W E L C O M E R E M A R K S Dean Robert Dinerstein Washington College of Law Professor Federiga Bindi Institute for Women's Policy Research

R E F L E C T I O N S A N D Hon. Baroness Hale of Richmond M O D E R A T E D D I S C U S S I O N Former President, Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

Hon. Justice Hannah Okwengu Court of Appeal of

Hon. Judge Alexandra Prechal Court of Justice of the European Union

Hon. Judge Flavia Viana Court of Justice of the State of Paraná, Brazil

Professor Daniela Kraiem Washington College of Law Shawana Wilson Intl. Association of Women Judges

C L O S I N G R E M A R K S Fernanda Nicola Washington College of Law D E A N R O B E R T D I N E R S T E I N

Robert Dinerstein is acting dean, professor of law, and director of the Disability Rights Law Clinic at American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL), where he has taught since 1983. His previous positions include serving as the law school's associate dean for academic affairs from (1997-2004), associate dean for experiential education (2012-2018), and director of the clinical program (1988-96 and 2008-2018). He specializes in the fields of clinical education and disability law, especially mental disabilities law (including issues of consent/choice, capacity and alternatives to guardianship), the Americans with Disabilities Act, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, legal representation of clients with mental disabilities, and disability and international human rights. Dinerstein has made numerous presentations on clinical legal education and disability law, among other topics, and has published a number of books, articles, chapters and other writing on these subjects.


Prof. Federiga Bindi holds the Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where she also was the founding director of the European Center of Excellence, and is the Director of the Foreign Policy Initiative at the Institute for Women Policy Research (IWPR) in Washington DC, where she leads an EU- funded research network on Women Leadership and one on Internationalization of Higher Education. Prof. Bindi holds a Ph.D. for the European University Institute and has published eight books including Europe and America: The End of Transatlantic Relations? (2019) The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World (2010 & 2012); The Frontiers of Europe: A Transatlantic Problem? (2011); Italy and the EU (2011), Analyzing European Union Politics (2012). Prof. Bindi has been a visiting fellow in several institutions, including the Brookings Institution, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Sciences Po in Paris, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, the University of Lisbon, an the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Dr. Bindi also served in government, in both Europe and the US, directed the international affairs department at the Italian National School of Administration and the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels. R T H O N . T H E B A R O N E S S H A L E O F R I C H M O N D D B E

Brenda Hale retired as President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, the UK’s most senior judge, in January 2020. After teaching law at the University of Manchester for 18 years (while also practising for a short time at the Manchester Bar), then promoting the reform of the law at the Law Commission for over nine years, she became a Judge in the Family Division of the of England and Wales in 1994. In 1999 she was promoted to the Court of Appeal and in 2004 became the first and only woman ‘Law Lord’ – that is, a member of the appellate committee of the House of Lords. In 2009, the Law Lords became the Justices of the Supreme Court, and she became its first woman Justice, Deputy President in 2013 an President in 2017. She is also President of the United Kingdom Association of Women Judges and a past President of the International Association of Women Judges. She has enjoyed working in all fields of the law, but her principal interests remain in family, welfare and equality law.

H O N . J U S T I C E H A N N A H O K W E N G U

Lady Justice Hannah Magondi Okwengu is currently a Judge in the Kenya Court of Appeals having been appointed in 2012. Judge Okwengu was appointed by the on the advice of the Anti-Corruption Advisory Council, as the Assistant Director in Charge of Prosecutions in the Kenya Anti-Corruption Authority (KACA) in 1999, a position she held until 2001. Thereafter she served as a Chief Magistrate until she was appointed as a judge of the High Court in 2003. In her 3 years’ experience in both private practice and service to the Kenyan people in the Judiciary, she has gathered a wealth of experience in administrative and judicial work. Also, she served in Mombasa, Nakuru and as Chief Magistrate and Judge in Charge of Mombasa Law Court. She is the immediate former President of the International Association of Women Judges Kenya Chapter (an affiliate of the International Association of Women Judges), having been elected for two terms ending in September 2019. Currently she is a member of the Board of IAWJ representing East and Southern Africa. H O N . J U D G E S A C H A ( A L E X A N D R A ) P R E C H A L

