food, and synthesize carotenoids de novo, and so must obtain them their metabolites. On the other hand, the aphid and whitefy from their diet. Therefore, carotenoids in terrestrial animals can synthesize carotenoids de novo by carotenoid biosynthe- mainly originate from plants that they feed on. Many of the sis genes that are acquired via horizontal gene transfer from carotenoids present in terrestrial animals are β-carotene, fungi or endosymbiotic bacteria. These insect synthesize

1 3 12 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16

β-zeacarotene, β,ψ-carotene (γ-carotene), , β,γ- responsible for the conversion of phytoene to β-carotene, carotene, and γ,γ-carotene by carotenoid biosynthesis genes were present in the two-spotted spider mite T. urticae [18, transferred from endosymbiotic bacteria (Fig. 12) [15]. Fur- 19]. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that these carotenoid bio- thermore, blue-green aphids synthesize polycyclic quinines synthetic genes were transferred from fungi into the spider using genes of the endosymbiotic bacterium Rickettsiella mite genome. [16]. Therefore, aphids make their own carotenoids and quinines by horizontal transfer genes from fungi or symbi- Carotenoids in birds otic bacteria for coloration, depending on the environmental context. These aphid carotenoids are also accumulated in Most of the bright red, orange, and yellow pigments of beetles and dragonfies through the food chain. plumage (feathers) are due to the presence of carotenoids. Stick insects change their body color from green to red for In birds, carotenoids are an important signal of a good nutri- camoufage in autumn. In summer, stick insects accumulate tional condition and they are used in ornamental displays chlorophyll and β-carotene from dietary green leaves and as a sign of ftness and to increase sexual attractiveness. show a green body color. In autumn, they convert β-carotene Carotenoid-based colors of feathers (plumage) catch the to 3,4,3′,4′-tetradehydro-β,β-carotene-2,2′-dione, with 15 attention of the opposite sex to promote mating. For exam- conjugated double bonds system, which exhibits deep red ple, manipulation of the dietary carotenoid supply invokes color. This carotenoid is also accumulated in eggs for repro- parallel changes in cell-mediated immune function and sex- duction [17]. A series of ketocarotenoids, 3-hydroxyechi- ual attractiveness in male zebra fnches [6, 20]. At least ten nenone, adonirubin, and astaxanthin, was identifed in the kinds of carotenoids have been documented in red feathers. two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. In response Most of these are produced through metabolic modifcation to long nights and lower temperatures, female spider mites of dietary precursor compounds. A series of yellow carot- enter a facultative diapause characterized by the cessation of enoids with the 3-hydoxy- and/or 3-oxo-ε-end group were reproduction and a marked change in body color from faint also reported in colored feathers of the goldfnch Carduelis. yellow to bright red–orange. This body color change results They are also metabolized from lutein and zeaxanthin [21]. from the accumulation of ketocarotenoids, like astaxanthin, Recently, Mundy et al. identifed genes required for the which has been suggested to protect against the physical bright-red coloration that birds use for communication, such stresses of overwintering. as attracting mates. They revealed a genetic link between A recent investigation revealed that carotenoid cyclase/ red coloration and color vision in the zebra fnch, and pro- synthase and carotenoid desaturase genes, which may be posed that redness may be an honest signal of mate quality


Phytofuluene Neurosporene


Asymetric- -carotene

-cyclase Lycopine -cyclase and -cyclase -Zeacarotene desaturase

-cyclase , -Carotene -Carotene ( -Carotene) desaturase -Carotene

Torulene Carotene

Fig. 12 Carotenoid biosynthetic pathways by horizontal transfer genes from fungi and symbiotic bacteria in aphid and whitefy

