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Bluefish TV Presents KEEP CLIMBING LEADER’S GUIDE Copyright © 2010 Bluefish TV by Bluefish TV

Brian Mosley: President Samantha Krieger: Writer Jackie Mosley: Editor Phil Warner: Senior Producer Chad Madden: Producer Bill Roberson: Communications Director Steve Gee: Graphic Designer

ISBN-10: 1-57275-242-4 ISBN-13: 978-1-57275-242-9

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher, except where noted on handouts and in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and review.

Doctrinal Statement can be found at

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

For information, write: Permissions Bluefish TV 3304 Essex Dr. Richardson, Texas 75082

Bluefish TV is a non-profit ministry.

Published by Bluefish TV. Printed in the United States of America. CONTENTS

PG 04 - I Signed Up For What?!

PG 06 - Are You a Trader?

PG 07 - Taking this Resource Church-Wide

PG 08 - How To Use This Leader’s Guide

PG 10 - Overview of Keep Climbing

PG 11 - About Todd Phillips

PG 12 - SESSION 1: Leaving Comfort Behind





by Samantha Krieger with free online video-training from… The Mission of Small Groups Matters

PG Let’s face it. As new or seasoned leaders, our faults and insecurities cast 4 shadows of doubt on our confidence to lead well. We think to ourselves: Who am I to lead a small group? Here are five common questions when it comes to leading and growing a small group:

1. What if I don’t feel confident? Leading a small group isn’t about your ability. It’s about what God will do through you as the group’s facilitator. When you realize it’s a team effort, your overall view of leading will change. You’ll start to feel confident because you’re in community and participating with others. Above all, when you trust in Christ to help you lead and guide the discussion, those feelings of inadequacy will slowly fade away.

Alan Danielson, Independent Small Group consultant, shares more. Check out his 2-minute free online training video clip on under the video: Alan Danielson :: Jesus chose average people.

2. How do I help my group really connect with each other? Getting your group to connect and gel on an authentic level has a lot to do with how you choose to open up. If you lead with a heart of authenticity, your group will feel the freedom to do the same. If you pretend like you don’t have struggles or sin issues, your group will never be vulnerable and spiritual growth will remain stagnant.

Early on, share your story and give your group snapshots into your life and who you are. Be honest about your struggles or sin issues. Ask icebreaker questions to the whole group. Love on them well and carve out social time together. And before you know it, you’ll be amazed at how naturally your group gels as a whole.

Mike Hurt, Senior Pastor of Parkway Church, shares more. Check out his 2-minute free online training video clip on under the video: Mike Hurt :: Is community worth the risk?

3. How do I deal with awkward silences after I ask a question? Silence can sometimes indicate that you need to restate the question better. Launch questions that get people talking about themselves. If your group still isn’t opening up, set aside Bible study and discussion time for a few weeks and provide ways for your group to get to know each other in different settings. KEEP CLIMBING

Silence could also mean you need to practice more patience. Wait for about 20 seconds after you ask a question for your group to reflect and think. If your group still doesn’t answer, make eye contact with someone directly. i.e.: “John, by Samantha Krieger what do you think about…?” You can also prompt the discussion by being the first to answer your own question.

Dave Treat, Director of Innovation for Group Life at Willow Creek Community Church, shares more. Check out his 2-minute free online training video clip on PG under the video: Dave Treat :: Am I asking lousy questions? 5

4. What if I don’t know an answer to a question? Consider bouncing that question right back for your group to answer. Let them know you don’t know the answer but are interested in their feedback. Tell them you’d be glad to research that one later and get back to them. Being open allows for your group to see that you’re all on the journey together. Tough questions, even though intimidating, can carry your group into new depths spiritually and relationally.

Mark Batterson, Pastor of National Community Church, shares more. Check out his 2-minute free online training video clip on under the video: Mark Batterson :: Admit you don’t have all the answers.

5. What do I do when there’s conflict? Even though it’s really tempting, don’t run away from the inevitable conflict. Bring it to the surface by going to that person alone. Find out what’s driving the conflict (Prov. 20:5). Is something triggering a selfish attitude, a constant need to talk, or a critical tone of voice? God speaks about what to do with conflict all throughout Scripture (Matt. 18). Aim for healthy conflict that will build community and not tear it down.

John Burke, Lead Pastor of Gateway Community Church, shares more. Check out his 2-minute free online training video clip on under the video: John Burke :: Conflict is inevitable.

Hopefully these suggestions along with other free online video training from will encourage you all the more to lead and grow your group to its fullest potential.

______Samantha Krieger is the content editor and a writer for KEEP CLIMBING ARE YOU A TRADER? What do you want to be remembered for? What is your passion? What gifts has God given you? PG How can you use them? 6 Does your life matter?

When these questions go unexplored, our senses become dull and we find ourselves going through the motions of life and pursuing the American Dream.

The RightNow Campaign is shaping a movement within this generation of people who are willing to trade in the pursuit of the American Dream for a world that desperately needs Christ. Being a trader means being intentional with your time, your money and your passions. A trader is a new kind of missionary - not defined by geography - but marked by a willingness to apply the parable of the Good Samaritan to “go and do likewise. ”If you are looking for opportunities where you or your group can put your faith into action, search our ministry website We have posted thousands of local and international service opportunities and we have a team of coaches who are available to provide further help.

It’s time right now for the people of the church to step up and find tangible ways to use their God-given passions and skills to bring hope and change to the world. KEEP CLIMBING

TAKING THIS RESOURCE CHURCH-WIDE>>>> In addition to the Bible study video and curriculum, we’ve included several other resources that will help you take this content to your entire church. PG 7 In the Box: Church Kit DVD

For use in your worship gatherings: • Video-driven sermon illustrations • Motion loops to use behind worship lyrics • Background images to use behind worship lyrics and/or sermon slides

Promotional materials: • Printable (and customizable) flyers, posters and bulletin inserts • Logos • Headshot of teacher

Online: Extras Audio messages – Speaker Message Todd Phillips Leaving Comfort Behind (34 min.) Todd Phillips Flatten the Mountain (31 min.) Todd Phillips Climbing in Silence (32 min.) Todd Phillips A Better View (33 min.)

Promotional materials: - • Printable (and customizable) flyers, posters and bulletin inserts • Logos • Headshot of teacher

Additional Orders: Save up to 80%

Looking for multiple copies of the video kit or more than 30 Leader’s Guides and Workbooks?

Call 972-560-5600 and ask about Bulk Orders or visit KEEP CLIMBING Video

How to Use this Because every group session includes a video portion, think about the logistics in advance. Will everyone be able to see clearly? Set the audio at a comfortable level Leader’s Guide before the session. You don’t want your group to miss anything.

This Leader’s Guide is a tool to help you combine the video and Bible Study into a dynamic growth experience. Go online to: to Video Notes PG download logos, posters or flyers to help promote this series to your group. Be sure 8 to order enough Workbooks for each member of your group in advance and pass Encourage your group to keep their workbooks open during the video to write them out in the first session. You can use the Leader’s Guide as your own workbook. down any thoughts and observations from the video.

With that in mind, let’s preview the Leader’s Guide. The main body of the Guide is written as a conversation you would have with the class. When there’s a specific question to ask, it appears in bold type. (If you’re looking for a quick answer, the Reflect & Discuss suggested answer sometimes appears in parentheses after the question.) But most Discussing what your group has just watched helps them remember and think of the questions are open for discussion, so they have no (suggested) answers. deeper on the real-life stories and key teaching points from the video. Instead, the following paragraphs might include thoughts you could add to the discussion. Leader: When we want to whisper directions, we’ll use italics. Some of the discussion questions also try to connect the video teaching to your group’s emotions or experience. Is that true in your life? Do you have the same issue? Each lesson has particular sections: Solid discussions allow for a smooth transition into studying Scripture.

Intro & Intro to DVD Search the Bible

Verbalize the Intro and Intro to DVD sections to let the group know about the This section focuses heavily on Scripture. Many times, the scripture discussed theme and teaching. Don’t forget the thought-provoking set-up questions to get comes from scripture mentioned in the video. the most out of the topic. Sometimes we ask questions like: What does this verse/word mean? Keep in mind there could be differing opinions. Meaning comes from what the author intended, not from what we read into it. A discussion that involves people bouncing Icebreaker views off one another in an attempt to reach the author’s meaning can be quite productive. The Icebreaker can be adjusted to the character of your group, but don’t skip it for several reasons. (1) Every group needs transition time into deeper issues. (2) Your group can better get to know each other. (3) The introductory questions draw out Be Challenged practical connections between the topic and their lives. The Be Challenged section is for your group to apply what they learned. The If your group knows one another well, you obviously don’t need to spend much time challenge is optional, but be sure to follow up with your group at the next session on it. But if there’s even one newcomer, these introductions will be very helpful. to see how they applied the challenge.

Further Study

Further Study is suggested homework for individuals to read and reflect on their own. Encourage your group to prepare ahead, but don’t demand it. KEEP CLIMBING


Because every group session includes a video portion, think about the logistics in advance. Will everyone be able to see clearly? Set the audio at a comfortable level before the session. You don’t want your group to miss anything.

