I Krueger, the Rouse Chaplain.F' L L Reverend Krueger: 'In the Name of the Father, the Son, and Che Holy Gh Os T
N 1 - - Speaker Redmond: ''House wi11 come to order. Members please be in their seats. Be lead in prayer by the Reverend I Krueger, the Rouse chaplain.f' l l Reverend Krueger: 'In the name of the Father, the Son, and che Holy Gh os t . Amen . 0 Lord , bless this House to Thy service this day. lmen. Theodore Roosevelt said lThe 1aw of worthy life is fundamentally the law of strife. It is only through labor and painful effort, by grlm energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.' Let us pray . 0 LORD GOD, our Creator and our Redeemer, we praise Thee this day for a11 Thy tender mercies and 1 ov i ng kindness that Thou 'in Thy infinite wisdom hast bestowed upon a1l manklnd. We thank Thee, 0 heavenly Father, for the privilege that is ours serve ia this House of Representatives of the State of Illinois. We implore Thee, 0 Lord, to make us steadfast in our efforts to bring tO the people of this State a government which is equitable and just; that a better and nobler society may be realized and found nost pleasing to Thee; chrough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Speaker Redmond : Hzepresentative Ryan will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. 0hy hefs not here. Representatfve Walsh. He's not here. Representative Collins. Hels not here. Aepresentative Ropp is here.'' Ropp: 'Q pledge allegiance to the flag of the fnited States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands , one Nation under God, iadivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
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