1 3 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16 13 by indicating a bird’s ability to detoxify harmful substances Xanthophylls with the 3-oxo-ε-end group, such as β,ε- [22]. Carotenoids are also present in frogs, snails, and liz- caroten-3′-one, 3-hydroxy-β,ε-caroten-3′-one, 3′-hydroxy- ards. These yellow and red colors are due to the presence ε,ε-caroten-3′-one, and ε,ε-carotene-3,3′-dione, are present of carotenoids such as β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, in several mammals. Recently, Nagao et al. revealed that and astaxanthin. carotenoids with a 3-hydroxy-β-end group in xanthophylls were oxidized to carotenoids with a 3-oxo-ε-end group Carotenoids in mammals via an unstable intermediate with a 3-oxo-β-end group by a ­NAD+-dependent dehydrogenase of the mouse liver, as It has been reported that mammals are categorized into three shown in Fig. 13 [24]. groups in terms of their ability to absorb carotenoids. White- fat animals such as pigs, sheep, goats, cats, and rodents do Carotenoids in humans not absorb carotenoids at all or in very small amounts. Yel- low-fat animals, such as ruminant cattle and horses exclu- About 50 kinds of carotenoids are found in common human sively accumulate carotenes and not xanthophylls. The third foods, and among them, about 20 types ingested from group, humans and monkeys, accumulate both carotenes and food are found in the blood (plasma or serum). Of these, xanthophylls equally well [6]. β-carotene, α-carotene, lycopene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, A feeding experiment revealed that monkeys efectively and zeaxanthin have been found to be the major compo- absorbed not only β-carotene but also β-cryptoxanthin, nents and make up more than 90% of the total carotenoids lutein, and zeaxanthin into plasma. In the liver, both [25, 26]. Carotenoids also accumulate in human erythro- β-carotene and xanthophylls were well-deposited. In the cytes [23]. Oxidative metabolites of lycopene, lutein, and lung, heart, muscle, fat, skin, and brain, less polar carot- zeaxanthin are also found in human plasma [23, 25, 26]. enoids such as β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin, were well- Capsanthin, a major carotenoid in paprika, is also absorbed deposited rather than polar xanthophylls such as lutein in humans and part of it is metabolized to capsanthone [23]. and zeaxanthin. Namely, the plasma carotenoid profile However, epoxy carotenoids, such as antheraxanthin, vio- in monkeys refected the dietary carotenoid composition, laxanthin, , and lutein epoxide, which are present as in humans. Monkeys efectively accumulated not only in vegetables, are not found in human blood. These epoxy β-carotene but also β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin carotenoids might be degraded by to the acidic conditions in plasma. Interestingly, monkeys were similar with regard in the stomach [27–29]. to the preferential accumulation of β-cryptoxanthin in the Carotenoids ingested from the diet are absorbed by the blood and brain [23]. small intestine. Xanthophyll esters are hydrolyzed by lipase

Fig. 13 Oxidation pathway of xanthophylls with 3-hydroxy-β- end in mammals HO -Cryptoxanthin NAD+


O (6'RS)- , -Caroten-3'-one


HO Lutein HO Zeaxanthin NAD+ NAD+


O HO (6RS,3'R,6'R)-3'-Hydroxy- , -caroten-3-one (3R,6'RS)-3-Hydroxy- , -caroten-3'-one NAD+


O (6RS,6'RS)- , -Carotene-3,3'-dione

1 3 14 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16 or esterase and absorbed. A part of provitamin A carotenoids lycopene) and α-tocopherol resulted in signifcant suppres- are converted into in the mucous of the small intestine sion of hepatoma development in a hepatitis virus-induced by β-carotene-15,15′-dioxygenase. Absorbed carotenoids cirrhosis patient [33, 34]. Carotenoids were also reported to are incorporated into chylomicrons and then transported to help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and the liver and various organs through the blood. All three several lifestyle-related diseases and to enhance immunity. major lipoproteins: very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), Furthermore, carotenoids improve endurance and skin health low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein [6, 28, 29]. (HDL), are involved in the transport of carotenoids [28]. Carotenoids can be found in several human organs, such as the liver, adrenal gland, ovaries, skin, lung, testes, prostate, and blood serum. The distribution of carotenoids in human Chemical mechanism of scavenging of active organs shows specifcity. Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in oxygen species by carotenoids the surface of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in an esteri- fed form and act as UV absorbers and quenchers of singlet It was reported that the mechanism whereby carotenoids oxygen [30]. Xanthophylls such as β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, scavenge singlet oxygen was a physical reaction. Namely, and zeaxanthin are found in the brain [31]. In the eye, lutein carotenoids take up thermal energy from singlet oxygen (meso)-zeaxanthin, and zeaxanthin are present as macular and release this energy by polyene vibration [6]. However, pigments [6]. Lycopene accumulates in the prostate [28, 29]. recent investigations including our research group studies Several investigations have revealed that dietary carot- revealed that carotenoids could scavenge reactive oxygen enoids are associated with reduced risks of some cancers and species through chemical reactions. other serious conditions, stimulation of the immune systems A series of apo-astaxanthin was obtained as out-oxidation and benefts for skin health of humans [6, 28, 29]. products of astaxanthin. These compounds were considered In 1981, Peto et al. reported that dietary β-carotene to take up oxygen by polyene in astaxanthin (Fig. 14) [35]. reduced human cancer rates [32]. Since then, several epi- Astaxanthin also forms nito-astaxanthins by the reaction demiological studies have demonstrated that intake of of peroxynitrite and inhibits the nitration of tyrosine in an green-yellow vegetables and fruits, which contain various in vitro model (Fig. 14). These results indicate that astax- carotenoids, is associated with a reduced risk of cancer [6, anthin is able to capture peroxynitrite and nitrogen dioxide 28, 29]. For example, β-cryptoxanthin, which is rich in Sat- radicals from their molecules to form nitro-astaxanthin and uma mandarin (Citrus unshiu), could be associated with a protects against the nitration of tyrosine. Similar results were reduced risk of cancer. Intake of lycopene also reduced the obtained in cases of β-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, cap- risk of prostate cancer [6, 28, 29]. Furthermore, clinical tri- santhin, and fucoxanthin. These results suggest that carot- als have also revealed that the administration of natural multi enoids might have higher reactivity with peroxynitrite and/ carotenoids (mixture of α-carotene, β-carotene, lutein, and or nitrogen dioxide radicals than phenoic compounds such