This Leader’s Guide is a tool to help you combine the video and Bible Study into a dynamic growth experience. Go online to: to Video Notes download logos, posters or flyers to help promote this series to your group. Be sure PG to order enough Workbooks for each member of your group in advance and pass Encourage your group to keep their workbooks open during the video to write 9 them out in the first session. You can use the Leader’s Guide as your own workbook. down any thoughts and observations from the video.

With that in mind, let’s preview the Leader’s Guide. The main body of the Guide is written as a conversation you would have with the class. When there’s a specific question to ask, it appears in bold type. (If you’re looking for a quick answer, the Reflect & Discuss suggested answer sometimes appears in parentheses after the question.) But most Discussing what your group has just watched helps them remember and think of the questions are open for discussion, so they have no (suggested) answers. deeper on the real-life stories and key teaching points from the video. Instead, the following paragraphs might include thoughts you could add to the discussion. Leader: When we want to whisper directions, we’ll use italics. Some of the discussion questions also try to connect the video teaching to your group’s emotions or experience. Is that true in your life? Do you have the same issue? Each lesson has particular sections: Solid discussions allow for a smooth transition into studying Scripture.

Intro & Intro to DVD Search the Bible

Verbalize the Intro and Intro to DVD sections to let the group know about the This section focuses heavily on Scripture. Many times, the scripture discussed theme and teaching. Don’t forget the thought-provoking set-up questions to get comes from scripture mentioned in the video. the most out of the topic. Sometimes we ask questions like: What does this verse/word mean? Keep in mind there could be differing opinions. Meaning comes from what the author intended, not from what we read into it. A discussion that involves people bouncing Icebreaker views off one another in an attempt to reach the author’s meaning can be quite productive. The Icebreaker can be adjusted to the character of your group, but don’t skip it for several reasons. (1) Every group needs transition time into deeper issues. (2) Your group can better get to know each other. (3) The introductory questions draw out Be Challenged practical connections between the topic and their lives. The Be Challenged section is for your group to apply what they learned. The If your group knows one another well, you obviously don’t need to spend much time challenge is optional, but be sure to follow up with your group at the next session on it. But if there’s even one newcomer, these introductions will be very helpful. to see how they applied the challenge.

Further Study

Further Study is suggested homework for individuals to read and reflect on their own. Encourage your group to prepare ahead, but don’t demand it. KEEP CLIMBING OVERVIEW

Why doesn’t God take away our hardships? Why doesn’t God give us what we think we need when we’re in the middle of difficult situations? There are times when we wish God would just flatten the mountain and get rid of the problem. It’s natural to beg that He take the hardship away or to plead for PG immediate answers. 10 We wonder, “Does He really hear me? Is He really with me in the silence?”

It is in trials where our faith is shaken and we’re forced to abandon our comfort zones. When we’re torn from that security, we can realize our trust must be found completely in Christ. As we learn to trust and depend on God, regardless of our circumstances and feelings, we start looking a little more like Him each day.

Our prayers to God aren’t so much about what He will do for us, but about His presence. He knows us best and wants us to get to know him better. That’s why He’s called us to keep climbing, even in the terrifying storms of life, and to continue in what we know is truth.

[Jesus] He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

-Mark 4:40-41, (NIV) KEEP CLIMBING

TODD PHILLIPS is the pastor of Frontline Church PG in Washington D.C. It is one of the 11 most well-respected and looked-to churches in the country for ministry to 20 and 30-somethings.

Todd is the author of Spiritual CPR and Get Uncomfortable. He speaks across the country at conferences including The RightNow Conference. Todd and his wife, Julie, have three children and live just outside Washington D.C.


Joshua: No Plan B: Be Strong and Your Part in God’s Courageous Remarkable Plan to Rescue the World

Preview these and many other Adult Bible studies at SESSION 1

Leader: Pass out a workbook to each member of the class. Let the group know that the workbook has sections to take notes as they’re watching the DVD and during the Discussion and Bible Study. In addition, they can reflect and apply the lesson in the “Be Challenged” section, as well as Scripture reading in the “Further Study” section to prepare for the next session. PG 12 Intro

SESSION 1 In the next four weeks, we’re going to talk about the trials in our life and how we can learn to persevere through them. God’s will isn’t always for our circumstances to change, but that we ourselves change in the process. LEAVING Often, He will use trials to take our faith to a much deeper level. COMFORT BEHIND Icebreaker What was something that made you feel safe and secure as a child? As the leader, consider sharing an example of your own security blanket, stuffed animal, your parents, teacher, friend, structured schedule, nightlight, song.

How did it (or they) bring you comfort?

Leader: Make sure everyone has received a workbook and invite them to take notes during the video.

Intro to DVD

We all crave a bit of comfort and security. But sometimes, to get our attention and grow our faith, God will use a situation that may shake our security to teach us more about our dependence on Him. Let’s watch Session 1 of this series with Todd Phillips.


Leader: Pass out a workbook to each member of the class. Let the group know that the workbook has sections to take notes as they’re watching the DVD and during the Discussion and Bible Study. In addition, they can reflect and apply the lesson in the “Be Challenged” section, as well as Scripture reading in the “Further Study” section to prepare for the next session. PG 13 Intro

In the next four weeks, we’re going to talk about the trials in our life and how we can learn to persevere through them. God’s will isn’t always for our circumstances to change, but that we ourselves change in the process. Often, He will use trials to take our faith to a much deeper level.


What was something that made you feel safe and secure as a child? As the leader, consider sharing an example of your own security blanket, stuffed animal, your parents, teacher, friend, structured schedule, nightlight, song.

How did it (or they) bring you comfort?

Leader: Make sure everyone has received a workbook and invite them to take notes during the video.

Intro to DVD

We all crave a bit of comfort and security. But sometimes, to get our attention and grow our faith, God will use a situation that may shake our security to teach us more about our dependence on Him. Let’s watch Session 1 of this series with Todd Phillips.


In the video, we watched an I Am Second video clip where, Dallas Cowboys’ Video football player Jason Witten mentioned the struggles of his rough childhood and how that made him hard-hearted. Play Session 1: Leaving Comfort Behind (9 minutes) Is there something in your past or present circumstances that are causing you to feel resistant to God or that might be causing doubts?

PG 14 Leader: Consider sharing an example of your own so that individuals do not Video Notes feel they are alone or somehow “wrong” to have doubts and struggles.

Mark 4:35-41 – Where do you find security?

Todd said, “Many times as God is trying to deepen your faith, he will shake you at the core of the thing you find security in, because He wants to be the place you find security in.” What are some areas you’re currently finding security in that you think God might be trying to “shake”?

In the video, Todd talked about Jesus crossing the Sea of Galilee with his disciples. Will someone read Mark 4:35-41?

How well did the disciples know the Sea of Galilee? (Extremely well. The majority of them were fishermen. They lived their lives on the water.) Reflect & Discuss This storm was so severe that it took on properties of a hurricane (see In the video, what thoughts came to your mind as you watched Todd Matt. 8:24). What is note-worthy about the fact that Jesus was asleep in Phillips talk about re-attempting to summit Mt. Elbrus after being the midst of the storm? (He isn’t concerned because He’s in control of the unsuccessful the first time (seven years ago)? natural world and his disciples.)


In the video, we watched an I Am Second video clip where, Dallas Cowboys’ Video football player Jason Witten mentioned the struggles of his rough childhood and how that made him hard-hearted. Play Session 1: Leaving Comfort Behind (9 minutes) Is there something in your past or present circumstances that are causing you to feel resistant to God or that might be causing doubts?

PG Leader: Consider sharing an example of your own so that individuals do not 15 Video Notes feel they are alone or somehow “wrong” to have doubts and struggles.

Mark 4:35-41 – Where do you find security?

Todd said, “Many times as God is trying to deepen your faith, he will shake you at the core of the thing you find security in, because He wants to be the place you find security in.” What are some areas you’re currently finding security in that you think God might be trying to “shake”?

In the video, Todd talked about Jesus crossing the Sea of Galilee with his disciples. Will someone read Mark 4:35-41?

How well did the disciples know the Sea of Galilee? (Extremely well. The majority of them were fishermen. They lived their lives on the water.) Reflect & Discuss This storm was so severe that it took on properties of a hurricane (see In the video, what thoughts came to your mind as you watched Todd Matt. 8:24). What is note-worthy about the fact that Jesus was asleep in Phillips talk about re-attempting to summit Mt. Elbrus after being the midst of the storm? (He isn’t concerned because He’s in control of the unsuccessful the first time (seven years ago)? natural world and his disciples.)


What did the disciples exclaim that revealed their primary fear? (see verse 38 - They were afraid they were going to die in the storm.)

PG Describe a time when you were suddenly thrust from your comfort zone. 16 As the leader, consider sharing your personal experience with a: job change, big move, financial obstacle, health problem, stretching mission experience, making new friends, etc.

Todd said, “Many times we misunderstand this [our security] and think that God is angry with us but he’s not. It’s that he loves us too much to leave us the way we are. And many times he’ll go to those comfort zones.” How have you been tempted to think God is angry with you when a trial or something “uncomfortable” infringes upon your life?

