Riteway Winnipeg STANLEY DUNIEC, Manager • STORE FIXTURES • KITCHEN CABINETS - Phone 3-3060 Res
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Page Eighty-five " I' THE JEWISH POST september 18, 1952 without having to send a special Thllrsday, September 18, the corruption which had character Control Factor emissary to the Palace. The final straw came when King THE JEWISH POST ~O]1lpal'"d with ordinary lumber con- be very happy to find a by-product ized the earlier Wafd regime, and Traditionally, the independent Page Eighty-four a district saw mill operator, Farouk tried to force a Palace con ers, the gaining of goodwill through s011cllion, according to Mr, Raine, for, The trouble has been that Can had been on the point of allowing Sirri had served as the forerunner Duhamel, which has been devel plans to manufacture it Blocks of wood shavings and ce- ada's thermometers engage in antics fidant, Karim Tabet, in to the Cab try that is being asswned by the out the general community", of all the forces of anarchy to reduce the of the Wafdist governments, the last oped longer than the others, con new company. The idea comes have been a subject of interest not matched in many parts of Eur inet as Minister of State for Palace Camrose Celebrates Expansion of oil development in who are associated either directly or Egyptian capital to near chaos late time being in 1949, So Waldists once tributed a production total for 1951 Norway, where it has been 8. in C8nada. The lwnber in- \ ope where such building materials Affairs in order to effect more dir again gave him their support, ex-: "Operation Oil" the Camrose general area, indirectly with the oil industry and in January. of 184,582 barrels which places it in success for 18 months, ect control over . Cabinet business. Comrose, Alta. - On June 6, A brief glance at four of the pres the opportunity to spread detailed has a lot of waste it would have been successful. • But the Premier soon discovered pecting soon again to ,be in power, the class of a major field. The the saW mill operator, Hans HilaH resign'ed in protest. Operation Oil appeared in Comrose. ent fields, cam rose, New Norway, information regarding present oper that many trails of corruption led despite the still fresh memories of other three which started later have The King then charged Hussein the J anual'y riots under the last Alta., sponsored by the CaIT.rose Armena and Duhamel, which per ation.s in these fields. , You can cut the block with to the palace itself, trails which not yet had the opportunity to pro Sirri, another veteran statesman, and District Board of Trade to cele haps should be grouped together in ordinary handsaw, drive nails Takes New Road Hilali was powerless to follow and Wafrust regime. duce this quantity but they are with formation of a government, in- the expanding Camrose area, im-. Cement and Wood it like wood. It measures two expose, Thus, with organized public , One of Sirri's preswnab1y less brate the l01st producing ojl well expanding too, Totals for 1951 with By HARRY B. ELLIS • icessful military coup can be traced el1lding T<1bet. Sirri, it is said, ac- presses one very considerably with four feet by six inches; you support, the powerful Wald at his pleasant tasks waS the release from in the area surrounding Carr:..rose. them were Camrose, 46,222 barrels; Shavings Make New Midd:le East Correspondent of The to the fall ~f Ahmed Hilali's govem- cepted with the ironical statement The main purpose for holding the the totals in production from these with either the two-foot or heels and with the Palace prevent 'prison of Serag el Din, secretary New Norway, 20,664 barrels, and B.C. Industry Christian Science Monitor ment on June 29 of this year. that it would save time to have general of the Wafd Party, when the celebration was to recognize publicly fields which is steadily increasing. Vancouver _ Five houses are to foot side pointing up. It will sell Hilali found his efforts at political ing foundamental reform, Hi1ali's Armena, 16J856 barrels. Consider Tabet in the Cabinet because the State Council, Egypt's Supreme the growing importance to Alberta's Bittern Lake has also started de be built at Prince George, B.C., about the same money as the Cairo. reform frustrated at every turn. He mission was one of failure. velopment. able increases are expected to ma money as the same footage of royal view could be directly. obtained great and ever expanding oil indus- terialize by the close of .... the current using a new building block made of The recent history of Egypt's suc- directed a major effort at exposing ................. be ; but saving in labor costs spruce shavings and Portland ce r A Joyous New Year to the