Fig. 14 Auto oxidation products O OH of astaxanthin and reaction NO2 products of astaxanthin with peroxynitrite HO 15-Z configuration O Nitro-astaxanthin

Peroxynitrite Inhibition of nitration of tyrosine O OH

Auto oxidation HO take up take up oxygen by polyene O Astaxanthin



1 3 Journal of Natural Medicines (2020) 74:1–16 15

O aquaculture, human-health science, and photosynthesis. OH Japanese researchers have been contributing to the progress

O of carotenoids science, technology, and commercial appli- HO O O cation. Now, carotenoids are well-known to be important O OH for human health, playing roles in the prevention of cancer O and lifestyle-related diseases and contributing to the beauty HO O industry. Carotenoids, such as astaxanthin, are therefore O Astaxanthin endoperoxides industrially produced and used for supplements and cosmet-

1 O2 ics. The 19th International Symposium on Carotenoids will O held in Toyama from July 12 to 17, 2020. I hope for the suc- OH cess of this symposium and further progress in carotenoid science and business in Japan. HO Astaxanthin -. O O2 OH. O Compliance with ethical standards OH Conflict of interest No confict of interests for the author. O HO O Open Access O OH This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea- tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat​iveco​​ ses/by/4.0/​ ), which permits unrestricted use, distribu- O HO tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate O Astaxanthin epoxides credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Fig. 15 Reaction products of ataxanthin with hydroxy radicals, super- oxide anion radicals, and singlet oxygen References as tyrosine. Therefore, carotenoids could inhibit the nitration of tyrosine [36, 37]. 1. Britton G, Liaaen-Jensen S, Pfander H (2004) Carotenoids Hand Recently we investigated the reaction products of astax- Book. Birkhäuser, Basel anthin with hydroxy radicals, superoxide anion radicals, and 2. Maoka T (2009) Recent progress in structural studies of carote- singlet oxygen by LC/PDA ESI–MS and ESR spectrometry. noids in animals and plants. Arch Biochem Biophys 483:191–195 The ESR study revealed that astaxanthin could quench not 3. Britton G, Liaaen-Jensen S, Pfander H (2017) Carotenoids: a col- ourful histry. Carote Nature. only singlet oxygen but also superoxide anion radicals and 4. Ito M, Yamano Y, Tode C, Wada A (2009) Carotenoid synthe- hydroxy radicals. The LC/PDA ESI–MS study revealed that sis; Retrospect and recent progress. Arch Biochem Biophys astaxanthin epoxides were major reaction products of astax- 483:224–238 anthin with superoxide anion radicals and hydroxyl radicals. 5. Britton G, Liaaen-Jensen S, Pfander H.(1998) Carotenoids volume 3: biosynthesis and metabolism, Birkhäuser: Basel, Switzerland. Astaxanthin endoperoxides were identifed as major reaction 6. Britton G, Liaaen-Jensen S, Pfander, H (2008) Carotenoids vol- products of astaxanthin with singlet oxygen (Fig. 15) [38]. ume 4: natural functions, Birkhäuser: Basel, Switzerland. Similar results were also obtained in the case of β-carotene, 7. Fujiwara Y, Hashimoto K, Manabe K, Maoka T (2002) Structures zeaxanthin, and capsanthin [39, 40]. These results suggest of tobiraxanthins A1, A2, A3, B, C and D, new carotenoids from seeds of Pittosporum tobira. Tetrahedron Lett 43:4385–4388 that carotenoids could take up singlet oxygen, superoxide 8. Fujiwara Y, Maoka T (2001) Structure of pittosporumxanthins A1 anion radicals and hydroxyl radicals by the formation of and A2, a novel C­ 69 carotenoids from the seeds of Pittosporum endoperoxide or epoxide. tobira. Tetrahedron Lett 42:2693–2696 9. Maoka T, Akimoto N, Kuroda Y, Hashimoto K, Fujiwara Y (2008) Structure of a series of cycloaddition product of carotenoid with α-tocopherol, named pittosporumxanthins, from the seeds of Conclusion Pittosporum tobira. J Nat Prod 71:622–627 10. Maoka T (2011) Carotenoids in marine animals. Mar Drugs Until 1980, interest in carotenoid research was exclusively 9:278–293 11. Matsuno T (2001) Aquatic animal carotenoids. Fish Sci focused in the feld of natural product chemistry and fsher- 67:771–789 ies science in Japan. Many interesting structural carotenoids 12. Maoka T, Kuwahara T, Narita M (2014) Carotenoids of sea angels were identifed in aquatic animals. Since then, several bio- Clione limacina and Paedoclione doliiformis, from the perspective logical functions of natural carotenoids have been estab- of food chain. Mar Drugs 12:1460–1470 lished through investigation of natural product chemistry,

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