“Four of the twelve disciples were fishermen. If God’s going to take a fisherman somewhere he’s most comfortable to mess with his mind and his heart, it’s going to be on the water.”

Todd also shared that, “[God] He’ll breach our comfort zones for the purpose of changing us.” Why is God interested in changing us for the better? How does his love encourage us to become more like Him? (God’s will is to conform us more into the image of his son, so that our heart beats close to His. His love for us makes us want to love him in return and do what pleases him.)

Search the Bible

Turn to the book of James.


What did the disciples exclaim that revealed their primary fear? (see James, Jesus’ half-brother who’s been called one of the “pillar” apostles, verse 38 - They were afraid they were going to die in the storm.) has a lot to say about persecution and trials. In this letter, he’s writing to “the twelve tribes of Israel scattered among the nations.” These tribes consisted of Christian Jews who were permanently displaced under persecution most likely during the rule of Herod Agrippa. The technical Greek term for this scattering was called the diaspora. PG Describe a time when you were suddenly thrust from your comfort zone. 17 As the leader, consider sharing your personal experience with a: job change, Since the Romans had driven the Jews away from their homeland, they big move, financial obstacle, health problem, stretching mission experience, were distressed and in need of encouragement. So James pens this letter making new friends, etc. to provide them with an understanding of genuine faith, and to bring comfort and reassurance in the midst of tragedy. His letter is a circular letter because all the churches in the region had access to it.

Will someone read James 1:1-4?

James wastes no time in his salutation. Who does he immediately Todd said, “Many times we misunderstand this [our security] and think that identify himself as? (A bond servant to God and the Lord Jesus Christ.) God is angry with us but he’s not. It’s that he loves us too much to leave us the way we are. And many times he’ll go to those comfort zones.” How have you been tempted to think God is angry with you when a trial A bond servant to Christ meant that James dedicated his life to serving or something “uncomfortable” infringes upon your life? under his Master and Lord. His identity and hope was found solely in the one true God.

He then addresses his brothers and sisters in Christ and encourages them to “Four of the twelve disciples were be joyful when they are in the midst of trials. fishermen. If God’s going to take a fisherman somewhere he’s most Having pure joy in a trial doesn’t seem like a natural response. So comfortable to mess with his mind why does James say these should go hand in hand for the believer? and his heart, it’s going to be on (We can still have a joyful attitude and outlook even if it’s not our natural the water.” response and even in the midst of pain. As followers of Christ we have reason to rejoice no matter where we’re at or what happens.)

Todd also shared that, “[God] He’ll breach our comfort zones for the purpose of changing us.” Why is God interested in changing us for the better? How does his love encourage us to become more like Him? When your faith is tested, what does it produce? (Perseverance.) (God’s will is to conform us more into the image of his son, so that our heart beats close to His. His love for us makes us want to love him in return and do what pleases him.) How would you define perseverance? (To be strong, to put up with, patience, hope, a persistent course of action, a purpose, a state that we can be in despite our obstacles, disciplining ourselves to the end, continuing Search the Bible under resistance or the adversities of life.)

Turn to the book of James.


The command to persevere and endure in our faith is scattered all over God’s word. Life is tough. It’s this truth; of holding onto God’s grace until the very end, that leads to eternal salvation.

In what way do tests and trials unveil the “real you”? (The general make-up of trials has a way of squeezing out the good, bad, or ugly. That PG pressure reveals our inner character and whether or not we’ve been walking 18 in the Spirit.)

How is your faith made mature and complete after you’ve persevered through a trial?

“One of the most challenging things in life is to break free from our comfort zones and do things that challenge us.”

When we “pass” the test of a trial instead of being deceived into sin, we have greater communion with Christ and our character is made more holy and Christ-like. Perseverance must be finished so we aren’t cut short of what God wants to teach us about himself.

Let’s move ahead to verse 12. Somebody read James 1:12-15.

James says when he has stood the test. It’s not a matter of if you will face a trial but when and how you choose to grow through it.

What will we receive if we persevere and endure under trials and temptations? (The crown of life, full joy, eternal life.)

So we know trials will come and that we can be tempted in them. But how come God can never be tempted with evil or tempt anyone? (He is holy and is the author of all that is good, therefore no evil exists in him whatsoever. When we’re tempted it is from another spirit and not from God.)


Temptation comes from being enticed by our evil desires. What does this mean? (Our fleshly, sinful nature can deceive and entice us into sin. This is not something God does to us, but is a result of having a fallen nature. Walking in the Spirit and abiding in Christ can help keep us from giving into temptation.)

How can outward affliction and trouble become inward temptation? PG How can we prevent sin from gaining an inch in our relationship to 19 Christ? (If we respond wrongly to a trial [bitterness, anger, resentment], it can open doors for temptation and even greater sin, leading us down a dangerous path. Loving [by obeying] God keeps us from sinning in our troubles and sinking under them.)

Will someone read verses 16-18?

James says, “Don’t be deceived.” How can an ungrateful attitude deceive us and cause us to forget God’s gifts? (When we’re deceived, we lose sight of the blessings in our life. We are not thankful. That ungratefulness can cast a shadow on all of life’s joys. We must be quick to know when we’re straying away.)

What does it mean that God brought us forth of his own will and by the word of truth? (The context here is dealing with regeneration or “new birth.” Regeneration is a work of God through his word.)

What is James saying about us when he says we would be a “kind of firstfruits”? (We are God’s prized creation, yet we also get to enjoy his creation.)

It’s important to note that “firstfruits” were originally an Old Testament expression that referred to the first and best harvest crops. God expected these as an offering. Giving Him the first crop was an act of faith that he would fulfill his promise of a full harvest to come.

In the same way, we are the first evidence of God’s new creation that is to come (2 Peter 3:10-13). No matter what we deal with in this life, a future glory awaits us and that is our ultimate hope today.

In what ways are you thankful for hard times in your life?


How can you prepare yourself for future trials? (Walk in the spirit. Put on the full armor of God. Live in community with other believers. Meditate on Scripture. Confess sin. Practice daily repentance. Flee temptation. Pray. Today you saw the powerful story of Jason Witten. As he shared about Pursue and rely on Christ’s strength in calm and steady times.) his relationship with Jesus, consider how you would share your story with others. You can visit to see more stories and find some tools that help you share your faith with others. PG 20 It’s been said that you’re either in a trial, going into one, or just coming out of one. Sounds encouraging, right? Well, maybe not so much. But the reality is that we have a choice in our response to life’s challenges. We can actually choose to be joyful in life’s difficulties. Further Study

The same plea that James offered to the Christian Jews during the diaspora, Read Philippians 4:1-13. What makes you anxious? he offers to us. Will we choose to know and experience God’s love during our trials? Do we trust that He’ll use the mountains of life to mold us? Can we praise him before we see any answers?

Leader: Direct your group to the Be Challenged and Further Study sections How could an attitude of prayer give you peace in your heart and mind this in their workbooks. Encourage them to use these exercises to apply and week? prepare before the next time you meet.

Point out that they can access and download the audio message from Todd Phillips’ original sermon on this topic. The online link is in the Further Study section.

Be Challenged

Reflect on some of your past trials by writing a few below. Next to the trial, write your overall reaction. Be very honest with yourself. Circle the trials that changed you for the worse and draw a triangle around those that changed you for the better. If you’re not sure if the trial affected you for the “better” or “worse,” just leave it blank. Todd preached a 4-part series based on the themes found in Keep Climbing. To access this sermon series, go to:

Count up the circles and the triangles. How could your future responses be different?


How can you prepare yourself for future trials? (Walk in the spirit. Put on the full armor of God. Live in community with other believers. Meditate on Scripture. Confess sin. Practice daily repentance. Flee temptation. Pray. Today you saw the powerful story of Jason Witten. As he shared about Pursue and rely on Christ’s strength in calm and steady times.) his relationship with Jesus, consider how you would share your story with others. You can visit to see more stories and find some tools that help you share your faith with others. PG It’s been said that you’re either in a trial, going into one, or just coming out of 21 one. Sounds encouraging, right? Well, maybe not so much. But the reality is that we have a choice in our response to life’s challenges. We can actually choose to be joyful in life’s difficulties. Further Study

The same plea that James offered to the Christian Jews during the diaspora, Read Philippians 4:1-13. What makes you anxious? he offers to us. Will we choose to know and experience God’s love during our trials? Do we trust that He’ll use the mountains of life to mold us? Can we praise him before we see any answers?

Leader: Direct your group to the Be Challenged and Further Study sections How could an attitude of prayer give you peace in your heart and mind this in their workbooks. Encourage them to use these exercises to apply and week? prepare before the next time you meet.

Point out that they can access and download the audio message from Todd Phillips’ original sermon on this topic. The online link is in the Further Study section.

Be Challenged

Reflect on some of your past trials by writing a few below. Next to the trial, write your overall reaction. Be very honest with yourself. Circle the trials that changed you for the worse and draw a triangle around those that changed you for the better. If you’re not sure if the trial affected you for the “better” or “worse,” just leave it blank. Todd preached a 4-part series based on the themes found in Keep Climbing. To access this sermon series, go to:

Count up the circles and the triangles. How could your future responses be different?



