The French Fast Reactor Program-Innovations in Support To

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The French Fast Reactor Program-Innovations in Support To INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FAST REACTORS AND RELATED FUEL CYCLES: SAFE TECHNOLOGIES AND SUSTAINABLE SCENARIOS (FR13) THE FRENCH FAST REACTOR PROGRAM - INNOVATIONS IN SUPPORT TO HIGHER STANDARDS François GAUCHÉ CEA – Program manager « 4th generation reactors » March 5th, 2013 – Paper IAEA-CN-199-INV-062 F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 1 INTRODUCTION Fast neutron reactors have a large potential as sustainable energy source. Among the fast reactor systems, the sodium cooled reactor has the most comprehensive technological basis as result of the experience gained from decades of worldwide operation of several experimental, prototype and commercial size reactors. Innovations are needed to further enhance safety and improve reliability and operability. In France, a medium size (600 MWe) power demonstrator named ASTRID (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration) is being developed. Deriving from the feedback of experience, very high levels of requirements have been set for the ASTRID reactor. F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 2 THE FRENCH FAST REACTOR PROGRAM - ASTRID Rapsodie – Phénix – Superphénix reactors but also SPX2, RNR- 1500, EFR projects CEA focuses on two technologies : Based on the accumulated operating experience of more than 400 reactor.years, the SFR shows the best potential to reach 4th generation criteria for industrial deployment in the middle of the 21st century, or even earlier if needed. ASTRID reactor. As a long term alternative, the gas-cooled fast neutron reactor (GFR) needs the development of a refractory fuel composed of uranium-plutonium carbide fuel pellets with silicon carbide ceramics cladding. The fuel represents the key element of the safety demonstration in case of loss of heat removal systems or in case of depressurization of the primary circuit. The feasibility is still to be proven. ALLEGRO project. F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 3 THE ASTRID PROGRAM .ASTRID design studies Integrated Technology Demonstrator 600 MW(e) 4th generation reactor Irradiation tool .Core fabrication workshop MOX fuel A few tons per year .Full scale component testing Large test sodium loops Refurbishment of zero .Severe accidents power reactor MASURCA experimental program .Feasibility of experimental fabrication of minor actinides bearing fuel + R&D (Including fuel cycle) F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 4 ASTRID SCHEDULE 17/12/2012 Decision to Milestone: Preliminary implement Decision of Fuel Loading Options preliminary design Construction and Start Up phase 2 ASTRID 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 Preliminary Preliminary design Detailed design Construction Phase 2 design Phase 1 FUEL CYCLE Feasibility Position Report on Core Fabrication Fuel Report on Minor Actinides Facility (AFC) Treatment Minor Actinides Partitioning & Facility Partitioning Transmutation (ATC) R&D on Plutonium Multi-Recycling F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 5 HIGHER STANDARDS IN TERMS OF SAFETY AND OPERABILITY ASTRID is seen as a full Generation IV prototype reactor, with strong improvements on safety and operability. Its safety level shall be at least as good as current 3rd generation reactors, with advances on core and sodium-related issues, and taking into account the necessary lessons learnt from the Fukushima accident. On the availability side, the reactor shall reach a high load factor after a learning period. [1] Le Coz, P., CEA, “The ASTRID Project : Status and Future Prospects”, FR13, Paris France 4-7 March 2013; Paper CN-199-261 [2] Lo Pinto, P., CEA, “Safety orientations during ASTRID conceptual design phase”, FR13, Paris France 4-7 March 2013; Paper CN-199-267 [3] “WENRA Statement on Safety Objectives for New Nuclear Power Plants”, November 2010 [4] “Safety Objectives for New Power Reactors - Study by WENRA Reactor Harmonization Working Group”, December 2009 F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 6 DERIVING THE R&D FROM THE FEEDBACK OF EXPERIENCE 1/2 Feedback of previous SFRs R&D directions ASTRID Orientations Core Sodium voiding Optimization of core design to CFV core (Patented in 2010): reactivity improve natural behavior innovative approach, very low Safety during abnormal transients. or negative overall sodium voiding reactivity Exploration of heterogeneous Better natural behavior of the cores core, for instance in case of loss of flow (e.g. due to loss of supply power) Sodium-Water interaction