

Mathematics : (general)

Stubhaug, Arild The Mathematician Sophus Lie It was the Audacity of My Thinking

This is the very first biography of Sophus Lie, one of the great and influential mathematicians in the history of mathematics, written by A.Stubhaug, who is both a historian and a mathematician. As Arild Stubhaug's Abel biography, this book is a work of outstanding quality Sophus Lie (1842-1899) is without doubt one of 's greatest scientific talents. His mathematical works have made him famous around the world no less than . The terms Lie groups and are today part of the standard mathematical vocabulary. In his comprehensive biography the author Arild Stubhaug let us come close to both the person Sophus Lie and his time. We follow him through childhood at the vicarage in Springer Nordfjordeid, his growing up in Moss, school and studying in Christiania, travelling in Europe 2002, XI, 555 p. 1st and his contacts with the leading mathematicians of his time. The academic and scientific edition career brought Lie from Christiania to Leipzig as professor, before the attempt to call him back to Norway, when she stood on the threshhold to national sovereignty, was successful.

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