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Intr r Int eaker Icebr Today we’re talking about how we can’t always have what we want. have what we want. we’re talking about how we can’t always Today But God knows what we need to better grow our faith. Let’s look at the ways God can work in our lives by watching Session 2 of this different series Phillips.withTodd Last week we talked about God using trials in our life to get us out of our life to get us out of using trials in our we talked about God Last week in and security our complete dependence so we can find comfort zones, difference. what makes all the in the trial is Him. Our attitude had in past trials like to share specific reactions you’ve anyone Would in your life? wanted. you didn’t get your way or what you Name a time when career consider sharing a story of interrupted/changed plans, As the leader, change, bad-tasting meal, an unusual gift. How did you deal with the disappointment? Once again, invite Leader: Make sure everyone has received a workbook. them to take notes during the video.











o o Intr eaker Icebr r Int Today we’re talking about how we can’t always have what we want. have what we want. we’re talking about how we can’t always Today But God knows what we need to better grow our faith. Let’s look at the ways God can work in our lives by watching Session 2 of this different series Phillips.withTodd Make sure everyone has received a workbook. Once again, invite Leader: Make sure everyone has received a workbook. them to take notes during the video. How did you deal with the disappointment? Name a time when you didn’t get your way or what you wanted. you didn’t get your way or what you Name a time when career consider sharing a story of interrupted/changed plans, As the leader, change, bad-tasting meal, an unusual gift. Last week we talked about God using trials in our life to get us out of our life to get us out of using trials in our we talked about God Last week in and security our complete dependence so we can find comfort zones, difference. what makes all the in the trial is Him. Our attitude had in past trials like to share specific reactions you’ve anyone Would in your life? scuss i D & Notes

KEEP CLIMBING (14 minutes) Mountain (14 minutes) Flatten the lect

f Re In the video we watched an I Am Second video clip where, Michelle Aguilar, Aguilar, Am Second video clip where, Michelle In the video we watched an I divorce and the shared the pain of her parents’ The Biggest Loser, winner of struggle to forgive her mother. How did you see God working in her life as she was struggling with doubt and pain in the relationship with her mother? How do you see God in her life now? From the video, what did you think about the team’s training; how they the team’s From the video, what did you think about you the steep ice walls? Would had to use ropes and axes to climb up Why/why not? want to take on a challenge like that? Mark 4:35-41 – Why doesn’t God take my problems away? Mark 4:35-41 – Why Play Session 2: Play Session Video id eo V


SESSION 2 PG SESSION 2 25 PG more in your life? Philippians 4, Paul , 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 2 Corinthians 7:5 how Paul KEEP CLIMBING we see how God intervened we see how Acts 16:23-26 is when God comes in and changes the comes in and changes is when God Intervention do. In the Old only God can and does something circumstances fire and Sea, the pillar of the parting of the Red it was Testament cloud. In the pillar of while he was in prison. and broke his chains with Paul us to do something in the Interaction is where God empowers us help ourselves. In situation… he helps Paul talks about how God comforts us so that we can comfort God comforts us so that we can comfort Paul talks about how the we’ve received from God. God uses others with the comfort also see in can people of God. We Titus. and God interacts by sending was physically tired change any of the Inner action is when God doesn’t us. Paul was in prison seven times circumstances; he changes In but God only intervened with one miracle. writes about his joy in the doesn’t write about the one miracle, he don’t change but The circumstances midst of his prison sentence. Paul is changed from the inside out. When it comes to your own trials, can you recall a time when you When it comes to your own trials, can pleaded something like, “God, would you just level out the mountain?” all we can do to What did you learn in this cry for help? (Sometimes it’s say that in our hearts or scream that from the top of our lungs. But that’s exactly what God wants—for us to turn our attentions toward him. It is when we surrender that we recognize He alone is all we need.) Out of the three, which one do you want God to work Out of the three, which one do you want Todd Phillips explained three ways that God can work in our lives. in our can work that God three ways explained Phillips Todd examples? Any most in your life? Which one do you feel he works the scuss i D & Notes (14 minutes) Mountain (14 minutes) Flatten the lect f Re From the video, what did you think about the team’s training; how they the team’s From the video, what did you think about you the steep ice walls? Would had to use ropes and axes to climb up Why/why not? want to take on a challenge like that? Aguilar, Am Second video clip where, Michelle In the video we watched an I divorce and the shared the pain of her parents’ The Biggest Loser, winner of struggle to forgive her mother. How did you see God working in her life as she was struggling with doubt and pain in the relationship with her mother? How do you see God in her life now? Play Session 2: Play Session doesn’t God take my problems away? Mark 4:35-41 – Why id eo V Video s Bible the h ch Sear . to Philippians 4 Turn meaning of contentment than through no greater way to learn the There’s times are a vehicle God uses to trials, and persecution. Hard suffering, stretch and grow our faith in him. contentment. of meaning the embodied who man a see we Paul, of life the In the concept of “rejoicing” or “joy” joy letter, In the book of Philippians, Paul’s could say that he really You appears 16 times throughout all four chapters. The crazy thing is that Paul is writing his joy wanted to stress this theme. letter to the Philippian church from a prison in Rome of all places! going to enter the scene with Paul thanking the church for their We’re generous gift and for going out of their way to financially support him in He exhorts them to unity and to finding their true joy in Christ. ministry. Todd also shared how God often won’t change any of the any of the change often won’t God shared how also Todd us become and help us to change us. He wants around circumstances is wholly living a life that him. What does abandoned to passionately in our lives? to Christ look like abandoned our chief end. That’s to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. were created We on our life’ this means we’re missing out completely Living anything but who can fill our longing hearts The only person purpose and full satisfaction. is Jesus. Mark 4:35-41 . Mark KEEP CLIMBING Him.)

Referring to the life of Paul, Todd said that “[Paul] he figured out that Referring to the life of Paul, Todd God doesn’t just work through miracles, there are many times God just leaves all the circumstances the same. He changes us on the inside out.” Why do we often seek out miracles instead of look to Jesus look for often himself? (Jesus speaks strongly against seeking signs. We We want proof, but Jesus tangible answers to confirm what we’re doing. wants us to look to In our trials, we must move forward in the things we know, and have the things we know, In our trials, we must move forward in with that? What risks are involved faith in the things we don’t know. It’s with what we know. wisdom in moving forward What rewards? (There’s risking because we don’t We’re difficult to have faith in what we can’t see. if we’re following in obedience, know the outcome. But the reward is that no matter the experience joy, we’ll be where God wants us and we’ll circumstances.) How does Jesus’ response to the storm encourage you in your trials? to the storm encourage you in your response How does Jesus’ (Yes, he not? (Yes, fear? Why/Why he concerned about the disciples’ Was faith in him.) just wanted to test their Let’s open our Bibles and refer back to Todd’s teaching from from teaching Todd’s back to and refer our Bibles open Let’s wind great the from fear intense experiencing are disciples the know We and winds the and still!” be “Quiet, sea, the to says then Jesus storm. (He who Jesus was? reveal about What did this miracle waves cease. orders at his command.) exists—able to give the Creator of all that was God,

we don’t know.” also have faith with the things that also have faith with the things that with the things that we know but “God will ask us to move forward “God will ask us to move forward 26

SESSION 2 PG SESSION 2 27 PG s Bible KEEP CLIMBING the h ch Sear . to Philippians 4 Turn meaning of contentment than through no greater way to learn the There’s times are a vehicle God uses to trials, and persecution. Hard suffering, stretch and grow our faith in him. contentment. of meaning the embodied who man a see we Paul, of life the In the concept of “rejoicing” or “joy” joy letter, In the book of Philippians, Paul’s could say that he really You appears 16 times throughout all four chapters. The crazy thing is that Paul is writing his joy wanted to stress this theme. letter to the Philippian church from a prison in Rome of all places! going to enter the scene with Paul thanking the church for their We’re generous gift and for going out of their way to financially support him in He exhorts them to unity and to finding their true joy in Christ. ministry. We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. That’s our chief end. That’s to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. were created We on our life’ this means we’re missing out completely Living anything but Todd also shared how God often won’t change any of the any of the change often won’t God shared how also Todd us become and help us to change us. He wants around circumstances is wholly living a life that him. What does abandoned to passionately in our lives? to Christ look like abandoned who can fill our longing hearts The only person purpose and full satisfaction. is Jesus. (Rejoicing is a duty (Prayer, petitioning, and (Prayer,


Will someone read verses 8-9? So as you’re giving your worries to him, how does his peace “guard” So as you’re giving your worries to him, we’re your heart and mind? (This is a promise from God that when confident in him in times of trouble and great concern, he will give us inner His peace will going on outwardly. tranquility and peace no matter what’s guard us from temptation to sin.) What does God promise when we bring our anxieties and concerns to What does God promise when we bring will guard our hearts and Him? (His peace that transcends all understanding minds in Christ Jesus.) thankfulness. We’re to open up to God and tell him our concerns.) thankfulness. We’re Why does Paul say to “rejoice in the Lord always”? Why does Paul say Somebody read verses 6-7. with? What are we to exchange our anxieties You might want to read this out loud yourself, to get the names to get the yourself, out loud to read this want might You Leader: Clement and (sin-TEEK-ee) Syntyche and Euodia (you-OH-dee-ah) right: (CLEM-ent). 4:1-5. read Philippians Let’s You Humble. letter? (Joyful. Encouraging. tone in his What is Paul’s his words. He and love for the church through endearment can see Paul’s to stress his devotion to them.) repeats certain phrases our heart’s we delight ourselves in the Lord, we receive and privilege. When toward him, we can have good thoughts in suffering, desire (Ps. 37:4). Even best interest in mind.) knowing he has our