Modular Steam Generators Limitation of total released Safety - Availability energy in case of sodium-water interaction Inverted Steam Generators Limitation of wastage (sodium in tubes) propagation Gas Power Conversion Design studies conducted by System (nitrogen in place of ALSTOM. No show stopper. steam/water) F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 7 DERIVING THE R&D FROM THE FEEDBACK OF EXPERIENCE 2/2 Feedback of previous SFRs R&D directions ASTRID Orientations Sodium fire Innovative Sodium leak Improving detection (Patent of Safety detection systems detection system integrated in the heat insulator) R&D on Sodium aerosols Close containment (inert gas + restriction of available oxygen) Severe accidents Core catcher Core catcher. Several possible Safety Research on corium and locations (in vessel, ex-vessel or sodium-corium interaction between the two vessels). Decay heat removal Reactor vessel auxiliary Combination of proved Decay Safety cooling system (scaling Heat Removal systems and rules) Vessel Natural Air draft cooling In-Service Inspection and Simplification of primary system design Repair ISI&R taken into account from the design stage Safety – Availability New techniques : Acoustic Detection, Laser, CRDS Signal processing Ultrasound at high temperature, High temperature fission chambers, Optical Fibers, Flow meters for subassembly Remote handling for inspection or repair Under-sodium viewing F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 8 DRIVING THE R&D BY THE PROJECT Design studies (industrial collaborations) Proposals R&D innovations needs ASTRID Project team results R&D SFR R&D Coordination for CEA R&D projects CEA/AREVA/EDF collaborations ProjetsProjets dede R&DR&D CEACEA International collaborations F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 9 ASTRID PROJECT INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION About 500 people GENIV strategic management CEA/DEN/DISN Saclay External assistances Project management team ASTRID team ASTRID EDF R&D in Marcoule management Paris Global design R&D Qualification of CEA EDF support the design (CEA) Cadarache Reliability, Specific studies Innovations Cad, Sac, Mar Maintainability, ASSISTANCES COMEX NUCLEAIRE, Expertises (CEA) Availability Innovations : robotics, EMP TOSHIBA ASTRIUM COMEX NUCLEAIRE, + international ROLLS-ROYCE Paris TOSHIBA Tokyo collaborations Marseille Derby Nuclear island and Energy con- Civil Balance EngineeringCore Engineering Engineering Engineering I&C version… system engineering of plant BatchCEA 1 Batch 2 Batch N-1 Batch N studies AREVA ALSTOM BOUYGUES JACOBS Engineering Cad, Sac, Mar Lyon, Paris Belfort, Paris Paris Paris BENEFITS OF INDUSTRIAL COLLABORATIONS Better than in a commercial relationship, the collaborative scheme allows more bottom-up R&D and innovations that are proposed by the industrial partners to CEA. For instance, strong improvements in the gas energy conversion system were proposed by ALSTOM, feedback of EPR construction will be integrated by BOUYGUES into the civil engineering studies etc. The objective of the coming years will be to expand this collaborative circle of industrial partners. The industrial partners help CEA to verify that ASTRID will meet the expectations in terms of operability, since they usually do business with customers to whom reliability, availability and maintainability are essential. F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 11 See also in particular : Le Coz, P., CEA, “The ASTRID Project : Status and Future Prospects”, FR13, Paris France 4-7 March 2013; Paper CN-199- 261 Lo Pinto, P., CEA, “Safety orientations during ASTRID conceptual design phase”, FR13, Paris France 4-7 March 2013; Paper CN-199-267 CONCLUSION From the experience of ASTRID first phase of conceptual design studies (2010-2012), two remarks can be made: Higher requirements in safety and operability lead to higher costs that cannot be fully recovered by advances in technology. This puts additional pressure on the next phases of the design to optimize the design and to keep the costs to the minimum. There is a clear link between the level of safety that can be achieved and the maturity of the technology, i.e. the experience accumulated in R&D, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of past reactors. In the field of fast neutron reactors, this gives a strong advantage to the sodium technology, because strengths and weaknesses are well mastered. Meeting the high requirements set for ASTRID and serving R&D needs of innovative options will require increased industrial and international collaboration. F.GAUCHÉ | FR13 | 5th MARCH 2013 | PAGE 12 .
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