year. erection should be 50 per cent Jewish people Our Heartiest New Year Greetings to all our Joyous New Year Greetings to all our Jewish Friends and Customers With over 100 producing wells to ment. the five Prince George houses , Jewish Patrons and Friends its credit in this short period of The block is being promoted by :,Crawford's JANSEN BROTHERS time, Camrose, in celebrating this fro~ the Mru;>,agement and Staff of WHOLESALE MARKET GARDENERS A:ND FARM PRODUCE event, chose a fitting title - OPER Best Wishes for a Bright and Happy New Year Garage Get the habit of ordering from The House of Reliability ATION OIL - to mark the occa to all our Jewish PatronS and Friends sion. Many benefits accrued' from SHIRTS phones: 2-2567 - 2-2125 - 2-607.. - 2-124.. it, such as favorable and deserved Steve Kozak's , MAN. BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED Cor. PRINCESS ST. & ROSS AVE. WINNIPEG publicity, co-operation between oil ••••••• crews in the field and district farm- Restaurant Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to the Jewish Community GIB. GORDON, Manager • Cellophane WI'app'" of Winnipeg Joyous New Year You'll get all those famous dishes our chef is noted for- NEW IN WINNIPEG! SANITONE • Specially Boxed START THE MEW YEAR RIGHT Greetings • CHICKEN DRY CLEANING • Buttons and Minor • STEAKS • CHOPS r-.lU-VU~ Repairs Free • SPAGHETTI VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY The· United Dental HAVE ybUR CLOTHES CLEANED Winnipeg MACHINE CLEANING - A NEW INDUSTRY Phone 74-1182 YOU'LL RAVE Heartiest Ncw Year Greetings 605 Ave. Tapes, Cords and Slats sparkling clean and back Laboratory Ltd. P~rtage = on your windows in 24 hours ABOUT OUR DURALLlUlI'l SERVICE THE SANITONE WAY .... """ ......... 0- ......... "Mr, Slat FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY ASHM'ORE'S ' ... ",b .............. ,.. ... - .. H;:J.ppy" Complc1c Venetian Blind ;Renovating Service • Auto To!?, Trimming i1~'~ J'~W'5 605 Corydon Ave. Phone 42-9142 Winnipeg & Supply Company Phone 925825 The Management and Send us your MOST JOYOUS NEW YEAR GREETINGS Staff are. pleased to UPHOLSTERING and TRIMMING extend hearty New SEAT COVERS Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to all our Jewish 202 Professional Bldg. Year Greetings to all TRUCK CUSHIONS RADIA'i'OR HOOD COVERS , J.I H. Hecht & Son Ltd. Patrons and Friends their Patrons and * SLACKS FABUICS .. ' 407 Graham Ave. Friends. * SWEATERS WHOLEsilLE FURRIERS Phone 23290 CLIFTON SERVI CE STA lION . Winnipeg Manitoba * SUITS Manufacturers 'of 241 Princess St. Winrdpeg * GOATS ," ewe ...........e ........ .. BOB GILL - Operator "Furs of Distinction" B.A. OIL PRODUCTS - 24-HOUR SERVICE J. H. HECHT. Manager ' The Modern One-Stop Service Station A VerY HapPY New Year to all 601 Jacob _ Crowley Bldg. WINNIPEG, MAN. Portage Ave. at Clifton St. Winnipeg PHONE 423 611 our Friends and Customers -~~ .... ~ .. -.--.~~~~--~-~- - BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ,THE JEWISH COMMUNITY . Best Wishes for a l?right and Happy New Year to all frosted food our JeWIsh Patrons and Friends Are You Getting Married? , from the Management and Staff of Centre Ltd. Having a Party? Giving a Dinner? ..• Let Us Free Your Mind from Worry CUSTOM* BUILT* LoCKER SERVICE FRESH MEATS A personal catering service - anywhere in Greater Winnipeg by FROSTED FOODS City Lumber Company Ltd. Phone 37118 PEGGY'S PANTRY 640 BROADWAY s. B. LEVIN H. W. LEVIN Riteway Winnipeg STANLEY DUNIEC, Manager • STORE FIXTURES • KITCHEN CABINETS - Phone 3-3060 Res. Phone 42-4166 • BREAKFAST NOOKS • BUILT-IN CABINETS 618 DUFFERIN AV Winnipeg E. and Friends 942·Portage Ave. Consult Us Joyous New Year Greetings to all our Winnipeg Manitoba FOR ALTERATIONS AND GENERAL CONTRACTING The Modern Housewile Is Particular That is why she Uses and Recommends RITE\NAY L.TD. OUR CORDIAL NEW YEAR GREETINGS SWEETHEART all purpose FLOUR' TO THE JEWISH 'COMMUNITY . 1497 Erin St. Phone 72-7018 Winnipeg _____ Affiliated With ----- You'll Bake Better with PASTRY MAKING - - .... - ' * * ,Cream of the West foa MANITOBA HOTEL n , '-..... 'ALL PURPOSE FLOUR rst_._~ = FLOUR .'.~' 'VIX::\TER OF FIRST PRIZE MAPLE LEAF .. "u~ "''''''''''1I~'''' •. ~ ........... _... .. 11.T THE 19;51 ASSOCIATION CANADIAN NATIONT~"'- "'L, EXHIBITION PHONE 92-6009 • ARTISTS 308 POWER BLDG., • DESIGNERS PREPARED BY THE MILLERS OF MANITOBA • PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING WINNIPEG • TRADE SHOW EXHIBITS MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR • WINDOW AND COUNTER DISPLAYS ~aple Leaf Milling FLOUR MILLS LTD. - ST. BONIFACE, 'MAN· Phone 72·7018 Co. Ltd. I 1497 Erin St. ~==================~ " " .. , I I ) ,) .