SESSION 2 PG SESSION 2 29 PG (Paul wants (Paul “I am not saying this because I am in “I am not saying this because I am need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what what it is to be in need, and I know I have learned the it is to have plenty. every secret of being content in any and NIV situation.” - Philippians 4:11-12, (We’re to think in (We’re KEEP CLIMBING What is Paul’s secret? How did he learn to be content in every What is Paul’s not power for strength- not his own. He’s situation? (He drew on Christ’s able to do but what Christ can do. It took “learning” boasting in what he’s from circumstances and experiences for Paul to proclaim this- being persecuted, shipwrecked, imprisoned, living in poverty and abundance.) Somebody read verses 10-13. for their generous gift and love Paul was thankful to the Philippians motivated to have a thankful while he was in prison. What keeps him sole purpose in life was to spirit? (Christ himself is his main motivation. His to him.) glorify God and that meant being obedient Why must our thought-life be kept under control? kept under control? our thought-life be Why must learned, have they whatever emulate to church Philippian the asks Paul the difference between having a from him. What’s received, or heard a difference word into practice? (It’s putting God’s lot of knowledge and enough. word isn’t knowledge. Knowing God’s between wisdom and we go.) word to life and taking it with us wherever God’s Wisdom is applying us to get the point that we’re to meditate on whatever is worthy of awe and of awe and is worthy whatever on to meditate that we’re get the point us to and unholy.) is wicked, evil, profane, as opposed to what adoration and what thoughts. He is concerned about our minds harmony with God’s we can become holy as he is.) we dwell on so that “Whatever” is repeated six times. Why do you think that is? you think Why do six times. repeated is “Whatever”

to see more stories and find some stories and find to see more r Study er Furth Todd preached a 4-part series based on the themes found in Keep preached a Todd sermon series, go to: access this To Climbing. Today you saw the powerful story of Michelle Aguilar. As she shared about shared about As she Aguilar. of Michelle story the powerful you saw Today story with your would share how you consider with Jesus, her relationship can visit You others. faith with others. help you share your tools that you’re hoping in that you . What are some things Read Romans 8:24-26 don’t see yet? does/doesn’t give you what you’re How can you prepare your heart if God hoping for? something you’re struggling to a brief prayer to the Lord regarding Write “wait” in:


llenged Cha Be Choose some indulgence in your life that you make a point every week to TV drink, personal email, Facebook/Twitter, “have, do, or buy” (a coffee lunch out, video games, shopping, etc.). Go without that certain treat show, Then think about what contentment means in your life. Write for one week. down your thoughts here. Direct your group to the Be Challenged and Further Study sections Leader: Direct your group to the Be Challenged use these exercises to apply and in their workbooks. Encourage them to Point out that they can also access prepare before the next time you meet. original sermon on this Phillips’ Todd and download the audio message from online link is in the Further Study section. The topic. The reality is that contentment in our circumstances is about being obedient The reality is that contentment in our circumstances everything we need for life and to God. He is our strength to help us apply godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). Him because that is our solution to Paul exhorts us to delight and feast on we seek him, God promises to the problems we face here on earth. When just get rid of the problem. be with us in those times we wish he would The Greek word for being content means “to be self-sufficient” being content means “to be self-sufficient” The Greek word for in your Would you say that you’re satisfied or “to be satisfied.” real joy in now? Or do you feel like you’re lacking circumstances right Christ? Why/why not? How often would you say you draw on Christ’s power to help you find help you to power on Christ’s you draw you say often would How in do you notice What difference in your circumstances? contentment you’re content? your life when



KEEP CLIMBING to see more stories and find some stories and find to see more r Study er Furth Todd preached a 4-part series based on the themes found in Keep preached a Todd sermon series, go to: access this To Climbing. Write a brief prayer to the Lord regarding something you’re struggling to a brief prayer to the Lord regarding Write “wait” in: How can you prepare your heart if God does/doesn’t give you what you’re How can you prepare your heart if God hoping for? . What are some things you’re hoping in that you . What are some things Read Romans 8:24-26 don’t see yet? Today you saw the powerful story of Michelle Aguilar. As she shared about shared about As she Aguilar. of Michelle story the powerful you saw Today story with your would share how you consider with Jesus, her relationship can visit You others. faith with others. help you share your tools that llenged Cha Be Choose some indulgence in your life that you make a point every week to TV drink, personal email, Facebook/Twitter, “have, do, or buy” (a coffee lunch out, video games, shopping, etc.). Go without that certain treat show, Then think about what contentment means in your life. Write for one week. down your thoughts here. How often would you say you draw on Christ’s power to help you find help you to power on Christ’s you draw you say often would How in do you notice What difference in your circumstances? contentment you’re content? your life when being content means “to be self-sufficient” The Greek word for in your Would you say that you’re satisfied or “to be satisfied.” real joy in now? Or do you feel like you’re lacking circumstances right Christ? Why/why not? is about being obedient The reality is that contentment in our circumstances everything we need for life and to God. He is our strength to help us apply godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). Him because that is our solution to Paul exhorts us to delight and feast on we seek him, God promises to the problems we face here on earth. When just get rid of the problem. be with us in those times we wish he would and Further Study sections Leader: Direct your group to the Be Challenged use these exercises to apply and in their workbooks. Encourage them to Point out that they can also access prepare before the next time you meet. original sermon on this Phillips’ Todd and download the audio message from online link is in the Further Study section. The topic. e s watch him more DVD


o o Climbing in Silence (10 minutes)

Intr r Int eaker Icebr One of the most difficult things during trials is the silence we experience. W One of the most difficult things during trials often our faith isn’t so much about begin to wonder if God is really there. But with us during the trials. Let’ what God does for us, but his presence Phillips. Todd Session 3 of this series with Play Session 3: Last week we talked about real contentment even in the moments we in the moments we contentment even we talked about real Last week than of the problem. More and get rid would flatten the mountain wish God us to know way out, God wants a miracle or an easy seeking out in the trial. intimately challenge? to go without anything from last session’s you able Were about contentment? What did you learn a bunch of music and noise? Do you work better in silence or with better? Or do you like both? Why does one over the other suit you Video







o o Climbing in Silence (10 minutes) Intr eaker Icebr r Int Play Session 3: One of the most difficult things during trials is the silence we experience. W One of the most difficult things during trials begin to wonder if God is really there. But often our faith isn’t so much about begin to wonder if God is really there. But with us during the trials. Let’ what God does for us, but his presence Phillips. Todd Session 3 of this series with Do you work better in silence or with a bunch of music and noise? Do you work better in silence or with better? Or do you like both? Why does one over the other suit you Last week we talked about real contentment even in the moments we in the moments we contentment even we talked about real Last week than of the problem. More and get rid would flatten the mountain wish God us to know way out, God wants a miracle or an easy seeking out in the trial. intimately challenge? to go without anything from last session’s you able Were about contentment? What did you learn Video You You (Gloomy? Am I praising scuss i D & otes N


f Re eo Vid Todd shared about watching God work miracles early in his faith. But shared about watching God Todd how later on, God became silent. He had to ask himself, From the video, describe the whiteout at the Pruitt hut on Mt. Elbrus. From the video, describe the whiteout looming in the air? Could you sense the stillness and silence just difficult in mountaineering Phillips mentioned how it’s Todd to exist when you ascend higher on the mountain. The physical exhaustion and silence is difficult. How can this physical reality relate difficult the altitude is so unbearable that it’s to us spiritually? (Physically, the more we climb through a trial, The silence is tough. Spiritually, to exist. the harder it becomes to keep persevering through it.) Desolate? Claustrophobic as snow blotted out the entire landscape. Desolate? Claustrophobic as snow blotted wondering when it will pass.) could sense the intense moment of waiting, Mark 4:35-41 – Where do you find security? – Where do you Mark 4:35-41



