The Westfield Leader the Leadino and Most Widely Oiroulated Weekly Newspaper in Union Count*
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.«•"*- THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADINO AND MOST WIDELY OIROULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNT* Entered an Baoond Clusa Matter •JINTH YEAR—No. 84 I'OBt OfHoa. WsalHeld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1959 38 Paget—10 Cents Hartung Defeats School Board Hears Ewan ROTARY, Heine in GOP Report On European Studv Light Vote Recorded As Mayor Battle Dr. S. N. Ewan Jr., superin- French educational system from tendent of schools, who recently the Fourth Century, through Char- returned from Europe where he lemagne, the French Revolution GOP, Dems Name Slates CLU3 ifc 50% of Boro studied the educational systems of mid finally to modern times. Fiance and tlu' Low Countries un- The second aspect of his talk Voters Cast der a Fulbright Grant, described was concerned with the tuiminis- Organization Neither Party Ballols Tuesday his trip to the WestneUi Board of tration of the French schools. He Sen. Crane Education Tuesday night at the noted that although there ni-o some board's monthly academic session. private schools in France in addi- Candidates Win Has Contest In. MOUNTAINSIDE—In the bor- Dr. Ewan devoted most of his tion to the free public schools, ough's hotly contested Republican discussion to a description of tins that these private schools are sub- Leads Party battle for the mayoralty nomina- Frcijch system. He began his talk ject to control by the state in that Wide Margins Local Primary tion, Councilman Albert E. Har- by tracing the origins of the the touching must conform to the tung defeated his fellow council- constitution, to accepted moral Overwhelming victories for or- In Voting In on extremely light vote re* man William A. Heine by a vote standards, and to French law, The anization-bneked Republican and corded by both parties, Incumbent of 912 to 529. A total of 1,450 per- Skating, Dancing compulsory school attendance age Democrat candidates for the As- Republicans won renomination to sons, more than 50 per cent of the which has been from (5 to 14 sembly were tallied in Tuesday's Son. Robert Crane of Weatfiold the four expiring Town Council borough's 2,800 registered voters, yours of age is being extended to topped the Republican ballot In his went to the polls. primary election. bid for rcnominutlon in Tuesday's acnU nnii the Democrats completed Schedules Ready age 16 with the children now be- The four Democratic Incum- a slntc of Council candidates by Heine was listed as a Regular ginning school. primary with 21,272 votes. His op- bents each hud a vote total which ponent in the November general wiite-in votes In Tuesday's pri- Republican Organization candi- Dr. Ewan went on to describe more than doubled that of the mary election. date. His running mates for Bor- Recreation Group election will be H. Roy Wheeler the organization of the French only other candidate In the race. of Linden who also led his party Unopposed Republicans named ough Council nomination, Chester Announces Dales schools which are highly central- wore: First ward, Robert Uottortf, Fublan, Lawrence Curtiss, incum- Assembly members and their ticket with a vote tolly of 17,908. ized. "It is undoubtedly true," votes were: James McGowun of 403; second ward, Marshall Cool- bent, and Eugene Rau, were unop- Joseph E. Colcman, director of said Dr. Ewan, "that at « given Both candidates were unopposed. edge, 379; third ward, Howard posed. Rau, running for nomina- Elizabeth, 17,348; John S. Wilson recreation, announced this week hour in France, the minister of of Westfield, 17,100; Mrs, Mildred ,Sonutor Crane ran ahead of oth- Blldcn, 318 and fourth ward, new* tion for the one year balance of the tentative schedule for roller education, who, heads up the nn- er GOP candidates In all but a few comer Arthur Hornor, 295. Ronald Fan-ell's term, received 1,- Barry Hughes of Union, 18,531 skating and dancing programs tional education program, can pre- and George M. Miller of Scotch instances. Nelson F. iStamler, in Nominated on the Democratia 084 votes; Curtiss, 1,051 and Fa- through the end of June. dict what is being taught by Assembly candidate and also a bian, 1,044. Plains, 15,090. ticket were: First ward, Ernest Skating will be held as usual schools throughout the country. GOP policy commltteo recommen- Daman, municipal chairman, six The Democratic candidates for This centralization of the educa- Former Elliabeth Council- dation, surpassed the senator In I —Woatneld Studios every Friday evening from tomor- man Dominick Kusso lost his bid