Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2012 No. 145 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was nity. That’s no small task, but one very Afghans he was sent to train. He called to order by the Speaker pro tem- brave 7-year-old is taking a courageous is just one of the 60 killed by these in- pore (Mr. WEBSTER). step to help raise awareness of sider attacks. My adviser, a former United States f epilepsy’s dangers. Nick Curley never met Danny, but Marine Corps commandant, recently DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Nick’s cousin Jenny suffers from sei- said to me, I am more convinced than TEMPORE zures. Nick has always helped out epi- ever that we need to get out of Afghan- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- lepsy charities in small ways, but felt istan. When our friends turn out to be fore the House the following commu- the need to do something bigger. As an our enemy, it is time to pull the plug. nication from the Speaker: enthusiastic hockey player, he decided It is such a tragedy when American to combine his love for the sport and servicemembers are sent to Afghani- WASHINGTON, DC, stan to train police and military and November 14, 2012. passion for charity to create ‘‘100 Miles end up being killed by their own train- I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL for Danny.’’ WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on The 7-year-old athlete visited 20 dif- ees. this day. ferent hockey rinks in the Chicago Mr. Speaker, the whole war in Af- JOHN A. BOEHNER, area and skated 5 miles, or 50 laps, at ghanistan is a tragedy. On October 7, Speaker of the House of Representatives. each rink. His goal has been to raise there was a national article titled, ‘‘A Mother Mourns a Grim Milestone,’’ re- f money and awareness for epilepsy, as ferring to the 2,000 American casualties well as the Danny Did Foundation. I MORNING-HOUR DEBATE from the war in Afghanistan. had the honor and pleasure to skate The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Lisa Freeman, who was interviewed with Nick on two separate occasions. in the article, lost her son, Captain ant to the order of the House of Janu- Not only is he an impressive skater, ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- Mathew Freeman, in 2009 in Afghani- but his dedication to educating the stan. Ms. Freeman said: nize Members from lists submitted by public about the perils of epilepsy is I just sat here, reliving the pain and won- the majority and minority leaders for extraordinary. Nick’s determination morning-hour debate. dering: Where is America’s outrage? Where is and warm heart set a powerful example America’s concern that we’re still at war? The Chair will alternate recognition for all of us—one that I will not soon between the parties, with each party My question is, Mr. Speaker, why is forget. the House of Representatives still sup- limited to 1 hour and each Member On Danny’s first day of preschool, he other than the majority and minority porting a war that costs $10 billion a told his teacher, I just want to learn. month? This money is borrowed pri- leaders and the minority whip limited Like Danny, the foundation aims to to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall marily from the Chinese. All we hear educate the general public and the about is the financial cliff, this crisis debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. medical community about this mis- that is facing America. My question is, f understood disease. after 11 years, where is the outrage I admire the efforts of the Danny Did DANNY DID FOUNDATION from Congress for our men and women Foundation and heroes like Nick Cur- in uniform dying in Afghanistan? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ley, who truly enjoys life, just like 2014 is the date that the President Chair recognizes the gentleman from Danny did. has said that we will start bringing the Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. f troops out. That is 25 more months. Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, an esti- AFGHANISTAN Why do we have to wait until the end mated 50,000 people die every year as a of 2014 to start bringing our troops result of seizures. Some of these vic- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The home? How many more have to die at tims are youngsters like Danny Stan- Chair recognizes the gentleman from the hands of the very Afghans they are ton. Chicagoans Mike and Mariann North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- training? Stanton founded the Danny Did Foun- utes. An October 14 New York City Times dation after their 4-year-old son, Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, while we editorial title ‘‘Time to Pack Up’’ has Danny, died from a seizure while he were home for the district work period a subtitle that says it best: ‘‘It should was sleeping. The foundation is dedi- in October, 18 American troops died in not take 2 more years for the United cated to preventing deaths caused by Afghanistan. In my home county of States to leave Afghanistan.’’ seizures and raising epilepsy awareness Pitt in North Carolina, Army Spe- Mr. Speaker, I have a petition on my among the public and medical commu- cialist Joshua Nelson was killed by the Web site, I’m asking b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6345 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:41 Nov 14, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO7.000 H14NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with H6346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2012 people around this country to please statehood, 33 percent voted for free as- As Puerto Rico’s representative in sign this petition with their name and sociation, and 5.5 percent voted for the U.S. Congress, I will work with my State, nothing else, who agree with us. independence. In addition, 472,000 vot- allies to ensure that the President and We have people from both sides, but we ers did not provide an answer. Congress take appropriate action in need more Members, that 2013 is the This plebiscite marked the first time light of these results. The people of time to start bringing our troops home, voters were directly asked whether Puerto Rico have spoken, and I intend not waiting until 2014. they want Puerto Rico to remain a ter- to make certain that their voice is Mr. Speaker, beside me, again, I ritory. One of the two main political heard loud and clear. bring posters to the floor to show the parties in Puerto Rico urged a ‘‘yes’’ f Members of the House that we are still vote. Nevertheless, the ‘‘no’’ vote won at war. The poster beside me, Mr. by eight points. Those voting ‘‘no’’ in- ACCELERATE THE TIMETABLE: Speaker, is an Honor Guard bringing a cluded statehood supporters, as well as BRING THE TROOPS HOME BE- flagged-draped transfer case off a advocates of independence and free as- FORE 2014 plane. sociation. These three groups are The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Again, I join my friends and ask the united in their opposition to the cur- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Members of Congress to start debating rent status which is colonial in nature. California (Ms. WOOLSEY) for 5 min- the policy, and let’s start bringing our It deprives Puerto Ricans of their right utes. troops home in 2013 and not wait until to choose their leaders who make their Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, since December of 2014. As a former com- national laws and to equal treatment the House last convened in late Sep- mandant said, when our friends start under those laws. tember, about 30 more Americans have killing us, then it’s time to pull the b 1010 given their lives in the war in Afghani- stan. The total number of fatalities has plug. Not one of my stateside colleagues in now passed 2,000. And as of October 7, I close by asking God to please bless Congress would accept this response for we’ve been at war in Afghanistan for a our men and women in uniform, to their constituents. So they should re- staggering 11 years. There are more bless the families of our men and spect that my constituents no longer than 2,000 families that will have an women in uniform. I ask God in His accept it either. loving arms to hold the families who’ve The rejection of territory status fun- empty chair this Thanksgiving, more given a child dying for freedom in Af- damentally changes the terms of this than 2,000 families with a void that ghanistan and Iraq. debate. After this vote, the question is can’t possibly be filled—husbands and God, please bless the House and Sen- not whether but when Puerto Rico will wives who will have to go on without ate, that we will do what is right in cease to be a territory and will have a their life partner, children missing a Your eyes for Your people here in the fully democratic status.
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