Mark 4:35-41. KEEP CLIMBING

“I’m not sure if I would ask him [God] to take my hearing aid “I’m not sure if I would ask him [God] to Where were they placing their faith? (Not in God, but naturally focused on the frightening circumstance at hand.) Jesus asks, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Are there times that you, too, find yourself “wanting” like the Are there times that you, too, find yourself disciples? Can you explain? Let’s open our Bibles and refer back to Todd’s teaching from Todd’s to open our Bibles and refer back Let’s experience? (Because Jesus What kind of “silence” did the disciples’ “wanting” and questioning. was sleeping on a cushion, they were found needed him to deal with the problem.) Does it seem strange that he would say that? Why or why not? Does it seem strange that he would say John said, of I’m not sure I’d ask him to restore me because then a whole door away. people wouldn’t whole avenue of encouraging A ministry would be closed. be there anymore.” In the video we saw an I Am Second clip where John Meador talked about clip where John Meador talked about Am Second an I In the video we saw he didn’t measure deaf. Growing up, he felt like the struggles after becoming it but as he He prayed many times for God to change up to everybody else. to deal with it as realized God would give him the ability walked with God, he he relied upon his grace. and been able to turn profound strength on God’s Have you ever relied opportunities? disappointment into God in my life? Do I have faith in God for what he does for me or does for what he God for faith in Do I have in my life? God own in your questions similar you asked he is? Have for who simply silence? Explain. seasons of You You (Gloomy? Am I praising scuss i D & otes N lect f Re eo Vid From the video, describe the whiteout at the Pruitt hut on Mt. Elbrus. From the video, describe the whiteout looming in the air? Could you sense the stillness and silence out the entire landscape. Desolate? Claustrophobic as snow blotted wondering when it will pass.) could sense the intense moment of waiting, just difficult in mountaineering Phillips mentioned how it’s Todd to exist when you ascend higher on the mountain. The physical exhaustion and silence is difficult. How can this physical reality relate difficult the altitude is so unbearable that it’s to us spiritually? (Physically, the more we climb through a trial, The silence is tough. Spiritually, to exist. the harder it becomes to keep persevering through it.) work miracles early in his faith. But shared about watching God Todd how later on, God became silent. He had to ask himself, Mark 4:35-41 – Where do you find security? – Where do you Mark 4:35-41 Bible the KEEP CLIMBING h ch

Sear Turn to Romans 8. Turn Community reminds us that we’re not alone in believing and worshipping Community reminds us that we’re not alone community can be. Exhorting God. When we can’t be strong for ourselves, own victories. Helping to meet us. Praying for us. Reminding us of their never meant to be lived in isolation. tangible needs we have. Our faith was in our lives. With said, “Every one of us goes through silence Todd for a reason. He wants to test the authenticity of our silent God, he’s enrich your faith? faith.” How has silence helped deepen and How have other people helped pull you through the silence in your How have other people helped pull you of supportive friends and own storms? Why is having a community believers essential to standing strong? Where do you want to see more of God’s power in your life? to see more of God’s Where do you want Do you think they understood that Jesus’ presence in their life was “good “good was life their in presence Jesus’ that understood they think you Do the storm, they may not not? (Prior to Jesus calming enough”? Why/why they needed.) that just his presence in the boat was all have fully understood When did the disciples come to understand God’s power in their life? in their power God’s understand come to disciples did the When The his command. with and waves the winds calmed until Jesus (It wasn’t wind is this? Even the and fear saying, “Who with awe disciples responded obey him!”) and the waves

boat to help them live that faith.” and then Jesus took them out on the the on out them took Jesus then and the boat, Jesus was teaching on faith faith on teaching was Jesus boat, the “Remember just before they left on on left they before just “Remember


SESSION 3 PG SESSION 3 37 PG words words (Whatever The Message (Complete Christ-likeness (Complete KEEP CLIMBING Romans 8:18-23? Have you ever experienced a “groaning” within your heart that Paul talks about? What was it like? (Inwardly as we wait for our adoption as children How are we groaning? (Inwardly as we wait for our adoption as long to be made perfect and to be and the redemption of our bodies. We grieve because we want to be made rescued from our sinful bodies. We perfect in Christ.) (Even God’s creation knows that everything creation knows that everything Why is creation “groaning”? (Even God’s “groan” because of the sin within us, and all is not as it should be. We mourning, and overburdened.) around us. Groaning includes grieving, What are “present sufferings” and how long will they last? What are “present us”? in revealed be will that glory “the is What Those who believe and have children. Who are the “sons of God”? (God’s placed their faith in Jesus Christ.) it in this way: “These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for ours are yearning for barren bodies of “These sterile and it in this way: us, any more than does not diminish That is why waiting full deliverance. we we wait, the larger But the longer mother. a pregnant waiting diminishes 8:22-25). our expectancy” (Romans the more joyful become, and present by weighing and summing up our Paul makes an argument is that there is The conclusion he makes future glory. to our sufferings hardships we and The suffering even compare them. absolutely no way to the future glory concern only our physical bodies, but experience on earth that is our The future glory is eternal and our soul. reserved for us concerns hope. Will someone read In 2 in this life- persecution, death, illness, tragedy. causes us suffering that are just for a moment 4:17, Paul calls our troubles “light” afflictions Cor. compared to the eternal weight of glory.) is a believer’s eternal glory.) Paul uses a great illustration to show how our world is temporarily on temporarily world is how our to show illustration uses a great Paul pangs. to birth waiting this intense He relates hold. Bible the h ch Sear Turn to Romans 8. Turn When did the disciples come to understand God’s power in their life? in their power God’s understand come to disciples did the When The his command. with and waves the winds calmed until Jesus (It wasn’t wind is this? Even the and fear saying, “Who with awe disciples responded obey him!”) and the waves “good was life their in presence Jesus’ that understood they think you Do the storm, they may not not? (Prior to Jesus calming enough”? Why/why they needed.) that just his presence in the boat was all have fully understood power in your life? to see more of God’s Where do you want through the silence in your How have other people helped pull you of supportive friends and own storms? Why is having a community believers essential to standing strong? in believing and worshipping Community reminds us that we’re not alone community can be. Exhorting God. When we can’t be strong for ourselves, own victories. Helping to meet us. Praying for us. Reminding us of their never meant to be lived in isolation. tangible needs we have. Our faith was in our lives. With said, “Every one of us goes through silence Todd for a reason. He wants to test the authenticity of our silent God, he’s enrich your faith? faith.” How has silence helped deepen and “Remember just before they left on on left they before just “Remember faith on teaching was Jesus boat, the the on out them took Jesus then and boat to help them live that faith.” .” , but NIV As he shared about NIV Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks Be joyful always; pray continually; give NIV to see more stories and find some ed Challeng Be NIV be exalted among the Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” are achieving 2 Corinthians 4:17-18: “For our light and momentary troubles them all. So we fix our eyes not for us an eternal glory that far outweighs For what is seen is temporary on what is seen, but on what is unseen. what is unseen is eternal.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “ will for you in Christ Jesus.” in all circumstances, for this is God’s you saw the powerful story of John Meador. Today his relationship with Jesus, consider how you would share your story with can visit You others. tools that help you share your faith with others. It is in this hope that we were saved so we have the ability to endure in to endure the ability so we have were saved that we this hope It is in guidance. help and the Spirit’s patience with and Further the Be Challenged your group to complete Leader: Encourage also out that they can time you meet. Point before the next Study sections original sermon Phillips’ Todd the audio message from access and download Further Study section. The online link is in the on this topic. this week. you want to meditate on and memorize Pick one of the passages the verse, using Write further and go for all four.) (Or challenge yourself index card and keep it with you the translation of your own Bible, on an Ask a group member or friend to check up on you mid- throughout the week. along. week to see how the memorization is coming spiritual fervor, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your Romans 12:11-12: in affliction, faithful in prayer serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient KEEP CLIMBING

God doesn’t want us to only see His miracles, but to see Him alone and to when we begin Life looks a little different realize that affliction is temporary. to place our hope in this future glory instead of only looking at what we currently see. Whether we’re climbing in the silence or standing on top of the summit, we can trust Christ through both experiences. How do you think you can better experience God’s sovereignty during sovereignty God’s How do you think you can better experience times of waiting and silence? The spirit residing within us is our helper, comforter, and guide. The Spirit and guide. comforter, The spirit residing within us is our helper, word. It produces interpret God’s helps us see truth and understand and peace, patience, and self control (Gal. 5:22-23) so fruit in our life: love, joy, and not waver or distance ourselves that we’re able to stand firm in the trials from God. voice when in listening to God’s Read Psalm 46:10. What can you learn and talking to God, but easy to think of prayer as requesting you pray? (It’s and being still.) more about listening to his voice it’s What is the Holy Spirit’s role in your life when you’re weak and role in your What is the Holy Spirit’s struggling in the silence? It’s probably fair to say that if you’re human, you’ve felt a groaning in your in felt a groaning you’ve you’re human, that if fair to say probably It’s can times like that, we When we experience somewhere else. heart to be and this is not our home remind ourselves that an opportunity to use that as far better awaits us. something read verses 24-27. Somebody encourage Paul describes? How does this hope What is this “hope” in the spirit gives us hope (The fruit we produce you in times of silence? be like Christ.) that one day we will

presence alone?” built around his presence and his built around his presence and his God does for us or is our faith “Is our faith built around what


SESSION 3 PG SESSION 3 39 PG .” , but NIV As he shared about NIV KEEP CLIMBING Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks Be joyful always; pray continually; give NIV to see more stories and find some ed Challeng Be in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” in all circumstances, for this is God’s tools that help you share your faith with others. NIV be exalted among the Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” are achieving 2 Corinthians 4:17-18: “For our light and momentary troubles them all. So we fix our eyes not for us an eternal glory that far outweighs For what is seen is temporary on what is seen, but on what is unseen. what is unseen is eternal.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “ you saw the powerful story of John Meador. Today his relationship with Jesus, consider how you would share your story with can visit You others. Pick one of the passages you want to meditate on and memorize this week. you want to meditate on and memorize Pick one of the passages the verse, using Write further and go for all four.) (Or challenge yourself index card and keep it with you the translation of your own Bible, on an Ask a group member or friend to check up on you mid- throughout the week. along. week to see how the memorization is coming spiritual fervor, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your Romans 12:11-12: in affliction, faithful in prayer serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient Encourage your group to complete the Be Challenged and Further the Be Challenged your group to complete Leader: Encourage also out that they can time you meet. Point before the next Study sections original sermon Phillips’ Todd the audio message from access and download Further Study section. The online link is in the on this topic. It is in this hope that we were saved so we have the ability to endure in to endure the ability so we have were saved that we this hope It is in guidance. help and the Spirit’s patience with

KEEP CLIMBING - righteous living - sexual purity

dy tu S r h e rt Fu struggling ______strong 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 in PURITY - faithfulness or commitment in FAITH strong struggling ______9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in LOVE- self-sacrificial service for others strong struggling ______9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in CONDUCT strong struggling ______9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in WORD- speech strong struggling ______4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4:6-16. Read 1 Timothy are an example? Where struggling to be vs. 12. Where are you Focus on think you stand. circle where you On a scale of 1-10, you strong?