Sacha Prechal has been judge at the European Court of Justice since 2010. In that capacity, she is currently president of the Third Chamber. She studied law at the University of Groningen (1977-83). She holds a PhD in Law from University of Amsterdam (1995). She started her professional career as Lecturer in the Law Faculty of the University of Maastricht (1983-87). Between 1987 and 1991 she was Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities and then again Lecturer at the Europa Institute of the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam (1991-95). In 1995 she has been appointed Professor of European Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Tilburg and in 2003 Professor of European Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Utrecht. She is member of the editorial respectively advisory board of several national and international legal journals and member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is the author of numerous publications on EU law, in particular on judicial protection in the EU, on various aspects of the relationship etween EU law and national law, on general principles/fundamental rights, on EU anti-discrimination law and on problems related to EU directives. Between 1992 and 2009, she has been involved in the work of the European Network of Legal Experts in the field of Gender Equality, first as coordinator and between 2007-2009 as member of the Executive committee.

H O N . J U D G E F L A V I A V I A N A

Judge with the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná, Brazil, since 2001; Honorary President of the International Union of Portuguese Speaking Judges (President from July 2016 to November 2019); Vice-President of the Civil Law Study Commission of the International Association of Judges since 2018; Member of the Interinstitutional Study Group on Gender Equality in the State of Paraná since 2018; Director of International Affairs of the Association of Judges of Paraná since 2018; President of the Women in Politics Commission in the Electoral Court of the State of Paraná (2019); Participant in the Columbia Women's Leadership Network Program in Brazil - Columbia University - cohort 2019-2020; Coordinator of an innovative project related to the increase of women participation in the Brazilian Judiciary (SDG 5, UN 2030 Agenda) in the Brazilian National Council of Justice (2020); Post-graduate degree in Public Law and in Civil Procedure Law. D A N I E L A K R A I E M

Daniela Kraiem is the Interim Senior Director of Career and Professional Development, the Director of the Women and the Law Program, and a Practitioner-in-Residence at American University Washington College of Law. In the Office of Career and Professional Development, she leads a dedicated team devoted to connecting students and alumni with professional evelopment and employment opportunities across all legal sectors. Prior to joining the Washington College of Law, Professor Kraiem represented labor unions and employees as an Associate at McCarthy, Johnson, and Miller in San Francisco, California. As a Staff Attorney at the Child Care Law Center, she specialized in early childhood education workforce development, supporting small childcare businesses, and increasing the availability of affordable, high quality childcare for all children.

S H A W N A J . W I L S O N

Shawna J. Wilson is the Executive Director of the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ). She is a lawyer with a wealth of international development and foreign policy experience. Prior to joining the IAWJ team, Ms. Wilson was the Senior Rule of Law Advisor for the Department of State’s Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT). She also served as the Deputy Director in the Office of Multilateral Affairs in the CT Bureau where she worked with multilateral and regional institutions regarding terrorism issues, policies, and programs, with a particular focus on criminal justice issues. She worked as the Justice Team Leader in the Office of Criminal Justice Assistance & Partnership Office within the Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, where she provided technical advice on a range of criminal justice issues and programs involving defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges. She was a U.S. Supreme Court Fellows from September 2008 to September 2009. Ms. Wilson worked on human rights, rule of law, anti-corruption and gender issues during her tenure at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Ms. Wilson also brings experience from the nonprofit and private sectors, having worked at the Eurasia Foundation and Frost Brown Todd LLC in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ms. Wilson holds a B.A. in International Affairs and Russian Studies from George Washington University and a J.D. from the Washington College of Law at American University. She is a member of the Ohio and U.S. Supreme Court Bars. F E R N A N D A N I C O L A

Fernanda G. Nicola is Professor of Law at the Washington College of Law, American University and she is the Director of the Program on International Organizations Law and Diplomacy. Her research and teaching interests are in European Union Law, Tort Law, Comparative Law and Local Government Law. She received her PhD from Trento University and her SJD degree from arvard Law School where she was the recipient of the Mancini Prize in European Law, and the Justice Welfare and Economics fellowship at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. Professor Nicola is a member of the American Society of Comparative Law (ASCL) hosting the 2017 annual meeting at AU WCL and the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL) and during the spring of 2017 she was a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and a Visiting Professor at LUISS in Rome.