write-In votos; second ward, Mar- nomination to the four positions row through June 26. There will tional system is exactly tho oppo- three communities but trailed him I DRIVE—Mayor H. Emirion Thoma( officially open* the for the nomination with 0,922 vin M. Fein of 14 Woodbrook cir- Bnd their votes were as follows: .no longer be any dancing at these site of tho American system, whore In Union, his homo town. cle, 19 votes; third ward, Edward ghnd drive of the WeitfieM Boy. Buebill L«iu* at he Mayor, Austen H. Johnson, 64; the control of the school rests votes. •Mi contribution to Brooke WciaUder, • member of the sessions because of the large at- Tho organization GOP candi- Senator Crane was high man on Grubman of 238 Grove street, six council, Eugene Bauerborn Jr., 02; tendance, Mr. Colemun noted. Skat- with the people of a local district. the Wcstfiold ballot with 1,485 votes and fourth ward, Roderick I U«l<>e Dodgjera. The campaifn will run from Sunday Robert P. Spagnn, 62, and write- "The French divide their coun- dates bracketed over tho slogan ,k M.y 3. The Rotary Club, who.e banner 1 in the ing Is open to residents of Wcet- "Regular Republicans for Good voles. He will be seeking his first Cowlos, treasurer of the Demo- in candidate for the one-year coun field only. Friday evening sessions try In 17 academies or regions. full four-year term In tho upper cratic municipal committee who ro«nd, U one of the league •ponson. cil term, Peter Dunn, 23. Sixteen academies ave in France Government," defeated two other will be from 7 till 0:30 o'clock aspirants for the nomination. house of the Legislature in No- ml his fellow candidates locally with dress optional. Recreation and the seventeenth i» in Algeria. vember. He WHS elected in 1950 with 40 votes. IFe Lose An Hour Commission employees will super- Each academy Is headed up by.a Tho winners are Nelson F. Stam- to serve three years of the term of i to Stage rector, who in turn Is responsible ler of Union, 20,266; Donald J. State Senator Robert C. Cr«n#. Ordinance Aims vise the program. Forsythe of Rahway, 10,928; Rich- Kenneth C. Hand of Elizabeth who topped the ballot in his homo town Daylifht S.ring Time will Skating dates are as follows: left the Senate to become a Supe- Concert be with u. again at of 2 a.m. (Please turn to pnge 2) ard P. Muscatello of Elizabeth, rior Court judge. with 1,486 votes. This compared Sunday. To effect Ih* change, April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 16,880, and Leonard Simmons of with 213 for the man scheduled to •«t the clock AHEAD one At Early Parking June 5, 12, 19, 26. Rosclle, 15,451, Wheeler, county tax commission- run against him for senator in No- am Honors hour Saturday sight before Mr. Coleman announced that Trailing them wore Mrs. Jane er, has been active in Democratic vember, H. Roy Wheeler. you retire. because of the popularity of the Music Group Sets Mcincko of Rosellc with 9,584 affairs for many years in Linden Nelson F. Stamler led the or- i of Charity ' Borough Council dances on the junior high level, a votes and Herbert W. Saxe of Ro- and in the county. He was boomed ganization Republican Assembly Introduces Rule separate program is being plan- First Production selle Park with 5,241. as gubernatorial timber in 1948 candidates polling 1,486 vote*. JTraity High School audi- ned for them." The first Friday The strength of the organize nd again in 1953 by Linden and Donald J. Forsythe was next with twill be the setting tomov- Antiques Show MOUNTAINSIDE — The Bor- night_ dance will bo held tomorrow tion candidates in both parties was county lenders. 1,401. Following were Leonard lii Sunday evenings for a ough Council Monday night intro- in the Edison Junior School gym Will Be Staged shown in tallies of all 21 munici- Ho Is employed by Cities Service Simmons with 1,106 and Richard | tribute by students to the duced an ordinance that summar- from 8 to 11 o'clock. Admission palities. Oil Co. In an executive post. P.' Muacatello with 1,076. Jane I of the Sisters of Char- Opens Tuesday izes the present traffic code, adds is free and music will be on rec- In Boro May IS In the freeholder battle" which The vote totals for each candi- Melneke, who did not get oiKanita- jConvent Station, Elizabeth. several atop streets and prohibits ord. Boys and girls 13 through saw 17 Democrats seeking tho date: Berkeley Heights, Sen. tion support, tallied 627 and Her- •in will begin at '8:15 parking in public streets between 10 years of age from Westfield MOUNTAINSIDE—"Make Mine three scats, again the organiza- Crane, 641; Wheeler, 75; Clark, bert W. Saxe trailed with 407. rim year the songs have Twenty Dealers 2:30 and 5:30 a.m.