KEEP CLIMBING Todd preached a 4-part series based on the themes found in Keep themes found in based on the a 4-part series preached Todd series, go to: this sermon access To Climbing. - righteous living - sexual purity dy tu S r h e rt Fu 4:6-16. Read 1 Timothy are an example? Where struggling to be vs. 12. Where are you Focus on think you stand. circle where you On a scale of 1-10, you strong? in WORD- speech strong struggling ______4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 in CONDUCT strong struggling ______9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in LOVE- self-sacrificial service for others strong struggling ______9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - faithfulness or commitment in FAITH strong struggling ______9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in PURITY struggling ______strong 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DVD


o o (19 minutes) Better View A

Intr r Int eaker Icebr Many of us think we have certain limits we can’t go past. But when we’re Many of us think we have certain limits we’re raised to a new perspective in our faith. encouraged to push further, watch the final session of Let’s begin to see God from a better view. We Phillips. Todd this series with Play Session 4: Last week we talked about the silence from God we experience during we experience during silence from God we talked about the Last week But often, we learn of our faith. can reveal the authenticity trials. Silence for us, but about his what God does isn’t so much about that our faith alone. presence from last like to recite the Scripture you memorized anyone Would did you pick that one? Challenge section? Why session’s reached your physical limit, Describe a time when you thought you but you pushed through anyway. consider sharing a workout experience, race or marathon, As the leader, illness. over-tiredness/exhaustion, mission work, your side to encourage you? If so, explain. anyone by Was Video





SESSION 4 PG 43 43



o o (19 minutes) Better View A Intr eaker Icebr r Int Play Session 4: Many of us think we have certain limits we can’t go past. But when we’re Many of us think we have certain limits we’re raised to a new perspective in our faith. encouraged to push further, watch the final session of Let’s begin to see God from a better view. We Phillips. Todd this series with Was anyone by your side to encourage you? If so, explain. anyone by Was Describe a time when you thought you reached your physical limit, Describe a time when you thought you but you pushed through anyway. consider sharing a workout experience, race or marathon, As the leader, illness. over-tiredness/exhaustion, mission work, Last week we talked about the silence from God we experience during we experience during silence from God we talked about the Last week But often, we learn of our faith. can reveal the authenticity trials. Silence for us, but about his what God does isn’t so much about that our faith alone. presence from last like to recite the Scripture you memorized anyone Would did you pick that one? Challenge section? Why session’s Video (Todd (Todd (Not everyone scuss i D &


f Re From the video footage of the team returning from the Summit back From the video footage of the team returning the different challenges Todd to Pruitt Hut, what struck you about the peak? and his team faced 1200 ft. before reaching roundtrip journey. a 12 hr. made it. It was was successful. 8 out of 11 Incredible storm.) the most mentally and physically shared how Mt. Elbrus was Todd challenging event of their lives. Why was it worth the journey? called the experience “remarkable.” Regardless of the exhaustion and hardship, the lessons learned in the experience were incomparable. Conquering something so great reaps significant rewards.) Thinking they’d reached The team also learned how to go the extra mile. pushed them on even further. Tap, their absolute limit their leader, Mark 4:35-41 – What is God trying to do in your life? – What is God trying Mark 4:35-41 id eo V


SESSION 4 PG SESSION 4 45 PG (The “Have you been so angry at the storm; asking God to get rid of the storm that you’ve failed to to teach you trying see what he’s through the storm?” ontentment is given KEEP CLIMBING Have you ever looked for fulfillment or happiness in Have you ever looked for fulfillment Brian Welch also shared how he began his relationship with Christ. After also shared how he began his relationship with Christ. Brian Welch fatherly love covered him he said, “C realizing God’s In the video we saw an I am Second clip where former band member of In the video we saw an I am Second clip deep drug addiction. Brian had tried talked about his KoRn, Brian Welch, of money and success came true, everything to get pleasure. His dreams a relationship with Christ, but he wasn’t fulfilled. Even after he began he tried drugs. What made you realize that something or someone besides Christ? you were looking in the wrong place? goal of our faith is sanctification; growing in Christ-likeness and holiness. goal of our faith is sanctification; growing us trust him more.) character helps Seeing new perspectives in God’s “Every time God takes you through a storm in life, every you through a storm in life, every said, “Every time God takes Todd of you or a new peak to climb, time God creates a challenge in front create a new perspective in your life.” How does a new trying to he’s you view life and God? perspective begin to change the way Todd shared how, like the disciples, God taught their team about like the disciples, shared how, Todd have been them out into a real storm. What would faith and then took experienced the real-life test? (They would have missing if they never They might not have relied perspective from God. missed seeing another on God as much.) How would their journey have been different apart from their leader, leader, from their apart different have been journey would their How from support about the What encouragement? and guidance Tap’s other of a leader and presence and support (Without the each other? have resulted in much and success could their journey team members, attempts.) and unsuccessful injury, more hardship, (Todd (Todd (Not everyone scuss i D & N otes lect f Re From the video footage of the team returning from the Summit back From the video footage of the team returning the different challenges Todd to Pruitt Hut, what struck you about the peak? and his team faced 1200 ft. before reaching roundtrip journey. a 12 hr. made it. It was was successful. 8 out of 11 Incredible storm.) the most mentally and physically shared how Mt. Elbrus was Todd challenging event of their lives. Why was it worth the journey? called the experience “remarkable.” Regardless of the exhaustion and hardship, the lessons learned in the experience were incomparable. Conquering something so great reaps significant rewards.) Thinking they’d reached The team also learned how to go the extra mile. pushed them on even further. Tap, their absolute limit their leader, Mark 4:35-41 – What is God trying to do in your life? – What is God trying Mark 4:35-41 id eo V “Every time God creates a challenge challenge a creates God time “Every to peak new a or you of front in trying to create a new climb, he’s trying perspective in your life. He’s to drill new truth into your heart.” Bible the 1 Timothy 4:6-8? 1 Timothy h ch Sear . 4 to 1 Timothy Turn Paul had a tight bond as friends and partners in the gospel. and Timothy by discipling him and loving him towards Timothy Paul invested his life into Paul teaches him about false teachers and Timothy, truth. In the book of 1 ministry and godliness. encourages him in practical advice about life and was encouraged to endure through in turn, imitated Paul’s Timothy letter is written to word. Paul’s conflict and hardship and pursue God’s church leaders, and believers everywhere. Timothy, Will someone read How do you “train” yourself toward godliness? (Reject lies, myths, and Through discipline and hard work, fables, and even the lies of your flesh. word.) found in God’s Truth seek “God “God He said, word. God’s of reading importance the stressed Todd How Revelation.” to from Genesis the way it [truth] all has provided daily life provide in your of God from the Word seen Truth have you and situations? everything thankful that God doesn’t give you In what ways are you you want or pray for?

(There’s no possible way they (There’s What new perspective; what question what question new perspective; What


(They saw his power and wonder clearly displayed and better understood (They saw his power and wonder clearly what He was able to do in their lives.) the Sea of Galilee the same Do you think the disciples looked at after their encounter with the Creator? particular lesson on faith.) couldn’t be changed from that miracle and go. How does He receive God works in places we think we cannot so that we rely on his often how he chooses to work glory in that? (That’s dependent on him to work through us. He strength and not our own. We’re reflected and not self.) receives glory when He is the one being trying to said, “God’s When it comes to growing in your faith, Todd drill new truth into your heart—that you might be more like Christ.” What new truths are you learning about the Lord? Let’s open our Bibles and refer back to Todd’s teaching from Mark 4:35-41. teaching Todd’s and refer back to open our Bibles Let’s in the did God want to teach the disciples What new perspectives hearts a new perspective storm? (He wanted to create in their minds and and even in their and power over all creation grandeur, of his glory, individual lives.) of God was changed? perspective How do you think the disciples’ to you in life because you don’t have to look anywhere else… and the else… and anywhere to look don’t have you in life because to you life is answered.” about question today? do you need answering about life up to share your group to open atmosphere for Leader: Create a safe stopping to pray for struggles. Consider about your own by being open hurting… individuals who are


SESSION 4 PG SESSION 4 47 PG “Every time God creates a challenge challenge a creates God time “Every to peak new a or you of front in trying to create a new climb, he’s trying perspective in your life. He’s to drill new truth into your heart.” Bible KEEP CLIMBING the 1 Timothy 4:6-8? 1 Timothy h ch Sear . 4 to 1 Timothy Turn Paul had a tight bond as friends and partners in the gospel. and Timothy by discipling him and loving him towards Timothy Paul invested his life into Paul teaches him about false teachers and Timothy, truth. In the book of 1 ministry and godliness. encourages him in practical advice about life and was encouraged to endure through in turn, imitated Paul’s Timothy letter is written to word. Paul’s conflict and hardship and pursue God’s church leaders, and believers everywhere. Timothy, Will someone read How do you “train” yourself toward godliness? (Reject lies, myths, and Through discipline and hard work, fables, and even the lies of your flesh. word.) found in God’s Truth seek In what ways are you thankful that God doesn’t give you everything thankful that God doesn’t give you In what ways are you you want or pray for? “God “God He said, word. God’s of reading importance the stressed Todd How Revelation.” to from Genesis the way it [truth] all has provided daily life provide in your of God from the Word seen Truth have you and situations? (The rest of the verse rest of the (The


says that godliness carries promises that flow into this life and into the one the one life and into into this that flow promises carries that godliness says word, everything in God’s ourselves to follow As we discipline to come. God in this life.) according to we’re successful the distance and essential to going in godliness Why is training and spiritual capabilities? (Physical health is reaching your physical through But spiritual health will keep us enduring beneficial temporarily. is to use our One of the best ways to grow our faith tragedies and trials. build up the body of Christ.) gifts and abilities to 9-12? Will someone read verses toil in our faith of “laboring”? (The hard work and What is the purpose of godliness). is worth it for the sake let others look down on him? Have not to Why did Paul tell Timothy because you thought you were you ever resisted doing something had to show that regardless Timothy too young? (Being a young pastor, of his age he could live a life of purity, faith, and love. Sometimes adults will look down on younger adults [or teenagers] because they have a lack of experience, maturity, understanding, respect, or seriousness in dealings.) life’s wisdom and it should never hinder Age doesn’t always indicate maturity or That is what Paul is talking about. word. our obedience to God’s Somebody read verses 13-16. to? Why? (Reading, to pay close attention What is Timothy continue in the faith and not exhortation, and doctrine, so that he will depart from it.) not to “neglect” his gift? (Timothy’s Why is Paul encouraging Timothy 4:6, Tim. gift was leadership with emphasis on preaching and teaching (1 enter the scene that At any point, problems and conflict could 4:2). Tim. 2 to stop exercising his gifts.) Timothy could tempt What every day temptations could cause you to neglect your God- given spiritual gifts? (Busyness. Procrastination. Exhaustion. Laziness. Why does godliness have “value for all things”? “value have does godliness Why


SESSION 4 PG SESSION 4 49 PG (All KEEP CLIMBING Over the last four lessons of Keep Climbing, we’ve learned a lot about Over the last four lessons of Keep Climbing, placing our faith in Christ. James wrote about the future glory that far outweighs our momentary afflictions. In those times where we groan and long for something more, we can trust in the hope that one day we will be like Christ and sin will no longer reign in our bodies. Paul encouraged us to have an attitude of joy and rejoicing during our trials. His life was a reflection of true contentment in the Lord. He also to live a life of godliness and obedience to Timothy encouraged young word. God’s God created us for authentic relationships, accountability, and community. and community. accountability, God created us for authentic relationships, and spur us on toward love and He uses other people to encourage us God wants us to be apart from joining never become all good deeds. We’ll the journey with others. on toward godliness and How do you want to start spurring others “reaching the summit”? “…so that everyone may see your progress.” What does this mean? What does this mean? your progress.” everyone may see “…so that his conduct, should show off Timothy saying that (Paul is by no means living a life saying to stay in the race of He’s and faith. love, purity, think.) of God, no matter what other people Word characterized by the to watch our “life and doctrine closely”? Why are we supposed What ministry to Timothy. Paul was a true brother and partner in the importance of having does their relationship show you about spiritual journey? others come alongside you on your Fear. Criticism. Exercising our gifts consistently and regularly, even in even in regularly, and gifts consistently our Exercising Criticism. Fear. us in keeps exercise like bodily spiritually us toned will keep adversity, shape physically.) Some teaching in our culture and in the church today. kinds of beliefs exist need to know what to our ears, but it isn’t truth. We can sound pleasant examine our life and doctrine.) we believe and to continually


. (You can also find online commentaries find online commentaries can also 4:6-16. (You 1 Timothy dy tu S r h e rt Fu Todd preached a 4-part series based on the themes found in Keep preached a 4-part series based on the themes Todd access this sermon series, go to: To Climbing. Use a study Bible or Bible commentary and spend 15-30 minutes looking 15-30 minutes looking and spend Bible or Bible commentary Use a study at more in depth etc.),, at:, you learn from the commentary in… What new insights did yourself toward godliness: Training 1. 2. Enduring through labor and suffering: 2. Enduring through Applying wisdom and maturity: 3. 4. Being an example to others: 5. Using your gifts: life and doctrine: your 6. Watching As he shared about to see more stories and find some KEEP CLIMBING

ed Challeng Be his relationship with Jesus, consider how you would share your story with can visit You others. tools that help you share your faith with others. Plan a trip, hike or some kind of outing with your small group or any other kind of outing with your small group Plan a trip, hike or some with at least week. Wherever you go, share your faith group of friends this know. one person you don’t Before trip/outing, discuss: in sharing your faith? What do you think some of your limits are biggest fears and worries? Do you believe God can work through your Why/why not? After the outing, reflect: with anyone? Share your story. you able to share your faith Were What fears did you have to overcome? was also striving toward the same you encouraged that your group Were goal of sharing the gospel? Explain. you saw the powerful story of Brian Welch. Today No matter our conditions and circumstances, we were created to walk walk to created were we circumstances, and conditions our matter No them. with times hard the through persevere to and others with life through God to give you Will you cease asking decision rests on you. The final for who he is? enjoy his presence you want, and instead, everything see God or his word him, you’ll never begin to love and enjoy When you the same again.





. (You can also find online commentaries find online commentaries can also 4:6-16. (You 1 Timothy dy tu S r h e rt Fu Todd preached a 4-part series based on the themes found in Keep preached a 4-part series based on the themes Todd access this sermon series, go to: To Climbing. 6. Watching your life and doctrine: your 6. Watching 5. Using your gifts: 4. Being an example to others: 3. Applying wisdom and maturity: 3. 1. Training yourself toward godliness: Training 1. labor and suffering: 2. Enduring through What new insights did you learn from the commentary in… What new insights did at:,,, etc.),, at:, Use a study Bible or Bible commentary and spend 15-30 minutes looking 15-30 minutes looking and spend Bible or Bible commentary Use a study at more in depth As he shared about to see more stories and find some ed Challeng Be No matter our conditions and circumstances, we were created to walk walk to created were we circumstances, and conditions our matter No them. with times hard the through persevere to and others with life through God to give you Will you cease asking decision rests on you. The final for who he is? enjoy his presence you want, and instead, everything see God or his word him, you’ll never begin to love and enjoy When you the same again. or any other kind of outing with your small group Plan a trip, hike or some with at least week. Wherever you go, share your faith group of friends this know. one person you don’t Before trip/outing, discuss: in sharing your faith? What do you think some of your limits are biggest fears and worries? Do you believe God can work through your Why/why not? After the outing, reflect: with anyone? Share your story. you able to share your faith Were What fears did you have to overcome? was also striving toward the same you encouraged that your group Were goal of sharing the gospel? Explain. you saw the powerful story of Brian Welch. Today his relationship with Jesus, consider how you would share your story with can visit You others. tools that help you share your faith with others. s? s? u br your heart to do the same. KEEP CLIMBING y Mt. El y Mt.

Wh Providing clean water is just one practical solution for people in need out of Providing clean water is just one practical Mentoring fatherless children, fighting the thousands of opportunities out there. AIDS crisis, visiting orphans and widows, getting involved in the war on poverty, or becoming foster feeding the sick and poor, fighting sex and human trafficking, parents are a few other ways. your small group or Tell Don’t hold back. Maybe you have an idea of your own. , passion. Visit someone else who can help stir your to explore ways you can begin putting , and your faith into action. At the end of the video, we saw Todd share his vision for providing clean water his vision for providing clean water share Todd we saw At the end of the video, with Movement, The Last Well He partnered his organization, to an entire nation. men International and brought ten Living Water Houston-based organization for the nation of Liberia. Elbrus and raise funds specifically together to climb Mt. for water clean providing of goal a towards $250,000 raising up ended team Their trading of story awesome an What Christ. of name the in Liberia of nation entire the Christ. needs desperately that world a for Dream American the of pursuit the in Maybe something stirred within A Backdrop to Providing Clean Water for Liberia for Clean Water to Providing Backdrop A



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